'..'.W iiuMfajiWiiintiiiK-iTiiiWftii rnffaii 'TWiM1gJm mmmvmmmtvmmtnlm i urn ii imihhiih') Ki.niij.ii. tun iau'jui'iiiaUjUiMywifW(qpMjppi , - -. r Invpit ' 1iit foil n ilnef ' Thi. mlliV!.. .I.-.I -f .1.. ..... ... SHAU WE FORGET ? ;r: 7 i! n r i. "."" k '" - ui me years mat cinrKcnca all our ovcand iWs. I then shall know.. 7. That you are mine, m no on . lv still th .r . fnrf i r i"I- " .--.,. .... .. WVW Vi IVtlg i J-GU A$ 1 l j 1 f-h, r"r""i r3 ' 4 4 7 0 0 0 - - a ' 0 ia ! ?:$. Words by F. E. NEATH. Moderate assai. F. PAOLO TOSTI. jjo. yi''"' i i" i " i- - . r .tens. a tefc ill rrrv -t ayf f T f r EggEfeEEfcEEiE5SE - " "fc rv - "n. 1 f n, vjr-t & 'sxnzzzaE fe it Shall we for -Love when here - tes s pj armomoso.- JS-. Iss . "jbT" r- 4t- " b 2g 4--r -- e fs P e legate -&- rtl. trust. f ""V " t IEEE m annua ST 00 23 O E fc hi Sia.fcs ESESrS !. 7r-M 1 -y -f I ..... j 4 -4 U- -j Shall we for - get Shall we for - get EE 5 n't. p col canto -3 m- -- st the love of long a - go ? the love of long a - go ? 25!; Shall we for - get Shall we for - get the love of long a -'go ? Shall wc for- the love of lortjr a - go ? Shall wc fot- F M- i-Hfc colcahld zztjzfrt 155 5 " 3EJL-. C?J J L P ! -mMr: IjlSBEz 5jj !-, 1 r-j -fU3Ju -ts gJzCz I e..hs. t. cotcamo -v w- get. af.. in af - ter days.... the gold -en love that ene: V2 ter we have met if we two ev - cr meet at knew The hap -py skies. .. the prim - rcsc all; I will not ask.... if yen fcr H r- &U' Lj i -1 rit. no,... love, nol no,... love, nol - S P get ? ah, get ? ah, j ' col canto. ' lEL -7 f f v-v- 3E n Ending, first verse. second verse. -tr- Shall we for - get ? ah, no, love, no I Shall wc for - get ? ah, no, love, & f.fff- w W r f- i 1 F- -(-pft T vr -gl j I -J nol Sfe Jy-a y-4: ? - - . iiJ armonteso. 0 v3" -- B -- i 3?e , - - BV- -00- fe 1 U.V b'l b b ' ways we found in child - hood, I and you? get I will not ask if you re - call. Or shall we think of all the tears,., the flow'rs we For-get, re- mem ber what you will... This, on - ly 3 0- J0- Efe! z5: it P55 - Jr-0,0. -0- !H -I-J J U--!y J jig p Copyright, The New York Musical Echo Co., 1893. Shall wc for-get? Shall'we for-get? , ' "i, 3Lrf jgs f ., :J.-Ui-2 i . l i I Lja 1 1 - I,, ,q 1 111 Jip' i. I . 1 1 1 ?7 ' 1 ' " wi . iw - i ftU r? Shall Wc Forget ? .r -m Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inf lame&Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, AH Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tlssuo Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts It In a Jiffy. Rub n Vigorously, MHtM U''ei' fSBHt "AN ATTRACTION PARTICLE." Interesting DlnoIosurcH Haito nt the Con rntI011 of tl.ii ISritlsh Assoi lutton. Tho annnal tlificlosuro of tho latest flificoverieH in various brandies of sriciico being'mado r.t tho convention of tho British association, Osford, ss mi inter esting budget. Lord SalisLiu v'h acldress at tho opuniug of tho cc.iifueueo at tracts widespread attention. Ho pro claimed liiinolf a i-cienhflo agnostic, but the most leniarkablo l.uluro of his japei was his outlining of tho maivels 1 f unsolved problems to u hit li modern (foucn is new devotintr itFolf. Ho paid a byuipathetio tributo to Daiwin'H gicat work, but refused to nci.nowiuiigo 1110 icllyti-.h as his ancestor on any ovidence yet offered. Ho attacked WuHnnanu's theory of natural selection in i-vulutiou and afllnucd that tho prfFcut day has brought n return to tho belief that crea tive design was supremo. It has been in tiiefco mcelins of tho several liifions of the ccneiition that tho latest discoveries and theorii-H havo been prebented. A year ngo tho biolo Kifts, who had believed fo? yearn that they wero on tho poiut of i-olviiitf tho invEteiy of life, ucUnowledgi d tiiein- fcuUc-s I uflled. Now l'rofcfhor Sclmeftr, prebident of tho bcctlon of pliyrtolOBy, uiiuouiici 4to dibcovery in each tiny animal coll containing life of what ho turma "an attraction particle. " Itt-hould bo ronioniberul tliatwlieu tlio bioloaUU dii.courwl tlio coll prinoiploof life tlioy thought- It iinpossibloto subdivldo thow infinitoly eninll ntoms, nut mo ihhtu coiw liud khowii tho iixiktiui 0 of thU kiiiull imrtlclo in onoh oell, wlMi 1 Itwlf a btruotujo ui mmM Iihh h iluilnito oxit4ju and a (loniuio ruiicuwi uf H own. Jt l Hliuot w miuutu mi Ul.lW t II It U JHWiblB t OMJU-IVf. J11 it cU Wlilt'll i liittiiiwl 1,000 dli4 tun !). woitiul mrtlol iijihjhu imrly of tlw vt of pin ixiliit. Yt ' Hl mot InliiillHy miiuii ut w" " ,.vi,,.i-,ll1.iirv ilillllblliUI ovut IJUf KlmU ifwll, wlWi l)y I mny Htmmmi hum liruww whU'li rw in th muiuiiM it u uutiwiiml u airwwu m jh luiwili d iniMini mi umtua Holen Dauvray has engaged Lorena Atwood for a comedy part iu "That Sis ter of His." In "Tho Bauble Shop" J. E. Dodson will play a character part Mr. Keber, a man who drinkti secretly. Gorald Maxwell, who is a now mem ber of Mr. Daly's company, is a sou of MissM. E. Braddon, tho celebrated Eng lish novelist. It is not generally known that Rosa bel Monisou has cousiderablo talent naa musical composer. Several of her com positions havo been played this fuminer at opeu air concerto. Maurice Barrymore was privately married recently to Mury Floyd, daugh ter of tho lato William It. Floyd, who wai for many years btago manager at Wnllack's theater, Now Yoik. D. A. Bauta has secured tho Ameri can rights to Pinero's play, "Tho Profli gate," for Mario Burroughs. For borne time it lias been In the potMesslou of A. 31. i'amier ouii AUiruann uaiv, Tartan silks aro speckled with white, liko tho velvets of last winter. Itonum strined Batin is gorgeous enough tofiuil an Itulian jtaBan woman. Drup de Venice tliowB raisou satin uow 01 run color that produce a rich and brilliant lrawj surface. wow xoinnum. Aiuuiuultluu Iu Africa. "AH of tlio iiativo Uganda holdlurn, I notice, hud well filled cartridge belt round their walntn. In my innocence, us I thought of all the thunders of the Ifuiioral act of tho l)rueU eonfereiice mid all tho urdlnuiiccj, eiiactiiioiiti and regulation wliloh )ifl loou jmbllHliul ihereafter by dlrruiit Kwern liuvliig lAMkuioii on (lie Afrieuit iumt, I uoii duiwl how, in tho wry iminr of Afrlru, il.ii. iiuhiIh wuru enublMl to kwill tlli'lr IwIlM M) wull loplt'iiUiiod wJHieurlrhlKon uf iHirrnt wl "1 u "' o,,'m imturiM. "J huil nut )tm month In tht 1 un try Ufar I Iwnul Mml, for tic wli' Iwl lli WlirMWlHll 0 HWl"- tf""' w4nr, IwJ mii Ml liio liioirMiitMil uf 4etruH"U mtfuuuiu nyinininim coKsroiy of lime ymiw Vmuft) luU I'Mit TBflliirnllLiLUlf. MMMlMTft ! lAHHiMMi " utm will W W"'"T -". .. 1 . y l)w jiwwpitau .r: , ." uZlMi in Iiw4 l,(MMi Mum . mm fur Urn mi "VWjfyB Wf IM i ...- .i.j it 11I uuiuuAnf u HWM ."rmTiiiJ. 1ZZ' TlLU M.i, U.M fTT. t.u t., iMitw ' ''' mw . ..,,.. .ii, ui WW ""' "'T 1.1.1. '''-'--' SJ5. . - rr ftktW wnw M)U iU I w l lyrA!twl UgiiU f wny ii l ' '"''' it limmi illiw, u vw ftf WMrk jMiM "Ww J IU JljlVwt- bj M)li) M lk (ltotJMW Z i to t-w' iMa rtm. t 7i&rw&$z l-u all LuuiDU -' tmm w. rr T-r,-:... H0W mm I iu ui. ulaMi Li '.r. tt: ;. fcptJriiHnffii 'lil4WMMMMM m W WtMMiMil fi W uf tM M- 4mW The Past Guarantees The Future The fact that Hood's Sarsa parilla has cured thou sands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich healthy blood, tones and strength ens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember Sarsa-parllla. Hood's Cures Be Sure to get HOOD'S and Only I IOOD'S. Hood's Pills ru eipecUlty ireparea W be Ukeu wllU Jlooa'l Btrtapaj-llki. 2Se, 5 Frliik' I'dljlrtjlo Inslllufe- mXT0,Bfw'Wmumi . MjKBW.IM J'fT P m NEW- FDRNiTDRB STORE J. A. Itotan luurreturned to Balem and opened a furniture business at 274 COMMERCIAL ST. I havo put In a stock to suit the present bard time, and guarantee that yau con set more lor tho money than anywhere else In Irreron. My low prices will astonish you, 1 .hall make a specialty of carpets and mat tlnics. AH old patrons and the public gener illy are Invited to call and look over my lock which, shall always be a money saver. j. a. steTAff. iM8-dlwlm Hca'ed flee Haiku, Or., Heptember Ji I, a'ed proposals will be received at umlfnoon November Zi, IbUI, to PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. Orvicz or tiik HKOKKTAnr or Btatk, 1 imi,i ils or. rurulsh the followlMB aitleles lor the Mute nt urevoni lOrtams Itk-sl cup, 1 Di. No 7ullliif, white, laid, cr eu in charter oak orWcolch linen, Wreainstlrst-elassoonKressuote, 7-lb lugs, No, 7 ruling-, whllelald. iu;xjo Ho, 6yi whit envelopes, CO A No, t rug, l'i cross railroad tUel wins. No. IV). W gross (Jlllott's steel pens. No, W. iirocsii lion sieei ieni. no. on. i gross (11 (lot r steel pens, Xg-ross Klerbrook"J'' imiijs. WOut, fee, HUtw Wllooi'slnksUudi, No. i 'not, I'ali, Htow A WIIooj's iiiluUnds, No, 10 dot, 1'cck, H(ow a Wlluos'o InksUuds, No. m l'i am, ivory folders. Much slaudird, i Am. ivory folders 1(1 lush rAingnui, inojt iuucllseu, Hu.l,Wori((i'.yli)i)t, 10 dot mucllsgeslauds. rtseryolr tio. Wf' uuit'n iiuteuL. Hresni I'trser's Irtxuiury bllllng-(Mtpr,IM pi.iwMjricuiiti.ia, ii,utfo, 't JCt(l leeordtr kd ihujcIIs, n;ivM vluUil. I il( Hsnlord s I prenilum fluid, fjusrU, iu im, Mii.florrt'J wililuy fluid, ;nn, Warn gumiiudsluollJJi'o, it, ihii o. ilo. liuplx upbjttril l(lr clips, Jo ykUr luiMriuitit, f iwuii fiut, ds sU-bI ittr, KiJ, Wo, l,H.lon, j;f fl ?'(, fittffifiMo, i,fiiMHiy, ut VtW Ita, & WUr'Uh4, m' uirliil slliJl viim i'.)! liM nl), No. h br ,!, tfff rwwf iit piwui w n ivmui lido 1',r't iiUHk and pisJI iwbbf a ifn'mt " ' MJfc 1l it iM if4j ( ii wr,ii?i iMlMi mnmm::,rj' -" OTe'III ;; fflB ItwwiiJM wmM "Vinhrit to m llHH,mHiHiy yf f4 y H iMWkfW.klSJiflMrjA iwmu'mim' m1 Hv fflMfcWw Wl tw T. ilri. .v ff T. Jf&tfm WJFmr WILLAM 1894:. m Niwy. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. Oldest, Highest and Most Extended Institution of Learning in Pacific Northwest. Hlxteen Courses ol Instruction, through Academlo and College to Theology, Law 8d Medicine. Hplendld Courses for Tnltnlue In Teaching. Uuslnens. Art, Elocution and Music. Several i'ost Ilradur.te Courses. Blronifer and oetter tnsii ever! It's Woman's Oolleiie utiords an Ideal home lor young ladles with 'unsurp::d fkcllHtM for their care and tralnlng.i Tho School Year Opens geptombor 13, 1894, For Year Book, address Prosident W. 0. TIAWLEY. For financial information, address Bev. J. II. ROORK, Agent, 9-3-lin Salem Orfoa, is- i iii swsMssssswssswspiMssjsissswsssssisaiwsssswiswssisiswwsisswiswMsMssswaMiiB iPnisnwuiswnaMsrsw si i iis iinissssMsKswesisi V. W, BETTljKMIWJh WP J. H.BJ5TTLKMIKK lJIUWWUW immsMMMMSHH m Acmt a,m,m TwilW.Wrtfis. D Ci THE WOODBURN NURSERIES Uiiyt)jQ )ai!t ijid iob(, coiyplwtu wwatinwii (A wmioiumm, houm mm ssy jivyklsssw r ) Ji IJi Mlomier k Son, MilMiUHllllli?r4if m I I N h i s