Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 03, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ,y .-
-3OIj. 7.
KO. 3t
H k m rrri av tt
xjJx 1 JL Adu
'nion Bargain Store.
Just received another lot
ffirown Shoes and Boots. You
Want for every-day Solid wear.
rlow bhoe tor 1.1 o. 1ms beats the record. Ladies fine
rares3 shoe, latest stylo, $1.35; heavy, . 1.10. Infants', chil
furen's, misses', boys' and men's shoes at prices that will aston
ish you. Rubber Boots and Shoes just received.
SyFlne Linen, Laces, Narrow Editing. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear.
Meii'H Working Shirts, Boys' and Men's Suite, Glassware, Hardware. Jewelry,
.Bird Cages. On all these we can save you at least 25 per cent. We bave also
Just received GO dozen of those elegant Socks, wbtcb we sell at 5c per pair.
uan turn see us.
M. J.
95; STATE ST...,
Special Announcement
Ed. C.
A J'ull MiimiJy uf Umm
i liuimhfi by 0j
ni i
tunumwm) MQ mmmw,
TaketheOne Cent Daily
In a child's life is an aggrava
tion, so many disorders are inci
dent to it. It would be a blessing
to have children cut teeth with
less suffering. By feeding babies
with the
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand
Condensed Milk this result h
within the reach of mothers. Years
of experience prove its value.
of those elecant Hamilton
can now get iust -what you
We sell you the Iron Clad
IT is the purpose of the
Manager to offer special in
ducements and give particu
lar attention to families who
desire Day Board, and to
gentleman who require per
manent accommodation, spe
cial rates will bo made.
WholcHuU urn! Ktifull
DmUr In i'n'hli, halt juul
Hniolced MrafJi ol .IIWIikIh
(Hi Court umi t
Umi IhM nm OIhiujhmL
Churchill &. Burroughs
m HiiirHl
nut limb uu JIw
Ihy, Wwli hUuih
J !
Aumsville meat market has started a
branch butcber shop at Stay ton and
think of starting one at Turner In tbe
near future, and thus Aumsville Is ab
sorbing all of tbe suburban towns.
Mr. D. E. Swank bos traded his
Winerick property for tbe Irliman
property, and in therefore owner of one
of tbe best mill sites In Aumsville. He
now controls the water power and the
will site. "No illes on Swank,"
School commenced Monday I eptem
ber 24th with a full school. Tbe two
rooms are over-crowded, and tbe board
Is talking of opening up another
room. Two years ago one room and
one teacher was all that was needed,
now three rooms and three teacheru
are required, and it will not be long
before our due four room school house
will bave to be eularged. This Is not
all caused by tbe old settlers, Lut by
many new families locating in tbe dis-1
Itev. S. Spear preached to tbe people
of Auuml.Ie laMT Sunday.
John Molt talks of opening a shoe
shop in tbe near future, in Aumsville.
Henry Porter was in towa last week.
He is residing at bis country residence,
but will f-oou move to the city to spend
the winter.
Wo bave two regular staqe lines, and
one railroad running tbrougli Aums
vileo. Everything Is quiet in town. No pol
itics, no scandal, no church and oo
preacher, contentment and happiness
reigns supreme. No liquor Bold in
Aumsville and our young men bave no
temptation and And their homes tbe
best pWc'e to spend tbelr evenings.
L. A. Waleer recently lost a One
young horse
Al Pawn and Lee Wiseman have
gone to the coast, and promise to brlog
borne some flsb, and tb'y are the boys
to bring them.
Ell Barnett and eon stopped over
Sunday with relatives, hefe. They are
on tbelr way to Louisiana. '
Riley Tomllnson and family thrived,
here lest Saturday night. They came
from Kansas and expect to make Ore
gon their home.
Our postmaster, Mr. Winslow, and
son Bam, started for Kansas Tuesday
morning. B. M. Tomlfnson has been
appointed as his successor fa tbe post
ofllce and Ib also putting in a stock of
Our genial station agent, H. A, Hin
shaw, who has been sick, Is now able
to walk around, and will soon resume
work, J. 0. Pickett has charge of the
depot, while tbe agent takes his medi
cine like a little man.
Nov that the farmers bays harvested
their several crops and are eujoymga
little breathing spell I will take the
time tO'write you a few Unas to tell you
how we In this "neck of the woods''
are prospering.
The wheat crop has been garnered
foreome little time now. The yield
Mils year was light hut the quality Is
yety good,
Hops are all gathered, The ykld
was excellent and If wo get f'f lrloc
(or them we will he all rlhi,
"An oM m
, "Triad
awl provoti'
jo the yordtot
o( ;olIliojm,
Uwr JttfU
Jutor ilju
yny (Avor
mm you
sm nnyw
(M W
tri (mi
Than mi
ro A
nil a M'
mm vm
tum. m
't u B t li"r WH
Tbe saw mill is going again at full
b!ast and running out about 40C0 feet
per day.
School opened last Monday week
under tbe guidance of Prof. Fret.mau.
Tbe I. O. G. T. lodgo at this pln.-o is
a staunch soolal stand-by. We meet
regularly every Thursday eveuing
and for tho last few weeks our number
has been added to largely. Yesterday
we sent tbreo delegates to attend the
district lodge at Wood bum.
Farmers young and old, merj and
women all believe in having pleasant
social times and scarcely a week passes
that some pleasant surprise or Sporty
does not occur.
McKlnley in Kansas. '. t
Kansas Ciiy, Oct. 3. GovWm.
McKlnley yesterday aftcrnbopppiko
toanlmmenso Ihrong. He wa intro
duced by Senator Cwls, who Jlppplly
remarked: f
"That unless the signs of t times
were wrong, tbe governor woqjd, two
years hence, be tbe leader 'of Mie Re
publican hosts,'' This sentloaiht was
vigorously applauded In h4 firet
senteuo Governor McKinloylstruck
areeponsivechord. "Projil as I am,"
be began, "to be an Oh I oat?,' I am
prouder yet to be an American J'
"Politics this year is business and
business is politics." '
Tbe governor found subjact for reflec
tion in the faot that Wilson had to go
to a foreign country to get congratula
tions for the passage of tli6 tariff law
which bears bis name, and wtien some
one in the audience Bang out, that the
only Industry which bad ben called
into existence was tbe free soup bouses.
McKlnley responded, "there jsnotan
American citizen but would rather
earn his own sJup than to jbeg It of
others; and under the policy of Repub
lican we never had to bave ree soup
houses, for anyone who was willing to
work had work, and bo bad his own
soup at his own table."
Borne Inquisitive indivIdiKtl asked
"what's tbe matter with the A. P. A ?"
Tho Interruption was not well received
and there cams cries from all parts of
tbe theater, "put him out."
Governor McKlnley paused for a
moment before replylug, igb Mid;
"The question we havelo settIe"now IsJ
what Is the matter with tho country."
A burst of applause followed.
Topeka, Kan,, Oct. 8. The home of
tbe Populist was invaded today by
Governor McKlnley, At Lawrence
fully 2,000 persons at tbe station
cheered lustily, and gave earnest atten
tion as McKlnley spoke. With appar
ent reference to Populism, the governor
said: "We might as well understand
one another. The Republican and
Democratic parties are going to conduct
the policy of this government, and It
is for you to determine which."
At Topeka a cavalry escort proceeded
Governor McKmley to the state housa
prouuda, where an immeuse crowd as
sembled, Governer Llewellen, ottered
to oftklally receive the guest, but the
Republican managers declined.
Gorbett's Farewell Fight.
Hobton, Oct. H -Jim Corbett, Jh
champion pugllUt, last night KV0 out
Ills ultimatum, Jf sy; "Let tliene
iiiei) who arts becking notoriety at my
expedite get together all tho fghterii
(u the world who )iaV0$O,OQQ to 'vager
that I cannot dtftut them, no wulght
or color harrwl. I will depotlt (10,000
with vl-i JJUudliurd, of Motion, as
uvi'Jeuwt of my good ftillb, arid I will
dovpU tmy one wok after July Jt,
ni-'Xti to UrUHhu; odo itf tUbi tueU
hlght during that wxk.
"J WM) (his and (his will bo
)iut llmw will iyrlr0lu or a iugl
lh.Uo ftiicouiilor. Now, you wuld-bo
c'jti))o'i, IWtun ViAinmm, J'oUr
1mVw, K Hoiith ur ')ir Mhvr,
wo U yiw oIjimiw will M Vi'r.
riwitum frlimttey, nod afior UUn, llrrt
uw, IUi iwrvfJ. J will flihi far iu
vu ulfurtoK iU lrt ma, I ur
mom "
Kallroftd KHtofyrl,
i't)hihAVi,Or (Hi, U.a (juiifrf
Gim flwiUffi) Hint wwfl Hmite
mil Hi. l'ti Hwi'ir m il Umi Jb
IHUitjlVWin M ihl UIWMIiUMitlW
Hit n!i.m)HtilM WUintfim Jlitflj
lu mithm Kiu f;d HI- yew
lhl w II Uwn ih nmi imw mi
t My Itf Uwif lu fwf Itf mmt
j)lh id iUv lyu writ rtily pi Hi
yilMAlhMMH ;nrjw Jhil
Mi lw ) '" UmtwkH m wh
m iiiii uuimM uw mwm
malt ixiw H U" H 'ihm ni
U fi g M , iJu (' rf Whw
HiU m UU& U ff'f jklf M
Urn '
Wrecks Hie Sfato PeBilentiary
and ArjIhw.
But tko Damne Will Ileck a
. . Millltm fiollars.
LiTTi.K R)CK, Ark., Oct. 3 A te'
rible cyclone struck this city at 7:E0
yesterday evening and almost devasta
ted tbe business portion of tbe city.
Several people are Known to have been
killed 'and many are lujured. The
main portion of the business center,
bounded on the south by Railroad
street, ou tbe north by tbe river front,
on the west by Center street and on
tbe east by Commercial street, Is prac
tically In ruins and the amount oi
damage Is Incalculable. Tbe property
loss will probably approximate a half
million dollars.
Tbe cyclone was accompanied by a
terrific storm and the stocks of goods
in those business bouees that were un
roofed, though not otherwise wrecked,
are destroyed by water, Tbe storm
struck the state penitentiary, which
stands on a bill in the western part of
tho city, with fearful force, destroying
tbe diuiug room, tearing down the
stablo and shops, uurooflng the main
cell building and demolishing tbe
warden's ofllce. Several convIcU were
seriously injured, one of whom died an
hour afterwards.
Down town1 the lightening truo& the
Martin block, totally wrecking tbe
third floor. A aaan named Eaton was
fetaiijr 1b jH;ed there. The meet dam
age, howew, wa jJlMHftfl peeperty oa
Markhana aad- Cowmorelal atreei.
Nearly every building Ih that dfctotet
Is unroofed apd many are totally
wrecked. The streets are filled with
tin roofs, eleetrio wires and other
wreckage and it will be several days
before the extent of the damage oaa be
knoWB. A large cotton warehouse at
Second aud Soott streets owned by J.
H. Baobum was wrecked. It fell en
tbe Western Union telegraph ofllce
next door and wrecked it, cutting oft
all communication with the outside.
The city is In densest darkness. A Met
of tho casualties Is unobtainable. All
kinds of ruroora are afloat, one to tbe
eflect that tbe Insane asylum, In which
COO patients are conllned had been
blown down and many patients in
jured, but as the Asylum Is situated one
mile from tbe city t-e rumor oanaot he
confirmed, A gumbelr of escaped lune.;
tics have been captured' near the Uuion
depot a-d Ihl fact glyee color to' the
The om of property atone It la eetl
maUd at midnight will amount to at
lent 11,009,000. The daBMge totlto
Insane asylum will react 1100,000. The
ofllce and wIh bulkJIfMf of the pMf'
Herniary were torn away and cow
plotely dflinollshed, A stampede took
place among tho convicts hutKupt,
MoConuull and mIUul succeeded In
quieting 1 1) em, Fortunately 460 con
vluts hud boen tkn to Humiynlda
plantation aonw day ago,
At the inutile yjuiu win found the
gmtUnt wwife, 'i'lm roof of the main
I'UlldJng wr oowpMfcly demolished
buii fyml waf t-nvn4 in, 4troyJg
KwylMof l Wht. Hml )MfMhi
innhiMr trft hut wr ef trH
Hltiwl klUiWH h wny nwl
wf lulM vr ;JurnJiM uro
gpjHiM.d tv x burM in t' iuIim. The
WMfuylou h Umi great i t twlili
umwiHu mm,
lAW tpf"i Atkn Qtsli S,Ja
ftKiKulug' eyitf)!i Krowiia Mruotlyif
m, m Out 4Mk f mtiwtA, 'i'hi
if)Uutf JIhi my mi t(M Umm iy
Iwh Ihv wl ward 4 viM wa
it)MuUhU, IH, lupl ww HIMj
t Mml JJilf wr elU' Hi
w$, JMUu l4 m l(M'
itHtihtjf. hADK liM tlmmHluliio
l4d JM. Ji lw ttmm4 iw4 IUU4
Hot) oi Ih fifty M14IW wm
mwH i'H, Ih iM MWf WM V'
WW, iUt iMm Ayuyi4t M Slw wW
biWW mHw4 l'i4ti, l)m
H4 w HIM wt mnil d is
)m4 'hnwi 1 he m)n iH t'( Ih
my ttontu id tlm mm ww tfiswv
wfiu lb ikUm t iki witb4 MH
NliifM Upbuild tH4 lukfkwi
Many residence! were damaged,
roofs blown away and walls part'y de
molished. The nixt marked dtmsge
was whon the storm struck the Mar
tin building, a large Irlok bulldlngand
apartment house occupied by tbe
Arkansas Methodist and several ofllces.
Gov. Fishbuck nd Gen. Armlstead,
who had rooms In (his bulldlng,escaped
iojury. A co'ored porter was Borlously
From (bat olut ea-t the ecene thai
met the view of tbe vat throng who
flockrd thither this uiornlug, was Le-
yond deecrlntioo. Some of the moal
substantial brick btructurtB In the die-
trict lying along Main and Markham
Btreets south to Fourth and Fifth, were
razed. The wind was followed by a
drenching rain that lasted nearly an
Hour, ami Kent evervoue wllhln doors.
go the real extent of tbe damage c( uld
not be ascertained at the time. The
storm proper lasted about three min
Several Inmates ot the asylum ire
A conservative estimate of the finan
cial loss on state Institution? Is $225,000.
On business property, $000,000. On
dwellings, $300,000.
Conflict Over (he Island of Mad
While tbo French Declare Every-
' thing Most Tranquil.
. LoMBfttt, Oct. 8. All Ibe'sfternoen
papers gravely dlecuss tbe hasty sum
moning of tbe cabinet council. It la
generally accepted as being connected
with some serious difficulty with
Franee. 'The .Liberals' organ, the
Westminster Gazette, handles tbe sub-
Jest tenderly, evidently anxious not to
excite public opinion and thereby em
barraes the government. On the other
hand, tbe conservative mouthpieces
dlscues tbe matter more fearlessly, and
warn France attains! encroaching upon
nrltlsh rights.
The Globe nays today the news' of the
blockade of tbe island of Madagascar
has set at reit all doubts as to the Im
mediate business oi tomorrow's cabinet
council. The French will find that we
shall have a word to say about the
Madagascar question, before It le set
tled, and Lord Jloeeberry may rely
upon tbe Unionists to support him loy
Antaxhavio. Madagascar, Oct, 8.
A blockade of all the ports of the Is
land of Madeicfcicar. has been nro-
cllwed by France,
PAHI, Oct, 8.- The Matlu aayet
'Oijott our dlfloronoo wlln the Mda-
gwwar government willed, and there
will he no pretext for a Frenoli-HrltWi
oouMlot, lUUtlons hetweuii the two
govern wieuU were never more trail
qull." Ofllulaw of the foreign oftloe deny
tkt theuii)woili)gof the cWnt to
morrow l due to a h licit lit n-olU'
IIohi with Frwi fegerillng Mad.
cir, TIByey one f(he 4)hlefuh
JyU to le itrmtnUi up I the unfitly of
iritw MJtjmxe rwident in (;hiim,
A (' hollo (taper ll't the mU
lUlmp vt (iathrl, tiliili'tf Utile l
mi lite cateijiUiit, tukwl kliti, "Whl U
imtiiimifr' Th Jllilo fellow wldM't
m-II (he vitfd uf lite fiwfr, hut. An
UnnUm not ( U (Miflkn, tvy)U4,
"Wtf yawl kHIk mrtMi your
ffatfl," litfumvii HltfeboHfttl UW
1rH" mm4 h HhbMdwy, "Yli,
vmir grtw" "How l timt" '"i'niwii
JIM u, ywr$w,"
HJh M"W h Uww VowftJM VMvft ?
JLMULgmgMjmmgw MM1MM
Tho JapaHcsoAiMj Lxwte at
Li Ck up.
Their Peoplo in a State f Con
' sternatioM.
London, Oj. S. A dispatch from
Shanghai tays the governor of Kerin,
M tuchurla, report's that tbe Japanese
have eflected a landing to the rear of u
JTJan Chun. It Is added that tbe whole
provint e Is In a state of consternation,
but measures for Kb defense are being
adopted. Another le,vy has been made
upon the Chinese merchants to meet ;
the expenoe of tho war.
Siianohat, ' Oct. 3.-7-Natlve.-Dapem
confirm the reports exclusively cabled
to the Associated Press yesterday that
6000 Japanese troops havo landed lb
tbo northeastern portion of Cores. It
Is reported the Chinese soldiers who
retreated from Ping Yang have taken
up a position at Ngan, where tbey have
b;on J lined by troops, landed on the
basks of tbe Yalu river and others
from 8hlng King.
This Chinese force Is reported Jo le
entrenching itself in the most thorough
manner possible and It is now thottth
probable the result of (he war will be
decideJ In tbe battle which it k ex
pected must surely Jw fought at Ngan.
Chinese authorities in tbto city, at
tempt adto arrest a Japanese traveling
from Manchuria suspected of being a
spy. The police handed him over to
the American ooseul.
, i.YoweHAKA, Oet. 3, Qoraaau war
ships baye beeo-efdercdTto proceed to
ports in North China.
Wabutnoton, Oct. 8. Officiate here,
who have been closely watching tbe
progress of tbe war in the East, an
puzzled tQ account tor the landing of
6000 Japanese troopa at Poselet bay, as
announced officially from Tien Teen.
This bay lies directly on the eastern
boundary between Corea and the Rus
sian maritime provinces. It la not be
lieved any Chinese troops are in the
neighborhood, as the country is too
rugged and barren to warrant the plan
of marching the troops overland elear
across Corea to Join the army advancing
on Moukden, and It w oonetdered eon
eelvable that the Japaaeae are prepar
ing to reelftt a possible advanee- by tba
Rueelau troops from the north Into
The purpose of the wevemtat re
ported from TfeB-Tlii, of the reeolt
nolterlog by the Japanese Meet oft the
Chlueee coastt near Hhan Hal Kwae, la
more reaeonable and pprt. Mbaa
Hal Kwan Ilea on tbe bottttdarjr
hotweou the Chlnree provlMea of
Manchuria and Chi LI, at the eaaiaru
aud of the great wall which traversal
China, It U dlreplly on the railroad
hulldlug frpm TfeHT)e to Moukden,
and, tut the line to already Ih operation
hvlwwtu Hand Tit'TtM, the tows k a
place of great fjraifethi advka.
Hhould lite Jpm ettvet Ik m&unt
and land an amy, Ibew wetthl ka
nolltlfjgjnthe wttyof arf44 advawM
on J'tklH, I lie capllol, mi, Makw Mm.
Chluwe reJtNce k wt frowlikMa
titan it m kft ao far,the wwh aeal
he Mfttdfl in a wwk or in fkytt,
,! ..!. ' m it i.Miyw
Hiutit wiiu.i 1)1 K'Wiuum ik Mr
U)m. (1)0 lilUMiw i.l UMf))ir witH Mm
MWiujii idi til of VV. V- IHvkvw,
IMwiinl J. IhuWy wmi wjk4 m
M temU tmm)y to l.wju Hm why
i nmmi ifu!mfwnlly Hlm 1
Irum, 'J'lio lady )n mmtiw kA Ua
dlVMtM Hi I'JVyJiJti Tw4f tout
AhlllltrHliaC '
CDj IiHmSIu fW
u f l tti N IW