"1 PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Shortness of Breath, Swell, ing of Legs and Feet. "For about four years I was trou Wed with palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and swelling of tho legs and feet. At times I would faint. I wa3 treated by the best phy Bicians in i Savannah, Ga., with no rb 1,(& I then tried various Springs, without benefit. Finally I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also his Nerve and Liver Pills. Af ter beginning to take them I felt better! 1 continued taking them and I am now In better health than for many years. Sinco my recovery I have gained fifty pounds fn weight. I hope this state ment may be of value to some poor sufferer." l E. B. SDTTON, Waya Station, Ga. Dr. Miles' neart Ouro Is sold on a positive cuarantoo that tho first bottlo will benefit. AlldruKBlstasollHftttl. 8 bottles forts. or ,,!! i? s ?..' Pr,c.Pa'd' ,on receipt or price bw the I)r, Miles Medical Co., Elfcr- CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, First Nntlonal Hank Building, BALBM, . OREGON. School now In session. The "NEW SYS TKM OK JNTEK-COMMUN1UATION BUHL JJESa l'UAOTIOE," recently introduced, the crowning feature. Bend for catalogue or col Icko Journal. Address W. I. HTALEV, -3I-w Principal. CLUB STABLES. W. II, DOWNING. Kull upply;ol horses, buggies and backs. Iltst of cure given to transient stock and boarding. Corner Kerry and .Liberty streets. 43-ilake specialty of taking parties to coast or mounts! HIUR. 7-7 GEO. C. WILL DEALER IN Btelnway, Knabo, Webber, Emer son and other pianos. Htoroy & Clark and EariiefT organs. All first claps makes of dewing ma chines. Smaller makes of musical instru ments and supplies. Qonulne needles, oil and new park for all makes of machines. Bowing machines and organs re paired and cleaned, Two doors north of postofllce, Balem Oreuon. Cooper Shop, CYKVS STEWART Itujopeuud una Iiop north of Mini's mill, In lioutl) Bulem. wljert) lie Is prepuitd to make mid repair ll kinds of ooopwruKe, nueli as nails, tubs, kegs, harrnU and chums, Duly Ilia best sMUoued stock used, l'foo reason, able 7)tt-dv $1,500 REWARD OFFERED, The undersigned niloislfyrewsrd lor Hi pravlutiuu tit Cue parly or jiarUui who buriiMl Ills burn uiiuhorsts mi the nujIUol JteMmilw )'t, JbW, llu will alw) my tm for each ncct. Feed BBC.Vood i, n,.imviBi, 911 WilliH8Ut ywyFkll Jtumi em I my rtteiufiyti isnMmmums mm)wm.ir"- niwrn t.. -s DRESSMAKING ll) Shy ' MMi liAHUluHAMSHnhM '''' W.ft4-HWtaiHUi!,tfiifiilW. rwn rt m ninmm SZ vvl CtZ&tJxz, II..:. HI!., Vans, 'ji iniiiiniioiiw, THE LIGHTHOUSE. Tho lighthouse st ly tho wavo washed strand And shulri ka. iiciif ..f. eettttfP!,8allhOm0' And fog drops down on yonder tewn: It lies upon the Boa. Tho Hghthouso tower Is stout and strong Amid ho surging spray j S'm Rtnml UlB Bllock on lts Good rock. Whllo years will glido nway. -J. II. M. Wright in Good Housekeeping. JEALOUS. Mr. D. Bashford cherished high ideas of men, ns opposed to women, and had exalted notions of tho husband's domin ion over his household. Mr. Bashford had forbidden ids wife attending tho innsquerado of tho A. Z. A. sooioty. Ho had his reasons for so doing, but his wifo thought he might havo made known his wishes in n little less imporious manner than ho elioso to adopt. Tho ball was set down for thoovoning of tho 20th. On tho morning of that day Mr. Bashford went down town nt tho UBual iiour, but during tho forenoon had occasion to visit n section of tho oity that led him past his own residence. His nttoution was suddenly arrested by a young woman with a largo bundle, ascending the front Bteps of his houso and ringing tho doorbell. His perplexity was increased when tho door was opened cautiously, tho young woman admitted promptly, as if by n previous understanding, and tho door instantly closed again. Mr. Bashford's curiosity and suspi cion woro arousod. Should ho linger and solvo tho mystery or dismiss it from his mind and go on about his business! Ho debated tho question irrcFolutoly for a moment and finally decided that ho must know what was going on in his own house. Ho had not long to wait. Tho young woman soon reappeared, but without tho bundle, and walked briskly down tho street. Sho led him to ono of tho busiost and gayest streets nnd finally turned quick ly into a celebrated costumer 'a establish ment! Mr. Bashford was astonished. Could it bo that ins wifo was venturcsomo enough to disobey 1dm and hart hired n costumo with a view of attending tho masquerado? Ho did not linger long in meditation. His wifo's audacity must rccoivo n so voro rebuke. Tho proprietor was a woman. Ho ac costed her thus: "Madam, would you object to making $5 in as many minutes?" Tho person addrossed intimating that sho would havo no objection to that sort of thing, ho centinued: "Then dehcriho to mo accurately tho costumo delivered by tho young woman who entered tint) storo n moment ago or olso hhow mo ono just liko it." "Well," said tho woman, hesitating, "that wouidu't bo oxactly regular, you know." "I understand that, hut I can prove to you if necessary that I havo n right to know, and that no harm can possibly oomo to you by your tolling mo," "Oh, well," said tho woman, "I pro sumo it will bo ull right I Tho costumo was that of a Turkish lady, Hero Is ono just liko it, except Unit tho hood is blue instead of scarlet. " "Yes just so," said Mr, JJoshford. "Tho ono (lint tho yonutf woman left at 64 street has a wmrlut hood, has W" "yes, sir." "Very woll, Hero nro your ?8," He mado no allusion when ho went homo (o his 6 o'olook dlniw (o (ho cir cumstances just related. )Ioimi)yuid to his wifo Ixjforo Jwiviiift wondurlng tho while at her luwxwiit and uiiqod etrainud douiounon "As I (old you would jnobubly ho (he case, Loulsu, I fcliull l iMulnwl down town by hiwliiuw tonight until Jut" "Oh, dour, J urn sorry I Jt In w June bonie lhw.0 Jmitf ovwiliitfs wJiwi you ohllod(olwy." Tho "hmdum'1 wJiluh wiw u dtdulu hlin was of u wdiiowlmt Hurl I lug ehur aottir. Mint spuming t4w( Uinfli4 hlsoOico hu MuuMtflwi k u uuitiniw'n iMtalJllchiiiMit and ilfuud hilf lu thy himd of an uiUt, im f luuH and (wlluus iiw, lrwwfufM4jd hlin ilHu a lildtwii luvliUw wOlwi 'J'lil iluiiv, m ordw) mrrim1 w pvw (limiUuiw tu bt Mvm lu ih 4w WhW liW lUMMlUHfMtU ww U) i JwW u mmiiuu lu hut touir f ImUmh iblitf. Hwy Um4 M Uim, mt mm ul fjv did w4 4mm H( ). UU WfdlM-l wtm MtfUdr Kw unwwi tm mm, pw uitf ionium ito ajrH? ...i-L j1mjj1 JjL il MN0- "Ym" aU tLmt U HMi VlV " a nt if D h" tUMM ? .i ...,i j ,4 l.w m.'HHt tmm ymtmwmmtmW mm,. mmmmmt mtm ,'bW M HMM j4li UMH. vim mwmmI MLi AU) lU nv wiitt- -if It wero 8l:e was unwoutodly vittr vivr.nions nnd entertaining. But all or a sudden tho Turkish lady donated him ami joined n Itomun sonn tor on tho other sldo of tho room. Bho conversed with hint in a low tone, dano ed n sot with him and afterword ex changed sonio privnto words in on ap parently very confidential monitor. This fairly maddened Mr. Bashford with jealousy. Finally ho got a ohouco to speak to liar ngaiu. "Squaw must not leavo her bravo," bo murmured. But sho only laughed tantalizingly. "I think 1 hear tho pattering of rain drops," he said. "Shall wo not stand in tho open door, whoro it is cool?" "Yes," sho replied, "for a fow mo ments. It will bo a great relief. " Thoy approached to tho doorway and stood looking down a short flight of broad stone steps, which led to tho sido walk. Beyond could bo seen n solitary carriago, with a dim light glimmering from tho driver's seat. Tho driver him self had sought sholter from tho rain within tho carriage. Mr. Bashford looked cautiously around. No ono was in sight. Ho then coughed in a poculiar manner. Tho driver instantly emerged, leaving tho carriage door open, and walked careless ly forward, seemingly to inspect the harness of ono of tho horses. Now was Mr. Bashford's time. Ho suddonly seized his companion round tho waist, thrust his hand undor her mask andpreBscd it over her mouth, and ran with her to tho carriage "Scream and you will bo murdered," ho muttered in her ear. Ho thou forcod her in tho oarriago, stopping in after her. Mr. Bashford hold his fair prisoner firmly down to tlto seat and admonish ed her in tho harshest tones ho could command to remain silent Sho cowered down submissively, evi dently too torriflcd to speak, trembling and panting violently. "What is to bo dono with mo?" sho summoned tho courago to falter. "HuBhl." ho growled. Still the carriago rattled on through numerous streets and alleys, tho driver having been instructed to tako a long, roundabout course. Finally tho driver gavo a loud oough. This was a signal. Ho had calculated that tho dovious course thoy had taken would so bowilder his wifo that her ideas of locality would bo oomplotely confused. Ho wanted to impress her with tho belief that sho was being car ried to somo den of unknown horrors. ' 'Hero wo nro, ' ' ho growled. ' 'Not a word from you, my boauty." Ho rushvd up tho steps, carrying his captivo undor ono arm. Unlocking tho door with ids night koy, ho rushed with her into tho houso. 'A loud scream greeted his arrival. Tho gas was burning brightly, and in tho middle of tho room stood her arms thrown up and hor eyes protrudiug with horror ids wifo J He halted in diro astonishment and dUmay, still retaining his hold on tho Turkish lady, who had by this time fainted. "Louisol" ho gasped, But his wifo only gavo vent to a piercing shriek and retreated to the fur thermost comer of tho room. "Don't you know mo, Lioujso?" "What does all (ids mean?" sho eald, stepping forward cautiously, "Whyoro you disguised to frightfully, and who is (his yon have wJ(h you?" Mr. Jiasliford's Ixiwildonueut was so groat that ho had entirely forgotten that ho was still supporting tho Turkish lady, and ho now nearly dropped her, "Haven't you been to (ho masquer ado?" ho demanded of his wife, "To tho mosquerodol Certainly not, " "Then who is this?" "Thut. How should I know? Why, as I'm ullve, it's oh, Dlo, what nndor (ho sun havo you been doing? This Is Kiumu Jhiithl" And Mis, Ilushford lit over tho prostruto form and et herself about up plying I ostoratlvos, TJiuy soon hud (heir olfeet, MU Huron sat upright nnd look ud Mlxmt h in a confused nmuwr. "ftoulga, U it you?" sho t'iolMtniwi, with Ifhtd J"'k and nluiokt friiillng ntftiii. "Awd w I rll M Oh, hor' rortti" Hha (xiuifht u gJI)jo of Ihv Jlidlun. "'JW, ihnrn, jiuynrwlnd Jjui,"mI4 Mi Jhwhfwd (toothing). "Wt only nit" "Jhu, yuvr husband, IbwunywhoHd nuimi m1 Oh, whui do ( all juiif" iMU llw Jwkud at Mr- Jhwh'ord Uiijnlrtidy wJ ww now fwitl fc ' tt did It wflli vwy hft'J Kfw id ttiftwddwil u fluwiiiwrJmf Vhwihu bad uutwMud, hit wifv 4i "Awl Hi yuw llHWifld ill" ull W tut m wjmi J "id m It hrwbxb(hM U tWWH4JUv lliHM' Tm HUM rtwttM fit m Mh, nw) J M it fiUi4 ko urn mw tw wwm It Imi my h iri MkMt m mm Uii, im i IfcUtk Um4 jm wu)i Iwry ub Jiltlv truMi lu uuil" ir Wuntt, rMvtwl. mummij mm lu vmti In lb UMl AT mm Wm&m wwytf -j-p Mil w ww wf m w jiirnf- ultwtf " 4u fnirim Xi yytiu) mm m mm MW Wf t lmf!ZmiImmjmwmW' mi tmm r-- W i- lilS i. t-- amm buhp m 9vw w i. T i" ..,.t.i..iiiiALtf -' tuimii mm (m hwotv. rr I IMiiMU - ti - A. 6 WAND COAOILMAN. I'.E I J AT THE HAU OF THE LOUD MAYOR OF LONDON'S STABLE. A l!lc illBii l'l.yslntllr nnd In Other Ite spects Tlia Cnrrlnco nnd Horses Lord Muyorn Mny Comu nnd u, but tho Concliman Is n fixture. An antediluvian spectaclo was pro parod for mo in tho stables of tho lord mayor of Loudon. In a vast courtyard tin enormous carriago mado of gold, to which woro harunsscd six mngivlllcont brown horses; harness ornamented with massivo copper, chisolcd by an artist, if not with tasto nt least with n groat doal of care, nnd n multitudo of ribbons nnd cockades of n cherry color. On tho Feat, six foot above tho earth, tho concilium), but what a coachman, my friends! A coaoliman tho brcod of which has been lost sinco tho tiino of Louis XIV. Ho woro n wig with n box tuple lino of curls symmetrically ar ranged, had n bicornorod hat on his hond, and howorohislivoryns Welling ton after Waterloo must havo worn ids uniform. His livery lias a grand air. It is black nnd gold. Tho frock is too or namental. Tho black velvot of rt disap pears undor a thick embroidery of gold wheat and flold flowers of purplo silk, bnt tho chest on whicii it is opened is so ample, and tho largo epaulets, with gold fringes, fall with a nobility so im posing on nrms bo fat and bo firm, that ono cannot find this exhibition of woalth excessive Tho carriago is n poom. It is of tho purest rococo stylo. Massivo in tho low er part, tho panels of which nro orna mented with nllogorio paintings, tho box is exclusively formed of looking glasses hold together by n light framo work of gilded wood. Everything is gildod, from tho Cupids which hold tho box to tho chimerical figures which or nament tho platform whoro tho grooms stand; from tho Tritons which hold with thoir Btrong arms tho scat whoro tho corpulent Phaothou is enthroned to tho sholl whoro ho plnccs his feet; from tho hub to tho tiro of tho wiieols. Only the interior of tho carriage is not gilt. It is ornamented with red cushions. "Havo you seen everything?" asks tho fat inntu I say "Yos, " and Mastor Wright descends from Ids porch. Ho puts asido with sacerdotal slowness one by ono his hi com or ed lint, Ids wig and his frock. As ho becomes asimplo mor tal ho talks and smiles. I smile, too, bccauBo ho strangely rosombles Coquo lin. Ilia trumpst shaped uoso is particu larly n success. Master Wright is not too proud of it. Ho is proud only of ids size. Ho talks of it with ovidcut conceit. "Do you know," ho says confiden tially, "that I measure from shoulder to sliouldor 47 iuches? To bocomo n niomber of tiio Royal guard, whoro thoro aro splendid men, you need only 43 iuches. Somo of thorn measuro 4!). Thoro aro boiiio who measuro 4 1, hut thoro is not ono who measures 47." In the harness room In u spooial room of which (ho first coachman nlouo has tho key- Wright hands to mo ono of tho sots of harness. Its weight is fabulous. Kncli horso carries 110 pounds. Add to this tho enormous mass of (ho car, and you may understand why it is that ordinary horses will not do for tho annual parade. Tho livery man who litis charge of (ho siublcs of (ho lord mayor is compelled to search for two months In ndvuuoo In order to (hid the six horses destined to drug dur ing (his niouioriihlo parado tho formida ble machine, Tho rest of tho year thoro aro only six horses in tho stable, Thoy uro all bountiful, but' of it smaller size, four of (hem uro Jiuniessed to (ho hoc ond ourrlugu, (ho lord mayor' dies carriage. Two aro harnessed U (ho wiiiil state oairlngu. Tho ourrJuKw aro not (ho jirojiorhr of (ho lord mayor, hut of (ho oity of wtu don, They nro routed by (ho year, Tho price Is vury bltfli, as (ho coat of tmm and (he minting on (ho panels must m ohangod ovry yuar. Tho iswiond car riago oosts 4J8U0, Tho arms of (he oily of London aro of uhhxiM ouppur, An ulutfuiit anil liio gallery nt lb "( of tho vyugon is nmdu of (liu Hint iwid- Thuroumfnur Umu. itful iMuHuwl iHoUrns At tho four mr lists Thw jwnvls tiio Id null and uulft, TIid auuuhMu' tmt i ooviiud Willi hi auk and r4 v.'lvut. Tli srvu if ihuhMiW I uuiiijmwwJ of u hwl mm-humi, of it vwiul mmli ami, mow mumdnWy dovoM lo ihw Imly juuyoJMMt ut a jirlfulo aouvhiintM, ?(mmi, h niM and I w jdablo lws 1ii4r UM vw Hfti iilO wwk "I wuvhl w4M-,"kiiii) Wnld, Willi II immUllH MMlUk "tkt yW Will ask wiml Ih uot ut my vtiy In WU. iMf HMirurw ww mil (ut hy Iho loid www iiy tmmuy, U mrt wa "I'mUWit!' ' I rnMt "fifU tit Hot tmm ii wry rmr " ut 1st my mumwi wm nwi dtmm Uf U ilotJf W ku$ Utm WW7 ym my tin ml ' I'CmtulMlt"" UUinUuuuyimuy imdy umf w tM lUii ym wt i xufi'ftff Hutt Uw wi imMmal'm of Uiimtw km fmd lm UiH io Urn wit 't w' v W1 ,u mi tAwiM V H'WW "" ' 'M- U W mm) I, "Um ym M m mHwv ' Hm& WImv md m Wltil lutbH ammM 14 m my to ufl tf M mmgmhimt tmm M WM M l&mmvHt' mm U W M mm mmw am V w mmm men M H LusklitkilWilfc! w&mml'i1 1j,wC tmmm Ut ' fiT" " iirTi Vandalla, Illinois. Ivy Poisoning Eight Year3 of Suffering Porfoctly Curod by Hood's Sar8npnrllla. "C. I. Hood & Co., I-owoll, Mass. "Wo liavo trlod Hood's Barsaporillaand And it to bo all you claim Xor It. Jiy Ifo was lwlsonod by Ivy wlion a young woman, and for eight years was troublod every Hood'sXCures season with tho breaking out and terrlbla Itching and burning. I thought hers was as bad a case as anyono over had. Sho was In tills distressing condition every year until sho began to take Itood's Sars.v parllln, which has elTcctod a perfect euro, without leaving nny scars, and sho has had No Sign of tho Poison Sinco, , Sho is well and hearty. I havo taken Hood's Barsnparllla after tho grip with good results, and hnvo also given It to our four children. Wo aro all pictures of per feet health and owo It.to Hood's Bnrsapa rllla." J. C. FitEitAy, Vandalla, III. Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptly and pfflf lenlly. on tho liver nnd bowels. Mexican : Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, I i i ii Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Scut of Pain and Ousts it In a Jiffy, Rub In Vigorously. At iisUofc IJnliHt cttWfuerf I'kIm, Makes fhwi of lloutt wvli OJCBlllr Nerve Blood' Tonic iulldcr feiul t lit wit rm Ulll.ll IUI1 I'M WW hwiM, n4kttxklM,QliU P0ZZ0W8 lumhum e Umn hi li iJ winy, U li UmiiU yiwl, yvUiiji Jnrl)M, lillli I AMI i(?u iwim vwmwH JrMJsBjmr M" mtm mWmmtmmm.1 mW , QmtXlmmmmmW ' 'tmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Fa mm mivn Wflhwnt uil WW I nniiBi rvinu I AMI MUtM IWlM Mwmmi m in liiy p-t in iliM 4(if)iVi I teMtftw,Hlt$m ttiMi jj SCIIOO L To tho Btato.Board of ISducatlon-I'rolest Against 'Changes In Text-Bookn nt nuy Contract ilxlng prices for tho nut all vJE,, l 1J1,?! Governor Pennoyor. Pecretorv of 8ta(o MoBrlde and 8(ate Superintendent of " 0j)ti;u8truol,ouMclilroy.actlnRas tho Btate T Hoard of iSmmMmi of ,AIrllf:rYourpell,!0,n,c.r9' J,a.lr.OUBof tbo Pub"o schools, (axnayere and citi zens of Oregon, respectfully petition you to take no nctlou to btlal about .donT lion of new ser es of tiubt anohoni ti.ub .i ,i."i" . "".?u P- leglsluture, nor to enter Into any contract at present publ shereprlcc MmUm the text-hooka nnw In nun. nr i moa ii.ni .!. i. .'...." ?" ,. fnt.es swioiDg present prices, such price to & fted nnii Tm'alntaTncd by (bo puYllfhersfor tb next six years, as specified In that law. puunsnere tor tb In view of the fact that by state publication tho neonla of rlir,-ni, ..u obln nlnlng public school tWbooks at an average Kkrt ?bout Mwato iotoS ,. D , ., v.v...MUU o.utv. muiimuuiiM i no earnest uay.posslblo. NAMES. DIM CAPITAL II1L OnlvrOne Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast, CHEAPEST IWAPI I Hfil Receivinp all the Associated Press Disoatches. DAM BY MAIL PER WILL PAY YOU TO Vo publifih tho only Onk Oknt Daily on tho Faeific Coout and tho choitpoHt ond bout daily paper for tho money in Oregon. PJodHo lot uh know if you can uo any flarnplo copio o tho Daily or Wkrkly. Tlioy will bo eont froo, llomoinboi thoso aro ABsooiatod Vtum newpapers, giving all tho currant nowii of tho world irom day to day in largo tyj)o nnd attractive filyJo, TJiobo low hard times vatcn onnblo ovory farmer id lwv hia daily paper and know tho stuto of tho market' mid All tii iiowh of tho world, JCdltorial comment h fuarfowi and indopendont, Kdited by ffH publfHhorn to eoure good uovornmont for tho people ablo to deal juutly mid fafrJy with all, Only $0 OO yar m,6o for ix rnonthn. iLOO for four month, e&"N mmu miii imr (liuu! I out tr wlilch It U iwdBrwI." yOl;, Von ro tiio umn, U w ran not ml yon w not, imwi tUU n rnmnnw vnw whm ii iiih m iMPiw KfHIHl nnHt miyvim win ihu niii iar uiii inorwiy wuig jt, u mm m(, "I r"i' '" " m "m im hi ivn uiiwjii no ono nti nrfi . t A -I I. ., .T. ofwlldliiwtwi PIHl i-ui tin iffi . umniwiniw mi ONE CENT DAILY JOORHflL mwm Hi 'mmnm mRmnmimw nAhni Put y iHWHU lwl WiiJwtU.M M,, jffl wiw iaBjii -m ..,,...,., ., mmt urn rmwnm w,-i . . mmmmt mmWmanmml'mm- TEXT-BOOK PEBION. NAMES. YEAH m HEAD TIII8 : i'ft)IIIMI Hit pMl)y MtHlltr Ml) H mtm S9L00 imw umn moroiy m iik jl vi mwn, n uiibin iH'Wiy'Mrt pokjf HOFER BROS,, Publishers, II IV f'li . "I ' ' ".J . . ' ' " " ' - ' 'im m