Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 10, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    "TBWir f 'IsW
aooa'rd an ocean greyhound.
Hie Contrast Ilotwrni Tliosonn Deck unci
Tlm 111 tlm Ntokohole,
Tho fiupmino1oviiloi)incntof tlio mod
cm crnft of nlilrliull(llnjf, nix ocean frroy
humid, 1h coming nt full Hpucd towiuil
Bimdy iloolf. Tho nen Ih cnlm, mid tho
trip him Ijccii n Hinooth nnd nhorfc ono,
nml now n hIio drown nonr tho nhoro tlm
belief tlmt hiw found lodKiticnt in oven'
mind during tho piwt two or tlireo diiyn
tlmt tho record 1h to Ijo hrokon grown
Utronger mid Htrongor, nnd tho p.-uw-n.
girn crowd tho deck, coiiHultliig their
AvntchcH from tlino to tlmo nnd iIIhoiih.
lng with ono nnothor tho ponnIblHty of
lowering uiu wewiern record, within
two hourM they will know whether or
not their Iiooch Imvo lx-cn justified. 1m t
JtiHt now there In not n liuinnn Mug on
hoard, whether pnHHoiiirer or nnllnr. wlm
Ih not thinking of tho great clmiico that
lien before them.
Tim Htenmcr Ih crowded nhnnxt In (la
fulk'Ht capacity. Some of tho piuwengorH
nro rettirning homo after n holiday, and
there nro otherH, of foreign iiHpcct, who
nro making their flrt trip to America.
The quiet man in the nornier nml unit
.,'.., """ -V iwiimJH, IMlUlllllOUh
politician, who known that ho will k
met on IiIh arrival by two or three of the
Jiiugmik-Mof bin parly and pohhIuIv lu
utlff lulit uritilu ! 1i(kk.....t 1 . .
ll m-oru of rnportorx.
Not far iiom hlniig a forelim nefw..
,whohiw been carefully diillod by her
manngcr nnd will know exiu-Cy what
to n-iy to tho roporteiH when thy come
to Interview her. fihe Ih nrenareil to love
Aiiuriea inovidtd, of coun,o, that the
vuKTicnn puuiio in iirenared to lovo her.
but hIw Ih 11 little lillxioUH iimt imw
hu kIio thinKH of tho ordeal of Interview-
lng that in before her. There Ih an Emr-
Null tourlKt, uomiiig over to nhoot tiri-..
zIUh on Long Ihlnnd n; l bilnglng with
him an elaborate colic tiuiiof balhlubn,
yriillting htfekH, 1 -ilbcc mid gun ciwou.
Ho Ih talking t .i lmn I joldiiu Ami-r.
lean wIioho iij. iiif.nieo ho has formed
on board, am1 ;' Jmi juwt explained to
him that the i,. till which Infewt
the New Y-nk nl'-iu me not icnllv n
yeisf uiu i,,i thiy are huUI to 1m.
'I nil b). sk mo noull" exclulniH the
lEngli'ii t-j.irint in n tone of relief.
The cooIch and nmwaidn aro Ijuhv with
Btneir prep.:r KloiiH for tho hwt meal thai
will bo h rvi-d on thin voviuw. and u
they go nl out their hiborn they tail
about the wonderful run that the nhlj
Jinn made and hope, Junt iw the jiiikkju
gern me hoping on the deck above, thai
tho r coid will bo broken.
ft Down in tho engine joom the well
piltd and brilliantly pollHhed wheeb
mid pInIoiih Hcciu to )ki working oh il
thoy, too, weie filled with (he miiik
Jiojw, mid the chief engineer weutH mi
auxioiiri )iHk u ho glaucoH with prno-
l Joed eye at the indicator, which how
Rho high pieKHUie under which ho It
Hut fm- down In Hie hold in u cornet
Of thcv-M-), the glory hole, lo which
iho well fud, (any going p.uwiiigcr givoc
Vnit little thought mid Into which he
tmUhmi Msi-kn lo peuelrulo. Vet it Uhcu
mut we Hud the trim source of Hie wou-
derful meehunlcal !ower (hat hhhIh the
JWlft ineer like il thing of life now
me hn nmu nouiiiiwii louoiiiiinnii, ror
Mh hem that the fumium glow with
tlielr awful In ul, while In Iho full glare
WW ImiieH Iho half clad fetokoj .tuinl
RJirowJug Jnl tho lory depllw nhovulful
TfitUr uliovijfu) of mill, 'i'heio in no
Hiore juu-Mfeijug or impieMiivo mk'h on
MflpbouKl IIiuii IhlM, mid (lie JuuiUnimi
Wi) eluuie lo look down Into IhU pit
mMmm mid wot wuiiiluiw )mw It Ih thul
plied ni' able in woik Ibmu mid Jive.
Uw V)k Jeld,
i'itu fulfill hWwjI odor of upplu tm-
Rijiii f not moru dellwule (hut) punlry
mo wliluli Dr, Viw' Jiukinii I'tiwdur
Hi'lu Im) ut I'tuummt wmivbwfU'
tim iMvrtwl wurk wblk l h1I
All Uiu uMumut thy Jluvikmuiully
f huvo tut u laiu tlmu II m) Ih hII from
0ttmu, UvHutAUtU )U w)dl In
gtm mh hmi wut imv mum
Pupl.liMH-4 ni W fWHUM- '
u m'i wiu m tiA Urn urn v
mm ( utn- wm u mm in n
nun ii ut iwm
yr i u,ix ul Uw mm Im Us
4 ii.i-. .ii, ymiiwy up mwmm
lauu i nt, iu)ttum Human immum
Zf . . . .1
fvw ..i- ti'iiA, mm mu m ihm
II ll'
J ;f4 vimUrn r mud Ut
ui 4MriMK Mw krt jimi ul
iu 4if imilm 1 U i
.i jiuiiw4" tjjmitiM
1 1 - Y 0kt UMDtewl
t,Bi in Hi dim
t-'trf 'J ttfAmtM
Httntk WHltl i mild
H tit t.uu4U 40f$! M
- Ut r m
i & .4 i4i k ir i
'fi t'ii'0
ii0 tiUiHHt
artiB JjaaAm
tr 1 wp WV HMf tfwm IwiivKr n i
'H lit. ijgw EjUtttMnijii "V
4 - .4iilt timhBtitm f
if ' -' VRBi n MIMIWTrf
I" VltUnu prc.niI(! IIolr4 1(, , 1ar,
JMiut Ilu Coiuldernl.
"nvlng Folootcd n palrof frainos with
n nemo piece of tho right l,S n
Hpread to bring tho gla t 0 to
Hwilh'i fl"' nml 'r'"" th
Hi-lin. V..; . ,,l,wr'llli tlie op-
tiUan nowpiocccdH to fit tho conmlofcd
Uut, no; hoieachefl over nnd place:i
Ho Ijowh over your earn hlmwlf. 'j'hei.
"o Irion tho RpectacIeB gently, en thty
rCHt tlpOll your tiono. tnk-lmr ..t .1.1
outer cndH of the frame, v here tho Ijowh
dngo. Not jMt right. Ho taken thorn
of ngaln nnd mnooths tho bown out bo
twecn tho tlpnof hlnfliigem and changes
niiMuiiiuooniia trieHtlicmngnlii.
Uottor, but not juHt right yet. Ho take
them ngnln mid nmootliH out mid bendn
n n little more. You observe tin ho iinndn
them to you, m ho doen this time, that
tlio Ijowh linvo not only been changed
somowhat In Hhapo, but that now they
voryin wweep nnd curve. You put them
on nnd find that they fit perfectly mid
very comfortably. Ho touchon them nnd
imiw tnoni riglit nnd HnyH 1,0.
"Dut tho Ijowh mo not alike," you
"No,"ayH tho optician, "lint (hey
aro now mailo to lit. Your earn aro not
juhc miKo. uno of them in n little big
gcr thnn tho other, and they nro not
placed exactly allko on tho head. "
"What?" you hay, andhecayn: "Yes.
Thcro nro very fow of uh that nro perfect
or just nliko on both sides. "Now
York Sun.
Drew mi tlm Hulian, nml, Tlinnlin o thr
Itiitlmclillila, fiut 810,000,
A largo oporntor nnd speculator of St
LouIh, whoto account with ono friendly
bank hnd been often temporarily over
drawn, wanted $10,000 once for a cer
tain deal, bin balauco in bank at the
tlmo being Iomi than i?100. Tho cashier
suggested that ho should draw upon
somo party not too near St. Louis.
Smith said ho did not know whom to
draw upon. "Oh, any one, " said tho
obliging cashier, "on long as tho party
in inr cnougn oway tlmt will give
tlmo to turn around." Smith drow at
slglit for $10,000 011 tho miltaii of 'fur
key, Tho draft wan duly forwarded by the
bank, jeaehlng Now York, whence 11
wan sent to a London correspondent. It
then came into the hands of the Hotlin
chllds, who forwarded it to their Con
fctantlnoplo branch, whero it wan duly
presented for payment to the sultan's
chamberlain, tho latter bringing it to
hin highness. "Who is thin John
Smith?" naid the sultan. "Don't know,"
replied (ho chamberlain. "Do wo owe
him anything?" "No," replied the
other, "Then I'll not pay it," leplled
hin mightiness. "Ono moment, if 1
might advise," said tho astuto counsel'
or, "This draft comes through the
Ilothschllds, with whom wo nro socking
i 12,000,000 loan. Would it bo safe,
under Iho eficuimitaueen, (0 dishouoi
It?" "J'ny It," Mild (ho siilfmi, mid II
was paid, mid no one wan mom aston
ished Ihmi John Kuilth of HI. Louis mid
thoijulukwIlM cashier. Man 1'iaiiols
co Argonaut.
JtH In SmiiHrkHinl,
Ono nt my Out vUIInuu lo lh Jew
ish rabbi. I wan jiIwimm) to hwir frm
him (hat his oomllgioiiUU In Wmuar
kuud ma not iiudur IhuMiuiuubiMulluiiu
blt Hiuiptuuiy luw nn In lluklwiw. In
ItiMuii TuiWlaii Ibw Juh wij"s ul
uiot wmul julvlligw with lb Muit.
I'or liinlunui, u Hurt may ujhxi i shop in
Ihu Hulu puit of Huiuurkmul, lt a
Jw may let (Ar jiJuuMtut mm of
pWluuhiu fiuUi, iwlim, Iiih4 hihI will
llJ lliw wbbl I' hi IH limeli ftUrtit Urn
Jivvs uf owdrul Ada
Tty mn Mtphuiiim, K hjijiwia nii
Ahkimi4m, as in Hudn m4 J'olaiirf
tlm bW mid wll hl jMjl in Mtmmr
kuiid Hit) yf lb Uiimtit Judith. WJmii I
vmlmmi tmV tultlwuf tlmUytwlhv
i iiil nwJ ly hum iM)mHM wu4i,
(hut li Jt ut mmlfiti Attti wm im
iwnU ul iUv D U4 ttilm l mmu
UhIAw, "Wv tl suum," U mi.
"UH mt HH ut lit Ml ut JtMUb "
UmI Ww4.
h Uip ufwt m, U'miMm ilum
d my tt m Hi ib 1ii'
Dr. I'lWn Uim JfMlUMK I'4m t
WI wwl inui wlutitnndiw.
UAvum il imt m4
(Jtmt u, lax a urn," mt "w
tfmim ul Tit waiitmd mbun,
U wiM ut mhm W iiwmI ut uui imimt
Umt mmm M tm wmdt ut imt
Ut liftJM4 I'm itof Umit m
yttt mw4, u Ut u ' u Ui
m ?uU dt0i ul Uufw Ut Hk,
wbrtt. HtttfCutt U t iuwu t uum uu
U ImmI U) p Uit ut
vmJ f Air HW W MO ''"
t4 k U'Ut " UU I' '
0M -l MM 4m Um U I I.IU4I
f.w; Im4V u'tMM UwMl.
m U rt U) myt)A ut4t imI tiM
y&m U iui " ""' "'
iii) urn "W",H"
MM MiW " i" ,''1 J '
!. l44-- ' " ' ' "
7l " u . . . -.-. I-
W 44 "'''
kui Im U.K- ' " V"U !
jjifc Ln 2f4 ' i
liilfff" ' "'
I j. LiA04 W 1 -
lMtM - V J?
Hliit I lfiUujt 1 fm
llie Mnn by Which Tutor Intplrrd 111.
l'uplU With Coiii-Kg.
All llistimco Of remarknbln norvn nn.
currod n fow years ago when tho Bchool
for firemen in thin city wns ostnbllnhed
and tho meft of tho flroilopnrtmcntworo
bolng trnlned in tho uno of tho dealing
lnddern nnd tho flro notn. Tho man who
trained tho firemen told tho incldont
without apparently thinking it an not
muoh out of tho common.
"Wo begnn to uso tho flro notn," ho
Mid, "from tho first story window
Thcro in n knack In Jumping Into thorn
so nn not to got hurt, I lod off by ntnnd
i"g on tho window sill, tolling tho men
how to hold tho not, nnd then jumping
Into it. Each man in turn would como
np nnd follow mo in tho Jump. It wan
vory Blmplo nt that hoinht, nnd nlno
irom tho Bocond nnd third ntory win
dows. Wo went up n flight each day,
Whon wo hnd nil got used to jumping
into tho not from tho fourth story, nn I
found out afterward, tho mon thought
that would do. 'Wo'll tako tho fifth to
morrow, ' I hnd said to thorn when wo
quit that night Thoy thought I wns n
littlo off, nnd that I wan guying them.
80 tho noxt dny, whon wo got ready to
begin, nnd I not eight of tliom holding
tho not, thoy got norvons. I saw that
when I Bald: 'Hold her strong, boys.
I'm going tooomo down from tho fifth.'
I began to got nfntid of them ns I wont
up Btairn. I got to tho fifth floor nnd poop
od out of tho window to boo if every
thing wan nil right Tho men wcro nil
in their places. I didn't daro to got
upon tho window sill, nn I hud douo on
tho floors below. It might imiko them
uervoun. 80 1 just took ono more poop
to hoo if ovorything won still all right,
put one hand on tho sill nnd vaulted
out. I enmo down all right, and ovcry
man mado tho jump after mo.
"Tho hum ulu'tmuchgood to tho gon
ernl public," continued tho trainer,
"but you hnvo no idea of how much
vnluo thoy aro to the discipline of tho
force. Firemen, you know, nro mostly
niairied men, with families, nnd it
taken ncrvo for a man to plungo into 11
house full of flamo and smoke when ho
ban nwlfo and children dependent upon
him, but the net gives him confldeuco
it safely Ho known now that if bin ro
tieat in out off bin eomraden havo tho
net below, mid that ho known how to
Jump into ft safely even from tho top of
a house. It's a great thing." Now
Yoik Herald,
I-i-l t.-i-rt I'itu Uiiiulri-il Vt-ars Old,
Aiioicnt specimeim or Jetti-rn are
shown in tho Hof museum nt Vienna.
One in dated l.'JOO. It consists of 11 lurgi
sheet of libln-d white paper folded in
three, A baud of paper was passed
round tho outside mid Ihiough a silt in
0110 edge, being llieu fastened with sofl
wax, A small piece of thin paper wnc
laid on the wax mid Iho seal pressed 011
tho pajwr, not directly on the wax, A
somewhat similar arrangement in found
in a letter of tho year I MO, which was
written by the town 'souiiBolor of Mu
iileh tothe burgoimuiir of Jtnsteuburg
In IhoTyio), fnoider to obtain Informa
tion concerning a muu accused of big
amy In Iho sixteenth oeiiluiy people
In IhoTyiol mid Hiviulii used lundu of
vellum or cords, fastened with wax.
Luluroamo opurnto joimd mid oblone
wafers. The use of the eiieiielliig band
ooiiliiiood III Austria generally o J7C0,
or lliinoaliout, nnd probably juaejied Ihiv
win I my among conservative people, The
nit uiivelojMt of iho modern (ypolii (lib
uoIImiIIoii Moug4 (0 Iho your 1710,
llonttl lu Wur.
Tho I'lttimli marshal, Turennu, was u
giuat gsinial, mid Ills elmraeter bears
uxMmlnutloii for ;ioblllt. He wan 0
giwit man. Mirny inoidejitn whluh nro
rululwl ut him show bin modiaty, geuur
ixiiy mid Jionwly as well m hu courage
and mllllury ablllly. A JUtlo Mory of
onw of hln(JMnimiiauip4lgiin Illustrates
hls;uiiiupij)oiisi)isevi;i) In time of
'J'JioaulliorlllNof J'jHijkforl MlvM
Uun Ihe inuvuiumU ut iil w my, (luil
Im InlMiilwl paMliitf through (heir Uirri
lury Thuy tsni u dMpulnioii u Mm
who'll oirwwl hliuM large iHiiu of mwiev
If Im Yuid alur ihu ilirbMilmi of Ji
mtuu mni Uw VfwVtuti tuimaltisM
Th witfu miiHiml in nutiu way
Hm um by bis nwur, "Umdlmw,"
U mU, "Hty miummtm will mA mr
mil m Ut mmyi ywtrnmuy, fur I hm
imut iumimUimmymy lUmnU
Hum uyh "Yuuih'p iWjHtiiiwi,
At mm ndl auUt!i
k iwytw ul ilurmw lawur1
tmrtr to lnwwujitil viUi Um ltf
umriud Wi W wii mm, liiiwJUUJ
im mtM Um tmtiMt tlmmuim
uu Vu um Ainu AuMuy UU mmim
W, mi m mum Ut ! y jMW U
ptmf U umm ik ub lium m
m tutt Uut Mmm M, Il y i'
u4 tutf u lm nut, wuum Imp u
tu mm .wUfaw- ml uum Him
m., tmitm mmB titf? ' to'
Iiii4 u-4tmuj Umur tmiim
I 4 i -"! W putt 4m'
i 11.. "tuuitt AUmufilt , i m
... j, v, uf't p m hmtmrn tt
,,! fmipm iimututiy
i,t (mm m) mm w um
rwm iu mffimp " ""
mmi Uf Ul, I'tuji HHOuk
fumiat Wnmu UitiUni kmufi
uiuumt IHuM't Hf
UU4UuLfd m !
mimp li W miwm
m $Uw U umJ Im m "
1 ktukm tmm
,Mltmimmim tmmm
j uy mm, mflrfftr i
mmt, uuu &i )m mmmm
, 1 " iiBH. m tmmmm
yy Ut Rimmi
.mi --'' It Ut
I PP ff -W.-w 'J
t? 2 sis?
&AAmAi Amiift-
mm viL- y vOtMlf
Hev. O. IV. Clapham
A lilgliljr ctccmcd elcrjtymnn o( tlio M. K
churcli, piiitor of tlio Cliurcli Creek
circuit In J)orclictcrCo.,Mnr) land, write ii
"0. 1, Hood & Co., IajwoII, Miim.i
"I feel Ita duty to tlio public to send tills
certificate. I saw In a riilliuleluliln paper
a letter from a man w ho Iiail sulTcred horn
Muscular Rheumatism
nnd hnd been restored by tlio uso of Hood's
ftarsnpnrllla. I hnd tlio grip lu tlio winter
of ' and 'VI so severely that It deprived
mo of tho uso of tny arms so that mywlfo
liad to dress nnd undress me, and when
uwny from homo I find to sleep In my
clothes. I tried llvo doctors nnd not ono
accomplished anything. Then I saw tho
letter alluded to and determined to try
Hood's kh& Cures
Hood's. Jlcforo I had taken ono bottle I
had tho uio of my nrrni, thank- (Jod,
Thcso aro facts and can lio verified by
mniiy persons hero, J, M , Colston, Church
Creek, supplied mo with Hood's, I mu
pastor of Iho M. U. eliurrh here," O. W,
L-1.A1-IUM, Church Creek, lnryiand.
Hood's PIIIb aro prompt nnd efficient,
yet easy In action. Bold hy all druggist.
akllbllkkldU, 11,1.
Caked & Inflfi nied Uddera,
Riieuiiiatic Pnius,
Bruises fiiul Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints,
Ilnrnuss Si Saddle Soret,
insect ttm,
AW Citiie AiiinuiiLtf,
AH Harm Ailuxints,
All $liuu Allnwrtji,
lmwirntm Jflwmfa,
MvinUrnnit nnd Throne
Qukhly Ut tlw Viy
fruit of Puln nnd
0uiM ti In n Jiffy,
Hub In VtyMowly,
Mjiljl IJlllllMli fiijIIDIi
ttemthti u Linj wit
A I A 1 1 v"U Till I Ir'l'
wvt n 1 niiim
tU ijj
4..Wtni ifl
Usvwir jMsi IMsWr l M WsmsH
. .? 1
. ...aI.I..., liMiiilli 1
sssi itswwssMs. mi trU
njUl mmI to um- A mm
ilu m mi i i4t jismsi sw
Ur lit is fiM Hit'
hM DK W W4f
a Hii8roniwwr
.sK TX 'Bwm
1 1
ooe. wt'WtKr
(J tor t'J.30, ijp
Dcrboii krusw
Cooper Shop.
linioprmd upnulinp nnrtlief Hlr,' mill, In
H011II1 KaUie, whirf-lio m pniwrtil to make
iml H-pnlr Mil kind or cooix-ihkc, seen ni
pulls, tubs, keirii. Imrrls nnd clinrns. (Inly
tlin best Mtuumed slock used. 1'rlcs ronmui.
First Natlpnni ihnk Ititlt.1t nr,
HAr.Kl, . . OULOON,
Hehool now In scuMun, Tin "NKW HVH
...-. .,' ,,,,, ivtvui j- nit iniiicrii, 11 v
pmvn tit. ,nitir Mah.i r... . ..,.. i..n.. A ...
lcKeJounml. Attdrcm
r-w Principal
Til ft lltllrittfin(1 1 Iti.ta ttrWI .. ...I .- l..
ponyiotlou -f tho parly or n.lut who htinieil
l iSr'lf" ?.lld 'l?."1? l l,,B 'K''t l lM) 'Hit)-r
VI. lWW Hit tf III nLrt iki. !.. .... 1. J. .
7.Vv r;.i;,vv;iV. "" v .:"." '..rr " "
audmkbl4loiia MiNrewiint.
10-11 ifAwdiu Miliiiniii. iJr.
.. .. mitt KINS,
Horse, Shoeing.
i,&!10,.,...".i! "Mr?l"t,' rear of Kel.
,rJ,f.rl!!.nilu'0. ."t,"- Tll aiientlon to
'ntirrVrliiKnuil liMrnni y tli met.
ii-tndfursileorto lease, In nimntllv an
oi'iitlMm.lrild.PUrCl,a"ur' ,ro"' "0
AwiiiWii''nuM,,a ror ,o",, und
Altliuinu, Or,
irlnglB soliool,t6i.o,fci, under Miw, bulnDM
timber and , pasture, new tftit-riii uoinf.
!i?Xl'?Zn ,'. wlndinlll iid lank. 6 n?r
jremUts, yeUr"' A,,dre,w or "'lur on
18 lino dw Hulmii.Oriuin,
Wlmlesalu and Jletall,
KverytliliiKlii my Jiu
kl lowest nriiwM.
IUI ComiiurclHl stmsl,
j. ii, i)ANii;i.
WhmUti Umyertlly
I'll iwwl roiiijilwtu mu best riiiiiied iiiilIo
siliool ou tlm iioilliwml a Jul,
Uijlvrlfyliidril, MUt inetliods and
Inoroiixli wink.
U ,"." ",vt' "" ""i'ltl'ii l nit,
1 begin llenilr U, m,
UWM, wlii;lumlki)di.lnll I'mii. ('1111111.
"f'i laiite r-moy lipids, iobfoldmd
SV mftS .i"'.r."""" f'''iii onuIW
utmiHupmitm'nmtiA wyuiawy,
Mat IIhiw Publhium,
amf hw MkiiMH mbu,iMiw mm
ItHMr, uiu 1 11U llttHi
r unit, r.niwMi 1 u wmi
mm km hhaiw mum
ifei4 iAAAiUssssssssAsWrf jf A MUMldtM
iwOTninwij. M4jsa
fril A.
Wr", Ujr
ICfWor Wr slow. r.-.r"-
MVIJIP MMIIIIJMsl MJIJiisf JUL UliliilJ. U'Jlil Iim.
"""- "SMBSssatetasH" .. -
., -
'Jls-ioiir netlUoncrH, pulroiin
Minn m uu'koii. KitiK-ctri) lv nellllon vmi i.. A iV " .. """.v l?J'8y" uU OHf
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