Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 26, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    "H?- -TT"? WfflWHpPTTV1
y uimEJBIK'v Mm
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W. McKinscy, postmaster of
Kokomo. Ind.,and a bravo cx-soldicr,
BaKVx. fi1 bccn severely troubled
with heart disease ever since lcavintr
the army nt tlio close of the lato war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. 1 could not
sleep on my left sido and had pain
around my heart I became so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try it. The first bottle
made a decided improvement in my
condition, and live bottles have com
pletely cured me."
G. W. McKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Iloart Curo Is sold on a posltlvo
guaranty that tho first bottlo will Wnoiltl
ii1i?,88,st8.sell,tnJi1' boitlcs 'or $3. or
i,ViiV?8xViV Iir9pi.W',on receipt of prlco
by tho Dr. MUch Medical Co., Elkhait, Ind.
First National Bank Building,
School now in session. Tho "NEW HYS'
NESd rilACTIOE," recently Introduced, the
crowning leature. Send for catalogue or col
lege Journal. Address
'' Principal.
Full supplyjol horses, buggies and backs.
Best of care given to transient stock and
boarding. Corner Kerry and Liberty streets
47-Mntte specialty of taking parties to coast
or mountains. 7-7
tHteinway, Knabo, Webber, Emer
; bo n and other pianos.
storey & uiarK and Harnett organs.
All first clans makes of dewing ma
Smaller makes of musical instru
ments and supplies.
Genuine needles, oil and new partis
for all makes of machines.
Bowing machines and organs re
paired and cleaned.
Two doors north of postofllce, Salem
Cooper Shop,
lias opened up a shop north of Mlze's mill, In
HoutliHulem, where he U prepared to make
and repair all kinds of cooperage, such as
nails, tubB, kegs, barrels and churns. Only
the best seasoned stock used, Prices reason
able. l&liv
The undersigned ofleis J1600 reward lor the
nnnvlrllnn untie nartv or nartles Who burned
his ham and horses on the night ot December
jk, imu, ne win uiso pay jaw ior eucu accu.
wry to the crime, I own two good ranches
una am able to nay this rewurd.
lO-lS.dAwflm Mehama, Or,
Uftnliintn nml TIaIaI. 1 1 f
Vuorvl him in mvllllA llf
nt lowtl price.
Kit iVtttiiiiArtliil utvPAl.
Wlluimelle University
Til rami complete nnd i,m wiulPPSd vnuto
wimYttu me mMmvv (m
,lJiilviyliiiidurdii, Jtt wMliodn CUd
IllOfiiilgl) WWIK.
ijploiuiu ylvtii on (vmiiplcliau aljtwiw,
'lrt eruwm Mepienito , wi
', U.l'iUVIN.
iiu, IH. tnimi
lliiie Wing Sang
wimmw ny
f,i yrL Li&
't" li wy fiu.1 UNJjajM r mfia liMrt
i man .unmrrmn4imnwtVi
iev. Dn. t; .mage relates thriu
ING C'-IEDS cf heroism.
Iccompanlc by fcoMU-r Who Survival
""" 'm OrtBU, tho Eminent DItJ8
Ileeall. the rcrrlbio Sepoy Itcbclllon-Jl
Great Oe , a and Devout Christian.
Brtooiavt,, Nov. 25.Rov. Dr. Tl
Dingo today tcffnn hia series of round
tho world mrinons through tho prccs,
tho first BUjjcct solectod being Lnok
now, Iudia. Tlio text chosen was Don
teronomy n; 19, "When thou shall
hesiego n city a long time in making
war against It to take it, thou shaltnot
destroy tho troes thoroof by forcing on
nx against tbom."
Tho awfulest thing in war is besiego
ment, for to thoworkof deadly weapons
. Hunger aim starvation and
piaguo, uoaiegotncnt is sometimes nuo
essary, but say toxt commands meroy
oven in that Tho fruit treos must bo
spared becauuo thoy afford food for man.
"Thou shalt not destroy the trees there
of by forcing an ax against thorn." But
in my recent journey round tho world
I found at Lucknow, India, tho romaius
of tho most merciless besicgement of
tho ages, and I proceed to toll yon that
story for four great reasons to show
yon what a horrid thing war is and to
mako yon all advocates for peace, to show
yon what gcmiino Christian character
is under bombardment, to put a corona
tion on Christian courage, and to show
you how splendidly good pcoplo die.
As our train glided into tho dimlv
lighted station I asked tho guard, "Is
this Lucknow?" and ho answered,
"Lucknow," at tho pronunciation of
which proper name strong omotious
rushed through body, mind and soul.
An lijewitncss.
Tho word is a synonym of suffering,
of cruolty, of heroism, of horror such as
is suggested by hardly any other word.
wo havo for 85 years been reading of
tho agonies thero endured and tho dar
ing doeds thero witnessed. It was my
great desire to havo somo 0110 who had
witnessed tbo soenes transacted in Luck
now in 1807 conduct us over tho place.
Wo found jnst tho man. Ho was a young
soldier at tho timo tho greatest mutiny
of tho ages broko out, and ho was put
with others insido tho residency, which
was a cluster of buildings making a
fortress in which tho representatives of
tho English government lived and
which was to bo tho sceno of an endur
ance and a bombardment tho story of
which poetry and painting and history
and secular and saorod e.loquenco havo
been trying to depict. Our escort not
only had a good momory of what had
happened, lint had talent enough to ro
hoarso tho tragedy.
In tho oarly part of 1857 all ovor Iu
dia tho natives wcro ready to break out
in robollion against all foreigners and
especially against tlio civil and mili
tary representatives of tho English gov
ernment. A half dozen causc3 aro mentioned
for tho feeling of discontent nnd insur
rection that was evidenced throughout
India. Tho most of theso causes wore
rnoro pretexts. Greased cartridges wcro
no doubt an oxasporatiou. Tlio groasu
ordorod by tho English government to bo
used on theso cartridges was taken from
oows or pigs, and grcaso to tho Hindoos
is unclean, and to bito theso cartridges
at tho loading of tho guns would bo an
olfenso to tho Hindoo's religion. Tho
loaders of tho Hindoos said that theso
greased cartridges wero only part of an
attempt by tho English government to
mako tho natives gfvo up their religion;
honco unbounded indignation was
Anothoroausoof tho mutiny was that
another largo provinco of India had
been annexed to tho British ompiro,
and thousands of officials in tlio employ
of tho king of that provinco wtro thrown
out of position, nnd thoy wcro all ready
for trouble making.
Anothor cauiiQ was said to bo tho bad
Kovormnont oxoroiscd by somo EnglJsh
nflloinls in India.
Tho simple faot was that tho natives
of India woro conquered raco, and tho
English wero the conrjuorors, For 100
voars tho British scepter hail been wuv-
ed ovor India, ana tno jiniinns wnnieu
to break that 6coptor. TJiero never had
been any lovo or sympathy botwoon tho
iiiitivos of India and the Europeans.
Thero is none now.
Jioforo tlio timo of tho great mutiny
the English government risk! much
power in the hands of the jintivt. T-xi
many of thein wannod the fort Too
many of thflin ware in gnvonniwital
ttin'nloy. And now the tlwe Imd tunuu
for 11 wide mitbmik. The imtivtw liml
imwuadwl tliwwwlvw Hint Ilia wwld
win) tli KnBllil uomumwi llyiiijfc
and to auooiiihUili It dMJW anil worn
una llitHHiw ami luulilttliwi Mini iugli
tr must do iliair wort-
llwrror uf lit MH.
U ww evidwit tu uukuuw that tlw
UHtf VM WW 1"ut ' ri" mii l1?1,
ilwilll Bll iw KwufitHWH t"X W '
thi' IwoU uh, l rmMmof
lUu ChrUniwi iwjiuliui u UitulMWH'
mtbnmi (or Mutm fiw ttta iar Itt
Uumu ' wl4l war uwi fr
iMrvWiw Tlaii"l?'ri
hmey, uf (, wr-Htwr w
m y ' .. ....,1
i-uMjbta44U, mm, W"Mw "
-IjuuiMlair alwttl !.
HUH' ,M " t,tlu"4Su "" "'
vdiai wa to w'' tUlS'l" ui
UulnV W torn tfla ' ";u
ritu.My " "' u '"''
ubaHtfu " t-lMi. BHiil " '''' "' '
uU Wa4 wiili HiwmwJatl " '"'""
Umui autf 'ih ' ''"'
K i'i' """" ''""'
mtmtvw' w "
yirt i" ""' " ' ''
UlMJgl W " "" '
1,1 11 .mi c
I , ..(.'I .'!
, ,1 l..l .:!
A.,.l ll. M ullrfl It " ' ' "
LhwUim, Um"1' 1,'""M' ''
Wrodi the Btoii.jh of tbo dead liorsoa
added in tho effluvia of corpse?, and nil
waiting for the moment whou tho army
of CO, 000 shrieking Hindoo dovlls should
break in tipen U.t p-tiscn of tho rcsi
denoy, now reduced by wounds and
mokucss and dratli to 070 tjon, women
and children.
"Call mo oarly," I said, "tomorrow
morning, nnd let us bo at tho resldenoy
beforo tlio sun beoomes too hot. " At 7
o'clock in tho morning wo loft our ho
tel in Lucknow, and I Baid to our oblig.
Jug, gentlemanly escort, "Ploaso tako
us along tho road by which Havolook
and On tram camo to tho roliof of the
residency. That was tho way wo went
Thero was n solemn stillness as wo ap
proached thogato of tho rosidenoy. Bat
torod and torn is tlio masonry of tho en
trance. Signnturo of shot and punctua
tion of cannon ball all up and down and
"Hero to tho loft, " said our escort,
...v iuu ituiumn ui 11 uuiuuug mo nrsi
floor of which in other days had been
used as a banquoting hall, but then was
used as a hospital. At this part tho am
putations took placo, and all such pa
tients died. Tho boat was so groat and
tho food so insufficient that tho poor
follows conld not recovor from tho loss
of blood. Thoy all died. Amputations
wero performed without chloroform.
AH tho anaisthotics wero oxhaustod. A
fracturo that in other climates and un
der other circumstances would havo
como to easy convalescence hero proved
fatal. Yonder was Dr. Fayrer's houso,
who was surgeon of tho placo and is
now Qnoon Viotoria's doctor. This np
per room was tho officers' room, and
thoro Sir Henry Lawrence, our dear
coramaudor, was wounded. Whilo ho
sat thero a sholl struck tho room, nnd
somo ono suggested that ho lrad better
leavo tho room, but ho smiled and said,
'Lightning nover strikes twico in tho
samo place. ' Hardly had ho said this
when another sholl toro off his thigh,
and ho was carried dying into Dr. Fay-
ror's houso on tho other siuo of tho road.
Sir Henry Lawrence had been in poor
health for a long timo boforo tho mu
tiny.. Ho had been in tho Indian servico
for years, nnd ho had started for Eng
land to recover his health, but getting
as far as Bombay the English govern
ment requested him to remain at least
awhile, for ho could not bo spared in
such dangerous times. Ho camo hero to
Lucknow, and foreseeing tho siogo of
this residency had filled many of tho
rooms with grain, without which tho
residency would havo been obligod to
surrender. Thero wero also taken by
him into this residency rio and sugar
and charcoal and fodder fur tho oxen
and hay for tho hordes. But now, nt
tho timo when all tho pcoplo woro look
ing to hint for wisdom niid courago,
Sir Henry is dying."
Our escort describos tho nceno, nniquo,
tender, beantiful and overpowering, nnd
whilo I stood on tho very spot whero
tho sighs nnd groans of tho besieged
and lacorabid and broken hcartod met
tho whiz of bullets, and tho demoniac
hiss of bursting shell, and tho roar oi
batteries, my escort gavo mo tho partic
ulars. Tiled to Do Ills Doty.
"As soon as Sir Henry was told that
ho had not many hours to livo ho askod
tho chaplain to administer to him tho
holy communion. Ho felt particularly
anxious for the safety of tho women in
tho resldenoy, who, at any moment,
might bo subjected to tho savages who
howled around tho residency, their
breaking in only a matter of timo un
less ro-euforcomentH should como. Ho
would frequently say to those who sur
rounded his death ceuch: 'Savo tho la
dies. God liolp the poor women and
children I1 Ho gavo directions for tho
desperato defouso of tho place. Ho ask
ed forgiveness of all thoso whom ho
might unintentionally havo negloetod or
offended. Ho loft a mcesago for all his
friends. He forgot not to givo direction
for tho caro of ids favorito horse. Ho
charged tho officers, saying: 'By no
moans surrender. Make no treaty or
compromise with the desperadoes, DJo
fighting, ' Ho took charge of tho asylum
ho had cstablUhod for tho olilldmn of
soldiers. Ho gavo directions for his bur
ial, Miying: 'No nonsense, no fuss. Lot
mo be buried with tho men.' Ho dio
tatud his own epitaph, whloh I rend
nbovo his temb: 'Hero lies Henry Law
ruitiw, who tried to do his duty. May
the Lord havo mwoy on his soul.' Ho
said: 'I would llko to have a pusago of
Seripture wddod to the words on ny
gruvo, such as, "To the Jird ourUod bo
long liiurulw ami forgivuneskui, though
wo Imvo lubullwl ugniiikt him." hn't
it from iMiiiulr' Ho as brave u man uv
RhkJmiiI or India gvwr wiw oxjiirwl. Tlio
aoldlnw lifted the ogrer from Ids fine
and kitted him uufurv thoy earrlwi J1I111
oiit Tlio ohaplalii oifurwl u jiraywr
Tbn (boy ramovwl tho Krt4 lovo nukl
iba raUlIng Imll of tha gum and nut
him down umwjiK olliar toldlara lmnwl
t the wua tim. " All of whMi 1 UJ
fur Uta baHftll of lh who would liavtt
ua haJIwa Hl tlio UlirUttnu rallgtun
la St only fr wuiNUii In ilia aMitlwMiid
oWWn BJldaf 1 Tim wna glory
wtuvjfb in Dwt ditr (u iHilu niirlf'
vur ! iilj't IUK-
"Tliafa," aW ir mmii, "W Utf
Nailar 4W U vurfe ' "Wlw wj IWi
Uia UvW "Oil, b vm tto MiUm
wIm l toU iM.ii, wwmw
uilu a our um vi.Mtwa4 mm tot msf
i,uul.MMf.MVrartUaJI IW
a. f MMrUmNt IV wtWFr
i u4 mm lla imM Jot wnif turn
11.. wiIIWWtv)IBM'lliMHIM(NMfl ,
.,1 d ittaii liiai.11 ! - WH J
I, t 1.. H" lt fW
, 1,1 . 1 iH i iiM a t'Jf 'lflWJ'
. ui.itar M,, U ''
iu4 n WIm ma towaa Mtu K '
It. 1. iu Kilw fl ' " ' W
I Ml.. JU'I t t' ,w uht4i
lot 1
l,. it,w Uiitt KW """
1 . in 'I
it. i,,Uh"'u"; ''' '
ui.i u,t iwit 'Wa lua
.. , .. I . ,.v !' t to
,U nit W ""-w,
000 against CO.OCO, and tlio residency
nnl tl'O earthworks nrmincl it wero not
put up fcr such an atfnck. It was only
from tho imii.y of God t'jnt wo woro i
not massacred soon after tho besicco
ment. 0 wcro resolved not to allow
oursolves to got into tho hands of thoso
dosperadocs. Yon must remember that
wo and all tho women had hoard of tho
butchery nt Cawnpur, nnd wo know
what dofoat meant. If unablo to hold
out any longur, wo would havo blown
oursolves up and nil gono out of liio to
gether. "
"Show mo," I said, "tho rooms whero
tho women nnd children stnid during
thoso uwful months." Then wo crossed
over nnd went down into tho cellar of
tho residency. With n shudder of hor
ror iudescribablo I eutorcd tho cellnrs
whero 623 womon and children had been
crowded until tho wholo floor was full.
I know tho exact number, for I counted
their names on tho roll. As ono of tho
ladies wrote in lior diary spoaking of
theso women sho said, "They lay upon
tho floor fitting into each other likobits
in a puzzle." Wivos had obtained from
thoir husbands tho promiso that tho hus
bands would shoot thorn rather than lot
them fall into tho hands of theso desper
adoes. Tho womon within tho resi
dency wero kept on tho smnllest allow
anco that would maintain life. No op
portunity of privacy. Tho death augol
and tlio birth nngcl touched wings ns
they passed. Flies, mosquitoes, vormin
in full possession of tho placo, and theso
women in moraontnry oxpoctation that
tho enragod savages would rush upon
thorn, in n violouco of which club nnd
sword and torch and throat cutting
would bo tho mildor forms.
Our escort told us again nnd again of
,ho brnvery of theso women. They did
not dospair. Thoj encouraged tho sol
diory. Thoy waited on tlio wounded and
dying iii tho hospital. They gavo up
their Btockiiigs for holders of tho grapo
sliot. Thoy solaced each other whou
their children died. "When n husband
or father foil, such prayers of sympathy
werO offerort as only women can offor.
Thoy endured without complaint, Thny
prepared their own children for burial.
They wcro inspiration for tho men who
stood nt thoir posts fighting till thoy
The Guns of Ilcllvf.
Our escort told us that again nnd
again news had como that Ilnvclock and
Outrani wero on tho way to fetch these
besicgod ones out of their wrotchedncss.
They had rocoived 11 letter from Havolook
rolled up in n quill and carried in tin
mouth of n disguised messenger, nlettc
tolling them ho wuh ou the way, but the
next news wns that Haveloek hail been
aompallcd to retreat. It was constant
vacillation between hopo and despair.
But 0110 day thoy heard tho guns of ro
liof sounding nearer and nearer. Yet all
tho houses of Lunkuow wero fortresses
fillod with nrmed miscreants, and ovcry
stop of Haveloek and his army was con
tested firing from housetops, firing
from windows, firing from doorways.
I asked our friend if ho thought that
tho world famous story of a Scotch Inu
in her delirium hearing tho Scotch bag
pipes advancing with tho Scotch regi
ment was a true story. Ho said ho did
not know but that is was truo. Without
this man's tolling mo I knew from my
own observation that dolirium somo
times quickens somo of tlio. faculties,
and I rather think tho Scotch lass inliei
dolirium was tlio first to hear tho bag
pipes. I dcclino to beliovo that class of
pooplo who would llko to kill all the
poetry of tlio world and banish nil tho
fino sentiment. Thoy tell 11s tfmt Whit
tier's poem about Barbara Froitchio was
founded on n delusion, and that Long
fellow's poems immortalized tilings that
uovor ocourrod. Tho Bcotoh lass did
hoar tho slogan. I almost hoard it my
self as I stood insido tho residency whilo
my escort told of tho coming on of tho
Seventy-eighth highland regiment.
"Wero you present when Havolook
ramo In?" I askod, for I could suppress
the question no longer. His anuwer
"I was not nt tho moment present, but
with somo other young follows I cow
soldiers dunning while two highland
pipers played, and I wild, 'What is nil
this excitement?' Thou wo canto up nnd
saw that Haveloek was in, and Outrani
was in, mid tlio rfgiinonlswriro pouring
"Show us whero thoy omno In," I ox
claimed, for I knew that thoy did not
outer through the gatoof the roafdojioy,
that Mng Imnlii'l uplindilo U) Weji tho
uiurriorar out. "Horn it Is," ituswarl
my (tfooit. "Huru It is tlio oinbruniiio
through wliiah thoy 0111110."
Wo walked np lo tho spot. Jt U now
a broken down jillo of nuU n du-an
yards from thu galu. Lung um nuvr,
hut than 11 blood Kwtlniwl, hullat wttr
rad ojwnlng In tha wall.
As w otood Ihura, iilllioiiyh thfiMwnu
wm IT i'initt hh", I Htw lliom mnu in
Hvalouk pal" and lik, hut Iriiuii
phujit, fliidoulfum, wliwi nil tlitfiiaa
iilfui fcluiww Im Ouluullft and Uurojw
aaiiMit tuo iffaiully inaaiil.
illnw at Mi.
"Wbai Ibuu UmiAt" aaldtoiny
MHuurt "Oh," Uu mid, "Ihul U imm-
altiia Ui tail 'hmmlit Vi'f)UiV
Irw Urn gato, aiJ mmn dlJ lh nnij uf
(Wtai ", ww wuw up muauni
u4 auwiu wiwi, aiM mm yrvfm, mm
ttiMnfimuM UitUlvdw k dWl avv
uiud aud mtmnU bUJ illu Wttflldj oil
. . . . 1 1
Uteir fitiua in uatUv ibtnu mvmmtuim H Uunt m ImmMh jwil In lha vuit j
hla iMiuh.ii (!, UU ml uf lMft Uurm, AtuhmthitiH, lliu Wuhmlte !
u.Lu,!.' kiii, u4 kiMMai iLuu mimI nuututiuuul lilt uuiillmHut lOiA
w . M .i t
u-4m4 iiiu Ian., mut w ulmr md
iiui, i; ( ud um vmmm iwt
tfi,.i i.oi .i u. iMajdtit) U iuiw iu
U U4U-d w' MWlUi )uUUm
ynUi, U ( .HUHi JttttMt, lia
ur " tM ,J to i4WHH M
lay 14 I"" ''a'" to wf Imffiu In
Ui U-Wul '' -d Ilia Unit ut ui
iMia i-' ' ' ' H4ia1 iiuHU Um
,di -( .1 n uhHtmM iHvitllAlHI
IL! " 4 "" '"-'. MM Ut wtraa
Jmi iimt M mi'W. Httmrntpmi Um
1W & "a My tit tmy
"Kui m I- t mkutmml Uy
imuiiu uWMl,Wiim
u umtiti i I m Mwr m
Rinnller rations immediately in ordot
that they might fharo with u?, but wc
know that tho coming of this ro-cuforoo-htcnt
would help us to hold tho place
until furlhtf relinf should como. Had
, not this firs belief nrrived as it did In
J n day or two nt most nnd perhnps in
any hour tl 0 besiegers would havo bro
ken in, nnd our end would havo como.
Tho sopoys had dug six mines under
tho residenoy nnd would soon lmvoex
plodcdnll." After wo had obtained a fow bullots
that had Itccn picked out of tlio wall
and a pleco of a bombshell wo walked
around tho eloquent ruiiiF, nnd put our
bunds into tlio tears tf tho shattered
masonry nnd explored tlio cemetery in
sido tho fort, whero hundreds of the
dead soldier's await tbo coming of tho
Lord of Hvsta nt tho Inst day, nnd wo
could endm-o no moro. My nerves wore
all n-tremlile, nnd my emotions were
wrong out, nnd I said, "Let ns go."
had sern tha residency nt Lucknow tho
day beforo with a bolovcd missionary,
and ho told mo many interesting fnots
concerning tlio besiepoment of that
place, but this morning I had seen it in
company with one who in that nwful
1857 of tho Indian mutiny with ills own
firo had fooght tho besiegers, and with
his own cm had heard tho yell of liio
miscreants as they tried to storm tlio
wnlls, mid with his own eyes had wit
nessed n sci no of pang and sacrifico and
endurnnco nnd bereavement and prow
ess and rcsouo which has mado all this
Lucknow fortress nnd its surroundings
tho Mount Calvary of tho nineteenth
Honors Tor tlio Hero.
On tlio following day, nbout four
miles from tho residency, I visited tho
gravo of Havolook. Tho sccnos of hard
ship and solf sacrifico through which ho
had passed wero too much for niortnl
endurnnco, nnd n fow dnys after Havo
look loft tha residency which ho had ro
lioved ho lay in a tent n-dying, while
his son, whom I saw in Loudon ou my
way hero, was roading to tlio old bora
tho consolatory Scriptures. Tlio telo
graph wires had told nil nations thnt
Havolook was sick unto death. Ho had
received tho messago of congratulation
from Queen Victoria over his triumphs
nnd lind been Knighted, nnd such n ro
ccption as England ncvor gavo to any
man sinoo Wellington camo back from
Waterloo awoitrd his return. But ho
will novor again sco his nativo land.
Ho has led his last nrmy and planned tho
last battlo. Yet ho is to gain another
victory. Ho declared it whou in hislait
hours ho laid to General Outrani: "I
dio happy and contonted. I havo for 40
yoars so ruled my lifo that when donth
camo I might fnco it without fear. To
dio is gain. " Indeed this was no now
sentimentality with him. He once stntcd
that in boyhood with four companions
ho was aconstotned to seok tho "seclu
sion of ono of tho dormitories for pur
poses of devotion, though certain in
thoso days of being branded ns Metho
dists and cantiug hypocrites. " Ho had
in early lifo been immersed in a Baptist
church. Ho acknowledged God in ovcry
victory nnd says in ono of his dispatches
that ho owes it "to tlio power of tho ICn
flold ride in British bauds, to British
pluck nnd to tho blessing of Almighty
God on a most righteous cause " IIo
was accustomed to spend two hours ov
cry morning in prnyer and Biblo read
ing, and if tlio army was to march at 8
o'clock ho arosa for purposes of religious
devotion at 0 o'olock, and if tlio army
was to march nt 0 o'clock ho aroso at 4.
Sir Henry Haveloek, tho son in
wlioso arms tlio father died, wlion I
camo through Loudon invited throo of
tho liorocH of Lucknow to moot mo nt
his tablo nnd told mo concerning his
father somo most inspiring and Chris
tian things. IIo said: "My father know
not what fear was. no would nay to mo
in tho morning as ho camo out of his
tent, 'Harry, Imvo you rend tlm book?'
'Yes, ' 'Havo you said your prayers?'
' Yrs, ' 'Havo you had your breakfast?'
'Yes,' 'Come, then, and lot ns mount
und go out to lxi shot nt and dio llko
gentlemen,' " Tho throo other heroes
of Luuknow (it that tablo told of Gen
eral Haveloek other things just as xtlr
ring, What n fcpeooh that wo Haveloek
mado to his soldiers iui ho started for
C'uwiiinir, India: "Over 200 of our rnoo
uro Htill ftlivo III (.'iiwnpur. With God's
help wo will havo them from death, I
um trying you severely, my men, hut I
know what you nro mado of." Tho on
Ihusiusni of his men was well suggested
by tho wildlor lying imImiji, mid, Havo
lock riding along, his )uiro stuinhlod
ovar liu soldier and woko him, and tho
Miidlcr iw)oiilzliigtliii(i'nnni) (triad nut
ehaurUy: "Make room for I he ganorull
God blw (ho gHiiurall"
UmtunV' Or MM'.
A plain juouuiiiaut murks Jlitvolouk'a
gravo, hut thu upllupli as Iwaullfii)
mid uoiiipruljeimlvi) us iinylhliig I Imvo
ovar aaaii. and uoplwl It iiiwn mid
lliaia, aii'l U U um followsi "Hero ml
ilia luurtitl ruhiafmHf four Huvwlwk,
major gwixral in thu UrllMi nrmy and
Knight Uuiumauilar ut thu JJnlli, who
(IM hi J)ilkihu J.iiokhuw ut dywwily
littftuml l& lta hujdjihip of u mm
jwlHii In wnluji ha uoliltivtaj InjiiiuMa)
faiMu, uu lha IMlh uf Novanilwr, JK07
Ma yu Imnt uu fhu filli nt Aid II, 170ft,
t IIIImi4, WanuunihiMiuniy, Duthm,
iw'H'auo ituiaiwi im; imuy iaio
l'm tu IhMh 1098 oii'l wrvttl Ihara
Willi lllllll IlllOO Hllllll (III ill IJIWlll
it .I.... ... .... .i .. 1 .. . .
It t .1 l . .A I .. . I ..! .1 I.. I
mU4JmI i0llti, n wm tlm ylw ut
Ui Ufa lo tlitw Dial Uw liruMi uf
l'UtilHh I UWiWilil Willi (ha rvllMil
ii4mgti vf llw iuUm uf miAlxr flu I
mmtnuiuwn ihvmhh mum mm
HttdHlw f 11 luUp rr4 mm
1 atatf buuU (m Uta WWW tkaw) tjm
ititiNb tan Uta Ik Urn
ilMtt KUmm whUiJi limil
' l4a I La )ifv HATliMW uf
la.i 1 . . . 1
Ml lllW
iimnuriMi lu um
lmmn '
m ii, iiim vumi mmw
uompllshed. ' Bnt? ho wns not spared to
receivo on earth tho roward ho fo dearly
oarned. Tho Divino Master whom ho
served saw fit to remove him from tho
sphoro of his lnbor in tho moment of hia
greatest triumphs. Ho departed to his
rest in humblo but confident expectation
of fnr greater rewards nnd honors
which a grntofnl country was anxious
to bestow. In him tho skill of a com
mander, tho courago nnd dovotion of a
soldier, tho learning of n scholar, tho
graco of a highly bred gentleman and
all tho social and domestio virtues of n
husband, father and friend wcro blend
ed together, and strengthened, harmo
nized nnd adorned by tho spirit of a truo
Christian, tho result of tho inflncnco of
tho Holy Spirit on his heart, and of an
humblo rolinnco on tho merits of n cru
cified Saviour. II Timothy iv, 7, 8: 'I
havo fought a good fight I havo finish
ed my courso. I linvo kept tlio faith.
Henceforth thero is laid up for mo a
crown of righteousness which tho Lord,
tho righteous Judge, shnll givo mo at
that day, and not to mo only, but unto
all thorn also that love his appearing.'
This monument is erected by his Bor
rowing widow ana fnmily. "
Knclnml Cnrrlrst.
Ib not that magnificent? But I said
whilo standing nt Havclock's gravo,
Why docs not England tako his dust to
herself, and in Westminster nbboy
mnko him n pillow? In all her history
of wars thero is no namo so magnotio,
yet sho has expressod nothing ou tills
mnn's tomb. His widow roared tho
tombstone Do yon say, "Lot him sloop
in tho rogion whero ho did his grandest
doeds?" Tho samo roason would havo
burled Wellington in Bolglum, and
Von Moltko at Versailles, and Grant nt
Vioksburg, nud Stonownll Jackson far
away from his bolovod Lexington, Vn.
Tako him home, O.England I Tho res
cuor of tho moil, womon nnd ohildron
nt Luoknow 1 His oar now dulled could
not hear tho roll of tho organ wlion it
sounds through tho vonornblo nbboy tho
nntionnl anthem. But it would hear tho
samo trumpet that brings up from
nmong thoso sacred walls tho form of
Outrani, IiIb follow horo in tho over
throw of tlio Indian mutiny. Lot par
liament mako appropriation from the
nntional troasnry, and somo groat war
ship nndor somo favorito admiral sail
across Mediterranean nnd Arnbiau sons,
nnd wait at Bombay harbor for tho
coining of this oonquororof oonquorors,
nud thon, salutod by tho shipping of nil
froo nations, lot him pass on nnd pass
up and come under tho arches of tho
nbboy and along tho nislos whoro Imvo
been carried tho mightiest dead of
many centuries.
Somo nudionces nud somo roadors aro
so slow of thought and so stupid that
thoy need nn application mado of ovcry
subject. But tlio pooplo who got this
sermon hnvo mado tho application for
thomsolves already. I ehallongo you to
say whotlior or not I havo kopt my
promiso when in tho oponing of this dls
courso I said I would show yon four
tilings whnt an awful nffnir war is,
what gonuino Chrlstinu oharactor is un
dor bombardment, whnt is tho coronation
of Christian courago and how splondid-
ly good pooplo dio. And hero ondoth
my first Bormon of tho round tho world
Olcaiitlo Kztliict Illnlf.
Tlio giant of nil tho foathorod bipods
was tlio colossal oplorulfl of Madagascar,
Tho solontifio announcement of tho dis
covery of tho romaltiH of this gigantic
species of bird was mado by Gooffroy
nt. llllnlro, tho groat French savant, ou
Jan. 27, 1851. Tho speolmon of which
ho gnvo n description had boon found
in n guano bed nud stood over IS foot
In height Tho egg found among thu
bones, described by tlio soioutiflo French
man, was ns large as a two gallon jug,
an experiment proving that it would
hold tlio contents of six largo African
ostrieli eggs, or 118 common hen eggs.
Tho glunt moa, which is believed to
havo huticceutlybecomooxtiuctiu Now
Zealand, was larger in point of weight
and bulk than tho eplornis, hut it only
stood 0 feet high, quito high enough,
however, when it is known that its
weight was not less than 1,000 pounds.
TJ10 great auk is another sjwjoles of
bird hut recently extinct, Tho most ro
murkablo thing about this largo auk Is
thu fabulous pilceanownskod and given
for upeoluiouH of its eggs, Quito recent
ly on egg of this spooler was sold in
London for fl,83o. Ht. Louis Jtopup'
The I'fiiu ut Jnterl,
It appear (hut Mr. W. & (JUbort Is
not tho Sirt or tho only dlntlugulabud
KiiglMiman to nuk ufiuiiHiusollgu or an
jnlorWow, Tho Now York Bun' corn'
spoiidout In Joiidon ouoo upon a timo
wroto to Mr. OlwUtonu unking lilui for
uu liilecvlow on thu lllsh fjiiiwllou, wid
In tlio oouoo ut u uonvorsuilon whloh
followwl with Mr. (ilmlstouu'a loarotu
r it was Jwii'iiud tlmt fm ut fW)
would bu oypwitwl in paynmit tor tho
Intorvluw, It being undeiaiuod Hint Mr
Olnilatunv ahuulii wjllo It hlmMf, iiml
lliu makki It inillioillHtlVH. Jird Jlob
aria Iliad lliu prloo wf 100 tor m In
larvlaw njsii thu ihimtlmw war )m
iwaau JJngluiid and Uiitin un imuiiior
l-iulu;i.--riii UitmUl
Mwowl la Hl.
'I'lm Um ut man, with iwy
isjir uf imtiAuiittt lw4t ihu wilM, whm
Imuulju tua f Jik miiry ut ili hi
iOmu Turriiutf by u rfnty rhufllf u lr
(Jltya wi Til Umm uf il tMuUm
wfi uiukut uui lfWU ithjMUl, arlijwii
ly y Hti wuiitu thtrnf anafoliu
uu4tUlmllf u44 Utfikry uf mm pn
wmt YfUu Imt utmim Urn hi urnA
uulyLuimUii Ui um trndt-fhUuH
imuHr tlUk Va.
mmit mUmit dmW mm)
hmh Huitiuy, Ui mbd um u my
ym mil, mm ihwiih i;iii imti-
4 "wum" m
tmmlui attdnm-
im LuaAiaa
mm ummti u,
ant uUtmm,
liiUkMiia u
lM Will' .
Judge Saumiars
a- m
Says that For Rheumatism
Hood's SarsaparIHa fth .
Judge T. JT. Saunders
Ot Osceola, Neb., senior Tlco-commnnder
ami present comman Jer of J. P. Itoynolils
Post, No. 20, a. A. R-, voluntarily wrltesi
"I was la tho army tour years, was wound
cdand contracted sciatica and rheumatism.
I have sutlerctl over since I lost theuso ot
my lei t leg nnd sldo, and have tried almost
every medicine known, and I think I hnvo
hmt tho bost physicians In tlio country, but
failed to Ret any relict Every spring l
was Hut on my bade, and must say that
Hood's SarsaparIHa Is tha Bet
medlclno I havo evor taken. It has SOno
mo tlio most Reed. It was recommended
to mo lor rheumatism, and I am satisfied
nnd know that It will do all that you claim
Hood'Sparuu Cures
tor it. I do not want to say that it wilt
ralso a fellow from the dead; but It will
como tlio nearest to ilotne It of any medl
clno I havo ever known," X.I'.Saundkks,
Osceola, Nebraska.
Hood's Pills aro tho best after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, euro hcadaeho. 25c.
i Mustang
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
AH Cattle Ailments,
AH Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it In & Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
AUulanjf MhIi1 coHjri
Makes flan f Ilrwt wcN
m 1M,
f far ?,00i
In not f ouinUlc
Without piipU)
(umlum amy elemM ff
iwumjf mi wnm i it mmii'
hints, lUMJiiiiiitf, hevlliiif, mmk--
wl, tift'i ImnAw, M Hlw
il$wly mM i IniMite, A mm
flali HMitwl thml'U lW&titfl
to sm iim-9 ji wm wiwi
yvvvwr rt
UM Hv8liy jtW44
Mr Kr: MMmnBMMVtMw
t WF
bwaidii Ja i" wum nwf" iiH
WW ""fit wW WV WWf J'Wf V'J
watt ulr iw i' "" ' ,