-. i i. mwJ a.mn llillH.BU.U.HU -""j "f r"" sr- JL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. (UAILY AND WKKKI.Y ) BY HOPER BROTHJKR9, WEDNESDAY, DEO. 6, 1894. THAT ORKflONIAN SALK. The Portland "Bpeclul" la Saturday's JoURNAii has caused u commotion. An editorial appeals In both the Port land OreKonliin a,nd Salem HatesmaD, denying any Rain of the Orcgouian plant to an Eastern pyudlcate. The Information that the property had been sold was based on the state ment of a reputable attorney of Port land, made to rellable'partfes, und TilK Jouknal bad reason to believe there was some foundation to the repoit. There was no reflection intended in the publication. It Is not out of all reason that the property might be sold and no crime committed in so report ing. The Institution is valued at a million dollars. The people of Oregon are Interested in its existence and owiipi ship. As a colossal aggregation f capital is Involved, the people who paj to keep up the Institution, take md interest in the subject. The news lluu in The Journal was entirely in line with the demand for news, which it It a newspaper's business to supply. These enormous Inflated capitalists enterprises, like the Oregonlan, can only flourish by the ultimate opptcs ion of the masses, the crushing or keeping dowu of all smill enterprises. Like some of the mammoth speculat ive banking operations at Portland, Tacoma and Spokane, they are upon an insecure basis, of a flutitlous, wild cat character, of which it is hoped the future will see less. We slncerly trust Messrs. Scott and PIttock will be able to hold their property as a legitimate Individual enterprise. But a million dollar newspaper plant and building the past two years has been au elephant. It has been a load which probably no two other men could liavo curried us they have carried It. Wo hope they will carry It safely through the period of depression that Is not yet oyer, Ore gon has better days In sight. They will come on only slowly hut they will come surely. SALKM'S IIUMANR I.AWYKIt. Mr. Beth Hammer is clearly entitled to bo called Salem's humane lawyer. He is fond of fishing and shooting but believes there is decency and humanity to bo observed even in persult of sport. In some nbl articles to the Portland pipers this limb of the law lays down some sound doctrine to the sportsmen of this state. Ho fairly makes game of the president of the Multnomah Rod and Gun club. Mr. Hammer shows that there are moral considerations and ethical propo rtions involved even In shooting game birds. He bluntly says: "Keep the log out of the fields and prohibit hunt tug for market." His proposition Is tound hut we doubt whether it can be itiacttd into law, or enforced, against cho prevailing customs. Wo are all till rnuro or less bjrbarous. We thiui ve have a right to start out with a dog Hid make game preserves of other pen ce's property. lu that we are savages. The only time when Mr. Hammer' lumaue feelings are probably kept iii .beyauce is when he is churgiug a feo (t Is I ben like his fellow luwyers thai io demonstrates "man's inhumanity to nan." Otherwise he la a humane (IUU. Tho suggestion that school books be published by the state of Oregon haf often been mude, but our legislature thus far has been too wlso to emburk in auch a scheme, whoso results cer tal ily would ha Inferior books ut en hanced cost. California has hud an un fortunate experience with the problem. Oregonlau. The Oregonlan was fighting the Amor lean Boole Trust until recently. Now it Is apparently on the other side. It does not tell In what respect California has suffered from state publication of text bonks. Tint state supplies Its people with text books ut au average price ot .10 cents, und puts money In Its treasury thereby. Tho stato of Oregon does not pretoud to have better schools becuuso It pays more for text books. TUB liATTliK Of IUNKB, The tone of I ho president's mesugo and tho great ejmco'lie gives the Hubject shows that tho greutest buttle In poll, tics Is that of I ho bunking IntereU for (special iivors nl the hunds of tho gov ermuoist, It Js not ,tbo (urjj. Thutls settled for a few years, tlmnlis to (hu folly of Uju j)emocrmlo jurly Just why special cowhJprutlon should ho show) to (ho banking liilwbtM Aim mi eur' iut- tliuir i)iurrtHwj uiwrniiM, 'j'huy ore umdo jmuiDiount to Use Dern4 of llio people ,y (jp prmnt mJiiiJijluirutloji, JSnorjiuiJs pwunlury JliturwsU will tilvyuya dlulttlu Urm too imilruHwl wmnmml, fl In thmWnl jfihu pwplu will im, l lt4 h(m umny yjoix. Uwjim mml MDd sltiDJHiid hut govuriuioiii (diull J for tiiu Dmwi'3 JobtitttiJ i)fuUH w 11 now p) hwly UUit Uituuitmw fit lh imylv mh ilsv urmluit ufilw mnmmii. Mmioy Id jxwur ami II Wly vtlmillml pwwor unmliw, griml shwn (Mill iii)trm Hid mut) Hjhi lhyvttt MiUvmHl vr. lUuuiwlw, Wl in, lhv (Juyplupmoul uf Jjlwi, Ju llw mwhuwMy HuluU (y)VMd, Uw III lm) llw Mwwy imur will juIdw, im ilnlly, mm u imw loKdjj llwmw Hm l Iwy Ulmlvy Vuiiuu't mlui JmI ki'JHIm)), fJ,JwJ Itwlvyimw IMWWM fhif !W It mm n w iWfmMlimu liwwis uf urn tiitutl lMml kMUI lu Ml Uijf jtfwu) mi Mt faiHwiwlH muii$ Hi ihvi lu UuHt WM A iimlivml tmUMUw w wmki u I in UD aM u4 w im WlMmfiiMiAhin m ittfjMMMi miiwly Im uiMi lummy) & unfit RfVlldJ will UMtfJ vjtluiMlu krWlf Hit Uluim il'Dl will imi HmtlH ivm lmAm mm. 'l pwtilhftuin will MhteUtyiw ptteftwy mn'i iwi tor Imiujf 1 IM W ma Uw iw( wiiJ 1MM , Pui ty discipline and party organiza tion uro good tilings in their way, In fact thoy uro eseontlal to our form of government, The Now York World, hevvtyer, hits the null on tho head when It says: "The greatest results in our politics are brought about by men who believe lu organization and know Its value hut knew Hit greater vuluo of honesty and Individual Independence that Is, by purly men who stund ready to Viuasli the purty umaltliio' from top to bottom whenever they see thut only by tJiiiushlug It WD) It be freed from the luiirplng twulrol of bonf.eH and corriip Monlsls," VALLEY LOOAL NEWS. MARION. Thanksgiving services were well at tended at the Friends' church. Con ducted by Liniey M. Hawortu. Thome "The Love of God," and after qulto an interesting discourse on tho above sub ject; the congregation was Invited to a Thanksgiving dinner at tho school Iioubo which the women of Marlon and vicinty had prepared for the occasion to thejoy and satisfaction of all present, although there has been somo com plaining that they had Just a llttlo too much Thauksgiving for their cqmfort. On tho evening of Noy. 28th, a burg lar, supposed to be a greasy looking tramp that had been prowling ubout town during tho day .entered tho house of our Postmaster Tomliuson one-hulf mile east of town, by forcing the door, and by lighting tho lamps succeeded in securing $1.75 cts In change, and wus helping himself to such things as he was in need of. He selected a now coat and vest, which no doubt he much needed and somo other articles, a ladles gold chalu and charm, this ho placed In the pocket of tho new vest for safety. It seems that he was about to tlo up his bundle of wares when frustrated In his design and had to ee for his life, by the returning of somo of tho family from church. And In his flight he came In c intact with a picket fenco by which several of the pickets were de molished, but he made good his escape; with only the small amount of change which no doubt he had pocketed as it has not been found, Alfred Hawortb, a brothor-iu-iaw of our Postmaster Tomunson and a man by the name of Ballard, both of Scotts Mills, were guests of our Postmaster for a few days during the week. Hadley & White shipped another oar of oak wood to Portland, on Monday. Patton & Wiseman shipped two car loads of oak lumber to Portland car shops. Nute Cook Is loading a car of hay for Salem, Section Foreman Sullivan has been adding a fine appearance to his lots uear the railroad, with a nice plunk fence. ffc'V&vsMv&sys. v corw aa r rttnini rn ni nTfliirn rp W'n AND OLD SORES 3 r3 y s i.J t W.K.OHH, H.D.rOUIir. V.U.KVVI.KY STARNBYAL prickly .orriioof CATARRH. MALARIA, AND I;..w.:i!J Makes UatMnvsnMU in BSo':-v.,i KIDNEY TROUBLES mi DYSPEPSIA rwn iiii,'ww ip Are itlvclyreworntbyP.r.P. -JTI-Wy Ah. Voka,1not MniVottf rUiM, ilv iirvMH biood purlOtr oo JUt. AntnT)l, 0,. Julr Sl.lfiOL Ka-.i'Mi Kii'f maw 0uo., rritub, ,, IKAI(HIU-I liOUKllt lttleo rV.l' I', nt H"t SrlNBf.Ark..D4 h ! ilonii ma roorKOMlthn Uir I'. I P puii 1 1' blui l.'iiW "f. tljo iiuuk ii i i.iliitwl. I. lv". lll35UC. El'llir Ii UlPLlf l.tlicuilll l iiniirinuid yui im in. Abcrdetn, llrown Count, O, Snpl, ,T, I). JTulilMtoo Xvelliies and For mlqiurr ci, irplillli, for liluint rial ri'Uriitp. dl'icii) Ii ! !. pio jiIl' l To nil utiom tl may ttnttrni I her- ,,1'Turjfl fcr Moveral yra itiwy tbJ tilmiirieMa eruption oa ty tan It r to tlio wondartul nropcrtlM of I', l: v, tot ruXloo ot tlio ikin, I luriin icr norerai yfr whii ma tin- ') . uli noli II . , a ,.r,Z,. mytm-q. ltrivlnirrknQarm .':' '!'' av bu. In vnln. until v. v. v. wil rro und, . ?or'l)lo(i.t p.iKin. mufui SWiVSoweiXolV curiiS """""' li-m. inalnrl.1, dp'i!lu, iimJ biL'2iSi iT J 'e F JoifMflTOW i, t..ialc. oM clironlo vloori, BaTona, Ot. ui iiujii. i,uu . i'rrM'iui, irny .it, willful ,riiro nil, that J', I' I' le IhobPii ifotclioj. toltor, rrai'l liujil. boll . iritliiclui. octi'i.is -re irny .it, willful riir of cotitrailtrtlnii, tliat I', I' I' le IliohcU lilnol purlflor In tlm worM. i.ml muke fiosltlvo, iipocdr and purmmiciit tuin nail cajoa. FIH7IT AM SHADE TllKKH. IlM, ()rninentl ulirnlu, A complelo riarery Ux:k rlKlit lure Uy lioma mti. It you wnnltoilarilAtrco,liriiu or rln ulep Inlollislromc, U0I,MAN JHXHJJC, XHjrtAW HA1KM, Li C. I-I. LANE, Merchant Tailor ! Adjoining i'loljili' Ulunr ptoro. VKlinUTF MiTlSKACXJON Ut;AItATKK Tidies whose mritemj are poltooed III! Ubi :onlo ami tilond cieansinir Droo- ertleaof l. v. l'.-Prlcklr AU, I'oke nan Impure opndl- uai irreKuianin neoaiiariv tienentec derfal tQiila and blond c Anil t,hnln tilnrull ." . " t :. r -.-.--- tlon. nnn in mnnatrtlal irreauiarillfll. ea oj (no woo- naini to mo are peculiarly beneflte Hoot and I'otasalum Okln Cnnccr Cured, Tullinonvrtmlhi Mayor oIHiutn,Ta, HEQDtif.TEZ,, January 14, 1093. UEfUf, lifpman Ilxoa,, Straunab, Oa. i QtniUmtnl bare tried yonr v. t. 1". fora. dlaoaae or the akin, uauallr nown aa akin rancar,ot tulrtr rrara landing, and round great rallefi It purlflaailio blood and reooroa all Ir ritation from tue aeat otthe dUeaae , AUK. lh, 1893. knowlexlKe. I waaatlected with heart SPItlHOPIHLD. Mo. I oan apeak In the blKbcat terma of yourtnodlclno frominy own personal and (eel confidant tbataaotber course will effect o cure. It bas also relief ed mo from Indlication and atomaco ation ana stoma W?'. M, BUST, dlseaao, pleurisy and rhoumattsm tor a, was treated ly tho very boss mil. Lnuu uvurv kuiiwii ruiucur tcilj out finding rollsf. I havu only takon bytlclans anu spent hundreds of dot- iw Tim M(li))lnlalrtlon'K Ideas of aur riiiioy rofmm uro loo uomplluittud und (iiJDibtrrwiinu, 'J'hoy huar llio t'unnurlts of dloiatioi) from Wwll wlmut and sug gwilloii (rum (lit) old out-ofdulu Woutl) uri) hluluailghl hunif lUmrlm A i)U' IIOIIUI allinVlltty "l)l KM (M)IJ)lliUtnj)tf Iwlwnuii Uum Main uiiil tho )Mi)lis (ljui tliu hm, Tlim Wilt) llDlM l'e)Hr Mul) JUgODtull, uiitl Imvlimi l)uJi)k?w)i))Mll)liig)'llw)l' yu ju)t Of llDWDfiglll lillllllg WDlllll l lui wrry Ulm uli, Mill hi imlnwl lu Imr U,ul liui vu;i))lin))u)iH)inii)gu will IM Imv Uv 1m Miwml, l)l lliul hu irny ti )Jy imuy ymiit uf UilUlal Mlvtly, " ii mil iinw 'ilw imitl ut rput uf Ui Miuii UutiHttdly jU Uupiw JiMyy tAmlui Hum Huimiulmlml hhltUtty la DJ) Uur bv iaimUwmi uf liuM) ULuw uu U tuiHWim nl hit uw jitttj M mm m lib iwut uf uUlm mi jtUjf UUjtuii Uvwvuf. ItwrtUur urn lm mtuiulHlv 11m myt Iw $ul wmy vuUt lu ib (tujili WButuimi UumulUw lunmUlumti llmmhU, I'fulMlluulatHwtmu urn, utiuidM mm) ubuiult imwlmn lit urn lt aui Jl I'uimlidt. 7'lsW mumug imrtim ut llm IstfuAmiv wMufmUuimutuilmiiiiiimifmi iHj lMmu )u4umt mumuuiy tuui uuwu imMmuuy. U wuuki m bun klm luttingt ul Uui Uim) uy imun lUjfUliUiguitiitlMU- JEFFERSON. Prof. Jones was visiting his parents a few days lust week. The necktlo danco was a gruud suc cess and an enjoyahlo time was re ported, Au elocutionary entertainment was given at tho M. E, church last Wed desdtiy evening by Miss Octavlu Tutt, Tho city election passed oil quietly Monday. rPlin allnnu, Hint tuna lun,i lit, llir. ladles of tho Evangelical church on Thauksgiving was well attended, Tho following olllcers wera elected ut tlio city ejections Mayor, J, 0, Smith; recorder, A, J, BliooniuUer; marshal, U, u, Jjoltj treasurer, A. Weddjej Rouncllmuu, J furry Holmid, John Kirk, Iv.JHolg, Ned Doty, Hud JMIyeu und A, Tunzlor, ' H imwi This Is u had yeur for "tigers," llur' utlvoly speaking, The last tseou of tho Tttimimrty "Hger," according to ro cuttooij In (ho Now York World, lio wus hclug (owed to sea )) a girl)go soow. cboorfully say It haa done inotnor food than any thing I have over taken oan recommend your modlclno to al aaBerera of tho abovn dlseasos, , JillS. M. M, YRAIty, Bprlngflold, Qreon Oouuty, ifo. trouhliia. Yours truly. OllT. Vf. U. nui w A a .. .. I m I Book on Blood Diseases mm Free. AU, DKUOOIBTH BttlL IT. UPPMAN BROS. I'BOPUIETOItfl, Uppman'a lilock,flTaiiah, (la, "WMMMaaa a - -.n ELifl 1894. 1 m UJiJJ u WITT. J. F. Feed si-ioup, Barn ! At rear of Willamette Hotel, 1'rnwm iKmrdMl nn cnreA tor In n rnllnbln liiatintruDd at uauwtlly lowprlc, 10 lo-lin THE ANTI-MONOPOLY T Pi J ' j ouicuj m immi K. & ! 0 Ii M.VKJI.I,,UFX.,:lVEu To The East UIVKH Tills OIHiltieo TWO THANSCONTIKENTAL Rfc GREAT M. PAOR IamdolnK nil mr own alnuKli'erlnK and atuuM(e-rnakliii(, Hlnl (retlt ttioalu no re- Mgfrulor iirotlucu, Kro delivery Jn oily ilxn oiiMMlto brewery, ,., CHAH. WOI, A (XJ w-l-tr rroprldinn,. ,. ,. HAHKIN8, HORSE Sl-IOBING. , Hlwpon CuamskelM trct,at rear ot KtU tf lurillure itwre, r)m:elal Attention to intererlDKaud horse with dlswtsed feet. SALEM TILE WORKS. IjMUIK HTOCIC ON HANI). FIFTY-FIRST YJ3AR. OIdstlpHighoBt and Mist Extended Iufltifcution of Luarning in Pacific Northwcflfc, glten Courses ol Jiulructlon, DirougU Aca4emlo nd College; U) Thtooxy, Imw una .1 J!'10'dl1l.f'ouregrirTrftinli)KliiTeaolilnor, HutlneM. Art, Elocution uud Miwlo. By)nil I'oatUraduaU) Uourocii, BtroiiBer and oettertiun ever! '"" "" "MU """" """' rnriS?,t,l.,wi?li?,o,'0l,Iuu ,(l6-" '"""oioryountyadlt with uiunrpj.'i! ftwlllllwi Tho.SchooI Year Opons fc3fptembor J 3, lafl-i, For Year Book, address n President W, C UAWhM. l'or financial information, address Bev, .. U. HOORK, Agent, 9"3lm Salem Oregon, VIA . DI2NVJ5II, OMAHA, AMHA8 CITV -VIA ' 6POKAMJ3. ' MINNEAPOLIS, AND 8T. PAUf, - Low Hales Io all Kasb Cilies, - OcMD(tnrncr leave rmtlandtverjiiT,,.,. FOR HAN FJtANCracO. Vortull aotellJcalllon oraddrtus Oen.Pass.A,,:, I'ortland.iB N ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R, It U! N IS Pullman Elegant Tourist HjM;lJti:induc)inMiUonrcd, Hliljijusd Ui nl JriliJl.iilionuollc. Mnd tor lrlo:n. YurU, rtorlU Kalem. Addrws J, K, Mimi'KY, Fair (Jrounds, Or GOOD PASTURE, lri(JUirorKd Kriwa, iwllli best of injruiWttUiriidiiityriieltrrorJif,rt 4Jtwk, 'lmuuuvMiii, liiimlrii or runii uuo vmiw I'llff. II IHIIIM , ,,, ,,,,. , till nloiiiiv.Or. Tlio Nubnuku mutUiuun fmlUl rulu law In ovurltwIluKly UimUw out, liuiig uj) utxl xi))i)))(tiil (mover Uy ft f jp! uul )i)ijiicioi) from (hu Uollii'l Hl(i ftwlKDil wiirl, (iiliiiiiiwswsaasawH lionml Kim j)om Condition. mjiaw. Or., Hov, l), lH)l,l littVu xDiiufwl inr yuan wiiu umiiriuiJiijKi'ii! nil) iidwi) ufloilliloi), Mini J wm ufjm Fancy POUIvTRV v ! Vi W$ UAH J'Ort HALJfii A'i Vurp ro), jrliM nr kIdkJo blnl, uwwuruia mmc wim hixi iiDlteu, ;juyKmxi wiilfy : ii wmm ns at Bargains, M'V V IVUlJ &ASMM, AIJuotwB, UaUi limlmm una WltlUt Km Am, H. LrJNOJULLa The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUI RAILWAY. Truvtifont "uiuUbl nolo wi.t." Sfeanino- Cars Dinino- Cars Sleeoin- Can ST. PAUL ; MINNEArOLISl DULUTH CADun JO GRAND FORKs CH00KST0N WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO T WASHINGTON BOSTON and all Points East end South flFor Information, time carlf.'miM ilckeU C4ll on or wrlt Jf. A. THOMAS, Agent, Balem Or A, J), OiiAitiroN. Awit, Genl. Pm AkoiH; I'ortlAiid, Oregon. TMi Qretl Hilltvjy i r Ifoiletnl.Cmtclt m 6mi M),W) rnmn. t itf unlnr. it')) flnl'i! jy iijini iwliwyf fl iKvurittiiiiii ID M UJIMoilt IN ' ii r.l liiiMlu at Iiiuwlf '' ."lVf VI "V' njiti), Muimjl!i w m t)tt)JM, UUUlWl M" I JlHKD UV4U, rim i' IrK IV H'lllM DD'I uv rfou)!)ii)ij who uro am j;rjietiw sM( ;iM'i'i'iiMii)iuwiii)rff Ul-, I'vMmtt&iinnyhmh A im I wuui'i ifiijioii, W'Witftlnil'' UU'MOVJ'J OIK' DO lllKlVIWt) f Mli W 'rlJPl )RVN UirlV'ifil ww Nm rw&ttuj My iMa . 1'iilt HJ.n. iVlUlll) U) i!J Djii) Vmf rMrM)tf U r'Wilty MiilftJj i avliwii w vwy lvw Uiv nil JJ Mv ilinii). i'tMitoU ll iMd Ut iff 4Hi(J rUJj iiuuunl Uy jpiiialiuim, ',1 JfUw (MfJKjWagMgsjj' Dsw fiu 6m sWmMB m iiT aKutflT JeKwS c THEWOODBURN NURSERIES mUtt1 AkJ MUAtftf 'JklilfiiM, W ln 3d imiwtiuik M Car Oninkpo ST, PAUL and OMAHA WHUull'JiiniiiimUiutttMrlitHiMng &W. mm nwltl mnmuuluu torn Ut l; WWV.HH huh MimiKHM )'))) l a' Attn ih vnu U'MhY UMva timulnn g 7Vv.vi MMnhtv (JIuttt'H, Uubttijl IU WlU) tM4)M , lutftn 1,1 lit htitfiulii'rUAtu Ch WW, Omul A?J, CAW, tm, I'm Ai, I'OMUIWMwn. L''lLMM I Mil') U II) l)Mll-l(,M)l)) ), 'nvo rvawrri'iuKH East and South f via THE SHASTA ROUTE ol tlio I 6 Southern IPacific Company, ' ' UALItOHMIA KXrHKJH THAIIf-MVH JlilW I TWKHH l-OHTI.AHH AMI H. f, Wulli, I i ortil. --- - .1 . ...-. i,v, i'ortitua Ar,i soj. i,r. j it. ia". M' u.tn, Ar. tin ii frmi. AUv (rwlnt Up nl mil .fi 7f U tsUms frOU l';MIud r AD'itny !jiilv!;lolT!)jrftt iliijid, IJhIm, itMrUhntf, JunclUo flir. IrWiir, '.u-! and Ii autlom twa IVwwii ii AMiUnd I ii ;l in I v ufKttUIUI UAlh IIAD.y, llltl , Id j IV, rW,n ,, JiW IS, f, ll, I ft ivimuuii ,T. iwki" Olfilii 'wi-h on Olcu K(H(e PULLMAN BOFFBT SLBBPHIS AD Second Class Stooping Cars AllMlied UiuM lUWHlt liSu, )'ii),y itiMrt kiwimt). ffci'Ju. Id.n.w' I'.tliuud Af I (?'' fii w, I A r. isurvull! f;itS:S' HtllMOfQlfyuU jWliM JUIHd la&V14,-W4lr)l''W',r"i,- l!Sttffili?:iifflBfKSI.! """ TaTa fth ATiT, Va'IOU K'l JfinwUHrl ii 1! KW.l i'lW J, II, Soltlernlor dt Son, Wood burn, Oregon u&SffltkPtl'lik I?, M1 me .frr-Ul aA6 ityM)H$gil.kt 'i.jtom, An Evorgroon Troo, WHtnwn tmi4 OrefflfllMcIliiWft (M4UI. ' mmimtmt fib s" MUIIS. IjgJ IY 'Mwjyjr HM K8WBft j iri"j -, " .7 ..i. X-H