"- PM 3sn 9 EYES OF DROWN AND BLUE. ill, 1 1 01 ) t run: 11 r.uj into the cloum Vi TV nl till liiltftfn III liumtilibiiA.I.I.. '.it! fioln tin' room ami fadul In innm B- .. . ... .....,-, v ... tlulHUIUIiaBUFHB, E ere tha murmurous (ones of low replies. llio inuginrn: tips ana checks In bloom, '. Tlio maay wtwrl of fnlr ferns there, Tim lnpfl&ureri bunL of fpfcttrn fcw.t t And flesh of wh.to nrms tare Ml w en. pine, '" the revel wns through, Tll.t .lll I en Mfill . Hnnl. ... J t uukoHii i. o .vm ui infiiuivusunoni Tu Us ltruiitcl Ly eyes of Immn undtluo. Illuo of t'io tky that sparkles on high Ami expan us o'er tlio meadows of May; i uo or lac ..) llml cauoiiles high fi,Tlie duls'.eil maud of blossoming uprayj Crow nor tlio brook, tlio autumn brook, Ji o i w hos waves tlio sere leaves look. BAuttimn broola with a n tireless flow. fc' And eclnilter flash of fin? aglow, i And golden dash of samls.beluw Such were tho eyes of brown ond blue hint haunted me when the revel was through. In the luminous laro of tlio street light's sturo That tinted my room with a Ghostly gray. In (lie nullld eliiro in my chamber tl ere. gfctill haunted by cyss, I droucily lay, Vwultlnaths bark that would bear n'oawas R-Tlio dtenm manned shallop of sleep ITliat would bear mo over the fathomless deep, BYlth l Inlons lishl and a hoIscIcmi flight, 'To tlio laiul w hero hopes the brightest aro If. uorn, Uross tho mj stlcal ocean of nlaht K To tho odorous realm of morn. Rw Inglng adrift on a sluuibcroui swell Chat lightly aroso and laughingly fell, ; I Eeemcd to float in a rudderless boat hi glimmering view of u glittering ahoro i'l.ero tho billows broko with a rhythmical Is- """ i wit 11 a musical piasu ami a murmutous dash forever to flout by a verdurou3 uhorc KVcrdurous s'loro with a breath of balm And wealth of bloom and wavlrg paint, Rtnenlh whoso tlmdo Ifnw thehuo f)f eyes of brown and melting blue. jVhen morning came wltli her rosy flame, jjAnd flashed on my curtains' trembling R white; f lien morclpc crimd with her ruddy flame And bhivered within her lances of light. calmly nroe from my couch of repose 'And dreamily gazed on tho awakening tun; I musingly thought of the revel nnii dienm pAnd wondered If revel and dream were one, f t ho eyes wcro a myth and did only seem Who cs es of brown and tender blco That haunted mo thus tho brief night through. . myth! Ah, uo! for, ere tho glow Of day again had shimmered and gone. Pin tho clearest of truth I looked upon tThoao cj es of azuro and shadowy fawn. Ii, eyes of bluo, of heaven's own hue. lltetaln forovor your sparkling grace! Mi, eyes of bluo, may never tho dew EkFall from your depths on a sorrowing face! Lnd, liquid brown of tho autumn brook, ay a peaceful soul through your crystals look nd clearly reflect for many a year LU well loved forms and faces dear! Lnd this, oh, eyes of brown and blue, i all tho rovengo I cravo of you for witching my slumbers tho whole night through 1 E. M. Allen. 'THE LOST TRAIL. sPort Milton was 140 weary miles rway from th railroad, and the mail jjnmo weekly from Florence by Luck- ard. Th6 arrival of tho bnckboard i tho event of tho week. Every ono eotod its coming, oven tho dogs. Tho Bxicana and Indians who could not Pito and rccoived uo mail regularly Iced for it. Every ono knew it. Evon . nighttimo you could toll it by Its affliHK, pattering rattlo, as if all its mts wore as looso as those of tho ivory itortiouists made by tho Japaneso for (ldren to play with. In tho daytime, f its nuoer littlo team of dun mules. iidemned from tho pack train because ir backs had been defacod by ill fit- : aperojos and bad packing, patient, ihetio creatures, used to abuso, re- lied, not rosonting. L'heir driver, Christophorson, was a faced Latter Day Saint who bad red a term in Ymnn for his devotion Ivmen. In former years ho had been Jsessod of seven wives, all of whom (had now completely desortcd, being Tho territorial laws wero getting oro. and ho had our sympathy, for I'faco 'showed very plainly that ho had ferod. Fhoso who frequent tho habitat of whero lifo is multiform in its suros and sensations aud so filled liniirm mill whim Hint UO trivial tit has rolativo or shadow casthig urtance, will fail to understand tho played at Fort Milton by Uliris- cmou'h comma, tjio youngsior fern the Point" wonted homo letters j'lorgo, squaro missives nddrcfcscd in Kiiliio liuiitlbeginuiiig always "wen- knt ,"a tltlo bo now iiiai n thrilled its possessor letters wliJoh i year wonld como thinner, leas iro it, and less noticed front jiuuiu ay lioni of nustmco mid tho dull uo of drill and duty rtouo m tlio ihctitcd tiny of toiTltl ollmuto; Kiui'fltJiuMiw w hicli render uoarnwe nrrow limits of uanlum llfb mid in wiper evontliorolwllIoniiKjiirlti to at Ion mid forgelfnlueva of it lioiuo inommiit eittit. nmklntr duty lot i flitUii meru luonotonon habit, tlo virtue, but nerinuimut mtd en itttlHfiictory to jKwt ooiiiinmidtrs, m t-wutivifwmi hiwly m traiibldit, WVO Uinl worllt watohlinr. Older nuhaUorii wuutuil Ht. Ixnfti wiiuii jjnyo tlio uriny ww, ut cxclmiiKott of reglinuiiU mid of tkntlm, triifiru nm mtyiW' M PottrU mill IxwmlH. (ihanutui (in tliHfinl jiroinotloii, jny, tlotullH iirt tlutalU iuhI Juitvwof ttlwo I f.M IliA ..... I 1 h iui ins i-iiivniriimiu xiittMd u rilmit ll)o ixHitkwM hmmmoi Tiio ludlt.li wmiM !ioij)iiu from i no mu iuum tiiiiu. 0 Jlt'JtVy MMl'4 COIIIIlliHt ( till juii'iu mu rrtiil))l)io Jumrt vuv fiicli cyrji In ulluiutttf loti m wtr llun, yviwn wH y t'it)ilt)Mlrpo iirouit it t hi. idiit wnl )llulrmtwl luttMiv. willi !i!th Ufa woulil to wHvty. iw oa)uiivi imrmw. mwm tho. bearer of their 'joys aud torrows, their hopes mid prizes, their disappoint hienWand their bitter griof. Ho often. ut disturbed their quiet neutrality, was thoiv chipf reaction, was tho onoFlentler thread thnt connected thesp priEoners of thu doseit with the world in which they had been retired, had for uwhllo resign oil and hoped again' to form a part. This was Friday nfleruooir, and tho' mail was overdue. Tho crowd hud col loiled, awaiting its arrival. Ono could 1 :vr tho clutcr cf poker chips in tlio I .leers' club. Out3ido tho general storo 1 win wero gangs of tethered Uonchos. mid near thorn, lying in their chadows for protection from tho nan's rays, a medley of mangy curs and pplou dogs, panting with tlio heat, whilo stretched on tho ground in tho shade of thondobo ttorowas o, motloy crowd of Mexicans und Indians to unused to haUo that pa tiettco aud waiting were instinct, hard ly habit. Hodgson, tho junior subaltern of tho cantonment, nw galloped through tho group of tethered ponies and flung tho reins of his hot horso into tho inids.t of a pack of punting greyhounds that fol lowed and wcro soon crouching in tho scant shado of the artobo wall ng-inst wlu'ch tho Mexicans wero lying. Hbdg eon was clad in scrvico cords, jeruoy and sombrero, for ho had been t .using jack rabbit with greyhounds on tho me a. Ho entered tho trader's storo brusquo ly. "Mail not in yet?" ho uskcd. "Ut is not, lootennnt," answered tho trad er's clork from behind the lattice whero ho sat working at tho mouth's postal re port. Coggins spoko shortly, without looking up, for ho recognized tlio voieo as tho yonngiter's pleading for square letters, and it annoyed hint It had successfully made the same appeal each mail sinco Hodgson joined tho regi ment) 10 weary months before, as Cog gins could bear witness, for ho knew tho Fecrets of tho cantonment, keeping them in mind, having no cause to speak of them to others, save to O'Leary, who could hold his tongue. Coggins was fond of tho youngster, liking him as heartily as ho hated women, whom ho thought minions of tho devil, mado for man's confusion. Ho even loathed their dainty letters, regarding them as en snaring missives, corrupting alike to rank and file, and believed thoy should bo proscribed from military correspond enco or treated liko mails from infested districts, bringing maladies whoso flres, onto lighted in tho blood, will novor coaso in tho idleness of camp and can tonment, disturbing aliko good com radeship, health and duty. Coggins himself had been n Foldicr, serving two enlistments beforo getting his leg shattered and shortened in an Indian skirmish. Sinco scrvico ho had olerked somo 20 years for. Sullivan, tho trader, and seen scores of youngsters join from tho "Point" at this frontier breaking yard. Somo wero uow captains, returning for their second tour of Arizona duty, with double bars well tar nished. Frontier lifo compols men to observation, so Coggins felt entitled to his own opinions. In tho remombranco of theso veterans in their callow "shave tail" days, knocking about badly and hardly bridle wise, ho folt his opinions woro oven entitled to respect, but ho kopt them to himself, save when speak ing them to O'Leary. Tim O'Loary and ho had joinea as "recruities" in tho same batch from Depot, so O'Leary was a man of privi leges. Many wero tho nights after "hours, " when, alone in tho general bar of the trader's store, they discussed the "needs aud tindiucies av tho service" At presont tho "tindinoies" displeased them. "Oi'll tell you phwat ut is, Coggins, ut's thim woekly mails ull bo Binding us desthruction yit," said O'Leary. "And who would bo knowing nv that beforeniust me, Tim? Don't Oi handle ivery shlip av ut from tho purty pink notes that's deceiving av tho bhoy up to tho ordhors for tho commanding orficer from tho gincral av tho army?" "Oi moind that ye do, Dan'l, an ut's diviito scrvico they'll bo afther giving us nixt asking forgiveness av tho Houly Virgin for showing her Son disrespects an psalm singing for sojering, av somo av thim lm ut's orononng. "An bo dhrilliug wid books instead ay carbines. Oi hear today thoro's an ordher out for school, " added Coggius. "School is ut? Sohooli" said Tim. "Ut's cooks palace and camp cook and camp herd guard theymoro bo needing. Beforo nor n week, Dan'l, as Oi predict on ut, tho recruitics'll bo nftlier telling moti loiko you an mo phwat's sojoring. Gincral Ilarney protect us I Pcaco ruil his eowl! Widout Holiool and wid good freo 'thumbing' mid swearing begging pardon nv tho Lord av 01 countenance tho being too free in vpiu wid his houly iiaino nindoEOJors eojera loiko you mi mo, D.iu'J! Au tlio ovllnvnt don't Htliop wid tho reviulties, fer ut'n invAdin nv (her young orflcers an ebpoUlu tliiwi ff r shport," wliUpered Tim,. "Oi moind phwat you my, Tim. An yoz know 01 loiko tho lad, but moind Ol'vo no fnitli Jn tho craytures, barrio mi mm mother, who's been dead ill Olr- land thtwo twinty years. Well, lie nftlipr mulling it full tilt on somo frock In tho cost. Wan day conic llioto graph by mail, m lie mow ino tho rainplo uv hU goodsnt was fairer nor ono from ConnmiBlit, mi tha faro m taken good liould pv JiJhi. Most Molku ut's jn part tho pink IctHiw. tor l) yu hiindlmf ivery ono uv Uilw. Tlwu'JI lw breaking Away ihvro, Tim, for ho p Joath to lot go w ft jwlnler pup l f liroi'MfstJ,'K",'"1 , ' Wu niukt deploy Hio Jad' fw tlon, Owi-J. Av 01 ld ''" ' fJt By n bnuli ou tlo pordlier In VlnnWi nrnollcob wll o do-wn MoxIbuii Amwlf. Wri l- ll rolght In I" wtr wik i'i'iinru'nthouuarilcnllliitf Vi "J'W 0liiiuH)iiiklM.,,MWO,liWwy. "An Die IHH ' X' ? ,,,u oi)iimiiJI))K wflr h N AftlW '"! lug h ilelniiMlMUDl (or "I toiiwrow. DpV IM llllliWMfc" 0,'' J;?K,,", "Ami uv lio iMvl r niihvr koI riUl,,rll.i l9 illlfiiHyuv IW' cn w Hid M ull lw flnt w lw U Ml, pr ltm Pwuivr W""4 v molnc. " (Cqjmor wn first sergeant of K troop.) "Oi must bunk iu," said O'Leary. "Good noightl" "Good noightl" and O'Leary saun tered over to barracks by a ronto known best to himself and unfrequented by pa trols after midnight. Tho duty was not exciting. It miht provo only a 80 milo rido on his favorite saddlo horso across tho weary, brown dosert under a grilling autumn sun, but it was Hodgsou's first detached service. IIo was to ascertain tho cause of delay of tho mail, and riding along ho tugged at his fatigno blouso to sco if tho order given him Iry tho adjutant on leaving tho po3t was still in his pocket. Hodgson was secretly glad of this field service and welcomed it as a par tial escape from himself, for ho was ex pecting an important letter just how important this story is written to show and with expeotancy, inaction mid heat ho was getting nervous. Chrls topherson might have drunk nativo brandy and bo lying by tho roadside, or his mulo might havo gono lutno, as had happened beforo, for tho road from Sail Carlos to Florence climbs tho rocky comb which crowns tho Pinal divide, as tliobo who havo onco travolcd it well remember. The Apaches may havo ap propriated both mail aud buckboard. This last eventuality was so pleasing that Hodgson, being.iuoxpericueed, clung to it closely until from familiarity tho idea soeuted probable. Tho commanding officer at Fort Mil ton as Woll as his less versed subalterns kuew better, as Hodgson should have known Tho Chirachucas wcro on tho reservation, all lmviiig drawn beef the day before, elho Wilson, with White Mountain scouts, and not he, "would uow be tracing up tho mail. Besides Apaches now rarely attacked mails which wero watched and protected, find ing rcmot6 ranchers moro profitable proy, as their ffiendlcssucss often mado disappearance unknown and unnoticed. Theso are the deductions of wiser men. and Hodgson had but latoly joined, co ho rodo on planning the attack mid lo cated it in n littlo orroyo which holds vory tnugly somo hundred yards of tho Floreuco road whero it reels off the Pinal foothills to cross tho Rio Gilo. Just why Hodgbon should havo lo cated tho attack on tho mail iu this par ticular arroyo ho himsolf probably could not tell you and is uo part of my story, but that it actuully occurred thcro is mero coiucidenco, unless you credit tolo pathy, which I profess not to under stand. Tho locality was well chosen, as is easily seen by thoso who havo passed it Tho inclosing hillsides of tho arroyo aro eovored with granite cairns, mid they may imvo suggested to Hodgsou's oxcited brain certain pictures from mi old "art of war," illustrating tho de ftnso of stono Btrnotures, showing loop holes aud crenulated flanking arrange ments easily reproduced by imagination from tho freaks erosion had played among tho patches of bastard grauito now exposed aud left lyiug liko great brown scars on tho bare bosom of this narrow valley. Tho detachment halted on fording tho Rio Gila, aud whilo O'Leary was wet ting and filling tho lieutenant's canteen Hodgson's eyes wero resting on a foot hill Overlooking his chosen valloy, ond from it ho was deploying his littlo squad in rapid couutor attack. Yes, Christophorson had at that moment been surrounded, and ho was just in time to orotcct tho jn?ill In a moment tho Apaches wero re pulsed, and ho had saved from savage hands his lfctter. Ho had picked it up from tlio ground, whero thoy had drop ped it Yes, it -was tho samo old hand writing on tho samo "old roso" papor as always before. Ho was just about to open it when reason, for 6omo nnaccoun tablo freak, shpno for an instaut ou his vagary mid asserted that, as Christo pherson broko camp at Rillito arroyo on Friday morning, ho could not possibly have any concern with Apaches thero on Saturday afternoon, and tho absurdity striking in his roverio took on n moro rational turn.. Of courso tho mail had been attacked thero Friday morning, and now h'e had plokod up tho trail, was following it hot hasto over tho rugged Superstition rnngo mid was heading for tho four peaks of tho Mat zatzals. Ho hud followed this tortuous, arid trail many days aud was rescuing that precious letter, whilo his own tired saddlo horse, headiug tho detachment, lmd boniP him from Rio Gila to Rillito arroyo, as tho road winds 0 milts. Hodgson wits not even aware that ho was nearing tho arroyo, so engrossed was ho with his imaginative war chaise, until O'Leary, riding cloho behind, jalleij put, "Lootcuaut, they've boon at utngalDl" Starting from Ills rovtrle, Hodgson nv white letters and papers Jittering, tho Jovtl road n few paces beforo them, Uo rubbed his eye to psunro himself It wns not mirage, and jut ho rod up m that hs Jiorwi (.topped on them ho ehud tiered nt tho uneanuy coincidence. Spread bofore him wns n fair reality of follle that fur Jiouru had controlled hi brain, There wiw Ifttlo to bo told, Tho mull had been emptied, tho Icttew mid pa new toutered about, but apparently uu touched, Tlio lmpkboaril, with trace uncut, steod jimt as ChrUtoplienwn Jiad luft Hwhui tumping twonlghU befpro, The mijm were gone, while under ft itimilu IwJi near n whiUm wlm n few wml from (lie buckboard, wiu) IholKxly of will t'lirUtophewoii lying jiiutllHtwl und ilUflgured. Near III body am) In front of the ilrn, Jyln fli) lw gumml, wo n Jiondful of yrlncliOfcU-r yjicl I, They tud Hie story of Urn flglit. The old innii lmd not U-en killed at llio firpt t,.u.fiiu Kin.!, but had en-lit In the eairn, ruiuinlng tliu Are until JiW aniiimullloii wu i'l)uDHl. lllwucitler, hat wl WlMil"1, . .,. ,, imir iiuvin yattr meriM " M&S & bueWiraT-'OI'. ill w V lhou()il lite ui nfiiuor ") ViHwl lives l?ad to dcrfior' performing bravo acts of plain duty In the struggle for material existence nnassociate'd with gloiy. Tho iden was as now to hiln as it was wholesome for this was tho first time his experience had confronted it. Tlien they picket! up tho mail and sent it back by two troopers, with the hotly on tho buckboard. Hodgson exam ined tho letters several times. Tho ono he wnntcd did not come. That meant another weck'B waiting, so ho was glad that meantimo ho could bo following the trail. In reality thoy mado a dry.camp on it that night in tho foothills of tho next mountain range. Lying in tho wealth of a wosteru suuset, Hodgson had often viewed that most gorgeous pilo of form nnd poloriua known as tho Superstition range, and now that tho trail led there ho felt glad, for ho wisiieu to vuii it. But by night they had lost tho trail in this arid fastness, and being all day without water wero .barely able, with much Buffering from thirst, to get their jadud animals back to tho Rio Gila. Hodgfcon had now seen four years' service, and next year, if poker pros pered, lio could goou leave. Already ho could hold his own in tho gamo at tho traders' club. Ho worried leat of the cantonment abont.mail, thereby gaining Coggins' comploto approval. Only onco on rcctlirg nu announcement two years before, copied from a society pa per, nutl again rt few months later, when reading of a wedding did ho evince auy iuteix'fct In tho.inuil. On tho latter evening ho did not caro for tho club, but smoked alone in his quarters raid burned somo letters alter roadiug them. Then suddenly ho seemed seized with nil iho cynicism youth freely flaunts no if it vanity feds affected to caro only for married, women mid a few like tranrpurciicies. Then, in illustration of his pr.efeience, ,dov.oted himsolf violent ly to Mrs. Blank, a clover, kindly fouI, who understood his symptoms, humored aind helped him, being a good woman, possessed of tho best of husbands Inci dentally or from hnblt Hodgson dovotcd himsolf to duty, and now that Wilson had staff woik ho was given tho scouts, a promotion which provoked comment from O'Leary, who said to Coggins, "Oi tell yon, Dan'l, Oi hated to soo so foino a lad punis.hcd wid filch n conipl'mcent. " For a company of scouts meant annoy alicos not met with in tho management of ordinary troop routine-, but it had its compensations iu opportunities for field service, Nowshad como that a sheriff and dep uty, guarding prisoners from Globe to Florence, had been overpowered and killed. Hodgson was to take tlio trail at onco. In n fow hours tho Bcouts had found it leading from tho old Floreuco road noar tho Gila, crossing whero tho killing had occurred. It led through tho Superstition mountains, which ho had not had occasion to visit siuco Chris topherson's death. Soon ho found him self again on tho samo rugged trail and had passed tho point whoro beforo ho hpd lost it. Tho Indians wero evidently neauing lor iuu iuuiu uasiu wiu uj juh to retuni to their own resoryo, Onco amoug thoir tribo, only tho roloased prisoners could be identified, and tho perpetrators of this last bntrago would bo lost Tradition Warns you that if ono en ters far into tho Supcrstitiou mountains ho will never return, tho country being too rough for animals and too dry for man. Prospectors who havo penetrated tho edges of this rango Bay that it is filled with mineral, unprofitable for want of water, Cattlo do not rango thoro, and men hunting largo gamo go to tho timbered mountains, so a trail aoross this chain would lead whoro no ono wished to go save Hodgson, whq now went for sake of duty. Ho pushod on, with sullen, dogged courage, over tho Btpny trail.used as n lost tituo gaining refago by hnnted savages iu theso most arid mountains of our most arid land until ho emerged, almost mad with thirst, ou tho Rio Salinas, in tho Lower Tonto basin. Thencu tho trail led into tho Sierras Auchas, and iu this great altitudo it wop lost under tho flmt fall of autumn euow. Thero was nothing left for nodgeou to do now but to jotum to tho reserva tion, as tho Indians wero evidently try ing to do, for tho eastern foothills of thin sierra border tho San Carloa reserve, audtho Indians would not remain long in tho snow. Hodgson must luako u do lour, .boo tlielr squuwa among tho eibi pus. pit tlio western edgo of tho reserve, mid If their bucks had not already re turned ho miglrt hope to cut their trail whero it left tho snow lluo jiud intercept Iheiii from their haven, tho reservation.- Uo Jiml found from thoir kukiwm ou Ciblcn tlutt thoy had not yet returned, tWRH pH ho wanted to know, bnt a ho WP leaving, ft pquftW' tepee )i eye caught sight of u faded pink letter, on rioutly embroidered by way oj color oriiii)iifiit onto tiio face of a buckttkin garment, Tlio writing wa familiar, IIo seized it eagerlyIn faded Jet tor by a fading Mgl't ho read her nuvwer, He tore her letter from the garment und (mulled It into (ho pocket of hi jer ey mid fetood for u moment near thu door of the tepee, looking ubuently ocrotu the bare hills of tho brown ru torva Ho wa thinking of tho woman who wu not iU wife pud of children not hi own. Thin ho turned quickly mid mounted hi how- "Jl WW AH my fault," ho naid, "but J I muH not (m llio irpu lonay j wouiq havo followil It cJoMtfwJiti) JJmtUt bo fom" And u he MiurrMl hi ItorM) toward tho Know Iliia of the ulerru ho was luufchfng one should not loiiyli whm wio U yoMiig.-wfJ. Ov'rm In Hml'mH t'lmt ArKW)t. )i4 M4))'liiir Mnr AJmlrlitK AjHiMiHi)i!wj)j yo hrl)itf all lh I'hotogrwhs Own Kurmf lUinnwl Toujf-wVMi, 'Wlij llvii m liHiimj of thm, PJdyo!ilit"aiiwf?" "ffoi hiu s jMltf ui miWQW' ph(.i H urn Id, I OOD'S nSanwpfirllla is care fully prepared by experienced phar maclsu from Sara parllla, Dwidollcra, Mamlrakc, Dock, PipsUscwa, Juniper Berries, and other well known vegeta ble remedies. Tho Combination, Pro portion and Process aro Peculiar to ' Hood's, glvingltcurfttlvopow- fc cr Peculiar to Itself. Hood's Oj arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sores, Bolls, Pimples and all other affections caused by Impure blood; Dyspepsln, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver complaints. It isjnoi wiuuwesay, but what HooUS Sarsanarilla D o a . that Tells tho Story Hood ' s Sarsaparllkv URE5 Hood's PIMs Mlnnevr friends dally. .Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udder. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running; Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle, So r s, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrat&s-Musck, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to th Very Seat of Pain and. Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. MusUag UHhnent conquer MakM.TUm.t BMtt'-wN' gala. Uoiversity of Oregon. EUGENE. Next Mwlon blBS te 17tb of BeptttabM', Tultloa. free. Koardty SO a wwk. Vive CountM : CItwtcal, Bcleutlflo, mfrj, Kngllsb and ulnetM. POKKlTORrf The Boarding Hall for youuu ladle sod tho Boarding Hall tor youae gatlwee will be under tho pereoualwpervlaMm vi tin, Muara a lady of reaaemest 'and large eiperUaee. For catalogue addre: 7-27-toi ' H4r;XiiiAa. CONSERVATORY OF PSIC WillamHt) University Ttie wont complete asd lt eqalpyed musle abool ob tbe B&rtb wel eotuU Untvenltjr tadrdj, tdUt Method afid tliorougb vrotk. Diploma (fires on eomptetloa of oarM. rirotlerwblMlj4WVM,WW. Z.U.J'AHVIK, Mi Mu,poelHMr, KrNDJBUGARTJJlT. MRS, C, M, OGLE WILL Oi'KN A KINDKRCUKTKN cqnukegational mm mm QVl CKIOHKR J, mL mi SALEH KIKPE&GABTEN. if V wWTFI Vewj tges flgfp fvv w liMHlfa i. ' V TT jgewe !,. gskMeejgdP" MetageSII trnnvrmmm mJmlKAm. Till SCHOOL TEXT - To the State Board of Educatien: Prorest Against Clmnfwi in Text-BopliH or Any Contrafct Pix'ng Prices for th Next Six Ytara : Governor PeJinojer.Focretary or BUU) Mclliltk'anrt Blnlc 8u perl o tea dwt at Publlo InfitrUetlou McElroy, uclltiK tia Hie tituto ilnurd of Edtetto ut Oregeti: Sirs: Your ptlt!oi.er,palroua of tho Dubllo enhool", taxpayer and cltl zena of Oregon, respeclfully petition you t take no aotlou to brio abert a4i Hon or new series or public school text buobtf utiiler tho law passed by tb Ml leglnlature, nor to enter Into any contract at present publishers prices adotrtltt the text books now IU use, or those that nilabt be authorized by yoar board at prcseut prlcea, bucli prices to bo fixed aud maintained by the publishers for the next six yean, as sped lied in Unit law In view or tlio fact Uial by statu publication the po-plo or California are ob taining public school text books at au average pried tfttbout thirty cents aateee for the entire series needed In tho common schools, nr about one-half what w pay In Oregon, we demand state publication at the enrllrst day possible. NAMKB. NAMKS. TOut out the above fitrui of netltton. board or education, or mall it to Thr Journal und it will be pWkhst a4 fe warded to the board with others. Men and women should slurs thfet pwtltkMi h protest against perpetuating the present svetem of hlgh-prlwl text books fur six years to come. F. W. BETTLEMIKIO J. H.8EITLEMIKR c THE WOODBURN NURSERIB Havotho largest paid most completejj'assortment ot FKUIT and SHADE TKEES, EVERGREENS, RSES RUBS fJ, On the North Pacific Coasti t ) Wehsye- 145, diftereut varieties of Apples, 1G7 ot'Rosesand other itook "sin -proportion. SenToir Catalogue. , O ' J. H, Settlemier &. Son, Woodburn, Oregon.. Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMJPIEME5NT3. Latest Improved Goods RBd Lowest Priese. N, W. Cor. State and Llbsrtv Stt. SALEM OKMH) PRQPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. OW.'CIS OF THB HSCKBTAKV QV 8TATK. , HAl.KK,Or.,WptmbratH81.f tsald pwpoft will be reeelvwl at thl of Mot umlfnooo November . ttwi. to furatah tba followlH! attlo lor tbe Utata (X Unpaai Mresffi lgal cap, H ft. Ho 7 rullag, wfilt. laid, criMtn. qlmrtw oak or scotch linen. SfiraaBMnntlaiHiaaogrwHiBOte, 7- pkgR, No. f ruling, white laid. W.eos He, 0 white envelopes, K) t No. 1 pig, it groM ranroaa him pant, ino. l-tu. i graH QllloU'S Ml MH, Mo, fm, a fOH Kat4rtMM "" Bfltm. Toc. I'eoK, UtowA Wlteox'lBkiUa1, No, m. M Mnm D..b IUa M. UTtlAwU lltV.t.Mll. Mrt v tot. ftok, Htow Wllooa'n lBktad.ro. 1 do, ivory fol4wi,B-laoatanard.. 4 o. ivory fbtaeni W Inou cosgrsM. 4 dor. muelhigacnps, No.H,Mori.a'pt6at, Vi dor. mucllaga (riaada, ratst vwr Mo. ,Mor gau'l patent. 8 rwBit i'arkr' trcaaury blottlne (paper, 140 M, aeeorted eoUnu. agicwiMo, 'l Jfagle" reootiler leaa peaclbi, Ido.PMuiiortl'spreluH MoM, naartev 9ii a. merd, wrHJaiMaM, qaarta. tVdoc guiaBHiaitHSWS,M. Ji, Uxie la., lis MaeeT ifS5Aex tv pfcoartf ltter cl I p. Ml 4o. faber rutW rate, U-lei II it. le 4x. Mlnuer, mnmt'i.Mo, I'.lW.boae. 8 Aoc steel raeet', Koaw'i.Wa, W.IH.eboay. M f "lf (, ImtHht bau ,( W9 Vaberi lea4 peaetle, Uq, 9, hexaoa, W grow Vtim't l pfMt, Ne, a, rowU, Id 4ec, yaVetr's ptet lak ana pebell rbWr mmjkitiV pateat paper faWaei, Mo, i, MMcTiaWe pi to Ma pper,NaM iaoM, Mmv leeAiMC Mae, "Hefta waete paper UuktU, ewm-lMHr Ms, 4, Um aeM twlae, Mo 3: tin nnHlxi't Maetue,4ttarU H t4e mw Mate eeptrfie U wlH (n eetveaMrWteaeeaMM peeikalVM.'to le m ii i Jfc el LaJ a SB U iBaaaLeltf eaLel tMA A m ai v LaUalL. r M4w4 mv4 fBiiQpOei W U Ml & araM U4 U mmw 4 wkkvm u jJtiitMiinit. lk ou. MgUaftaUalMkH tSZEs J aNa abJI f1aMBBBLapBJ Mt k-Lg-a mmm. M0TIC, tMmMtrmvm Mi! ' JK8l)aWP f. aeMaaffcJaaanilST iaj '04 . , Pjaaa Sjjtseew, Of., (Me MMi 4af 9firff" BOOK PETITION; t ''t . sltrn and address It to one nf tbe i 3k. '!. ( j a "Tie Porcelain W Wbea In BMdoCaiModabstve, 'balr eat k bath eal) at tbe fereetiin VsTOatajU Cooper Shop. TJtUS 8TKWART batoewaedupaekvopaartbe MleVs Bill, im HoMtbtlaletB, whew tee tat prepared, ta weave uhu re paw wi khkm m oeoBwaae, eaeaj ac PUe,tatM, kege. barreei aat ekiirai. Oair laebeeleeaeoaeaMteeic need, rree reaaon 7-HlKUfW C. NORTHCUT, General Express t FunltttreTajL OaafcefetMtd atiMdWklteCMaer vU Haeei oa auwiM. SWEET CIDER. Yrom eeieeted apalee eitraaae. Leavaot en. with JotiH U. fcrljiht- Put utt Ik Weee to eaU purcMtaam. Kf M. WWTATT, UYEIY,NARMf6ANimtSr&MI MAY, OATS aW STRAW SALi aaa MLrVfKB. s Fwrry aw!) w oc jrae MA1.KM, - - - . . OftMOM An Evorgrwn Trea WlTHOVr QQKt, WewUI ee)l wHhai K.melejarWMaJ.r rMMimiet tCHMtkeJM lH yeaihrwarpriMeoa UMtetook i aave aear be Mtaad torn. nHW),w. aaeMl m wr HMel peatpaM ea Ugafl aaavaa. el paeila mmm, aS vUiVSn jxMt waai Km " WMeta4 M i i - f . tA ,ikl.,i .