Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 22, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    'UMtajMWiiw ' "'vrrf
It is very difficir..
to convince
;hildren that
lav medicine is
nice to take"
-this trouble
lis: not cxpen
Kiced in ad
Scott's Emulsion
Cod Liver Oil. It Is
tost as palatable as milk.
Jo preparation so ranidlv
builds up Pood flesh.
strength and nerve force.
MOtners the world over rely
upon it in all wasting diseases
tjiat children are heir to.
IPreparedby Scott A Down. N. Y. All drnciUls.
first National Bank Building,
School now In tfutnn Tim uMirur uvu.
Ka l'HACTIOE," recenty Introduced, the
vruvuiiJK iruiure. OfBQ lor VBiai02U0 Or COl-
Vtofi Journal. Address
BRTa" W. I. rta r.w
I-M-w Prlncloal.
IKull dUnnlv'ol hnrspa. tinei-lea nnrl hnnba
Best of care 'given to trunBlent stodt and
IboardlnK. Corner Ferrsr and liberty hiieMn.
K4e-iUke specialty or taking parties to coast
or mountain. 7.7
jCBteinway, Knabo, Webber, Emer-
; eon anu oilier pianoa.
Btorey & uiam ana isarnell organs.
-, iAii tirat, class mates or sewing ma
t chines.
- uuiunui uiuttra ui uiumuii
meats and supplies.
' Genuine needles, oil and new tiartx
for all makes of machines.
Jf (Sewing machines and organs rt
paired anu cieaueu.
Two doors north of postofllce, Salem
Cooper Shop,
haiionened unnshon north of Mire's mill. In
, Mouth Holem, where he Is prepared to make
audsrepnlr all kinds of cooperage, such as
falls, tubs, keen, barrels ana churns. Only
he best seaiouod stock used, frloes reason
able. 7 iH-rtiw
iTlie undersigned ollom JtWO reward lor Ih
conviction f the parly or parties who burned
hi barn uud horses ou the nltftit ol December
ft. Jit. ItsW. He will also pay JAW for each acces-
' swry to the crime. I own two good ranches
.,,, 'oud ra able to puy this reward,
k -. W 13 d&w6m Mehuma, Or.
Wholesale and Retail.
Everything In my line
uL lowest nrlces.
IV) uommemui sireew
Willamette University
t uiMt txirniilfte uud best iulmd music
hClWll DM UlB llOf lllWWl UU
i UnlVDrnllyandardii, Mtutmelliods and
Jlioiijiigli wuik.
yitti unuUw w('iiiibir , jkm,
si wu. x. mi
hie Wing &
JuiMiitMt huh riulHe" runny iiwai,r,iiiwiM
lui'iv unfit, wii tun
Uf ilium
111 lliu
mmi j,'tjju.' . m), m i
iniiiUHKir ifiiiim
-A Mil.
Vift ItUmli Pubthhm,
noon parii
jf....... ...
lilillt Wllll
n w .'.wt Brvirva m
FHit lnu4imw
WW HWHlHK. J)oooralliiffs
iiwd wooa '7 11 1 iiiri w
1115 to.
'. HUM
wnsiif all mIiji, wiliius Ufimi
nidsi)lliiKli VuilWiur, HsHJ
, (Sill) l.u.1 lA
rvh HiPLVvw:
frf"wfs...effiwiM lUfiiUij
A IIUlu Udu tjJ innocent
Out In tho at play
Had ihusud, without n thought or wroin
A mother lien away.
Her father spoke in earnest tones,
And gnfre tho words ho said,
TTbllo fihe, nnd for her thoughtlwwncaj,
cnt to her little bed.
Again at night fho Bought tho yards.
Fearless of ghosts or owli,
Where, upon porch or nest or treo,
Blumbereil tho precious fowls.
When they with terrifying noiso
Flow out and off, nil wild,
Tho master wtight to know tho causa
And met lils panting child.
"rather, I camo to kiss tho hen,"
Bho said in her sweet wuy,
"And tell her I was sorry 'causo
1 scared her j esterday."
Tho father clasped her in his arms
In liappiest embrace
"And I, too," said tho gcntlo moon,
"I kissed tho dear, sweet face."
Agnes E. Mitchell.
At tho llttlo dinner of threo whioh
Aloo Bradford was giving I hadn't
drunk more than threo glasses of wine
in all. But I have been a temperate
man throughout my lifo, nnd possibly
oven this moderate- indulgence- mado inc
unwoutedly rash.
Perhaps my unstrung norves had n
good deal to do with tho matter as well.
I had fled from tho homo of a tyrannic
al stepfather hero in Now York about
six yoars ago, when tho merest boy,
just after my mother's death. Count
less hardships had besot mo sinco then,
but now 1 had gainod in tho far west
at loast a hopeful somblancu of prosper
ity. I had como back with only a single
purpose to find my twin Bister, Ruth
Amborley, and bring her to dwell out
thero in Kansas with mybelf and my
boloved young wifo.
Tearful, yet striving to smile through
her tears, Clara had bidden mo goodby.
"It's drcndful to havo you go nlono,
Frank, " sho falteied. "Still, you know,
you owo it to your sistor. You nover
wroto to tell her where you wcro for a
long time after you'd driven your tent
stakos horo into Ashbyville."
"I know I know, Clara. It was my
jealousy, I supposo"
"Jealousy of a stepfatheil And of
such a shocking despot as you paint him
tool And how could Ruth hnva run
away with you as yon proposed hi your
madly boyish fashion? And as for her
not answering tho letters you'vo writ
ton her sinco remorso has begun to prick
you why, thoro iwi't a doubt that sho
never received thoiu. Hor htupfather's
probably movod away from whoro ho
usod to live, or it may bo that ho's diect
"That Ruth's dead, too," I broko in
dismally, "or drivonout into tho bit
ter world by that samo bruto who drovo
mo thero 1"
I was destined to learn on my airival
in Now York that my htopfuthcr had
died over two ycatH ago. Concerning
Ruth no ono could toll ma Our former
homo hold now (onnnts. I made count
less inquiries and oven put adveitibO
monts into newspapers. My htopfathor
had loft all his money, I discovered (no
groat sum eithor), to certain relations
iu Baltimore, Tiiese, answering my Jot
ters regarding the whereabouts of Ruth,
could only tell mo tliut who had left hor
Btopfathor 11 good while boforohis death,
and that thoy believed some kind of
qunrrol had caused tho Hopantion.
"Home klinl 01 quarrel r 1 lonorniy
inubed, "Oil, haw horrible to think that
tho sister I ouco ho dearly cherished may
bo in want and suffering I But of ono
thing I am cortaiu. Ruth could nuvor
go wiong, no matter what Jintoful orisis
overtook hor, Sho was and will always
stuv nuritv and refinement to lier fingor
tips. Our dear dead mother taught her
that and gave it to Imr oh wull as tho
strungo and hwout sanctity of inherit'
I wroto to my wifosovoral sod letters,
and one was so dospomtely lupuntant iu
its tenor that ho answered It with u
kind of sweet HavBgury.
"JIow ditro you say, Frank, that ymi
feol ns If yon had killed Jtuthr" ran her
response. "If yon want to inalto my
IuiiuIIiiu, wliloli I am trying to bear iu
brnvuly its I can, still nmro dUtrwwInK
to ii, you will not writ hrhIii Iji a
jiiood both morbid mid wi aUurd.
That uvwiliitf, whan I dtnwl at tlio
UruiiKWluk with AIo Bradford am
John JJatlmway, two riuwU wlimn J
had nitt'lo In lliw wix.1, and who wi in
Now York for aoiuiuurelul rwwm, m
(lltrtirwit from my own, I Mt far mor-
williwlly hojHilww tlmii J nrl to i
At tin) wmI of iiUrntr, vll! w wsr
drlublHK r w"1 Mui "K",1,"'
Iwk Jlwlford mlvmiitsMl III mm
tlnwiy, )mh f wtw twiivi! m Imd
Md hIwhi twwUmnmfoynnUy
ut "dnrkr mw runt-
"I Miv J itwhl At )uW wlmj you
my I aaiiV W wurb uflw a
With vimu)mnM II. kiwMkt-l U4 M
.rUJy.. . . ., ,. ...
Mk l.iw 14 yiMjrW. Urn, M
Mm wmII II . . .
Vim K" mii' ""1. ft
mf l uuwWll " rwwi
yui umn Wf" " -" r;--- r
1UM Ui It. 00'
UrwMuttJ it)
Ills Umm. UummUt "f
..... 1,1
(m JteMMMVitf
'." tv ,;; . u .i. l-i..- '
tl.U liul " 111,
....... ..11 .., 1 ,ii nml if us sustfCaPMi
BX r,zr, -p
HMitiy MWs
Mil il.u if .WM Wi .
lUibwwH j--. -9 Vu !
IIW. thH
.J... n.m .. .. Ililll. IslisUI 1UIM
" '
Jue, uid (ho piglit a Wnnd ono; honco
nMthnr of ns woro nn overcoat. When
nil was arranged, I resumed my orgn
ment about the safety of going nnpro
teetod into quartets of tho lowest class
es. But ldid not tell why thero had
lately como upon mo this boldness and
security. I did not chooso openly to
avow that in seeking my poor lost sister
"every whero" I had not neglootod
haunts of poverty and sorrow.
Of courso it was all a mad kind of
venture. If Bradford and Hathaway
had not both boon in that dovil may
enro mood which sometimes oomos to
visitors in a great city nftor dining
rather too well, I wonld readily enough
havo thrown our wholo plan to tho
Winds. But presoutly wo had entered a
cab, and in half an hour or so wo wore
over in tho oast side of tho town, among
Btroets many of whoso names I had
scarcoly hoard. Thou wo dismissed our
cab and wont into a horrid flaring den
of a place, with oloctrics in Its windows
and pictures of huge "schooners" from
which tho tawny boor prodigally over
foamed. "Tako nothing but sol tzer water," I
whispored to Bradford, but ho laughing
ly rof usod and called for threo glasses of
"Now bogin," ho rojoinod, and in
his twinkling eyes I read hints of in
ebrioty by no moans pleasant
"Come," I said, whilo wo woro all
threo sipping our boor in presenco of ft
groat, blond, moon JTaced barkooper and
watched by a group of shabby loungers,
"it's very plain, Bradford, that this
wholo schemo has boon idiotic."
"Ahal" giggled Aloo, "yon'ro back
ing out I I thought you would I" Ho
called for threo more glasses of boor,
haviug drank his own, and the bar
kooper, with great alacrity, whisked all
tho glassos away and supplied us with
fresh ones.
Hathaway slipped iu betwoon Brad
ford and mysolf. "Yes, Alec," ho anx
iously whispered, "Frank is baoking
out, and very sensibly. Tho idea of
threo sauo men like ourselves attempt
ing this bravado gamo of silliness in
flvo different places I Wo might rogrot
it all our Uvea Como, now, lot's go up
town and call tho hot off."
But Bradford tossed his head stub
bornly. Ho was tho best follow in tho
world at ordinary timos, but drink,
even in limited supply, had tho ugly
trick of demoralizing him.
"Not a bit of it, " he mattered. "Tho
bet isn't off at all. Frank Amberloy's
got to begin." Then ho loudenod his
voico so it could bo heard in overy cor
nor of tho big, vulgar gilded tavern.
"How much monoy, Frank, did you say
you had about you tonight?"
"Aloe," pleaded Hathaway's low
voioo, "look at that gang of rowdies
over thero I Wo'd best all concodo that
wo'vo behaved liko fools. Do pull your
solf together, old follow, and"
"How much, Frank?" cried Bradford,
with an obstinato smilo and a saucy
bhouldor shrpg.
Something in histoucsohallongod vay
reckless anger. I spoko as loudly as lie
did and at onco began to act out my
prearranged part.
"Fivo thousand dollars," I said.
Then from ono pockotl drowono roll of
sham bank notes and from another tho
second. "Twouty-flvo hundred dollars
in each of thoso littlo packages I" Hero
I lifted them both and guvo to each n
littlo ostentatious flourish. Then I re
placed them, adding, still in tonos cloar
and high, "It makes mo fool kind of
nervous, but still I don't doubt I'll
got homo all right."
"Oh, Jook and I will boo yon safely
liomel" cried Bradford, with 11 glanco
across his shoulder at tho listening
group of loafers.
Just then something touched my arm.
A yqunu woman, who must havo en
tered tho place bat a fow minutes ago,
stood at my sido. Some trick of tho
garish light loft hor faco in partial
shadow, but I could sco that it was
very palo and hollow cheeked as if from
"Oh, ulrl" bhq said to me In a trem
bling voice, "If you'vo got all that
money, perhaps ypu'H uparo mo Just a
few colnsl J'vo jiuvord swear it to you)
Ixxiii in bueli a place tm this before. But
J y so Muk that I lost my ohauco of
work In tho big uhlrt factory not far
off, and tonight my lamlludy has turned
1110 Into the streets, and, oh, sir"
"Frank, what's tho matter?" flew
from Alto Bradford' Jlpn as ho. saw mo
rwd n littlo and put my bund dluily to
my lieud,
"flood Uod. Hwthl It'nyoul"
1 4wulit her to my breiutl and show
itrul knw 011 her jor wastod faeo.
lly two U lends got us oarrlasjo Ixj
furu long I Juuriiw afterward that
Jlutli Winvisl llku tho strong, bravo Jit
tlu (irwtluru kliu hl n I ways Ihxu,
ijiuiiub Urn I win nfrtmmud down lier
shiuiikmiahwl", hut tout J babblod In
thy IHM Why and imrrowly nwjtjiwj
huh'K drMKHwl l 1-rlK'U w fllnordurly
Itulli Is at I101110 with Olaru ami my
wlf .w, and w ru both my linnny lij
liw uwiiwoy, IIiuumIi lliu rcturii of
htwlthfiil lwm to )'r ulmV ofl
HtalusJ us ImIIsvu that onu ndmlrtr out
b( u Imlf dw whom m lw y
ou )r(lRHy Nb us of hvr
iiriwiurn YHvin n"ivji h
t ill . u y.lll.. llis t
UMuy, iMil ll(Mlrl MO fnii "'
.j ' A.. by II10 wy, m Iw IIvm
.j f. fiuui Lrtir iCaiisas iowii, And W
utwuujH m villi '" MU' ,()tw
uT VsTi timu im I. HfPtttl w
.felft !"'K
& IJIMM 0 Wll'.
I 1 fir -j-rr--
ttTi.M illiluiaj
' ' ....1 tAiM -"!
writ W
J ' "" ",TT
Mm vHOi
04 w y
.., T. -Tvull t WM
I T amA vf ta H-ttw mhm !'
' liSST U- Muim wlwt r44 M
, '"
ftfUl 1111 -
. rr ". arM
V (1 ini VMi l.'.ul. U Kncilly AtlApt-
III I ... 1 ll TO.
ciiu-of tho swi'ui' mnel effeets in
lip' t cloth gowns i r' own in our illus
tration. It iH mado of biscuit colored
(ucxd eloth, a very popular and Ikhhhu
ing fnbrio. Tho -widely flaring skirt
falls in godot plaits iu tho back and is
garnished by n row of lace, bordered on
olther edge by rt narrow strap of cloth.
If a moro effective trimming is desired,
tho laco may bo bordered by bands of
brown velvet instead of tho straps of
Four bauds of laco, inserted iu tho
closo fitting bodice, divido tho lattor
into flvo strips, each ono of which ta
pors to tho waist. Largo opaulots of
tich brown volvet full over tho bhoul-
dors, and, if dosirod, may bo bordered
by an iusortiou of laco, laid ovor tho
volvet. Tho epaulets should bo lined
with brown silk nnd with crinoline or
haircloth. Tho gigot or leg o' mutton
sleovcs aro vory full and stand out at
tho shoulders. Tho high collar is of
laco, nnd a full bolt of brown vclTet ic
finished by a bow nt tho loft side.
This gown is peculiarly ndapted to
tho stout figure, as it produces n long
waisted appearance. Tills is effoctod by
tho narrow bolt, tho tight fitting bbdico,
without any fullness whatovor, and by
tho vortical trimming. Tho back of tho
corsage is garnished in tho samo man
ner as tho front.
An admirablo gown iu this stylo could
bo fashioned in dark bluoKugliHh sorgo,
with strips of mink fur substituted for
the laco insertion.
Tho epaulets and belt would then
bo mado of tho new black and whito
check volvet, with hairlino of ocriso,
nnd tho epaulets, would bo edged with
mink. Nairow cuffs of tho velvet, edg
ed witli fur, could also bo added witli
muoh effect. Philadelphia Ledger.
Ilrnko the Itecoril.
Miss Page of Norwich, England, is to
bo credited with tho distinction of being
tho first woman who lias ovor spoken in
tho Foresters' high court On tho con
cluding day of tho congress thoro was a
discusHion regarding tho wisdom of
electing a undo trusteo or trcasuror for
a femalo court. It was notablo that tho
lady leaned strongly to tho mnlo nldo of
the question, saying that "it was nou
seiiho to say that women wero as com
petent as men to manage or adviso as to
monetary nmttors. If tlioyolectod a wo
man to this ofllco, sho would consult
tier husband, and they thought it better
that tho goutlomau should bo consulted
direct by tho court and hold u position
of responsibility. "Loudon Lotter.
A Ilutktit Hull Tongue.
Thero is a movement on foot to form
u basket bull lengiio among tho swoll
girls of Now Orleans. Basket bull has
of lata, under the heading of athletlo
games, beoomo very popular in an tno
northern colleges, and in Wollevloy col
lego ono of our New Orleans girls is the
"captain of the team." It does not dlf
fer materially from baseball, only that
It is more reilned and lucks tho rougher
elements of tho latter gamo, although it
requires mueli tho samo requisites, ex
cent that of weight. It is hinted that it
Will Ihi "quite the thing" this wilder to
belong to basket ball loam. The young
JadUM at tint Hmithoui Athlutlu nluh, it
In rumored, will organize Immediately.
Km Hull In Im Uir I'mt.i,
An editor out wo!, liuving been nuked
If lioowr saw a lmhlliuded woman, ro
plledi "No, WMiievnr ifld. Nor did wo
uvur Hto u womuii wiilulng around town
In hwriihlrt Mwvww llh uliir between
liwr Im.Ui uud run Into uwy juilvoii sho
saw Wu have never mmoi a woman go
(UlilliH with 11 hoitlu In her isxikot, nit
down on Did damp giuuml nil iUty and
go lioinu drunk at iiIhIiI. Nor bitvu wo
mii a wumitu yank off lw ixMt mid City
Him Auuld uK any irnni In town No.
Und hlklMr, in Iwi't bnlll Unit way "
'NrlhWMt Wa.tt4uu.
',11 (Utt-rth
tUmmtuni fUilu) WnrwWom
htlUscMitids ut UMmuit litutiuil
VitdilUU Is WM, Mill) lilt lllHUtlHfO
lM U4 dmwIllM H llMi luJIuwl IM)
lium wllii dwwy pr-wu 'llw ffU l
ttHi brt4MMiid wr ut wliliw i-i-'n,
Willi y "' l' ,H", MMVWWI Will)
. ami itiuwhW MUlmu! MhU vlv 1,
um wWt alill' irimMMi wiiii
ptiii mm, wsnu turn ml wliU vtuw
TU (ft utstf urn.
4 WmwB M'sW'
fte, iHlVfMli4 m iU MMtui, of I)
NlltflM WMtMli Ni IN l IU JjMM
iMtrrf 'mm mwu I'm
vwisfiM, "t tw, sMIW
(I (. Urn, Maw"'"'- f "t
Ljutjitoto Ui tumid Mwr4i ")
ithsvitihttrw Al mdUhU v l
Yandalla, Illinois.
Ivy Poisoning
Eight Years of Suffering
Porfoctly Curod by Hood's
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.!
"Wo havo tried Hood's S.irsnparllla and
find It to bo nil you claim for It My wlto
was poisoned by ivy when a young woman,
and for eight years was troublod ovory
Hood'sS Cures
season with tho breaking out nnd tcrrlblo
Itching nnd burning. I thought hers was
as bad a caso as anyono over had. Sho
was in this distressing condition every
year until she began to tako Hood's B.irsa
parllla, which lias effected a perfect euro,
without leaving any scars, and she has bad
No Sign of tho Poison Sinco.
Sho is well and hearty. I hao taken
Hood's Sarsaparllla after tho grip with
good results, and havo also given it to our
four children. YTo nro nil pictures of per
fect health and owo It to Hood's Sarsapa
rllla." J. 0. rniiEMAX, Yandalla, III.
Hood's Pills act casllyyct promptly
and efficiently, on tho liver nnd bowels.
i Mustang
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissuo
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts It in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Miutang Unlnient conquen
Makes flan or Beast well
UllhltlUtl ti
Ut i'1,8!
Tn not eomi
H Cmnhlncs mm tkiiicot film
)my jtiul P'Jiiiy, hjhcuil.
yliHi mmWf )mh, wUU
lul, ati'i JikiiiiImk, ami Wlioi)
liglilly m l livlilhk A iwiti
i)i jlu dm! ilviil;ltf j)iol;'dli
i lli in In llix i;)iiimli
To tho Stato.Board of Education-Protest Against ICbanges In Tex.t-Beoka or
any Contract fixing prices for tho next six years: "
Governor Pennoycr, Pecretary of Stato MoBrldo and State Superintendent of
.guWlo Instruction Mcelroy, noting as tho Slate T Board of B&SSS. of
IZBirs: Your petitioners, patrons of tho publlo aohools, taxnayew and citi
zens of Oregon, respectfully petition you to take no action to brioZSwC ito
ion of new series of publlo school text-books under the law S bTtb?lt
h8J8,LniJ,e,nnl,or to eu.,er lut0 an.y coutrB0t 8t Prwient PubllshBprlcw fmSSuS
the text-booka now In use, or tboso that might, be authorized by jwr3it
present prices, such prices to bo fixed nnd maintained by the puMiffii for the
uoxt six years, as specified lu that law. F "'""" rOT ia
In view of the fact that by state publication the people of California are
obta tuning publ c school ext-books at an avrage price f about 80 WBte istocs
for the entire series needed In tho common schoSls, or about. oabMwSwi
pay In Oregon, we demand state publication nt the earliest daypowible
Onlv'One Cent Daily Newspaper
on the Pacific Coast.
Receiving all the
Associated Press
Wo publish tho only One Cent Daily on tho Pacific
Coast and tho cheapest and host daily papor for ,tho. money in
Pleaso lot us know if you can uso any sample copies o
tho Daily or Weekly. Thoy will bo sent free,
Kemomboi theso aro Associated Press newspaper, giving
all tho current mows of tho world from day to day in larjjje
typo and attractiyo stylo,
Those low hard timos rates enablo ovory farmer to have
his daily papor and know tho stato of iho mavketand all th
nowfl ot tho world.
t Editorial coramont is foarlosb and independent. Edited
by its publishers to secure good ovornmont for the people,
ablo to deal justly and fairly with all,
Only $3 OO a year l,6o for mix
months, $1,00 for four rnonthsi.
rNo pnnern sun t alter time! In out for wiiloh It la ot&re!,VM
l'OU, You nro tho man, If wo cannot get you to act, bawl kk to
Horioono who wan Is one of theso grund premltiiiu far dmtito irtUNK f h ih
Almost anyono will tabu this paper uioii merely Keclnir IU It mU Hum. It to
no cheap tin one can ollord not to have It, H cults reader lu My and MMWiry,
of nil (ilasm and parties
HOFER BROS., Publishers,
tWim HlWIVMVi, X Yptw urn io dddnw llow on o.y ot J)aV
WttllNil.) f
i'or un mum lj Dud DHimi
Puhyi) mull u "
Vnt iw umih u "
ll,ir ui u, II II
rui uu fii ...
mwkUQmwiitmwtiB!tM'wiMmiii Mmm m
. ...tM '( WMTSHNSW
wr wwuusM, m4i 'm j . lMrtM bf m'H ?nm w v
r w
MtHllWlVWlliWVvl 'fl4iM IMWWw
H WW W4fY Jll