Twpa!iJ!lpHW T UK CAHTIL JMKKlU P0BUSUJSD DAJ'T, EXCEPT BUNDAr. Cipita! Jeurna! Publishing Compan) Postofflc Block. ComaerdU Mnwt. HOFER BROTHERS, - - Editor. Dally, by carrier, per month IttMJ.UJ D' f j axe Weekly, page, per jtw. uc WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19.181. BUSINESS IS JBCMKESS. Cnr C1retlatlon-Ve lliallenge Comparl - ivn. An MewroaDer Outside mo Wltn Aoy Newspaper l'ortland. llano. CIKC0I.ATIOW EACH WEEK. Wnrui CArrrAi? Jou At . J.0C0 DAILY, wrren cuy sua suburban carrier route 3ajl Daily, mall circulatfemll prepaid luts.jyv Total weekly circulation W- ADVEETISISO BATES. WaatadcZUneaS lncrtIon cis. Tbrt toflvelme one week.Mcts. Ten InMOBi wee.7Sctt. Tola rata la either DAU.T 01 ScarewUn notices 15 cU, per llnoeacfc insf-rUoa DAJt or WaxKXY. Business locals S cU. per line In Daily r Wjseki-y.; .Longer advertisements or contracts b mouth or year, payable inon hly, pccl" contract rates made known at tulne office, postaffiee block. ... , TKRXA. Ail transient advertising, except, under contracts wltn firms or tnuiutsu m:o strictly cash In advance when ordered. The above rates will not be deviated Irova except tn ift hlS-rla will be given m no ice. lor religious or cbarllable entcrtainuieuis AUpubUe, moral and rtUgious service, an Bounced fatJ'ggi!gAljJ0DItyALP0B,co, SYLVESTER PARDOXOYEB SQUEALS. Oregon's present governor through hl8 private Becretary'Taeeday placed the following rule In force at the cap itel: It reads a? follews: "Under sec tton J641 of the lawa of Oregon, t!i governor rnuat report Jo each JegiBla tlve assembly all cases of mutations and pardons. Owing to per statcnt aud malicious representation?, no report hereafter, of such cases, otb r than that provided by law, will be made from the executive office." Thai means no information about bis official acta will be given to the public unti! printed In bis biennial report. This is another tyrannical act of one man power and all because this public offi cial cannot stand the light of news paper publicity upon bis acts. The plan to force adoption of McEI roy's trust text book law just now has no merit whatever. Jf by any possi bility of competition of publishers, or state publication, Oregon could get cheaper school text books in the next six years to come the trust text book contracts would prevent the people taking advantage of It. The Journal- fought the senate school book trust bill In the last legisla ture and fights it still. It was beat then, after fair and full debates, and but for pressure of interested parties would have staid beat. It should never be forced upon the people. When his high and most mighty majesty, the Chief Mongul of the state board of education Issues his proclama tion, the 400,000 people of Oregon will have to buy new school books. He ought never to have to do the job. Those. Portland world's fair commis nionerswho shipped Oregon's entire Chicago exhibit to a Tocoma city ex position bit the state fair the hardest slap they knew how. It was a telling one. A full account of the great battle of ring Yang, m losing which China lost Corea for the present, was printed in Tub Journal the day after It took place. Tun Journal alone of Balem papers printed full accounts of the great battlo which put Japan in .lull possession of the Corean kingdom. Tho stale fair was pushed to great perfection this year. But It Is hard to posh the attendance whon purses are flat. t With all the pleasures of tho stato lair before as aud so few people able to ajoy them, we realize the hard times all the harder. I' - SS5 Balem le full of nearly all the promi nent wen of Oregon and they are full f Salem. There ! a greater attendance upon ttw(ati fair than ever beforeof dead stwuie, J t . ...1 UJ Weather and Drops. The U, H, department of agriculture weather bureau Issues tho following 0f-wether bulletin of the Oregon tola weather service for (ho wcok end- tf Monday, Rept. I7lb, for Western Oiom WMlhersTlie temperature averaged tJftUy four dagress ""cooler than tho nor. I, being decidedly cool at places In m and Jackson common on the IsMfrtuul 14th, whore soma frost 00- jmuM, The precipitation wm greatly vIh tm 00t and southern mw jwmal i U10 Willamette tatty Cffls)) Moj) MIW 4 IW WfM tab nmtlw dHt flcUm w '- n "" J"-"- -J t-t-"-' fete iKHiwtwtfrH. m to mmnviifrmirrT art &rm into service and remit iiave negltded I tbir grain to giro tbtlr attention to bos efcklnc. As to the amount cf product, quality of crop and iufnry by lloe and mold, the opinions dlfler much In sections. A report from Marion county states that hop picking is about through, a better yield Is reported than anticipated and that the product Is only slightly Injured by lice and mo'd. Clean picking has Ixen the rule in Marion county. A correspondent trom Carlton, Yamhill county, states that progress has been made In the hop yards, the crop is fairly good and Leii g secured in excellent condition. A Clackamas county correspondent states that the yield is fair only, quality pool and many yards have been left un touched owing to the mold. Shower retarded picking only in a few sections. With exceptions of a few oats Dtandli g in Clackamas county and some unlure&bed In- the same county, hat' vesting and threshing is cowiileltf?. Farmers have nearly finished hauling off their grain so that no damage can result from the Inclemencies of the weather. The yield of potatoes will Lc sight and onions wjll be plentiful. Fat lurea have much improved by tbi showers cf late; as a consequence a cor respondisg improvement is noticed in .be condition of live stock. Ju Linn county seeding on summer-fallow lus commenced; in other sections ruin h Jeaircd before the soil will Le in comll tion for the plow. The priced oiler, a re lower than bas ever bceu known, jbut the grain is weighing unusually heavy, tiilver prunes in Douglor county have been injured by the rains; ilber varieties are doing well and art ibuudant. Fruit "bipments continue .urge, through the -rapid ripening ot itite fruit. Salem Board ot Education. Knlem board of school directors met Tuesday afternoon in the office ol Clerk Bozorth, all members of the board being present. The resignation of Mlaa Laura B. Myers, of Bcio, (un aligned as yet to a school) oa uccouul of III health, was "accepted by the board, and Professor T. C. Jory was elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by Miss Myer's resignation. The mat ter of printing the annual school cata logue was continued indefinitely. The privilege of furnishing school supplies for the district for the ensuing year was awarded to the Capital Printing Co. of this city, their bid the low est. On the question of new text books, which Is being so very generally dis cussed throughout the state, the follow ing resolution was Introduced by Dr. Byrd and adopted to' the beard: "lhat Inasmuch as the school laws require a choice of additional text books be made by this board and a list of the text books so chosen to be filed with the superintendent of public instruction on or before the first day of January, 1595 therefore, be it resolved by this board tuat in-order that this board may as certain what additional text books If any, are desirable or necessary for the use of the schools in this district for the period of six years,datlng from and after the time fixed by the state board of education for their introduction, the city superintendent and the principals of the several schools are requested to present in writing to this board their commendation of such additional or supplementary text books aa In their opinion are worthy ot consideration for adoption by this board." After dis posing of a tew routine bills and ac counts' and some other minor matters, the board adjourned, The Wool MarKata. Boston, Sept. IB. The opening of the wool sales in London Tuesday had considerable effect upon the market here and dealers are waiting for a standard by which to mako prices. Tho market today was very strong, due to the large number of American buyers in London. Fleece wools are dull and the price Is not aa strong as It was. Territory wools are rather quiet, with .prospects of an Increasing demand and slightly firmer prices. Todays quotations are: Ohio and Pennsyl vania No. 1, 21 and 22c, double Xaud above, 18 to lOo; Michigan single X 17 1-2 lBc; Mlohlgan No 1 20c; Moutana fine medium, 10 to 18o; No. 2 medium 12 to Ho; California wools, spring north 13 to 16c; middle country spring, 11 to 12; southern defectives, northern pull, 27 to SO; Australian combings superior, 43, to 41; averugoSS to 40c; clothing 88 to 40o. London, Sent. 10. The attendance at tho opening of tho wool auction sales was largo. Themalu Interest was oentored In tho sensation which the United States Is likely to cause, It is stated that ot 13,000 bales Americans did not buy over 100, With better ue- lections of American ueeds, thoy are oxpeeted to do more to test the Ameri can competition, Jacobs & Co,,lii their circular say 1 There was a voty large Htiendauco and b good sprinkling of United Stated buyers. Competition was jgood, Cross breed show an advance of nearly 6 per cent. Hedno rplcd vt par wllH mu occasional appreciation of 8 per cBt, eapecially In seowrcd, T AlbHy gaola! club wJU kUb t" B.-IHimr l.lntf. flntnlmr Al I.. TJlC sfckw. Wlwtto m bW wuredfar ! Til SAfrg 01 Q OK XRWi. Gathered fey Xelecnsfc a Fro Sxduuges. At a public sale the Portland expo tion property was sold for 152,000. Hop buyer in the vicinity of Eu gene are oDeiing G cents per pound for this year's crop. By paying $1250 or the 13000 claimed to be due, J. E. Noland, ex-sberifl of Lane county, has settled with tte county court. The government will ceave to print addressed envelopes on Sept. 30th. Af ter this date all return addresses will have to be secured ot the fob printers The annual conference of the M. E. cburch for Oregon meets in Eugene to day. It is -expected thai about 150 ministers, with their. families, will be present. They will be treated in a royal manner by the people of Eugene. The county court of Umatilla county has ordered an acilon to be commenced to recover $43,000 trom Ex-treasurer Folsom and 1ils bondsmen; also against the receiver of the National bank of Pendleton, where the money was de posited. REMARKABLE TREES. goine ot the Xoro Striking? Cariosities of Plant Life. On the Canary island grows a foun tain tree, a tree most needed in some parts of the hlanrt. It s poTd thui the leaves eonstaatly dintill enough water to fnmlsh drink to every living creature in Hicro, nature having provided this remedy for the drought of tho island. Every morning near this part of tho is land a cloud or mlfet arisen from the tea, rrliich tho r.-indj force against tho steep tlilT on whiUi tho tree grows, and it is from tho inLt that tho tree distills the wsttr. China, too, claims her remarkable tree. This is known as the tallow tree, ro called from rhe fact of its produc ing a tubstanco like tallow, and which rTve the kiuo purpose, is of the F-ame toiieibtuice, coIot audfcmell. On the is land cf Loo-Choo grows u tree, about the iza. of common cheny tren, which .josretsc3 tho peculiarity of changing the olor of its blossoms. At ouo time the 5ovcr assumes tho tint of the lily, and -psiin shortly takes the color cf the rose. In Tityt there is a carious tree known is tho tree of the thousand image?. Its eaves aro entered witJi well ueiined hii-cctcrs of the Tibetan alphabet. It is of great ago and tho only ono of its Jnd known there. Tho cnobab tree is considered ono of tho most wonderful of tho vegetable kingdom. Ic appears that nothing can kill this tree; henco it reaches an aston ishing ago as well as Miornous size. Tho natives make a strong cord from tho fibers of tho bark; henco tho trees nro continually barked, but without damage, as they soon put forth a new bark. It appears impervious to fire, and ovpn tho ax is resisted, as it continues to grow in length while it is lying on tho ground. In Mexico there is a plant known by tho name of palo do leche. It belongs to tho ikrnily of euphorbia. Tho Indians throw the leaves into tho water, and tho fish becomo stupefied and riso to the surface and are then caught by the na tives. In this case tho effect of tho nar cotic soon posses off. Tho milk of this plant thrown upon tho firo gives out fumes that produce nausea and head ache. Tho milk taken internally is n deadly poison. It will produce death or insanity, according to tho sizo of tho dosa There is a popular belief among tho lower class in Mexico that tho in sanity of tho ox-mpress Carlottn was caused by this poison. San Joso Mer cury. A Queer Mexican Plant. In Mexico tliero is i plant known by tho nanio of Palo do Leche, It belongs to tho family of euphorbia. Tho In dians throw tlio leaves into tho water, and tho jlsh becomo stupefied and rise to thq surfuce and are then caught by tho natives. In this caao tho effect of tho narcotic soon passes off. Tho milk of this plant thrown upon tho firo gives out f umos that produce nausea and head ache, Tho milk taken internally is a dpadly poison. It will produce death or-l disunity, according to tho sizo of tho dona Thero is a popular belief among tho lower closi in Mexico that tho in sanity of tho ex-Empress Carlotta was raiifcud by this poison. San Joso (CaL) filcnnry. Wanted Her llcfbriued. Manmm Why did you pray that Qod should stop your Hitter from telling sto ries? Small Son Because sho promised mo alio wouldn't tell that I took tho cakes, and sho did toll. Good News. No Debt. It Is not merely pain that neoplo dread in sickness. Many a man will bear the pai i nnuinouinKiy wno utterly breaks down in view of the heavy expense In volved, often Increased by his being incapacitated for work and thus d. prived pf his Income, To such persons Alloocks Porous Plasters are an unspeakable boon, They are within the reach of every one. They are genuine too, Notwithstanding the Innumerable counterfeits and Imita tions t Is always easy for anybody to make sure to getting the real thing at a low price, Anyone nuireriiig from woauuec or tlio cheat, that, etcumon. kiuueys,ijver, or from lame boclf, will find them a cheap and sure remedy, jlntndrelh'a pills are a RoodoorroQ llvo, ! 11 i'w 1 1 iiii,is m m IstLikiitti aUsUU Issyinptojof dwoof thekld my. It will certainly be relived by Park's MufB Cure. Thai io4chp, Uukaohe hu4 llr Ming aqkum from tiwoaiue csvuw. Ask A Pork's Burn TEG STAfJS FAlfc JOtf JLJTAL. Xe4rteni ltk State Dairy Ex hibitJKmlding. The Faturday Journal is cmwded with fti-ecfal stale fair matter and fair advertising. Bpfcial edition if Tim Journal will be issued racli dny during the fair a splendid advertising medium. Thk'Juurxal Is receiving couipll ments from many l.niim men and exchanges for its t-ueettfc-ful campaign to make the fair a ucrvt. Headquarters for Thk Journal will be at the state dairy building near the Corn Palace, where the banner of Thk One Cent Daily will be flung loth breeze, aud orders for (mpcm aud ad vertising can be left tliero. The Daily Jour.nal u Hi be eerved there to customers regularly ever even ing as soon as printed. Advertising during fair week will be done at the regular rates no extra charge for the special editions. a Home ar.d Abroad. It Is the duty of everyone, whether at heme or traveling for measure 01 business, to rquip himself with the remedy which will keep up strength and prevent illness, and cure sued ills as are liable to come upon all In every day life. Hood'B Barsaparilla keeps the blood pure and less liable to absorb the germs of disease. Hood's Pills are band made, and per feet in proportion and appearance. 26. per box. A High Liver Usually baa a bad liver. He is bil ious, constipated, baa indigestion and dyspepsia. If there is no organic trou ble a few doses of Park's Sure. Cure is the only liver and kidney cure we sell dn a positive guarantee. Price $1.00. Sold by Capital Drug Store TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local auu.Portland Quotations. Salem, Sept. 5, 4 p. m. Office Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to liifca were as follews: HALK1I PRODUCE MARK ET. BUTCULR STOCK Veals dressed 4 eta. Hogs dr (1 6. Live cattle l2e. Sheep alive ll.a5. MILL RICK3. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Klour in wholesale lote 2.35. Retail $2.75. Ill in $13 bulk. $14 s-ic-ke.t. HhurU 15 17 Chop feed $14aud $18. WHEAT. 35 cents per bushel. HAY AND GRAIN. Oats 2025c Hay Baled, old $810; nev cheat $7; new timothy $8 GO, FAEM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small sale, 8 to 10c. Eggs Iq trade, 15c Butter Best dalry,!1518; ianoj creamery, 25Xi Cheese 10 to 15 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 11; hams, 12; shoulders, 0. Potatoes New, 25c Onions 3 cent FRUITS. Apples 30c bu. Peaches 80c box. LIVE POULTBY. touitry Hens. 6c; roosters not wanted; old ducks not wanted; young juJu,8; young chickens, 8c PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc Flour Portland, $2.55; Walla Walla, $2 00; graham, $2.40; superfine, $2.25 per oarrel, Oate Whlte,30c;grey, 2528c; rolled, in bags, $5.766.00; barrels, $6.00 6.25; cases, $3.76. Hay Best, $1011 per ton. Wool valley, 810c Mlllstuffs Bran, $14; shorts, $15; chop feed, $15 per ton; middlings, chicken wheat, 6065o per cental. Hops ;MarKet is lifeless. Impossible 10 give quotations. Hides ereen. salted. 00 lbs. 3)c un der 60 lbs., 23o; sheep pelfs, 1060c DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter OreKon fancy creamery. 25a 27jc; fancy dairy,2022Jc; fair to good, 15I7Jcf common, l2Jc. Cheeee Oregon 810o per pound; Young American, 10llc; Swiss Imp., 3032c; Dom1415c Eggs Oregon, 20o per dozen. Poultry chickeus, old $3.60 per doz en; young,$23.00; ducks,$23; geese, $4.6O$S.0O; turkeys, slow at 010c, Beer Tonsteers. 21t5)21o ner Tb: fair to good steers, 22Jc; cows, ljc2c; dressed beef,3i5o Mutton Best sbep,$1.752; choice awes, $1.601.66. Hogs- Choice, heavy, $4,254.0, light and feedbrs,$4: dieased, 6Jc per lb. Veal Small, choice, 60; large, 34o per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice; 8 iuor cio inreiior, 5oo; ao valley, 10 12o. Hops Old, 45o; new, 8a Potatoes Early Rose, 2530o in sacks; Burbanks, 3050o per sack. OaU-Milllng, $1.101,15. ' $100 JUward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there If at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its sUgee and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlsewe, reouires a con stltutiouAl treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally! aotlugdlreptly upon iu piooa aim mucous surfaces 01 uie system, iiiereoy dwiiroying tue foundation of (lie ilMMse, aad giving the natlonl streuuth by bulldliur un the coiintltutlou aud AiuMlNkr nature In doing Ms work, The proprietors baye to much fnth u Its curative powers, that (hey oiler One HuudrixJ Hullars tat any cat that It Mk to cure, Hul (ftjf list of testimonials. Addrtoi, y, j. mwvmy, co, 'AleJo, 0. Mol by druggUts, 7S, Puritan ayrup, guaraDteed mire, Hit) btt un the (um, Krrl & fcf'rUlnwwiU I 'fun MWAfc. -n-nTn-irfrijiCZg NiTsMc sBHflBi3fe aJkxlBHl'BBBHnLsV bbbbbbbBbBw- RsHHs-SfefsaaKiu aK!iimti iuliz hip awrz. o mntii srMni s Hiyjl'!"?' -JslaslaaB W',mm Friends' Fob technic Institute. Talslni'ltotion IumUbe4 a good EogUib ndJcienUBc tduolloii, nt d at tbs nm me preiwres l:s .tadenuto enter some irsde Flvo nmr or tnrtT ure open to sludecU. tuzp-nsea low. CUtal cue farnlbed Iree. Fall term brgins October 1, 1891. Address EDWIN .MOKKISON, Salem, Or. lie. 8-231-m SWEET CIDER. From selecif-dapp'es -extra floe. Leaveor dew with Jobn O W right. 1 ut up In quati titles to suit rorcbuen. UASDELAIU X. r RU1T o.) , MMm P. O. Bt-x 312. R. M. WLSTACOTT, LIVERY, BOARDING AND FEED STABLE HAY, OATS and STRAW SOLD and DELIVERED. 62 Ferry street, west of Post Office. SALEM. ----- OBKOOK NEW- PDRNITUHB STORE J. A. Kntan has .returned to Balem opened a fit, nlture business at and 274 COMMERCIAL ST. Ibavepntlna stock to suit the present bard times, and guarantee that yon can get more lor the mon-y than anynnsre else in Orfgon. My low prlcts will a'tDnlsh you.' 1 shall make a specially of carpets and mat tines. Ail oid oatrous nnd tho public gener ally rtre tolted to call and liott over my stocic wnicu snan ainaya do a money saver. J. A. ROTAN. B 13 di wlrn. FARM FOR SALE. Improved farm, 8J acres, 4K miles Boutb of Salem, en Turner bill road,J mile from Prlagle scbool, 05 seres under plow, balance Umrand pasture, new elgliUroom nous, nuwbarn 0x40, windmill and tank, 6 acres orchard. Terms one-third cash, balance In two to five years. Address or enquire on premises. L. M.BENNINGUOI'F, 15 lmo dw Balem, Oregon. faiaiakcr & Brown Manufacturers of Uniforms Jor MILITARY COMPANIES, RAILROAD ORGANIZATIONS, LETTER C1AKRIERS, BANDS, I ' BONBOF VETERANHvG. A. R., POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, and, all societies, at agency headquarters, 2 COMMERCIAL ST. Winkler & Beach, OAiJCO AUbAlS. Wm, Brown & Co. DEALERS IN Hop -Growers' Supplies. HOPS We are prepared to advance 6 cents a pound on choice hops and store them tafely, subject to grower's order, J M0 Commercial BL. SALEM. OR. CYRUS STEWART luuopenedupasbopnortttor Kite's mill, In Mouth Balem, whre be is prepared to make n.1 ryPJ-'r U kinds of coorerKe, wch as nails, tubs, kegs, barrels aud churnsT Only the best seasoned stock used. Prices reason. "- 7-3l-dii C. NORTHCUT, General Express & Fmnlturo Van. Caate found at Old.Wblte Toracr and Fnih joa eublea, """ SEALED PROPOSALS, auR eclflcallousl Bele4 prouocaU) will be rbculvad MullyoWu6 uutll noou, Stnlsinber U In said om6s, AIm for ouo uuinii Tbs NOTICE. Cooper Shop, .,!.Si! V'E? rtvu llU wy urlf Kwma ou inuU rrir ' m.T" ' " '" ua "wrrt without WMiiot. JullAcatliija urtiouu unrf lhat I Lin .;. , "I,." ,u.r. fcr,''M4' mf 4m . T'f?r.!?ijvr tiiu fly nrbn, - -- PROFJJjSIONAL AND rtCFINEFS rABDB. r. 11. D'AHCY 010.0.B1J0HAK. Iv'Aht Y UINU1I VM. AXlorurjs at xw, 1 u.. . t -ml A ri'Atrr Hulldin. lis nunHni attnitlOD clTCB to BOS4- DfMlotbesnpreiaoiuid tlrcnlt eonrUofth itatA. 311 stato. H JJ UjUUMU Attorney ai lawaalein.Ore- 'fTlfOvfT HFfl H r nuMi.x . y "oim BOIA4 llUl.Str.. rtliraurj, 01 ," . fflee In Uunti block, tmtwwn btateaml , -, , . -ll lrw.. jaait a. causow. b. j. rLtMlna. . jTi.Cii. jk n.vvlNfl. Att.mevs and ) ,une ors at Law, OAer Hush's bank. h Balem. TU.I.-V MtlKKMAft. Typewriting anu ooinmerciai nrnog puj, uww, ivu Gray block. Tuebnto work done atrea snnabla ates. "- KINDERGARTEN Jllss Ballou's kindergarten, with primary and connecting classes, Will Opcnl October 8, 1894, with a competent corps of assistants In every department This scbool Is conducted oa the best MODEKN KIDEnOARTKN iCBTHODS. and receives pupils three years of age.and up- war j. , , . Children over kindergarten aje nro tecelved In the ana rriraary ciase MONEY TO LOAN On farm lare loans. land security, Special rates on Loans cobsldered without delay Hamilton & Moir, 5-3) dwtf Koom 6, Bush Bank Building CLUB STABLES. W. 11. DOWNING. . Full mpply ol horses, buggies and lack Best of tare given to transient stock am bnardlni;. Corner Kerry and Liberty streets 3-)laKe specialty of taking parlies to coast or mountains. - "The Porcelain Balk" When In need of a good shave, hair, cut or bath call At tbe f orcelalu Baths. 310 Com. st. 717 J.C.AHLI.S. l'rop. THE ONLY NO-MONOPOLY arlet ! I am doing all my own Rlcuglitorlng and sausage-making Sell all fresh meats no re frigerator products. Free delivery In city. Shop opposite brewery. CUAB. WOI Z A CO.. 8 1-tf Proprietors For Sale at Aip. Four miles southeast of Salem, on tbe Mao leay roacl,20aTCs,all flrbt-clftsH jrarden land, with a good houe t acres In an orchard, 6 acres In hops, flrvt year In bearing, 2 acres of timber, and the balance in pasture For fur ther particulars Inquire st this oltlco. 8 4-U GEO. C. WILL DEALER IN Hlelnway, knabo, Webber, Emer son and other pianos. Btorey & Clark and EarhefT organB. . All first clans makes of sewing ma chines. Smaller makes of musical instru ments and supplies. Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all makes of machines. Hewing machines and organB re paired and cleaned. Two doors north of postofuce, Balem Oregon. Finest Health, llesort on the Coast On North Ueacb, Newport ana Yanulna Bay, Second season. Everythlnj new. Kree baths, Hacks free to and from all boats and trains, 3ffiV Suu ,c?",i"DK. Privileges. Kates per day, sa. Special terms to famines or by the MRS. MAKY F1TZPATRIOK. Postofflce address ; Newport, Or. r1"1eU,r FOR SALE I OR TRADE. KA?dSslVoflZMr"i,520b..., Oregon. ' ' J-Jj W, A. Cusick Pi esident. J. H ALBRBT, Cashier. National OR SALJ3M, TransacU a general ban ion business, wale, Eiobante bought and sold u Principal cities 0 tu mo" W. a,K I .""r?. .'.: M. MABTJH. E. MOuouam. W. W UAKTIM, II. V, Mattmkw-s, W A fills,.... ' 7.,' """"" ,, AlOJKRr, Directory, An Evergreen Tree. WITIirilfn ,viu .Wf.w)'! wad you by wall posiDkid on. iukii vrergrf eu irw adsp 14 to Vcuf rlluata Uut lliem quoio on joWf prit qn the slock ,fab hVM,w lwlmf,?l, one. Strictly HOTEL MONTEREY ypilal :mj&ffV:j uuw iusoy sua lll im of lrws aud nUtiiM C. H. LANE Merchant Tailor Aljollitlig Adolpb s Ciw 1 10 ' K. Af . VV A I'I'K PIJ fr-' ' .Anxiay(Q BOOK AND JOB fflniij ANrj . Legal Blank luhlUhtiK Bush's New Brlckiver the bsnk.tte, Pure Bred Poultry Whlt Leghorns.Plymouth Hlr..... urann as, ntanr (rrnwn, erv 77. " 1 J-ist th.- thing to grad up your SSl H '. fa Hngle dektel j, Wae Jii T prices alter October 1. la "tki E. Bf-ir, Good PasSjrT IN POLK COUN1Y. Horses taken to winter. Ei nulre At Ira Rrh'a rnish anrt Ann, r.i-P'KI' , .., lrv-lilTjt 11 ! REMOVAL. M' RJ. T. MVIIAN HAH MOVKIl n drrsnibklnir narlnrx f,. ... "'I hrvvuian blnrtc tn ttw.m ui !. in the Burro s bu.iaing on 0 miSmSS, '. second stairway rr inn te irmiJi and new patrons will b Ueatanui ' ' and promptly tervtd. ' m. ' 1 'LAIrltS' IlAIRUltE Parlor In Exchan.o block. nesrctun.,, tonv gallery. Cuttingand colinirfi ?5 'bioa. M1H, K. c. MKHuT KUIE WING SANG CO, ii Impor em, wholesaloand retsll Tm. hi, war,-, Jspai4te j-anfy (ood.mtXjJ-.' siias.tcreens, ores ngRowns. no yesnii; loitolse shells, peail fnlald ornanicmbi. eail lnlal . lamueii ufliou nnn o.n. - mattings cheat -- - - ..M,. v.,T.,iii. i.iiri...i OfKWK'r rl ved by evrrr Bleamer in. 111 IVxir, W,u.. jr.' 'LZ, "-" ""ct',on'i IKIi The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUI ' RAILWAY. Trhel-iH ."make a note on I." This Great R. ilway at- Svstem CijKti1! ST. PAUL and With all transcontinental llnn.'jlriji direct and twlft communica tion to all bTJCHN.aiia EOD1 DK11N rOlMl AND IS THE , :::0NLY LINE::: -running Kleitrle Lighted and) fcleam IlcaM Vestlbuled trains of elegant Bletpli;. Parlor, Dining and Buflet Can, with JTrqe Reclining Chairs, Vaklng Its service second to sosa la Jk world. Tickets are on role at all promlctstrsllKM ticket offices. For further Info maUonasktbeceara-lrll road agent, or address C.J. EDDY, General Agt. . J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass Agt. PORTLAND, Ong B (Kerthirn Pacltc R. R, Co,, Icmm-) ran TWO FAST TRAINS Dally Uetween 8t. Paul. Minneapolis ana CfcteP Milwaukee and all points In Wliconilni si ln connection In Chicago with all line w Blngastandsouthi ,,. Tickets sold and baggage checked twwff to aU polats la the United States and CKW' Provlacca. ... For Jull InformaUon regarding Routes, wfi maps, foldara.eto.. address vt.ur nearst"i' et agent or JA8, o.o?" uea.raas. ana Tkt, Agt., motw v- A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal nOMPLEXlOU . ( POZZONi'S m ComfilnM everv clement Gin beauty and purity. It is beati fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and Iiarrnlcss, and when rightly used is Invisible, A most delicate and desirable protectw8 to the face in this climate. vyvAvv JwiH ftp UyiH t ' rr m mu timu. -: DRESSMAKING:- In lle - mV FABWfWA JIM5 W Vw' ywl,l)HKW'rryW ...- mrmvn Ahw virrwu prm'" '""Ilb,' M,,WH!&'Wrt9V !;JW. - NMf HdJui