a" ,Vr"nnJteii JOURNAL IjxjlI .1 X xaJLj VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON. JEKIDAY, SEPTRMUEK &I, JL!4. 1M1LY EDITION, WO. SJSJli 25 CENTS ' rEIi MONTH. BY MAIL. W p r'. 9 i !i P U'Sl IE Iff Keeps a full line of the Brown Shoo Co.s Shoes of all kinds and sizes. Their prices are very low, and qulity good Also a full line of '. Hats of latest style, and Shirts, Overalls, Jack- ets, Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery of all kinds, Underwear, Bedspreads, Lace Curtains ad notions of all kinds.. Also a well selected line of Men, Youths' and Boys' CLOTHING, at very low prices. We sell for cash, the goods are bought for cash, and give our customers all the advantage of the discounts. It will pay you to call K.T.BARNES 333 COMMERCIAL ST. Union Bargain Stor lW STATE STREET, Oil Tau Grain Plow Shoes, $1.25; worth 2. Ladles' Dongola Kid Shoes, patent tip, $1.35; worth $2. Men's Working Shirts from 25a up. 40 dozen Good Socks at 5c. Cheapest ever known. Silk Embroidered Suspenders. Frequently sold at 60c. Boys' Suits from 85c up. Boys' Overalls, riveted, apron front, 45c. Men's Suits for $4. Great quantity of household necessities on 5o and lOo counters. M. J. MATSON, BREWSTER & WHITE, FEED 0 BgrALL KINDS AT THE CL03E3T SALEItf CHOP MILLS, I Image & Hi 1 PKT1 KELLER & SONS' new stock of Mouldings now In. Prices low. Bring on your frame. 318-320 Commercial St., Salem, Or. t ( The Paris Our first opening and display of New Fall Millinery will take place Tuesday, Sept. 18th. and New Location; Eirst Door South of Bush's Bank. Mrs. D, L, Fiestesr, SALEM, OREGON. ;PREE,FREE! For this week only you can get a ruargo by bavlnst one Cozen of those Harnett, JVIeea ore cut square Into ISP, JS, Likely street, near &Mw' Marble """ ' ""'i H"wPi"iiiiuiipwppii.m mi i ! . i llii -- J'' " ,.irwaf fflCUl PBS PI Milt WliK, Unmwi) Giro Qqoih, &mmmlm aud lasMSMbtf w. or mm VM4mt i I MARGINS. 91 COURT 8T Feed of 'CM 5 Prices Always fie Lowest 822 COMMERCIAL ST. all of State Fair Week, hme portrait of yourself absolutely free nne goomoi mowgrapiia wane uy f- tiija week, You can't aflord to Ml" & J3ARNJ3T Work, HUH 'CI w Another Day of Splendid Pro " grararaps. SOME INCONGRUOUS ARY AWARDS. Salem Boys Carry Oil More Bi cycle Awards. SPECIAL RAGES. At a special meeting of the Ktate Board of Agriculture a special nnuluir race waa arranged for this afternoon, to l)e run at close of today's regular pro gramme. A special trot was also ar ranged for tomorrow's program, to be the 'ast race for Saturday. THE BULL BACK. Bill Anderson's bull race at the fair grounds this afternoon is the event of the day. He has worked up a good showing of bovlnes, and it has cau'ed him not a little worry, but now comes a kick that he was not looking for After persuading Geo. Collins to ride Dick Swartz'e black Jersey bull, It uow turns out that Ike Patterson really wanted the honor. It is too late, nnd and Bill duly regrets tha little unpleaa antness, but promises to give Ike the first chance on some future occasion. POULTRY SALE. Those intending to buy thoroughbred poultry should not fall to attend Blundell's sales Saturday. Some of the beat stock of bis Morningside yards will be eold at low prices. F. A. Weloh's. pen of five light Brahmas have been the center of at traction at the Hate fair poultry world, and very justly. Their equal as birds has never been seen In Oregon. THE CRACK EXHIUIT. Shaffer & Clark have the blue ribbon for display of tine vehicles and farm machinery. These Salem men worked very bard and pared'tfo expense to put on the grounds the finest exhibit in this line ever seen at an Oregon state fair and are proud of their victory. They have shown the people of Oregon what can be done with borne manu factures in competition with thereat in the world and come off winners In every feature. D not fall to see tbelr exhibit and their prices, THE BICYCLE RACES. The day's program opened with a one mile straight away. Entries Shlpp, Murphy, Sears, "Winters, Lee, Wright, Howo. A very heavy south wind blew up the track making start' and finish very heavy pulling dead against It. At 11:16 tbey got' of I". Shlpp bad the lead, Muipuy trailing him close. At the half Howe led away off, Bears close onto him, closing the gap by the three quarters. On they came pulling up against the heavy wind, Shlpp leading by a length,. Murphy trailing close but unable to spurt him at the finish. They came In Shlpp, Murphy, Wright. Time 2:5 8, This was Bhlpp's fourth medal in succession and bis backera were en thusiastic. He won a (20 gold medal, second 15 saddle, s, v-M I f I WTfJ t-M "Aa ola u tuolillVand nmiiuua never excell ed. "Tried and proven' is tho yordlct of millions. bLbHsm bbbmbb .fMnfc.M. Simmons Liyer Jtegu medicine to yrjucu yoy can pin your aitty (or ft ouro, A mf)4 Ufa tlvo, and jmroly yew n&)o, act Jng djrofltJj' on tho, Jfoer Sid mW novi. TrvlU Than Pflh TfcfWWteffr'HW' :immusmmmm f 'niuttumuwmimv&iA tsMifiux Murphy made a, .good spurt but It came too late. He crafylod up on Shlpp but not enough. If ho had spurted a little earlier Shlpp would have been u (,-oner. He realized ?tbal he hud a close shave ns Murphy w rapidly ualnlng. Racing Is still on. Murphy and Shlpp will be pitted Saturday in the ten mile special. Murphy hep won two medals, a gold for the mile handicap, the pretr tlest medal of the Ibt in point of de sign, and a silver pedal by Martin. Murphy has beat ovary man entered at the state fair races 'except Shlpp and the contest Saturday for the ten miles is eliciting the greatest Interest. It will take placo at 11 o'clock in the fore noon. THE CONSOLATION. Hove of Portland, Winters ot Salem, Wright of McMinuvllIe, Lee of Port land started, Winters leading. Guesses were between Lee and Howjb. Big Wright kept second place cler around. The wind had gonodown and the boys kept their places. B, Wright won It by u tine fight and Howe second. Winters got third by, a very nice spurt ogaliist the field and over Lee who was riding n very hot rSce. Wright wan warmly congratulated by his friends and a handsome bouquet awaited him at Hotel Willamette ."when heweut to lunch. THE HKFOR1I SCHOOL J10Y8. At 11:30 the state reform school boys marched Into the grounds In front of the grand stand. A drum corps com posed of the boys led theneailyone hundred young men In charge of Frank H. Bryant, the engineer of the build ing, and Supt. It, J. Hendrjcks. In their neat gray udiforuis tbey pre eon ted a splendid appearance, and won great credit for the institution by tbiir conduct. The crowdfeaugbt on nicely at the face nbouts iy."clghtB in battal lion drill. The boy ay u est revolved in half-moons and circle, holding the at tention of the lurg'audieuce in the grand btnnd. Tbey- cvoluted In all forms and finally went off In slugle file, tapering down from1 young men full grown to ten year olds. As they gave the salutes the thousands cheered again and again. All tKiboya conducted themselves In a cesijemanly manner that was credttablejlojlie state and to the management. " THREE MILE HANDICAP. This race was fur a (10 medal and (5 pair of shoes. Lee, 125 yards; Murpby, 05; Babcock, HOj Winters 100. They got off at 11:50, Murphy trailing and riding down the back stretch us straight as an Indian, hands behind blm. On the second he went to the front and set the pace for a mile. His followers fulled to (rail up close, thus losing all benefit of his wind-break. They made tho second mile, Babcock, Winters, Murphy and Lee. On the third quar ter all slowed down to get wind In the same order. On the last eighth Lee spurted ahead but could not take sec ond over Babcock, Murphy leading nicely with one of bis easy and grace ful spurts at the finish, lime 10:16, A PORTLAND OPINION. Mr. Scott, of the Oregonlan, who la staying at the fair the entire week writes in bis paper (odsy as follews: "When the exhibition of last year closed It looked very much as If the Oregon state fair bad declined to a point where a revival would bo next to Im possible, The new management, which took the helm this y$ar, was confronted with the dltilcult aud rather thank Ices task of lifting the fulr out of the rut It had fallen into of late years, and, through the medium of new attractions aud a somewhat radical change Ju the program, to provide an entertainment that would Induce people to patronize the air oa Jlbi rally ua they dd in former yew, It Is gratifying to note that the efforts are meeting with a Just reward, The first two dajft theaUend. ance was light, yesterday fully 000 wero present, tpd Unlay nearly double that number pua&ed the gotes, Thurs day lioa usually l, on (he banntfday n point nf atlendance Daejj year. nd, while today' crowd not up lo the nlKh'watur mark" j'Pl, conldeJng tlje time, It If a wy Jaro patronage. "There are crpaker wm pan flirt nothing to admire ubout a Hole 'air but Tor all Joya) pujna ofihpmmmfh wraith uob an pxjdblljnn Jiftaa pot)- jiarfllmrw H Hint mmilnn m )n ia(t . yntii, and, by yitifJH? be air, many Jv wro uirmiut) mi MiiUip Onptnt'ii iw(unfl cwk-M "Tho manuuuturjnjj IniprjM firp airly WflJ rwmilhl, taijilwJy woof prndyflii Id ilm fiylllvatioyfl fifttlw mrai p'uduiii tif ft M'Klfi wpjl U iU HW tyliHIIf tit Wil ul Mil j0 nhihiit a y mn tuu wr 4m mMM Urn Unmi uw um Hi? wfiti iu i!ji wwy ut) MiMstiur M "Anyone wltnn-alns the magnificent parade of premium cattle that occurred this morning could not bat concede that in stock raising Oregon ban no peer In tho Far West, it Is the (same in all of the departments where tbe state's resources and products are dis played. The showing Is a splendid one and every good citizen of Oregon who attends the fair feels proud to claim a resldeuce within a state tbat has lieen so bountifully favored by nature." MKS. UONIIAM'S OOLLKC1ION of treasures aud curios collected din ing her residence of four jeira in India occupy the space at the right of tLe main entrance to the pavilion. There aro nearly a hundred ptecea of artlsttp works, valued at several thousand dollars. Frames inlaid in gold and precious stones o ntainlng photograph of tbe native princes of India attracted much attention. A bronze gnAfnm Hurmah, carved bowls from Ceylon, braa plaques from upper ladta, Ivory temples, cloth of gold and stiver, mar ble aud Ivory ealnlaturee, coins, medals and painting. This display ie a eea- ter of Interest and would be more ao if all who see it ciuld have tbe owner's explanations. THE FRUIT EXHIBIT, Alex L Fullett showed tbe four standard forte of prune, fine royal muscadine grapes, and other fruits. He go first over Jacks sn coun'y prunes. JackBon county has a fine jyramld of fruit, but took second under Yamhill's magnificent display, in charge of Col, Cooper, Col. Cooper received an ac cession Thursday In tbe ahape of a present of fine peaches from Mrs. J, W. Plymale, of Jacksonville. Helm mediately added them to bis collection. Ho uow thinks he could beat tbe world. Mrs. Claude Gatch has a beautiful collection of bromide copy prints of her own collection of photographs of Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood; and other mountain scenery. Many of these views were taken by her after bard climbs to almost maeeesoible places, where no woman bad ever bees before her. Mla Albert has atoe a choice collection of bromides and pho tographs. THE ART JCDCHKG.. . A tinted photograph hb4? convex glass waa given first premium as a water color over two real water colors. It waa green aud red In tbe cheeks not as green as tbe Judges nor aa red as tbelr cheeks ought to be. First was given a sketch from nature tbat is net a sketch, and as devoid of perspective as tbu Judges are of knowledge of tbe first principles of what constitutes a drawing. A black and white, which Ja always In oil to awarded to crayon. A bromide was given second prize m a crayon portrait. Pen drawings were awarded second prize ae etchings. A landscape got a first, which had both warm and cold tone on the aimdow side of the same bridge, over one done by a New York Art Student' League graduate that waa perfectly drawn and colored a crudity placed above a work of art. Tho Judge acted natural In thli. The flneat painting over brought to the Peelflo coat in ita claae, the eweet face of a young woman on allk mu)),by Geo. W. FJagg, of tbe National Acad emy of Design In New York; was wisely put aIde by the aetute commit tee aud the prize given an elderly Jdy's pillow aharu, A poorly drawn copy of achromo, fruit piece, waa given flref, while a better drawn and well colored picture of applas, pumpkin and pot, by the same urtUt was not deemed worthy a premium, Aniucopyftfunae(OR Mt, Hood got ilrat, wblje a J7Kcr M Wood -larger by aeveral yards will ateep alopea and About as rigid jujb toboggan jillde entirely escaped tin eyeaof llie committee "Ap nnlqup Wrk of Art ;t mention )n the JIUt" a the jltje given a m) XWUtd pM )nft wild ducka on canyaJt regular oil painting the wwwlftw oould liayo aatlad tl)jwIyM by pok. Uin tttbtr nmbfllm tHrou Uwy ooMldimt penefrAUj e subject wMf their critical ticwltl, A Hri w4 ofaliellin n fiwrtW "UBlaue WQfjfifrt art ysryJwe worK hvl fit "fif W TJoeoond $w4ffif wrvfttyby w(W jflyen flM Jn thU ttpmr-wMW "lH)!",u" MWy cauJ wa yf ;i)l), A l?wir (l.w will wM -Mm wJHfl h0 JkIM-wMo HhoubMwoysde MWW-m tfYM fiM fiW plm ItlM i'd 119 fm A iwirM.t fmt tofyjjfiWi nUiiimA) mm u jmii4M Mioiy. hmm pr ifv la km fit not mwwUiA nwf M iwl wjf)y k ffwfiii iml AiIijw miMfif urn tnkwfiw umr wwm iwf jjiw)m1( wi tf wrulir ihim mi v MitmM "Ajwob liijtefc , muimtmMm mmimy mm wttwwh ' & Brigands An Vt-ry Aclhe f Greece. SALVATION ARMY BOOTH IS WML Cables From ke WerWa Qarlcr. Poar KILLED BY BRIOAHDS. Athknb, Sept. 21. Near Llmal, oa Mw Turkish frontier, and bead of tbe Mmn wi yew, a pcoearesr ae roi, a JdfleadtwoecfeUtrie,ret8rBl8g la a carrfage, aeenHpnM by two gen darmes, from villaget wbere tiwy bad been collecting Information ia regard to tbe brigandage, were surrounded by orlgande, who carried off tbe procareur du roi and Judge to a stronghold oa Mount Olbrya, Ller tbe priaooere were allowed to send word to friends. Tbe brigands demanded that no punsult be made until a ransom is paid. A de tacbment of 100 soldiers was aent to at tack the brigands. The brganda were exterminated, but the procureur du roi waa killed and tbe Judge mortally wounded. OEflEBAL BOOTH CXJMIWO. Bt. Johks, N. F., 8pt. 2L General William Booth, who founded tbe Sal vation Army, has arrived here. He l the guest of 8ir Itobert Tbornbury, ex premier. General Booth will make a tour of America, vkdtlng all tbe large cities in Canada and tbe United States during (fee ext air moatba. Be wilt vkHtTaeoma, Deemier 27, aud Heat tie, Deeember "M. Leatiag Seattle, tbe general will go to Vafteeuver, tneaee be will traverse tbe great Ca&cdtas Northwest. PBWHDJWfT VUMilr. . Cocoa, CeieMWa, SeptT 2l, n lM greatest aaxiety pfevalto here in regard to tbe health of Dr Itafael Nuuezlpre Ident of tbe republic of Colombia, He has bees ill for aome tluw pat and kt not expected to recover. It to believed by some tbat be to dead. All teto grapblo jwwa to aubjeet to pre ceneor ablp and liable to be aypfreeeed, onb jsxwvrea, two kkpkikvku, FobtBmiw, Sept. JiLJobn I'oy ter waa banned tbto afternoon. Tbe execution of Alexander Allen and Marshall Tucker did not take place, baying been stayed. I'oynfer, aged IP, murdered William Xoldfna; and YA, Yon Derver, CbrWtwa evening, 1891, la tbe Indian country. PAHU), jpt, 21, An tMvM ikfUcii received bere from Hal Hoi, MfiUAot To'ilH Aaya plrataa atkwpiad to wreck a train from Laneo, Tbe Cbt neae engineer was killed and two Fmebiuen oarrtod oH, Colonel al eU to puraulng the plratta, imnfffKn yonmAupiQ, ) Mootenya, Indicted for embf?4lK fmfwm tlwojaupe navrauce mm' pany, waa brought back from Vapcou yer yetrd in charge of )cew, Kmma, Hupt, 2Wi'be BrflWj ateamer Mobile, C'a;lI Layd,ffom New York; ground Mw'Phtmwi Th Mobile m four-mwted w?w tamef of WW potm flt renter, UMe Mu;e WiJUon m JUV'J Hm imy, M Pn Iw htm nwld. be CAUay W PW4 MM VHwu U l litwUtewt witon fit 'I'mby W(h t Wow buao J cJeb)ft4 bAOWMt jtnuiwM, 4vp, 9.-hrfiy!htim if. , ytvMv Htm iw4vi4 Mh myy MtyMwml U4m wnwnm lw mWUm nf H HhlM Ww tAww ttoiwf4 If mi) win i mth w nfmvpptt mm- M& QOVLD AS A JKAWXKaYKSS. not Matnmoclil 1st for WiaailWtf Vim. Hew Yobk. 8epf. 21. Not wltbowciDsalarge sbareof ttuii roaoeof the country, and hoWfofi viriuai monopoly of tbe telegraph lis me UctiJdi are viemiiDz to eaier th field of njanufftctures and eomnetewUE one or ice bggkt ccromereJ! mofiOfK)- n in this amnlry, tbe Diamond Match Tnwf. iSdwin A. Gould's name appears la ; arurat or tncorporaUcn cf tbe new'! ompaoy, wblcb wa filed t Twnlorjj, N. J., September 1, by tbe retxy And treasurer of be bw eerperatioa, Ltontocast-ColoBel Waitoee Down, of tbisoty. The new wjasiaatlott Called tllB Contloenta.1 VmU. (Vimm... aod baa offices la Temple Court and a tiaat akcted o B.'eomfleid aveooe, Fab;,N.J, AeeordlngtoIUebartwr, iitotormd for "the ujanufcettite U nwtebea fiod other woo&b artkiea." Cbptiai, $1,000,800 I'rrfdBi,EdwiaA.Ootd; Vlce-rrMekiit, W. F. HoUAlnwrn, Secretary b& TreaeurM-, Waitoc A, Dowm. Fewmtcb-wliiae;iBabiiis will be used. JKacb to sbtiy larger than tbeaewifig' maeMBe, saving a longer tsble, and all tbat mtu mem ory to make matcbee to to Jeedaroi, of ventemi wood In one ead of tb ma chine and tbe matcb split, all cat, fiy out of the other st tbe rate of 160,0$) a minute. "hit. Hutchinson, tbe iaTdUtor, who U a direct descendant of Robert iftt'- Uju, tbe inventor ofato ateamboatakl britfly about tbe iBVflUooe 'Ibae match macblnes are patented in every country on tbe globe and are fully pro tected. Uow much tbey are fa advance of other matcii-makiBx maeblaaa,- l can abow yon by teHlBfyoa that tfre highest sfieed MtaJced by any oiber matcb machine to 8,m raaiebn, a minute. lBttaifrktt XeaerteWeiai. Sam FKAXciaoo, Sept. 2LJeohtb B. BaeMkipb, of Oakiaed, Sim tor tomm I setlM beea tbe FaeiM aeaat rPum taiiye ef Ute AaaertoiMi ImmffrattoK beadqttartew in New Xork, and wbiob to about to eeUbftob bBbe on tbe Facif to coaet. Is aeeakioe ot the orajaa- fzation to wholly Boparuae. td braocbea are being eeUbitobed all ov t tbe.TJntoB. Oar ultimate purpose to to effect BMiosaltogtotatioii wblcb will rt- strictlmmfgratios. It baa bee pro- Boaed tbat tbe eomls; of andeelrat i ImmigranU abali bt pvto4 )a part ; by refiHlrJng an aeat!eMl oaiiila (ion of all who embark for America Tbe greatest thlakew of tbe baUoo ar I At tbe bead ot tbe tB, aod J bop to organise a braacb bwwaooc' VXVLIXIW MAXXMf. WJwat Pdrwi torn AmUmst ToU j l Jtew Ifaric nkw vk, ami, iir-nru jumpd OB tbe ie! warbet ilaw mtt that mm immt ytmry fawl rwrl of m fur Dmmbr wfct waa wwnw ojjf. Vmmh, UK ikvU )w, avow m rtewi ncifrkwufmiUlU wbtobjrtruat. my be mgmi Um Ita f tbat ib Mfrditt wm wwim4 by wi nm mwM vmy, mm$u am tefiiiw pmupft hwm mw m b 'rumw, 'nHmwim vry v MV ft P WllHf W((r4o, Mmmv, 0-, titrt n tun frm HlfwlwtUpM, Ah, (MH m Jev tt tmmmi mm wmH W tbu my, wxm mm mmn mm mmw mm i" i"w m'H'h uanuniiiiw'w - kmu,m,,ikiA, ir J MM Ml ww ihh inm, mm mm ami mrtortithb wjfc, mm ife b mfpiflm i (dwainwuM t ypffmm wmwwy mMm&te, tmw wyn wvwm mm j ym m m mwy m, mm wtmmwwiH i7r& m ! Km w)m jN Baking W wfWMPPial mMMimi wimimw' ng.jmmi wahnm mmf H'MWlf twim W. mi i f P? $ ww wwmmm