Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 15, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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no YAltiA;.-
-... iumut cinds MANY LESSONS
The Attempt to Get AwBy From Obedience
to God AI,Ty i.cndB (,ne ,, R HJorm
Tlio Kind Hearted Sailors-God' Way
of Ghlng Help.
Buooklyn, Oct. 14.-Rov. Dr. TaJ
mago. who 1, still nbsrn.t ,,7..
the world tour, has selected as tho sub.
sen being Jonah i, 18, 14, "Tho men
rowed hard to hrin n ?U i. '?i S
they could not. whnrnfn .Z L7. ,
unto tho Lord."
.Navigation in tho Mediterranean sea
always was porilous, especially so in
early times. Vessels wero propollod
partly by sail and partly by oar. When
by ronton of groat stross of weather, it
was nocessary to reef tho canvas or haul
it in, then tho vosol was entirely do
poudent upon tho oars, sometimes 20 or
30 of them on either sido tho vessel.
You WOUld not ventnrn niic!,l
haiborwith such a craft as ray text
Amis Jonah sailing in, but ho had not '
much choice of vessels. Ho was running '
away from tho Lord, and when a man '
is running nway from tho Lonl lid.. I
to run very last.
The Disobedient Prophet.
God had told Jonah to go to Ninoveh
io preacn aDout tlio destruction of that
city. Jonah disobeyed. That always
m.iKua luugu waior, wnotnerm tho Mod
itonanean, or tho Atlantic, or tho Pa
cific, or tho Caspian sea. It is a very
haul thing to scaro sailors. I havo seen
them, when tho brow of tho vcssol was
almost under water, and they wero
walking tho deck kneo dtcp in tho hurf,
and tho small boats by tlio sido of tho
vessel had boon crushed as small as kin
dling wood, whistling as though noth
ing had happened, but tho Bible says
that theso mariners of whom I speak
wero frightened.
That which sailors call "a lump of a
soj" has becomo a blinding, deafening,
swamping fury. How mad tho wind
can got at tho wator, and tho water can
get nt tho wind, you do not know un
less you havo boon spectators. I havo in
my houso a pieco of tho sail of a ship,
no larger than tho palm of my hand.
That pieoo of canvas was all that was
loft of tho largest sail of tho ship
Grecco, that wont into tho storm 200
miles off Newfoundland. Oh, what a
night that wasl I supposo it was in
homo such storm as this that Jonah
was caught.
Ho know that tho tempest was on his
account, and ho asked tho sailors to
tlnow him overboard. Sailors aro a gen
erous hearted raco, and they resolved to
mako thoir escapo, if possiblo, without
resorting to such extremo measuros.
Tho sails aro of no uso, and so thoy lay
hold on thoir oars. I beo the long-bank
of shining blades on oitlior sido tho ves
sel. Oh, how they did pull, tho bronzed
poainen, as they lay back into tho oarsl
But rowing on tho sea is very difforent
from rowing upon n river, and as tho
vossol hoists tho oars skip tho wavo and
miss tho stroko, and tho tempest laughs
to scorn tho flying paddles. It is of no
nso, no uso. Tliero comes a wavo that
crashes tho last mast and sweeps tho
oarsmoii from their places and tumbles
everything in tho confusion of impend
ing shipwreck, or, as my toxt has it,
"Tho men rowed hard to bring it to
tho land, but thoy could not, wherefore
thoy cried unto tho Lord."
Concerted hy lt ailing of It.
This scpiio is very suggestivo to me,
and I pray God I may havo graco and
(strength enough to represent it intelli
gently to you. Yoars ago I preached n
horinon on another plmso of this very
foubject, and I got a letter from Houston,
Tex , tlio writer saying that tho read
ing of that fconiion in London had led
him to God. And I received another
letter from South Australia, saying that
thu rending of that senium in Australia
had brought suvoral souls to Christ.
And then, I thought, why not now tako
another phase of tho samo subject, for
perhaps that God who can ralso in pow
er that with')) is sown in wouknobs may
now, through another jjIiiuo of thosauu
subject, bring fculvntiuii to tho pooplo
who shall hear and unlvntloii to thu
iionnlo svhoshull road, blmi mid woni-
hi who know how to pray, Joy hold of
thu Lord (iod Almighty, und wiwstlo
fur thu bluMing
JJUhuj) Ltttiww would KtonMmittUine
in bUkWiuwi, in ihw miilNt of hi urgu, wiU my, ' Now, I will Ml itt) i
fuiJe, " mii'I (adHy I would like Iv uriujf
l,. k II" of iltv U.JU 10 UU lUlHUHtiiii
if u )ii( tiwp.ii u! rvUjikm uwlk- A
it..,. m.,.iiuiuuhmi wwum iryiuif in
Lm.ii J W14I1 h4t wm iUtmwmA,
liiatu t., uuil jam Uuri ilMrwWiMii
lie wnl iimii vh liuln4w AuwHW
Ih. l (m.l'lti - Hint UltVv UhiM uUijd U
au hu ih i-ifj tur hi WMtf i ar
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BllOro Of BUfotV. Tinvnri.nMn.x..
' nnl.. 41 a! - 144.4V
!., r",iU,.inr woroaoyLarsaL'o. Yon
IU111K VOtl haVO L'ot Hmm nli,,t . n...
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Buorc. wiicii you nro Bvept back again. Mediterranean oarsmen has n couutor
wuat shall you do? Put down tlio oar? Part in every man that is trying to row
it"0' l uot ndvlso tlmt' bnt J d hls own soul Jnt0 snooty. When tho
nuviso that you appeal to that God to eternal spirit flashes upon us our oondl
wnom tho ilediterrancan oanmieu np. tion, we try to Bavo onrsolves. We Bay,
pealeU .tho God who conlrl etlminr. l. "Give inn 11 8tnntnnrf.,wi-lnl,tl,n,,ll
ineE?"? m?8 lh ""P foty to
!MJ" I ?". " ? nds, that
..wUt,v, .UU
&?? T, fnU,,ficS tet to'
Im Wb,ff',LJ -
Household on ouo sido tho lino
d ' other part of tho household on
"" io of tholinol Two vessels
i ., on u,(ccau of eternity, ouo going
to tiio right und tho other to tho left
lariner apart and farther apart until
1110 signals ceaso to bo rocoguized and
.uuiu uxo oniy two specks on tho hori
zon, and then thoy aro lost to sight for
ever I
Dancers to the Vounp.
I havo to toll you that tho unavailing
efforts of theso Mediterranean oarsmen
havo a counterpart in tho efforts homo
of us aro making to bring our children
to tho shore of safety. Tliero nevor wero
bo many temptations for young peoplo
as thcio aro now. Tho litor.nv nml rim
bociai influences seem to bo against their
j ...... . uw
spiritual interests. Christ beoras to bo
unveil almost eutiroly from tho school
and tho pleasmablo concourse, yet God
knows how anxious wo aro for our chil
dren. Wo cannot think of going into
heaven without them. Wo do not want
to loavo this lifo while thoy aro tossing
on tho waves of temptation and away
from God. From which of them could
wo consent to bo eternally separated?
Would it bo tho son? Would it bo tho
(laughter? Would it bo tlio eldest?
Would it bo tho youngest? Would it bo
the ono that is well and stout or tho ono
that is sick? Oh, I hear some parent say
ing tenight: "I have tried my best to
bring my children to Christ. I has 0 laid
hold of the oars until they bent in my
grasp, and I havo bracod mybolf against
tho ribs of tho boat, and I havo pulled
for thoir eternal rescuo, but I can't got
them to Christ." Then I ask you to
imitato tho men of tho text and cry
mightily unto God. Wo want more im
portunate piayiug for children, buch as
tho father induleod in when ho' lmd
tried to bring his six sons to Christ and
thoy had wandered off into dissipation.
Thon ho got down in his piayers and
said, "O God, tako away my lifo, if
through that means my sons may re
pent and bo brought to Christ," und tho
Lord startlingly answered tho prayer,
and in a fow weeks the father was taken
away, and through tho solemnity tho
six sons fled unto God. Oh, that father
could afford to die for tho eternal wel
fare of his children 1 Ho rowed hard to
bring them to tho land, but could not,
and then he cried unto tho Lord.
Prodigal Som.
There aro parents who aro almost dis
couraged about thoir children. Where
is your son tonight? Ho has wandered
off perhaps to tho ends of tho eaith. It
seems as if ho cannot get far enough
away from your Christian counsel.
What docs ho caro about tho furrows
that como to your brow, about tho quick
whitening of tho hair, about tho fact
that your back begins to stoop with tho
burdens? Why, ho would not caro
much if ho heard you wero dead! Tho
black edged letter that brought tho tid
ings he would put in tho samo packago
with other Jotters tolling tho story of
his shame. Whut aro you going to do?
Both paddles broken ut tho middle of
tho blade, how can you pull him ashore?
I throw you ono oar now with which I
beliovo you can bring him into harbor.
It is thu glorious promise, "I will bo
a God to thee nnd to thy seed after
tlieo. " Uli, broken hnartiul father and
mother, you have tried everything olso,
now make an appeal for thu Jiulp und
omnipotence of tho covenant keeping
God, and perhaps at your next family
gathering perhaps on ThaiiUgivjng
iay, perhaps noxt Christum day tho
prodigal may bo home, und If you cimd
on his platu more luxurion thun 011 any
Other platu ut thu table I urn mhu thu
biotheis will not 1)0 jouloiu, hut they
will Yuku up all tho nninoln Ihehwwy,
"liecmiw the dead is ulivuuguin und bt
wiiku thu lut in found " l'urlni)N )uur
pmyiirtt havo hwui nun w wad uliuudy
Tliu vwMd mny l owning Iwrnowiwd,
nd by thu light uf Ihl tiiUl'Utn
tlmt nmtul mn way m iwuiuif the d.H
uf thu xhip, ujixiumh for toil tli" I"
tMUfe iVhttfl JlU Mil IhWW WIMUI
fuw uurk umJ Mk (ut Umw lu
that hi Im Imnti wringing fuui "IU hrt
HI luuji- UhtfhMU ftnutUm. h( will Im
um) iwvmJ fur mttlihm Ut luuti uu-u, Ui
f would jtud iiUi tv J Uuwb km
witvluw viUmi ym Hf$ H w biu
lgut utA mv mtod at tit mum"
Yi-itdk uttmUmt to wvhInmW 1
Jmikv Wf fit') Ju
I Utility 'NT Mtl
AtJjMU I I' MM it Ui Ut MM'Ug
iiMiiipM lu ! ""' '!.' I.
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turn" i "'- u mtt ut mim mm
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nnt ...l...-.,4 41 1J . .. .
No Self Salvation
Arrntii !.,. ,.n! rr... .. l
. .-.. m. ...MVIIUilU.
Si n
nnd I
mo n stout oar for mv left hand.
will pall mysolf into 8afoty."
Ton ono wa and Twif tunpn
A wavo of sin comes nnd dashes
' aml lcro aro plenty of rocks on which
' to founder, but seemingly no
, iuto which to saiL Sin mast bo thrown
, overboard, or wo must perish,
I men who havo tried for years to bo
' como Christians. Thoy beliovo all I sav
in regard to a future world. Thev bo
liovo that roligiou is tho first, tho last,
the iuflnlto necessity. Thoy do every
thing but trust in Christ Thoy mako
00 strokes in n minute. Thoy bend for
ward with all earnestness, and thoy Ho
back until tho muscles aro distonded,
and yet they have not tnado ono inch in
ten years toward heaven. What is tho
reason? That is not tho way to go to
work. You might us well tako n frail
1 skiff and nut it down at tho foot of Ni
, - .-
"Kara amj ticn j,emj jt np towurfj no
churning thunderbolt of waters and ex
poet to work your way up through tho
lightning of tho foam into calm Lake
.Erio as for you to try to pull yourself
through tho surf of your bin into tho
hopo nnd pardon and placidity of the
gospol. You cannot do it in that way.
Sin is a rough sea, and longboat, yawl,
piunaco and gondola go down unless tho
Lord doliver, but if you will cry to
Christ and lay hold of diviuo mercy
you aro as saio from eternal condemna
tion as though you had been 20 yoars in
I wish I could put before my unpar
doned readers their own holplessucss.
No human nrm was ever strong enough
to unlock tho door of heaven. No foot
was ever mighty enough to break tho
slmoklo of sin, no oarsman swarthy
enough to row himself into God's harbor.
Tiio wind is against you. Tho tide is
against you. Tho law is against you.
Ten thousand corrupting influences aro
against you. Helpless and undone. Not
so helpless a sailor on a plank, mid-Atlantic.
Not so helpless a traveler girdod
by 20 miles of prairio on firo. Prove it,
you say. I will provo it. John vi, 44,
"No man can como to mo oxcont the
Father which hath sent mo draw him. "
The Wllllncues or Chrlit.
But while I havo shown your help
lessness I want to put by the sido of it
tho power and willingness of Christ to
save you. I think it was in 1C80 a ves
sel was bound for Portugal, but It was
driven to pieces on an unfriendly coast.
The captain had his son with him, and
with tho crow thoy wandered up tho
beach and started on a long journey to
find relief. After awhile tho son faint
ed by reason of hunger and tho Jongth
of the way. Tho captain said to tho
crow, "Carry my boy for mo on your
shoulders." Thoy carried him on, but
tho journoy was so long that after
uwhilo tho crew fainted from hunger
and from weariness and could carry him
no longer. Then tho father rallied his
almost wosted energy and took up his
own boy and put him on his shoulder
and carried him on uiilo uftor mile,
niilo after mile, until, oveiconio himself
by hunger und weariness, ho, too, faint
ed by tho way, Tho boy lay down and
died, and tho father, just at tho time
rcbcuo came to him, also poriBhod, liv
ing only long enough to toll thu bUiry
eud story indeed!
But glory bu to God that Jesus Christ
is ablo to tako us up out of our ship
wrecked and dying condition and put
ns on tho shoulder of his strength, und
hy tho omnipotence of his gospel htur
us on through uli thu journey of this
lifu and ut last through tho opening
gates 01 jieuvoni lu is mighty to euve.
Though your bin bo long und black und
iuoxuutmblo and putrugogus, thu wry
moment you hulluvo I will proclaim
pardon JuJiik, full, gruud, ujieoudl
lluniil, unuumpromlsliig, HJIinllJblo, Ju
llnitu Oh, tlio grace of God I J am oyer
whelmed whun I como to think of it
Uivu mu u thousand Judilurn, IhhIiwI fust
to uuuh otbur, thut I may frwulu (ho
lu!ght. JM Ihu lino run uut with I ho
imolwi until nil thu uuLIm ut wMhjiry
iu(d, tlmt Wujiiuylivuub the depth
Ut Uw MUlmuit 11 ill iWluull uf i4w
uJ Hip In trying u uwi wumid ih
Htm Ok, li gjuwi uf Mud I Ji in Mi
tiitfii JtlUHilwMfld JtlfM'dwp UIo
if U ( w du4, litfl vli uttt" "wr
l mul Umt'f urui uttflu' Why will
tf itry ymr dw wwJ yum mtn y
luttmM wum i-Hmd uitmr in ) iiMi
Wkf M ym WH liawM yMir miv
lu titi mumntti ymt witfUt mi up
Ut4 ut td liufw&d lw 1U1 ut
mittdut y (miff
U tiug til Uh m tmdj Ut imt wp
4tilUm i'4tmUtw Midm liumtt
l IttHgti mm. Bl Mm Umtmi it vi
u im vf tb, mi U u v
iud Ti Uu t immyid h U
kw mm4 )m, ty Ut Ufl t"
pl-d titk iittnmm Mil ' 'm
"tifd ttf tit immuif imt t M d
),.i l4n Atmmt tttimfW '""
tSt W"
m mm tN4
J It 4i4. f ' f I
it, I want to toll you.tonight that youf
ixat iinvrrs over liititiito treasurol All
tho riches of God nro at your feet
trcasnroa that no'vor fail and crow ns that
never grow dim. Who will go down now
and seek thorn? Who will dlvo for tho
poarl of great prico? Who will bo pro
pared for lifo, for death, for judgment,
for tho long eternity? Soo two hands of
blood stretched "out toward tby soul as
Jesus says, "Conio unto mo, all yo that
labor and nro heavy laden, and I will
givo you rest "
Tired Feeling
Bo common at tills tp.iBon U &
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disastrous results. It H a sure
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Rub In Vigorously,
A1utuii)( Jiihiu-iU omuer
W w& W w JP )f jp t
l .j4.i.i4,. .. t-i nUmml ul
Xntuty md tttt i ut IhhuM'
lytttfi, iMdMtjfi. Wta, hutMr
lid, ud Uun, 04 lnm
itutif mmi m umUt, A ami
idum mtd ifammU jMrM4tu
m m Wmm Wm mmfMr WnffrJ
hM 4 bwlsif y iiwtt
Hit " I ' Uttt,iji jr
blnt-U) Civil Iltbl!
"ww TmjimmA,
-'flii! Mb Mi'
f A UWH 'J'OJW'J'l
U not i winnlMtj If
HH'Vtil 4 jkji
C t
V J.! ...-,
u,um,i uijjiiuBi uuu iixujju xjxvuuucu insuctition.ot JLunrnmg
111 ractiic
Me"lc!iifcn Coant 'illln,lo. "rouf b
.fe. Fi?.. !? CIV rrTrinliilnT.hlu, Hulnr.f, Art. KliKuilon nod Utule.
I'oattirndaiitel'oune. Btrorjrer and better ihn evert mie
, ,,,1wnnoollnordnldil home
for their care and training.!
Tho Scliool Year Opt'nH Svptombor 1.3,
For Year Book, addrefs
President W. O. FIAWLE
v or financial information, address
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