I e'IMt:,,w ,i . tfrja,,, . I "" ' - '(MM, -iVt DOMINO GAVOTTE?. Autfder Ojierette "Prim und Maurer." Moclcralo assai. 55 i vy zj - - i . u- p r r r f LnJ ij ALFRED OPT crtit cppi J f - T l","l,, - .' " w" " J-iiJXiJL.. JR. Jfc -ft. - 2' .. .4. ri' -A o- i -.. 4fr 4t- ...... !iL E-fuw2 j n - . .i. . i m z rz rr I ) ft ' t p .srzwrr- -,ur -,- at i Wr v BfBmMF i . . . . r-i i - ' y,n.f fffM ffff.f fff .1 Jh-k - ' . a " - Domino Gavotte. Copyright, The New York Musical Echo Co,. 1894 iW. PBTTLEMIBini DCTABT.lSRRn RfiS Acres: 3.000.00U H. SETTLEMIKB vuuwunmuu iuw. Trees: i.uw.wu naDis. C ;he woodburn nurseries I Have'the largest pud most complete)'assortment ot t tUIT and SHADE TKEES, (EVERGKEENS, KOSESf RUBS TJLIMBING PLANTS, Rte On the Nortli Pacific Coast. Wo have Idifterentfjvarietiea of Apples, 167 ot Rosesand other stock in proportion. Send tor Uataiogue. - - O O . J. H. Settlemier L Son, Woodburn, Oregon. SCHOOL TEXT-BOOK PETITION. To the State Board of Educatien: Protest Against Changes in TexttBooks or Any Contract Fixing Prices for the Next Six Years : Governor Peunoyer, Secretary of State MbBrlde and Stato Superintendent of Publlo Instruction McElroy, acting as the State Board of Education of Sins: Your petitioner?!, patrons of the public eoboois, taxpayers and citi zens of Oregon, respectfully petition you to take no action to brlUR ; about adop- I Lt. t i a & L..U. IUa tniit nnoun Tr into Innr. uon or new series or puouo ecuoui ifc uuu& uuuoi ws ivu -j " . leelslature, nor to rater into any contract at present publishers prices adopting .l" i !!, . In ..o n. 4hnaa that tnlnhf. ha Ullt hnrlzfllt bV VOUf DOAfU at present prioes, such prices to be fixed and maintained by the publishers for the next six years, asspwlfled in that law. .,,,. nrtt nh. in view oi me laei mai uy nui puuuuiiuu wo jrov,iu . ,-...-..- -.- talnlnc publlo Bohool text books at an average price of about thirty cents apiece -n-.-Lii ....jixiiunnntm ..Virula nftihniit. nno-hnir what we pay In Oregon, we demand state publication at the earliest day possible. NAMES. NAMES. rcut out tho above form of petition, .sign nd address it to one of tbo state board of education, or mail it to TriB Journal and It will bo published and for warded to the board with others. Men and women should sign this petition in protest against perpetuatlBg the present system of hlgb-priced text books for six years to come. tar- Ppt tent after time of THIS ORDER it out.- ,ANK order sheet -No BLANK FOIt THE are. Wagons. Carts, Road Machinery ID AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, r ........ r. .,........,! nta .ml TiiuMt VnctM. HMtZuSX: Ml OHECOH etheOne Cent Daily Qwwm Nwiffr California novf doe not y(mKmitem jjw wi!J not mwQrlnw in ONE CENT DAILY JOORNflL. HOKBR BROTHERS, EPIeaso snd to addrewi below one copy of Daily Haixm, Obboon. SmOAViTAuJovHUAhhyuMtt. (Krww lln not wanted.) For oue month Und enclosed . ..-.- S6cU, For two months " .......- COcli', Vnr four moo tils '" " ..,-,-,-,.....-.- U0 For one yer " " - , 8.09 HOFEB BROS,, Publishers, . .WONDERrUL GOLD DISCOVERIES. WntcnAutrmlluSorlrWliloliRiniU.I!:c Valry Tales. ( ho stpriea of vronderfnl gold disoov orifcs in western An'stralia wero con firmed by ttn official dispatch Thursday. The dotailB of tho principal find near Coolgardio hntl already reached Lon don A party of six wero returning frbpi an unsuccessful prospecting tour on Mny 8. Whort In camp one night, jthpy scp tiratcd to tcBt and oxamino the uoigh. borhood, A man named Mills catno to on of tho many largo "blows" which are characteristic of tho country. Ho was astonished on rubbing his hand across a protruding piece of stono to hoo gold standing out prominently. Ho knocked a large pioco off a bowlder, and at ijts feet lay a magnificent Bpecirnou literally studded with coarse gojd, whHo boforo him, dazzling his eyes, was a magnificent reef of almost puro gold, a fortnno in itself. Mills, taking several pieces from the xoef, placed them in his bosom, and carefully covering tho reef with earth found bis mates, un tue next, morning 25 acres wero pegged off, and tho adjoining blork? at eaph end wcr$ also taken up. Oue jnun wont to town and bought a dplly, tho largost he conl'd procure. In on6 day thoy dpljlcxl l.OOp ounces, and in a Bhort tinip Jmd nearjy $100,000 worth of ore. On Juno 83 thoy pocked it in a cart and landed tho treasure t tho UiiJoji bank. Tho manager weighed tho gold, and it turn ed tho scales at 4,?80 ounces, A few days after tho discovery bo cams public. Ono lump has boon taken rom tiio roof containing uiorogold than oro. It weighed 240 pounds and is worth 30,000. Of coawe there is im incuo excitement in tho region, and many other discoveries aro reported, bst tlicre is nulikely to be anything hit for late comers, Londow IMter. Nw York fwHe MUt4. It camo (Ht a thfl polios board moot ing iuNpwYork lt oiJ. Ut when ever any Mg strika pr riot hm mn bo lug ou out of foWH pritfns4ft BynM has oHite4 srNisioM rowi tho Western Union Tlfrf4t oomfmy to tap its wixkrgrowd wire at lkod Wy snd HowtUM tttwi w4 HKxdye trornpt uuws hm mm v utior mwnwe win H TtWiH CbiciQ rfk fw ink) jit Whw Union M&) f4tvt Ud Mil nt know tyt almo4 M soom as it ftuuiM tU JW' l!ofWcfcf TitHVwiviwidtwN' M tM Iit)www(WI finumm wnli to Ul, M4 wH M Ik) tfttk tmimUt to wJW wmmmw' 'Ss vim ll mfl Tint Wf mim pwUi Uvu pmHU4 to vm THE OLD LADY'8 VI8IT. (VaitineFor n CI tj1 Friend Wlth'TItreo Jfcrt of Buttermilk. Tho ' last passenger to leave tiio 4:80 train, on thp Michigan Central railroad aftp'r it drew to a standstill pno immmcr sf topjoon vas a littla old woman in bla;ck. A wisp of, gray hair straggled rom under an old fuslfionfed poko bon uct, and a pair of kind)? blfao eyos looked out from bohind her stool rimmed Bpoctaclea. In ono haiid shb carried a huge, shiny valise, the koy of which Was tied to tho handlo with a strip of caljco clpth. Wlion sl(Q was part wy np (bo platform, uho stopped, with a trou bled ook, and walohqd tho baggagemen toil by with their loadod trucks. Pros rntjy sho dropped thoYallwand opentd n bjg blaok fan which was fastenod to Lor wajst by a velvet ribbon. After sho had- waited some time one of the depot ushers catno along and. asked if he could be of any service to ker. "Why, thank you, I think not," sho answered. ' 'I am Raiting or Dick Rob inson." The d-epot usher hurried on and paid no more attention to tho llttlooldwpm '. When ho came back a half hoar later, she was still standing where he had left her, geutly fanning herself 'With tho black fan. "Has. your friend come yet? asked tho. usher. "No," sho answered. "His watch must have been slow." "Wd he expoct yon by this tralq?" "Well, yos see, it's this ways Last manner IMok and his wife catno over to Brlggjsbnrg to visit the Coopers. While tfceySrere tHcrfc the? osme over often to my slaoe to get A drink of buttermilk, WH we got frteudly, and Sarah told me a lot of 0ftti bout Chicago, and that frli couldn't by no munnor of meaiff et buttermilk & (') city. Ro fofo Dick wont back ho came around awd aaysi 'Mrs. Beggs, ust tako a run wp to Chicago next swnroer ami visit M. Let ws know when you're cowing, awl I'M eot ypu at the deppt.' An4 so I'm hrv nd 've got tlireo ws of freih balterinilk for them In that batt." The depot tubor helpod tho little old wowsh u a seat in tho waiting room, pki jthcn Ho aearpkod tho rtkwtory for lichr4 fluUivwu, U timw couldn't h)p hlw much. booauei4)0il(4n'tkH0W Pwk's O0OMp41OH. "All I know," sJo explained, "is UtM kf'tf ft tfCHNlw wtliwiwt, mi W VkpL(!f mAtn llt(4 Iwoor thtw jkitUfUt wt pt J.ho wpwiu In ($mm mm mk wilh Jlw Htr tft hU toe was duIlmJfig ir nJMfwllk,Cl lao Mwf l, iflMaKic-fdiat or Howl' Sraprilla lMt smtl at th kl Bat if you suffer rroaa Dyspepi ' Anl iBtligesties, tej atastttk'ssst before you have taken hW a mm. dosss, you will involuntarily tMk, and no doubt exclaim, "That Just Hrt It!" "Tht soothlag eifect Is a lifts touch 1" Hood's Sarsaparllls gmU It tnnpji nnil ulrmufOttM th ami- acn anu mgcsuvo orgaas, mvic- jb orates tho liver, creates a'aatttri ue&itny desire for food, gives re freshing sleep, and la short, rtM the health tone of tho entire syi- v torn. Koinem&cr V ptdlla Hoods Cures Heod's (Plls cura lWcr Ills. Mt. Mexican Mustang' Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inf (md UcUft. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains; Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sotm, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, e Penetrates Musckv Membrane and Tissitt Quickly to tft Very, Seat of Pain arid Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Lktlai sonsjwasi Pabi ( mi University of Oregon, EUGENE, -Next Msston tftl tne 17 1 (frC ficptinilur, TiiitlM, free. Bowd, ft! 60 a mtk. . u jrtve umrHi i wimiipni, BweuHB, unTt gjnwm. mnmioay. 8sibiaadJ Tile (toftrdliTHftllftHrrouTlHad 1 Beararce-Bait for yef will b uatHr lfa mtkmwI iwprvlM KMm, MnaM a lady or rflamefit fta but w. For-ta..!.; JtJ.WAggy 7-27-Jm I.UcImM. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Willamette Univerally TBaaotcoKipataadbt equlpd M4e seaool oa t orthwwi e-H. Ualvertltyfitundtrd. tAtssti UMTOUCB WW K. nytewM Sen oh ewnpKvmi m inwnn, lit V TIB rPWMI WprWHWC JWf SPt4 K8 8-14 Z.W.rAttVIK, f u ! KrNDJCRaAKTJSK. MRS, C. M, 0GIE WILL Oi'KN A XINDHGARTXir IX TMJC ON OO'i'OKKK 1, litH, HiST SALKM KINSKRGlftm (lMMl ph, MM MM) Wk MS. MMM 1.UIA OOXOVWt J.m-WPffajpt ihl'i' sp F -TSUi iJStl)UWIWMWS'jaMH V 4 f I i f 1i v q fl ll ( I !;l ;i:ft tii tl a7T2ai?a?3ZiuEHaV SM TMfflnif,wl ;0rwl4f i i fp33