' f - u '. SECRET 'OF LONG LIFE CAN A HEALTHY PERSON PROLONG HIS LIFE TO 203 YEARS? IlieTlH-ory of "lUtardlnc Vital Comuinp-Hon"- franklin and the Filet Work the Ilenrt Hoot Ilrccnt Experiment In the I'rfrtlal Vegetarian Kyntcm, AxnouR tbo various fautastlo theories :ir prolonging lifo ono of tlio most popu lar at tbo t :id of tho eighteenth century vrtis what wjw called "retarding vital c jusnmption. " Manportnis fancied that a coniploto Fuspcnsion of vital activity, u hort of Hip Van Winkle sleep, might 1 i produced so as to check self consuinp t.ou. Bodies in this stato could bo laid s.way nnd thou resuscitated nftcr a lupc if two or Ibreo centuries. Bciijainiii Franklin even, whilo living in Trance, i mn to bavo had faith in this. One u .y ho rcc ived sonio bottles of wilio from Virginia. In ono of them only ono wcro a few dead flic?, which the K 'cat philosopher resolved to utillzo in nn experiment. Tbo month was July, G.id tlippo imported flics, which had li c-a on a bprco ill Vhginia, had fallen into tbo uativo wiuo and had bean in this Etato shipped to France, whero they wcro exposed to tho heat of tho French sun. Three bonrs passed, and tho winged Virginians canio to lifo after na appar ent death of many weeks. At first a sort of convulsivo movement wrized them. They began then to nso their legs, -walked around awhile, and seem ing to bo nwaro that they wcro ii. Franco immediately concluded to make their toilet by rubbing their eye? with their foro feet, rising their hind legs to smooth out their wings. They then flow away to associate with Paris flies. Fiankliu wroto of tho incident: "Sinco by such a coinplcto Kuspcusion of all internal as well as external con sumption it i3 possiblo to produco n pauso of lifo and at tho same timo to prcservo tho vital principlo, might not Bnch a process bo employed in regard to man? I can imagino no greater pleasure than to cause myself to bo immersed, along with a fow good friends, in wino and to bo again called back to lifo at tho end of GO or more years by tho genial solar rays of my native country, only that I may sco what improvement tho stato has mado and what changes timo has brought with it " It was onco thought that pcoplo died from lack of what physicians called "tho vital principle. " It is a phrase that has a flue, vaguo, mystcrions sound, but it really means little or nothing. Or, in other words, it is now conceded that death comes from disintegration, vory gradual often, it is trno, in all tho bod ily organs, brought about by tbo all im portant blood being blocked up by ac cretions which closo tho channels lead ing from tho heart Most magnificent and most wonderful musclo as tho human heart is, it may got clogged in Buch a way by tho earthy salts in the blood as to bo unable to perform its reg nlar functions. Then tho lifo fluid can not bo kept in proper circulation. Al lowing C9 or 70 pulsations of tho heart tho nsnal average every minnto, ono person has 100,000 heart beats in tho spaco of ona day. This means, of course, that tho heart and arteries are contracted with snch power as to keep 60 or 00 pounds of blood in healthy movoment. Eeally it is a wonder that ono does not wear out long before ho usually does. And it forces a now kind of admira tion from" tho thinking man when ho sees for tho first timo a human boing who has lastod 100 or 115 years, and whoso heart is still going on after all this cnoromus expenditure of force. Tho eyes, ears and stomach all have a rest, but tho heart keeps on through waking hours as woll as through sleep. Pauses between tho beats aro all tho vacation it gets, which seems to bo really no rest at nil. When ono docs not dream, oven tho brain seems to sleep, or at least it gives peace and quiet. Much has been written and talked about vegetarianism in relation to health and its effect on long life. It is not claimed, however, by its strict advo cates that any of tho great number of pcoplo who have lived to bo J00 years and over wcro vegetarians. In fact, most of those centenarians seem to havo lived Just Ilko common folk who dio at 40 or CO, If they had only taken caro of themselves d kept their blood in good condition, tliero U no telling but 200 years may havo been scorod an easily nsi 100. Natural advantages belngso great, M shown by what they did do, n vaguo sadnewj overcomes the social philosopher when ho think of what thoy might Jinvo nccomplJlied under mora favorable con ditions for tbo miewss of tho experiment. As to tho admitlod advantages of a partial vegetarian yetin of JivJutf, M jl'raiioJHauo Hitrcoy, Uio famous French wUq, has been fryfiiK ,r' ,mrl Jn w MiU jnunleatjon to one of llio ParJsJun Jour nals give hi experience, rJJnoo April jovi, lie ling louctJiea )io inoai in aw ut of the jsAino ywtr mnpon int no only " tiMMM vegetarian" iinw iw only wehow meat mid iidmlU g, e)iece, butter, milk and Mi lo h (lUnin LkuHtwy to Ihp oxjmiiHoii woiii njmteif and uwm, ho nuj at lie 1 III jhuiiIi more vigorous licaiin ii in iwiler worUlnn otnidll mi wwr o Influence (if h new menu Hutu Ui a Al liikt liti naturu lv full nunury hm tr two fir MtUiu. but fti r A IWHlif the eJjrvJngHwJ WW ii'w n wh umy ew ih mo mmv 1 'I'llil tlllbftlila... ji r.1 !. ... .. ... ..... DM liyhliii WiiHAt ruiuuiliuble, t ilJ l uUMur, Wid he twin muni THMf for work m i nu umv m'i iMiim im"v i'ijwh pii! mmv mini Fifwny m im wv mw m hjw 'ifwuy m im wv mw hi iumh; mu hm ?lv iM liuhmm, M m m U tn'lMjV'tfliitf tvi Almww .!' w Mlhwmti M " J- tWM i' m 4-M m NO CAUSE. She Telt It Wiw Not Wrong to Go Out Driv ing "I think yon're tho most jealous man that over got engaged," said Ma bel to Jack Holliiigsworth, her intend ed They had just been comparing notes as to thoir rospectlvo summers. "I am not in tho least jealous," re plied Jack, "but I certainly do not think your conduct has been altogether right tome." "But, you stupid fellow, I could not utterly ignore men who wero introduc ed to me, " pleaded Mabel. ' "Ignore thorn? Na But you were not compelled to encourago them," re torted Jack, with a frown. "I never encouraged them, " contra dicted Mabel. "flow about Charlie Dashington?" "Well, what about Charlio Dashing ton? I am quito suro I did not flirt with him." "Nor encourago him in any way?" queried Jack. "Not in tho least," was tbo positive rejoinder. "And yet," argued Jack, "you fre quently went driving with him. " "Yes, I did go driving with him. "Alone and in tho evening?" "Yes," pouted Mabel, "I did. But what of it? "Isn't that encouraging a man? Driv ing with him constantly, alono and in tho evening?" "No, it is not." "Will you kindly explain to me." demauctod Jack Hollingsworth icily as ho rose to go, "why such conduct is not direct encouragement?" "I will tell you why, "replied Mabel as she took bis hat and cane from him. "It is perfectly true that I went out driving with Charlio Dashington a good deal, but never onco did I take tho reins from him and drive myself." Now York World. Something Needed. Tho eldcily maiden lady had sued the rich old follow for breach of promise and was testifying. "You say, " said tho attorney, "that tho dofeudant asked you to marry him?" "ldo." "And what did you do?" "I accopted him, of course. " "Why did you accept him?" "Ho was different from most men." "In what respect, pray?" "He asked me to marry him." ""Ah I Did ho protest his lovo foi you?" "No, I protested at first. Toward tho last I consented. " "Didn't you intend to marry him for his money?" "No." "You .wouldn't havo mar-ied him without tho monoy?" "Qf coursonot." "Well, do you think that is fair to a man?" "Certainly I do," sho oxclaimed. "You don't suppose a woman wants a man for a husbaud who has no attrac tions at all, do you?" And then tho at torney lot her go. Detroit Free Press. Ilarri to riease. Yaohtsman (starting out) Consarn thoso workmen. They didn't get tho bottom of the boat half smooth. I know by tho way she sails. Just feel of hor sides. They aro as rough as a nutmeg grater. Same Yachtsman (after an upset) Qeewillicans! How in creation is a man to hold on to a slippery thing like this? Good News. A Great Contrast. Briggs Why, how fat yon aro look ing, old maul Griggs Yes. I'vo been camping ont for tho last three weeks. Briggs So I heard. But I'vo seen tho other members of your party, and thnv aro all as thin as rails. Griggs I did tfio cooking. New- York Herald. Unmerited Reproach. "Wlinf T-nn nWI. " snifl tlio house- Wife, eying him distrustfully, "is agood bath and not cold virtual. You'ro the diiticst looking man I ever saw." "It's ovldent, ma'am, " replied Walk about Beggun, deeply hurt, "you don't rlokoJect how I looked when I was here before." Chicago Tribune. Would Not Take Clmurf . Maud Don't yon wear fctocklngs with clocks to them? Murlo Never I Maud Why not? Mario I'm ufrald they might nm down. New York World. JUtwtru Olrl friend II... .1.. Mllllull hift JwUJ mi WWt7HIW vviww IIVDH '-' f i-r-'T- , - - llfiW liMf llV M JU UWW4W ufaHrtj- Why, UhslM hm JjJrM iter mum am ii, m Hit Only line. The applicant for work w&a sad. bat firm. "I cannp," ho insisted, "stoop to docoivo people, " Tho manager of the museum pon dered. "That's unfortunate," ho answered finally. "That leaves you only tho ossi fied man act, and wo'vo got moro talent In that lino than wo oan uso now." Keally deception without stooping was confined to that particular special ty. Detroit Tribuno. -Life .Take Iald III" llet. Jako Levi took a party of Ftrangers to tho zoo last Thursday. In their wan derings they finally got into tho caruiv ora, and strolling along they reached tho cago whero about 60 guinea pigs aro confined. They watched tho antics of the little, animals for awhile, when ono of tho gentlemen in tbo party turn ed to Jake und said: "It's a curious thing about thoso ani mals." "What is?" inquired Jake. "Why, that when you pick them up by the tails thoir eyes drop out " Jako looked at his friend for n mo ment to sco whothcr ho was serious, aud turning around said, with an air of disgust: "What do you take mo for? Do yon think I'm a chump?" "No," retorted tho m,aker of ,this startling assertion. "But I'll bet you tho supper for the crowd that what I say is true." "I'll take you," exolaimod Jako, now thoroughly oxoitcd. A keoper was tialled, who was asked topick out four cr flvo of tho guineas from thoir cage. When tho pigs wero produced, it suddenly dawned upon Jako that ho had been sold. Tho guin eas had notails. Amid tho laughter of tho party Jako pid his bet. Cincin nati Enquirer. Quite Unsympathetic Birdio MoHennepin and bcr brother wero at tho seashore. "Oh, seo thatl" oxclaimed Birdio. "Soo what?" inquired tho stoical John. "Why, see that littlo - cloudlet just abovo tho wavelet liko a tiny leaflet dancing o'er tho Eceno." "Oh, come; you had better go out; to tho pumplet in tbo back yavri;6feand' soakyour littlo headlet. ' -sT it-Bits. Quite Natural. .' "Ah," oxclaimed thxeholorajgertu' as no met tno baciiius.otyappentucirn) lu the cheeso plato on tWefeiuach, coun ter, "how now?" . "I go, " rejoined tho othor-woarily, "with tho tide." , ' Tho full signiflqtetfco of ljla ..remark was apparent whehr a noisyman with1 bloodshot eyes incji&jod him in a sand wich ho v,'u3 constructing. Detroit Tribune A Pretty Jjtnre. t Littlo Girl Oh. Mr.t Wheelman, do stop talkin to sister a'wJnuto nnd corao auu seo my Kitten. oneueoKs too cub nln for anything. Mr. Wheelman (reluctantly-iUm what Is vho kitten doing? Littlo Girl Sho's standin iim so straight and protty a-sharpenln hor claws on your bicycle. Good News. Gentleman.(to profirietor of rcstau rant) Your family has been establish ed hero a long timo, hasn't it? Proprietor of Restaurant Yes, Blri Tho bubiucms used to belong to, my giandfather. Gentlcman-Aud did thlH fowl belong to hlui too? Tlt-Blts. "Might I ask you to favor. ma with wujtz, inajltiyiobjeJIo?" "Certajju'ly, rijoniieuf, Boo Iwire, tho last ono on my programme. " "But unfortunately J ahull not bo here by that time," "No worp idmll I. "-rrrdrejot HayTa!, I. I WUHII I .nil .HI. I I fttnilfjrr l IlHfff rIWI(i e'irttt lfhni& It wr tmnr to you that baldhoadbd men have a keener eu of Imwr H'8'i &btl fiecond V)yYfm, I Jv wMJ tlmt Uny wiii to I Wy tlekjwl, fnoianapoim jwnmt, A J'Mlilm i)ifi, "TJitre uw un$tw booihl WW lionifc "Ijow ddypij kw ie' fcolng hombV' "fly tUv WhYiw Jipr(''-Wjiwil;W' Urn nw- ( W t rr fe J)rltfKW vWMfyr vby fW- Mwtor nfiwiwwt1 m ww tim p VltW On a Port Tack. 4 All Rtiii pxyn Was my condition, says Mr. Wm. Weather ford, Uxcotlectorat Key West, Florida. Mr a4HH SBki .9Sr!w Mr. Wm, Weathcrfortl appetite was poor and I was quite miserable. I haro taken II bottles ot HooUj Sarsana- Hood's Sarsa parilla ffWi ;Cures rllla, am , much better, havo sained no distress altercating, have good appetite Hood's Pills aro a mild cathartic. 25c Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, , Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and ,. Ousts it in a Jiffy. iRub in Vigorously. . Mustang Liniment conquer Paln,""r Makes.. nH or Beast well .aln; "" liraitj of 'Oregon. EUGENE. MextseHloa begins the nth of September, teM Tallloa-. free. Poard.riSOawerk, five Courc ; ClMlcal, ttclentlflu, Literary, KoglUb and Builncsa I OUMITOUV. , 5TJje Hoarding Hall for younelodlMond the WMrdlne Halt for young gentlemon will be Bsxfcsrlha penoaal tupervlilon of Mra, Munra a lady of redneinrnt and large experience. Korcatslogue-addre... JJWA 7-V-tm titer. BegenU. CONSERVATORY OF Willamette University Tlieiroil complete oud Ileal rqulpped tnuilo wliool en tbe norm vm couw UulvertllyDdrd'. Mutt metUods nJ thorough woik, , . )uloiiia given on completion ol hwk, hnl ww Ugliii heptomber U, v, V 11 Illi.UlU K-M ut, )oc,, )lrclor, MRS, C, H, QGI-E win, owsw a Kmnwrnnwa l 'PHH 0UHHUB6&IHWU. CIUHCU PAW w wnmm I, im m urn mmmm, (Wl JH,rSIttd MUM, WI' 4M1 WS miwmt SMM M SCHOOL TEXT-BOOK PETITION. To the Stfite Board of Educatien: Protest Against Changes .'- in Text-Books or Any Contract Fixing Prices for the Ntxt Six Years : Governor Peunoyer.-HecreUry of State McBrldo and Slate Superintendent of Public Instruction McElroy, acting as the State Board of Educatloa Oi Oregen: bins: Your petitioners, patrons of tbo public bcIiooIb, taxpayers and citi zens of Oiegon. respeotfully petition you t take no aotlou to brliiK about adop tion of new series of public school text books under the law passed by I lie last legislature, nor to enter Into any contract at present publishers prices adopting the text books now in use, or those that might be authorized by your board at present prices, such prices to be fixed and maintained by the publishers for the next six years, as specified In that law. In view of the faot that by state publication tbo people of California utc ob taining publlo school text books at an average price of about thirty cents aplect for tbo enllro series needed In the common Hchools, or about onclialf what we pay In Oregon, wo demand state publication at the earliest day possible. NAMHB. Out Out the above form of petition, sign and address it to one i f the Mate board of education, nr mall it to Tub Journal and It will be published und for warded to the board with others. Men and women should sign this petition lu protest against perpetuating the present system of high-priced text books for six years to come. F. W. SETTLEMrKKI J. H. 8ETTLEMIKR ESTABLISHED 1863. THE WO0DBURN NURSERIE Havetho largest rsnd most completejjlassortment of FRUIT and SHADE TKEES, EVERGREENS, ROSES RUBS CLIMBING PLANTS, Rtc. On the Nortti Pacific Coast. '-We have 115 different-varieties of- Apples, 167- ot Roses and other stock ;tV .injpifoportibn. Send for Catalogue. Q , CM)' J; it SMemier k Son, Woodburn, Oregon. Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Improved Goods And Lowest Priced. N. W. Cor. State and Llbsrtv SU. SALEM OREGON' PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. Office or the Bcckktaky or Statx, halkh, ur Ktoimbar wi y , nlii.f .ui. of. Bealed propoMhi will fee reeeived at tUI flcauniiiDooaJNoveaiborw, nwi. u rurawa tba followlBg artlolM tor tbe tHuto ol Onaoat lOrMBM lel cup, 14 1. Mo. 7 rullag-, wfilto, laid, cream. cttsrtr oak orMeotch IIbos, 30renBM(lrtlwwoooKreaot, 7-9 Pki, o.7railuCiwhltiilaId. lrtjooo Mo. i wblt eavelopM, 60 ft No. 1 rug, 12 sroM railroad tel pdi , No. IV). io srosa Ulllott'a atMl pn. No. 404. 4 KroM CJIIloU' hImIjmu, No. BW, SisroM KtrtmoK "!' pu. iff do. Veer, movt A Wlloox'a lokUu t, No, 4 doc, feck, fttow 4 Wllcox'a IuUUbsV, Ho. 16 Cot. VtcM, Mow A Wllooft's inktoBd,Ko. 4'JU. 13 dox. Ivory folder. B-lnolilodr4, 4 dot. Ivorr folder W Inch Brnm, tain wuciiaacu), No.D,Uorifan'paUat. 1U doc Riucllava Umd, reiMnrmr Mo, ,Mor. gao' raUoU aiuui) 'Hf ecr irwwurjr wwiiiuji IV V') v fit, norU4 oy ui . vviommo, v imio rtcortw ira peseu, tyu IM). . I U). Hantortt'a Ipramluro fluid. quarU. i'A dot. huMorty wxittuu riuld, Jjuri. . ItitVK gUHI(ltdlrtHl!l,0. it, I)S U,, aZ, JIubIm cui)Uord let elliiM. i am rnruv t.iMUeuniu do. Mce) MUM)), Mo.JMRbone, B do t(i.r ,HO, H IW&dXtr, m Mice f rituvt i, tOjitxi tte4 rlld a grow i invert m j"cf t, p v, ?, nivlui yroM m't lm petl, Mo, 9, lewnd. f'K 6 4to, PW patent ink m4 wusll Ttor ervtit,MuiiiUiiu, hi.Umi luti MaUM'M uiLctit i)Lr fiuteuau. Mo. H. fluthliiJ. T' r r" ' ..,-.. mitt Ti Jtd " rH' m mv9ri ""i M nmWn wMnt tp fuUntthPlOil piWW $o,i idljl UHUitfi't WUMWft.fl tuw w, nuait. WfiMllUtlfittl)ty fA pt4l KMI r AtUMUUltlWaMIt4 W4 will k ti atitii'biluU t lull kid yVtOimuiXt tot lilki H0TJC NAMK8. 225 Acres: 3,000,000 Trees; 1,000,000 PlanU. 1 j "9 ii The Porcelain Batk" Wbea la need of good tbve, hair rut o batti eall at tbe rorcelala italbi. VM Oom. k 7-17 J. O.Ut AM. Vrev. Cooper Shop. YKUS J8TKWAKT hsoMaedupAuopnortbof Ml'i mill, In HouthWal-eai, where be 1 preftarea to wake RSd teaalr all klsda of ooonenuw. eueta mm Mrlw.tulM, keg, barrel aud nburiu. Oaly the beet wwoue4 Utk ned. fdeea reaeoa bio, 74lt-dw O. NORTHOUT, Gesenl Express ft FHnftira Vm, (JaateituHMd fttoiwiiiur.'orflfr nd Kb low mm, SWEET CID&n, t n, wmmmvr, HAy,PATlMjlrAW An Evwgrwn Tree, Wlll m u YMHitP wf FiPWaeJcte4vIfHilrallB, )avoi u Ur niii utivld mt rnflmm wmm&.MMMm,. 1 1 & i m E-lMcNKILU, tlEOEtVEK. " I. To The East is GIVES TUK CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL I -VIA- DENYEU OMAHA. KANSAS CITY, VtA 8POKAKR WINKEAPOLie, i AND ST. PAUL. !r - Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. - i Ocean toamer leave PortJamd every Ave djr FOR SAN FRANCISCO. for foil detail call oh or aldrww W. B. HURLUKT, n7i a arm KBnW 5-J NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. R U N S Pullman Elegant Sleeping Cus . Dinln? Cars Tourist TO Sleeolnv Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTh FARGO! GRAND FORKS CR0OKST0M WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS Til IICAG0 ASHlNRTON HILADELPHIA EW YORK! BOSTON and all Points East end South ifor Information, Use; oarAn, mm) , UefceUoftUoa or write H. A. THOMAS, Agent, BIm Or A. D. Charivton. Aset. Gnl. Fdm Agent; Portland, Oregon. East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE x tht - Southern Pacific Company, CAUreHNIA KXPKM6 TKAlKON DAILY Tvnum ronTTjiKp ins g. . Houisr jKorm. tf.16 p. in, B.Wp.m. ltt6 u.m. iMrtUo (talem Ban jrran. Ar. Lv.l 7s0p.aa top HOMBDBO MAIL BAH.T. - iuh a. m. I tr. I1.17a.ml.v. "M p. w. Ar, XurUuti MMem JtoeebBitt liT.'l JU6p.aa PULLMAN wim siigms AKI . Second Class Sleeping Cars Attach to all thwwHr tmm. MKk &i'rik Um fnM IUirV-WKltHff W)DATU n.Ar. fanfIHe Ev, JSEa "werwiii ik ,,f, j-tb mm'Hphi ii email , At Albany ana (JorvidlU VH UwluiMrvon 'MnnbuHm4, -tTMAI-(t)4il,VK0iUlV attTJ5r. " y&ETZxrf To all pttHtia m mm Mertiwi ; KH MUfllUHl BJU1 iyi Orep FxcifcAM k " Mitt A i j rtt IUI j , I VHKH, ahMK, 8'MSAMBll "JIOHW VAqizWA Ami uys mxw HfMuAft Viumw lu. saw imd a m. f. ' . . . . .-7 jMbmiVt " &HM1 Wuim wot vuw.n r j :i ,v w; KlW rvllW H m HW-QWW m furyrwi, inwr wn, 1 'fmum JrV' MMM& u m JWflr WM Wpif ia?rji!' iw