CHINESE SUPERSTITION. Striking; Illiitrtlon of the Credulity mill Ignorance of Mongolian!. Crowds of people assembled a? wo ar Ivcd nt tlio f tin. just boforo sunsot, and tfjitioiiK other I spottod tlio fluo hend of IbjT old IJtHldnist priest. After n low Icoiifiibulutloii nnd it few strings, of cash, rhioli passed from my pockets into his IJiniidH, I wiih ablo to indnoo him to Hit for Jiin picture, nnd I dashed off a skoteli ilToils before lie lmd timo roalmngo his Wind. Unfortunately tho largo crowd Bint lind fathered round, especially tho women folks, seamed to scold him nnd talk angrily nt liim for his silliness in sitting, owing to tho strango notion tlint provuils in Chinn, and, in fnct, nenrly nil over tho cast, tlint if nn imago i reproduced n soul has to bo given to It, mid that tho person portrayed lins to llo tho supplier of it nt his own expunsa Jiio venerable old Buddhist priest, who jviih nursing his "cash" on his lap whilo being immortalized on a wooden p.tnol, hud lmd a cuiious winkle in his eye, lis ir no Kii"W butter, resisted brnvoly for homo tlino nnd sat like a statue, but Kiinlly hnd to give in. 'You will die," cried nn old woman fat him. "I saw your soul coming out of Ij'ou nnd go into tho picture. I did real lly. I saw it with my own oycsl" 'So did I," ciied a hundred other voices in a chorus. By tho timo tho priest lind got tip, they hud half convinced him tlint nt least half his soul had really gone out of him, but had tho foul gouo or not ho would go mid take the cash for safe keeping to his homo first and complain nnd ask for tlio restitution of his lost property afterward. IIo was n sensible innn. So was I, uud knowing what was coming tho moment ho had gone I went into the room and packed tho (dutch safely, then took another clean pnml ami smeaied it with tho scrapings of my palette to show him instead, in case ho would como back nnd wish tlio pieturo dcstioyed. Twenty minutes lind not elapsed when ho was back again, of conihO without tho "cash," holding his stomach mid coiiiyinining of internal ngouius. "I am going to die," ho cried tho moment ho saw mo. "You hnvo taken uwny half my soull" "Certainly I have,", sukl I sternly. "You did not expect mo to givo you nil U. that 'cash' for loss than hnlf your soul, Mid you?" 'Oh, nol but I wish it bnok, as I feel bo bad without it. " "All right," said I. "I shall go in ftho room nnd destroy tho imago I did of you. Will you then bo satisfied?" "Yes." Hero tlio other puuel smeared with jialotto scrapings wiih produced after making pretenso nt destroying ltwltli a knife, and never in my life hnvo I seen inu expiessiou of rolief to equal that of 'tho prJot. IIo had not felt half his soul so much going out of him, but ho cer tainly had felt it coming back again. IIo could swear by It. IIo wns now per ifcctly well again I This wonderful euro gavo ns nil a iyery busy evening. All tlio villagers who Jind complnlnts of any sort came to us to bo restored to health. A leper who lind lost nil his lingers wished me to iwiko llieui grow again, uud it pitiful jpitko of n poor child only it few inonthi uld wftH brought up, whoso niotiier, jWblle busy stirring wuter ill n big cab droit, hud dropped tho child in by mis take. He was so badly mjiiIiIoiI that J mil itfrulil, though I tiled to relievo his pain, the poor child winiiot httvu live) jiioio tliiin it few hours, J'ortiilghtly Vjiuylutv, Jvwwliil 'nr JVsllii, , "Talk uImiU family treon nnd wroU M nun," dlsaoiiisttd llm heruldy elerk to tho mjiter "Thuiu In n grim old jmroii not far from the JJhwk J'orwt Lwho hits Ihb llngur nulls of nil his mi "pwit'iis And hw Is piwjmiliig to tinpiuM ; his dsitiniliiutH by faw ulmf d'muvrw lot hu own ' 'iJils iioWumuii allow Ills IIUHW nails Ui id W to itu unormous luiiulli, imd every night and inurnliitf Imthw them in Jwiwii luiuu uud mudiilo IIimii ' villi lotions iii din tlniw lit hM Ihwii i nut unit ulnlM.rn.iiJy iiiuiiliM In UuM 'J be nlfai is vwry Il iwotlmrof pri J(i m M KruMi dtwl nt ImIu, hiiu uwi jiii mi) iiut.4 dtwlgiis in iii wtUnW Abmusldi miu ut IIUMU, III WWW Mtni, r Um) i IwlU ut riWuHt j.uwMiiuMur uuuuvm. nimr i,ut. ihuUksI uf nuw viug tiw mm i,l ,! tuiufluum. uilltuuuJi li 4uW uma iluJiuik' mth ftjuTW ifuw' jm- kiuN ur u mw - i Imii wtd Kjuum JMMwl Almwulb II. mi k..ll.. ulumtitU WMT t MrM si.ii. ,u .,i.' uuim. nut iLui imi m i w iuutu iiIUUimI ut iLUM imi M r '4h Ann ui4ar U I M ib - jt it uimJ mUmi iiiiMitii' m J1..1 w 'slU fur lii imuv sdt m it, M,U mrlt Huu'i uW, m- a uM. t uuhmuu wuati um h i i u I4d mJ UMf A u ! u I' int'iw li nun A iwirr mUah nt u ii. .u.4i '"V'1 wuVr qif -"- J.. I. i. H tin Hi'fi Hettdilli Mit Atti Mf i"iiu4 Ut uwliyUtf Ititml iWc i in t imuvmm U m m m ltfi tiWxn! 'rL"ff iiflfifif tiiMuiMt tmiihMj AiUutm II I MMjr WvU hMWlt Imi H. 4 Ht uHt I'WW m Ui i -4 iiU hU I' t'lfU iiii-4 UV ttn i h l ' 4i i t4 tti.,. .4 i.. n...4i turn TJ l-Uciiti, m md wuy mim pIPrtN1 LONGER DOWNTRODOEN. Hut tlio Cook Hhowrd Her INmrr Jiut tlio Same. They liked living in tho suburbs, oh, io much better than in town. Tlio rail road ritlowas really boneflcial to health, nnd had they not gathered threo roses from the bush in the front yard last sum nicr? Still thoro was n serpent in their jmicii, ami tins serpeut wns tho hired girl or tho lack of her. So when tho now ono proved to bo n ticasmo lifo in Teed put on n rosy huo to tho young e'lutterloys. Ono ovoning, however, on coming homo JIr. Pluttcrlry saw n tiny crenso on his wifo's brow which even tho per fection of tho soup failed to diivo away. "Is it tho cook?" ho faltered after tho roost, n sight to tempt an anchorite, hnd been brought on. "Oh, no. She scorns quito satisfied," replied his wifo in n tepid tone, "But, Clicsterfleld, don't you think that in timo I might learn to cook us well as sho does?" "For your second husband porhaps, my dear. I really don't boliovo that I could survivo much moro expeiiinent ing." "Oh, Clicsterfleld, how can you I" "Only a joke, my love, n mero joko. Still I think that I could bo willing to put tho cook's young man up at my club, to allow her weokly reception davs anything to retain her sorviccs. But how about your political work? Docs Mrs. Van Smith still talk of bolting tho ticket?" "Yes, indeed. Sho says that hor con Ksicnco will not nllow hor to voto for n womnn who wents such ntrccious bon nets us our candidate docs. Still I hopo wo lmvo mended matters by putting her on tho reception committee nt our G o'clock tea rally." "I should hopo so indeed." "Yes. Oh, how glad I am that wom nn is no longer tho poor, downtrodden crcatuio sho has ever been I" "Humph! Have you been out on your bicycle today?" "Yes, and, oh, Clicsterfleld, n horrid man mado such remarks concerning my bloomers! However, I just passed him by in silent scorn. Tho timo has gono by when woman will bo dictated to" nnd terrorized out of doing what sho knows to bo right." "Well, welll And so tho members of your ward club intend to rido tip to tho polo in booinors to cast their votos?" "Yes. Will it not bo n splendid vic tory for tho advancement of womnn and the casting off of old shncklos? Oh, Clicsterfleld, what shall I do if I hnvo to givo it nil up?" "Givo it up! Why, I don't object." "Humph I I should think not, but -cook! She oh, Chesterfield, sho says that sho will never cook another beef steak in this homo unless I voto for her candidate!" Chicago Tribune. Ilangi-roiii. "Look nt theso bottles," mid it woll known druggist, "Do you notlco any thing peculiar about them?" Ho pointed to an assortment of bot tles tlint won) about to lie packed up for it customer. Kach ono bote ft Inliel marked in plain letters "Poison. " Thero were also death's heads and crossbones beneath the labels, Tho bottles woro of all si .os mid sorts. "What does it ineun? Wholesale sui chic hoy?" "Not by nny moans. TIiom uro tho toilet esteneus of it young woman of fiifhimi, TJiey mo prescriptions for tho eoinploxloj., sleeping dnitu, tiuutuius, lind that large bottle is plain ammonia, but wuiuiut niuik them nil so that In eiuu it juvuiillo in the fumlly should diink of Iholr wntents n mironer's jury would iixunuiitH us, He?" "Alux," muimured the other mini us he guMtd on llio duudly iuumjiIiiiuiiI, "to this utiiiiplNxlun huvn we eonio ut lust I" uud hu gave mi Inward (luiiJikHlviiig Unit huvMissllll it IwithuJw. Pliolt J'jWi j'jttrt, . III Mn. "Www you In lb mditr" wUd mi ollluwr uf mi tdduily iivuru oil it Mwinisr nfltir lukliiu n fut "IIju n rillh M ut It, mk." "Muwl your BinJi did ymf "V; wh. I iwiMt" 'Hun ul llu, Aral Ilia. Aid yuMt" "Vi,Mik. S'vUili)WWit I M 1-wuwn U WW mmtu. " "Wb, liwl I m 7 wtn-ltil' W yAii ttwuraMt " ... ' "lm toM r Uw. aA wiiiu my iJiiltmtuut " I "W4i, mt ! ft wimwitv, MAUI IAMllA!" I lUvdlU," I MW WMW j1- "U't wm MM w " Minti ' U t ".. ''4 MI ' '4m imit ' "" i tutWi- ittnk I . - m ""(? M NO mm m""W' i 1 1 Ms. I'tMimif UME HKV Jt ' tMi Ik uyV' MS Um " i mm Kot at All Suf. Tho rich old suitor nssnrcd her sho wus mistaken. "Why," ho itnpotuously cxclnimed, "I would dio for you!" Tho sweet young thing who was bud ding to womanhood on ijio nweek with four yonngcr sisters sighed nud-shook her bond. "You promise that now," sho falter ca, "but after wo arouinrried you wopld forget nil about it." It was very difficult for hor to decide just what to do. -Detroit Tribuuo. On Iholr Wedding Trip. Uo How can nny ono nsk if marringo is a failure? Why, I wouldn't bo siuglo again for worlds. She But supposo I were to dio? Ho Oh, then I'd get mniried again. Brooklyn Life. More i:icK-nt. At the flower market in Washington nro many interesting occurrences which have nothing to do with buying flowers, for theie, as nt nny plnco whoro ull sorts of pcoplo gather together, human na turo oppresses itbolf iu odd nnd varying ways. A lady from tho north, who was iu tlio habit of liequcnting tho markot to sco what new floral treasures would np pcar from day to day, ono morning spied n flower sho hnd never before r-oon. "What is that?" sho nsked of tho old colored womnn who had brought it iu. "Tlint, mibs?" was thnroply. "That's Dutchman's breeches." Now, tho lady had hoard tho uauio bo foro and was quito awuro that thoro wns nothing funny iu it Nevertheless thero wns Bomothiug about tlio presont moment tlint nutusod her, and sho lnughed. Just thon a gentleman oamo up, mid tho samo flowor attracted his attention. "Whnt's thnt?" ho asked of tho worn nu. Hlio hosltnted and looked distressed. Evldontly thero hnd boon something wrong about tho namo before, and now sho wns asked to say it again. "It's it's" sho Btnmmored it's Dutchman's .. pants." Youth's Coin punion. rim.lMly Ilotli Were Wronff. A handsomely dressed woman was walking acioss tho Campus Martius when a small boy stolo after her. and reaching up touched tho fur capo sho woro, "Hero, you," said a policeman on tho corner, "what nro you up to? Look sharp now, or I'll run you in." Tlio boy darted on ahead uud waitod until the policeman wus looking in an other direction, when ho again followed tho lady, and this timo sho felt tho small fingers touch hor arm, She turned nnd looked down pleasantly into his fuco. "Well," sho said inquiringly, "did you yvunt to spenk to ine?" "No'iii, Jt'ii yer ousi wot you'vo got on I whs fuel I II of." "Oh, you ndmlio It, do you?" "No'jn, It wine it but niu mi Johnny Hllek Hindu, Ho sod he'd bet it nickel Jt wra khecpaklu, uud I bet n nickel it wwu iomiiiii, uu, missus, whloh of us gits i lm iiiekul?" Detroit Ifroo Prmm, Au A't "t I'fuflilriiM, Uliulo J'ere (eiilurliig wiih oinehlii iiiidr h)n oouO Wlmt win) you y, A'n Dlnuli, tit do good Luwd wu Uh moiiI ns suiiim'ii mlieUly jMiw'ful feuiiiwh? Aunt Dluuhf liul sity dut wux it Vmth J'tilti(iroitiyiH j(r of olisU twi-.DittV ilghi, n'ily. IM'$ Just wJigJ wnitu jnli twin Vol bin short ob M MiWJn wtnl huvu iindu(ii) Milonul t' A U4i Mi lmiins)il'--N-w YotV loin v Mrt "WMyJjiifi Hr tim,lMr" i'HMuh." )ulw) ilw cbJiKli'tf fmuji mm "Wliiti t ut koiiiiI' lui Io yuti water "KutHMMiNU wan u tnmt U tiud Jm in lumiyln (ur H Wlil' him, wt m' hw wm rmriiw, uikM uuni Um tar m mum Ut ulLt "-WiwU(ji Hlur. hum? m nu UM )i'fMWM UWi ii um inmm mi vUf wtf J h mu ui ij Mmm mdrw l tit cto. Him mi MtfMMP' MM' -.'. rrmt ymkmm timm-WlMimW i... -"--- uu tm .Jj" BZiStiLm, m mBBPBmHmmp'Im' M.AH UttJfM 'x'vF-EkQ. aSX PERSONAL GOSSIP. To Mrs. Strauss, n Washington lady, belongs tho honor of having tlio lntgest toso farm in tho world. Tho roport tlint tho Princo of Naples tisitwl Qrceco in search of a bride is laughed nt by Loudon socioty period icals. Colonol Casey is called tho corn king of Honry county, Ky. Ho owns 1.5G0 acres in com and has been figuring on 02,400 bushols. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Bull of Now York nro receiving congratulations npon tho birth of n son. Mrs. Bull was for merly the wife of Jnmes G. Blaine, Jr. Lord Rnndolph Churchill is in luck. The very eccontrio Miss Baiuo has loft him her mansion and oxtensivo ostato in Oxfordshire as a token of admira tion for his commanding political gen ius. Sir Arthur Sullivan at 51 is por trayed as a short nocked, thicksot, boo tlo browed man, with curly blnck hair, mnstacho and sido whiskcis. Ho is somewhat stilted in manner nnd lias been composing for !15 years. Tho Tranby Croft Wilsons of bacca rat scandal fame, seom to bo right in tho swim. Among their guests at ono timo recently woro six lords, threo peer ctses, ono viscount, two viscountesses, two lionorables nnd two bnronots. Patrick O'Leary of Chicago is dead. His claim to romombrauco and notice lies in tho fnct thnt ho was tho husband of tho Mrs. O'Lenry who owned tho cow thut kicked over tlio lamp thnt started tho flro that burucd dov. n a largo part of Chicago iu 1871. A friend of Gcorgo Gould bays thnt tho millionaire yachtiiuan is bitterly disappointed over tho result of tho VIg limit's contests in English wntors. Ho nssoits thnt Mr. Gould had no social ambitions to gratify by his yachting ex ploits in foreign waters. Tho now postofllco at Omaha is par tially built on land owned by Mrs. Cleveland, for which tho government paid $(10,000. Mrs. Clovolnnd has other propoity in tho samo neighborhood worth about $50,000. These lots sho in herited from her uncle, Ben Folboni. THE FASHION PLATE. Skirt trimmings aro ovorywhoro visi bio on dressy gowns, but they aro novcr very wide. Tho season's now tweeds nnd homo, spuns woven from tho soft undyed wool aro tho very best of their kind. Capes hnvo lost nothing of thoir voguo, being recognized universally as tho most useful if not tlio most ornamental gar moiit oxtnnt Somo of tho henvior cnmol's hair goods, cheviots and English tailor cloths have tho popnlur fribo effect in stripos, dots and plaids. Silk is destined to bo n very popular fabric during tho winter for smnit gowns for visiting, teus, church and theater wenr, etc. Gruy, old rose and palu rosy violet surahs uud light wools, like fayettu nnd veiling, compose somo now eifeotivo toi lets for demidresB wenr, Tho crystal bengiiliues thnt nro sold nt such rouse ablo pi Ices this i.cason aro a most excellent puruhaso for tho mak ing of pretty afternoon dresses, Tho new French swallowtail basques uro smart when worn by slender woui en. The seams up the buck of it golden brown cloth coat of this description nro lapped uud niuohlno Mllchcd. Tho tullor costumes for utility uses shopping, traveling, wulklug, uto, uro made with round skirts thut just clear tho ground nil around, either in gored vhnpu or In modified bell form, liluek moire silks striped with gold, iiustui tiinu red, old rose, iniigeiitu, ela, nro innilu up with sett lustrous satins the color of the Mrliw, these itcocssoilus limited with hmivy black silk luce or vuhd with line urnbiMHio designs of cut jut. New York J'ost. TUnP TOPI08. 'i'lie gyiukhuiiii bus Invaded London, Jtxtieiliw loot In Die lilrwilujii uud Nulson luw-cnllfurjjlii uud MnJna Wnr dliiiHulo ojiiHNirw) fur Ujo lust (line (luriiin (he PmuUni fiiviijjoj) oj Ul 'Jiuy WIJJIttiiM, Uju liBttWwjMi jwuy, hull dint umuBsmm Ml Uw MV HOii.1. !) In HUiliW, wid Vmlim ! Jlui Imr ihm wtitw milm iu mi ut mimr, wWt It mt m In uiuAUd Id tiu mm Itoi iHmv J Umuhu, u It mwu), will imi Pnum ! imi mmi Uw out I umk Uimttum' ul nit mm ivi ww mm tmim w ' Ik immi kw wum Iwwmm) h d..fwui.i Umm Um Uf mf " mWwmM Wm Tk mmmm km lmw mtoltiutom mtrnd OmU "Tit m fUwwt ' i mtm MMg, uf hum m w$m ui im Ut ifm mm uim kit fa-. hm I4 MMimif umHt m li? M ttTmmii mi lm b mm wnr iw tm fmimi Ymw mm M yrr Mpi mmfSU mm m m il mm - tmvm mum mmt I nmi Imi imml tmliitA"tfmtUwi Iktvn fTTJl WmYlu mpliimm mSm lb orw wr... Jt ij-u.,..!.. dlnm? mJnmT mSimmm Thw Vnndalla, IUlnoto. Ivy Poisoning Eight Years of Suffering Porfoctly Cured by Hood's Snronparllln. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. i "Wo liavo tried Hood's SnrsnpftrHla nnd find It to bo all you claim for it. My wlfo as poisoned by Ivy when a young woman, nnd for eight years was troubled oery HoocTsS; Cures season with tho breaking out nnd tcrrlblo itching nnd burning. I thought hers was as bnd a case ns nnyono over lmd. Sho was in tills distressing condition every year until she began to tnko Hood's S.irsa parllla, which h.vs effectod a perfect euro, without leaving any scars, and sho lias had No Sign of tho Poison Slnco. Blio il well nnd hearty. I hato taken Hood's Sarsannrllla alter tho grip with good results, and lmvo nlso glvon It to our four chlldron. AVo aro nil pictures of per fect health and ono It to Hood's Sarsaiia rllla." J. C. Tukkman, Vnndalla, I1L Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptlj and cfllclcntly, on tho liver and bon ols. Nerve Blood Tonic Builder Bend for dtacrtptlvo puupblut. Dr. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE CO., Schenectady, N.Y. andBrockvlllcOut. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Aliments, hi li il ' Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tlssuo Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and OusfsJtJnaJJffy, Hub fl Vigorously. tjiutsiiif I Jiilmonl fowjiitrs A MBVH TOIMPJ1 Ji Hl MU)J!fcl8 vnbwiitni idt-fl 1 POZZONIS U II mliiifci .(.; ulwnciii (ill II Utwiysiiil winy. ItuljMuii II i m, fix) )wn4, ml w M-W ii$hiy MWM u in mm A ututi imui) i iW ll in llM I UUMUli Vi 4 4 4 Mt fW Hl9M I WlM mm m mi mm nvw .Jit. WJMm. mz mJm frMm SqSW &SmWMa&W SOO mWSmVmW nawhtlT. HTMBV c for' POMPLEXIOIJ iii'iiipnimnuf SCHOOL ;m m Ml To tho BtntoBmtnl of Eilucallnn-Protest Against ICImnges In Text-Booka or any Contract llxlng prices for the ucxt six yeara: Governor Penno.ver, Prorptnrv of 8tato MoDrlde nnd Hlnlo Bunerlntonilcnt at Public , Instruction MclJlmy, actio,, ns tho Btato Board of aiuSSS of . "'SJ-o'irtietltloiiers, pa ronsof tho publlo schools, taxpayer and citi zens of Oregon, nspectfully pelltlon you to tako no nctloti to bribwt MfatZ ion tf now series of publlo school text-books under tho law passed bTtlKt Ipi'lllntllrf. nnr In outer tuin ,. .,.. i . .: . Mwcu oy 1IM IM9l the text books noVTn nresout nrlcoa. kiirIi nrlr-oa in ln ilv.,,1 next six'years as specltWd in that law" Til vtnur rif tliof.trt Mmf In . !Mj!K-awft5.a7 ......,. -... ......uuu , iUU i-ulIIUJUU Hcuoois, or uoout ono-balr what, wn pay In Oregon, wo demand state publication at tho earliest day poaslbfo. NAMKS. rCUl llllt tile llOMl Tortn nfl 1.1111011. alan iVy."i,i,ti"l,"iK J...:.., . .' """.' w ii,ii Hi'Huia ibii huh peuium in pniio.t ns nut perpttuillng lUe present stom of lilgh-prl ed text boofts for six years to oome. ' " DA 1 T Onlv One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. iAPKT NI Receivinp' all the Associated, Press Disoatches. DAILY BY MAIL PER VI WILL PAY YOU TO READ THIS: Wo publish tho only Onk Cent Daily on tho Pacific Coast and tho cheapest and bost daily paper for tho money in Orogon. Ploaao lot us know if you can uso any wamplo Jcopioa o tho Daily or Wkekly. Thoy will bo aont free, Hcmombei theso aro Associated Prnnn nmvftmmm-it mvino all tho current news of tho typo anu auracuyo sryio. TIioso low hard times rates enable nvnrv fiirmpr trt lnv his daily paper and know tho iiowh 01 win wonu, Editorial comment is fuarieas ind indnnnndnnf.. VMsA by its publishers to secure good government for tho peoplo ablo to deal justly ond fairly with all. Only $3,00 a year months, $1.00 j?tt.o paporH uoiit irnor time vf III V.ill urn tl.U !.... somttoiio who wiiiiIh ono of tliuso gnuid minimi nuyuiiu will iHHti HUH HlK)r UH)ll MlOfUiy IMMJlllg t, 4tUlll Wi, JtX so (ilieup no 0110 ouu ullonl not to liuywJt. H ulU tmbur Iu olty (tu4 eovrtry, of itll olasuos uud purlieu HOFER BROS,, Publishers, fy mw$jfym)m ONE CENT DAILYiiJOORNAL. I'm mm uumit) ilMii wtlUBil ft Wh mWmlf " w I'm us ymf " W'U' rUii4l,mt wHjjmmjmi,)M& imWtoWWtyM m XI .,.i i...i.., i. ' .."".'. .'.our "P"." ,""'u,"'ucu "' iae P-wMni Tor tUe t.t.ii-n . - .. NAMES. ntirf nilriM.. I, lnnn...ll..lit... v. f-.. w m 'IL JO LRU YEAR, - - world from day to day in large state of tho markot and all the $l,6o for si for four mon.tli. is out for wliluli It Is orders, It ..... ......, ..., ...... ... ..., I... ...I 11.,. A prvinluins for (imny getllOK up ub U0 HfLf m mmyww BM"' - M PCTITION EML WSPAPER IN ORB $3.00 r . .1 l,i,MiM-lf W& UMIf UMtfMV)V i Mt'l litj Hu 4WW"4 i u v m J.t i( Imw if((fc )m umm mm