1iif.VDjrqFTW1 0 9"jr A CAPITAL ur CENTS PER MONTH BY MAIL. OOTJNTT OUTI 01 AIi PAPER. JOURNAL. VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION. TI I fflii SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER la, Jfc94. "''M"WiMMIW,MIMw""MWWJHWHWBiWMag,,MMM. DAILY EDITION. o m Has ,just received from St. Louis, a full line of the Brown Shoo Company's Stnr 5 Star Boots and Shoes of all qualities and sizes, all better grades war ranted, quality equal to any in the city. Also fine fur and wool hats for men, youths and children. The prices will surprise you. Umbrellas of good quality and prices low. Underwear of all kinds, all wool, inixod and merino, for men, women and children Cottonade pants, shirts of all kindp, overalls, jackets, wool and cotton hosiery, for all ages and sizes; rib bons, uces, lace curtains, embroideries, bed spreads, and notions of all kinds, all sold at Backet prices. Our stock of undorwear is unsurpassed in all wool and wool mixed goods. It is very little trouble to call and see, and you can save 15 to 25 per cent in your purchases. E.T.BARNES 383 COMMERCIAL ST. CHINESE SU11RENDER. Port Arthur Was Taken Very Easily Sunday. MOST DISASTROUS BLOW TO CHINA Japanese legation Thinks This tho Worst of All. fllllll 1111111 Ski o n ioes Underwear and Kacket Store Goods at Eacket Store prices. New goods arriving all tho time. PHccb alwavs tho lowest. KJnion Bargain Store, BAL li DM Ml D WEIIT CO,, LIME, CEMENT, SAND, B.nd All Butilding Material. London, Nov. 12. A dispatch from Shanghai says the Japanese captured Purt Arthur yesterday morning after a feeble realatance by the Chinese. Port Arthur wa? bombarded previous to the surrender. Tho Chinese laid down their arms and yielded themselves up. The Chinese commanding officers abandoned Port Arthur thoulghtof November 0. It Is Reported that the representatives of tho foreign powers will start for Peklu Immediately. DISA8TK0U8 BLOW. Washington, Nov. 12. The Japan ese legation baa not received up to noon today, any official confirmation of tho capture of Port Arthur. Tiio legation people say, however, that If Port Arthur has fallen. It will bo the most disastrous blow that China has received. (JO TO 1't.KIN. London, Nov. 12. The correspon dent of tne Chronicle at Rome tele graphs that he has been assured that Italy has told tho powers they ought to allow tho Japanese to occupy Pekin before there la any mediation between tlio combatants. Constitutional Sticklers. Alhany,Nov. 12. Governor Flower, Senator Hill, Senator Murphy and sev eral of the local Democratic leaders had a conference at the executive inuuslou yesterday, beginning In tho afternoon and lasting until night. 'The subject of their discussion was tho point raised by Hill's managers in he late cam paign, regarding the effect of the re vised constitution upon the legislature of 1805. None of the participants in the conference would couseut to talk about it, but it was hinted that the right of tho now legislature to make lawB would be tested very early In the new year. The constitution, which will go Into effect January 1, says tho flOOntYl tr mill siMiolaf nf 1 fcCl tttnmKnivi and that there shall be SO senators. It contains noiuing, mo democrats say, that will make it poeslblelffbr the 128 assemblymen elected this Mali and tho 32 senators who wero elected last fall to perform any of tho dutlc'lof a legls- A W SILVEU PARTY. NO. 304 Movement fo Consolidate for a National Parly. pondence on the subject. I bavej no doubt, however, that there will be a conference of leading men from ail sections, who are opposed to tho gold policy of Ihe Republican party and Cleveland Democracy, and these men will act together. MEDJATML LOXG-IIAHIEI), W1IJ) ANAI1CIIBT. Gov. Wnilo Itoasted by Mt'inbers ol His Own Party. lature next year. t! J I Associated Press News Stolen by Its Rival. CAUGHT IN A VERY NEAT TRAP, 95 STATE ST, tbe WiIIain?fle Hotel. JvJSAUXNO WOTKTv OF THIS CITY. W lleUmt ruhw, Munugeinant llbem', KleolrJu cars leave hotel fur ull pub Hffl i buildings und polntH orliiturwit, tywulnl ,riM will ho given to perni'ineiit A, I, WAGNEK, csnEtiJSkrsr b:r.os.,, irdwaro, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGWCUrruWATv lMHUfiMWNTS, W, Cor. 6UU nd Uljerly l- 8AlfM 0N MAWUI'AWJUJiieJWMI IERRY & CO. B " 'i v.r.'i.r." '.".:.:. UIKl lyOoaiiiK. nvirwi utM. nun WUIH. ull low romi. llovu Jv.uu. J'ull Hollow (Sllillwl JIlJU III Jiiffiiiiif ifimfi'MfJ' AWMmUof ,UAi WojJc iiontly iloim r I JuimjI. Hnliini, Orwwu (Urrn)mmw mmuii. NO nIwuJiI li wvll iluim ur not t all. Poor work b dnHrft miy njm. t H you want to Ul J! 1 Hbl rti'iii of 1' ttm ri4( UJIUJlUJIIIJ U JJUIIHOUUIW. Ill" l4, - ED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. VVAI.MNO A WK KKV I 'iM'lv tit HvlMH Mini JiUgK uiiimhAhI nm) IV I'll 'HOI . JIwmJ Gone to Now England. Wabhinoton, Nov. 12. Chairman W. L. Wilson stopped over In Wash ington today and left tonight for Now England, whore he will deliver 'tlfr'tC lectures. He denied n published re port that he was to succeed Attorney General Ulnoy In the cabinet. He said: "Nothing has been said to mo on the subject, nor Is thoro likely to be, for Attornoy.Oonoral Olrey Is abetter at torney general than I would be," Lincoln for Sonator. Cjiioa'IO, Nov. 12. Tho Times will say today At the proper time and ut the proiier place a senatorial boom will be started for Robert Lincoln, which, by tliOHo Intnrestud In the proposed coup d'etat Is expected to land tho sou of Abraham 1 Inooln lu the United Htules senate as the successor of Senator Ciilloin. Will Visit IiiBinarcK. Munich, Nov, lii. A Havarlau slad'smaii, who talked with C'huncellor HoIiuiiIoIiii during his visit here, says that the prince will visit itlsuiarcksoon with the emitoror'u upnroval, and will seek JJImimrii' mlvlw upon all Impor- Ullt IjUtbllollK, Twenty Killed. Jii'iiAJi J'lCrtrn.Niiv, J'.',-A illsimtuli from iirutif. iiohenils. ways that twenty troii wne klllml III ail vxiimIju ut h luiiiii'ry, unr iiihi pmw cxiuy, TItoy Tuko tho Unit niul Convict Tlieinsclvcs. New Yohk, Nov. 12. The New York Press says that for some time the Associated Press has been confident that tho United Press was stealing their news. In order to prove the truth of the supposition the following nnlilpirriun ivnu aunt .ml .tlMnlltmo nf the tributary state of Nt-'J-,;1lBahQ. their , ruIeV, Siht Eltilspueht." Sure enough, the dlsputch appeared in tho United Press papors the next mornlug, showing how readily the bait had been taken. The United Press has appropriated Its rival's "news" and that troaclierous Itsjah, not content with his mission to "plont a moral and adorn u tale," placed together the letters of his mystic name In such a way that reading back ward they recite the fact Indisputable, "The U. P. state this," TKNNRS3KK HEl'UIll.ICAN. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 12. For tho first time since the war ceased to exer cise an Inlluonco over Teuuetseo poli tics, this state hriB chosen a Republican to occupy tho executive chair. At (east, tno returns unon tbelr fMcff Indl. cato tho election of H. Clay Evans, the liepubllcan candidate, by u mu irlly under 1000, but It Is yet doubtful If Mr. Evans will ever secure tho seat, since, If a contest is made, of which there am strong Indication, the matter will bo tnrown Into the general aesembly, which, In both branches, Is Democratic. The success of Evans upon tho fuco of the returns Is now admitted at Demo oratlo headquarters, though olllcial re turns aro still lacking ffom four counties. DYING OK a III El'. Himc-N, 8. D., Nov. 12. Reports from Redfield say Judge Isaao Howe, tho defeated Populist candidate for governor, Is gradually falling. Physi cians bavo abandoned all hope of his recovery, and death is expected any moment. The defeat of hlmsolfand tho Populist ticket, together with other exertions In the camnAlun. are assluuid as the direct cause of his Illness. l-Ol'ULIST IN NKIIHA8ICA. Omaha, Nov. 12.-Comnleto olllcial trotilrilS BliWTinr election of Judco Holcomb, fuslonlst, for governor, by 3000 plurullty.over Majors, Republican. Tho friends of the latter have decided not to contest tho election. NOONAN KI.KCTKD. Galveston, Nov. 12. Lato returns suow the Domocrallo congresulonal candidates aro still In tho lead In every district, except the 12th, where the election of Noouau, Republican, Is con-ceded. THE BONDS WILL ISSUE. $50,000,000 More Debt For Uncle Sum to Carry. New Yohk, Nov. 1. It Is Rtated confidentially lu Wall street to lay that a government bond Issue has been agreed upon. Secretary Carlisle, so the story goes, was Infottued Saturday night ol tho president's arrangement to that tflifct with th New Yorh Imnkor. To await congressional action ho thinks would Involyo too muoli delay, with out any cuarautee of favorable results INTIIHRK DAYS New Yohk, Nov. 12. John A Stowart, president ot the United States lrust company who visited Pi-mM! Ulovolaud In Washington last week, says the bond issue of JoO.OOO.OOO will be made, probably within three days. Will Mnkfl Terms of Peaco far China and Japan. STEAMSHIP ST. LOUIS LAUNCHEO. Mrs. C.'ovolana Breaks tho Cham, pngno Over Her Bow. JUDGE BREWER'S DECISION. It Is Against the Maximum Rate Law of Nebraska. Omaha, Nov. 12. Justloe Rrewer's deolslon on thoNebraska maximum law was filed this morning. Ho holds tho law to be constitutional but the Injunc tion to provont It being put Into opera tlou Is sustained by him on the grouud that tho reduction in rates was pi. orbltant. This law was passed bv tho leclala- ture of 1803, reducing freight rates materially. Tho railroads Insisted that It meant the confiscation of their prop erty, and It was suspended ponding a decision. "An old m tll")lilU"lHIl li vur owoll I. TriJ uiJ mtvm' U tliu vunliut of idIIIIoiu. U I m m o n liivnr lUwM' klur U n 7 J J ' J I uma I JfuHiiliiil Uy Um Uy, Wk r MwnUi. M I .Inliibluiul llllii MU( NlllfKlNi ' ' AJWWI ketheOneCentDailv Ah ihwn Hnviummt- C;lllbrl larw.to ul in)iidiM in wliluli you win 4i yuur futui fur JUg ilLrmtU) on Ik Uyr it n i) Ut lkWt in 1MM, ur in JW4w u,i uUmJry brmUwui Uu- i v f.-fimagw Hit irflr. hMU DM) IHI c-r! Will t Than m Pills Miraculous Escape, Oiijoa'JO, Nov, 12, Hundreds of men, women and children, wiio wore passengers on a special train of ten cars on the Chicago h Northern Puclllo road, en route for Waldheiiri (emeterv yesterday afternoon to attend the an archist memorial services, experienced a very narrow escape from serious In. Jury unci probably death by the derail ing of the engine ami one coach, The engine left the track ut Cruwford street, run into un open switch, ami was followed by ihu forumoit ouijh, The punttngdr wero thrown from their Hfuls unit u m'oiiu of wild (ufu Ion followed, The slnpplliK of Ihu truln, liowuvtTi put u lop to tht puulu, A swllulilimii ut Ihu VM Kurtlutli' ll'0t Jgiiiitlnii uuiuimI Ihu wreck liy mli)aung u kwlluli. )Mo Unr At Moscow. MomoiW. Nov. IK The Ininerlal pmly, wllli Ihu hody f AlutwUr III, urilvtd here yflurilsy in lypluul Mm. ww wcNllier. Thu ky wu dull, liiu lliKmioiiuiler wunulxml tf rimm Muw Die trmUtit Kiiil,uui u iiiirlli wind hluw frluhlfu y IhfmiH iiiut Ihu iluy. 'JVu ioiiuiii niuM wurIM ull niulit a. Hlll)ll III llrtfl'llIK uf Him nil, Hill) nioie limn hi imii m uniiu;ii in llttVlliU Willi MMbhlrHUUfS hu Mmiu Hi ihu uli wlilwli lliu niy wus lu hum. Tliuy loxi M '"ili- f i'vwnii. JftWll8l ))lfiOiv. HuhutviM, Muv t, yl S'Mtim, II, Li y. in Tliu Difi twiun m Him iww ifjiubji wwuwhj'u tmm Iiiikmi mu HI YWW- UH Wilt piliiHl lIiuJ (ht)v witt uuly uijh ! ..,1... ..... .,,.i.l.,-l ll, u i,..v.ri, ,,.... lllll nil ia rra'm w I'luiuwi'iii HukiJ unit hu W llsfunlril, liy at v elidi)t JdtwwJ Ut Miwfi UuUiliijj lutl iiiinilwi Im Hm vtrtiuluii ut p-vfylhtatf 4i Ut ymHiiif hIII Ittri mm uuw uiHHif ii lmuu, Mm U I VML, tm-t um kmmUmI Ik ! twit uf aoiNO rou waitk. Chioaoo, Nov. 12. A special to thu Tribune from Denver says: Governor Wnlto received a dressing down In his own executive chamber last night by conservutlvo men of his party, Neurly all the candidates on tho Populist state ticket wero present and eaoli one in turn sailed Into the old man rough shod, Each man declared himself u true believer In thu party principles, but (hut henceforth lie wu tiled to hear no more from tho man fur whom (hey werusttorlllcod, Lufo J'oiiee, congress man from thu first dlslrlol, wan the principal speaker, ilodonouiicid (he governor and his following in un ini'usured (eniis, telling lllm to get himself nil' in thu wllilurneys us noon u m.bu ufler January I, uud Ilium bury lilnisulfffoirntlght of inun, Ho lluully exdluliiiKli "Wu wunt no more JonK-liulfi.il, wllduyLd unuruhlslu und mlalUU In (Im parly, und Ihu nulokur vou and your nllloivgruhhlng friend luku your MilviNitwuy (hit heller you will hu llkbd." WWW WA'UOrMi t'AMY, VAnmn(lHU,tiY, Vi -Tha unll' Imrnniiunllyuriiurly ilidunnlnud unon UMIIJUlIN KllMIIMlUllUllOUOnU hiiImi Imbtm Ihh. it wuvuvvijuuiiimuijit") iihiii by ihu iruhlvn( und jiiuiniur ut lliu nuhiiu'l, Uvitml Ynmt Hfhmtl nniiuhl. nifiulllu luttfiiu,! fpwjivi m imi wwk wllli liifiirinsllun on ih witium inuvifUWHi tut Iheellvur nuriv. (iurilmi i!lnik, uhiii kvurniury of ihu ij-iv, y ma iaiinuni Hum Iwiwr It (unhully mrtal. 'i'liu nmlliiH will liu huhl ut un if.ilv flulv. IJIsik uv. hiillhu lime wild tl' hiiviy mil fom Aw In I iv ilclu lit ui Ihu iiiuvviiiuiii uitib it im inoniH), ih m i im, liiuullytif iMifiy will undunuituiiv tin tuitiihl Uy Uitf Ihim ut tiiuitm, HmuoHt HvllkM MU rM, ut MmN'Ih. jMld. 'J !iyv m iHluiwumi ivti'Htn iu Jl ll.l.ufrf i'rMi.l ll&Llii ll, i..l.. Worden Will Impllcato Others. Woodland, Cal. Nov. 12 When scon In his coll .Wordeu appeared not unwilling totulkaud frankly confessod. "Yes, I urn gulltv but thero are others oven guiltier than I am. I sup-pooXwllUiayo-to hang. Btrong hoe dono all ho could for mo but has failed. Othora who woro doepor in tho con- splruoy than I was, all combined against mo. Woll, I shall not hang alone, you can depond on that. 1 am going to tell thu whole truth abiut this aHalr and when it Is ull known a great many pooplo will bo surprised. Thero uro rnoro men Implicated lu this crlmo than has yet been Indicted for It. i'liey promised to help me, but failed at the last moment. Well, I shall not hang nlonu,'' Whon pressed for par ticulars, Worden declined to glvu any speciuo mimes and facts now, but promised to make n full uud complete statement In tho near future, New York PJgures, Nkw Yohk, Nov, 12. -Of ull ihu candidates at thu election of November (llh, who have thus far filed their ex- mm uccounls, Win, Hohmer, Turn nmny's nominee (r sherlll, spent (he most money, It cost Mr. Holnnur H J 080 to ho defeated, Of this umoiint hu (.pent tl,8IO Tor lithographs uud printing! for stationery, ulerk hlru uud iilrouluis, lo.aoiij Tuuiuiuny hull got UJ,000j H.OW went for poalnguj fur IwMieru und Ju(er wrilliitf hu spent J,201 lor udvurlUliiK In purlmlhuils fOJUi for cub hlru 2flj ror lulogruui. 75) for uxjireosuga Wi mr fm P uud for wugoua uud ilrlvois (W, Huow n iiiifiiift, J'onr Wavww, iud., Nov. n -Thm was u Mir snow ulorm vtulunluv nu. twuun J'Jymmilli uud ilvuriwul, whluli wus Moiiouuiied (hu lliuvlust (hut uvur full In indluuu (hlauurly In lliu sumwii, uw hvHun fullliiK uhout a u. in,, und uoDllhuud unlll 8 p, in. Thu fall uvursuwl ffimi (. IH iMlm, Rail rnuila wum hluukailuil, an 'J ul nuu ilmv liumt I'liuliiMfi ami Ihruu flu trains wf miowlwunil, Wabhinoton. Wnv. iorT,iir day tbo Japaneso had not accepted tho oiler of the Uulted slates to act u a mediator In the wnr hBiro t and China. A cable from the Japanwe authorities was received this morning asking for moro explicit details. A lengthy answer was sunt. 0ii only tho desired details, but addln pvu. U1UU H 18 Deneved win sbow tho Japanese government tho deslra. olllty of tho arrangement. China has already formally notified Secretary Gresham that she will lorn Japan In acknowledging tho ludepen donee of Corea and will also pay a cash ludemnlty. Tho amount sho will pay has not been specified. 'I ho Bfc. Louis Launched. Philadelphia. p.i tj.. m Shortly after 12 o'clook thomagnltlcent steamship St. Louis, of tbe American lino, was successfully launched at Cramp-a ship yards. The aflair was witnessed by fully 60,000 people. Mrs. Cleveland, wife of the president, broke a hottlo of American chaupag e on the bow of tho noblo ships It glided down tho ways, at tho name tlm iitu,in tho werds: "I christen thn m T.ni i A toast to President Cleveland wan drank w 1th choqrs.and he made a folio. Itous response, alludlutr to th trt i. hud takon lu restoring American com merce ana tho upbuilding of the navy. AN ATTEMPTED MUKDER. A Lebanon Hop Grower Sobbed , Beaten and Thrown into a Caaal. Aliianv, Or., Nov. 12 -(Special) News of uu attempted murder at Leb anon havo Just been received liara. Joseph Iluhle, a hop raiser, of that place, won returning from his hop ranch, about 7 o'clock last night, and as ho was crossing the bridge over a canal In tho outskirts of tho town, un known parties struck him over the neud with a olub or sandbag, and robbed hi in of 9216 and threw hie body Into tho canal. Cold water revived him and ho managed toget.outand was helped home. A pomho scoured the vicinity until luto at night but found uo truce of assiuwiiia, Against tbe Xu, t'jTTOIIIHa, Nov, J2.-Jutlo Dh of thu fupruutu court, today bnM down uu opinion In (he case of John Hyaong ut ul, yu, uoliool district of rjullutlusbnrough on u uppeal from Judge Jlarker, who refused u Jnunc. Hon to prevent thu nuna from teaehlnv lu thu publlu scliwils drtwkod In (lielr nnlur. JllfetliM JJwiii uflirma Judtfa iiarkar, decision. 01'MlilnK TJiy hmUA Miun unr, luv, kuY,U lhUi Uvm Juauual lliu 'juuriuriuf liKaiitfnf otolhliM Dilaym Unity umI wullJ fur (ham lv ; Mill in Una uJliaur mill)!) ilivllrai man vhu wlnil ihuiwin inil huIImI un Ilia uUm in UnuW lii I hair iianda ihay tltiimi iw run am) ihv uilitwia hiwl, hilling una imn. WMUi-iling iiwn iiiwHall VUm Vgf Vonltmyt, im An , No. ;a.-jM.jg j, q, Huwua, olltt Of (hu nifwt Dromluaut of umw mWmim, wm jailed Ui fit. ivun nuya for wwntin ny judge Hmh lhvmht rufiiMid to nruothw Ijefmu Hoot I ; (ha iiourt heard of it uud uaut lr tlia Mliuruv uud llnwj IiImi, a iiy ftiiundiiiK wm mimM to Iw niuband lliat lliu ulMr linked mofa llliu Ilia vyuroiaa of jwwr IIibij JmXN, tlvriviimii wnrvmwl i; ilia mri ami hj wm at uuiia ilnad. (iAtt Viimnwi, NOV, l'l m VVhMt i'aaii mimwt, intmwh my, l'lmml, UaU Oil, )w, IM. I'nUihAHIl. tillV. Itf.-WllB.t valluv )", Walls WMllaWjaj, iiJ'AJ)lWlaili', 'WWW'llHWWMHHhl)),W liMTMiBiiiiiMUMTraiifirrBiiiiiiMigiM m . .. -T...- ., .ji.,1 ,.g iii.u.u.'M 1,111 ...KlIWi,. 1. I WmV.mW-.,l" I'M 1 1 .MJI.I.I1 ,11,1 jJIMIII, ,, .11,11 P.. idylil of 11 in Ixtwiiiiji I'uwH lml 1 fMJr'i .vm XcW Baking jtatjfcyyjifify.v mumm Ir'ljrU IClM.I1 JlAIIVl'Jl Will )UtH!lHl-JIU " L JiJi.i EilM Tu. . KVMiitf fc-iUMiKiK'M Hill tin i tnw m tttwwm iivntnf rifn i WMti'tMfflltWttHHiWmt, J t K tf M H 'W '"K HW'" lltVVMl! - ! .-bw.n ah tAiufcnri