'mii!" '"fmp, Br I - - " -''-' ' I II- . lit I 1 fr t -. -, . . .. I ' I Rj Weal Transportation Sjotem of l BsSBsBHSUMMi&iBBsBBsVX'- HnNnErlaBsaBsaBsflsM 'sssssssK,s"S73g TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, uouiojwsieep. Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston Idaho, says: "I was ah run down' weak, nervous and irritable through overwork. I suffered from brain fa" tlguc, mental depression, etc. I be- r uauio bu wcjik ana nervous that I ft could not sleep, I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking Dr. Mlles, Nervine and now everything is changed. I sleep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do moro in one day now than I used to do in a week, lor this ereafc rrnnrl T Hvn -n nm... , iwsujrauvo nervino the sole erprllr.. i It Liifpc " '( W . w.vw.v. Dr. Miles' Norvino la hoM on n iia.imm DOS I DCt 1-6W4ds CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, first National Bank Building, INAL,J!.U, . . OREGON. Hchool now In sefmlnn. Tho UMIfw nvn. mom. w in j Kiw;UMMUJMirATION BUBI. LNk.43 F1UCTIOE," recently Introduced, the gcruwuiug luaiurn. oena ror catalogue or col- r W T. HTA T.V.V iS-31-w Prlnclnnl (CLUB STABLES. W. H. DOWNING. Pull BUOOlv Of hnrsps. tillcclpii find hflnlr. (Best of care given to tranHlent stock and boarding. Corner Kerry and iLlbortv streets. i-Mako epoclulty of tulclnz ,'oartles to coast or mountainti. 7.7 'GEO, C. WILL DEALER IN ZHtelnway, Knabe. Webber. Emer- eon und otlior pianos. utorey t viuru ana Jsarnoir orgnns. AH first claea makea of aevWrnr nia- chines. Smaller makes of musical macro "montaand supplies. Uenuino neouies, on una new paru for all makes or macninea. Bewlng machines and organs rt paired and cleaned, , Two doors north of noutofilce, Salem Oregon. (Cooper Shop. YKU8 STKWAKT Imanpcnud upatliopiiortliaf Un' mill, Id HoutliHuleui, wlmroiiB In prtpurtd to make und lermlr ull kind of uooiieruge, ucli us pulln, tuba, keg", hiirr-U una the tiel fcuuoned stock used, J'rlow leiunn. able. $1,500 REWARD OFFERED, TlmiiinJerlkmJont)il&fJOrtviril lor Hi; coiiviellou hf flto parly or iMirlb wl burned Ills Iwru und Iioim 01) I lie night ol Dfecciillwr JSUhW, JIvwIllHlMiMty tM or wul aoewt. sory in Urn urline. mvu two d riuvhui una aw dbiM iu my ia. !!!. 0, ANDHIWW. Melittiuu, Or. KMSiMwtim 1 WHolfc 4 IKj wuiyi lay hub it lout llf OBIilf'lf, ftl M'u4. j. ji, Awr.i, V WlUomlv UmnU Tim imosJ Mimmmmt VW aM. ibS mM w 1 Wtsf W'Ut mi Huio Wiujc Sanjc Uo. -! dressmaking j - v in Iliu I imm jfAwifiiMAJiwirtiYWifc Mnmi m wnvuuumHbn, "WV!H J8Kr I All dfuwtato Mil : it at IM bottles f'or C& ? IVfl'L n.SOxntfl pr?Pa ? ?n receipt of prlSS F by tfcaE. Mlloa Modlcal Co., Elkhart, lad. fvfl SZL&6646&6i'' Wood Wmmm immMKMur .. ..,,,, TUB BURLINGTON COMING WEST, Through Trains from Chicago to Portland, Oregon. AN AMERICAN RAILWAY SYSTEM. In travelling over nearly 0,000 miles by rail tbo past sixty days, over about tm different systems of railway, wo oiten ask ourselves, what is the Ideal American rnllwaj? Of course, no rail way is a great American railway that does not enter Chicago, the great throb blng dynamic commercial center of the new world. No system is truly Ameri can that docs not spread itself pretty well over the ten millions of population in the great Mississippi valley, connect ing in one network Its ereat states and Important cities. An American system must also send several arms across the Praliie Btates to the Rocky mountains. An ideal American system should possess these great essentials named but should also plerco through .the deserts beyond the JRocklea and tap the boundless wealth and undeveloped re sources of mine and forest where the Oregon and Washington slopes touch the Pacific. We cannot reckon the government aided Pacific railways as e Iglble to enter the lists ab competitors for the high honor of being the ideal American system, 'riiey did not grow up with the people and tbo country, but were rather forced artificial growths, to hasten the develotment of the new west. Only a great railway that has been distinctively the result of individual enterprise, growth and ex tension, along the normal lines of de velopment from small beginnings into a great modern transportation Institu tion, such a system alone is ollglble to bo called the Ideal American railway. Examination of maps of our country and the experience of many, founded on extensive travels, readily awards tbo honor of this titlo to the Burling ton system, known as the O. B. &Q Railroad company. Blx years ago the Burlington extended its lines to 8t, Paul and Minneapolis with W. J. C. Kenyon In chatgo of Its pas&euger trafllc. By thoroughly modern and American methods and by alwoys plac ing the service and safety of the public Jlrat. Mr, Kenyon has In a few yrais, against ten competing Hues, built up a splendid business, Both day and night trains run through from fit. Paul and Minneapolis to Chicago In little over twelve hourn, witli vvory modern com fort end convenience, HI. Louis, JCun sus City, Omaha, Denwr, i)t Molneii, Di-'adwood and Lincoln are also con. nected, The llurIlnt'Jii, fwt trnlus run oyer forty milt an hour wllli evury comfort bihI convenience, JCmplojtu, even to kluupliig car porlurn, are imliit d ami dlwilplluod U) be tlioroul)ly In Wllgent, courteoun, bind and polite. Tlioy aw beautifully uiilforinwl wl uniformly imln.UblnK, IrwitlWg tll allbe, rfuii and poor, young ami old, Isbortr' wife or mlllloimlrw duugliier. ftuvli ylm with kukIj wMy rd travel u pltauft in iUo mwl tl m W mill u MiUfdutlun to llio wtMrtiinwJ. VV dlil no! 4urt Jo llil MUtf U m- UMtfm bwl wy l (ll I'mMJ Ww4 hji w m Vl"' Oliieb u( Mi. IVul g4 yr Uki4i u Wtow vl nitiBm- A ink "' I mtmb U I art WW tr' w vw. mm Kim MP f 'ejarrs. - unuia yb m itf h u mm"F. i .1 .j.m-luDa. tott ' mtm9 sWVfKMDKVf - " wf --. r:. . - ..- r iml to tbe Paeillc coat as an Independent system. Mr. Francis is quite enthuoli.silo about his trip to the Pacific coast and said In an Interview after returning to Omaha: ''The now line gives promise of being a winner. The road has been splendidly built and passes through many historic spots. Peonle on the North Puelfio coast complain less of business depression than one hears lu tbo cast and are remarkable on that account." Ths Burllugton is now sel ling throuKb tickets and running sleepers through from Chicago to Port land, via. Billings and Tacoma. The Burlington system Is undoubt edly the only one of the great powerful railroads that Is headed directly for the Paclflo coast. If this system could be induced to bid in the Oregon Pacifio railway In Oregon, already built from the Cascade mountains to Yaqulna Bay, and extend it down the WiHam ette valley to Portland, (a distance of about seventy ml es), It would now have a thiough connection to the Pa cifio coast. The advantage of acquir ing the Oregon Paclflo railroad ought to be pressed upon the attention of the Burlington, The Burllugton is the one system that all the authorities and the business interests and the people of Oregon should bond their energies to bting it into (his state. It is an Ameri can railway system, conducted on pop ular methods that are approved by the American people. There Is nothing despotic, or autocratic about its man agement. It is a railroad (be people of Oregon would care to have within their borders and it Is a railroad that some day Oregon will have. E. Hofer. Ten cents a pound will buy cheap and poisonous baking powders. They work direct injury to nursing mothers, dyspeptics and others in delicate health. Dr. Price's, a pure Cream of Tartar powder not only saves doctor bills, but 1b more economical than others. THE SETTER DOQ. Its ficentlug l'onrr Is So I'lnn as to He a Source of Wonder. Tho scenting power of n well bred, wnil trained setter is a thing wholly beyond human conception, and tbo mar velous exhibitions thCy give of tills powor can scarcely bo credited. Indeed it would not bo wiso to seriously dis cues tlio qua Iky of a dog's nono wcro it not pnsHiblo to verify the stories that might bo told of this wonderful powor. Who would bellovo that a dog going at A good gallop, with a dead bird in Us mouth, could sccut a live bird on the ground several yards to ono sido of his course? And yut thoro aro fow sports men who have not seen a dog point a live bird with a dead bird in his mouth. It would feooma If the (cent of tho bird o near his 1100 would prevent tho dog from Kcontlng another bird of tho same varloty lying close in the grass soveral yards from liim. A man with a bunch of rosea In his faoo would uot pretend he could smell a bunch of similar flow ers a foot away. If he did, no one would belle vo him, Yet there is no doubt about the set ter being able to miioII and point live birds 011 tho ground unite ho holds n dead bird In his mouth, JIo goes fur ther than this. JIu points a dead bird on tho ground with a doad bird In hli month, mid ho knows tho instant ho fe tho fcocnt that it is a dead bird. This fuct ) c'MiriM In Ids manner of pointing, and if it Is u wounded bird he known that, Uw, and ludloatus tho iml Mwt dogs are taught to oliit Manahlv a live bird and not to point a dead bird. T1m dog will go at full jmm4 right up to his dml bird and never iuiim a 1110 niwit. If lliil lire bird nwr, he will poiiit llmt ntuiiohly, and Ihu inmuntiHW" and wrtulnly of hM dil tiutui kiiww that tJin lii'tunt ho wtvljwl a MMWt luwwit wlMdlMirlho bird in alive r AjtMji IIh IHMkM U lllsllllHIIOll, KM, rtv,mi it iml nl, a llvo bird and a ' wuMwM Mrri. Jin Hiiiila (be wouikM 4 biiil iiiifrMiiy Hum vm m mm uiu Ji Mni ma MHally tfiiim Hi d i vtuMmit- WbMiMrvuuiMfiAHouno Ml U4' MNtliWt Jivauu imHMW iHUuutiy u uU lv wiy utiu who stM tluttflt w ?' r;uwilwn -UMMpfnbu. tim mJw Uir UMf mkl r4 j urn UHk MU mwmw j" 1 sUM mmumir Imm A ZTZim r to II m f4 mttmntLrl 4P rVMna, wiw Uij 4 U m iu . m I"' wuh Cmi iujiJsf' 'Tf ami msjmi " Wku U UMt WH' illftri I Ljut4 W tM " '" ,iwSr S m mm ! 7.u..u ' -gi i,.,.muys bSkttmmt zZT i-.'A mast Up mi W M ' dtWfi 1 til UtitiU. w rfl inawirim rfnrww w . .irtir-r wriW Both Cured by Hood's Dyspepsia, Hoadacho, Etc. CnAft HfnlnA "C. L nood& Co., Lowell, Mass. t "For years I havo had dyspepsia, Brow ing worse, an J becamo so discourage hat I thought ot selling my farm and going to California. Added to my misery wcro tho painful effects of a fracturo on tho end ot my backbone, which resulted fronvn coast ing accident when a boy. I happened to read about Hood's Sarsaparllla and decid ed to take two bottles, and before tho last ono was gone, I could cat a hearty meal wlthoutany distress. Tho fracturo of my backbone is also healed and I do not haro any lameness. I can truly say I nm now well, and I believe Hood's Sarsaparllla 8avod My Life It has also been a great benefit to my wife, wko had distress In the stomach and severe headaches. She said tho first doso Hoodter Cures of Hood's Sarsaparllla seemed to go to tho tight spot Now sho enjoys good health." Elijah Buck, Box 4D0, Saco, Maine. Hood's Pills euro slckhcadacho, bil iousness, and all liver ills. 23 cents. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, AH Cattje Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub hi Vigorously. Muatang Liniment conquer Pain, Makes flan or Ikast well again, Nerve Blood Tonic Builder (Uii4u nm fmi'UM. .mimrw mmwnnwy tClllKl(J,Ny. 4lirokylll,(Ju(, A LAIJV'B 'J'OlbK'i! $ li't I "IHJili"tO vii'ii urn rdval POHPLEXIOIJ If VOVDKM. If I PDZZONi'S J t -ii.iii.' yfy Imh of Uowt . I'UiMir, 11 if immi' hu, nwUif. IhmIih, JJl) (tA w I) m mm) Jr.4,UD,y)i'tU8ei;c1 Tintm wt tmrntut, wttamm ISlRgrlUahBucrt'slBEr ) AVVXk f&JnLfS m tmM.wwim m JKrd sBBRKh!4tVBr " sv'aarsusw sw it iIMOWJir frti.6Qi f i"J.'Jf iv' "' "1- v SF5i " mTatt.i Yj-fiJ"y grrt.v-.Ci... SCHOOL rn 1:- JM To Hit- Stnte.Board of Education Protest Against Changes In Text-Boohs or any Contrnct fixing prices for tho next six years: Governor lVnnoyfcr, Pecretnry of State McBride and State Superintendent of Public Instruction McElrny, acting as the Stalo Beard of Eaucation of Oregon. i?ms :--Your petitioners, palroua of tho public Behools, taxpayers and citi zens of Oregon, nspictfully petition you to take no actlou to bring about adop ion f new series ut public school text-'ooohs under tbe law passed by the" 'last legislature, nor to enter Into any contract ot present publishers prices adopting he Uxl Imoks uow in use, or those that might bo authorized by your board at present prices, such prices to be fixed and maintained by the publishers for the uextslx ears, ns specified In that law. In view of the fuct that by state publication thn people of California are obtnliiinlug publlo school text books at an avprage ptlce of about SO ceuts apiece for the entire serlos needed In the common schools, or about one-half what we pay lu O.egou, we demand state publication at tbe earliest dav possible. NAMES. Cut out the nbove form of rethlnn. elsn and address It to or o f the Hate BonntVf Ed notion, or mull It to THL; JOURNAL and it will be published and lornnidol to thn' board with others. Men and women gfoutd sign this petition in protest agaln-t perpetu-tluir the orcsentisystem of blgb-prl ed toxt-booas for six yenrs to come. DIM MP Onlv One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. CHEAPEST M m w Receiving all the Associated Press Disoatches. DULY BY MAIL, PER YEAH, - - 1 WILL PA1' YOU TO JtEAJ) TJ1IS : Wo publish tho only One Cent Daily on tho Pacifio Coast and tho cheapest and host daily papor ibr tho monoy in Oregon. Ploaso let us know if you can uso any sample copies o tho Daily or Weekly, They will bo sont free. Rcmomboi theso aro Associated Press nowspapors, giving all tho current nows of tho world irom day to day in largo typo and attractiyo stylo. Theso low hard times rates enable every farmer to have his daily paper and know tho fit a to of the market and all tho nows of tho world. Editorial comment i foariosb and independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good tfovornmont for tho people) ablo to deal justly and fairly with all, Only $3 OO a yearf $l,5o for six months, $1,00 for four months, rrNo paper men t alter time! Is out (or which It In ordered. VOU, You are the man. U wo cannot get you to act. hand this to someone who wants one of theso grand premiums for Jmply getting up a club Almost anyone will tabu till papr upon merely aeeliig It, It eel Is llself, Jt t w) cheap im ono rsan nilord not to have It, H ftulla reudem In city and country of all oImmm and part let HOFER BROS,, Publishers, HAhVM, onuaoN w ;m 'WMWim- nn ONE CENT DAILY JOURNAL, jifii'j Hai umh, Bum. ) UAhnyhvmii w nm mm mm I'lfiWI) IWtfljIltf u ,........,,.. ..m... Wi )rif hM JIIJ " " - ,- wet mmm mmfyj) I'Uf l)H JIM U U NtH,IMMHWWtlHWlW 0S9 urn imiwwt iiU'r 'f ) U'VMlJwMJ.tltt4fiJi'yffliWI JHJJJ lw l viK4&mm4mm irai 1 in NAMES, BOOK PRTITffliV TAL J 1M. 1 1 ORE thk m im a 1 d i co. E. MoSEILL, BECE1VEK. To The East GIVIS8 THE CHOICE OP TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY. PACIFIC RY. -V1A- DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS OITY, SPOKANE. MINNEAPOLIS, AND ST. PAUL - Low Rates to all Kasterj Cities. Ocean stcaxersleave'PortlinVavery Ave 4y FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Kor lull detail. Jcalljn or addrnss DOHS A RAKKKK. W. U. UUKLtlUKT, Qea. Pm M eat, rorihMia,Or MORTHERN ' PACIFIC R. R. R u: ki isj Pullman Elegant Slajpin Car.3 Dinin Ctrs. Sl8winCrs Tourist SI. CAUL MINNEAfOLIS1 DULUTII ckunn - TO GRAND 'FORKS crookston winnipeg SuttH THROUGH TICK3GTS TO CHICAGO 'ASMINftTDN IIILADELPHIA BOSToSwd all Points East end South SFUr Intormatloa, 'tlmeear, 'reaps okeUoaUoa or write H. A. THOMAS, Agent, 8ktn Or A. D. CirAKivroN. Awt. Gteul. Pm Agent; Portland, Oregon. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE ot toe 5 Southern I Pacific ICwHjxnv, OAUrOUMIA KXPnim TJUI-JtpH,AJI,T H TWIWfOIIMIIII AV9. r. 'SuTf ";gTTrettfif mm p, jji. .ut p. m. 10-.U a.rn. Lv. VtifiUmi Xr. l4fi '.'V. iwiiM i4y. MVa,w TiMb, k AT, Itea rm. l.y. Above train Vnri litud ! A Uuui viiMiVuj.t um mJTjiCk ioo m BUwlt rt Ml stoUoai from r1 J'7. mftttAmg,' TtmSLmBiir, MSB SB SSI U JSIHI BBMBs SiailiT. mzm !& rouMAN mm mm -.AWJ) Second Class Slne Cn AtUU4 to all titrontn (mKu, m m nm umi km btn.r-Httmrr tiunukv). M AlUuy and i)orvsili emii' ytlH iitfuiufTitftw Mia juiiit; UfyUUHTHIUh (IMI.VJ-TIM'sliUy inlsBsSssfBzi v-j7 arra. .sar jar-. n.J Mm mM ,w 'ruua iijh rriiiai w IHItot, ffMKVi Hwlvw, ' i!M UtftlUjT ttrjtltww WIWA AH) HAW AWPWQ pMffM ' ,m jm iftpy M r ij4 io iu lusteu mU, urn m