Tjj"- JTywylV'jviiww-THiOWffP1 JMLTALMAUEATIIOM THE FACT SUGGESTS A SERMON ON HOME COMINGS AND PRODIGALS. Thcro In Moro Joy In Heaven (Her tlio IIi-licntliic(Slnnrr Thnn Over Any Other K niton Knrt h Telegraphy of the Skies. Home, Street Home. unooKi-YN, iNov. ii. Roy. Dr. Tal tinge, lmving concluded his round tho n-oiltl tour, litis Folectod ns tho subjoct lor toilny'H discourso through tho press "Home Again, " tho toxt chosen boim? Lnko xv, 28, "Bring hither tho fnttod calf mid kill it." In all ngea of tho world it hni boon customary to colobrato joyful ovents by festivity tho signing of treaties, tho proclamation of ponce, tho Christmas, tho'nuirriago. However much on othor days of tho year our tablo mar lmvn (tinted supply, on Thaiiksoivlnn. ,. thero must bo something bounteous. And nil tho comfortablo homes of Clirul tendom hnvo at somo timn noi,,iir,,tn,i I joyful ovouts by banquet and festivity. Tlio I'rmllsnl'n Iteturn. Sometliing has happened in tlm nlrl homestead grcator than anything that has ever happened before. A favorito foii, whom tho world supposed would F become a vagabond and outlaw fnmvrr has got tired of sightsooing and has returned to his father's honsn. Tim ; wprld snid ho nover would come bark. Tho old man always said his son would como. Ho had been looking for him day after day and year after year. Ho know ho would como back. Now, having re turned to his father's house, tho fatlmr procmiins colouration. Thcro is a calf in tho paddock that has been kept up and fed to utmobt capacity, so us to bo ready for somo occasion of iov that might como along. Ah, thero nover will bo a Grander (lav on tho old homestead than this day. Let Itho butchers do their work and tho jtliousokeepers bring into tho tablo tho Eamoking meat. Tho musicians will tako jthoir- places, nnd tho gay groups will fmovo up and down tho flow. All tho friends and neighbors aro gathered in, .ami extra supply is sent out to tho tablo I fof tho servants. Tho father nresirtns nt tho table, and says cracc and thanks God that his lern: absent bov is homo again. Oh, how they missed him I How glad thoy aro to havo him back I Ono , brothor indeed stands routine at tho Jback door and says: "This is a great lado about nothing. This bad boy should havo boon chastenod instead of groetod. -veal is too good for him!" But tho fa ther says: "Nothing is too cood. Noth ing is good enough." Thero sits tho young man, glad at tho hearty reception, nut a shadow of sorrow flitting across his brow at tho remembrance of tho tronblo ho had hcen. All ready now. Let tho covers lift. Music. Ho was dead, nnd ho is alivo again ! Ho was lost, and ho is found I By such bold imagery does tho Brblo sot forth tho merrymaking fwhon u soul comes homo to God. Tho Young Comcrt. tfirst of all, thoro is tho now convert's joy. It is no tamo thing to bocoino a Christinn. Tho m opt tremendous mo- niont in n man's lifo is whon ho sur renders himself to God. Tho grandest tlnio on tho father's homestead is when tho boy coiuos back. Among tho great throng who, in tho parlors of my church, profossed Christ ono night was a young man, who next morning rang my door- Ibbll nnd said: "Sir, I cannot contain KnyBolf witli tho joy I fool. I canio hero Rhis morning to express it. I havo found Bijoro joy in flvo minutes in serving God Khan in' nil tho years of my prodigality, Fowl I canio to say so. " ion havo scon perhaps a man ruu- lying for his physical liberty and tho officer of tho law after him, nnd you fpnw him cscnpo, or aftoi ward you heard Itho judgo had pardoned him and how Rrrent was tho gloo of that resouod man I PJJut it is n very tamo filing that com- Umred with tho running for one's over. lasting lifo tho terrors of tho law after ' Jilm nnd Christ coming In to pardon nnd bleos nnd re6cno nnd savo. You re member John Bunynn, in his groat sto ry, tolls how tho pilgrim put his An gora in His ears mm ran, crying, huv, Alto, eturnul wol" A poor car driver, aftor having had to struuglo to support h)h family for years, suddenly was in fcniiod that iv Jnrgo Inheritance wiw his, fiwid thoro whs joy amounting to bowil- ieniioiit, hut that U a binull thing coin- wroil wlt) tho exporlonco or ono wnon i lias put l liN hands tho title flood to P joys, tho nipt imu, tlio splendors or paven, an no u iruiymy tons ao niinoi lis wnipies aro fimm songs aro MiJno, its Hod Is minor V Jur ft tlit olifUthtn, ), it is no tamo tiling to hocomo a iirtstlim It is a iiioiryninkiiijt. It is le UlllliiH ut (ho fattd "ulf. it is jn- iw Y"ii unuv tho Miiiio Jvor mm- Hs Jt (i a fiinniai, but always mm fisltio DoiDKihiiighrlulit JtUiiiora 1 1 Iv f ninpurwl to a iwiKiiiot iiian lyil.lng i lw Jt ismmpnrwl in Me III I Hl VMpr-"M'HI ' 1 1 Dim infilling, ruwn, Hi1 wurk i .i,i(iiii iraiiMluuiwi inuniinu i pH I -aid tuluy lolio Mil t(u niWc ti i ,n iiiunt jwulou nun mm or and iwinfurt and wm aim , ki.'I twut ilmm lulu uw m "I j ut it mi iIih hrww ut w Il ' I I I. .i, f (Jul in till litis IftU.t, w vr ii, wwu'lt umw, wmr i i rum U'mI, ilmiHliiuruf lw W- i Ai.i.iuhiy, Oil, Uw M MJ II" "li U UlildjiUNI uf iu li'ii r t-l i " i 1 1 , . f,j, tuiiiiPllmMi a iiioji 111 U ill i m. m uiiftin) uiVHUi N1 WUI, PlHll MttVH lllH Wi l " t u in I iu HfwlW uf (WJ in ii- ihiiuIiuii i,ui(ii mill iIjv . - 7-1 "V . t i '.. umi iHtniU), "nw. : ' y i'-tMMi, wrrwiL v ' ' ' '" r, i iuhKijih yn iin Tno tt.. I """ ujmg or cholera, his said, "Havo yn-i much pain?' ... .UJ...I-,,, -Mnco j fonjul "-'""over Had any pai ". IIH'V Knill In him, nttfudiiut ' "Oh." tlm Lord 1 except sin." Would likotoKlnda,,,essartoyo;;fr (" Ian uiitT'' ,l Tel1 thom o., y ing into my i-oul 1 kn tho c, . r,ij,!-,totr ni. .1.; i.H" . op-.d-cnouBhl' ' " '" ii 0I si" Uliristiiin roligi VHiflly r sinful I'lcaMirc.. ill yni on -r fsmr from those tamo joys lllCll VOtl nrn (,,ll..i.. ,. J . Sworld-intotho.phKos: pel. The world cannot satisfy you; ton havo found out-Alexander longi, gC other worlds to mnmm a t .i... ed in his own bottle, Byron whipped !) disquietudes around tho world, Vol tairo cursing his own soul whiin n u streets of Paris woro applauding him Henry II consuming with hatred against poor Thomas a Becker, all illustrations of tho fact that this world cannot make a man happy. Tho very man who poi soned tho pommol of tho saddle on which Queen Elizabeth rodo shouted in thostreor, "Ood savo tho quoeul" One moment tho world nnnlnnrln r.,.,1 tUr. next moment tho world anathematizes. Oh, como over into this greater joy, this sublime solaco. this mnr7iiifw.,f beatitude Tho night after tho bottlo of Shiloh thcro wero thousands of wound ed on tho field, and tho ambulances had not como. Ono Christian soldier, lying thcro a-dying under tho starlight, ba gau to sing: Thero is o land of puro delight. And when ho camo to tho noxt line tnero wero scores of voices uniting: Whcro saints Immortal reign. Tho song was caught up all over the field among tho wounded until it was said that thero woro at least 10,000 wounded men uniting their voices ab tuoy camo to tho verse: Thcro everlaBting Bprlng abides And never withering llow era. Death, lllto u narrow stream, divides That heavenly hind from ours. Oh, it is n great roligion to Hvo by, and it is a great religion to dio by. Thero is only ono heart throb between you and that roligion this moment. Just look into tho faco of your pardoning God and surrender yourself for timo and for eternity, and ho is yours, and heaven is yours, and all is yours. Somo of you, liko tho young man of tho toxt, havo gone astray. I know not tho his tory, but you know it you know it. The Clrclo of Safety. When a young man went forth into lifo, tho legond says, his guardian angol went forth with him, and gottiug him into a field tho guardian nugol swept n circlo clear around where tho young man stood. It was a circlo of virtuo and honor, and ho must not stop beyond that circlo. Armed foes camo down, but wero obliged to halt at tho circlo. Thoy could not pass. But ono day a temptress, with diamonded hand, strctchod forth and crossed that circlo with tho hand, and tho tempted soul took it, and by that ono foil grip was brought beyond the cirolo and died, Somo of you havo stepped boyond that oirolo. Would you not liko this day, by tho groco of God, to btep back? Thi?, I sav to you, is your hour of snlvatiwi. Thoro was in tho closing hours of Queen Anno what is called tho clock scene, Flat down on tho pillow, in helpless sicknoss, sho could not movo her head or movo her hand. Sho was waiting for the hour when tho ministers of state should gather iu angry contest, and woiried and worn out by tho coming hour, nnd in momentary nbfcenco of tho nurse, in tho power tho stinngo power which delirium sometimes gives ono sho nroho and stood in front of tho clock, and stood thero watching tho clock when tho nurso returned. Tho nurso said, "Do you seo anything ppcul iar about that clock?" Bho mado no an swer, but soon died. Thoro Is a clook sceno in every history. If somo of you would rlso from tho bed of lethargy and como out of your delirium of sin and look on tho clock of your destiny tills momont, yon would soo and hear homo thing you have not seen or hoard bo foro, and every tick of tho minute, and every stroke of tlio liopr, and every swing of tho pondulum, would say, "Now, now, now, nowl" Oh, como homo to your Father's hoiifcol Como homo, oh, prodigal, fiom tho wilder ness I Come home, como home I 7lio Divine Juk.t, But I notice that wlitm tlio prodigal camo tlioro was tlio father's )oy. Jlo did not gipot lilii with any formal "How do yon do" Jin did not como out and suy: "You are imlit to nut)' Go out and wash in tho ijuugli by the wo)! and tliwi you oau oome in. Wu havo Inn) enough trouble with yuu." Ah, nol WliWI illfl JilunrlBlui'or Hiatus tutu proclaim! festival, It was an out burnt of a father's Juvu owl a fattiw's joy. Uud is your futhur. I hate not in null symiathy wilji thul diwrl jit lun of (iod 1 tojuutiuuw hl', its Hamuli hi wwie a TurkWi uJUm Iwrd ami nnyiwillwUJ uJ lUuuuitf w4 tu the ery uf bin miMoU. A uutu tuUl iu hu saw in uw of ilw witru lwl Mnu riding Bkiig, tku4 tw mu wr in ulUrimliuli. HUA UUti OWIMMWI tUu UW 4T with liitvuijf mM kk , vul Utu Mn Ntl4, "Tfiwi ly Uw urn, m4 Uy MwTiUMium vMWimtUuii ttml wlw4luir U7ws u U tuv " AwJ l V in AU, U "! WJm (hud Uuj ti" 1 nui isultiUi, " OwbU, hut s lilnn ii"'- lnn, tul hu hw, U , "In Hv 4Mih Hi WIU Mlt m" 1 H WW Lulluiua tili (Mill liH KU "' w r , .. !.,.. .. tut lilffWuU H' UnW. H" M Jn, WUm ) U k" ,J ' tow lil ulu iK..,l. uiiil lull'iti H WUf of pleasure, and all the thrones of pomp, nnd all tho ages of eternity. It is n joy deeper than nil depth, and higher thai, nil height, and wider than all width, nnd .."i mm, an immensity. It overtops, It undcrgirds, it outweighs nil the unit ed i.plciidor nnd joy of tlio universe. W ho can tell what God's joy is? The Itrjolclng Father. Yon remember reading tho story of n king who on somo great day of festivi ty scattered silver and gold among tho people, who sent valnablo presents to his courtieis, but methinks when n soul conies bnck God is so glad thnt to cx jircFs his joy ho flings out now worlds into space, kindles up now suus nnd rolls among tho whito robed anthoms of tho redeemed n creator hnllnlnlnh. wMln with a voice that reverberates nmong tho mountains of frnnkincenso and is echoed back from tho everlasting gates ho cries, "This, my son, was dead and is auvo again I" it tlio opening of tho exposition in ii uw uncans l saw n Mexican flutist, and ho played tho solo, nnd then nftor ward tho eight or ten bands of musio, uuuujiiumu ay mo great organ, enrae m, but tho sound of that ono flute at compared with all tho orchestra was gieater than all tho combined joy of tho universe whon compared with tho ro sounding honrt of Almighty God. For ten years a father went throe times a day to tho depot His son went off in aggravating oircnmstnnces, but tho father said, "Ho will comeback." Tho strain was too much, and his mind parted, and three times a day tho father wont. In the early morning ho watch ed tho train its arrival, tho steppinp out of tho passengors, and then tho de parture of train. At noon he was there again, watching tho advance of tht train, watching tho departure. At night thero again, watching tht coming, watching tho going, for ten years. Ho was suro his eou would conn back. God lias been watching and wait ing for somo of you, my brothers, 1C years, 90 yenrs, 80 years, 40 years, per haps CO years, waiting, waiting, watch ing, watching, and if this morning tho prodigal should como home, what a sceno of gladness nnd festivity nnd how tho great Father's heart would rojoice at your coming homo I Yon will como, somo of you, wil you not? You will, you willl Joy 0er the Itsprntant. I jiotico also that when n prodigal comes homo thoro is tho joy of tho min isters of roligion. Oh, it is a grand thing to preach this gospel 1 I know there lint- been a great deal said about tho triah and tho hardships of tho Christian min istry. I wish somebody would writo n good, rousing book about tho joys of the Christian ministry, Sinco I entered the profession I have seen moroof tho good ness of God than I will bo nblo to cole brato in nil eternity, I know somo boast about their equilibrium, nnd they do not riso into enthusiasm, and they do not break down f'ith emotion, but I confess to you plainly that when J seo n mun coming to God nnd giving up his sin I feel in body, mind nnd soul n transport. When I beo a man who is bound hand and foot in evil habit emancipated, I re joice over it as though it wero my own emancipation. When, in our commun ion service, such throngs of youug nnd old stood up nt tho altars and in tho presence of heayon pud enrth nnd hell nttested their allegiance to Jesus Christ, I felt a joy something akin to that which tho npostlo doEoribes when ho says: "Whether In tho body I cannot tell, or out of tho body I cannot tell, God know Hnvo not ministers n right to rejoice when a prodigal comes homo? Thoy blew tho trumpet, and, ought they not to bo glad of tho gathering of tho host? Thoy pointed to tho full snpply, pud ought they not to rejoice wnon souls pant as the hart for the water brooks? Thoy camo forth saylug, "All things aro now ready," Ought thoy notre jolco when tho prodigal sits down nt tho banquet? How Mlnlitcrit Are 8unUliirI, Lifo insuratico won will all tell you that minister;' of roligion as a vluss Hvo longer than any other. It Is confirmed by tho statistics of all thoso who calou Into upon human longevity. Why is It? Thero is moro draft upon the nervous, system than in any other profesklon, am their toll is mm exhausting. J havo seen in'iilater koP jnlsornhJw stl ponds by parsimonious poiigregatioim who wondered at tho dullness of tho tesiiioii, when (ho iiieii of (Jod woro porploind almost to dvatli by iiiestlriis of livelihood and had not enough nu Irllimis food o keep any lire In their teiuwrambiil. No fuel, no (Ire. I Imvu Mimolliiius wn tlio lushlo of tlio )lfu (f many of the Aiwilcau uiergymeiiM never aooopflug Ihtdr liosnHullly ho' oauwi Ihuy eaniiot utfurd Ithut I have wwn them strugglo on with sularN of J6WJ and tuuu a yvur, Ihu avbiugo its than that, ihelr Mruviilu wn) dtmlst' m by the wiwttirD pilMioiiury who says InaMtur. "Tlmiik ym far yourM imliMm Until It uamu wu hud not wy uml In uur Imiunj fw nn ynir, mi nil laj wllilwr. ullljuugli It was Miu wlntor, uur iihllilruii Ihnlr Him ww vUiiliw, ' Anil Ikukviuftiib' tM I llml ludlirur iii pwi uf ih ni)(l, siruitfllntf Mtfinl jin'iwi'u ttnd vfutmlivm liwuiwr- ', M. "ui" 'f tlwiu WW mf Wtl I'M- Uiininii ejiKfcls iw liufv Wtfps to m wAwMty lbWimt I" ttJJ l" j muMuum uhJ ) wUfe'tyi mm- )u wt-ui m iuy im um umt "i U.a U'4 Ut4 hkU, U t iu Mian PS mm U, WH M WW- - " tuy mh Mlll 4 t tWUtl M iwi uiwb. v m "f i1m ntu Iww Uitw ituy mUmt' n i, 14 1.41 a it w iu mm w " ..y .J 14. iiioi Wl 0m M u Uim iii iiu Um m Wr VMmt Ui'ilS MM immmt it irf M is mutm i i u l. Wvf lUs in IB ,, . ... i inMlttt H M' ., ..i m . ik i ii u$4m i.w l. . um d Mrnr m v. .u lU).n and I thnnkGod 1 linvosoun 30 rf thorn. Thank God, ihnnl: GuQ! 1 notice also whon the prodigal cotnes bank nil curuest Ci.ri tians l-ejoico. If you stood on a promontory, and thero was n hnrricanont sea, mid it was blow ing toward tho shore, nnd n vessel wash ed into tho rocks, nnd you haw jk oplo get nshoro in the Hfobonts, nnd tho vory last mnn got on tho rocks in safoty, you could not control your joy. And it is n glad timo when tho church of God sees men who nro tossed on tho ocoan of their lins plant their fcot on tho rock Christ Jesus. Tlio lin'ectuni l'raypr. When prodignls como home, juit hear thoso Christians sing! It is not n dull tuuo you hear at such times. Just hear thoso Christians prny 1 It is not n stereo typod supplication wo havo heard over and over for 20 yoars, but n putting of tho caso in tho hands of God with nn im portunate pleading. Men never pray at great length unless thoy havo nothing to say, and thoir hearts nro hard nnd cold. All tho prnyors in tho Biblo that wero onswored wero short prayers: "God bo merciful to mo, n sinner." "Lord, thnt I may rccoivo my sight." "Lord, snvo mo or I perish. " Tho lon gest prayer, Solomon's prayer nt tho dedication of tho toinplo, Ichs than eight minutes in longth, according to tho or dinary rato of enunciation. And just hoar thorn prny now that tho prodigals aro coming homo. Just seo them shako hnnds. No putting forth of tho four tips of tho fingers iu n formal way, but a henrty grasp, whero tho muvcles of tho heart seem to clinch tho fingers of ono hand around tho othor hand. And then seo those Christian faces, how il lumined thoy nro. And seo that old man get un nnd with tho same voicn thnt ho sang 00 yoars ago in tho old countiy mooting houfco say, "Now, Lord, lcttest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mino oyes hnvo scon thy salvation. " Tlioro was n mnn of Keith who was hurled Into prison in timo of persecution, nnd ono day ho got off his shackles, and ho camo nnd stood by tho prison door, nnd when tho jailer wns opening tho door with ono stroko he struck down tho mpn who had incar cerated him. Passing along tho streets of London, ho wondered whero his family was. Ho did not dnro to ask lest ho excite suspicion, but passing nlong n little way from tlio prison he saw n Koitli tankard, n cup that bolonged to tho fam ily from generation to generation. He saw it in n window. His family, hop ing thnt somo dny ho would get clear. camo and lived as near as they could to tho prison houto, nnd thoy sot thnt Kolth tanLnrd in tho window, hoping ho would seo it, and ho como along nud saw it, and knocked at tho door, nnd went in, nnd tho long nbsent fnmily wero nil togothor ngnin. Oh, if you would stnrt for tho kingdom of God to dny, I think somo of yon wpuld find uoarly all your friends nnd nonrly nil your fnmilics nround tho holy tnnknrd of tho holy coininiiniqut-fnthers, i,10th ers, brothers, sisters, around that sa cred tankard which commemorates the lovoof Jesus Christ our Lord I will bo n great cennnunion day when your whole family sits around tho sa cred tankard I Ono on earth, ono in heaven. Joy of tho Itrilccined. Onco moio I remark that when tho prodigal gels back tho inhabitants of hoavou keep festival. I nm very certnin of it. If you hnvo nover boon a tele graphic chart, you hnvo no idea how many cities aro connected togothor nnd how winny lnnds. Nearly nil tho neigh borhoods of tho eurth seem reticulated, and news flies from city to city and from continent to continent. But more rap idly go tho tidings from oarth to honv en, pml whon a prodigal returns it is announced before tho throuo of God. And if these souls today should enter tho kingdom thero would lo somo ono in tho houvenly kingdom to my, "That's my father," "That's my mother," "That's my mjii," "That's my daugh ter," "Thut's my fiiond," "That's (ho one I nsed to pray for," "That's tho one for whom I wept m many toais," and one soul would say, "Hosnmiul" and nuothor soul would suy, "Halloliiinhl" ritmwd Willi tho in HD, Ihu wilulu Imlow In konss thtiir tonijuttt .iniloy. Jluyimil tho nkt lu lldniw so. Aim I'imyui iniwi with fay, Uur ui)gt.n ran tin Ir )uy uenluln, Hut MikIIu wllh in iliu Thu tiliiiMii lut U found, Hit. n-linf, nd Miiku Ihu koundliiK yr. At the banquet of Luoullus sat Oleo ro, (hemulor. At thu Muuwloulan fus tival mH J'hlllp, (he oomiuurur. M Ihu lireoiun banquet m tkruu, thu phi lunophor, but at oar I'alhwr's tubje j n ihu rotnruwl 1'iodlgiils, mur Qiun ponquujnr. The table Is n with? Jt Juwrns inaeh umu mi ami tmim hinds Its guunls art) Ihu wmnml of wild and the glmlhuil of Iiwvnii. Tliti ring of LM'sNglvMiKftson wvwyjiitm), ihu roho of a flour's ilghUsiuwia ilrji Urn wvfiy tUuuldvr Tlm wiiw Unit KliMf In ihu i u Is (run) Hut Lwwi ut l0,idnimiu-nu. lut ail ium i 4wimA u! mtfih w4 till lim ulnriliud ul Imvwi itritfiMii' Miih uUnmhit dwliu drink to tUv jtiujo nt u Hmuawd W'l lytiU. ma, hum .ii.l "VwrU,yJ,i liiNb Un smu lulu i iuu.4tu Ulnlnit nol riiliut uml U'44 mi mIm un4 ftuhfalil UljflU Uflliii.lil lilill' ''"' yimlii ttlih..ut xitll' ill !' i mmi trtimt mi, 11 llMiH!'! II tMi&, 1 im ui ntbtUUm nk)u ituw in wuiiisy, WiiMi.i Mil 111 II l Jwfc 'J ' K ivWii Iti! W.i lAlwl !.. uu 1 ii 1(1 MlUl lljM I II llll k'lW iil MM Mi hni l" I A"' 'j'fek i Ink tni ' Hi4 U4 III "UH MM I I It4 Ml' I iJ Ullt- "'!. ''! I .I. I. I U-l ! lui. ttl. u I. I'M. '-( 41,. I Ml .,. (.1 ..Jf li 4 - u4Utf, i tUUx ggt 9 Ht Wu tui iuyj " Mail i'4 ,7Whd "' mm mi hmj ' tUl Mv Mrs. IT. JUT. Slovcr Versailles, Jlo. Like Morning Dew Hood's Sarsaparilla Freshens, Strengthens and Cures Heart Palpitation Distress -That Tlrod Fooling. "I nm glad to state that Hood's Sarsapa rilla 1ms Uono mo lots of good. I wns sul Jcct to cromis In tlio stomacli, liver com plaint, Indigestion, palpitation of tlio heart, and that tired feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla rellocd mo wonderfully, and now when I feel tho leastuneaslness I report to ITood's Sarsaparilla, nnd itnlnnjs ghci mo inline dlatfi rollof, I could not do without It, nnd se eral of my neighbors havo used t upon my recommendation nnd found It An Excellent Medlclno, doing them good after all other modlclnes failed. I am also highly pleased with tho effects of Hood's rills. As morning dow HoocTsK; Cures rcficshes withered grass, so Hood's Sar saparilla and rills refresh the, human body oflUs nnd pains . Habbikt M , flro Versaliips, Misionrl. Oct lioop's. Hood's Pills nro hand mado, nnd per foct in proportion and appearance. SSo. Nerve Tonic Blood Builder W Mi9W9 $& jFjKfWf&&2KSr KnllXiB' 2rw?mn)T 00o. perbos for 93.30. nnd for l)ecrlptt pmupniei, '. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE CO., Schenectady. H.Y, mndBrockvlllc.Ont. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, AH Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, PMWMHMMMM! Penetrates Muscfc, Membrane nmi Tlssuo Quickly to the Very Sent of Pain and Ousts It in n Jiffy, Rub In Vigorously, Musjoiitf Miilmimt foimusri fiUUvf run of fimf wi" tM IADV'H TOIW'I' Jsii'.t nmij'ltf WlihiuiMW U1 POHPLEXIOU II pnwnwu pi POWPMU .iilih hi jimm in, m, T WP P 'W P TV fwmliinn in-fy dlfrUiHil ul Uwi nmj injiily, Jl s UmU llUijf, ymH, imlwy, ImhUf ul, uml JimjiuUm, u urWtf idtliuM JJi.lW. AiMMti l)lilwjii4ijjfc,iililv iihtui4lW) i HiV tu-V IH Um IiiimUi. W 4 it ,lt HiW9)WUffMfrKVlM SCHOOL TJ ilf- BOOK PI mm. lion of m ,tr Jt poMl'ool telXili mS f."?" ' hn "' "P lb. l,xl.,ok. w ,., ?? ' ffi1' 3J2V, ' , r,V,wiu wlcra rfopllnj praout iirloti, noli rlci lo taoVrt ltd mfiSi.i!. ft''""' ty,."" Dnl ntituls yam, a. sprelllrt In lbt ! ","d P"UIats for lb. In View Of lltu ftint IIiaI 1... .i... .i. .. obtninlnlng public ncliool texAiiki f. n."V'l .l'.0- P.6?.10 ' California are ror tlie entire serli-a ticeUod In the com mnn HV 5i.v . ' n.ooul aY centa HMce nnv in nm., ...!." j "!," co.m.moP Bcuools, or nbout onA-hair whof .. .-.-. 6, n.uK,uuuBwieiiubiicaUoD at tlio cnrlk-st day posaiblo. NAMES. NAMES. we fi "O?tliu.,to?,malieit lo"i II bToUiIS Aii" nnd',? S&2Xft l '5 ODe.of tB" 8,ate t Ed. wllUothere. McuntiilwomrnHlio.uanthl board MMMlWtomof MtbtlSiigJVM "C.lmt ,,crpetntlnK iu? DIM CAPITA L I Ki. Onlv One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. GfJEAPEST IWiPl II OREGON $3.00 Receiving all the Associated Press Disoatches. DAILY BY MAIL, PI YEAR, - - II WILL FAX YOU TO JiJSAD TITTR . Vo publish tho only One Cent Daily on tho Pacific Coast and tho cheapest and boat dailv iinnnr Ihr thn ntnnn ;n - J 4-- w. vxw M4VMUT 1 Pleaso lot us know if you can uso any sample copies o tho Daily or Weekly. Thoy will bo sent free. Rememboi theso aro Associated Press newspapers, giving all tho current news of tho world irom day to day in laree typo and attractiyo stylo. Thoso low hard times rates enable every farmer to havo his daily paper and know tho stuto of tho market and all tho nows ot tho world. Editorial commont is foarJosb and indopondont. Edited by its publishers to secure good government for tho people ablo to deal justly and fairly with all, Only $3 OO a year, ,6o tor six months, JUl.OOfor four morith, ttyNn Willi nflxr limn Iu mil ,. ...I.I..I. li i.. j VOU, You nro tlio man. It wo cannot got you io act, timid UjIh to wMwiia who waiUioiiei;f tliow Brnd promluiiia fr fwB)y "t ijJ : mi "club Almost anyent) will tako thin iiajvur uml muroly aeelng lu"jEmiMt; ltk HI) ("liciiu nn fwi.wiin ndfiril ii,,. . I....... 1. t. .fn.. ' .. " ..f'.Tr' " . "' .m H0FER BROS,, Publishers, HAfcKM, OHKiOX, '4&y J Jsspfn umrmiiimmM ,.j ONE CEHTil DniLYiiJOflRHftL '"vn'jufmr i igfawt m mm Mum imam " Via mt f&j " M MlVh .... Eftj vwwmri t4-1 4MMWMPMMM 'Itf f uySllNf Iu uli( Utmfhi U wsli -ImV' iv .aMi rwmtiswmK ' ' ""i I'liuiuii, may viiJ uii 4) t Mil I II. w llliadblil ill Uud liiu IUI IllllUlUl MMMW "f tflSj' ' " fc '" I U f ,i'JP,lliititliuiVHMto&toMWWittW "wwii. Wiw )wM Hmmm gA.wHkW .lc