Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 24, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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N -
Hf 33Y MAIL.
1. A JJ
ttdtra ty
VOL. 7.
NO. 248
uAi i
Cur Boots and irhoog th it were delayed have all arrived.
We cnn fit you in a thing in the footwear line now, and our
very low prices will fit your "hard times" pocket-book, too.
Don't fa;l to see the 1 argains we are ottering in all kinds
of Under1-1 ear and Ilrsierw
This is an old saying, yet quite true. Without competition
we, like all others, might ask too much for our goods. As it
is it drives us to purchase our goods strlciiy for cash, which
we give our customers the benefit of. We have no particu
lar leader. Every pair iti our house Is a leader. Our plow
shoes at 1. 16, $1.25, $1.40 and $1.65 are all leaders. Ladles'
oil grain shoes at $1.10, $1.15, $1.35 and $1 40 can't be beat.
Children's shoes from 30c up. We have also just received a
good supply of men's heavy underwear, which we are sell
ing for 05c a suit. All kind of household necessaries, from
a darning needle to a wood-saw, you will find at tho
Union Bargain Store, - 142 State Street.
And All Butilding Material.
Special Announcement
mil isfli nl
WSMlWff AVMk X &l -JIC l'riSA1M1ff I JUftl 91
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
N. W, Cer. Statu nd Liberty 6U. W mm
ir- rr i ti i
r C 7 W JB . M
I I--1 II I f mfU
KlllIIHN luhUlltil
Nir JupuL HhImJu. Ulujull
a hikKri iu H Mar' M,mm
Li 01 11
IT is tho purpose of tho
Manager to oil'or( special in
ducements and give particu
lar attention to families who
dosire Day Board, and to
4j, gunuomou wjiu luijiiuu jw
li'ii iwinont Accommodation, spo-
't ill I i Ml I .!
' .mi t(itnu win iii iiuiiiif.
uuil Owhinil HUVu. Jjul ;W;
w.r., u
! r.rjw7 ;. Yuir im
win. mi Hwt. hiiu i-
, yfow Point, ru
f kuv flyim.
All Kind of J A Work iutly duii
(JwrnwpuiHlnnw mmimi.
llt JJt i kWMPt
Churchill & Burroughs
Tho fzai' Considered by Physi
cians to Re Dying.
Quite Likely Father and Son May
Bio Together.
Paris, Cct. 24. A dispatch to tho
Figaro from Odessa says the czai'a end
Is imminent in the near futur .
Drowsiness has set in.
St. PETEHsnoR'J. Oct. 24 Dis
patches received from Llvldla this
morning say the ct ndltlo i of the czar
has again changed lor the worso. An
imperial decree was published today
declaring Grand Duke Michael, third
son of the czar, heir to the throne in
succession to his brother the Grand
Duke Nicholas, Czarewltob, and the
present heir apparent.
Grand Duke George, the fecond eon,
has renounced his rights to the acces
fllon as his condition is considered hope
l3;B. The following offlcicial bulletin
was Issued at 10 o'clock this merning:
1 The czar slept a few hours last night.
This morning bo is not drowsy and
has some appetite."
Wholesale Bobbery.
Little Rook, Ark., Oct. 24. Last
night's program in the great carnival
of crime, which is now holding the
boards in the Indian Territory, con
sisted of the wholesale robbery of sev
eral small towns in genuine desperado
style by Bill Cook, supported by a
strong and desperate company of
eight or ten "followers. A tald waa
made at Watova early in the evening,
Iho band. making Its approach .known
by a promiscuous discharge of tlrearms.
The bandits terrorized the inhabitants,
and most of them nought safety in
their houses behind barricaded doors.
The outlaws visited every store lii the
village and ran the merchants out with
Winchesters aud revolvers. They took
from the stores all the money they
could find and whatever else they
wanted. The postoflice was robbed of
about 00 In cash and about f55 In
From Watova, the gang ran Into
Tula, ten miles away, where they re
peated their depredations. They rode
into the town and proceeded at once to
rob stores right and left. Every store
In the place was visited and the propri
etors compelled to turn over their cash.
The postoflice was also robbed of
stamps and a small amount of money,
The 'audits entered the town boldly
and made no tflort to conceal their
Identity, None were masked. From
reports of their descriptions, they were
unci ubtedly the aiiie gang (hut held
up the Missouri Pacific I ruin at Curettu
tiding Butunluy night.
A levy of 13 mill has been made In
Lincoln county for ull county purpose,
To this will bo added Urn statu luvy,
"As old as
Iji-wu' acell
tl. "'iVW
id prwvwa'
)a tlio vonln:t
of rnillioi)
H i II) 111 0 1) H
T taJBmt vHTTa T PI
Liver JU'
mujittjuo to
wliluh you
dttii pin yuur
rr- M or ft
Than imdJ-
ma, a i) '
mmy vi
itebU Ml
PlllS Rt'tt
DruujlJi In Lt4Ul4, or In Jwdar
L wt ! iwi iwmv
Tho Walto Outfit of Mediums Shown Albany.
Albany, Ret. 24 The Walle spirit
ualistic frauds have been here two
nighU dewlylngrtbe people and abusing
the Ca pita LotJ, but today the
public is being undljccilved. Two ic
lia'ble men, IS. A. Bcblfiler, oftheB'aln
Clothing company, and Ed. Bludgoit
of the electric light works, have witnessed-
tbfeircablnet exhibitions from a
position above tho stage and agree with
tbo Journal's statements that they
are frauds of, the first water.
Here as elsewhere they huvo wrung
tears of d Is trees from poor, Iguoraut
persons, especially women, who were
led to believe that they were getting
'messages from their dead friends, Th!?,
as well as tlielr acts of jugglery, showed
very clumnji work, and for the blow
they maHe.tyhis is ri"o,doubt the poorest
combination of the lsjhd ever ou tho
road The JouiiNALdjd well to show
tbtm up, aid the Albauy papers will
folio' S'lltl
The VirgliJta Train Robbers Confess
and tocato tho Valuables.
CalvkkN, Va., Oct. 24 Before
being br&ght to Fredericksburg,
Charlea J.pearcey, the Aqula cretk
tralnrobben make u confession which
was taken down, ut into t. pew riling
and is now In the hands of fie proptr
After being brought here, Searcy
agreed to go and show where tluse
things, consisting mostly of bonds and
bank drafts, were hidden. Monday,
he wa3 lakeh In a teim from Freder
icksburg, with Robert l'lnkeitoii, of
New York; Bergeaut C. W. Edingtou,
of Fredericksburg, the common-wealth
attorney for Stanford county, ovor tho
route traveled by him in trying to es
cape. Seurcey, handcuffed to Plukertou,
with the other olllccrs spreud out
through the plucp. Seurcey hud de-
3rib(d the epot xaotly, but an houi's
Biarc-h failed to find It. It was growing
qnlto dark when Mr. Adie called out
-ttHie'4md found the spot aud all
parties rushed up to where, under the
roots of a blown dnvn tree, just as
Bearcey had described, the b.ig was
taken out. Its contents were not ex
amined. The party drove at once back
to Calvortou, wiiero the bag was sealed
and shipped to Adams Ex prima com
pany at Washington. The. party will
Bpeud the night here aud drive baok
to Fredericksburg in the morning.
David B, Hill spoke at Brooklyn
last night.
Thos, B. Heed speaks In St. Paul aud
Minneapolis today.
Ex-President Harrison will speak
next week ut Andersonvllle,
Vice President Stevenson Is cam
paigning In southwest Missouri.
Gov, McKlnley today speaks at
Pittsburgh, Bulluio and Philadelphia,
Minister Thou, F, Jluyurd mudu a
campaign speech last night ut Dover,
Tho report this morning Unit Prince
liUmardk hud been stricken with
puralybU l not line, ilo n well ut
BJythe Estate, "
Haw Faw ihu, Out, 24,-Tlm )'
pending llllgulloii over Millionaire
Jllylliu'N mtute seciim ( be uu good an
uiied, J'robalu Judge Colluy today
ruled tlmt Florunco Jilyllitt-JUiiebley a
entitled to liuve (he projertv dlH'
Irlbuted lo liur K won us poslble.
Judge ('iiy grunM Uv( uppifctoi)
for riiu of dlbltlbulloii and (he for
mal iluiriu will lu mud out jut
mtdlati'l ''liu l)0t of np,ioi w)
oil In i)i WW JiiimeiliHluly iimhitl
UMliuituir(.'iiiu(wiur( I'Milding, ilw)lr
lug udgti 111 ty IihiI ixtfcwlw) hU
Jurimlinlloii h(ii iml iliuy vMild Mpply
fir win Di fniMrri nwi icnun
lllyi v, wlm ouium to w iim ivlduw of
ill - C-im iiiil'luiiMlri'i illl Iim (wild
lug In 'Ii M'li;r muii nn Mi'iwi
U in JHwUuiJki' miiuu iJtuIWK -ut
w m. Uu uU nwouoI IIjh Uwvi
tww m u 4MHnVwt(Mij wf ihv mt
VUW U iity Mby-
YiM,tM ft. -4uH Imw Ix'K
mtiuu lu U Wlf tt U0 Wi t '! itl
yif"i iuy, at Mm lkau, lll
( ; fw .UM ylini lit U4UHHli
mt4 1' iimM i ""i o' Pimm
iUllLAUmt'UI U I rl XUMUtm
uii it
Japan Wild Over I ho Kesnlls of
Oyama'ri Expedition.
Chimsn Cflh'crs JU'sponsible for
Defeat n't Ping Yang.
VicroiiiA, 11. ('..Oc'. 24. The steam
ship, Kiupress of Japan has brought
Oriental advices to Octoder 13th, as fol fel fol
eows: All Japan is in a fever of excite
ment, awaiting newn of the Genera)
Oyamas' ispedltlon, f-uppos.d to bo
tliiccleil towardn some poln ou the
Chinese coast, within the Gulf nf Pel
Chi LI. Reports of its lauding at Port
Arthur, Wei-Hal-Wel aud other local
ities, are published iu Japan news
pi pew.
The position of foreigners In the In
terior of China, especially noith, Is re
garded as extrtinely ciltica'. The
statement previously published that
the Chinese lleet purposely carried no
boats Is corroborated. The crews of all
lost vessels have perished with scarcely
un exception. The number drowned
Is roughly estimated at nearly seven
hundred. Every deck oillcer engaged
was injured. Ou the ships which re
turned to Port Arthur about one hun
dred were killed and two hundred and
fifty wounded.
An extraordinary imperial edict has
been Issued calling for a true report of
tho battle of Phyong Yang. The
emperor announces that the defeat was
owing to tho dlssouslona and rivalry of
generals Iu charge of the Bevoral bri
gades and states that tho guilty parties
will bo soverly punished.
Japanese Scattering 811rer.
Chemulpo, Coreo, Oot. 24. Tl
pieiflcatlon of this country is seriously
Impeded by the Tonghak's, who, al
though unarmed, are standing a men
ace to tho Japanese. The latter Is
scattering silver about the country
with the object of purchasing the favor
of tho people and It Is stated that 100,000
yen have been distributed about the
Seoul alone. Additional forces of the
Japanese and Coreaus left Seoul October
16 going southward to quell disturb
ances raised by the Tonghak's. Wtr
prices prevail here.
Fired On.
London, Oct. 24.A Hong Kong
dispatch says that agents In that city
of the British steamer Tal-Yuen have
complained to the authorities that a
French cruiser recently fired twice on
the vessel to compel her to display her
At Lourenzo Marque?.
Loukkn,0 Haiiqikz. Delagoa Buy,
Oct, 24. The chamber of commerce
bus cabled tho Portuguese government
that tho condition of aiftlni hem Is un
bearable BudlntM In joined aud an
epidemic threatened, Portugal Is
urged to have the Tfuimviiul govern
ment wild troops,
Portugal Will Protect.
VfAHmwMW, Out, 24, Portugal
bus accepted Hie Invitation of Hie
United rilaU and lino nlgnHM Iter ud
liereiiQ lo Hie tigrucwviite Arranged by
Hie J'urli urbllratlon fur Hie promotion
of seals In Hie tforlll JVIlo wan and
JfelirliiK 'l'ht iUnr niuratfiiie
)W(ti liaye ti'4 y( replied.
Wrrld Hulu.
I'AHIH.IM. jtf J'U olvll tlltrglf
MfNinoiiy MNi M VVblllkL
deiiKltter ut ihnwl Yftt III i r, u( Npw
Yurki wi'l I' mm iwUky IMmr
Uy, o t)i Hie W l V ulde capip, ook
lilauyylonlxy 'I'ho ffilglui manlsgv
111 UMlubraieiJliey.
YtifMt JIrU"MVe
iutttmn, imi. w- JlnVU nhim
tlulu ia I lie WW) Hf (tltt VMI'
UiM Vl'lly ilMl'DJWJ t'jf ) IpfUt'
iuh it mirtny. Wiy w kflM
Ml) llf(llM;vf ll'jMfM).
Hmvwh)i, Hvm HmMir, Hie
Y'M-)Mitti my liumtn4 tiuyi
ht iklaiui wirnl htumly, wn n
mf4 Mty Umu Wmiinim-
,. .. .rrrr.r.rmam ...
vuj lUMUfuts Miaiwf ut PUiy wi j
Qeneral S3h(flild vs. Hoke Smith.
WA8HINQTON, Oo'. 21. Secretary
Hoke Smith ho requested the secre
tary of war to send troopd to the In
dian territory t) suppress the lawless
bauds. Accompanying tha rrquost
wasacomiuuuloulon Sesietary Smith
reioiveo. Monday from tho Indian ter
ritory detalllug the deplonbe condi
tion of afluirs.
General Schofleld loiked into the
matter and theu returned tho papers
to the acting seeretary with tho sug
gestion tUat tho lequest for troops be
matured and considered with a view of
ascertaining the legality of tho proposed
action. The endorsement from so high
an authority ou tho complex relations
between tho military uud civil branches
of government will undoubtedly cause
tho war department to move with great
caution in acting on this req-iest for
troops aud iu the cud may result in a
Tho posse comltutu lawa prohibits
the employment of troop as provided
by the organlo law and that law pro
vides first for the exerclso of udlclnl
piwcr in quelling lawlessness and that
for tho employ moat of troons on thn
application of judicial ofllcers. bpRcd nn
tuelr Inability to ouforco tho procetB of
law. So far aa tho war denartmont i.
advised the Judiciary Iu the Iudlan
territory has uot appealed for the assist
anco of troop. Tho government will
not tuovo uutll such appeals are made
aud until tho 'judicial otlloera have
shown the proper disposition to restore
order Iu the territory.
Army ofllcers iu charge of tho adulrs
feel that tho express compaules have
not gone aa far as thoy should iu the
direction of guarding property con-
tided to them and held th&t bv nluolnir
twelve or fifteen determined and fear
less guards In tho express car thev
should soon oheok the attacks of train
Scandal in High Life.
Memphis, Tenn, Oct. 24. Twelve
years ago George W. Van Dyke, a real
estato broker, married Miss Augusta
Scbouck at Franklin, O. Shelsamoco
of the late Robert C Schenck,lato min
ister to England, and of Commodoro
Shenok. of the navy. They came to
Memphis eight years later. Threo
children were born to them A few
months ago Van Dyke's ullilrs became
embarrassed aud ho sent his wife and
children buck to Franklin as a matter
of economy. Then ho foil in with Jes
sie Mllazzl, a pronounced beauty of the
Italian type, Six weokB ago sho wont
to Brownsville, Van Dyke followed her
and it Is alleged they were married.
The fact that Van Dyko had commit
ted bigamy became known through
the publication ol a notice of his sec
ond marriage Iu a Memphis paper by
his secotid wile. Tho police are eoaich
Ing for him.
Earthquake at San Diego.
Ban Dijmio, Cal Oot. 24.-Thl8 city
and neighboring towns were visited
yesterday afternoon by u series of earth
quakes of more than ordinary severity,
WIlA ftruf (i!iaI nnnitvruil .if U.'tfl .. ...
.. ..,,,. ,.,U WIU HI W.OT I', l,
and was followed at Intervals of a
quarter of a minute by two others, Hie
lust one being one of the utrongent ever
experienced here, People In brick
houses swarmed Into Hie ulreeU, hear'
lug thentartllng creak of brick and
mortar, and seeing In aome Instances
walls crack, A heave sound wan heard
In some parts of Hie city Immediately
preceding the quake, Coimlderubl
oowderimtlon was caused In Hie public
buIiooU, Hie children In Home room
being liukllly illemlwud. Clock were
utopjxxj and window and do?ra were
phukeu enby,
Vor Urn Mikado.
tnyhe wieond w ol (he Miik if
i)(vnm$ MrVlM Hiwhjma yM)
priwrt)i for Hm Dlkudo,
immm vtitmrnmn mwmmtm
nPWE JlovAh Bakjwo PowrwK,lK
sWarv randarlw tha food mom
paklubJa nnd wbulagoma, h, hmmm
of lii higher kwimUig mwy, ihi
nQ liummniLu.
Tin Uulifji MM ft Uqwmwu eMwtto
tsm tywit tlip HmJ LMlw I'wfrr frtktf
gmtir iMmlw mwiti urn wQthm
liiilii Ut w I hfvttH f w
A Swedish Ship Laden Witk
' Powder Blows Up.
Several Knilroad Men Are Roasted
AliEHDKKM. Scotlaud. Oct. 2J. A
dlspatrh from Peter Head, a sea port
m mnea irom nore, announces that the
Sweedlsh Bchoohcr Alene, loaded with
gunpowder, has been blown up. With
in two minutes after the explosion
nothing wai soon upon tho surface of
the water but sollntora from tha
schoonor. All tho crew perished.
Ratoon, N. M., Oot. 24. The Cen
tral hotel, an old land mark of this
t wn, was burned soon afUr mdinlgb'.
James La Point, James McCool and
Al Konnou, threo railroad men who
boarded at tho hotel pcriahod. The
flro was cau3ed by tho explosion of a
Tho Royal Wedding.
London, Oct. 24. A Central News
dispatch from St. Petersburg saya: It
is Bomiofllcially announced that the
wedding of tho czarewltch and Prin
cess Allx of Hesao will take place in
tho presence of the cur in the palace
chapel at Llvadlaat 2 o'clock this after
noon. The princess Joined the othodox
church yesterday. Tho Berlin corres
pondent of the Central NewB says that
an official dispatch from St. Petersburg
confirms tho announcement that the
marrlago will take place today, unlea
tho czar should become suddenly worse
in the meantime,
Infuriated Mothers Attempt to Xy
cain Their Money.
PiTTBHuna. Oct. 21. Over a hun
dred women, tuaDy with babies in their
arms, stormed the office of George M.
Irwin & iCo's Dlscretianary Peel tula
morning. Manager Irwin told them
they could have their money by giving
Hvo days' notice after the date of th
next dividend, but did not state when
thut date would arrive.
Cleveland in New fork.
New Yonif, Oct. 24. PreakUnt
CJoveland arrived hero today. He la
supposed to be stopping at the home of
the famllv physician, Dr, Jratph D,
In Clatsop county the fee of Ui
sherllt lust year for levying and oollot-
Ing delinquent taxes were fH.SM.f
and the printers fees 12,817,72, Tbiy
evidently want the world. Albany
X. N. Sleeves and Joseph Kelly, H
onegeii slayers of old man ttayre, were
arraigned in the criminal court
Portland venttri!uv. liml Mia dtmi r.
r-..,r . , ...,-. tl r... ,,rw "" ' ""
thulrtrlala aet, HleoytH tolx lrt4J)
ceniber o and Jvelly December JB,
J'rwj illunlrstwl I,ectiirw at V(v
Parlor, C'oltle PurkliuraMdwUi'hijrji:.
day arternoon at Vt 00 o'clock to d'
um mw,
UimiAiH), (M. it,- Wlil. Ik
6lii lh, fiJ.
PQWMMh (M. iQ.-WJ'w4 n
7MI WMW WH m ffiflUi.
WW MMJ Hit VlULiliW tDlbm
" -.. 'VuUt lv to w. w- - rTijjt , OK
r ww
a Ytmxw)mw,umuy
km m r f n 'm
tjtmwr i m ' ' WMM "" '
l(WBlW.H 'i.i tylM