VMl&xm ' r-, r ll.l jmiyqffpyfTT.-pyt 1 "fpuprsfrw1-1 - - , . Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen: I havo honn tniri.... Syour Eestorativo Ncrvlno for the past fthreo months and I cannot say feonough in its praise. It has Saved fly Life, for I had almost given up hopo of lover being well again. I was a tclironlc sufferer from nrrvnncnncnj fcOUld not SlCOn. I Wna nlan f r.,Mj Swith nervous headache, and had tried Sdoctors in vain, until I used your Ncrvlne. Yours truly, Mils. M. WOOD, Ringwood, IU. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles' Norvlno Is sold on a positive jRuarantoo that tUo first bottlo will .AH druffclHtnsnll Itntll a l,tn " pe: oenoflfc. U. ...r,D . ---.... M uuvucM for tS, or fl-Vi" V? SQ?.V P.ro.?al(l. on receipt of orlco ujr mu ur, oiuca- juouicai uo., Elkhart. Ind. e&s- B4P1TAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, First National Bank Building, '' OHEGON. cHohnnl now In badMaii t. .ihrTjir uvu iJESd 1'UAOTIOK," recently Introduced, the townlng feature. Bend for catalogue or col teKoJournal. Address Wk W T OTA r.uv 81-W Prlnnlnnt. CLUB STABLES. W. II. DOWNING. Ftlll Rlinnlv'nf hnranu hiinxvlatf ntid IiiiaV. Best of cure 'given to transient stock and' bearding. Corner Kerry and Liberty streets ler mountains. i-MaKo Bpcciauy or talcing parties to coast 7-7 rGKO. C. WILL DEALEU IN jltelnwny, Knabe, Webber, Emer- n nnu otuer pianos. IBtorey & Clnrlc and EarheiT organs. All first claps makes of sowlm? inn. bines. ISmullor makes of musical Inetru- ments and supplies. W Genuine neodlos. oil and now narts Ifor all makes of machines. Bowing machines aud organs rt ', paired and cleaned. two uoors norm or poBtoiuce, Balem Oregon. Cooper Shop, OYItUS STBWAUT M opened up a shop north of Mite's mill, In uuthHulem. where he Is nrenured to make Nd repair ull kinds of cooperate, such as alls, tubs, kt'in. barrel una churns. Only Lo butt seasoned slock used. 1'rlces reason. 7 )IWlfltW 61,500 REWARD OFFERED, i4'liounderslKiiednlleilWi)rewrd lor the i viotiou ur me parly or uurui wno uuruen 1 uurn ana noun on lite niunt 01 iieoainiwr lew, lie win unoimy iam lor enen uocw 1 Ml Mill uriIMP, sd mm Ohio o pu I own two KQod ruuclies uytliuruwurd. . OBKJ'H 0, ANDJ5IIHON, ! pio-uwom Wholesale AiidltelAlli Kvcrvlliliiif 111 my lllls Blhjwwt pi lues, HM Oommuclsl "trial, j, h, jmjviki 11)1 Wlllsiiifcllu Uniwflfy w most pou (xwipiuiK anil bwi wiuJi'i'wl imme Hi I'liiwiiiysiHUdunhj, ij8Miuulw4 tun I J'lmomii tmiii nn umiHltUW) til juMfM. ? )"l "'till Will iui unif mmIii jitmtw w a mi. ttl' : DRESSMAKING :- fpfi sz'jizP' t "crZC4 Wnn m me WiuK Sang Co., Vli Archbibhop Strong Takes Slrong Groands. UK FAVORS SUNDAY CLOSING. Tlin T.nira Ql...i.i -it. 11 ..o ouuuiii u jbaiorcea or Ilepenled. ToiiTtAND, Nov. a7.-Au Importnut Interview was had with Archbishop Gross yesterday relative to tho Sunday closing crusade. A few years ago Arch bishop Gross wob before the city coun cil and urged that body to take such action as was required to securo the oloslngof saloons on 8uuduy. Heat that time accompanied the other min isters of the city and was chosen their spokesman, addressitig tho council In the name of tho ministry of Portland la favor of Sunday closing of the saloons. Ho still holds to the fame opinion on this Subject, and to a Telo gram reporter said: "I should like very much to see the saloons closed on Sunday, especially as it Is the law. My idea is that if a law U on the statute books It should bo en forced. General Grant said tho best way to find If a law is good or not Is to enforce it. If thero is a law ou the statute books which the people do net waut, strike It off, but while it remaii s it should be enforced. "I behove that a nation of iuflde's cannot oxist,and that tho real strength of a nation oon&Ials In its morality and and not in numbers or rlehps. China I9 furnishing an example of that now, while Japan has accepted our Christian i leas. I believe this Is a nation that believes in the existence of a God, how ever pop!e may differ in dogmas. "I think it is the duty of olllelals to suppress such vices as gambling aud prostitution. Tho law does not recog nize such things, and It Is tho duty of the law's officers to suppress them. In some countries in Europe It Is thought better to regulate these things by law. I do not behove in that. Our laws do m t acknowledge they nro entitled to exist, aud if the people waut to acknowledge it they should change the laws. I do not behove In changing them, but they better be repealed than not enforced while they ;remaln on the statute books." Character tolls in ovorylhliig. The high character of Dr, Price's Baking Powder Is tho fruit of forty years growth. IU reputation lias stood the tests of time and competition, A New Competitor. Ban Fkancjbw, Nov, 27,-P. I', Shelby, assistant general tralllo nmiia ger of the Ureut Northern in Beattlu, U In tho city, He says that truMlj r ntugeiueut 1ms been elltuttij betwt-tii tho Great Northern, the 0, 11. &N, Co,, mid (he Southern lUolllo by which pauseiigorn can he tlukoled througli U etwtcru points from Han I'rancUco, by way of J'orllHiid, Bid also westward over the huiiiu lines, TI10 Umi Norlliri l prujiarlng t oomplo tor hiisliieiui iHitvvi-uu Hsn KruHoUoo uild rrlltid by InitUyurHt lnuuMvnM kervlttfl hvtvyueii Hiu two xnl willi will uUeniiUo rlvnl (iu.MMl;y rail, I'ur IliU inirpwe u new kiuHiiiur U htifiitf built Willi u m4 nf 916 knot,, oil lliu fttiiiM IIdm us UK'Umwl, nuw wrilwl by lliu mnW un llii M llwwiu DmIhiIi mid JJiiIImIu, 'i'ho hbmi woiiiDii ut Hi, lm imvu iiaiml u WUijIiwJ to J'wiml 8vlw, wliW will UmV llr Hit mi of llidr imyw iiu m w i wjw Ujjonf4f lillilru. m mm Hlf J'fly iliww 5SuV Ml Ui uwii ttimTwaiftf, .l woly uoii 1111 a inuuv wf itfWr iu tu 1 . I ... l l.kj liuuu UttV felMMl IU ". a uu IM) 111 IHUW Mly UMwwory w 1U MlflM IJW U STRONG """ r : "-".: "i. ..,ir i. Htow biwf HwM'm uiue uun ii ir-" i"? 1 , EPrEors OP A BOAUE. Consternation in Gambling Dons and Disreputable Houses. Early Baturday eveulng a report, onilnatlag from an unknown source, says the Portland Telegram, became tho topic of the street that It was the purpose of tho police to take concerted action In sweeping down upon all houses of Ill-fame, somo limo duriug tho night. This rumor, while not being verified at police headquarters, kept a small army of men awake till a Jute hour, notwithstanding" thoinclemonoy of the night, In tho vain exuectancv of gratifying their appetite for tho sen sational. It was nlveu out that not only the Inmates of the brothels were to be taken in custody, bnt that also all poreons visiting there during tho raid would be placed under arrest. Tho ro coutly Inaugurated crusade against all phases of vice flaunting In the publlo face lent this report some color of relia bility, and created couslderable stir in man quarters several hours during ths night. The Whitechapol district had never since its dovotlon to immoral purposes been ontwardly so respectable as upon thit occasion. The blinds of the "oribs" which custoanrlly aro open froja early dusk till long after mid night, were closed, and tho voice of the siren was scarcely heard from one end of that delectable quarter to nn o her. Even the streets were almost deserted by tho male class usually muntlug that locality. Whitechapol h id never borne such a funeral appear ance. But as the cry of "wolf" was u faUe one there Is more than a remotb possibility that the' denlzeus there will heed no further rumors of contem plated raids upon them. This scare was not coufiued solely to that quarter of the city, but the conta gion spread to more pretentious houses of that charaoter in other localities, many of which had an Implied sign of of "not , at home" placarded on their front doors by the negloct to display the usual flood of light within. It was a night of qulot, suppressed ter ror for the sinful, In anticipation 01 tho wrath that never came. Occasion ally one of those miserable women would emerge from her "crib" to visit a lemuio neiguoor or a neigunonng saloon. These ventures were made with apparent apprehension, for such a woman evidenced by her facial ex pression and hurried steps that she feared every momont feeling tbeheuvy hand of a policeman ou her shoulder. Tho resorts frequented by young men where tboso disposed engage In minor gambling were not exempted from this scaro, us It is said that tboso Inunts were almost deserted after nightfall Saturday. Smugglers Escape. San Diuao, Cul., Nov. 27, Cus toms Inspector Ralph Conklin was as saulted Sunday evening at a lonoly place about seventeen miles this side of Campo.by Prefane Gallego and Iguuco rfotollo, whom ho had under arrest for smuggling nd was bringing to tho county Jail. The prhonors esoiped. Conkllu was severoly handled, but his coyditlen Is not dangerous, A powder of Inferior quality could not endure the exacting teats through which Dr, Price's Baking Powder has passed. It has the best standing bo- cause It is the beat powder. florae Pithy Aphorisms, (American Jnvtslinents,) That man I" rluh who bath no debts, Giving biliiyilovOtlendlngitcuUer It. Only the fool brags of his bank ac count, Money ooynrelli I bo faults or many rluh. Order Is from above, disorder .from below, Better go to bed hungry than rise In debt. Neyur trust (be n whom you Imvo wroiijswt, Tbu worst eiiimy tnwu men navel pronnerlty, I'ut llio brake on Hie vwtwir (hat liurrlw you. Kkjxioi bettor iiiDinorlM III undltom tliAD dublors, A a pillow, a rfMr OQiHMMiw will lwatKMlii''. , , , , J! tho hut tr tlin rlvor of doubt ful IuvImiiI- , ,, . None but tl"it "i "'"'''M Kv hi nil lwfM lw ilN. , . , llti wIim fcwuiul( il'lb wwl, but be who t'"uf vw dolli bUI'. 'Jlie wMo iJ Jf"''i f MO J' riMr mum be wlll'd ewey. i;iMfi oi t"1 ' i'r" Mvr ! Ivuaiili of jrur jhIII I rare wmImvwIiiu l HMb WJ W II ,HW, wwubl auM UiwJf MImi &w Uw Mr iwlii, lli im would IUMN0 fef MMMM W '" "'" 4l,rtb4ilwrwtMlWili M ,.-ii u4u 11 uii m a Ia'I J'y'J. yNirsVJenrxi'e1 Decker "How Well You Leok" Friends Surprlsod at tho Great Improvement. ' C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.t "Itako pleasuro in writing tho good I havo received from Hood's Sarsaparllla. KTery spring and summer for six years my health has been so poor from heart troublo and general debility tliat at times life was a burden. I was so emaciated and Woak and Palo that my friends thought I would notllvo long. I could do scarcely any work at all and had to llo down every f 0 w minutes. I began getUng worso in January, losing my flesh and reeling so tired. I thought I would try Hood's Sarsaparllla and I am happy to say lam In better health than lor Hood's ssifc Cures a number of years. My friends remark to me: 'Why how well you look.' I tell thorn It Is Hood's Sarsaparllla that has done tho uSrI..w?uMh,'v.0 nU """"wing human iiX, tr51 'J11 mcdlcino and bo convinced. Ihls statement Is true to the letter." Mug. jKiwm Deckeu, Watseka, 111. Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constlpa lonblllousness, slckhcadache, IndigesUon. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Cdked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, - Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and TIssuo Quickly to the Very Scat of Pain and Ousts It In a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquer Pain, Makes flan or Dait well gain, Nerve Blood Tonic Builder tonttvt :vtiuuiw i, clinwiiJyN,Y 4 hr vhW, sMbrotkrliUiOob a urn njhm Jn vol (mitiltt wllltuwt an ideal POMPLEXIOy If vnvtiiiii, 1 POZZOHI'S (u,iiAuibit twi tiUineiiJ'Of Ueemy cod uiuy. )i U bmHU him, ftvlloig, lealliiKi hUU ful. ii JmmmUm, ao(J Vliefl lluMly wwd is ji.rUiW. A WM (ii, !, ,d d, .ibl J'vlf 0ll(V Jy l IttM III "' iHMU, Mfijn. ,P.JVM. 'm & mWMk$GB JwJFWfilJymr K&ZKaMFpr 't WWm r) sje.v aerir'-'"-'' ' '" .1. . . , . L itnvNi 11, I 1MI To the Stnto Bonrd of Education Protest Against Changes any Contract fixing prices for the next bIx ye Governor Pennoycr, Secretary of State McBrlde and Btnlo Superintendent of Publlo Instruction McElroy, acting as the Stato Board of Education of uregon. Sins : Your petitioners, oalrons of zens of Oregon, uspt-ctfully peililon you to take uo action to bring about adop tion of new series of public school text-books under tho law passed by the last legislature, nor to enter into nny contract t present publishers prices adopting the t-xt books now In use, or tboso that might be authorized by your board at prefeut prices, suoh prlooH to be Hxed aud mululalned by the publishers for the next six years, an specified In that law. In view of tho fact that by state publication tuo people of California are obtainlnlng publlo school text books at nn nvprugo price of about 30 cents apiece for the entire series needed In the common schools, or about one-half what we pay In Oregon, we demand state publication at tho earliest dav possible. NAMES. TCut OUt the llbovo form nf net I linn. .Ion iiojtlon or niall It to THKJOUltNAli and it will bo published nod liirwuided to ihe board With Others. Men end womell Klinnld ulirn HiIh rll!lnn !n ni-ot.nt in-. 111 1 iu..naiii.n.l ik. present system or Ulgh-prbed text-boohs for six DIM CAPITAL JOURNAL. OnlvROne Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. mm NEWSPAPER II OUI Receiving all the Associated Press Disoatches. llAIf.V RV Mill PHB YRiB . . jyxiauji um. ilimu, iun xuuii, 11 WILL PAX YOU TO BEAD THIS: Vo publish tho only One Cknt Daily on tho Pacific Coast and tbo choaposfc and host daily papor for tho money in Oregon. Pleaso lot ub know if you can uso any samplo copios o tho Daily or Wkkkly. They will bo sont froo. Remomboi these aro Associated Press newspapers, giving all tho current news of tho world from day to day in largo typo and attractiyo stylo. Thoso low hard times rates enablo ovory farmer to havo his daily papor and know tho stato of tho markot and all tho nows of tho Avorld. Editorial comment is fcariesb And independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good tfovornuiont for tho peoplo able to doal justly and fairly with all. Only $3 OO a year $1,60 for six months, $1,00 for four months. MirNo papers ten taller tlmojls out for which It Im ordered,-. YOU, -You nro (ha inuii, It wo cannot got yu to not, hand this to umiimjiiii wno whijm one Hi tiiuwj grano preiniiiins rr simply gening up a club Almost miyeiie will lako this paper upon merely (seeing It. It sells Ftsoif, It no oheap no one can niford wot to Imvu It, It fculls readeni In dty and oountry of all dliuibw end parties HOFER BROS,, Publishers, HAhlW, OIIKOON. lr myt6 wnxm von ONE CENT DAILY JOORNiL, mm, mmtw, Oajwa,oi;w4M)ij1i, wm )m w Vt am nm)t (w w$mt,... ,, wj, Viwmwyt ..,. ...w tflff, Vnrtwimnlh " " .... ...... .... -- milM Varan y&r .!..... Ij Mi " BE PI XI In Text-Books or ears: the nubllo boIiooIb. tnxr.nvpro nnrl iti. NAMES. nnri nriilpi-aa I, in nrn . r tl n Li.t. Un.. .... ... u.i years lo come. vm n m TTON 1 1 1 1 CO. K. MCNEILL, RECEIVER, To The East GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO THANSCOSTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION . NORTHERN RY. PACIFIC RY. VIA DENVER, OMAHA. KANSAS CITY, SPOKANE. MINNEAPOLIS, AND ST. PAUL Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. Ocean stenmors loavo ForUand every five day FOR BAN FRANCISCO. Kor lull detail, call!on or nddrew 1101 T A fAttifcteK. W. H, 1JURL.BUKT, Ceo.I'Miu.Aseat, - . I'oninnd. Or WORTH ERN I PACIFIC R. R, It is; Pullman Elegant Sleeoin Cars DininF Can Tourlstl :to ST1SeulfCr, FARGOl? GRAND FORKS 8uffiA THKOUGrH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON SHWKP BOSTON and all Points East end South For Information, 'tlme4eard,54map tlokeU call on or writo H. A. THOMAS, Agent, Balem, Or A. T. Charlton, Aset. Genl. Vtm Agent; Portland, Oregon. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE ol tne -J Southern Pacific SCowpuny. OALirounu tcxrjims THAij-nH;uAiLY TWIISTORTUIfB AMD 8. V. Hou !E TpfoTtBr1 wis y. in. l.wif,.w, IQjiS a.ui. I.v. 1'orUmad .rrrsafiTS Lv. Mlm l.v.1 teat a. w Ar. Hm Jfraa. t.y.l IMn.m Alxjve trains top at all MmtlVHIHUHAlUUAlUtY' :uu; m.TLv. PoTUauif 'AT,m hi 17 a. in l-v. Hftim M p, in, I Ar, Htburg Iff. W f, M. 0!hIh i'Krn h OjrfeK Kmts pdllman mm mxm AND ' Second Class Slwpjng Cars AtUe)0 toiUttlifouii tfa, MVM Mt Mm tM ii;T6i,iii,Ar. lV.ryUI hv. JiBf'w At Allwuy itd iVirvallK ottH WHM iisiii"' I Ar. HeMpjuvhu h, lJm,Hi Oip Facile IlaiW, k mm4tomUh4 Will'" HTKA.MJMI "HOMKn," YMimHA AJJ) HAN WlAiWMH) i"M it tum www Irvlnir, Kujieua hb4 4l ntntfctw rmuiimnr ti) AbkniflnelulTe, To llMliilln Ili0 K44ru MfM, lki4 kild Kuf Mil in il)U t4 ,( Utvlil At TbiiWSSiwwfe i.r?HS i MMh "1 4 i h fUlflJlMM W IW ' ' iiiu vuiiiuury imUiiwi iH'.nfVAMIWNMliwnUM wlMWfWMHlttW' ... liJfy loie lwr Im lieJM jMJltlf0)ilVllftllftftllMi ijltttaMimittitAft H n ,.:,..f iiiiiiulluu AM IN All "mmmumf itfiww '!'lr4l,flJ', t -.l Lr fiiitiiii l !! ih. w' i'H 11 4MI)IKiJ'IJMIifdli'lilllil,ti'. MM w iliwe i'f i"' III if tmmm, yuu ill HPt r"-" wku fiwffiw . r w' -vw. -at mm --vmv ""! vixAy'iumtoitoiii hi, Pi)irknMK,'lM' WlWlK'H WW '' fnitH 9U PH l J'Wt flll WiMJirfl bf iU KIWf m Wi 1 rr fiP Tpm wiw v, m mimun of ily- lJt jfaf, y- VEA xl. mmst . 1(M - . J MijH'r'tftrf- -'" btriMdk & j3