Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 08, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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KtMnu Dim nf Tlilrot Within Onu Hundred
Etui Fifty VnriU ofn LUo tifFroMi Water.
lOn tho burning winds of Cocopnh des
ert Iwsldo ft lnko that npponro to bo of
tlio coolofit nncl tho purost of frosli vn
lor, Ho tlio bones of nn Amoricftii wlio
aTod of thirst, mid around Jilm nro fivo
orsix holes of two or threo foot in depth,
wSich ho dug with his llngor unils in u
frenzy of thirst. His flngors nro worn
IJftfnt tho onds, nnd only his whitouing
olios nro left to uenr whiiobs to tlio
loso Qnrelti, who makes a living by
Iponunng iroin onu muu camp to nnoui
jxj on tho desert, has rctumod from n
a-ip which began on Aug. 20. IIo left
licro nt that timo and ongngod a gnido
uMtho now jiliiccr camp at Los Pinochm,
Ijolow tho boundary lino, to taku him to
jmnining camp in tho Cocopah moun
tains in tho heart ot tho ueoort. Tho
guide was named Quirino Sosilio, n
lialf breed, and with them wont also
Frank Cota, n Mexican. Thoy loft Los
Eicnchos in tho afternoon, travoled all
night, and by tho next morning wore
far out on tho desort. By sonio mihcil-
bulntion thoy wero without water, and
ftSFbugh not lost they wero bowildered as
to tho nearest way to a well and spent
Jio noxt two days in travoling without
water, becoming almost insano from
thirst. On tho ovening of tho third day
tlioy found water. Thoy wore then on
tho northeast sido of Great Salt lake, or
XJagunn Suliuln, that lies between the
Cocopah mountains on tho cast nnd the
Painted mountains on tho west. Tho
lake is about six miles wido and 20 or
80 in longth, varying in si.o according
to tho hcasou, indicating that it is fed
by tho gulf of California. It is very
shallow and saltier than tho waters of
tlio ocean.
Tho threo men proceeded southward
between tho lako and Cocopahs for a
'distance of ten miks or so and there en
countered two Mexicans and a whito
man. Tho two former wero named ilar
garito Angulo aud Folipo Moreno, and
tho American's namo was not learned,
Gill from tho description ho is thought
to bo Fred Wohsum, who left this city
Pjfor tho Cocopah placers sonio weeks ago.
Garcia continues tho story us follews:
"Tho mencamo from Los Picachos by
wuy of Niji and had been without wa
ter for several days, and one of them,
a:Margarito Angulo, was already cruzy.
Ho was as deaf as a post and wandered
around like u drunken man. Ho puid no
Retention to my guide, and wo had to
hay hold of him to make him drink. In
KTfow hours ho was all right. Tho oth-
Fern wero in their right minds, but in u
terrible condition, and as I saw their
Swollen tongues my own begun to swell,
for I had passed through tlio same tor
iuro only two days before, nnd oven now
Jny tonguo swolla while I think of it.
Wo imvu them water, and tlioy soon re-
Rived and continued on their way. Thoy
wero burdened with a dry washer nnd
Sumy tools and moved slowly, feo wo on
Holt them, my guldo giving tneni nirec-
ions whero to lliw tho next wuter.
"A few miles Inrthor wo camo upon
tho bones of a mnu lying htark on tlio
tTand ubout 20 yards from tlio Jako.
There wtw noilohh loft. Tho coyotes had
fpuiid the Ixxly, Ouo leg was gouo, init
iho root of the n-iimiiw wore there, The
Jfoad luy toward tho north, fiwo upward.
Tho whibkers wero iluiK mm jurumg
gray, and tno nuir was uiu wim. "
jnuii had worn u blue jumper, u rod
ypoleu niinrhirr, one Ixwt and u urowii
rSWUOll llUt l lOUllll Ulimip JuJi jtB
T Ills Juniper pookot wlileli ooiitaiiiwi
TiIh imnur. wliioh in li Iiiww of wi "
Ivolcipo or jmHr wwk, uiliwul 'Joinoti
IjTfoon.', A- T. mid 8. V
sVI'nii.kii. ' In the mum wax uIm IKtrl of
igiw'iibw'k. Tliwu wtw noUitiiK ' '
Iflojitify iho my tii mv vn muui
p piu. o, linn wu uni iv !"
!)avo liwii JarK , , ,
WiuuU w.jjn off, mt Uiujw Vitm Ww r tJ
: Jioli n Uiu nmuml lummt um ?
IliiMiD y htwuwhh i
ISajj iuhiIv wUi v, jiiuk ml 4wW
tmw Vt 1 1 iw UjU Mtnuui ilw iuum iw
jujilu.4( miA m rif rf I" Y jww
uiui i iiaiua in utuwiw iimwi"
.1 4.... ....! !..
tn..i . il.uii llu UiiUatt. UUMHHH vt mm
iliU '! ytUM ' !'
' . i . . (.. i u rrv u iiui wmi at
- i .J ....uitlu ill i inn nn
iut ui'Kuum mm uwhiiww8 m
j,d tu41tMM HUM UM H m'
fft.lM IH" M. ! W"""
a,, n w " " "'
in i.i ni i rf
? ... .. .i. -..
A Id. Uy l 141 6MMMM HUMHHH MW
II ,... t) U. MNWfV IPM w w"
Vrci'tnrlun IIiiI1iIhk.
Jim IJoyos, ft Ban FriiiKilsco gontlo
man who keeps what is known as tho
Golden Shore butcher shop, has two
vogotablo oatitig bulldogs, who have
managed to livo ond thrivo on potatoes,
carrotH, turnips, cnbbago nnd other va
rieties of vegetables, together with n
littlo fruit occasionally by way of dos
sort. Paddy, the inalo dog, (I yenw of
uge, has boon living on green goods for
about flvoyoars, whiloNollio, tlio mate,
ha1? eaten tho food sinco nor awjualnt
nnco with Pnddy, which is of about two
years' standing. Mr. Boyos recently fed
tho dogs in tho presonco of an Examiner
roporter. IIo throw a big Early Iloso po
Into down tho aidownlk, and Paddy
reached tho prizo flrst, took it in liis
mouth, bit it in two pieces and dropped
it again. Nollio took tho lnrgest pleco
and oto overy fragniont. Paddy thon
took tho other half and gulped it down
"Ho doesn't caro much for potatoes,
but ho will oat them if Nollio does,"
said Mr, Boyes. "You must not imag
ino that ho broko tho potato in two as
an net of chivalry. Ho probably thougb
it was a turnip."
As intimated by Mr. Boyos, Paddy
prefers turnips nnd nlways peels them
liimsolf. Mr, Boyes then throw Pnddy
a whito turnip ubout thoNi.o of his flat.
Tho dog caught it in his mouth, rolled
it nround n fow moments, spit out n
handful of pool and cmictly munched
tho tender heart with as much relish ns
Ward McAllister would dissect n ten
derloin. His mato used tho samo caro
while eating her turnip, but swallowed
tho potatoes skin and all. San Fran
cisco Call.
A Itlnff I'urzle.
In this city recently the possessor of
a diamond ring roquestcd u friend to
tako tho ring to n reputable house and
borrow $10 upon it. Tho fiiond com
plied and soon roturuod with tho nion
oy. Tho ring was placed in tho safo by
tho man who furnished tho cash, there
to romain until it should bo redeemed.
Later on No. 2, who pawned tho ring
for No. 1, concluded that ho would like
to liavo $10, aud as tho ring was u val
uable ouo ho returned to tho man with
tho safo and asked for the money, which
was readily furnished, tho tafo man
supposing tho ring bolonged to No. 2,
tho man who pawned it. Nos. 1 and 2
now had $10 each, provided thoy had
not spout it, which is more than likoly.
Later on it happoned that tho safo mail
went homo for tho night, and his placo
was taken by another. Tho second safo
man know nothing about tho trausao
tions of tho first safo imm concerning
tho diamond ring. When another man
(No. 3) prosonted himself and courteous
ly stated that ho had left a ring in tho
ohnrgo of tho first safo man and dosirod
to got it, tho bocond safo man, being
convinced that tho ring belonged to No.
8. handed out tho glittering oirolo cf
gold without uunecoKbury delay. No. U,
I t.l..,..l . ..n. nrlnn r9 lllll tllll.
found that ho also needed some money,
and at onco. Ho thoroforo lot no Mwo
in putting up tho ring t his imolo's
for an equivalent in coin of Iho runlw.
Tho result; Tho ilrst safo muu is out
1 20, No. 1 is out a diunioud ring uud
owos I0, No. 3 is iihwad $10. No- 3
ahead all ho could gut on thu ring,
Holona Independent.
It Wiw Two In. Iir ,,f HUrl I'rom Clr
ruliir hitw, ouil IIo DMii'l lio,w II.
On Monday, Aug. 27 last, no of tlw
inserted tooth edger fuwh nt tho D. It.
Wingato Lumber ronipnny'H mill got
into n bad wuy, mid during tho enrly
morning of that dy rout nwvernl of tho
half oirclo spring that hold tho tooth
In. Tho men about tho odgcr were on
tho wntch ami kept to ono ida Wil
liam Litchfield, head odger nt that ma
chine, hud juiit walked up, ami whllo
talking of the ugly behavior of that
paitieulur saw won knocked down by a
lick on his throat just under tho nuglo
ni tno right juwiioue, beneath his car,
Tho gash was not mora than half an
Inch In circumference. Tho wound bled
freoly for n few minutes, but by tho
timo ho walked 100 yards to tho ding
store it had coated to blow!. Tho cut
was n smooth ouo, mid as there wax not
the least sign of tho presonco of any for
eign substaiico beneath tho vkin tho pa
tient was dismissed with a simple lo
tion with which to batho tho wound
A few days ago n lump uppcarod on
tho skin two inches below tho point
first injured, and tho uttending physi
cian lanced it. This seemed to relievo
him, but last Saturday ho liegau to re
alize that thero was a hard Kiibstauco
jubt under tho skin immediately over
his windpipe, and today became to Drs.
Hedra aud Hownoii and told them thero
was something in his nock. They mado
nn incision aud found n pleco of metal,
but being uncertain as to its shape thoy
stopped to nsk tho patient to deserllw
it. Litehflold told tho doctors ho could
not givo them mi accurate description,
but to just stop tho bleeding a minute,
and ho would go to tho mill and get
ono for them. This was done, mid ho
marched off to tho mill, nearly a quar
ter of a mile, uud returned in 20 min
utes with n half circle of stoel half an
inch wido and two inches from point to
point, threo-sixtccnths of an inch in
thickness mid weighing fully mi ounce,
Tho doctors begun feeling for tho lost
spring ami dually mupped it out, cut
in and brought forth ft duplicate to tho
pieco that Litehleld held in his hand.
As soon as tho operation was iwr
formed and tho Incision drtscd tho pa
tieut went homo und got his dinner, but
ho was in town this afternoon, looking
better and mora cheerful than ho hud
at any timo sinco tho ploco of i-teol
forced its wuy into his jieck.Qraugo
(Tex,) Cor. Gulveuten News.
U ""
AuMt tmt wtoM j
,, w.4iau mil mt
UM4tSH '"' "f "
Mux li Vm
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tl4) (4Nl4fJtf
Jtiii Wood muiI Ik'iuivll.
Bx-Congnwwuu Un Wxl Win
ohuraetariaio nnuudoteof his HrntmmA
lug with JuinuN Uurduu Jlwniutt, Uiu
Mr. Wood itwk mi mivu mitlu luml
polities bfun h was of lt Jy
liu wiw lrdu"d lw llWHiMi ty
jiowjMieruiUr, uud if luf h i4
Ion of l)w duyn WMght mmaul mti
fiuUJuu by giving UMlJoU-r jhyujl
eutUgutiwi). Mr lUml Ju Th JtoW
luuU Uiw mW up wJ uh4 Mr.
Wuwl AiUiHy. TU uH 6w lh M'
lr wml iw liw uilturM tMm, lirmiy
rwriilvwl te Wt M' H-uutM Um. 11m
fuiinU (Jh mUM at Ui iM, mi but
lug w lb mmUug mUf
illjl ILUMt killil.
iirHvU. Mif. ' '
"At fim mm vmmr
"Ym, 4f 1ai l m mm
"WmU, Wuwi, Uuw iM r!
"I MM hrtf tu "
U4m4," Uww.44,1
iLt illHtA Muuliiw AUHMrf ' Wwll mt
WmiZm't urn iSuiw
Hatff- mat 0lu0tm w iu
Mail! m ' w'
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li4 UtVi . mm " ""
m it mrntt mm mm
- 4 ttU tmy '
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in, mm mm mm
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W4 w it
A Nuw nnd TruuMfomu fHunuut IIim Jlalo
IU AiurMuw lu jAin'luu,'
TJio medical profession in London Is
again puzzled by th" peculiar now ills-
ciuo which has broken out nt Intervals
during several months past, prjnclpully
among tho inmate f tho London work
houses, For want of u Iwtter numo they
call it JermutUis exfoliativa. The mor
tallty, at nrst moro than 60 per rent, is
now coinpuiimvoiy iow.
Tho ilrnt symptems nro jniiuiiimulion
of (ho skin, grent IrritntUm following
this. Tho skin pielsolf in largo putelies.
In i-oiue euwjs iluro uiu )nmorr)igos
under tho -kln. Jn utUnt lurgo blisUirn
urofoiiueij, Tlw origin of Iho 4Imom
Is nmyotery. Thu miunt unually I
ooinosexlieuiejy vreuk mid miwAnM,
The duruUon nf iho UJi vijnbj.
jt fiinjmiilly wnWiw wvwrnl wwik.
The lwt aullwiilh'i ijilnk it mn
tsgluus, but up in Iho pruMmt, in plte
of llm fuet lliut lite iw))us Jias )-l
ihflrwwitJaM mid ilHrMjilwill
Hiwiuwi, m littlw U kmwit i( Hut m
iwout llnnllwMlur (hut ih nn4lw
inufuMttun milm imirtsu uumjilMte
iy ww4tl. TJw iHiwuku in dUwlJ u
Mux Jtol" ' Ww HiHAn4
iteiy MuUmu Iho Anwlmi mvii
Muiir (tHii, jwwuily unhwi in ndiyij
Ouw ihv iUnm, il Die ft"' "f ""
ww4Mr JiwtH IWift JwoH b
Wiwlwwi ihiMivhw v,Uh im m llv
wdm( imfuw Uw J"ur' fcwtvu.
fLuiii Utid wWil it imiucM l Hi
in, tm tmwH w JUnpJM, fvr r-
ltt W4 iW4l MM W1W
fbtf MjMi W...flUlrf, 14 tlw Wk)UU
mmtmm4 uH- iv N44 mv w iw
4um iw till ib H Wftftfwi Awm Uw
ui 4w wumM Ia to n.- if
W tM huMtm- lmdiHt Wmm'
mi. ib Mr tmmmt kid rkt
immTmmmit mm idm mmij4
u4 msii&pw U4 if!.
Utl U lmjWtimifmd
bmuttmm mwudUt frmsmm
Htd kmm. ms mnmwmi mm tmmwm.
ftmimmk Hmmtl Hm
ust m ntmMtp m mmi 0
tU mum W W mm mm y
u nl dm tU mmm
u iuU m mmkMtm m
mm mmmmm m WW
ii mU mttimm J mm m
K4 mm mM J mmW
k, tmuit mmm
i I-
Trti" Hlory "' lt"l'ii I -If" Itellrilt1jr n
KHila'.l-.r '.lli" lrl.
Th ir wiw vrvwdiil wlnni 1 rcnuliod
It, mill tlicro v.'ft only on viwsint rnt
In tho front, which I wiw glad to conn
py. J lift an I puttied Isiek, with n nlgh
of natlsfactioii, uvihi latere J had n
ciinncu to Infcomo curious nUmt my
noighbur, I heard from tho ruar of tho
car n baby' fretful cry mid a wearied
mother' voice trying to soothothe tired
child. Mingled with thM noniid camo
a Kccond mother' tone, drawling but
"Ned," ho aid, "hear that poor lit
tlo ultig try. Ned i a flood laby. IIo
iiovisr crlel"
Of aiurso my curiosity wa nrouwd,
end I turned to see tho rival babies nnd
tholr mauima. Tho f usy littlo ono wn
in full lght. Ono rosy cheek nstel on
tho shoulder of it neat but travel stained
littlo woman. Tho pretty, Ixiby bluo
eye wero filled with tear, tho chubby
little follow wa sucking hi thumb and
doing hi best to go to sleep, but tho
timo mid tho placo wero against him,
Tho patient, dark eye of tho mother
rested lovingly on tho wcct, troubled
foco of her boy n sho rocked him softly
lu her arm.
All thi I saw in ft moment, and I
then tried to look Ix-yond tbi interest
ing mother and her natural boy to that
wonderful baby that never ,Tled ami to
hi proud parent. I could not co thorn,
however, because tho restless littlo head
hid them from me, but every now mid
then there enmo to my car the hush of
one voice, followed liy tho iroud tono of
tho other.
At last tho train stopped with one of
thoso backing, bumping motion with
which wo are nil familiar. Then the
terrified Keren m of the thoroughly
aroused baby mado tho nervous mother
liuslen to leave the car a quickly n
possible. Following her and closo be
hind her wa fat wouinu, with wrin
kles in the back of her neck midn large,
showy hat. Sho lifted her baby up with
ouo jeweled hand, mid as she kissed liiiu
on the pug iiomi drawled eut: "Ned' a
flood boy, Ned' luiiiniiiit'H own sweet,
precious flogglc. "Boston Globe.
How a Clirrnli I'IhiiUt Aiiiii Illimx-lf
Ht lli J!h-iimi f liuiiiK'iit TruroliTi).
Eastern visitor in Cullforulu tiro nl
wnyn much interested In the olive pi nu
tations which, in recent yr, have be
come n fen tu to of the inont nilherly
counties of the stale, The lover of the
siieculent fruit when pickled mid lst
tlixl for pole in the emit end north are
always uuxlou to teste the olive fnwli
wid rljie. There I a wpular impression
(hut it I swei.t nnd delicious; but, like
liimiy oilier jwpulur luijirevdouic, till f
a flelpbion und u Pinue,
A Utw mile wuth of Hen Dlcgo,
where (ho railioad make i Jiiiietion
with it Miml! onotruikioful Iwcllnglnto
Mexlw, n large planter luis lukeii fid-
ynuluge ot Ihl deliulon for hi own
jiiniiMijuojil On tbomrJvel of ink.'Ii train
from Ihe noitli imineioii Iruveler ill-
mount to wm the Inning of tun irnln
uejoM (he Moxf'Min lider, i'or llmlr
mimM Ihe plenter Iits iiuIIikI nlxnr out
klde of III ffiiw jusl mtim Die way
from UxoellrKHdHelluiiwIileh he keep
IIIM wllli lilee, ri ullve. A jdiwerd
invite yJuMm in Iheoe vveiilsi
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Hun ik mni tmtimUt mui It euuMii
uiu flJMMMWMj, mtA mmmuf Iihhmh
WmtM iV MmUfflttHltmimiU iMr ll4h
inUt It- 'lm Mm it m muminmi howl
mid M 0lttt rfl " tjawuui Mint
dUgoty fr Uic tlM4 liwJf. m imr
if a iw4wy -Wiummiihi
Am tim Umtmri HU, Umimim hi fun
Imm m il wwi imiiMr iwuv
VililiU m mittUmm, wUufm iw itmwAtHI
uliy imt mmM te tw iiw Hmwln
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ludge Senders
4 ii
Says that For Rheumatism
Hood's Oaroaparllla to tho Boot.
Judge JT. Jt. Baundera
ill Oiceola, Neb., senior vlce-ommander
nml procnt commander of J. '. Jteynoldi
Test, No. zc, a, A. It., voluntarily wrltei i
"I wan lu tlio army four yearn, was wound
ed and contracted idatlca nnd rheumatism.
I liaroiulTcrcdcrcr since. I lost tlio use ot
my left leg and side, and havo tried almost
errry medicine known, nnd I think I li.tvo
had Ilia belt iiliynlclnn In tho country, tint
failed to net any relief, I'.rery spring I
wai flat on my back, and must say (liat
Hood's Oaroaparllla la tho Boot
medicine I havo ercr taken, ltliaadono
mo tlio most good. It was rccommrnricd
to me fur rheumatism, and I am satisfied
ami know that It will do nil that you claim
Hood'sK; Cures
(or It, I do not want to say that It Mill
Ulso n fellow from the dead) but It will
coino the nearest to dolus; It of any wedl
clno I liare ever known." T.JI.SAU.ndeiis,
Osceola, Nebraska.
Hood's Plllfl are tho licit nlterllnncr
pills, assist dlscstlon, euro headache 2Jc.
not. mmT4W7mmW
Ut t'J.S0.
To tho Htnto Board of Education Protest Aga!nBt!Clmngc8 In Text-Booko or
uuy t'outrnct ilxlng price for tho next six yeare:
Governor l'euiioyor, Secretary ;of Btato MoBrlde and State Buperlntendent of
Publlo Instruction MoElroy, acting na the Btato Board of Education of
Bins :Your petitioners, palrous of the publlo schools, taxpayera and citi
zens of Oregon, respectfully petition you to take no action to brin; about adoo
iion of now series of publlo school text-boohs under the law passed by tho last
legislature, nor to enter Into any contract at present publishers prices adontine
the text books now In use, or those that might be authorized by your board at
present prices, such prices to be llxed aud maintained by tUo publlouers for tho
noxt six years, as specified In thut law. H"ue or mo
In view of tho fact that by state publication the people of California are
obta nlnliig ubllo school text-books at an average price of about 80 cents apieco
for the entire series needed In the common schools, or about one-half what wo
pay lu Oregon, wo demand state publication at tho earliest day possible.
HBTHHIMiy iffn
Cut out Urn lm v o f rm cf Trillion. len nnd addrrsa It to ono of the State Edird of Kd
uoillon or mall It to I UK JOUllNAii uud it will (hi ptbllslicd nnd forwarded In the board
with otli 'rs. Men nn J w.iincn Mlion'.d nln thin petition .n pmieat BKnlnst perpttu Mine the
present yslom of liltcti-prl ed text bookM for six yearn to come.
Onlv One Cent Daily Newspaper
on the Pacific Coast.
rVnd for
Cikuc! & Influmed Udder.
Rliesmiatlc Pulnn,
ftrulfidfi uud Stralnn,
Running Sores,
Stiff Jofnta ,
iUirmms 6c. Sttddle Sorca,
All Cuttte Allmonltf, '
All liornv AiUwmim,
All i-Jiwyj) AUuicnU,
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Quickly to tho Vwy
tmi. of J'ulfitifid
Qiwtti It In a Mltyt
u) In Vlyj)muly
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Associated Press
ri. WJLL vay you to jus ad THIS:
Wo publish tlio only Onk Cknt Daily on tho Pacific
Count mid tho chonpoHt nnd host daily jiapor ibr tho monoy in
Ploiiflo lot us know if you can uho any Raniplo copic o
tlio Daily or Wkkkly. Thoy will bo Hont froo.
Hdiiioiiiboi thoHo nro AhHocintod ProBa nowHpapora. ffivinp:
nil tho current noww of tho world Irom day to day in largo
typo nnd nttrnctiyo biJo.
TIioho low hnrd tiniou rntcw enable oyory fanner to 1irV .
JiiH daily impor nnd know tho ntuto of 'tho market and -all tfw
nowM in tlio world,
iCdiUirial coniniont in jburioHb And jndejxindont, KdStcd
by tin publiHliorn to woouro good ovornmont for tho pooplo
lililo to dual jiiHtly nud fnirjy with nil,
Only ifiJfi.OU ywar i$U(5o tor ix.
rnonthw, tyl.OO for four inanXhm,
erirtlit mm muiI HlUtr (lm In out, for wiiluli It U ordvred,'w
0 1 J. You nro lliu man, It vto tun not uut you u wi. Imiid IhU q
pjiawiw who wmiimmo of iU umtnl iruinliJin Ar iiiiiily &iIHik ay miw
AlrtuWj miyuiiu fl iekv lliln jmr Mil liiortsly 1iik It, Jt wll Klf il W
mi olwp no ouo mn nHor) uo. U) ImyvU, H fcuiu nwim It) iiity n4 (Mutry
ht m &mm Mint l Mr Hi
HOFER BROS,, Publishers,
t,4-tm '
mmmmmmit mLmt
A f AIlVU tmilifV
1 n until u Min
I tumm pvim
II vownwu f
I mzmn i
I lMtAumi ftrwy siuht ulK
Immtty m mtf ft m Ymf'
;i. 4MK- JJ' i'
lm. tUmi imtmUmi, m4 VfUmw
H$tmf ut4lU,.mA Atmmt
tlM4i fit4 4iirUM i4muimMI
Lu !.. tit iijij iJiiiiilif
V '
Vmim ym
i i'aIIU$I
1- '"tut itpy
1,11 r ji 1 h r i'im.' m(wwiwwH