Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 09, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    . 'STvf -
rjsii month
VOX. 7.
iff YORK
Has just received from St. Louis, a full lino of
tho Brown Shoe Company's Star 5 Star Boots and
Shoes of all qualities and sizes, all better grades war
ranted, quality equal to any in the city. Also fine fur
and wool hats for men, youths and children. Tho
prices will surprise you. Umbrellas of good quality
and prices low Underwear of all kinds, all wool,
mixod and merino, for men, women and children.
Cottonade pants, shirts of all kinds, overalls, jackets,
avooI and cotton hosiery, for all ages and sizes; rib
bons, aces, lace curtains, embroideries, bed spreads,
and notions of all kinds, all sold at Racket prices.
Our stock of underwear is unsurpassed in all wool
and wool mixed goods. It is very little trouble to
call and see, and you can save 15 to 25 per cent in
your purchases.
Shoes !
m o
Underwear and Backet Store Goods at Backet
Storo prices. New goods arriving all tho time.
Prices alwavs tho lowest.
klnion Bargain Store.
Rind All Butilding Material.
f be Willamtffe Hotel.
iui.i,i i,.j MuiiuiHimiiit IIUrul. Hlfiilrlo itur leuvu liotnl for ull lilb
Splillutj ami point uriultirtwl, Hjwful rate will lie given wmnmnnl
ardwaro, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
hu Jinprovnl UmU wml J,owwt J'riu,
yy Uf gift jikj Libviy m wms uflwura
uuil Uxikjng H(wvk. lw;
K,..?1"' AT'S
i-JiiKiiiMM mimfittd. All kimU f M Work umUJ ijr ikum
Jub W
tour lh-ml. HaIwii, Oration. rmjJOiMlMiiiu wliii
A Cleveland Bank Robbed
Large Sum.
of a
Jnko Snyder, Ono of tho Masked
Men Wounded.
Cleveland, Nov. 0. The Nutlonal
bank at Oberlin was robbed last night.
TheBafe was blown open with dyua
mite. A large sum of money watt se
cured, but the exact amount has not
yot been ascertained.
A Bold Bobbery.
Lanjiek, Wyo., Nor. 0. Three
masked men euteiod H. C. Enderly's
store at Thermopolls, covered the pro
prietor with guns, and compelled him
to give them 1,350. He and others
pursued the robbers, and mortally
wounded one, Jake Snyder. Tho oth
ers escaped. , '
The Cattle Embargo.
Bkklin, Nov. 0. It has como to the
knowledge of the United States em
bassy that the pretense that the prohi
bition against the lauding of American
cattle In Germany was based on sani
tary reasons is without foundation. It
appears that tho Hamburg authorities
passed two cargoes of cattle iu question
as healthy, and thereupon the Prussian
auultrry olllcers were ordered to Ham
burg uud subsequently announced the
eattlo were aflllcted with Texas fever.
Cattle-shippers to Hamburg are Indig
nant at tho action of tho Prussian
authorities, as they have roceutly built
four cattle steamers for tho American
trade, and these huve been rendored
useless by tho prohibitory orders re
cently Issued.
Tho Frledlander Case.
PoitTbAND, No, 0, The defense in
tho Krlodlander damage case before
Judge Hlmttuck had physicians on the
stand this morning. Dra, Parker, Coo
uinl Ilullt'ty were examined, uud gave
expert medical testimony, One of the
points set up for tho defense Is that the
plulutlll, Mrs, Frludlunder, l subject
to hereditary epilepsy, mid that some
of her symptoms are not entirely due
to (lie Injury produced by a fulling
book, J)rs, Coe and Parker's evidence
this rmrnliig (ended to slum (hat tho
plttliilill had partial purulysls,
Unlimited Ori'dlt.
Hr, J'lJTKiwmwu, Nov. (Wl'lie inu.
niulpul council lias voted an unllmllud
uredlt for the purjwau of dufiaylug the
expenses of (lie reception here to in
purer Nicholas uud the funeral of (lie
lute nur, Hint ulto for (lie erection of u
monument m (lie ileud var. JJeyen
thousuiid jwund have bwoi subscribed
for the )urHMH of giving 'Hnur to
Hie wr of Kliarkoll the duy after (lie
ir' My pwow through tlmt ulty.
Hb' IMii
i km Mi.iiulil m wulj iliiUM ur wt Mi ii Pwr
hI;U lit'!) of
VVAfjjMu fo Hit kkv, rum
It' w I hi wJ Jitfic . 'T
UwM by tbi l)y, Vfwk r 4iUi
linuyim) MM miHlM hUU),
-m , , itt
jLJUPruf n,
i,l. "'JVM
HU liWMt'
) tho vu)JU
u I minim,
H I m in uu
Mt ium-
W'l '
IJwkJ Ihum
m a
ketheOne Cent Daily
Kill vi,u itmUtm ihihm will iwl wm - J b
"W ",MAf ' 'HMMWmf.
MnriU Wmi,
Kw im jf ir ' " " l"'t'
Bishop Matz.
Denver. Nov. O.BUhon Matz, of
this diocese, haB tendered his reslgua
tlon to tho holy father, with a request
that it be accepted as soon as passible.
T. Do Witt Talmago.
New Youk,Nov. 0. It is announced
tonight that the association of tho Ilev,
T. Do Witt Talmago with tho Brooklyn
tabernacle has been formally so vered.
His resignation is duo, ho said, to the
fact that ho does not feel that ho should
ask his old congregation to build tho
fourth church for him. Ho advises
them to either join other churches or
build for a now pastor.
Olovoland's Silenco.
Washington, Nov. 0. Tho presi
dent Is more silent, if possible, bIiico
the election than ho was before, and
declines to talk as freely as formerly on
politics with his cabinet advisers. Ho
is working hard on his annual mes
sage, and remains at Woodley, where
his privacy is not disturbed. Somo of
the cabinet officials want to do some
talking and Mo kept from doing so by
the presldont, who evidently Indicated
pretty strongly to the secretaries that
ho does not euro to have anything said
by any ono connected with thn admin
istration, regarding tho result of last
Tuesday's election. This Is more than
Irksome to Secretaries Smith, Herbert
ami Carlisle, whoso hot Southern blood
bolls ut the criticisms pasted on the
president and tho nhurgo from one
prominent Democratic leader after an
other throughout the country that the
president is responsible for the goueral
and overwhelming dofeut of the Dem
ocratic parly.
Masses at Livadia.
Livadia, Nov. 0. Tho llrst muss for
tho repose of the soul of Alexander III
was concluded yesterduy morning In
the Bysauee chapel, where the remains
aro lying In state. The lato piuperor'H
face was but little altered. It had a
placid expression, At 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon tho second mass, at
which the czar, c.urlna, Princess Allx,
Princess of Wales and all t'jo Imperial
uud royul suites attended, was cele
brated. Tho lato cur was escorted
with greut ceremony on board tho
cruiser Puuiyut Merkooviu for transpor
tation loBebastnpol this morning.
A Lucky Broker.
Nkw Vojik,Nov,0, Kred.T, Adams,
the broker, who lias been oH'urliig so
much money and such heavy odds on
Morton's election, won 170,000, If Hill
had been vfctorlouH,ho would liuvo Inst
more than f2o0,000, Ho Is a grandson
of the earliest uud for yours ouu of the
most prominent bunker In this city,
Germans and Natives Fighting,
IH.llUH, Nov, V.-A "puclul dispute)
received hero suy ti.OW nutivenof the
MuwnoJI tribe recently t tucked Kl,
WttMndJ", Kiut Africa, uud were de,
fuutixl by the Uennui) reguluiN uud
imllVfs under Jluron yon JChrnlelii,
J,uur tlit) MuwuJI tribe cuplnnd Kiw
keludje with Uiuiill hloodslltd, 'i'liu
(iennsiiv liuvu not fiutonirniig uuougli
(n recupturu the plane,
Jones Is Elected Governor and
Ntwlantls for Congress.
Minorities Growing nstlio HclnriiB
Como, In Moro Fully.
Receiver Asked for a Nickel Mining
Company In Douglas County
Chicago, Nov. 0 A bill for tho an-
polutmcutofa receiver for tholutor-
natiounl Mining Company was tiled
in tho circuit oouil today by tho Color
ado Iron Works, on behalf of all tho
creditors. Tho complainant is for a
Judgmont for tho creditor, holding
claims for J4020 aud $8211. Tho capi
tal stock of defuudaut Is $5,000,000 but
It Is claimed tho property owned by It
Is claimed tho pioperly owned by It
never exceeded In value $100,000.
Thosohemo was 11 wtcd by Gillette
and Taylor, of this city, who purchased
tho claim covering 00 acres, in Doug
las county, Oregon, from Selah Hoove,
for $5,100.
Chinese. Will Not Make a
Determined Stand.
Ban Fiiancisco, Nov. 0. Complete
returns from seventy out of 101 pre
cincts in Nevada give Jones, the (silver
cuudldato for governor), 8023 plurality,
and Congressman Newlands (also sli
ver), 010 plurality.
Hurrah For Tennosseo.
Nabuvillk, To tin,, Nov. 0. Tho
vote for governor Is very oloso between
Turner, Dom., aud Evans, Republican.
Tho official roturns will bo necessary to
determine the result, but Indications
point to l'Jvun's election.
Texas Goos Democratic.
Galveston, Nov. 0. From tho ro
turns received heio It Is sufo to state
that tho stato Dumocrutlo ticket is
safely elected by 40,000 plurality. Cul
borsou, tho candidate for governor, is
running about 10 per cent, behind his
tloket becauBo of his freo silver vIowp.
Tho congressional delegation will not
bo solidly Democratic.
From Missouri.
Jehi'khbon City, Nov. 0. Out of at
state uouutors, 18 aro Democrats aud 10
are Republicans. Tho house will stand
Democrats 02, Republicans 70, Popu
lists two.
Tho Royal Marrlago.
Lonuon, Nov. 0. Tho Dally Chron
lolo's Vlonna correspondent says that
preparations for a royal guest continues
at Monrepos villa, In Corfu, and It Is
understood that Nicholas aud his bride
will pass their honoymoou there.
Rkulin, Nov, 0 Tho Kooulsch
Zeltuug says that Nicholas II nud
Princess Allx of Ilesso wilt be married
In three months.
Starring nnd Freezing In Their
Mountain Retreat.
Improssivo Oeromonles,
Wabiiino'ion, Nov. 0. Profoundly
Impressive ceremonies woro held at the
Russian legation hero today la memory
of tho czar, Alexander III, Prcsldcut
Clovolund nnd entire cabinet, except
Postmustor Genera! Rlsscl, attended,
accompanied by Mrs. Clovolund and
tho cabinet ladles. Tho presldont,
members of the cabinet and dlplomutlo
corps, were eaoh participants Iu tho
ceremonies nnd hold wax oundlcB
throughout thosorylco.
JJUnmrck Advlnes.
JJXUMW, Nov U IVInuo Jlltiiiiuriili'
JJuiuburgur Muokrluhleu udvli Uvr
insoy tu Muuure kw1 ruluilons wild
Uuiwlu by uvi;liling fuinlllur uuum of
ulluiiw I'itr lusiuiiwi, It fuys, she
mustiiMt tttvnr thu i'nW im iUw
Uhmr to HUWHU, IM L' III WW lliu
mi' bMjlUllli( In iMHiK WKl Hit)
,mks uimI IIiw Uiwu ill (liu iulllu
It (Mfllf, Wllllv IjVUlJiJK Wml UKMM
(fit Hw fiuw 4iu jiljMui yufttwtJiiy, fuJI
ull hit wiwt lfwijj( m iUMb. i
u fur tw lmi iw wmuw m
;rwJ Ht It UU itU, Ull wuuul
liMiuy, rtiim llulmuUtl,
tlitumlhr, it uu4utitmti in ImU vw
luiiUr wldiml nliww,l UltfeUl
I'uHwr fMi Hertiml), uUuldu ul
mtuuuum wit tUm ul U iHittum
Immit, Mu A YuMuum 4i
iuub m 'J himmifUsktUtg Utt'
Ua irtji im uy km mi
luv kr U Mm
Still They Come.
Wabhimjton, Nov. 0. Chairman
Dabcock, of (ho Republican congres
sional committee, received a telegrum
toduy from Chairman Dixie, of Min
nesota, saying tho Republicans send a
solid delegation to congress, This In
creases tho figures of the number of
Republicans iu tho next hoube to W,
Kentucky, Utah and California,
WABwwaiOM, Nov. 0, R, If, Cur
rothers, chulrmuu of tho Kentucky
Htutu Republican committee, tele-
graphs Mr, Iluuoock tlmt six Republi
cans Imve btvn elected toongress from
that Mute without counting Dunuy In
Ashluud dUtrlot, Oliulrinuii Cliurles
L'rullie, of ttuli, wire C'uiiron, Rep,, is
ulucttd to cnugroM uud unless the Hop's
uro con n tw I out Hioy will control the
ooimllliilloiml ijonvontlou, (Jfmlrmun
I', II, C'urdwoll, ofCullfoniU, says tliu
Republican eliclr-d sx coiign-Mineii
Mini Mugolre Is lliu only l)inocrut
elected. Republicans will control hold
bruiiulies of (lie Jeglslulurv, hut i'Mvn
Is ilufeutud by uhout M,
Wmmiw, Nov. o.-Wllliiiin Huliw
heit, nsllVK (if Aunllltf, uuwj 11. win.
iiiKM wululdu yoslvnliiy ut 0U ort-wk,
lwtilvuiiilwiuKt i( it"tburg, Huliii'
but nnd wlfr miv in Himwn In
April, frum Wnrwltf, V., uml Ml omu
uww inti; wrtiiriili Willi A,Hi'lnl'
himii In l)iv Himvry himlntwi ut ihU
muk. 'miijul trouble hik ti o
liwv hun iv 'MM,
Omy' W'
Hun itivMWMht v.. tluv.v jnw
uMmmln ilm imnMMimm'
$m, xiv 'vivr, j ((-,, wm, nm
IhlLi , mm, lkiw )'w WJU. l
y'vuis k&Hi l!v wUliwlt uf Iku
iWJWliiJWIIHIIlJ IIIW(A(lUjfcWlll()Uil
by m
Until, Hm V IkiwiMu imim
Imj wm lw W 11 fl v mull
iHJliJ'llJ!" trhuwn jiJ)Jj hu IM
wilii ymuii, im tv)un4 vh,ni
t&n llmOvv muiliHu liw limit
w irnum litdwuVf itiwlliy tfmi
UmtUk'lMf , H1, V I'll lM
iMiWIM Vttm imit In UiillltiHl! IJlJ
liitMmu tM w )'tiiiiH
Un4Mifmti H v hi hyui
m v&mim vm urn
Urn um ui urn, bmUu
dAN Fhanoibuo, Nov, 0. - Wheat
Cash 87J821.
CuiOAao, Nov. 0, Wheat, Cash
StJjDeo. 551.
i'oiiTiiAND, Nov. 0. Wheat valley
70; Walla Wulla 02J03J,
TJio best oviilonuu w lo shot that
tho pyramids ol ) ,jpi v. no njuJsapul
Tho oflluiulsof Korea wiiur upon their
huts tho Dguroa of vurlutis blulHuud nu
iuiiils, Among tho Turks lliu bodies of tho
dead mo In Id iu talieuio luveroueo,
though thueun.i u-ih iirti ukuiI us plonlo
Tiieio me, kjvh ii Nmv Yoik newspa-
ior, nboiit JO AfioAiiiuiluaii lawyers
u Now York. IU Iu IJiwtoii mid mote
than 'Jli in tJliloaao.
Tho uglli foyiuolun's sons and
griimlhiiMH, wliuii uieiiled Micni. nroeu
tilled to seiils in lliu Iioiimi of lords ut
tho J oft of (ho Hironu
One of lliu wjiriltloii of iii'Jiiiho)ni)
of o Now Yoik uluh Is tlmt miuli ineiii
Imt niiiKt id vu ut luttxt ouu jiour h wiiek
lo doing sumo f(ood mil Ion.
it Is ostliiiiitiul tliut tliuiu uro fully
1)0,000 jivgiutHi in lliu young territory
ut Okhilioiiiit. Miwt ut llioiu iiro In
llluliiu uud l,wn wmiiiIIms,
ivfiHiiulliiO Is (wo ur iiiroo tlnm
grMlM( In Dim siiiiWiIiio Hiuii in tllO
lwli wild iYurklt iIiiilsus MitiwtJu
suiiiiiiuriis in winli, I id iiaiiyr ilmliig
i hiiMi llmi in uului mill U urmUir
fium lluhti ul mulling siiuw lliun I mm
HJI Wjlllll llfuwi Ut lliu MiMljJ
(iaiuqao itmiim.
Iii Jin J tw ImuM) iJihiIm luiiriiivi
Hint Hw Yurfc, with Uih illirsiHit liiut
vluulrMly It Ut m wuul ti llw huilu
'J'Ji Juu MJjvrti JUmsIHu ilullwuy
mummy Um Itmi lumiwvll, will
wiml m i m.m.m, fUu hw ilu
wfl) ran truw HUImhm iu Mimwiw,
Tim blwlif ami MiUm Unit Hull
umi mmimy lm MfiHiwi with w
Uintiim ymvtuwml Iu nmtui Uw !
hmt Tfvvlww Ui muitu Mln4n ml
titmm iu UimHiu, utt HwJ'ttWn
Alt Mm imiiivt
hmUm mmimur ul
iumm Ui mt mmww
m tad 1 iimm m nm
Shanoiiai, Nov. 0,-The Chlnew
army of tho north retreated to the
mountains where tho soldiers are re
ported as starving and sutlerlne se
verely from cold and oxpneuro. Tho
Jupuuesu army Is reported encamped
ut Long. Wong Cheng. The Japanese
aro pursuing 1,600 Chinese, mostly new
Port Arthur is not oxpeoted to make
a determined stand against the Jap
ueso. Admiral Sir T. R. Fremantle,
In command of tho British Heet, con
siders that Port Arthur will probably
bo tho Bcono of the last engagement of
any importance betweon the Chinese
and Japanese.
China Wants Peace.
Chioaoo, Nov. 0. A special to the
Post, from WaBhlngton,saya: This gov
eminent bus nguln been asked
to Intervouo In tho China
Japan war. China says she
has always recognized tho inde
poudenco of Corca and la willlag to
coutluuo to do so, moreover, she will
pay Japan Indemnity to defray that
country's expenses in the war.
hw ut llm
iV , m
m Imy
m muff, w iwm mm
miulu tmuht Ik tm miiml
Win min U tmm Imm, lmt
him m immml llLml utiuy Uy i
iittjt iiHM im flu 44 m Imm tmfMi
London, Nov. O.Mr. Uohlda, Jap
oncsochargo d allulree In London,
Hiild today In an Interviews
"Japan could not accept as utt
answer to her proposal of reform in
Coren tho maintenance of a Chinese
army In tho peninsula. The presence
of Chinese troops Iu Core meant
merely a scries of horrors, such as are
now being perpetrated in Mauohurla.
Japan lias never menaced Chinese In
legrjtyj alio did not intend to break up
the empire aud certainly does got wlh
others to do so, The height of Japan'
ambition la to see China consolidated,
freed from corruption, prosperous and
open to commuroe and civilization,"
Circuit Court,
The escheat (me of the Mtate of Ore
goii va, tho First National hunk and
Ludd St, JJiikIi, were May continued,
Tho ousu against Ffd,Hmltlii'oi' cat
lie stealing, was n)m continued, (he
ilefyiidunt mill Nng at Jaw. The
sale of the pane of First National bank
v, W, N. Ladue,wa May cooHwhJ,
'J'Jm dlvoroo caav of JJoiinsy v, Hon.
uty, a this afternoon owujiylug (he
attention oflhft court,
Hmmi hwrimiWlw eoo4 am
ht Un IW)(iif Juolun glvvll HWlvf
the Kiisphwa of (he W, , l I), will U
klven in ill V. O.T. l Jisll on W
nMay, iViiIix NoyemUrJili at W)
p. m. Ry. iuuriiiw Hinuialr will
llieil ifl)t to liu pMhllO III Vtfjf In
lwwtlwJwgriiM',T!w VM ut flie
Ywl'l," AilmMonluoeul, TiM
umj.(MiW.U.T lUll.
TlMV Will N a niUtltMl ami Jiirr
eiit4Jiuiiiiiii)t tfwi al Hie lniuj
HMUmi uliwih ill Ydw t'tulf, mi l'
immtjw, Hsiiinlsy, jtyyiJintr, IUtninu
mi o J- in, AtlinMw 10 m, A
Muo'l 'fwjiiHj. HvDtyM InvJlwJ, V IH
MW4tl4 wIm WlJ WW uiCwtw
ImMI t" lloiwunl u.Hualli JtiJluiliJ
1 41 JmImi l
f .. .!.,..,.,(.ni.1 Tj1r..rTriqpit)( .0
if I Jill Uni lwlml llil mmUiHIwi
ii wuyM Why hm Avr m$i )ih
Utunr II, hUd i
twwii )m M I'MiiM (( ft lJ
iiiIIiim firibswiiioKyMr
UuHl'Hinmi Mu, Willi IM MM
mnnHhu I'Mf Ji lr)M 10 Wtt Mi
ll tot uii I will mvl aiiii i'llm, Wu
Itmi u iitui dtM jolt) M in rtwt
ttuif uur nHi vv tfvtyitkhplo
twwitoun lM0hl M tbHtnutwt
JI'tHWWh!Uf VI tmil UMh
JJ'iiwl ufH ui l4Uhi)$ Yum Imrt II H ifol fepHl
n-iiii.irinMniiiin mtt tmttmm