Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 24, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    "WOBHpflittaW' "fT"'""
cmmr mtrw enTTrmsr on
X'XVUJi. ajjlo kJVUXXLOJCiii
fc'The Wyof Chrlit With m Publican and
fllnner-'-Too Often Axe Official Tempt,
ed Abao Wlmt They Are Ablo to Tlcnr.
Bkookevn, Bept 30. Koy. Dr. Tnl-
ftiuiwt """ " vm i'luiJaj.iuK iu iuave
HnrA Wl1 la nf Mw..l.if 4.. 1
Australia ipr India on his round thH
world tour, has soleotod as tho subject
for today 'b Btanon through tho nresa
Tho Tax Collootor'B Conversion," the
,toxt being
taken from Luko
w n
i v,
'This day
is salvation
como to this
e houso."
Zacohous was a politician and a tax.
gathered Ho hod an honest calling, but
1 . t li Jt ti .
tuo opportunity ior stealings" was so
'largo tho temptation was too much for
r him. Tho Biblo says ho "was a sinner"
K that Is, In tho pnblio sonso. How
many fine mon havo boon ruinod bvoffl-
Ijciol position I It is an awful thing for
sany man to seok office nndor covorn-
iinont unless his principles of integrity
are dooply fixed. Many a man urn-tent
I in an insignificant position has mado
jBhipwrook in a groat one. As far us I
con toll, in tho city of Jericho this Zao
Kchous belonged to what might bo called
Rtho "ring." Thoy had things their own
-.way, successfully avoiding oxposuro, if
by no other way perhaps by hiring
'Bumuuuujr iu mtmii in aim steal tno
vouchers. Notwithstanding his bad rep
Mutation there wero streaks of good aborit
him, as thero aro about almost every
man. Gold is found in quartz, and
sometimes in a very small percentage.
Tho Thronclng to Bee Jrus.
Jesus was coming to towx. Tho poo-
plo turned out on masso to Beo him.
Hero ho comes, tho Lord of glory, on
.foot, dust covered and road weary,
:limpmg along tho way, carrying tho
griefs and woes of tho world. Ho looks
to bo CO -years of ago, when ho is only
bout 30. Zacohous was a Bhort man
nud could not Beo over tho peoplo's heads
Iwhilo standing on tho ground, so ho got
tup into a sycamore treo that uwung its
arm clear ovor tho road. Jesus advancod
umid tho wild excitoniont of tho surging
crowd. The most honorablo and popu
lar men of tho city are looking on and
trying to gain his attontion. Jesus, in-
Btead of regarding them, looks up at tho
Ijittlo man in tho tree and says: "Zac-
bheus, como down. I am going homo
rith you." Everybody was disgustod to
link that Christ would go homo with
dishonorable a man.
I see Christ entering the front door of
ho house of Zacchens. The king of
koaven and earth sits down, and as ho
noks around on the placo and the fam
ily ho pronounces tho bonediotion of the
est, "This day is salvation como to this
; Zaccheus had mounted the nycamore
co out of mcro Inqulsulveness. lio
panted to seo how this stranger looked
ttho color of his eyes, tho length of his
air, tno contour or nis ioaiures, tno
Bight of his Btaturo. "Como down,"
Hid Christ
Idle Cariosity.
''And so many pooplo in this day get
into tho treo of curiosity or specula-
on to Beo (Jurist, xnoy asi a tnousana
Kucor questions aoout 111s aivinity,
bout God's sovereignty and the eternal
J decrees. Thoy speculate and criticise
and hang onto tho outside limb of a
eat sycamore, but they must como
own irom tnat n tnoy want to do
yed. Wo cannot bo saved os philoso-
ers, but as littlo children. You can-
go to heaven byway of Athens, but
way of Bethlehem.
Why bo perplexed about tho way Bin
no into tho world when tho-groat
estion is how wo shall get Bin driven
t of our hearts. How many spend
sir timo in criticism and religious
oulotionl They take the roso of
ron or tno liny or tno vaney, pun
tho anther, scatter- tho corolla and
"Is that tho beautiful flower of re-
ion that you aro talking about?" No
iror is beautiful after you havo torn
all to pieces. Tho path to heaven is bo
in that a fool need not moko any
tako about it, and yet men stop and
JL Snpposo that, going toward tho
ciflo slope, I had resolved time i
aid stop until I could kill all tho
zly bears and tho panthers on either
of tho way. I would never havo
i to tho Pacific coast. Whoa I went
I'to hunt tho grizzly bear, tho grinzly
would haVo como out to hunt me.
is a plniu road to heaven. Hen
Ulioy will not tako a stop on it until
' can moko gamo of all tho (ucories
hark awl growl at thoin from tho
kets. Thoy forget the fact that, as
;go out to hunt (ho theory, tho the-
9mos out to hunt thorn, nud so liioy
(MBit Hecouta a ft Little Child.
must receive tho kingdom of
i iu simplicity, William Penning'
Iras ouo of tho wisest men of this
a governor of Jiis own (stoto
t toward ppeakor'jof tho house of
intatlvos yet when God cauod
ho a Christina ho wont 1)1 and
vn among hoiiio children who
pplyiiiff for church membership,
nuirt to hU pastor, "Talk to mo
yon no to mono ciiiinreii, ior 1
Dining about it" TJtoro U no
' hothorlntf flurselvea about my
r)itu thero Aro eo many thing
-udlow, my Professor in thetheo.
emluftry, (aught ma a imon I
war furuoitdn. Whilo nuttiui a
hit iuMlloita (0 hliu tlmt vera
K lie tuniwl uncin me, sowo.
1 Dtormiuu, hot mora in love, uid
mr TttlioBHw, rou will hr to
Vnqyf itomo ni tM yo
W tear our Jmnii on the
Stf thrum(uMfutMo frMtJug
011 m umm wh a ffiwt
-4.ii.l.: rr." "
ssi?iJLiyjMffc " mwj ' rt
J"""""" "Jena ana latkpy bebln J. 'Cx.
.wv u Decomo os little ehMixn.
w.uuu6 omcrtno KlnRdom of God.' God
has chosen tho woakthings of tlio world
to confound tho mighty. Zncchens,
oomo down, como downl"
What Zacchens Illil.
I I notico that this taxgathorcr accom
panied lils (surrender to Christ with tho
, restoration of property that did not bo-
long 10 nun. Ho anjs. "If T havo tnltPii It., f.l..
""J ""u uj ihisu nccnsaiioil,
I rostoro
loarioirt" . that i?. if I havo taswl nnv
,u:m for S10'000 when ho had only ftr,,-
, . FcP-'"y ami rut in my
t "'. fC . V? fr th? Ia3t 00'
lusiuiu io mm lonnoiu. ir L took
froni hin, gin. t wlll irivn i.i.n n t
I look from him sun t TOni 'i.n..
---, ri... (jim uiju
Hundreds of thousands of dollara havo
keen n' to Washington during tho past
I0W years a3 "cousoinnnn mmmv. t
hupposo that money was reiit by men
who wanted to bo Christians, but found
thry could not until thoy mado restitu
tion. Thero is no need of onr trying to
como to Christ as long as wo keep fraud
ulently n dollar or a farthing in our
possession tlmt belongs to another. Sup
poso you havo not money enough to pay '
your debts and for tho sako of dofraud
ing your creditors you put your proper
ty in your wife's name. Yon might cry
until tho day of judgmout for pardon, I
but yon would not got it without first j
making restitution. In times of pros
perity it is right, against a rainy day,
to assign property to your wife, but if,
in time of perplexity and for tho sako
of defrauding your creditors, you mafco
such assignment you beco .0 n culprit
before God, and you may as well stop
praying until you have mr.1'0 restitu
tion. Or suppose one man leans another
money on bond or mortgage, with tho
understanding that tho moi tease can !
lio quiet for soveral years, out as soon
as tho mortgago is given commences
foreclosure tho sheriff mounts tho one
tion block, and tho property is struck
down at half price, and tho mortgageo
buys it in. Tho mortgagee started to got
tho property nt half prico and is a thief
and a robber. Until ho makes restitu
tion thero is no mercy for him.
There Must Be Restitution.
You say: "I cannot mako lestitution.
Tho parties whom I swindled aro gono. "
Then I say, "Tako tho money up to tho
American Bible society and consecrate
it to God." Zaccheus was wiso when ho
disgorgod his unrighteous gains, and it
was his first step in tho right direction.
Tho way being clear, Christ walked
into tho houso of Zacohous. Ho becomes
a different man; his wife a different
woman; tho children aro different Oh,
it makes a great chango in any houso
when Christ comes into itl How many
beautiful homes are represented among
you I There are pictures on tho wall,
thero is musio in the drawing room, and
luxuries in the wardrobe, and a' full
supply in the pantry. Even if you wero
half asleep, there is ono word with
which I could wake you and thrill
you through and through, and that
word is "homo I" Thero aro also
houses of suffering represented in which
thoro aro neither pictures nor ward
robe nor adornment ouly ono room,
and a plain cot or a buuk in a comer.
Yet it is tho placo whero your loved
ones dwell, aud your wholo nature
tingles with satisfaction when you
think of it and call it homo. Though
the world may scoff at us nnd pursuo
us, and all the day wo bo tossed about,
at eventido wo sail into tho harbor of
homo. Though thero bo no rest for us
in tho busy world, and wo go trudging
about, bearing burdens that woll nigh
crush us, thero is a refugo, and it hath
an easy chair in whioh wo may sit and
a louugo whero wo may lie, and a seren
ity of peaco in which we may repose,
and that refugo is homo. Tho English
soldiers, sitting on tho walls around
Sevastopol, ono night heard a company
of musicians playing "Home, Sweet
Home," nnd it is said that tho wholo
army broko out in sobs and wailing, so
great was their homesickness. God pity
tho poor, miserable wretch who has no
home I
If Christ Came to Your House,
Now, Bupposo Christ should como
Into your houso. First tho wifo and tho
mother would fool his presence Ro
ligion almost always begins there. It is
easier for women to become Christiana
than for U3 men. They do not fight so
against God. If woman tempted man
origiually away from holiness, now sho
tempts him back. She may not mako
any fuss about it, but somehow every
body in tho houso knows that thero is a
chango in tho wifo and mother. 8ho
chides tho children moro gently. Her
faco sometimes lights up with an un
earthly glow, Sho goes Into boiuo unoc
cupied room for a littlo whilo, nnd tho
husband goes not after her, nor asks
why sho was there. Ho knows without
asking that sho has been prayipg. Tiq
husband notices that her t acq is )rJghtor
tlmn 011 tho day when, years ago, thoy
stood at tho marriage altar, and ho
kuows that Jesus has been putting upon
her brow a wreath sweeter thuu tho
orange blossoms, Bho puU tho children
to bed, not satisfied with tho formal
prayer that they onoo offered, but aha
JlngcrB now and tells them of Jesus
who blciuod Jlttlo children aud of tho
good place whero they all hopo to be at
lat And then bo kisses thopj good
night with somotljjng that tho ohlld
fpels to !o it heavenly benediction-
jwinotMng tlmt flittll JiM onto tl" boy
utter 10 lias become n man v or u
(Iy7l( iw now U, ho mum o to tl
miiio R&o. m ww,1?. ."S
JT-- fr
ttftHaimyimim HitaiiiifWMiiitvMrss.jjfjiiJ iups;
face lol some rf hi fetidly fritneVM
him, but God's spirit arouses him, welts
mm, overwhelms him. And they go
homo, husband nud wife, in silence, un
til they got to their room, when ho cries
out, "Oh, pray for me!" And thoy
kneel clown. Thoy cannot speak. The
words will not come. But God does not
want any words. Ho looks down and
onswors sob "and groau and oulgushing
tenderness. That night thoy do not
sleep any for talking of all tho years
wasted and of that Saviour who consod
not to call,
Before morning thoy havo
laid their plans for a new life. Morn
ing comes. Father aud mother descond
from tho bedroom. The children do not
know what is tho matter. Thoy never
saw father with a Biblo In Mb hand be
fore. Ho says, "Come, children; I wont
you all to sit down whilo wo read and
pray. " Tho children look at each other
nnd aro almost disposed to laugh, but
thoy soo thoir parent aro in deep ear
nest. It is a short choptor that tho father
reads. Ho is a good roador at other
times, but now he docs not gctou much.
Ho EcesEO much to linger on. Ilia volco
trem bios. Everything is so strangely new
to him. Thoy kneol that is, tho father
and mothor do, fcut tho children come
down one by one They do not know that
they must It is some timo bef oro they all
got down. Tho sontencos aro broken.
Tho phrases oro a littlo ungrammatical.
Tho prayer begins abruptly and ends
abruptly; but, as far as I can understand
what thoy moan, it is about this: "O
Saviour, help us I Wo do not know how
to pray. Teach us. Wo cannot llvo any
longer in tho way wo havo been living.
Wo start today for heaven. Holp us to
tako theso eaildreu along with us. For
givo us for all tho past Strengthen us
for all tho future, and when tho journey
is over tako us whero Jesus is and
where tho littlo babe Is that wo lost.
Anion!" It ended very abruptly, but
tho augcls camo.out aud leaned so far
over to listen they would havo fallen off
tho battlement but for a btroko of thoir
wings nnd cried: "Hark, harkl Behold,
ho prays!"
The Christian Uonie.
That night thero is a rap at tho bod
room door. "Who is thero?" cries tho
father. It is tho oldest child. "What Is
tho matter? Aro you sick?" "No; I
want to bo saved. " Only a littlo while,
and all tho children aro brought into
tho kingdom of God. And thero is great
joy in tho house. Years pass on. The
telegraph goes olick, click! What is tho
nows flying ovor tho country? "Como
homo. Father is dying 1" Tho children
all gather. Somocomo in tho last train.
Some, too late for tho train, tako a car
riage across tho oountry. Thoy stand
around tho dying bed of tho father. Tho
oldest son upholds tho mother and says:
"Don't cry, mother. I will tako care of
you." Tho parting blessing is given.
No long admonition, for he has, through
years, been saying to his children all ho
had to say to them. It is a plain "good
by!" and the remark, "I know you will
all bo kind to your mother," and all is
Llfo's duty done, aa sinks the clay,
Light from its load, tho spirit flies,
Whilo heaven and earth combine to say
now bless'd the righteous when he dlos.
A wholo family .saved forover! If the
delugo como, they are all in the ark
father, mother, sons, daughters. To
gether on earth, together' in hoaven.
What makes it bo? Explain it Zacohous
ono day took Jeans homo with him.
That is 'all. Salvation came to that
What sound is it I hear tonight? It is
Jesus knocking at the door of your
Behold a stranger nt the door I
Ho cently knocks bos knocked before.
If you looked out of ypuriTJniiQW and
saw mo going up your front stops, you
would not wait, but go yourself to open
tho door. Will you keop Josus standing
on tho outsido, his locks wet with the
dows of tho night? This Jay is salvation
come to thy house. The great want of
your houso is not a now .carpet or cost
lier pictures or rlohor iurnitnra It is
Work For the Children.
Up to 40 years men work for them
selves, after that for thoir children.
Now, what do you proposo to leave
thorn. Nothing but dollars? Alas, what
an inheritance! It is moro likely to bo
a curso than a blessing. Your own com
mon pense awl observation tell you that
money, without thodlvino blessing, is a
curso. You must soon leavo your chil
dren. Your shoulders are not bo strong
as they were, and you know that they
will soon havo to carry their own bur
dens. Your eyesight Is not bo clear as
once. They will soon hove to pick out
thoir own way. Your arm is not so
mighty as once. Thoy will soon hay tc
fight thoir own battles,
Ob, let jt not bo told on judgment
day tlmt you let your family start with
out tho only safeguard tho religion of
Christ, Givo yoursoif no rest until yow
children aro tho sous and daughters di
tho Jxr4 Almighty. Your pan does Just
as yon do. Ho tries to walk like yon
Mid to talk like you, Thodupghter imi
tates tho mother, Alas, if father and
mother miss hoaven, the children will!
Oh, let Jesus oomo into your house. Do
not bolt tho hall door, or the parlor
door, or the kitchen door, or tho bed'
room door ogntust him, Abore all, da
not bolt your heart.
Build your altar tonight, Take tho
family Bible lying on the parlor table.
Cull together as many of your family
as jimy be awAke, Read a chapter, and
then, it you csu think of notMu else
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(fpfilnl MisptljPtAtnfl W t
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Co the Stati Board of EUuc&tipn: Protest Against Change
in Toxt-Bookfl or Any Contract Fix njr Prices" for thi
Nixt Six Years :
Joviruor IVniii.jer, Secretary of KUto MoHrlde ami Nule Hii rln(oi,ilei,t i
r.iiillc ntiuciloii AlcKlro.v.ttciiug uu tue Htale ll.wrd t Kducatl
iks: Your iwllMonnrx, dtronsuf llio tiubllo inluxde, li.xpur? iiuil tit
'.eiiH f Ortjron, lt-ltoifiillv i.ellllou vou to take 110 sot Ion to ttiuiu Htmin mini
, ion r i,-tv f . rli'-i r i-uldli) bchiMil uxt
ck imiuru, uur 10 euier iniu Hiiy contract ui trt-8!lil puiilldl tM ntlciH miI'..1Ii.i
e text baoktt now Iu uge, nr ttno thtit tululit bo nuili..rlz'.l by out Umrd t.;ut pi lets, such prices to be flxtd hu1 nmlutalucd by the publlaltl-rH fur tit
text bIx ienr, ob Mitclfled in tliut luw.
J 'i view of the fact that by Mate publication the pcplouf Callfi rnln uteol
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o:y Iu Oregon, wo demand statu publication ul tho curli'i-at dy p'us,slblo.
NAM 13, KAME8.
Out out the abovo form of petition, bIru and address It to one of tboslati
board of education, or mall It to Thh Jouknal and it wlll bo published and for
warued to the board with others. Men a'nd women should slijn this petition I
protest against perpetuating the present system of hleh-prlced text booku foi
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