Si THE BLUE FRONT. There Is perhaps bat one strictly spot cath grtcery and crockery store in Salem, viz: The BKi? Front, 335 Coutiit?rciaI 51. They carry the beat assorted and largest slock of k1s iu tbelr lioe In the city. Their prices are always the LOWEST to be found anywhere. Unquestionably tbey undersell tbelr competitors 16 to S20 per cent. It know Jot three years since this enterprising Arm made tbelr firet bow to the nubllo and asked tbelr patronageupon the Jbnly legitimate business basis of the SPOT CASH system. Their enormous Slf evidence of people's satisfaction with LOW PIUUE3 for BPOT CASH. No store evt-r encountered a more united ooDOsltlon than did the "Blue Front." Tney were considered Intruders and tbelr LOW PRICE cash system an innovation which was solidly and hotly opposed by every grocery in the city. The Blue Front has not advertised extensively, lhey have depended largely upon the good will and good words of their customers who freely recommend their friends to trade at THE BLUE FRONT, Fine Ne$ Millinery. Over 200 STYLISH PATTERN HATS to select from. Fine Kid Gloves, Hoelerv. Underwear, Corsets, etc. . . A complete line of New Zephyrs and Yarns. The IvAjdiks Bazaar. NEXT DOOR TO HELLENBRAND'S. . Capital E. ft. Plagg; T.J. Cronise PriDliD Commercial Printers. Company, We have the Jargest and best equipped printing office in the state outside of Portland, and over twice the press facilities of any job printing office in Salem. We solicit an opportunity to bid on all classes of printing. ' 329 Commercial Street, Salem., Or. The Columbia. Our large stock of Shoos must be reduced at once and prices will not stand in .the way. Do not be surprised at our great reductions, for we mean business and are not afraid to apply the knife to prices. Call early, and wo will sayd you good money. 118 STATE ST., - - SALEM, OB. DR. CONTRJS, DENTIST. CROWN & BKIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. OVER GRAY BROS;, - - -" BALBM, ORKQON, Truly of Aid. Health and Beauty for Women, In thl of proves W my wtolliK how many pjoU Mlfrr from SffwAimrlltton vMWmlxMmmdy l light- l IiihhI, At Zdaim ftm trtuiiMlt4 (fTody iU within m rjl of nil u oerl lOTWVM-wWoli wv llt Miflnwr Um um new-wry SmX uuaiMm wd nmoVi' ( l duorlpl on. fknmMw fret) ul Vlvl S Sl J, &M Wiurrt Wool, over fi, V, JUoM Slow. W Ion v lo 5fb Of )HWlH(IMV MHMltloi. For Mackintoshes, Me? Mimf and GhMfm' , Shot cU at 'the '" 'Filtee Dry Goods k'SlmQo-i l7 Commer?iI St. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The third day of perfect fair -weather. There waa no meeting of thn city ooancil but night. Miss Citrrte L. Itoyitf, who Is now at her home In Brooks, was tendered the position of MabUnt principal at Pen dleton but she bad engaged to teach a school near Halsey in Linn county. The Oregon state school for deaf mutes reopens tor the school year of 1891-95 today. Superintendent J. B. Early anticipates a large attendance with a slight Increase before the end of the week. The old buildings will be occupied for a few weeks or until the new structure near the 8tate Reform school Is ready for occupancy. PERSONALS. a 8a- ' Amos Beach, of Woodburu, is lem visitor today. Recorder Edea this morning disposed of one hobo for five days. Hon. . 3t Harding, of Fairfield, is taking lb the state fair. J. P. Co'o and daughter Gue&le, of Aurora-, are attending the fair. Mr. J. M. Nolan, Corvallla' live mer chant, was in Balem this non on bueifa s-. ' Miss Addle Jennings.of Oregon City, is Iu town today the gueat of Mrs B. F. Bonham. Mrp.Rilph Clarke, of Bpokane FaIIs, is the guest of Mrs. R.J. Hendricks at the Reform school. . J. C. Fowler, the Hubbard hardware aud machinery man for O. M. Osborne & Co.. is in the city. Rey. A. Hillebrand, of Oregon City, and Rev. A. Lalnck, of Brooks, are at tending the stato fair. Judge O. N. Denny, of Portland, and H. H. Gllfrey, of Washington, D. C , are guests of B. F. Bonham. Miss Ida Snu'se, daughter of Rev Sulee, who has been ill for. a long time, is Improving in health, M. Butala and Jacob Comely, of Mt. Angel,, are in the city, the latter with an exhibit of grapes for the fair. J, L. Wickershamj secretary of the Candeleria fruit company, came up from Portland this morning to vhit the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Montrass and Mr. and Mrs. Judge, ot Portland are guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Anderson for the fa'r. Mrs. Hopkins, of Eugene, arrived in Balem yesterday and will visit friends and relatives for a week and at the same time take in the fair. Prof. A, A. Angerman, of Portland, the piano tuner, is in the city for the week. Leave orders at Whale & Irwin 's music store or at Booth in pavilion. Henry H. Gilfrey, chief reading clerk of the U. B.a6enate, a well known Ore gon boy, and an old resident of Salem, 19 in the city, gue3t of Postmaster B. F. Boubam. Marion Jury. For the October term of circuit court, to be called the 8th 1 p. m., following were drawn to day: T, B. Patton, Clymer; J. Pen land, Cbaa. Watt, Mr. Qoodell, J. C. Brown, Frank Smith, Geo. Collins, R. A. Crossam M. Nye, H. J. Workman, Eber Lafore, J. H. Strickler, W. B. Simpson, Balem; J. W. Thorn bery, Gervals; J. A. Norwood, Howell, F. M. Taylor. J. Slgmuad, Mebama; O. G. Bradley.t Woodburn, P. K. Johnson, Mt Angel; J. N. Foster, Mill City; J. H. Porter, Aumsvllle; Wm. Drake, Silver ton; A. Imlap,FaIrfleld,E. Bcok, Aurora, Levi Bartcmas,Btayton; David Craig, Macleay; Lee Tate, Sublimity; Bennett Pearson, Marion; A. G. Per kins, Brooks; John P. Ledgerman, Btayton. In Police Circles. State fair week has brought Hot a few victims to the city bastile, but it must be said few go there for wssit of Bometulug to eat. It is remarkable how few consumers of the necessaries of life there are in Balem. What ia the cause of this? Who is responsible for it? Here Is the plain truth: Tho low prices of groceries maintained by the Postofllco Grocery store of IJnrritt & Lawrence. They are the jetqers In low prices, and people appreciate their methods, You Can't Biumi'kw A penoll with ft dull knife and you can't write with ft dull pencil, Nothing to do with the Balem sUain laundry you y Of noure notf Wo merely wMi to sharpen your mind I" rard lotliegood work the Balem idiam laundry dowjftt a yery tmmll expeuav, No (jbliuw labor. nwwitTJiiww YoiMMowwrAwAY Tji to buy poor tflolwlBjf hecauae IMtmp. Vm DlolblPtr4 maduty l ad Dot wpr. (J. W. JoUimn Hon wry Ho J&riwt tocU pHw vlwj- p ami) H.t PMMK. Ml pmtw Hto y jto i ti) twiifrlr hhIII you Sicycle Thief Captured. Chief of Police D. P. Mlnto arrived np from Portland on last night's over land having in charge to. Bixtcr, the party alleged to have stolen Fral Beak's $1SS blcyele Id August last. A war. rant was loaned fur him at the time. He was known to be in Vancouver, Wash., and now Baxter languishes in the county fail. It seems that be rode tbe wheel over into Tillamook county where ho disposed of It Tor a gold watch and (40 in money. The wheel was secured and brought home some time sgo. This man Baxter is deaf and will bo remembered by many as an employe at tbe deaf mute school when Mr. Knight was in charge. He waived examination Lefore Recorder Edea tbls morning and was bound over iu the bum of 500. Take Tea With Us. Jos. Clark has the choicest new crop teas in tbe market, and offers more good tea for the money than any house in town. Tobacco Users. You can now be cured of your filthy liabit at tbe small expense of f5, without ill feeling or in convenience by calling on or writing to he Keeley Institute, corner Liberty and State streets, Salem. half Don't Gkt Rattled And starve your horses .because timf are hard. I have prices on horse feed that ure down so low for cash only that you can feed your horses for less money now than you have been. For Bale Very Cheap. One Ma son & Hamlin, aud one Packard "Or chestral" organ, second band in good condition. Prices will aatoutah you. Wiley B. Allen & Co., 235 Commercial street. Police Court. One vagabond and an unlicensed toy baloon peddler were before Judge Edea today and received light fines. The New York Rickef carries only reliable footwear In stock. You can depend on tbelr boots and shoes for service. 1 heir prices are the lowest. d w it Hops The Putnam yards oT Polk county, are storing their hops with Herreu & Levy, aud they have a line lot. The ladles are all pleased with the state fair, but they rave over that beau tiful millinery window at Tbe Paris next to Bush's bank. Laying Up" riches isn't all of life. To be able to get three good meals a day at the N. Y. Kitchen is certainly vary gratifying. D n'r forget the bargains iu s:oes at Tbext9r York RickeU 333 Commer cial street. . d w It For a choice meal Westacott & Irwin's. at any hour ft DIED. SHANKS. At Turner. September 18, 1804, at 2:15 p, m., Mrs. Elizabeth Shanks, wife of Abner Bbauks, aged 02 years and 10 months. 'Mrs. Shanks with her husband and family came across tbe plains in an early day and settled in Marlon county where she has resided ever since. She leaves one child by her first hus band, who was George Wright, of In diana, John Wright, of North Fork, Nebraska, and six children by her sec ond husband, Abner Shanks; William 8hanks, of Turner, Anna Cook, of Poitland, Ben. Shanks, of Colfax, Wash., Levi Shanks, of Corvallls, Mar tha Anderson, of Btayton, tnd Maggie Anderson, of Balem. Tbe funeral will be held at Macleay school bouse on Thursday (tomorrow) at 11 o'clock. All friends of the family are invited to attend. MILLER. At the family home in Bouth Balem, Wednesday, September 10, 1804, Mrs. Martha J. Miller, of cancer of tbe stomach, aged 60 years. Deceased Is a well known and highly esteemed pioneer lady of this city, She was a native of New York, coming to Oregon In 1861. Bbe was always a de voted and active member of the Meth. odlst ooclety. For the past year she has been confined to the house with herillneti, She leaves aeon J n Gar field, Wo., a daughter Mrs, K K, Mil r of f-faUm and nix graud children, The funeral will take place Friday, Rey, O, W, Grftimls ofliclntlng. Burial at Rural cemetery Highest JwwWefW' PJr, 0H r CR&titl BAKING MOW JWHGT HAM, Dyi Ml H JWW' Ytiu m rt km AwntnH, Alwfl wry t&M4min)l, m mi w msgteattaBSsasti mum news Okie Democrats Deaoaica tlio A. r ' P. A. MORTON FOR GOVEM' OF N. Y. Washington Republicans Haro a B!g Convention. Columuus, Ohio, Sept. 19. The Democratic stateconvention met today, with Frank Hurd as temporary chair man. In sounding the key note of tbe Ohio Democrats, Hurd said: "Free wool was worth more than all the other provisions of the tariff bill." Tbe platform proposed, praises tbe efllclent, economical, honest administration of President Cleveland; ileel.rea protec tion a fraud, and favors such further re duction of the tariff as can be "made to tbe end that purely protective duties be abolished. "We dissent," says one plank, "from tbe president's view on the construction and .treatment' of the sliver question. We favor unlimited coinage of silver, at a ratio of 10 to 1." The platform denounces the American Protective Association. A resolution favoring the election of united otates senators by the people, caused much confusion, but was finally adopted by a vote of 467 to 828. This is regarded as tant amount to an indi rect censure f Brice. Milton Turner, a one armed soldier, was nominated for secretary of state. A dramatlo scene occurred during the discussion, upon the proposal to electsenators by ballot. John H. Clafke, of Mahoning, declared in bitter terms that the senate was a millionaires' club. Senator Br loo sat upon the platform looking as pale as marble. Tom Johnson'said he did. not believe that Brice bought his way to tbe senate. In Washington. Spokane, Bept. 19, The Republi can state convention was called to or der at 10:30 o'clock this morning iu the audtorlum, byC. P. Bulllvan, chair man of tbe state central committee. The hall was crowde 1 with delegates and spectators, many ladies being present. Governor McCraw and nartv occupied a box, and 'he was cheered as he entered tbe ball, as was Senator Squire, as he entered tbe governor's box. John D. Geoghegan,of Clarke county, was chosen temporary chairman. He made a brief speech, which he closed by saying: 'If any one has doubts of Republican success this year I will ask if he has beard from Louisiana." Com mittees were appointed and tbe con vention took a recess to 3 p. m. Yankee Republicans. Hartford, Conn., 8ept. 19. The Republicans today nomiuated O. V. Coffin, of Middleton, for governor, Carolina Democrats. Columbia, B. C, Bept. 19. The state Democratic convention met today. The platform decided upon denounces Cleveland as follews: "We denounce tbe action of President Cleveland in appointing Republicans to office, Join, ing forces with Republican leaders against a majority of bis party in tbe demonetization of silver; his veto sejgnorage bill; invasion of state rights, and eflorts to improperly control the bouse of representatives and tbe senate by the use of patronage as unworthy tbe successor of Jefferson, Jaokson and Madison, and (he betrayal of the plat form on which he was elected," New York Republicans. BABA.TOOA, N, Y,, Bept, JIWThe Itepubllcan state convention met here yesterday afternoon and adjourned at 2 o'clock this morning, After adopting a stirring platform and making nomination the, follow ing vote wm bad on governor,' Mor ton, $32) j fttawtt, (18; Woodford, 40j Uutterfleid, 29; RuukU. SOt iiliks. u. . . ;. -.,--, rfl SOU AHUlll, 1, The nomination nf Courtis E Clevenger L A Cratner Josio Case Mrs. G. I Casey Jack Campbel Petter Fiehburn Jas Howe Lena Holland Mrs. E Jones Mrs Jennie Leeper Jas Lick Lun L Leslie Andrew Lewis nout Morris Minnie Muller Colestie McCoy C D SCHOOL TEXT-BOOK PETITION, To the State Board of Educatien: Protest A-iiiat Ck in Text-Bookfl or Any Contract Fix ng Prices Cf XTI. C: Vnoa . 'It Governor Pen noyer, Secretary of State McBMdo aud 8tate Hunwi...-. Public Instruction McElroy, acting as tbe State Board oThiSi ViCKUUt - i BiRs:-Your petitioners, patrons of tbe public schools, taxpavm . j zens of Oregon, respectfully petition you to take no aotlon to brioah. lion 01 liuvr miraui juvni oouww. .-v vuu. umuei iun iaw passed hv II. ." legislature, nor to euter Into any contract at present publishers nrl-i: .J l" tbe text books now in use, or those that might be authorized by iourk1"" present prices, such prices to be fixed and maintained by the publi.h ' Lit .! veiim. aa sneclfled in that aw. ! ,net ' lu In view of the fact that by state publication the people of Collfofnii talnlng public school text books nt an average price of about thirty fW.? for the entire series needed In the common schools, or about one-balrY,lv nnv In Oivirnn. wo demand state nublicatlon at the earlleat rim ..fL."0! NAMES. NAMES. Out out the above form of petition, sign and address it to one of th. u d of education, or mail it to The Journal and it will be publish j 1 PUbllsbedtui board warded to the board with others. Men and woin-n should slim thU iJull protest against perpetuating tho present system of high-priced texttoihr nix vnnrn tn oomn.l " M VHBHMHHHHHH LETTER LIST. The following letters remaining in tbe Salem postofSce Bept. 19, 1894, un called for. Those calling for them please say "advertised." Arnold C E McHanna 6c, Hum- Aiken David 3 pbrey Anderson Mis M PPaul Vernon 2 Adams Rboda Ruster J T Romer J W Reasoner Lore Reinlnger Otto Sullivan W P-2 Butter J M Sperry S C Blmons J P Stibolt P Bmith Robt BarbinJ M Shank Ralph Tilzer A A Tape Etta Vale H L Vanderhoof G L Woodward E D Weckert J T B. F. Bonham, P. M. Grand opening of new fall millinery at 'The Paris," next door to Bush's bank. Tuesday, September 18th. All the latest things in millinery nt the La Mode Parlors, 317 Commercial street. Fastest time to the fair grounds on tbe motor carp. .."), " WOBTH A OUZNBA A BOX." rtBSR CURE !j Disorders? Liver, fc ! . They Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs, ; ; Regulating the Secretions, restoring long , 1 lost Complexion, bringing back the Keen I Edge of Appetite, and arousing with the ' ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical ; ; energy of the human frame. These Facts , are admitted by thousands, in all classes'of ! Society. Largest Sale In the World. , ' OoTtred with a TtttMeu k Bolnbls Ooattag. Of all drueglsls. Price 25 cents a Box, York u 'Lav New MWWWW Depot. -i6 Canal St. tMttm Strong's bakery has tbe best. For a choice meal ut any h0ia Westacott & ItwInV. It is plain to see why everjbodpa to Strong's rcslauiar t, Tho mea's at Strong's rtstiurajtu always the richest. JOHN HUGHES, i Dealer in Groceries, PaigU Oils, Window Glass, Varlla and the most romplctcstfttkd Hriislies of fill Kinds Ih (Ik State. Artists' aJuteiials.UHf, j ilair,remcnt and SIiJHgltssal finest quality of GRASS SEEDS New Advertisements, COW KUR 8A1.K-A $100 cow for tt."Kj I b'ood roaD Uutlisim; frmh. aires 3 la I trallonRof milk ner day. Younir. third mt Gentle, ralred pet, I'erltctly sonctiti ! healthy- In fact a- perfect cor. lln.1 F. ueaiy, i nemawa, ur. v-Ua SOtlU FAKU AT A BAUGAIN.-1CKK on Nortb Howell Vr&lrle, (ftaSr .pted to dairy, hay or bops. Aiinm HI. ' riowoian, uervuis, ur. i-ih in ANTED A llverv liable at ones. A In TT corner lot will be given U uj hm wbo bulrdt and operates a stable for I Mi pa pos. Address Stable, in cure bf CspllilJoc nnl, SalflQ. S-Nm' ITK)R 8ALK A new wn con-bo i and cm P dlum alced eentle herse: rood for IsaSf purposes. Inquire of J W. C, at CkI'jI journal omcc PROPOSALS FOR SALE OF PROPERTY. alwl proposals will be rrcelvtdst tbeej flee orthe 8 cretary of State un t-lJo'd rtl Monday, October 1. 1891, for tbe tbe parts of the property In this city tiei-tMcorMta twelfth aid State streets recectly florll by tbe blind school. The purcowtrlnw; Immediate poseiiIon of property, TMrw to rejact any and all bids Is reserTel M furlU r Information calon E. S. Boarap suptrlntendentofthetcbool. ,. BYLVESTKIl PENK0IEE. OoTtrc GEO. W. McBKIDK, HecreUrjrolSuls E.B McRI.rftY. t .m Bupt of Public InitrcftJ Board of Tros tees B,, The Leader FINE AND CHEAP MILLINERY. 1894 n m STILES,! Largest Stock, Lowest Prices. Our stock ib now replete with the novelties of thoneason. Our assortments vere never better and tho effects wereMWf N more pleasinp. Wo would request a personal inBpecww" wur wimmoa nats and Wonnets, 150 to 250 TRIMMED HATS. TO SELECT FROM- THE LEADER, 265 Commercial st Salem, Or, Willis Bros. & Co. tl Morton wm jlitw niady unmUmuf, u " "" i'l,.ii vmmmmim itwwwK PHWI l UO0U. gfQW) llfif, WJlOfiB of All killUfl. IIW P TJ Ww tiutum wm notuinatm fat UIovos, OorQts, JJosfory, Vwlamonr, Tryl '' "'y )lvlnnnl-Moyriiorpiilbllr( MM. nut . ., . .. ' ' . a. JuilidlIlvliLwEs1ouilimti!iir..ri...iJ nllmons, Lncon. Kinhrnii Alfto 'Rln.,bi.u oiwl niii la. IWl qHU court of mmU m Hecoiiii i rs i 1 iwt .. JIM, " ' H i"g wood MnNotlonn. mm Always Uiq fovtml, opwju noum comm, v . lloolK. aliata. IilIm. ahlrU. .. rJwMr, kw, h4 ftll luijWr uo, Moi ehtty, t Vl Ww yrk tyVl, Uh OTO-40