Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 07, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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iFlrlnu In Holti Army Jimt Nnvjr Lent Ac
curate Tlinn Formerly.
Tho trnluliirr of wnvnl nrtlllorlHts lias
i In recent yen to boon given n good deal
or attontion, nml no end of powder and
uliot lias boon oxponded in targot prnctlco
doMlgned to servo a nioro tolling purposo
hi notunl warfare Hhonld tho occasion
prepont ItFolf. It would scorn, tlicroforo,
that tho lloating equipments 01 naval
powors of today ought to givo good ac
counts of themselves in point of marks
'maiiHliip if callod into action, though it
would bo presumptuous to nndcrtako to
foloshadow possiblo results. If. on tho
other hand, past oxporienco counts for
anything, thoro would seoin to have
boon a iiotablo dcelino in accuracy in
naval gunnery, growing with sucoes
sivo improvoments in naval architeoturo
nml naval armament.
It was estimated somo yoars ago
from data f urnishod by targot practico at
woa that a heavy gun must bo discharg
ed GO times to mako one ofTcctivo hit.
Tho old Hinootliborcs wcro credited with
killing a man by tho disehargo of tho
gun's woight in shot. In othor words,
thrco tons of 82 poundor Khot woro re
quired for tho purposo. Actual service
tost with modern high power guns,
howovor guns woighing 12 tons has
within tho past 10 or 12 years shown
that it took about 10 tons of projectiles
to accomplish tho samo thing.
It is Interesting to noto from what
statistics aro availablo that tho intro
duction of riflodmuHkots into tho armloH
lias had a somewhat similar result. The
old timo muskets, it is said, killed a
man by firing at him his own weight in
lead bullots, but tho modern rillo in the
hands of tho avcrago soldier, so it has
been figured out, does not effect a fatal
ity until it has discharged twico tho
man's woight in lead. Both hero as
in naval shooting, therefore, thero has
been shown to,Lo mi important doiiiaud
for greater skill and care. Whether this
has been met in any measure futuro hos
tilities only will tell. Cassier's Maga
zino. "ktfp" or "SlH-cU."
When I was a littlo boy, my play
mates at a country hchool in southeast
ern Indiana woro "skeets" and went
"skeotfiiR, " though tho villago boys
said "skates." I counted "skeot" a cu
rious corruption. Fancy jny surpriso at
meeting an old acquaintance in a far
off laud and in strango company, when,
long yoars afterward, I read tho passage
in Evelyn's "Diary" for tho year 10(12,
in which ho speaks of "having seen tho
strange and wonderful dexterity of the
sliders on tho new canal in Bt. .Tames'
park, perforui'd before tiieir majosties
by divers gontlemcn and others with
schcets after the manner of tho Hol
landers, with what swiftness they passe,
how suddenly they stop in full carriore
upon the ice, " and so forth. Tho eh in
"scliects" is Dutch, uud therefore
bounded llko"k."
i'eiiys tells of being at Bt. James'
park mi tho same days "Where I flmt
in my Hfii, it boing a great frost, did
beo jK'oplo sliding with their skoatos,.
which J n very pretty art." I hero dis
covered that tin ooiintry boys in tho
bills of Craig lowiiblilp, when they said
"rkmit," wt-ru only ono or two centuries
behind the fashion and wuru liking tho
word as pionounuod by Charles uud his
courtiui when Ihey brought tho "very
juetty iiif to Kiigluiid, A Nuw Yoik
journal of J7MJ ooinplaliis of the tlmo
wiiflwl in "tUuiUUiii" on ('oil wit jkhhI.
Nowhuiu is It truer fliui "all wliiuli U
imititkt of that which wiu" limn In
junguugu. fuHlmy.
Why Um..wnulim llrmlii J'rriuli,
'J'lmie U no libwly, u w imilwtuul
Die turn) in AUmm-lmmiUm. 'j'liw nu
ll vm iiru nnliM the hmImi uf I)n4r
own rillJu himJ Um um ut Um I'miiah
Umttw iuW M4tuln ruvtrlotioiw. Hut
ihiwt tti1oUuitlinxjft Um lrmm ut
Dkiuwd UiUumt Ui Um uUumIm. flu
lhit nml Im wM "but? tlmt Ump
mu4 U irUmmm mA "' tu
j( Aufitm J 1 1 Um Utnmu nmiM.
mm MiltfM h!imup4 Um UM4iM ut
ur Him. W w In UHtry, wl w
Mi ur tmd, wImn mU mw
m ifcK Umt iumbJ uu mmilnum
lu i1l I'tmm Mi AiMttw mf mwm
m dm Urn M vtm U ww mm W
Um$ J V AX Um Um ut Um tMH
i JiuW m )dUm W dmuwd Ui
lw,, ummmm, MMMwtJf r limrfwm
In itomjtuMi Aim tmuetHMi Um
jM tu mm i tern kWit. vWi
atu u r in
Hi4W wmt ut mm Ik Uif. f
iMMwwur mnm to
.- nmmitUkf )Kim4m
S Mtt't ' '
ti4i m m!?
wiiiMMrf Um tumrn mm '
i.i. i tn. m tmum
fij,. Iit. Uh imttmi
.. . mm mM
.. . ittStMMf Um mm to W
nt Miff iMtf
.,u itMtv u mt '
.M III H iitt
lj ..L i
..itr-f jum m m
tttt r .r. -TT. ..j.
II.,,,-, .. MMt ft tf Mtf ww
.... 'Mmf MMMtiM Mf liV'f
-. mI if w mm mmtmr w
",.. M MIMiilftM' fW4 W -"
1.mmi tMi Ui4Ur
1 'V
-v. 1
m m-
imnmiir "
is iJiwi 1
HH .
um utm MMtmtimm ir
I... a-..j aM u4ml Hill
dm mm i
Jlij j tmmU
jtmx wmtmmmmumm
. -Ml.1,-1 tut'
t ," M tittup
, Tarty IronmnklnB In AmerlciT
Tho manufacture of wrought Iron find
iteol must havo been entered upon con.
tcmporaneonsly with that of cast iron,
os John Endlcott of Salem, tho first gov
ernor of Massachusetts Bay, wroto to
Governor John Winthrop at Boston,
Dee. 1, 10-12, "I wish to hoar much of
your son's iron and stcol, " tho son lw
ing John Winthrop, Jr., who was in
terested in tho Saugus Iron works at
Lynn, Mass.
Tho iron works also included a ma
chlno shop, from which tho first Are en
gines in America wero built for tho
town of Boston, in accordance with a
voto of tho town mooting, March 1,
1051, that "tho select (nioii)havo iwwm
and liberty to agreo with Joseph Jynks
for ingins to convoy wator in case of
Are, if they soo causo so to do. " Al
though tho works woro in operation
very soon after building was com
menced, yet additions wero undo dur
ing a number of years. In lfl-l n order
of tho goncral court shows t'.iat tho
works had "some tons of sov.'u ircn
and some others in roadincsu for tho
forgo," and letters of Govu' Win
throp in August and Soptember, 1048,
state that tho furuaco produced seven to
elfaht tons per week. Tho principal prod
uct was bar iron "as good nt tlm Span
ish," costing 20 por ton; aho axes and
agricultural implements. Albert Spies
in Cassier's Magazine
The Power of Music.
To forco a crowd of pcoplo to movo
fast or slow at their will was a fr.vorito
joko with two young mon who had a
talent for music. When traveling to
gether, thoy would seok a rotirod Wn
dow, or oven the roof of the hotel wh'-ro
thoy wcro stopping, and with n drum
and llfo play a march for pedestriaos
bolow. It was thoir delight to trQ th'
pooplo going faster or slower, as they
Sometimes a brisk moasuro was se
lected, and then tho stream of pooplo
flowed fast. Again, a slow Umo Pfit
thoir feet to crawling. It often happen
ed that tho attcntiou of the musicians
would bo attracted to tho peculiar walk
of somo person who, having no musio
in his soul, could not bo brought into
stop. In that easo thoy porformed Mo
hammed's miracle of tho mountain, and
accommodating llfo and drum to his salt
brought tho rest of tho street into tho
samo pace.
On warm days thoy did cruel oxocu
tiou. Often did it happen that somo
stout old gontloman would bo prooipi
tated for somo distance at a llvuly rate
under tho hot sun nild would disappear
from sight as a brisk and fiery exocutimi
of "Tho Girl I Left Bohihd Mo" carried
him steaming rouud a comer. London
The DislUldH-y In tliu lluttoiihole Nltimtlon,
A long felt want has just been filled
by tho invention of a migratory button
hole. This Is the way tho originator de
scribes it;
"A readily removable and transfer
able attachment, adapted to bo fitted tz
uu article of personal wear, to tnupo
rarlly repair a broken buttonhole, ooii
sUtlng of a strip of noncorrohjvo material
folded upon itbulf, mi that its bight may
bo fitted over tho edge of Ihu garment
and its folded iiuunbuiu made to clasp
both side of thu part of the garment
tluough whloh thu hiokeu buttonhole U
made, thu nuniilHirs having openings
formed III thtmi nuar tho ociitwrn, with
thu major iixi untHndlng iruiiKVMwdy
of tho width of thu folded member, Ihu
(Mining Hdujitirfl to nulnuidi' with wwh
other and with the brokwi butiwiholu,
urn) liidepKiidwit nuil rnudliy dutaulmblu
fwiliiliiu for liuniuvitlily M-Hiriiig lh
U (mil of thu iiiwtibiii Ut thu gar
inwit to a point lxjromt tlm broktiii Iwt-
Ho thuru imwl U m imj' iHir)'lii
fur Um wikuof Mluu mvim. Tio
tlmt uin iiimrlw) ulina4y dmtt Ump
Tfiw mi mt wm Um tmmH jwrlwUlu
mttwihu4n.-.Btwi fihitxmiiyi.
Huilwu ttlt'bi
tuHH i4U4iIh wr wriuu l to Ut
M vu a vmMw ImUm w Ih (Jf
uuUt uir4r'J t'twM fw
Mtt Um ludmmry. iJjf,
Urn It Um tmmu m i mmw
KMitutW, wU" Ut W.)AilHWfc
Mrii, fM. IM 4 m mti
Tt tmrnM ymitm wmmk
biiiti uUiMW- Ut Vlmm, tummUr
ud 4 nmmm mm "-r
"tu Um mmtmn Vlmmm JMr,
wmm"imimf h ''
I rnrni- Jfmpmi "
immimtmrnUtUmmmmiul tuui
1. tM 0t '
DwmM I
VW' i imti'i
MM '
it, it mULL mmIwW
imi 4'.' wl
!...!. I. lu, -ll'il . ti'H I
"" " .. .J
j.j ku mu mmmr "
-"--,-; u
lu U
ir m4
Jt0M H-mtt W
., in ! '
I ' ... u. I I.. 11.
Hi m tmmm
-i . ..4 d U,
il i i-
w ...... .a ...
T.. ... .i ... . . mdrnttHl t
zZTu. . 4.' U l
tWf ' '' r "
. i. . ii ii. i Mi. it
wi I I.I
, ut
.1 .
0Ui W"" " '
turn LmH 'tmrn
UBaH IB 1 1. MuMiHl. """"-'
mJrtTmm vi
i .a.1 .u. a, iZtoJEXmtVmi
i &m . :. "It.: l JTT. V' ;i.
j... i... unuii'mwrHw
v mm i - . . . m mat.
flio o.ld Hi dfclluw l it siarlff Who Held
a Vllrr Security.
"Thcro aro moro rniipio experiences
to bo encountered in seiving writs and
various legal documents than in almost
nny other business," remarked r. young
lawyer tho other day to a Chicago Her
ald reporter. "The constablo and tho
deputy sheriff aro required to do moro
'strango things in tho lino of duty than
any ono elso I ever heard of.
"Onoof tlioin nttachod a horsofor mo
t tho Washington park track, nnd 1
vent r.long with him to soo that every
thing was right. Wo located tho horso
first, and when tho stablo boys found
out what tho trouble was about thero
was tho greatest furor you over saw.
"'Why, boss,' oxclalmod ono of
them, Mat boss kin win mo' den dat in
ono raco. Jess you let 'im alonol'
" 'Dat boss am good foil n hundred ob
.dcm olalms jesB at dis ouo nicotinl as
serted another.
"Thoy kopt up a regular fnsillado
while tho deputy and I wero looking for
tho owner, but wo paid no attention to
them. When wo finally found tho own
er, ho did not seem inclined to pay.
Thero was n dispute as to tho claim, ho
said, but ho admitted that ho had put
his uamo to tho noto that wo had sued
on. Ho could not pay that aftornoon
anyway, aud tho deputy wanted to tako
tho horbO right nway. I was opposed to
that, howovcr, for ho was entered in a
raco for tho next day, and it Boomod un
fair to prevent his running.
" 'Vou stay with tho horso, ' I said to
the deputy. 'Ho is in your chargo and
you simply remain with him.'
" 'All night?' ho asked.
"'Certainly,' I repliod. 'Givo tho
owner a chance to raiso tho money. If
ho doesn't succeed, you can tako tho
horso away tomorrow. '
" 'But whero will I sleep?' ho inquired
"'Wherever tho owner docs,' 1 re
turned. 'Ho lives out hero bomowhero.'
" 'Where do you Sleep?' ho askod tho
" 'I sleep with tho horso, was tho ro
ply. "Tho deputy looked thoblooded ani
mal over and boomed in doubt. But it
was buhinc68, and ho mado tho best of it
Uu growled a littlo, but ho slept that
night with the horso aud Its owner.
And tho next day tho note was paid."
Cobrit Venom.
Dr. Calnictto began his experiments
wttfi tho must powerful of tho reptile
poifconn aud mado au analysis of the
venom of Uio cobra.
Ono of the most curious facts in pel
euvo is that two saUtanoos having al
most identically tho samo chemical
comKsitious can havo effects so differ
ent upon uiu Human oooy as 10 repro.
vent tho best support of llfo on tho ouo
hand and thu quickest termination of it
on tho other, Tho albumen, or white,
of mi egg aud thu poison of thu cobra of
India aro so nearly identical in compo
sition that it takes u very careful nualy
His to detect thu difference.
It was long supposed that tho fatal
principle of suaku poison was an auiinal
alkaloid, but latu nimlyws havo caused
the abandonment of thin idea. Tho fact
which, for a long time, placod cobra
pofMJiiliig lieyoud tho reach of it remedy
was its very kiiuilarity to albumen, it
being held that no pcollo which would
liuutrallu or destroy it could bo pre
Yuutud from iieiitrHluIiig uud dudroy
lug thu nlbuiiieu of thu blood lis well.
The jwlfcoii contain tw ilUUiiut albu
minoid ouu uottgulublu nuil Ihu other
iwrwUtmitly liquid In fwm. Thu latter
U ihu active uud ileutli jirodiiolug prill'
ojplu mid iiiiulii puperlor to n lieut of
180 iluKrM V w Well as tu i.VrIhiNV
IIuii, thu ixilfil rwult reliilnlny Mil Ihu
duadly iiijHiitli of ihu Jijui.-Wi)-Uiurv'f
tUa JJhlMrpvd ft yiutlitu
"Mtditwoi' Iswiuof Ihunuot um)
ful Htvilvfit ywAuut, wj-lully In
l'lrli) vImu U U w.(J (y hi) rU (4
twwuu fulk. mid imiluuiurix iy Um
limits A wurdwcvl ilk uwM inUi
Uw vrlldfiKM will (Hit up Into U$
WM4U with whlsJi H 'IOM4I IIWU IU
U -m-l'H Thu flh, mIiimu ym
wtikM qwi'i, )h( tlm wiliiHy ul
4 (u wtuM mr mioMi'K J I'Mdii
Wi4iHw Uw Um hlt wlw Im) llm lit
it Umti ut lwHwlw- vhiu Ihu UilM
tMwUw Mutf iwMtf hUtd tu tun tu mtUi
WuuUw 4ul ut wmiut U u with
by )uut tt ltdmt 'Fumutrt vftmt
y tmUmtly m44 w4W Umut wm
SlltvwuU in Um tmw n4. w4,
m tu mm vm m. mumr
limd Ut jw tuMtm WM Um umii It
tmi4 md ) U K Im wtUvW Jljfb)-
miww)Hi rntt
fpHl U W 'i
Wt IMtkMl
dudm fnmt4
U llmT limn
tit MMIW
tuui U tbii4l'
m mUut,
- i md I
m um mmm
ZZl i. mmmSt J mm 4mA, Mkb
nmmm mm ar
mm m
iiAiytf UA
' 1MI'
Md m
it 1 -4k mm
U0 Urnm)
i' $mwmmW
i aMitf I
tfRm u w W I
i4tmi ttm
mW-mm .
mumm m mm
flfStnjrCw -
mjVwj.mi &!
Dr. Charles Eastman, the Indian, and
his wife, Elaino Goodalo, aro living in
3t. Paul and aro well and prosperous.
Lawton Sherman, who diod in I'rovl
flonoo rcoontly, aged 0 yoars, was mar
riod 78 years ago. His wifo, who is still
living, is 00 yoars old.
Ex-Govornor Curtin's will fills less
than ono sido of a shoot of legal cap. Ho
bequeathed ovorythlng to his wife. The
cstato is valued at noarly $1,000,000.
Tho Rov. Dr. George Dana Boardman
of Philadelphia is an indefatlgablo
workor. Hu often spends tho ontiro day
in his study, paying littlo attention to
Houry Gloo of Two Rivors, Wis., has
for a third tune- married tho woman
from whom ho had boon twico divorced.
Real cstato and monotary considerations
had boon tho eauso of their troublos.
Admiral Ito, tho Japancso hero of tho
day, who is known among his devoted
Bailors as "tho loan admiral," on ac
count of his oxtrcmo thinness, has n
daughtor,who is ono of Japan's very fow
blond boauties.
M. Bartholomy Saint-Hilairo, tho dis
tinguished French statesman of bygono
days,-who is in marvelous mental and
physical honlth at tho ago of 00 yoars,
says, "If you want to llvo to bo old,
work always and diligently."
Sir Johu Astloy, who has just died in
London, lent tho glamour of his baronet
cy to tho causo of professional podas-
trinuism on both continents. It was Sir
John who offerod tho Astloy bolt for
competition, and it was open to all tho
world s fast walkors.
Henry Hemingway and Mary Robin
son wero married in a balloon which
was sent up from a fair ground at tho
town of North East, Md. Tho balloon
took an erratic course, and thoy do not
know whothor tho marrlago took placo
in Pennsylvania, Dolawaro or Maryland.
Colonel Chnlllo Long, tho oxploror
who was foimorly on tho staff of the
khodlve, lives with his family at Lusig
mm, Prance, and nppoars to tako little
further interest in African affairs than
to mako au occasional vigorous criticism
upou Stauloy's record in the dark con
Paul Lliidau's latest pleco is called
"Tho Spoiled Children."
Thomas Frost has wrltton a comedy
in four aeU called "Consoquonoes."
Uoatrlcu Bolwyn has been ongagod by
Mrs. Langtry for her coming American
La Potito Freddlo sailed for South
America recently under au engagement
for six months.
O, Garvin Ollniaino couteinplutoH
starring Alberta Gallatin through tho
Kouth. Hu is negotiating with (lus Proh.
man for a suitable play.
Ml ron Lelllngwull of "Tho Galley
Hlavo" company and KllluDaillug were
mariled in ltouhohtur by thu Ruv. Dr.
Auktluof lit. Luku'suhiiiiili In tliut oily.
jleriiiiuui Hiidcriumiii, who Ihu boon
uhlufly Identified as mi exponent of thu
problem drama, ban writ I en a light win
wly which hu wills "Thu Jintllu of llut
lurllw." JJunrJ ('msmiiii him intuniwl to thU
country mid will Iki wuii In Hurry Wil
liams' iioiiipuiiy with Ills protuii, J.a
J'utllo Ploitlv, mi nunuilrlu Dinging mid
dmieliig Moubiultti
"A IJowmy Ulrl" In (hu lltlu of a
now play by Ada m IIumuiii, wliluli
Jiuny Wllllnin bus bought. Jfu I'l
tomU to pitdU4 It in Nw York wily
Moi) uftwr Ihu hollduyft.
V. U. Wliilnuy iuw urruiiMwl with Jf.
a Wluw fur Um uimiiUw uf JiuImi
Jlawil' Mmilmj Iwnr III "Jllila" M
Dm I'tfth Au lhnwtir, Hw Vwk,
M htv yo 'ilm tiiww i furtvttt
Uraw HttuMI liw mu wwum" fu(
Iwv uMtumwl ymf unit w)JJ miitiim
Ihu ih) l mm& In Ii. H HoUmjit'f
uwHiwuy htuM vrmiw mm um
m mtimrn mww wr um ym tm
Ui 1m u&lm Umt
Umiym i; AaUti VlHUImtuW"!
t Ut yttud miwmm't lmm&
a iu mm Mm mm
. -. . . i .. . ....
iimfmwm umm Immmmmmm
tmrims mmm w mmtmmf b W
u 1 JiAuLUaJl UmkAmmgM f4M iMmSmMiXmlMiMml
'" wmM&WDmmxW mWmwmmmw 9 mmmmmmmWm
Ummt Ut f M imifdmrnm m
wml mimmwS4mt
m mmrnut
Ummlmmimm m HmUm' u ,
yi&mbm M m & JUthtm4Ur
yUTiuit,mi ut$mmt
ftmt Ummm - Imnfd
ptimtiMtmA km tmUum km fUummy
h Ulm mmm l'n km mmm)
E' Hmmf " '' tojm v
mmjm m u toMt KiuiilBiu
mSTfrnt mm U, mm mHm
Wl i, mm 'fM4 mm
t4T m fmrnt MVJMktf, imm
mmm mJmmi mm tm m i
iMktt tmm i mmm mm mmm
rd wm tfeffe
uf m y i4m t mmm
imu, ymmmtmim
Wmm2bmm'' mm
iff 4m mm)
vmm mm mf ihm
Both Cured
by HoocTs
Dyspepsia, Hoadacho, Etc.
m m
8aco, Maine.
"C. I. ITood & Cq., Lowell, Mass. i
"For yenrs I liavo had dyspepsia, crow
ing worse, nad becamo so discouraged that
I thought of soiling my farm and going to
California. Added to my misery wcro tho
painful effects of a fracturo on tho end ot
my backbono, which resulted from a coast
ing accident when a boy. I happened to
rend about Hood's Sarsaparilla and decid
ed to Ltko two bottles, and beforo tho last
ono was gono, I could cat a hearty meal
without any distress. Tho fracturo of my
backbono is also healed and I do not haro
any lameness. I ran truly say I am now
well, and I bcllevo Hood's Sarsaparilla
Saved My Llfo.
It has also been a great benefit to my wife,
who had distress In tho stomach and
severahoadaches. Alio said tho first doso
HootTsS; Cures
of Hood's 8arsapnrltla seomcil to go to tho
right spot. Now she onjoys good health."
liLUAlt llccic, llox 490, H.ico, Maine.
Hood's Pills euro ilokboadacho, bll
louiuoss, and all liver ills. 23 oents.
Schenectady, N.Y.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumntlc Pains,
Bruises nnd Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
I InrnesA & Saddle Sores,
IllrKICt ttlieti,
All Cattle Alluienta,
All fforti AlJfiit'ittn,
All lit'ej) AllmuiiU,
PtnwlmUt Muwtei
lAtHnhrMW ntiti Tlwuv
(lukUly Ui fliu Vary
&uitof Pifnifid
Qm i In Jlity,
Hub In VJgfroiijiIy
Wttii'i yy?i w"mt
piMiij ? ii well
a mm n mww
j i,.j i wj'!-m
Urny ii4 imtt U m Uu
ltd. fUti IWtmUH, tm VU
tiAmf sm4to ymmm A tmM
tUmm m4 tUmmuU jxmmmI)
tit tin) f " tu iLu inliirtjilB.
Hr rtrf flf Iff iwf WWf
VVv . t 4
sue. rvBF
per box ar
i i
J Ml
To the Htato Hoard of Kducatlon Protest Against fChances In Text-Booka or
nuy Coutraot llxllig prices for the next six years: '
Governor Pennoyer, Fecretary of State MoBrldo aud Btalo 8uperlntedet of
rublio lustruetlou MeKlroy, netluRas the Btato Board of Edueatkm of
Bins: Your uetitloners, pnlrous of the nubllo schools, taxnsvcnaitui niii.
zeus of Oregon, teepectfully petition you to take no action to bring about adop
tion of new series of publlo school text-books under the law rWeed by the laet
legislature, nor to cuter Into any contract at present put Ushers prices adopting
the text books now lu use, or those that might be authorized by .your board at
present prices, such prices to be tlxed and maintained by tiio publishers for the
uex't six years, as sptcllled lu that law.
In view of the fuot that by stato publication the people of California are
nblalnluliiK publlo school text-books at nn average piice of about 30 ceata apiece
for the entire series needed In the common schools, or-about one-half what we
pay lu Oregon, we demand state publication at the earliest day possible.
Cutout tho Ixixoftiriri cf i wlilon. sWn and address It to ono of the Btalo Toirdof Ed
uoUlun. or mall It to I Ilk: JOUKNAi. and it will bo published and forwarded to tbo toard
with otlim. Men nil. I wmnwi nliou'd Ktga this petition In pniiiMl BB'tnst ptrpttH itlBff the
present systom of Iiltflt-tit t id text books for nix years to come'.
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