"t -Jr f it 17 i Iffi CAff HI WMffllL ; " '.1MHEU UAIIT, KXtXST SUNDAY, Capital Journal Publishing Company1 Fortofflee Block. CoratDerelal Street. HOFER BROTHERS. - Editors. jaUr.br carrier, per monUV DaUrtby malt, peryear Weekly, pajt. per rear OKi .SXO .1JC WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12. ISM. BPSDTESS IS BUSINESS. Car Circulation-W Challenge Comparl Hg VTitn Any ewnipr Oottldc of X'ortlaad. CIRCTJLATIOS BACH WEEK. Weekly Cxmxtt. Jovimau, VS IAH.T,aereiieHjriid aabarbaa eairrlw 3,-n JJAU.Y. maU euroUUcmU prepaid 1UM. . Total wklr drealatlon -JOtt ADVEBTISISO RATES. Want a4a, S line S lnerUona, cU. Thrw to Ore use one eei,wc Ten Ilneaoo week.TCeU. to either 2MK.T en Local readltir notice lSeU. per line each lnrUtm iun. or Wexki.t. Bttilnee Joata6cU-perUneInDAlLTTWBtrLy. Ixmrer adTerUnemeiita or contraeu o month or year, parabia monthly, pecUI contract rateemde kJxnrntbtulaomee TMtxa. All transient adTertlsine, except under eontraeU who flrmaorbtulneaanieii girtcUr euh In adraooe wbcn ordered. Tfteaboreralei will not be derU'-ed from neeptlhua nalfrate will b siren t.no'.lee lor rciltioo or cfearilable entertainment AUpablieT zoonu and rtllgloas eerrtcwai" noanoedlieermg Jon PDB. oq. AT 10 CENTS A PIECE 400 STANDARD STORIES ARE NOW BEING OFFERED AT DEARBORN'S Book Store. THE LOCAL RESUME. 3Ir. and Mr. E. Breyman are Id Portland. A good soaking rain last nlgbt and local sbowers today. Geo Williams and daughter went to Portland this afternoon. J. L. Mitchell went to Portland this afternoon on railroad business. Ixinla Larden left today for a weeks visit at La Centre, Washington. Tbo Balem Soap and Chemical works which have been closed for some months will resume operations about next Tuesday under tbe management of Frank Verhaag, the present owner. Welch Bros, bave tbe contract for laundry building, tower and cistern at the state insane asylum farm. Their price at which they bid is 15,544 Ar chitect Knlublon is drawing up tbe contract to be signed up today. PEESONALS. Prof. Parvln is in Albany. Walter Lyon went to Corvallls to day. Thos. Kay went to Brownsville to day. Rev. and Mrs. McCulIoch returned to Mebama today, after taking In the Presbyterian dedication. Rev. Wblteman, of Turner, returned home today, bavins: attended tbe Pres byterian festivities. Grota and Howard Btrlckler returned tbls morning from a visit at Oregon City, accompanied by tbelr aunt, Miss Vera Pillsbury, who will make a short visit hero. Hon. Geo. MoBrlde returned to tbo city Monday night on tho overland from BL Helens, after spending tbe greater part of the summer at that point. Ho has had a long hard-strng elo with bis: pbyslclal disabilities this summer, but his mental faculties and bright spirits are undlruraed by disease, as bis heart is untouched by tbe pangs of suffering. What Spoils tb Water. There are manylu the city who claim that tbe fetid condition of tbe water is the result of broken plpcsin the slough, through which water from that source Is constantly drawn. Others claim that pumping frem the slough Is done In stead of from the distant channel or tbe rlvor. Statesman. The fact that two prominent city of. Holals have been going to tbe bead of government Island, above tbe water works crb, lu a skid and washing off may faaye bad tomethlug to tlo with the feet-Id condition of the water, ' " ' ' RalW yHk typriHf Wfttsr. Balem wants the beat of everything and cau aHord to have It. This fact Is ftunouueed by private butlneas enter prlae. For example the PoaioMoa grocery store lias proven that the best koo4 the market affords mn be told efeuuwr (ban some of th poorer gradwi u.,Jj,.J,l uuJLtrtlu. 'I'LlU linilkA blJVH pu4Nmi0WP4 Uauw U jwtrou cau SrWtKfiSsjBsyEais THAT 6G6Q XSITIOK. Get your ed. In Thursday's Daicv Journal. It vrill be a special edition of Ave thousand copies and will go to all (bo dairymen and creamerymen and Latter and cheese makers In Oregon. The Datat and Weekly Jodbmai. for tbe next ten days will bare the lar gest circulation of any paper ever Is sued at Salem. No extra charge for advertising space In the State Pair editions of The Jouksal. Each day will have special features. Tbe circa lar letter of tbe state dairy commissioner will f-ppear tomorrow. C02N, CORN, BEAUTIFUL COEW, Momlngside People Will Conduct a . Corn Palace Picnic Tbe corn palace goe?. Whoever says Oregon can't grow corn, and lots of It, lies. Tbe state fair corn exhibit will sur prise the natives. Shipments site on the v. ay from Doug'as and Jacton couutltH. It will bave to be pretty Oi.e corn to beat tbe sample left at this office b Judge T. JU DavicLson. He shows a sample of white dent corn that is equal to the best Nebraska or Iowa product. It was ripe September first this year. Thursday, Friday and Saturday will r3 put in by tbe corn committee at.lbf state fair grounds decorating tbe corn patace. Tbe work will be in charge ol 3. ii. Birdeall, a corn palace decoratoi from Sioux City, Iowa, who lias been engaged by tbe committee. Bring in your corn in tbe fctalk or ear. SupL F. N. Drby of the motor rail way assures the committee of a line donation of corn. He-Is getting up a corn palace picnic and excursion from Morningiride to the fair grounds on Friday and Saturday. All the people out at MorningRide are from the corn belt of Northwestern Iowa. Tbey re going out wltb their families and help decorate the corn palace. Mr. Berby is an eutbosiastio believer in tbe merits of corn as a crop in Ore gon. He was raised on corn. No one need be surprised to find tbe motor cars decorated with corn stalks during tbe state fair. Tbe first corn train for Oregon's first corn palace will leave Mornlngslde Friday morning at 0 a. m. Let everybody who has any corn great or small, greeu or ripe, help out this exhibit. Tbe result will bs a bappy sur prise. Musical Brevetles. Tomorrow the conservatory of music Willamette university opens registra tion, examination and assigning time for lessons begin. Miss Sargeant having resigned to take the position as musical director of Pacific college at Newberg, Mrs. Sharp who bus long been a music teacher and has quite a class who de sire to be recognized in the conserva tory is appointed assistant teacher. Prof. Kruse and Miss Carpenter will arrive this evening. 8ome ot tbe other teachers Miss Hubbard, Miss New some, bave arranged with a number of pupils to begin lessons. Several pupils from abroad bave written and expect to come and enter tbe conservatory soon. RKADEK3 OPTiIK JOUBNAL. Notice our regular advertisers and give tbem your patronage. As a rule tbey are strictly reliable people to deal with. You will find tbem liberal and accom modating without a doubt. Some twenty families are employed and con nected wltb this dally newspaper, and It Is but right that tbey give their pat ronage to those who help us to meet tbe weekly payrolls. Live and let live. Stand by those who enable you to live and who enable a liye and fearless dally newspaper to exist in Salem, No Mildew. Hep pickers havo been at work In the Hayden yards one week since (September 4. TJutU Mon day of tbls week no mildew was found. Since then a few light spots ukve been discovered, but the loss from this cause will be very Blight F. C. Gunuing of Btayton is In tbo city for a few days. Oklckea Mupper. The ladles of St. Paul's E ohurch will give a supper at their Guild rooms Weduesday, September 12, from 6:30 to 8 p, oi. Roast chicken, salad, cold tueats.baked beans etc., are among the good thing to ue served. n o I,.,, Low Kataa on Hops. Tbe Southern Pacific company an nounces that tbey will issue effective Benkwhw 1, 1&84. a special tariff on hops lu carloads niJuImutw weight of 13,000 iwuuds, of fl,70 per lOtt poutuw. from Oregon terminal andju tcriiittdlate iwluts to Missouri river. MUslaslppl rlvw, Chicago and itoluta cowimow tlwfewlib, Clucinuati, JktroU ami uowKioM polau, I'ltlsburg, WuHklo, and oowwtou KlitU, and NbW Ywk, JJwhoh aud Atlutlas4b4mril cqwwoii itoliiis, TbllsiUMirlya WMfMHt. ra. (tUUtloH ud will hd of great IxtmMio b Uoft uTQwm frfo), 'I'ko B-KMb' rw I'aiilio wwpawy nwquliw (Uo fo of ik irtwft tew wlo Mm tw4 fa MofM Hd M wJJKiw 9 Mf llw 4U mI 0MbyrdBftJHfcwltrM. v) TBE BICYCLE cOXfltffl. Races, Pns kb& Purses fcf &tat Fair Weell &fc 8aIeiR. There hi nnosnal interest In tbe ama teur bicycle contests at the state fair next week. These contests will be under tbe aus pices of a special committee consisting of Henry Meyers, chairman; Jos. Al bert, secretary, T. J. Hoover, referree; and C. M.Lockwood ana Jas. R. Davis, Tbe following are tbe races with the contestants and also tbe prfzts fJered: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBKB 18T1I. Race No. 1 novice 0.( A. Mccbber ger, Wood'inrn; A. Moir, Armeln Stei ner, A. Jessup, T. MueIbaupt,of Salem. First prize, $15 go'd medal; second prize, 5 bat. Race No. 2, balf mile, open C O. Murphy, C. Winter. R. H. Miller, W. P. BabcocE;. of 8alem; G. a Wrigbt, of McMinnville; C. L. Howe, M. J. Lee, H. B. Hewitt, of Pertland: C. A. Sears, of Albany; and Day Parker, of Med- ford. Fust prize, $25 gold medal; sec ond prize, $7 blcycle lantern; third prize, $5 Hart saddle. Rare No. 3, two mi e bandi&ip C. L. Howe. M. J Lee and H. B Hewitt, of Portland; C. A. Sears, pf Albany; B. H. Miller, Watt Shipp, O. Winters, and C. G. Murphy, of Salem. First priz, $10 silver medal; second pris-, $-5 bat. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 19 TH. Race No. 1, 2:45 class C. Winters, C. G. Murphy, B. H. Miller, W.Sbipp. of Salem; C. h. Howe, and M, J. Lee, of Portland; C. A. Sears, Albany. First prize, $15" gold medal; second pilz , t5 cyclsmeter. Race No. 2. mile, open G. 8. Wright, McMinnville; C. L. Howe, M J. Lee and H. B. Hwitt, Portland; C A. dears, Albany; O. A. Moshberger, VVoodburn; Djy Parker, Medford; W. P. Babcock, C. Winters.C. G. Murphy, R. H. Miller, Salem. First prize, $25 gold medal; second prize, $5 sweater, third prizj, $2,50 bell. Rice No. 3, tbree-mlle lap C. Win ters, R. H. Miller, Salem; C. L. Howp, H. B. Hewitt, Portland; C. A. 8ears, Albany. First prize, $10 silver medal; second prize, $8 pair bicycle pants. THDBSDAY, SEPIEMJJEK SOtH. Race No. 1, one mile, open W. Shipp, C. Winters, C. G. Murphy, and R. H. Miller, Salem; C. L. Howe, H. B. Hewitt, Portland; Geo. S. Wrigbt, McMinnville; Day Parker, Medfcrd, and O. A. Moshberger, Woodburn. First prize, $25 gold medal by North Paciflo Cycle Co.; second prize, $20 gold medal; third prlge, $5 cyclometer. Race No. 2, -mile, boys under 10 Boyd Richardson, W. Davis, Salem. First prize, $5 lantern; second prize $5 pair shoes. Race No. 3, one mile handicap C.L. Howe, M. J. Lee and H. B. Hewitt, Portland; C. A. Sears, Albany; W. P, Babcock, C. A. Winters and C.G. Mur phy,Salem. First prize 15 gold medal; second prize, $4 pen. FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2IST. R3ce No. 1, 2:35 class G. S. Wrigbt, McMinnville; C. L. Howe, M.J. Lee, Portland; C. A. Sears, Albany; R. H. Miller, W. Shipp, C. Winters and C.G. Murphy, Salem. First prize, $L0 gold medal; second prize, $5 racing saddle. Race No. 2, three mile handicap C. A. Sears, Albany; O. A. Moshberger, Woodburn, M. J. Lee and H. B. Hew itt, Portland, B. H. Miller, W. P. Bab cock, C. G. Murpby, and C. Winters, Salem, First prize, $10 silver medal,sec ond prize $5 pair bicycle shoes. Race No. 3, one mile consolation For all from the other races who do not get prizes. First prize, $15 gold medal, second prize, $7 lantern, Admission Fees. The general ad mission to the state fair this year is 50c for both men and women. Pass checks will be leaued for readmlttance the same as in past years. There will be a charge of 25o for seats In tbe grandstand for men women free but there will be no charge at the race course gates. During five evenings of tbe week there will bo programmes In tbe pavilion. Tbe evening admission fee will be 25b, but tbo pass check that Is Issued on the day ticket will admit to tbe evening programme tbe ticket must accompany tha check. The 25c ticket Is for the benefit of those who wish to attend the evening entertain ment but were not present during tbe day. LETTER LIST. The following letters remaining in the Salem poatoWce Sept, 12, 1891, un called for. Those calling for them picaae say "auveruseu." Alexander W A Hughes J R Allen Wm Bell W J Bailey Bell Baxter W J5 Cu minings J Mm Crass Henry Holmes tt R Haelr Tbaodore LewtttOH K L 2 Mll Alice Mm Patton Dick Smith Hsrdum Cartler Wi Mpanlol May HsawGM TurlucllH D Thokijou h B, F, JtotuuM, P, M. Davlos Muttlo Ulllott AUI04 Km ton Geo Without doubt (he Ut walerwelo11' that como o8lw rlM Hombern OfoH twt)oHi. rUJ by jAokaon, of Jackaonvllle, Ulark tb Court tmt growr ht a ne lot of I hew, A IXttAlitll CL'8KK.w.HMIqHl0l mmory, That, f ibu rmo i ji, y, KltcflBM if so wl iU(M4, 1 1 1 i...jwiwi. if i m i vim mm MfiM, - itflTALLAiidtf GdMrlXtTED. GSMelarfis 'Srerdaca at ill First Presbyterian Cauda Historical Payers e4 Responses to Toasts. INSTALLATION CONTINUED. The First P.reebylerian church was again tilled to ovetllewina: Tuesday cveuiug tu wuutasB iuu ciutuug luziaua tiontxerclses. Alt bad not got In by eight o'clock and tbe ushers were kept trotting up and down the raised floors, which must be very wvere and ardu ous on corns and bunions In going down tbe grade. THE 8EKV1CE-8 P. HI. After singing of a dedicatory hi mr, Rev. Wbiteman, of Turner, read the 65tb Psalm. Rev. G. M. Irwlu (flered an eli quent prayer. Mrs. McDowell and Miss Myra Albert sang "Tbd Wight ofRtet." After this tbe nastor an nounced that tbe self-denial fund Would be taken up. It took eight usners wltli sliver platters nvemlnutea,aild MVerni 8man pDbllcatIons and to go tbe rounds of the five or six hun dred people while tbe orgauist rattled away at some very pretty voluntaries. Rev. Hutchison expressed regrets at not bearing from all of tbe farmer pas tors. Mr. Jas. M. Martin was now in troduced as an "old-comet" who ar rived, thirty-two yean ago, and he took tbe wise precaution to immedi ately become a Presbyterian and bas been one ever sine?, as much as any man can be a good church member and be superintendent of a water com pany. When be came there were Methodist, Episcopal, Baptist and Con gregational churches at Salem. May 15, 1809, with twenty members, of these Mrs. Bootbby and Mr. Mar tin alone survived of those members. Rev. Jaa. Stewart added 64 -members. Rev. Peck added 22 members in 1872. Rev. R H. Hill was the fourth pastor and 40 Joined. He cleared tbe church, of debt. F. P. Berry waa next in 1834. He added some members. Next came E. J. Thompson and bo received 150 members. Rev. H. A. Newell resigned July lat, 1880. The church next bad Rev. F. H. Gwynne. He add.nl twenty members and tbe presbytery took him away. Tbe nlutb pastor was the pres ent. He came in March 1893 and added 60 members. The First Presby terian church ofBakru since its organi zation has had 002 member, and only 25 bave died, or one per 3 ear. Tbe church of Salem has now 2G4 living members. Mr. Martin's historical paper was very Interesting and was listened to with a great deal of attention. It charged one pastor with having bad no very high regard for tbe tenth com mandment. It was a valuable compil ation of facts about tbe ohurch history and will no doubt be spread on tbe church records. ' Rev. Dr. Hill of Indian Territory sent a letter which was read by Bro ther McCnllocb, He came in an early day with his bride aronnd by Panama from New York. He was entertained by Capt. John W. Crawford and wife. That settled it. He located at Salem in preference to Seattle and Portland. He found a weak cbnrch and a debt of $2500. Ho preached at Zsna where Elder Walker arranged for services. He also preached at Woodburn, Tur ner and other places. Res. Newell and Stewart did not send letters but may yet be beard from. THE FINAHCIAI. PBOBLEM. Since Sunday morning there had been collected and subscribed in all tbe sum of $C18, $48.70 of which was given Tuesday evening. He closed the service with a brief prayer of thank fulness. Choir and congregation sang "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," aBd .then tbe "other exercises" were had. Elegant refreshment were served to all who re mained. Just before tbe "other exer cises" there were about ten five min ute speeches according to tbe following pregram: THE RESPONSES. "Tbe Old Guard" Mrs. R. Bootbby replied for tbe membership of 18C9. P. 8. Knight spoke of tbe "Salem churches of Old Lang Syne." "Tho Church Militant," was spoken for by nearly all the pastors ot differ ent Salem churches. "Tbe Church Triumphant," response by Rev. A. L. Hutchinson. "The Educational Interest' of the Church" by Hon. G. M. Irwin, state superintendent elect. "Tho Ladles Aid Boclely" by Judge A. F. Moore. The Y. P, S. C. E., Mies Asna Mo Nary. "The Building Committee" H, J, Bigger. "The Board of Trustees," A. O. Con- dlt. "The architect and builder" W. C, Knighton. m WliY-rPay from 80o to $1,00 a pfcee fur sheet music when you can buy It now for 60 a copy from Geo, C, Will T THE FAIK for bargains. .in ' Tobacco Uem-You can now U cured Pf your Hit by bMt at (lie small xpent of, wHbot III Mllugor Jn coHVenlc bf calling on or writing to la KK ?w4Um4 corner JMbtrly an4 Stale UtU, Hk), , 1 1., ii.. 1 . ...... ,..., fhr, fr' Cfm Hb PawW "'-"'-"-'-"'-' "'- aJ iii,-.. lA 10.000 CIRCULATION, HoW I Ike One Cent Daily aid Weekly Arc OroffiHg. OH, Oil, YB BLEEDING ADVBRHSIM Saltm Newspaper Lists and Sug gestions as to Profit Halem bas now three daily news- , papers and three weekly newspapers miscellaneous advertising enterprises, conducted merely 16 pick up tbe un wary. How can a-business man wisely discriminate and gat returns? ' The Journal la conducted purely upon business principles. It does not beg for support or business on tbe theory that anyone is compelled to use its columns or be forever ignored on this earth. It submits lists of persons who subscribe and pay for it at tbe principal towns in this county and who can be communicated wltb daily and weekly at a very low price per month. SOME JOURNAL. I.IoTS. Salem 743 15 9 19 Eugene Hubbard Aumsville Brooks Btayton Turner 24 18 23 Woodburn 28 Portland .22 Mebama 18 Marlon Jeflereon Aurora.. Clymer DalIas"miirZI Fair Grounds - 12 Gervais 14 Independence . 26 Zna 14 Willard 9 Sublimity 18 Sheridau 13 Sclo 15 Sllverton 31 Mill City 10 McMinnville 9 McCoy 14 The Journal daily and weekly goes to several hundred more postof- flees in Oregon and has an aggregate circulation of ten thousand readers who get it every week and read every line in it A 60 cent advertisement in our want columns will reach all those people for one week. Our regular commercial rate for locals with all this circulation for locals is five cents a line in each edition. Come in and see our printed lists of subscribers. Tbey are the best class of citizens of Oregon the best pay as our lists will show. During the state fair week the Jour nal will have nearly a double circula tion and a splendid time. to advertise is to begin right now. We make a spec ial low rate beginning now and extend Ing over tbe fair week. We challenge comparison in point of circulation wltb any paper in Oregon for tbe great central Willamette valley trade naturally tributary to Salem. A STATE FAIB EDITION. On Thursday evening a special state fair advertising edition of five thousand extra copies will bo sent out to all the dairymen of tbe state, and business men and property owners In adjoining counties. Tbey are subscribed and paid for by Balem business men who believe that Is the best way to build up tbelr business and make tbo state fair a success. It will be a splendid edition to advertise in, No extra charge tor space in tbls edition, Pure Grain Chop. Savage & Reld at 822 Commercial street, are making all kinds of chop from pure grain. Full stock of feed, free delivery and no mid dle men's prices. Awarded Hlgsw Hr8 World' Fair, CREAM BlUmlNfi PWWR MOST hJKPPCT MADE. A nutnriaadinir.TiiuPnUi.. c... fcH AmAaU, AIiwuiiyphf jduilaft. . . . Willis Bros. & Co, TVoca Clnniia. filnlhinrr. Shoes of n.1! ltirula tr.. jriuvea, uibcib, xj.vbik.ij, umioiHcui, -1 ru"K8 JB(j Ribbons, Laces, Embroidenef, Blankets and Qailt y ing Goods and Notions. Prices always tbo lowest. UrttKA HUUCjC UUJttIM Cilt, - A VALLEY LOCAL. NEWS. MARION. .Mrs. D. W. Ramsey, of Salem, bas been visiting (relatives here for soyeral days. Thomas Little and others killed a large bear a few miles east of Marion, one day last week. Pearl, Myrta and Orlean Ohm, daughters of W. F. Ohm,, of tbe Star Nursery Co., or Salem, are making an extended visit among their relatives and friends here. Rev. C. R. Scott and family moved to 8oolt Mills last Friday, where be will serve as pastor of the Friends church. During their stay of two years here tbey bave made many friends who are sorry to see tbem leave Marion. Rev. Robinson-,of lndependence.Or., preached at the Presbyterian church here last Sunday, at 3 p. m. He was formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church here. His many friends were glad to meet him again. R. T. Ray'a new residence east of town, is looming up. He and bis boys are doing tbe carpenter work. L. P. Haack is painting 8. W. Browu's new residence this week. James Rutherford returned a few days ago from Southern Oregon. He sold bis interest in a mining claim up there aud will leave in a few days for his old home in New York, where be expects to make bis future borne. Tbe good wishes of bis many friends follow blm. Tbe funeral ceremonies of Mrs. W. F. Ohm were performed here last Wed nesday at the Friends chnrcb, by Rev. F. M. George, of Salem, after which the body was interred in tbe Friends cemetery here. Mrs. Ohm and her husband and family were among tbe first of the membenrof Friends cbnrch that located at this place. She bas many friends and relatives here that mourn her loss. "They mourn not aa those without hope." m THE FAIR for bargains. Hot Staff for Breakfast. Pett:jihn's Breakfast Gems Break fast Delight for mush. Aunt Jemima's Pancake .Hour and other high grade specialties for griddle cakes, at Clarke, 100 Court street. WANTED. A girl or woman to do general housework. Iuquire this 1 fllce DIED. BCOTT. Tuesday evening Septem berllib, at the family borne in East Sileni, of la grippe, Htzel, Infant aaugnter or air. ana Mrs. itourt Scott, aged five months. The funeral wss held tbls afternoon at 3 o'clock. oooorjo Pimples, blotches and eruptions com pletely vanish before I a steady use of Beecham's rG.n) Pills (Tattdeu) and health again glows in the pure skin and clear complexion. 95 ccqu a box. C. NORTHCUT, General Express & Furniture Van, Ca be round at OldjWblte Corner aa Kab po SUblM, EAST SALEM KINDERGARTEN, MIBB UVUi CONOVKH .X,l!?,?n,'h.f:Vt.B,,,, Klndenrarteo Hpt. 'l.!t iupll between 3 and 7 yean atV2L wlU be received. au yMisMiy (V& '-ten-edds CAPITAL BUSINESS MUM ln Watlouui Hidk uaing, HAf.lW, QHHIQV, .!?10J BOW In Lt'txlim LWJX.JZimWXHV TU WJtUT, 'nui ua,," oT'SGti&td Lr'V M--' " - VCV64 , , .., iJill8 JOHN HUGi jsrSiSsH ZlW """'"" wUi a IHUMIOSI CMmLl Brushes of all J nmic. ArusiS'aaifli JBRir5tcwcntaaJ finest quality DIG New Advert TUB I ADIEU BAZAARCl Are XMOfm-u ofuviiJ iDcindloE OTer an t;Usb jw ummjcuuureo, nna lolny, flnfl kla tnvp rlnK.... 1 . mnsllo uacerwear emeu. .; 1 roll linear naw ephynsj,, cieiy emoroiaery, wtth ). jl chamois glore 80o pair, na, from 00 to 15 per cent by kM.n fun N"1 $25.00 REWARD 01 ioe collar wnicli waut.nlv wilr . Un, .... i l. -.- nara of the pertoa wbotookiL J ill lUliUNfcV fvfc.Eei.ajH j promptlr done. A I Mar Foetal card Peter Wal&nSifai A 6-rear-o d male tntAi..,l- J wood or cum, or puntae H . . H.HH.r,uH.ra UJ0H ItTlHTD1 1 A II.. ..... ...Lt. . W "V-ZIZ ""? ' l"i who build aod opTa'eamui 1hsi. A.turcMobau.tf.lIHlrigty phi. nun iu TTAHD TIME- Whrbnu, XI antt. when you caatatiSS cleaned, d jnd aid repa rel u al Ox you upon abort collctiuii ireci. pOIl OALK A few Uiown 1W1 f eli and White ImrerttllSri A. F. Hnfrr.Jr.J nmilcartLJ Q 1E1 na AUt'Kt' PAPlLlt-LamurTk wraDDlQU Daoer lor.k.fts. pa' offlce lUE IU UULL15IK UUUBTO &U. rpj Wesi ISXCttANUK (MM Mt properly oafuiettenta-d csierii un-gon. AQQrtWJji TirAN VtAi in EBoilafc If nnoocapted irrrllorT fern uooriiiaiaei Diaie". aoumamm Keadabte lnthedrk; BfeMml aamplM with your own iuwh.ll uo in uraroorn . 1 du9. SlUtUHL'JLAN tsCltACkr-U j aindaonaleat338Llfea rruilfl FATISK la keptoa Ikii 1 1 AdrerUilne Agencr.Nwdilj ticoanze, uan jrrancueo, ujm contrao'j roradvertlslntmaUi SEALhD PROPOS Bealed propoaali wilt te nsdnlH oauuveomce uniu neon, mm boiler, etc. aa per Dlam ud filed In aald offlce. Alratoromi rleht to reler.t anr or all bliUURCI WX.A.KCI1 v 161 PecreiarrBonlol ESsSi BtaatuSaVKTlsBBHBBBI ThU tnitltation larnltbet rf'l time prepares Ita itudfnuwej Kxoensealow. Catal tutfW01! Kail term bein OeoJySV Aaoreaa iMxim- r- t) Manufacturer! ft f j MILITARY COMr'ANlS KAII.HOAU OHOAWl t,KrTKK CAHKil unkia IIV VKTl WLinu ivii triHK Did KMIUHTH OK J" , aa all aocletlet, at K COMMEBCUI' Minkler 5 8AWM AtML PROPOSALS .He lei pmpowU wU ?? m imtb si IB W".tZm ITw.a. v!whtouf,iXtil2, fft y Of h mvr rtf? MM ftctm r xixminiM MHS, C, wiwomAffi Friends' PoljIeM Waunamakc mjjjmujm nm f4w w h wV8$fa, J TFMMfH ahpaki;, jaafato-w. nAijf