Sv ; r la m mm mmi. rVUAHHKD DAlt,T, KXCtS'T BUNDAV, Coital Jwrnal Publishing Compart) 1'ortoMce Slock. CbmmerelM Etrwt. JWf 8 BROTHERS. Editor. DMy, by carrier, per tnontb,- .L0 THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 18M. HUSI5ESSIS BBblflESS. i-nr ClrcnUtlon-V .filleiE CorapaI aoa Wit Any ewpper Untslde vt Portland. CIBCOXATION EACH WKKK. WXECLT CAPITAL' JOOBiTAT. - VB IflTllflf - U.AA DAU.Y, mall orcaUUoaH prepaid lit,jy Total weekly circulation W.80O ADVERTISING BATES. Want ad. lines SlJUrtlonsa els. Three to fire line one wet, facts. Ten lines one week, 73 el. Tnls rate U either DAII.Y or lxxlrea41a notices ett. per Jlneeacb lawrtlon UiflV flf WiKtr, Btutttt. locals 6 eu. per line In DAILY wWtMuT. longer advertisements or contract pj moaxh or year, payable monthly, iipceui i tootrsct rates nude known at bolaes office, partntnce block ... . Taxia. All transient adverllsicg. except smder contract wlla rms or rulutM meu wuitily cash la advance when o-dered. Tfce above rale will sot be deviated from tMMtihui ball-rate will be given t notice tor reUgloos or charitable entertainments Allpttblfe, moral and rillgioos service, ati ounce fiee grails. ..... .. ,, O VflTAl JOURNAL FOB. CO. " iOHOOL PATE0MS PROTEST. JL BmtA of Directors' Objections to Ay Cfcanga lfi Sclieelbooks. Bly the school book trust! Patrons ef the public schools are urged to rrai tbe petition printed la the Daily and Weekly Journal and circulate the Mme Tor signatures. Bead the law printed In The Journal. Preserve that law and each copy of this petition. Hand Ibe petitions and the papers to your neighbors and urge them to cir culate them. Unless this law la knock ed out Oregon can never get cheaper text-books. High priced text-books at present trust prices ought never to be if contracted for six years. It should be li remembeied that even If some new becks are chosen at quite a reduction from present prices, the change of books will cost more than all there 4ctioa will come to, and Oregon will tlll be paying twice what the state Maid print the elementary text-book for. The people and school officials need to be educated to know that what our efaoote need is better equipped teach- All the education and refinement sfaiklren get at school la from personal oalet with, and through the teacher. iTfe best teachers throw text-books to ttee wlnck.and if the child learns not li ng but what is in the text-book its education la good for nothing any Jow. Poor teachers and book agents work in new text-books at the expense parents, SEND IN THE PROTESTS. Write to your county superintendent Part to vote on this question, or at least 'jot to vote for any changes In text- iks at this time. Hard .times will V'JIiMt to several 'years yet. No one terns present text-books are not good ;u. They are too dear, but faml- are already supplied with them and i no tlm to Introduce changes. Write also to one or moro mombers lte state board of education. Citizens and boards of education Hid hold meetings and protest fftalBftt putting this aeir-perpelUatlng Jaw Into oflect. If It U now put In e by tho stato board, all of whom it'flM going ouiot onice, mo pcopie win Is mv fctt any rollof. Thousands of JniWwi will ItA nut in the nock fits ot the i A 1 ... ..,!.... A-.. "KTa.i. V.l a.t.,1 i'JWH pUWIlBHBfD 111 B lil BUM '.... 1 11.... ...!.... ..I. II,,..... l.on WM IIU IIIUUBHIIUB U VIIIIUIVU MClk I of the schools, ONB pismivr A0T8, IfiUHkHHY POND. Un. BPl. SU.-liO . iVa. , ... i rtti... ....... l l.n.hl .t,ll- UM IMIlUr,) I1V MVIIVUI UUHPU Ui MIIP ml. Ho. 6. Marlon couuty. met lant i limb, tut tho mirnose of consider Iiik tho fW "-T F- - T f T AMNjM f (MJiiooi uooks sum io no pro- by HuttoriittenaoiH siojciroy, Mtowlnx reolutlons were pro 1 and adonledi prfW Wi of district No, CO, o Ma i M.iyi 0Pon, mo Hwwiuwiy up. jonny oiihdkv wimtevenii uur I m t (lilt Uhw or Miiy iimo I m m fwtr, or muny mwwt, k wmw irutt 4)cuuiu)ii, rur i twm cu be mivpu omrr ttUfcH'WMI h tow liltllvfdUHla. t$pnm tf im wmiy, w u mm mm, ))j(Miiawn Auwm s, WWW im jm UHtturo ikt4h- im tummwm It huhmm, m BH m ItM, H m M iimwwfll Mkw iiZk ii t i,44iu foe th mm -jMM. - M r iMil, MMUM'WWr WW Another reason Is that we know of no oae reqaeaUDg such chansjo except those who expect to speculate out of the transaction. Wo request the good people of Ma rion county and of every county In Oregon to Join with us In a general protect against any change, and we specially request the superintendent of Marion county to voteagainsl acbange. We request and lusUt that our state legislature, at its next session, change the school book law so as to take the authority of changing school books oqt of the bands of school superintendents and place it in the bands of the people, to be voted on for or against at a gen eral election at stated periods, as uiay be determined by the legislature."' THE STATE FAIR- Three mpnths aoit was not thought poNible to hold a succetaful tate fair this year. It was not supposed that the managers would do anything more than go through the motions, exhaust the appropriation and get out of a rocky combination of circumstances as best they could. The complete failure of the Portland exposition, and all other expositions, and the brilliaai jverbhadowlui; success of the (air ai Chicago, left the Oregon state filr a Ilsraal prospect. The state bo&rd that man- ges the fair is not composed of exp rt ability. It Is selected by three different sources of appointive power. It is made re- iponirfble to no one. The governor ap ooiuts one-third of the board. The board itself selects the second third fbe membership Is always changing, ft fa iUppottd to be a representative joily of men, and ia as nearly so as any body of men selected in that way could become. It might improve I U repre sentative character to have the cnMre board nominated by the uovornor and confirmed by the seuute. The Jouun'ai, feels proud oi the re sult of the state fair this year. It was an exhibit of the agricultural resourcefi in the true sense of the word. It was something more than borne racing, a criticism o often brought against the fair. The race track had its full share of attention and is found to be the most attractive drawiug card of a fair for many years to come. But the rue. Ing will not all bo done by horser. There will be men races uud wheel races. , The horse racing must be improved in its character or will disappear with other forms of gambling. Tho ockey element, the tricks of selling race?, pulling in horses and gambling in pools must go or horse racing has no future. The wheel contests by the cyclists showed that great sport can be bad by gentlemen without cruelty, profanity, vulgarity, or gambling. That Is the only kind of sport that should be tol erated at a fair supported by public money. The fair of tho future must depend moro upon organization and faithful representation of the legitimate indus tries and productive energies of the state1 than It has in the past. There are enough resources In Oregon to make a fair 'second to none in the United States. But it will no longer result in a great fair If left to chance. It wj!l always take efficient organized effort to bring together the best pro ducts or the best thought or the beat at tendance out of so large a population, so diversified an arrry of products or so varied and rich a field of resources as Oregon presents. A KKPUUMCAN Si'EAKS. J, T. Walker, of Walker, Oregon, in rnnowlng for tho One Cent Daily writes: "I am In favor of re-enacting tho mortgage- tax law and exempting all debts secured by mortgago from taxation. I am also in favor of strict economy In the management of the af fairs of both state and county. I am a Republican. Let the watchword bo honesty and economy." No Debt. It Is not merely palu that people dread In nlckne, Many a muti will bear the pal j unllluohliigly who utterly breaks down In view of the heavy expendo In volved, often increased by Ills being Incapacitated for work und thus, de prived of bin Income, To such persons Allcooks Porous Planters are uu tuibneakabloboon, They uro within the reach of ovary ono. They are genuine too, Notwithstanding the Innumerable- counterfeits und imita tion It Is always eusy for uiiyhody to make auro to gutting tho real thing at a Inw nrlco. Anyone suirVrlug fr"iu weakness of (lie ulibHt. lllttl, moijiuuii, Kiiiuuys.nver, or from luino bok, will llnd them a cheap and sure remedy, jtrandretli's pills urea gcodcorreo tlvo, KIivUHiaUim. J a. symptom Of dwawof Ihu kid ney. H will oertallily M rullevttd by IVrh'n Huiu (Juru. That liwulaolio, UuMlw Mnd llml pIIk conm from tint sums cauiw, Auk tor JW Hum Cure (or llviir and klilneys, prjew f J.W WoW by Cupllul Dnijitiioru mil wo. 'i'niiA(xt) IJsKiis. You uannuwlH cured of your f!IDy !Wt t MimwiII vxiwHwoftf, without mi rjinifonii' $myfiJi' y PHN m "r wMImk f" Dm KwUy JdMHuIvj WHW Iwtly m njiw ' gyawT , AHUeiktl)lmliJ H)lllli(Jiy ft JMvda t'Wtin UOHJWMfwm -W J-FW" PERSONAL GOSSIP. Ex-Congressman John Mercer Lang ston, colored, of Virginia, is writing a novel. Padcrewski claims tjiathohas receiv ed 60, 000 requests for his photograph aud his autograph from his fair admir ers. Ex-Senator Warren's Wyoming ranch is To by 100 miles and is stocked with 3,000 horses, 15,000 cattle and 120, (.00 sheep. Ernln Pasha's 0-year-old daughter, litllcFcrida, lives quietly iu Berlin, uu ' oii?cions alike of the loss of ljer father wd of the interest ho excites. " Mr. Clement Scott, the celebrated 'Irainatic critic, id it Marlborough boy and an es-clerk of tho war office. He is tbn Min of a London clergyman. It 1h said that Lady Gwendoline Ce cil, the youngest daughter of Lord Sal isbury, i engaged upon a political upyt el into vhich several wcl kuown per' souagea will bo introduced, Mursbrd Caurobcrf, tho fauioua French soldier, denies the thai iio ,i4 about to publUh bin memoirs, much to the satisiactiou of i-oiuo people. The uarshnl is iu-exccllcnt health and car ries his icat ago with case. Tlioruas Wiekes, the vico president of the Pullman company, is an English jia:i by birtti and is 48 jcars of ago. Ho camp to tjii country Ji IflOfi pud two years later entered tho employ of the Pnllmrm company as au owistaut ticket agent. LoraKoibor7 isnuadniirerof Wash .ligton. Ho has just bougLt n portrait it our fir. t preflidont that v.'aa pain tel ii 17J4 for tho Earl of Dhelburuc, then ,irirje mii.iter. Bosobcry will put the iiictnrc in a conspicuous place in his Loudon house. ' Thomrw Jefferson M a boy rode well iihI played tho violin, but he most fill"' icrely loved to stndy. When very young, le went to college and guvo 13 boura n iay to h(x books aud for oxercisuat Uvi. i;;lit would run for a milo out of the allege grounds and buck again, Tho lato Judge Holt was tho nation's popular orator 30 years ago, He was n man of distinguished appearance. His flguro wa.i tall uud commanding, and hero wero vibiblo signs of character in jis fuce. Lincoln held him in great ea "eeni and had much coufldeuco in his ability. TURF TOPICS. Keats, tho poet, ya3 born in alivery tabic. Alix is four inches greater in girth than' she is in height, Ella Hopkins, dam of many famous trotters, died recently in Kentucky. Tho race horse Pickpocket will no re tired to tho stud when this1 season ends. Glanders is playing havoo with horses at Brooklyn and at Saginaw, Mich. Ralph Wilkes, 2:12, has trotted 144 miles in from 3 to 2:14 minutes this icasorr. Loudon has a dairy whoro asses' milk is sold. Sovcnty-fiVQ cents a pint is the price charged. Two boys, one 7 and tho other 0, were arre3tod in Kentucky recently for iiorso stealing. Tho dreaded horso disease, maladlo du colt, has appeared at Wapella, Ills., uud killed a number of valuable ani mal s. At Paisley, Scotland, recently Hals bury and Pippin ran two dead heats for tho' Bawlow plato. Pippin then won 'jy a nosa Rov. J. H. Mnynardof Sparta, Mich., was compelled by hit congregutiou re cently to sell his horeo because- it had (lovoloped cousidcrablo speed as a trot ter. Iiicitutus, tho horso of tho Rouion emperor, Caligula, was ordained as a priest and eoiibul, had au ivory stall and waH given n gallon of wlno overy day. RAILROAD TIES. A traiu carrying tho mnils has tho right Of way over niiy number of lines ot hoiSu laid across itn tracks by n tiro department. It is eiitiiimtod that capital and labor would Ioko $!J,000,000 n day wero nil railroad iu tills country blockade by a strlkb or boycott. Tho Southern railway hus sot aside a ourtafn fund for tho promotion of small IndiiHtriiM aloug tho several Hues era braced iu tho now system, It Is reported that tho lodges of train, men's 'brotherhood iu the Itouding hrtvo ilUbauiled as u result of that company's opposition to orKanieod labor, Tlio hlidicut point renehed by a rail road iu tho western hciuhmhoro is (he tunnel on tho 0. and O. railroad, Peiu ,-16,040 feot above (ho Puelllo, The Bobtou uud Maiuu is bulldliitf Ilia largest und uioU convenient coaling itilon in (ho country near Ho4ou, to dnyo t storpgo capaully of 45,000 ton, r)iu coal I to bo dUtribiitod along the (rack on whlqh the engine staml by a pubo roa) ytoui, aawFano eAYirios, WJion ioe nro old, llioy yield m lionuy, Jio (lifti oouyrvtli mi with im knowulh ijoIIiIdk. Kvwy 'y Jw Ji ll,t o wy wwi jt y(w,m-)auh. ih'ttur to 00 1) M MimiM Wm lo Jjcf up Jo dpTif,tMuanfi, 00 ary to lM tk murknnd jMa 10 (I'M frlii wbUpwilu)i. WullJIntf w4 IM )mqHy (4 iH- mSm WSriiIWlllilliaiiliiiUiUIHBSSMSSSMBWBiBaWiS! TMX STATE FAIR JOUXKAL. MMdqaarters imtfcaaSt Dairy Ex hJbit BuiMinr. The Saturday Jouknai. is crowded with speda! state fair matter and fair advertising. Special editions of Thk JotmSAi. will be issued each day during the fair a splendid advertising medium. TheJoubSaL is receiving compli ments from many liuyilitsx men aud exchanges fur its uceifil campaign to make the fair a Micee-a. Headquarters for Thk Juoknai. will be at Ihfc state dairy building near I he Corn Palace, where the banner if Tnt One Cent Daily will be Hung lo the bret7., and orders fr paera aud ad vertising can be left there. The .Daily Journal v ill be nerved there to tuetotuero regularly ever even ing as soon as printed. Advertising during fair week will be done at the n-ga'ar rates no extra charge for the special edition. mi Heme and Abroad, It is the duty of everyone, whelLer at home or traveling for oWsurenr business, to equip himself with the remedy wbioh will keep upjitrengili and prevent illness, and cure sued ills as are liable to come upon all in every day life. Hood's Barsaparilla keeps the blood pure and less liable to absorb the germs of disease. Hood's Pills are band made, and per fect In proportion and appearance. 25c per box. A Xiefa Lhrer Usually b&s a bad liver. He is bil ious, constipated., naa Indigestion aud dyspepsia. If there is no orgaulo trou ble a few doses of Park's Bure Cure Is the only liver and kidney cure we sell on a positive guarantee. Price 11.00. Bold by Capital Drug 8 tore TODAY'S MABKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Ireeal aaa.Portlasd Quotations. Salejj, r3cpU20. 4 p. m. Office Daily Capital Jouknai,. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to pteas were aa follews: HALKlt PKOD DOB MARKET. BUTCHER STOCK. Veals dressed 4 cts. Hogs dressed fi. Live catsle 1J1Jo. Sheep ajlve ?1.5. JIILL PRICES. Salem MUliog Co. quetes: in wholesale lots $2.35. Ketnil Flour $2.76, Bisu $13 bulk, $14. sacked. Shorts $16 17 Chop feed $14 and $15 WHEAT. 34 cents per bushel. HAY AND GRAIN. Oats 2(3i 2oc Hay Baled, old $810; new cheat $7; new timothy $8 60. FARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best. 10c. Hops Small sale, 8 to 10c. Eggs In trade, 18c. Butter Best dairy, 1518; fano creamery, 25c. Cheese 10 to 16 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 11; hams, 12; shoulders, 9. Potatoes New, 25c. Onions S cent FRUITS. Apples 30o bu. Peaches 80c box. LIVE POULTRY. Poultry Hens, 6c; roosters not wanted; old ducks not wanted; young dUv.k,8; young chickens, 8c PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc Flour Portland, $2.40; Walla Walla, $2 85; graham, $2.16; superfine, $2.00 per oarrel. Oats White,30c;grey, 2528c; rolled, in bags, $5.766.00; barrels, $6.00 e.zo; cases, $3.70. Hay Beatf $1011 per ton. Wool valley, 810c. MlllstufTs Bran, $18; shorts, $13; chop feed, $15 per ton; middlings, chicken wheat, 6065c per cental. Hops j&arKet is ureiess. impossible to glvo quotations. Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3lc un der 60 lbs.,23o; sheep pelts, 1060c DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fanuy creamery, 26 27)6; fanoy da(ry,2022Jc; fair to good, 1517Jc; common, 12c. Cheese Oregon 810o per pound; Young American, 10llo; Bwlesimp., 3032o; Dom.,1416c. EggH Oregon, 20o per dozen. Poultry chickens, old $3.60 per doi en;youngl$l,603.00;ducksl$28;geese, $4.60$6.00; turkeys,16o. Beet Topsteers, 212o per lb; fair to good steers, 22Jo; cows, lc2c; dressed beef,8j5o Mutton Best Bheep,$1.752; choice ewes, $1.601.06. Hogs- Cholco, heavy, $4.254.o0, light and feeders.fl: dressed, Oja per lb. Veal Small, choice, 60; large, 34o per pound. BAN VHANCISCO MARKET, Wool; Oregon Eastern choice, 8 IO04 do Inferior, 60c; do valley, 10 12c Hops Old, 45o; new, 80. Potatoes Eurly Rose, 2630o In sacks; Burbaubs, 80b0q ier sack, QUMllllng,$l.lul,16, 8100 JUWftrt S100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at letut one dreaded disease that science h been able to cure In all Iu ataife and that I catarrh, Hall's Catarrh (Jure I the1 only positive cure now It now 11 to llie ineuicai fraternity, uatarrn oeing H constitutional dlseaao, requlr a con- nil, III l.vlinl Iraolmaiil llullld 1aiulpli vt,,ww, iiiwiiuvfit, ffmtt I v,w,,r Curt) Is taken Internally, aotlngdlreglly upon (he blood and mucous autfacMi of the system, thereby i4troyujr he fuundallou of (ho dUt, nm Klviug (hu psllent lrt)nl) by hniMlHtf MP the cointltutlnu and witWug mwu In doing It work. Tho prowletofa Jmye to nnuih ffiith in i curMlyn power, lht My 't Quo JfMhtiNMi io4rs for any em that H full to Mm HN fof)h)tof Mlmmi Ml. AMrm, V.J. WIMKY, CO. Toledo, 0, I'urllaii M) mwphWWM puroi (hu lt i llio cot, Kurell (t J H H)?IIAHfAlJHOJHi(WWf of UrWHwm4 In fm JWFMAI , v f ft HRB. HirPSrHI raM"rjf I "1r l':l""'"0iLa! "' p5Tn& iwPSfk Friends' Pob techoic loslitofe. Tnl lun'lttitioii luruljhoi a good EnglUb 'Udc.tutlQo t-ducultim, and at tho wmt 'me preirea lis tu4tnlato enter kim irade. Five i-oumen of ntudr are npea to HuJenU. Ex pi's e low. Catal sua farnl-bcd Iree. Va term Ih-kIm October L 1881. Addraa ED A IN MUttRISON, Salem, Or. Pre. 82S'-m SWEET CIDER. From aelecfi iipp'eii-eztra floe. Leave oi dsrrf with Jutiu O Wright, rut up In quan tities to lull pun b iwm. CADKLAItIV UUITi. 9-13-lm P. O. Box 312. R. II. WKSTACOTT, LIVERY, BOARDING AND FEED STABLE HAY, OATS and STRAW SOLD and DELIVERED. 62 Ferry street, wait of Pt OHice. a.VLEM. - - - - - ORIUON NEW- ruw J. a. Rntna bac returned to Salem and opened a fu nlluu buslnejiaat 274 COMMERCIAL ST. I bave put In a stock to suit the present bard time, and guarantee that you can get more lor the money than anywhere else In Orfgon My low prices will aMonlsb you. I thaii;mnkea Bpectnlty orcirpetn and mat tlnn. All old patrons und the pitbllo gener ally are Invited to ca'l and look over my stock whltb shall always be a money saver. J. A. ROTAN. 0 13 d j wlm FARM FOR SALE. Improved form, 87 acres, i miles south of Salem, on Turner hill roaa, mile from Pringle school, S3 acres under plow, balance timber and pasture, new eigbtroom boue, new bam SOz 40, windmill and tank, 6 teres orchard. .Terms one-third cash, balance In tw.o to five years. Address or enquire on premises. U. M. BENNJNGHOrP, -lSlmodw Baleta, Oregon. faamaler I Brown Manufacturers rf Uniforms for MILITARY IOMKAMK-". HAlLltOAD OIU1AN1ZATION". LOITER 1 A UtlhlW, BAND", I WINS OF VEIUNn O. a. K., POLICK AND KIRK Dl AKl'ilKNfS, KNIOUTS TEMPIjAR. KNIUHTd OF PYTHIAS, and all societies, at agency headquarters, T.0 COMMERCIAL 8T. Minkler 5 Beach, BJiLKi AGENTS.' Wm. Brown & Co. DKALKIt8 IN Growers' Supplies. HOPS. We are prepared to advance 6 cents a pound on cholco bops and store them safely, subject to grower's order, ' ' M0 Commercial HL. HAl.TIU, OR. Cooper Shop, CVKUS BTKWAKT hUAIWIIHl nil . hlmn Mnrfli a Ul-l.. w.iii Uoutb UUo), whare b Is prepared to luuke Ullil repair all binds ut uuiiwrairv. inlru iMills.tubs, heuM. Urrnl and clmrni. Oulv tha bewt Mnuouea stock used, Prist reakoi). able. 7-3MAw O, NORTHCUT, CemlEpssfeFuiiIloroVai), inbefouod HI Old.Wblt t."0rr au4 Vuh I m 'atb, ' SBAUD PflOPOSALS, Wald projpoui wil ' plv4 t (ha ti. ntyiMi6 until nrou; s?ij (t i'. st. " i'i i"t icyu r)M U, M m any r TWJ fjf, wL ' NOTICE, STORE M SifiW'Jf''IWA"l Mtatt PKfirM8inNA t. AND nrsiNEFfl CABPP r. n. d'akct oio.o.bihobax. D'AROV A BtNOHAM. Aliorneys imw. lUa1.2 and SI. D'Arcy UuUdJDr. Ui BtaU street, ripeclai attention flvea totosH ieWln rtVsuprtroeand circuit oourUof lb uu. tl H n firiiMnvvp finmh'si banK K'fll -v-- ...... n r bouM. W U. noutas nOMIAM 4 II01.MEH, Attorneya at taw. D Offlceln Bush block, between StaUand fv-i4 rwniw-lt .treet jouk A. CAtsoic. . . .- rtxiiDro. !AttftO. A FI.KMINO, Att-rneyt and i founteorsat Law, oer Stub's bank. uaiem. OTKLL.A HaERMAN. Typewnun ana O commercbu stenography. Otttce, room li. any block. The bent of work done atrea onhl ! ISrX KINDERGARTEN Miss Ballou's k'ndergarten. with primary and connecting classea, Will OpenI October 8, 1894, with a competent corps of assistants In every department This school U ounduc:ed on the best JODERN KIDEROARTKN METHODS. and receive pupils three years of age and np warJ. , . Children over kindergarten age are received la tbe Connect.Dg and enmary classes. MONEY TO LOAN :-: On farm land security.. 8peclal rates on lare loans. Loans considered without delay. Hamilton k Moir, Room 5. Bush Bank Building V.a dwlf CLUB STABLES. V. II. DOWNING. Fnlliupptyol horsey buggtea nrd lacks.' U-tt t-ftare given lo transient st.ick anil' o-sirdiug. COrut-r Ke-ry and liberty ktieets 4r3-MHkc specialty of taking vartles to cnast ur monnUtnh. 7-7 " The Porcelain Balk" W ben In need of a good "have, Irilr 'cut or bath call at the rorcehtln Baths, 319 lorn, su 7-17 J.C.MltiLH, Prop.,, THE ONLY NO-MONOPOLY Strictly Cash Marie i i 61 I am doing all my own slanghtsflng bud'j sausage-maKtng jeu an rresn meats no r Shop opposite brewery, rngeraior proaucts. irree aeuvery' in city; CHAB. WO! Z 4 CO.. Proprietors 81-tT p Four miles southeast. of Salf m, onnherMac leay road, 20 aertM, all first-class-garden-' land wun n gooa nouio ;i acres in an orcnara, o acred Jn hop, fln-t year In bearing, '1 acres ?of Umber, and the balance In pasture. For fur ther particulars Inquire st this office. 8 4-tt GEO. C. WIIX DEALER IN Bteinway, Knabe, Webber, Emer son and other pianos. ' Htorey & Olark and Earheit oreans. All first claps makes -of aewlog- ma chines. Huialler makes of musical InBtrti men tB and Biippllea.- Genuine needles, oil and new parte for all uiake of ninfliiiies, Sowing niucliiiie and organs r iwlrel uud cleaned. Two doors north of postofllee, balem Oregon. LM FiLCst Health Resort on the Coast On North Beach, Newport and Yaqulna ByT S" wu. -ry luiug new. rreo Datns. Hacks free lo and from all boiU and trains, tallage and camping privileges Rates per day, Hpcclal terms to families or by the MRS. H.UtY FITZPATRIOK. Postofflce address; Newport, Or. VtopH6M FOR SALE ! OR TKADJB. Oregon-; ""' u' m W, A, CDSH'JC Piesident, J, it A1BBRY. UubUr, OK SAI.EM. Trflnncndi ,jlhsi i... a 1 V JL n k Jll v U f I J 111 - k. iitiuiiAj' ui,x.?v.ri iM. am., mm a. W.w Mautw, li, V. MATTIikus, W,A,t;us(I:,, 1, n, AI.UKMT, M r-)lrotors, An Evergreen Tree, WITHOUT oqst. r7TUi it A ,. 4 ... '-.' Mlt m y wnp MMea WE imn Capital ' U- r.w .W"W f""l C. H. LANE, Hercbanf Tailor l AIJolnlngAdolphstlpir Hl0tt PFRFECT r-A"IIFAT10i; m .....' ., .. -WiU,, ?l BOOK AND JOB nUBlUS -AND . Legal Blank Pitblhhe,f Buib's New Brlckj ver the bank.lou,! ' Pure Bred Poultry. WblULegfaorns,Plymoutb itock,., iirvii.-un, nnuiy grown, verv iimT-"'" Just I b Mblh if to grad u'n yZt t& 'i fJckiel Ii, None sow fj prices alter txtoberl. w"a Hi, annpEs Good PastuS' IN.rOLK COUNTY. Horses taken to winter. E&qulre m.v.i.i..i,..4. . . HARlm .......... - ..ii uu ii' nr iworv. j., r REMOVAL. dmsmhllne parloni fnim ik ,?'." man block to more commndiouioii,ri: In tbe Uurrona building on CoinuteiJfi .r second stairway ft- met te streetwSil and new patron will be rleawntjr ' i ami promptly served. BUlr ? LADIES' UAIRDRESSm;. Parlor In Exchnnne block, near Cbw,! lon' gallery. CuttlngHndcoltruTes iSTS 'P'0"' AlH.E.O.NlCHUt HUIE WING SANK r.n WVII Impor ers, wholesale and retail Tfas, m-t. i.J ' "i'u' f.anry uoods. f tabn)Mn sllks.creens, dressing rowds. iTorycmi?? loi tolse shells. pe,l Inlaid omanfenTttS boo; bends and larqueredware. EelUselti mattlnKS cheap. 112 Court btrect.&Jea u lMt.'r clvrd hv every steamer "-;" The CHICAGOT MILWAUKEE & ST. PAOI RAILWAY. Travelerau,tnake a note on U" This" Great Rcilway' at- .Svstem (mntci ST. PAUL and OMAHA With all transcontinental llnesglrlst direct and-swift communica tion to all bTCRN and EOU1HEKN FOIATJ. AND IS THE ::: ONLY LINE::: i running Electric Lighted' and) tleam HeatM Vesllbnled trains of elegant Bleepio;, Parlor, Dlalng and Buflet Caw, with Free -"Reclining CJiairs," Making Its service second to none in ta world. Tickets are on rale at all prominent raHr&a' tlcket'offlcea. For further Info motion ask tbe nearest r il road1 agent? or address CJ. EDDY.'General Agt. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass Agt PORTLAND, Oregon. PMS1N CENTRAL LIKE 1 (Northern PaellR R. R, Co,, Letie) run TWO PAST TRAINS Daily Between 8t. Paul. Minneapolis and Cblctio Milwaukee and all points fn Wisconsin; JJ lag connection In Chicago-with all 11dm run Blngfastandeoutlu. m A. k Tickets sold and baagage checked throoff to au points In turUnlted States andtM' Provinces. ... For lull Information regarding Routes, ifWfi maps, folders, etc., address ynur nearest et agent or ' JA8. O. rO, oeo. fass. ana Tkt, Agt, Milwaukee, WU. A LADY'S TOILET Is sot complete without an ideal POMPUXION U JrH3WX3XSl. 11 I POZZONIS m Cntai.ilr,m e-vfrv element 0H bu4y wd purityr It J 1uJ iyrig,'Wtmtg, Heiirii health' M. and JwrmlcM, and when rl)4y jtsed l Invisible. A most delicnteand deeiraWc protectloa 9 k eftct) M thia climate, ewww J4H fm UHh IM fW "l K st'sssf tM twUttMlH. 1 stfiiiiinii i f r --- -- .--msBssl -: DRESSMAKING j- i --hKVKtypvAunmitAmMmihl' mSwto m, k l 9 r? :tJL