Judge Saunders Says that For Rhoumatism Hood's Sarsaparllla Istho Best. Judge T. II. Saundcra Of Osceola, Nob., senior vice-commander and present commander of J. F. ltc)nolds Tost, No. 2C, O. A. It., voluntarily writes: "I was In tho army four years, v as wound ed and contracted sciatica and rlicumatlsm. I havo suffered over since. I lostthousooi my left leg and side, and liao tried almost every mcdlclno known, nnd I think I liavo had llio best ph) slclans In tho country, but failed to Ret any relief. Jcry sprlne I was flat on my back, nnd must say that Hood's Sarsaparllla g tho Best medlclno I liavo over taken. It has dona me tho most good. It was recommended to mo for rheumatism, and I am satisfied and know that it v. Ill do all that j ou claim ood'Sparm Cures for It. I do not vant to say that It wilt ralso a fellow from tho dead; but It will cpmetho nearest to dnlnp It of any medi cine Iluvoeerknown." r.lI.SAUints, Osceola, Nebraska. ' Hood's Pillo aro tho bcstafteii.ln cr pills, assUt digestion, euro headache. 25e. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, ' Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissuo Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts It In a Jiffy, Rub In Vigorously. AJutaiiK Miilmeiit cowjuen i'"i . .. Make Hon of- fUul well Hjalll JMooc! Nerve Tonic Bulkier ttui lit $t MIMiJNMU).. V'.fbtft liiNCifiKT 9fvf)t0 fimt-nnfimu ,14 -..!' huul ul l ,..uiy jl(UiU ll.M y lt.ll(ft U !! I,. ,...!.., j4 t . U ti.-lU A W4 in Wi liMtvU 1 " i. i 1 j ;! I !( VRM1rl8IU WWM' wmmmwmrm mW jMw'WWm MwMJJmLf irAawlHl W mwjt m,a7'.ammmw nkf'Mw T9WJW kmT " t i iiini M'nll l'l I it mi hi Kintn "MOT fcfcrfn II wwnmu If i vmmn UNIVERSITY PROPEIITY riie Porlland Syndicate Swindle in Iowa. SHOWN OP IN A Till LIGIir. An Unmitigated Fraud Under tho Cloak ol Education. iuiToit Jothnai.: The Iowa State itegwier, tiin leading nownpaiwr of Iowa, has for eomo time mat been training its batteries upon what it calls "tbo Portland, Oregon, university scheme." Letters hive been nublisbed from a uumber of victims, and its edi torial comments ure decided y piouted. One of the last letters published is from Ilev. B. F. W. Cozior, of Coif x, Iowa, who it seoms recently visited In Mos cow, Idaho. He says putiet selling university park lots In Iowa claimed that tho "site of the university was but three miles from tho center of tho city" and ilut the e wereextensiyu improve ments In .that part of the city where the university is located. The prices at which lots were sold were fiom $2-50 to J.450. The slz9 of ths loU ' aro 25x1 J 0 and 331x110. The sales therefore areat the rate of from $4,000 to $5,000 per acre and over. Mr., Cozier finds in Moscow a "perfectly trustworthy gen tleman" familiar with Portland values, who has lots 60x112 and larger, that ho wonld be glad to sell at ,$150 and they are midway between tho city aud the university. This is at tho rate of about $1,000 per acre. After stating other facts to the eame effect Mr. Cozier volnuteera the opinion that the "min isters who visited Iowa to put these lots on tho market aro not dishonest men or.villains, but he honestly be lieves that they have been misled by the syndicate owning tho property." It Is evident that nothing but the milk of human kindness Hows through the veins of Mr. Cozier, and he would be shocked to know that tueeo ministers themselves constitute the principal part of the syndicate to which he refers. Another correspondent has discovered that these University lots instead of being only three miles from the centre of the city are "about seven miles from the Union depot by electric and motor car," but he appears not to know thai the Union depot Is nearly a mile from the heart of Portland and that there are probably 10,000 vacant lots between the Union depot and Uniyerslty Park, not to speak of tho Immeuee amount of vacant territory nearer the city In other directions. Tub Iowa Register ex. presses amazement "that Iowa people have been preuched and cajoled Into buying $00,000 worlh of theso lots" und says "the echeme has mainly been worked among mlulBters und member or the Methodist church and school teachers" and that "most of tho 111' vestors will booh be glud la sell at any price to escape further taxes eto," The ageuts uro detcnued as "men who preach llko archangels on Buii Sunday and sll lots on wnek days to those whom they liavo bugullcd," Ji) U lust editorial tho Jteglslor wunis Its readers t "bowaro of all ministers who Uwn rtttl tstato project," uio. Tite allow from Jowa ruottll nieiiiof las of oiwurreiices Iwro In Onwm iliroocr four years ago. Hvun In those (hull Units uyury nmn wpII JiiforwwJ In w estate nmtUtis knew tliul tbe poor viu- tims who houtjhUhfeso lot wuu w tvr usihlr nioimy aguin.but ilibufiivl work wuut on, und ull lliw y tmm Ashland ulwr up IdUj tl iwtaliw "f Jduho Hip Imrd wrnsil mmv was uwmxmI nnt of lh imtA or mr fcM u.isis in lh mm u( rMttuu w hlhw wJHtnw,Md Uh in ki orrwt protlts, to ihiuvmit- i UluuUlly WoIUSj IB MlfU ulUt u1uid, Th W4HWU of lU tMJi n,uuiid u ilu wlr mvu DIM Willi AmW UHUiiUbmiilU AW, into N W " 'IT-" uluitsi WmW-rt W4 Minn rf ri.,Ml uw. ImtM l Wii ' r.M ut uv umw iUulWo i ti' w " ' " .... ...uu liuusy MiMiUl UM Pt " .r-r,VT. ..,. - . urn vM mmm"- ulkS w mm ' MM ll'ly IIMtfMMtf i uk mm wMHMir im s uist, u f; ...... i.. I ..Mil wM4W' " "" " . . ....l lu ... ..JkM.l.M.J Mfcifr Wf.iBfn - " .-" t . -Ui .. WJ Ww Uir iKi'' ' "7 ... ....J. Kiui lt tM ' w-" - - ',,w "" ... -,.. uu...u it par yuyi wv 'h....JlLJLZ,J!S. deception. Not at nll-ir you nre thof' n-ich'v prnimded in the fulth not if your name Is on tho church roll uot If your uiinracter wiw p sjed at the la-t sesloa f the coufervuee. He asks If It Is riglit to go oir into Iowa to sell Oregon land to Innocent straugera,at the rate of $1000 and $5000 per acre, when by tho slightest effort you can inform yourself ot me tact that better land aud more convenient can be had f.r $1000 per acre? This depends altogether on whether you are selling your own land or aro worklug n scheme In tho cause of higher education. It Is Just as honest, however, and much safer to operate such a scheme abroad than at home. Again he asks, If a church orsohool succeeds in paying its debts and build ing up a permanent endowment fund by unloading upon Innocent purchasers several thousand lots at five times their actual value, would the taint of this fraud attach only to tbo Inception of the school or church, or would It run through its entire history, aud could the fraud be condoned In any way ex cept by returning to tho victims the original amount of their lnvea'ment with accrued interest? What do tho Dean of tho Theological Department and the text books in Moral fcfclenco Bay upon this point? Everybody jinows how the Fathers of Oregon Methodism would answer this ques tion, but some of the Sons of Oregon Methodism are apparently po com pletely absorbed in the study of Calvin and Armiulus aud Tisohendorf, that they have no time to devote to tho practice and inculcation of the precepts of common honesty. WiU the church Inquire whether fraud is being prac ticed or will It silently sanction it in the interest of harmony and general good wlh? The Oregon State Bar As sociation has recently severely dealt with several delinquent attorneys charged with offenses that aro trivial in comparison. The chances are that white winged peace will spread its wiqgs over tho next conference as usual, aud the sale of lota will goon. Portlaud University asks the support of the pub'lc. It is due to its good name that It purge Itself of these charges of fraud, and as no man desires to ally himself with an institution without u future it Is proper that the public should know whether or not that future is precarious. Is It true, as charged, that Portland University is over $300,000 In debt? If not, what Is its debt? Is it true that It has to pay an annual interest charge or nearly $2u,000? It Is true lhat Its hundreds or . installment notes, are, after the man-, uer or Installment notes generally, ' worth less than 25 cents on tho do! lat? Why Is It that no detailed aud gpe-j clfic statement, showing Its assets and liabilities, such as any reputable busi ness 11 rm or bunk doing business with the public would give, can be obtained? Why should the liabilities be con cealed and the annual report of the Institution deal so largely lu gen eralities? Of course all these queries will be brushed asldo as emanating I rom an enemy of tho school and thu church. If they uro impertinent It Is proper they should be Ignored, If, however, they concern tho puhlln It Is proper thut they should bo fully and honestly onswert'd, Tather Waller would never have grown eloquent ever a trunk full of Installment notes while I'firefully covering up nil Indebtedness ufover 1800,000, Father Usllo was not revered for any Went he may have hud for writing thU advertisement of wild nut properly. J'uther Wilbur never In his whole life (quailed the perfuriuuDoo of one of our latter day ministers by making ver $10,000 In it single year as commissions taken out uflhe first liistttlmsoM puld on ol miMhUW'o Mm their wlusl value, 'j'liusif are idl modern accomplishment. The old father In ;re would Imve hull two slow for this fcleell Ionise. J I tliu g(d work goon. Hjd the ilsy when overybody will ipl lh i"' I ui "thu mid justinvs the mtaos." M the mt UlM who ha houglil a tut vustiifuiiy luitu ih" mwniwm, himI m liu mm fnm mwU lu utuuib w ' hU liiulliniol M hill HtMiifgrt ihf w( whu wsuis nw (jit fktj ihv ImW Ythu W hills timHuunimlmiAUuiW WMUHt iUii thut lly m Mnif MwiflMtl io llil usuw b MlhiiJ U(I WM Jl'Ki lu Wwi.llMIP lli VMIIIJUg iliUr, ilu4v Ihv ' u (h Mlwwh, U..V kiiii wumJw In lv mi lB(Mu ,uLm uulitliliUliUK UMW IHHl ttlWJ Ui y muti ut fatfKK h'tMtaw twJ w- mi tub m MMM wJ ' uvmm vmi mumututitm var "'""' - jjjBSgFMHfJU- r--!w"-!-i u. tmtmiZ!E f"aiasHB Rnmsmh imoiu Kmiukd.umt Hmn - MM ( lfWWS!U M.TfPSVTR .... aeAonKE U "7T- ..-a..l I 11.1'llU w WE CAfiSlTOT SPAKE healthy flesh nature never burdens the body with too much sound flesh. Loss of flesh usually indicates poor as similation, which causes the loss of the best that's in food, the fat-forming element. Scott's Emuisioi of pure cod liver oil with hypo phosphites contains the very essence of all foods. In no oth er form can so much nutrition be taken and assimilated. Its range of usefulness has no limita tion wnere wcuKncss c-wjj. Pro rir.il br Soott h Home. Chemltta. new xoric doiq oj an aniSffMis JOHN HUGHES. Scaler in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window Cilitss, Varnishes and tho most complete stock ol Brushes ot nil Kinds in the State. Artists' Slatcrials,Limc, Uair, Cement nnd Shingles and finest quality of tiltASS SHEDS New Advertisements. SITUATION WANl'KD-lly Rlrttodo neuj ernl housework; small fiimliy prfrerred Address.) B .Journal ollloo. 11 1 1-.U t. KlrtHKU. WeWKp iptr Adv. rtlslut; Ageut , 21 Merchants' ExeliiuiRO. Ban KruucUro, Uournutliorlzed ngenl. 'lliU paper 18 Kept on tl elu liUolUce. CUKIST1AN BCIKNOK-Lltcrnture or all tilndHon wale at 826 liberty street. 4-6-1 AllPEC l'AHKH Largo lot or heavy brown j wrapping paper lor Mile cheap. Just tho thing for putting under cnrpsL-. fall at Jour nal ofllce tf mj faXUMAAUi;. Uooa ucro aud platted I pnperty ou rngct found for property In WeMern Oregon. Addiexa Journal olllrc. B-'iUr nil I hulda ruplniG uuoro ull others havo luKfu. or sale uy J. i. rnrrmii. vn iinum street l'l-I-i r H, J. lliUUKlt, Alioinoy uiliiu.balem.unv gon utncfi over iiusirs uanit. STH.LL.A. bUh.ltl(V. Jyiiewriilng und oommerclai stcnogrnphy, Olll ce, room 11, Gray block, The best or work donontrca onable tulea. 12-2(1 PAi'hlto.- i'ortlai.U, ttiicraineiuo, ot utile, Tacomannd ban Kranclsco papers on tale nt liOHnett's 1'oitolllco block. Auctioneer. Having permanently located In Marlon county, Oregon, and being a thorouglt and practical auctioneer of 16 yarn oxpcilenro, 1 will cry all klndN ofni'e, pub to nnd private. Heal estate u upeclally. Hpeciul riitea made. CorreKpondeiue Millelled, Addnss H A. IjANUKS 10 lH-wlmdlt t.)iius,Or. CLUB STABLES. W. H. 1XJWMWJ. KulUupplyfol horkiw, buggies and IiiicUh. Hot or care given to tritiulf nt U)fk and bnafdlug. Corner Kerry and Liberty miutU 7rilake fpeclulty of taking purllLH to count or mountutiik. 77 C. I-I. LANE, Merchant Tailor I Adjoining Adolph's Clgur ilotu, I'l'llKKOT HATJUI'AWIOW (WAHAHTMW j, v. SHor.jp, Feejd Barn i Al rwinir Wlllunieila llntitl 'jVau'S IxwnlwJ ho WnJ luj In , rsilu'd isuiitirusiluiuuuMtliy lowpfltuu, 10 Ift-liii' ins THE ANTI-MONOPOLY i nv I sill doiiu luy uwu styUMlt s'lsg Hktl s 14 t'iiWilui THE FORGKLAIN DATIIK .i, ,i, n j iik i m HUIXMC HIIOICIN'.. FARM fOlt SALE. i m tummtntMntrfi VOIH WKWT. QOOd PAITUflt mmm Strictly tan Mark Spg wmnb M and Hardware. ;r. . sixrsox HnKopoiKdn ccnor.ilntofkof feed And Hour. andrlllnl80kieps mo 1 nesohard WMreand loolk. 1'erhons wishing rkhU In his lino will be well troiUd aud get the lowest pr.ce-t. KUEE 1JEL.IVEHY. Adjotnlntr Eleo rlo grocery itoro, East "Into Ktrect. GEO. C. WILL UIJALKH IN Btcltiwny, Knabo, Webber, Emor sou nnd other pluuon. Bton-y A; Clark nnd Eirliefl' organs. All tlrsl clans makes or flowing ma- CllilU'tl. Biuullor ruakps of musical instru ments and supplies. Genuine uee Ufa, oil and now parts for all makes of machltip. Hawing machines and organs re paired nud cleaned. Two doois north of poatofllce, Balera OreRon. Cooper Shop. CUIUS STEWART lit opened up a shop north or Mine's mill. In tjouth Haiem, where tie Is prepared to make und repair nil kinds of oooreruge, such at pills.lubi", kegu, barrels and chiirni. Onlv tho beat Hcaionod stoek used, trlocs rejiRon. able. 7 iM-d&w &pez& 6W&64 CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, I Klrst National IHlI. llulldlng, BAL.Hi, OIIEGON. Kcbool now In reitrloii. Th "NEW HY3 TKM OK INTEIUCOMMUNIOATION 11UH1. NES l'ltAUTIOK," recently Introduced, the rrowu.ng feature. Hend for cataloguo or col legejournal. Addrisi W, I. HTALKV, ai w l'rlnclpal. $1,500 REWARD OFFERED The undernlgned oflcm $1500 reward lor the conviction ut the party or purtleH who burned his b'iru und horses on the night ol Decent her 12. lt2. lie will also pay ,2Uu for each uccer. aory to tho crime, 1 own two good ranches nud am Kble to pay this reward. . JOSKl'JI O, ANDEllHON, 1013.dAwOm Mehainu, (Jr. Wholekule and Ketull, Everything lu my line at lowest nrlces. Itfj Commercial street, j. ir. unh;i,. CONSEIlVATOliy OP MUSIC Willamette University The iiiot minplelo and best equipped iniulc school ou thu norlliwiwi u.ml, University slundards, I.aul mil hods mid llmiiiiigh wuik. Olploiiiss given on winplellon ol nours. Kllsl term btglus Hepleniber U, IM, . M.l'AHViN, Ui Mus.llou, Dlreclri KUIE WING SANG CO,, (uiiMirUirs. wholwslu snd relall TsuSi iihlus vulv, Jilitu ifsui) OiM.ils, euilirolUsicU llksteru.-ns1diisliig gowns, MiiUuiw-ur, tin i)H0iuuls. Uullliikssvlinig omslic4i'.s7)6ibt fljfs lor Vk nuw, r WvurylSIng ul bolUim irlw, III! Court Hlrtl Mtin,ftr. U'luit rMfyiiyvrUuf -: DRESSMAKING :- -- in tlm hATmTVAHmUNMlhKWYUM. m""rwnmm"m- k. h. unitmnmm mi., HOOK AND Jill) I'lilN'I'lillS - AHI fsiifHt lllaiili PnbUlmi mtt't vm iMa tut u-M: nmi mm SAI.I-M TILE WORKS, I Wi Hh HAHU !"um i bHUMUL... , it , -my ' i mil Ml HMMtmm ,mmm 'itmua nm em ,u fZtfS M Woo jhjAAjtftgyllsgLiUI UNA iuiii) Miihui? )v Wt Ulttf,, tMMMMtAUiMA AMHiiii. A SM TEXT-BOOK PETITION. To the Statollloard of Educalionr Protest Against :Clinngc8 in Text-Booko or auy Contract Hxlng prices for the next si! years: Governor Pennoyer, Hecretory of Blnto Mcltride nnd Btnto Superintendent of ubllo Instruction MelJlroy, nctliiR as the Blato Hoard of Educalon at Oregon, its :Yi Bins: Your petitioners, patrons of tho public schools, taxpayers and citi zens of Oregon, rtsptctfully petition you to take no action o brinSut & ion of new series of public school text-books under tbo law passed bv the laSt eglslature, nor to cuter Into any contract at present publtofam fprices adoptlM the text books now In use, or those that might be authorized by ymfrbwrd at present prices, such prices to be llxed and maintained by Ibo publishers for the noxt six years, as specified In that law. yuuiisuers ior uie III VlOW Of the fllRt lhat hv alula nnlillnnllnn ll. . ,- . r. ... . oblnlninliiR public school text-books at W jCvm Mot ioni for the entire series needed n Mm mmJn rnhnXi. ' ,.i.,. "...., .."R,fC9 pay In Oregon, we demand state publlcatlon.at tho'earllest day possible. NAMES. Cut out the br e form of rf I llon. pirn nnd addms It to one of the State OJosrd or Fd. uc. illon. or mall lt,m l II K JC tlllN A . nnd it will be publUhed nnd forwarded to tho board with otli-rs. Men nnd worn, n should sign this petition In protest 8BlnRperiinaUDthe present sys'om or hlglt-pil rd lext-booKH for six yeais to come. ' v 4vJp7'5 "4g5 ' DEI Only One Cent on the Pacific Coast, mm iw in i Receiving all the Associated Press Di9n?iifprifls DAILY BY MAIL, PER YEAR, - - $3.00 I'l WILL PAY YOU TO JUS A J) TJTIS : Wo publish tho only Onk Oknt Daily on tho Pacific Coaat una tbo oheupoHt und bont daily papor lor tho nionoy in Oregon, PJoiiflo lot uh know if you am uho anv fimjjo copiog o tbo Daily or Wkkimy, Thoy will bo noiifc froo, lloiiioinlmi tbcHO uro AHBOointod Prona iiowHiiatiorti. mvintr all tho curront iiowh of tbo typo nun fittruouyo Htyio, ThoHo low bind tiinos mUa enablo ovory farmer to' havo bi dailv impor and know tbo wtuto of vho movkbt nil aU th" nowH of tlio world, Editorial coinuiuut h foarJoHi aud indopmlent. Kditod by Hh publiHborw to Hoouro good ovornmont for tho people ablo to dual justly and fairly with all, OnJy HHi OO w year J$L5o for wix inujUhw, 1,QQ for four month. vrN miin wl ullvr tliiifJU put fijr wl!l It J prdoriMl.1 . . 'Ou. Vmi uiif tlui limn, It yp nuuuui jtt you Ui Mt. Imtf tlU to luimMonu win) H'ttiiNoiPiif tliixMi Krwii'l prMiiiluiim fr nJiiiiilyKet'li'ir mp piw fyhiuml utmnw will !! IliU puiiur mxii uw)y wIhk h, n lU im(t n U tQ fll'i' m am mn kjhml owl fi lw lu i nM mum In My Mt wiry ofBljffl" ttiiJju'iTfK IIOFER BROS., Pubilsliers, ONE CEHTiLDfliLy MKmi, uuew..immim iw4jMjmtLmvmiwtfntu tuww. mum i hmixm issmn uy wu ww m m I'm m mull) IM viMtl&x. Sim mulhzjr u bmummu u bu BUT UWltiV'h$mWWWU$M$mitiJ!l VWHMHd r- NAMES. U 0 Daily Newspaper world Irom (lay to day inj larp;o , f, . , . ' W(tft mwvm 1 ,'UTJlJUi mgmtr m,aM&