r lW" """ vf- 11 e j o, ' WOMA.Vy WOULD. , SOME GOOD AfJVICE TO MOTHtRS UPON A VITAL SUBJECT. Hint to Women llatlion Justice For the Summer Ulrl Women mid tlio Supremo Court Mary llalloclc Foote Chanced Dressea nt tho Itocrs, Thero nro niauy parents who uoom to ' li.jvo no realizing sonso whjtover pf tho proper diut for ohildron. Thoy givo 10m wiiatover thoy hnppon to havo nt Lhund, or, what ii lunuh to tho snmo pur Lposc, anything thoy cry for. Tho iufuut mortality of Vo cottntry is something Inwfnl, when ono considers it. Hundreds Iff thousands of children dio every year, iaiuy of them from tho effects of Inju U icious feeding alone. In hot weather children should bo fcarofully watched and novcr normittod i'to touch anticlca of food that aro at nil questionable. A littlo pcifoctly ripo Ifrair, cither with a littlo gruel or other n.aitablo diet, should bo given. If n ? child is nt nil delicato or tho digestion fpc onis to bo nt fault, cooked fruit may bo given. This is eminently safo mid nl iways rolishablo. Uso as littlo sngar as tiuny bo in order to render tho saui'u i.ll- uta.ble, and carefully select tho kind to hbo given. Cooked strawberries and Iblnckborrics, with tho seeds strained font, nro oxcellont and may bo eaten jsficcly. Raspberries nro usually safo to Igivo without cooking, provided they are ptrfoctly ripo mid thoroughly washed. , try tieid fruits aro not to bo given to y )uug ohildron. Tho reason for this is rtuut, beinr largely on a milk diet, tho Lacid in tho fruit malios a thick, touiih Kcurd in tho stomach, which, in many leases, itisimpo35iblotodigcst. Oraugcs disnj,Teo with a groat many persons, laud although thoy are almost universal- IJy recommended for children tho utmost fcaru should lo observed as to whether feTthey disagree, for there in probably no iioim of indigestion so distressing as ginnc produced oy oranges, trinenppiu bias upon somo persons a somewhat simi ilhr effect, only usually less severe Thero aro many persons who aro op- Iposcd to tho uso of moats, especially in Ihot weather. It Is, however, safo to say Ithat properly mado soups and.n small tfbit of well cooked moat cut into tiny f shreds and thoroughly masticated can do no harm to delicate children and Soften produce tho happiest results. Thoro is in many vegetables an ele- lent that, in itsolf harmless when it exists in tho digestive organs in any duantity yqt furnishes nutriment for a KJeadly germ. This germ will not flourish unless this substance is present segotables of various sorts aro special My productive of this element; therefore ttfae best authorities on cholera and kin lifred diseases httvo found it necessary to Kestrict tho uso of certain .vogotables in Kstrenielv hot weathor. Whatever is uiven, however, rnnsf bb thoroughly ookod and should be .kept as complete ly excluded from outside air as possible. vjtt children aro fovorish, cross and un- kanageablo, it is won to try a met oi aduten bread and carefully prepared toth or soup. Tho meat should bo per- : Hectlv fresh and cooked a long time. jftfegetables may bo added, but should I . strained out before tho soup is served. 7Uk. if thero is any doubt about it .. t4iAtair(i- ohnnlrl hn HT.AriHsrwl hntTirft Sng. All utensils -used for cooking '' eJMldren'B food ought to receive the ' , 4asKWS ngiu lUSJH-ljliuii, uuu jiu iaraiiuu Armld bo allowed na to their perfect cleanliness. Few people realize that a atweh oi mine scanning in a tainieu ice- ex may in a few hours collect disease fins enougn to poison uu uuurv.i'um Vt 3, whilo the rpbust constitutions of alts may bo able to resist tno poison, licafo children Succumb to it. lit is not necessary that a child's diot i extremely varied. It is much botter restrict it during tho .hot season to rtain articles that aro known to be of digestion and to make diotetio HCrlIilUm Il UUJB1 muusuun ui luu J'i Uthey nro mado at all. Now York ager. Illiitu to Women Bather. Do not; placo tod much trust in but- as ana strings, ite-eniorco an iubiuu gs by eafety pins. You will onjqy air Vintb mnch better if not onnrcsaed & a conviction that when you leavo tho Buy aeep ior tno ueacn your biociub ill bo n wad of wot cloth around your Irion. fcfWJmn tho oventful momont arrives. !Sbnn vrni nrn rn.lllv to ODOU tllO door Of JSr,.. lintlilinnRnnnd nnnflnr buf oro a crit- ' ft. wmi company.yon will probably bo soized fSffch" n distaste for your costume. Yon TL.A 1 ZJ. -1...IIm 1. nwriHn- r strongly, for long skirts and sleeves, i,n-n,y nk oiifli nrnnlnl nnriodfl'thnt tSzttr. -..-llrimf- lut imnrnvfiil liV dolav. WaSSiTri il. 1 l.- I.. ...l.ll. In 1,11.. I UlUf tUO UUS1.1UUWJ in "JllUA, iv. uuv r abbrovinted draperies is iu tho wn- nnk III frnnt tit thobathhOUSO door. prown locks or golden dono up in nettisn Knots nro pjennauiur m iuu, ,.. timn nlicldn cans. But salt water iya havoo with coqnettish knots. Un- ypu are piepareo to ioijow vwiy bath by n Bharopooing period of tr nr lnsalensth. cover vour crown- glory with an uupioturesque cap. 'ho woman who is "learning to iij" is tho recipient of umch raoro nt ilou than ebo who kuowB how, to hi. If tint BnnintV lllld fldvioO Of mell dear to you oven u tho yast deep, r qnlto master tno gontio art oi iiwiiJK. but always bo about to mas. lit. u't venture boyond your depth and 1 yourself to lx) rescued more than nr tu-IA lnrlntr tho BcasOlL, It'M inlitCn nt tVinrAtv linfc AVlll n. rom&il- filing t-au bo doiio often enough to io meniy ntouoionoui. n't iow your loro of the water by iiiK In virry long. It is a pleasant K to taiK ttucmr, cnua ove or niu r, but pi )ljlaJt by remaining iu ivAr 90 iiilmiff-rf iMiiriilv iiinVac nnn'i LlUft Wild WlO'X)Jlip,'0Xl0ll MOUl'id, u tint, tin i6iia3ii thti amh ae lln in wuid after your Utb, Voa haw fio&u vm m WW immm who? dm ural element is not water after a drench-, ing shower. Bo warned liy tlicse liuin bio iiiHiubers of trHatinii Uud bUnKn younwlves dlrtxitly from t'io wave" to tho drossimj room. New oik Woild. Justice Fop the Summer Ulrl, Tho American girl is showing her amazing address and aptitudo at n thou Eand spots by tho seaside and mountain this summer, as in n score of summers before. As tho "summer girl,"sho hasher rattling firoof criticism to faoe, but tho Lstonishing tiling is not that rho makes a few bluhdeia in her social codo or shows too littlo restraints iu her boha vior, but that she does not fall into worse pitfalls and cast all rostralnt to tho winds. Of the thousands and tens of thou sands of American girls whoso behavior amazes and whoso beauty charms by every beach and on ovory hillside, tho groat mass havoseen littlo or nothing of any but tlio narrowest social conditions iu vlllago, town or tho restricted cirolo of a small city houso until they find themselves in n big hotel lending a lifo of unmitigated publicity ai.d living in tho midst of strangors. Most of theso girls havo had no social L experience Their mothers luivo had as (.little. Their men folk nro, away. On tho instant thoy have to adjust a code of villago behavior to gregaiious condi-, tions and a f reo contact which would Lo trying to ono of oxporiouco. They 'makfl blunders mid do much that is foolish, bat their blunders nro for the most part trivial and their1 folly mere nhiyinlutws which rarcl" brings them int hnnu. Yqt if they understood lun much ro serve, restraint and a rigoron i mjH con trol do for a woman in pub.io uud pri vate, how' quickly it winn a lespcot which passes into admiration, and an admiration which ripens into something warmer, tho American summer gill would add the only charu sho now lacks. Philadelphia Press. Woiui-n mid the Supremo Court. "As a matter of faot," siys Onco a Wcok, "although eight women now havo tho right to practico before tho supremo court, no woman has ever availed herself of that right iu n prac tical way. Tho law admitting women to supremo court practico was passed in 1870 and signed by Presidont Hayes on tho 15th of February. John M. Glover .of Missouri introduced tho bill in tho houso Nov. 5, 1877. Benjamin Butler reported it ft tho houso from tho com mitteo Fob. 21, 1878, nnd it pas'od tho houso tho eamo day. Tho voto was 109 to87T "Tho law says that 'auy woman who shall havo been a member of tho highest court of nny state or tcrritoiy or of tho supreme court of tho District of Colum bia for the space of threo years and shall havo maintained a good standing Before such courts, and who shall bo a person of good moral character, shall, on notice and tho production of such record, bo admitted to practico boforo tho supremo court of tho United States; ' Mrs. Lockwood was eligiblo immediate ly after tho passage of tho law, and sho gavo duo notice, and on tho 8d of Mnroh, 1870, was admitted to tho supremo court bar. "No other member of her Bex was ad mitted to tho supreme court for nearly six yoars. Mrs. Laura DeForco Gordon of California was tho next to apply. Sho was admitted Fob. 2, 1885, Then followed Mrs. Ada Bittenbeiider of Ne braska Oct. 16, 1888; Mrs. Carrio B: Kilgoro of Pennsylvania Jan. 8, 1800; Mrs. Clara S. Foltz of California March 4, 1800; Mrs. LeliaR. Sawtollo of Mas sachusetts April 8, 1800; Emma M. Gillett -April 8, 1890, and Miss Kato Kane of Chicago May 20, 1800. " Mary Mullock Footc. Mrs. Mary Hallock Footo, tho artist author, is by birth ai New Yorker, al though since hor inarriago sho has re sided in Boiso City, the scene of nearly all her recent stories. Her art education was chiefly acquired at Cooper iiibti tuto, tho mecoa of bo .many aspiring geniuses. For years aftor her success was assured Mrs. Footo rofnsed to let a ourious publio know anything of her personality. Even now hut littlo is known of tho woman, howover general is tho appreciation of her work. Her likenoss has never appeared in print but ohoo, and that was only after long and urgent ' persuasjoil on tho part of tho mngazino to which all lier wprk, both literary and nrtistio, is by pontract plodgod, and which was thou publish ing nn illustrated article upou its con tributors, Sinco that time Mrs. Poota has been obdurato to all appeals for her portrait, although sho is besieged from every quarter. Whllo never permitting Jier homo duties Jo interfere with (ho natural ex pression of hor gcuiup, yet, ift.r njl, it is ns ono of tho many happy wivea and mothers of America that sho .prefers to bo known. Sho has thrpo .charming, daughters, tho eldest of whom, nlthopgh yet very young, already displays a marked artistic talent Mr, Foote'fi woik has conflued itsolf almost wholly to illustration in black and white, and ono of tho greatest compliments over paid her was that "she produced better color effccU with a pencil than most art bts did with a brush." Philadelphia Vimej. Chanced Drctici at the Itncc. Tho fosliionoblo women of England, H would fcsem, havo plenty of tinio to think of dre&s. At Ascot recently thoro was a heavy downpour of ruin ouo day, and some of the ladle, thiljklug, doubt low, that tho bad weather would con tinue, started tho nest day I" elctli '"1 sorgo costumes, but when thoy rcache-d the nu track, lhold, thoouuwao shin ing, ond thow wm not a cloud In tho gky, tfo, with ooinuiendablo prompt! Hide, fly toJpjrrotibwl homo for Iho re Juctantly bunviidprcd own of tho morning and soon vmorneA Jlkp. W l'Wy biitM-flica from no auy chryr-aHdwi. jgome exnuUite iollet weio J). Tlio Muewui P Wa! wa cootnmed Jii bjnofc BJjo wow a cream Jute ruff round ktrlUrorti pJfllHrwrtM J a very becoming elite colored capo, Tho j Princess Be-itrict ,o Battenlierg's cos tume was of Mitt cream material strap ped over tho shoulder with deep rod I ban lu Tlio Priiico-sui Victoria and i Maud of Wales were' dressed aliko In ' palest crenm,triiamol with blue; bon ' nets to match Tho Duchess of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha's gowu was of dark steel bluo silk, with a running pattern of pinky sprays. Thero wero largo-number of Amer ican visltoA present, nil gorgeously ar r.iyetl in ipurplo ami fluo linen. -Now Yoik Commercial. ngllili Women' Uonneti A private letter from England do clnros that women thero aro wearing tholr bonnets and hats perohod on tho back of tho head, where they look for idl tho world as if thoy wore likely to tall, off any moment. This is especially true of tho small bonnets, of which Eng lish women nro bo fond, and they aru worn hanging on tho cushion of hair, which is gaining steadily iu favor. It isn't probablo that tho fashion will reach hero for two seasons yet, as it takes about that time for a stylo in mil linery or hairdrossing to get to this coun try, i To prove that it is only ueccstnry to look ut tho Alpine, Tyiol or English walking hat, as itr is called, which has been adopted this summer by New York women. Thrno yean ogo similar shapes wero seen iu all tho London hhops, but not moro than half n dozen American women would bring them homo. It has taken c cr sinco for tho stylo to got hcic A Ward Agnlnfct SuflTrape. Tlio most of tho, advocates of woman suffrage in tho United States aro wom en who, from tho very circumstance of their lives hardly know for what they clamor. Thoy are not usually the wom en who havo been thrown into nlost contact with tlio world. The little local suff rago clubs hero and thero. if analyzed without prejudice, will be found to consist of tho woman physician, tlio women who havo not married and nro victims of a "conserved longing" which thoy hope to satisfy by intellectual pur suits, nnd women disappointed in mar riage. It is to mo tho "beating of tho bird against tho bars" to soo these wom en long so ardently for woman's buI frage, because I fear that it will not givo thorn what they need, but be a burst balloon when once possessed. Womankind. lluuard Klpllng-i Wife. On Jan. 18, 1802, Mr. Kipling was married at All Souls' church, in Lon don, to Caroline Starr Balestier, a sister of C Wolcott Balestier, tho American novelist who died abroad in 1802, aud with whom Mr. Eipling wrote in col laboration. Mrs. Eipling is small and slender, with dark brown oyes and hair. Sho was educated in Rochester, where bIio was born. Mf. and Mrs. Kipliug havo ono child, a daughter, born in De cember, 1892. Sinco thoir marriage Mr. nnd Mrs. Kipling havo made thoir homo in Brattloboro, Vt, where thoy have built a charming country house, which, from its mountainous Bltuation, has been named "Crow's Nest." La dies' Home Journal. Women Hide In Now Zealand. Woman continues to pursue hor con quering way in New Zealand., All tho ladies of that colony who bava attained the ago of 21 are legally qualified' to voto nt porliamentnry elections; A lady, Miss Yates, is tho duly elected mayor of an important borough. Another lady, Miss Lillian Edgar, has recontly been olocted a member of thogovorniug body of tho Univorsity of Auckland, and by tho last mail wo hear of tho ladies se curing threo out Of tho eoven Beats on a school board. Furthermore, ono of tho threo ladies has been chosen as presi dent of tho board for tho ensulug year, London Star. Not So liswT to Kntertaln Royalty. Apparently tho cntortaiuing of royal ty has its littlo disadvantages. When tho Princess of Wales accepted Lady Dudley' invitation to her danco last weoji, bIio stipulated that only ISO peo plo wero to Ko asked. Whon the list of tho chosen was sent to Marlborough House, so many wero struck off that only 30 unmarried girls wero left, several of thohostcbs' own near relatives being ruled out. Tho consoquenco was the ball was a failure, for tho few guests In vited POUld hardly find each other in tho vast rooms of Dudloy House, Wn dou Correspondent. An English Federal Club. Thoro is a movement on foot in Lon don to .start a woman's federal club. Tho promoter is a. New Zealand lady noy in Loudon, and her desiro is to' es tablish a club with branches in tho phjpf towns in tho empire. Members ffill-uiwit io itlsouw questions of rbo cjjUjimpcml character, and iu what ever .part of tho empire they may find themwijvea thoy will find also a social confer to which they havo tho right of approach. Tho ftdt'ratioii of olutw sup plies this want on this sidoof the water. San Francisco women havo requested the mayor to H? point a woman health Jnspcctor, offering to pay threo months' salary, as au experiment The mayor referred tho request to tlio board of boAlth. To keep your fruit jellies from mold' Jug put m rfi half inch of sugar over tho top after tita Jelly has cooled, and then cover the glass with thick paper the has been coted with white of egg. Bntter;nlJJf fe fluw cweJJen rein edy lu case of nlokiwM Aw to Irritable stomach, nd also in tlio sickness aud nausea incidental to mother Throw n mxjfil cf sugar in llio fire Justfliwi ot a sliovol oi coal oil. Tho sug ar WJftf Wl " fvl tiw CMl W ' neither, knr.Hna in tlio 1t nensjs. 04 out S I r'lv'ril. JfM. KiilKloy N ic.rsne thft yiVvtf ch.uijd 'lOosunKiirfi? ' Mm. Dings Yen.; my old ouo was taking in all clums. Mm. Klugley But I ordeied n cwn from her iut leug ago. Mrs. Dings BophoBaid. Cloak Re view. Making a Change. Bingo I just had n smaller sofa put into tho parlor than tho ono I had. Kiiigloy Whnt was tho matter with tho old oner Didn't your wifo liko it? Bingo Yes, but my daughter didn't. Truth. ' Our Nobility. Idlo Ike Walk right by dat foller soil in shoestrings widout notioin Mm. Lazy-Luko Why? Idlo Ike Cuz ho ain't rocognizod by our sot no moro. Lazy Luke How's dat? Idlo Iko Dis is do third timo dat man's been caught tryin ter earn his livin. Brooklyn Lifo. Comfort. "Johanna," said Mr. Dolau, who had been thinking earnestly, "it do seem loiko 'twould bo foiuo cf wo c'd doino a la carte, loiko tli' rich folks, in tli hotel, t' "Nivcr moind, Terence," wns tho reply. "Ye kin at lasto roido thot way as long as thero's tonmiu t' bo dono. " Washington Star. Strnuge, It is quoer how things ripen nowa days. Thoy hired a lot of green hands' at ono of our factories oil Monday, and as early as Saturday night thoy wore all mellow. Boston Trnnsciipt. I'rom tho Oileut, Tho Sultan I am io bo marriod noxt Monday and again on Friday noxt. Won't yon grace, by your presence, nt least oho of my weddings? Tho Shah How provoUiugl Havo weddings of my own for both dates, Lifo. Uu Maurier'c Women. Speaking of "Trilby," havo you ovt noticed what nn important part ojo brows play in Du Maurier's faces? No matter how Binnll tho faco, the eyebrow stands out as tho most characteristic feature. Critic. Rubinstein's first toaehor was his mother, and his first coucert tour as v. virtuoso was mado wheu ho waa uci quite 10 years of ago. Tired, Wea, NervouB, Means impure blood, nnd overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure is to feod the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of people certify that the best blood puri fier, the best nerve tonio and strength builder is Hood's Barsaparllla. What it has done tor others it will also do for you Hood's cures. Hood's Pills cure constipation by re storing perlstaltlo action of the alimen tary caual. A High Liver Usually bag a bad liver. He is bil ious, constipated, has indigestion and dyspepsia. If there is no organic trou ble a few doses of Park's Sure (Jure Is the only liver ond kidney curd wo sell on a positive guarantee. Plce $1.00, Bold by Capital Drug titore iThe Magic Touch or Hood's Sarsaparllla You smile ut the idea But if you suffer from Dyspepsia And Indigestion, try a bottle. 'and before you have taken half a dozen doses, you will Involuntarily think, and no doubt exclaim, ""That Just Hits It!" That soothing effect Is a magic touch I" Hood's frursapsrllls gent ly tones and strengthens the stom ach and digestive organs, invig orates the liver, create' a natural, healthy desire for fowl, gives re freshing sleep, and In short, raises the health tone of the eHtira sys , tew, Jfeinewber Srsa- pwilU n ,'II w --' W iwnui IW ISJ i ? Hrf rmvi" ( Jf Klt'Tv' --IlSEi oQds SPS -: M&&&WM - -- . Efl 1 9 1 I B wm .f " PRrCKLY ASH POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison mmmtmm w m at Rheumatism nmmii i, a m m m anti Scrofula .P.P, P. purllfot tha blood, bull Js o the trenv anil dobUIUlnl, kIms 6tronstU to ukied ncrve. einl$ dlsMs,slTlnr lliTtlont lie tli ttid bnpt'lnejn bire nckntn, Rloomr Jcellngi and lai.ltuda first prcTillod For primary secondary end Icrtlarr Tr. Tphllls, ior blood polnonimr, mercu- jpuuis, iur uiuoa pmsoniutr, in in nil blood And ftklh dlAeupji. IlkA 1 nolson. niaiann. drBneneln. nnd oison, niaiann, dyBpepein, blotohei, pimplei, oldl chronlo ulcers, tettar, scald bead, bpllr, crniprlM. esm w ro7 tal, wit lout tcixroi contradiction, that V. P. P la the bft blood purltter In thn wprld, and makes posltWo. speaay and permanent cures la all cases. Ladle whose systems ara poisoned and wbos blood Is In at Impure oonul tloa, due to mtnKrul ' trreculetlUes, are peculiarly benefited by tbe won derful tonlo and blood cjeantlBK prop erties or P. P. P.-1'rlekly Asb, Poke Root and Potassium. ' erKlHamu, Mo.. Mag. lttb, 1893. I ob speak la tbe blcbest terms of rouf medMna Irotnmf eersessl knowledse. I as attested ttU heart dUoaae, pleurisy and rbeuraatlsBi lor 85 years, was treated Uy tho Tery beat EhyetoliBS ana spent hundreds ot dol irs. tried erery snow n reedr wlto out fladlns; rjlef. Ifasre osl Ukea one Ojrttle w your P, f. V- and can &se?fn)lj say ft baa Bone murnoea food than anjtbJoB 1 6T Mer takesl, ? ana roeewslaort ur sWIalno to all 8.pri8g6ld, ra Coast, ify, F. W. BETTLKMIJUU-J - i ESTABLISHED 1863. J. H. BETT1.EMIKR. i '- THE WOODBW NURSERIES 'Havethe largest wid moat compleUaasorfcment ol bWITahd;SIIDia TKEES, w vr. EVERGREENS, ROSES' . -'n ' - HUBS CLIMBING PLANTS sJStc -Orx theNortli Pacif Jc Coast. , 1 ijd'- We huve 145 different. varioipa,pfiAppleslG7'Ot -Roses and other stock w H M mi proportion." "Send ", for. .Catalogue, Q C5- .;J.:J:;;:Sr3tflemte!;&,Sorii: lPS;Ii-l.D0b -BOOaHT BY Wm. Brown &Co. 23Q Oowmerel! t AJ.EM(OK, Ouasila, WbjsleOII.HoaB.&Hlplinr, HopClotb, Kiln flotli, tc Hop I'tfmH and Hfyayatd. Dniversity of Oregon. KUGECNE, Next Jon 1m pf 17tli ot Meptembar, TullloB. free, Hoard,NMftwk, tummfoutt Tfca jt(0but ktH far ywwuf UaWasj Ut4 Ih Karl'IBst Mir W fik$ astatlii will be A Aaii I LfJ SaUUyiJ juaeEC ivi M 4st UJUUf. e- seWS JsssfeBBBJ aseBBe-paBejivaBf safi vsi e"' Ws Wf"sv stSU a teJLudLJ ji rt I L l sElkaA t aT . sw ej , s i sF-sy-s-s- ts?ejf s sw m T-k-i WV a rff-9w iit ' liecf, MiibU. 1 iwfl W9fl rHIMiwifp , 4 iyMw4 mitt Ffci m, MjiUiyWw tittk (a l ! B ' TL 'J7'131!l'TK7l..'m f f.TT7"T r ssnsTr rSsl'aj ry sWSsWI'sssbs earWWaWTSsw jperleT ! Knu ui.u buntb i- i-iin r-i-i wiisi CATARRH, MAUR1I, XiDHEY TROUBLES Mi DYSPEPSIA Are assttrcly remareal fcy a.l.sf -PrloWr Asb. Poke .loci and Potas sium, tbe uroahwt b.ood purtSet ost nortb. Ai wtrnssif, O. . Sv&f 91 , 1891. Hessns LrrrnBiu.i SiraaaaS. Oa.1 DaAi8it-I bouaht a bottle of JoerP.P P. at Hot Sprlnss,Ark.,asd this done ma mora (rood than tbrea mouih' trontxuent at the Hot Byrln js. Utnd three bottles O. O. D. Bwpoctruyou. Aberdeon, Brown county, o. Cvt. .f. C Jehiista To all uhem U tnay ecnetrni I hsri by testify to tlia wonderful properties oi P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I lultorod tor severul years with nn un slebtly tnddlnacrooable orupttonon my face. 1 tried eTry known reme dy bu. In Ttttn, until P. P. P. wsanted, and nra now entirely oured. ISIgnodbyJ J.D.JOHNSTON. Savannah, as. Uhla Cemeor OoraeU T4ttlmonyfromht Mayer cif3qun.,Ti.r. SKO.CIK. Tni., January 11, 1893. Mkjsbs. LirrWAit Bnos., Savannah, Ga.t Otnllimnl bave tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as akin ranoer.ot thirty years1 atondtnfr, and found (treat relief i it purifies the blood and removos all Ir ritation from tbe seat of the dlsessa and prMenta any apreadlnir of the sores. .1 bare taken flveor six botclea and feel confluent that aaother course will effect a curej It baa also relieved me from isdleestlon and etomadt arooblea, Twjietruly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. m m m mm urn m aU BRUaOIBTa SBLt IT. islPPMAN BROS. PBOPXIBTORB, Uwmtm.' Btee&.SavauiBstit, Ht 226 Acres; 8.000,000 Trees; 1,000,000 Plants. ".. 1 j ( j .t -ia . .t'Wtood.b u.r n, Qregon. Cooper Shop. CRP 8T1CWAKT haoMfditi)U)Hrtbor Mlsa'a mill, HOUtll nal. where he la Brenarail ti 1111 smd TfftAr uM klHsta t owperace. sucli m Mlss.tntNi, k$0t, harrnU and cliurM, ObIv mcMatKtktocs uf. frlfs reaaetv K. H. WKSTACftTT, LtyaNAIMlKI-ANHEBD STAK18 HAY. OATS mi STRAW SOLD mi DELIVFRED, it Vtfty irtraM, wwi ot Pert OMce, HAhKH, ONMUOM .CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ?bKOlaow)lleiui4 U( nulMia4 wu4e kWT liU Uk1 t&k UaJ jL ' W&f1 s-i 7s sr eV-f i WTssj-; vejaass-j UfcpXMyu ulAkAi laj r vl 1 .a a-i TPlfsswaas" sja a-e-sav w- saaaBaeapsaaiH f 9 p IsnrSJs mwt WU f t ,! J Lf( " I- s- V-SM" F. Wg'WWIm vV f-p ( U a. i ft-s. ciri E 'C , J.I., HtCV. To Tms Kasjt GIVES TUB CHOICK OK TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL -VXA- DBNVJ2II, OMAHA. KAKSAS CITY, -VIA- 8POKAKR. MINNEAPOLIS, AND ST. PAUL. Low Rates. k all .Eastern Cities. - Ocean ttenmersieave PrrUna every nv day i, j FOR BAN FRANCISCO, itorraU details call on or RdareM " W K, MURLBUKT, 5, Qea.iVa. Aaant, " . . rortand.UT, jUORfHERN I' PACIFIC R. R. K CJ T. IS Pullman Sleeping Cars DInin .Crs Tourist " Slseolnr Can ST. PAUL' W MINNEAPOLIS nilMITH H FARGOi TO GKANU FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG! HELENA and " o BUTTE ' i THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON , fHILAUELPMIA NEW YORK . BOSTON and all Points East end South For Information, time efrd.Jmap tleketa oall oa or write i H. A. THOMAS, Agent, HftkmJ Or A. D. Chax-Tox, Aset. Genl. Pm Agent; Portland, Oregon. East and South VIA F0 THE SHASTA ROUTE ot tno 1 " Southern Pacific CeMptnr. OAIJrORHIA XXBBMtp TSAJir KUK 9A1I.Y Uouih. Korth.- 8:15 p.m. .'Gp. 10:46 t.Bl. i-ortld. Ar. I SJ a. ui II T. LV. I Wav. Ar. 8h rma. Lv. Wp.i Above, trains atop at, all ataUona At HUe4d, Jtaleey, Hrf4fenr, JuboUoo iJity, JrvlBf. Buwoe a!i4 all sAwBf ftotniioMbniv w 4aumuu mwuwvs, lWiaiWIWMgMAjb PAILY, " Si) B. m. I liY. KSFSaiS Ar.) jiTSC UaT.)LT. MsiltW I.lp., lp.m.jAr. org- liy, 7K. , 'liaimmm sibbpbbs" AMD Secotid Class Steeping Cars Ml dtnHii; L BAItT lUXesWT MTXll-Yt. 7uw,w.It. iswl Ar. I Tp.a. tlt.)Ar. Oervallla- y. M. i.... i.i.-,iIii....is.is , . , , m ii-....w . At Ateasy m OarvalMa aodAaet wiU teavlM of OMjon la(V9 Mallroad. fMSW IKAlH-h 1 UA it.r aWflstr TaUKtVIT Wzsgxsrmms 7n.m. TMKUIIK TICKITH To all Betavtt t t ----- . n a-4 Kurov mm k Miiatnaj at loirwt Mm 't'i!!im"tt,ia'-, ' Oregon Pacile Ralkoad Co. CHAM. CLA.KK, mtom. -Ooeetlin( Wk- STEAMER 'HOJCBBA, MKl-WWIsV , YAQUIMA AKB HX JffUffOWOO mmw Utm Hn Kwrsta pt$, M m teH vvas-jr t sWyj- .. . . -- Tsr 1 fi l w n tr H uuiaai n'l T,acT Vita Cauuiiajai L UplJUuiai apa ajubf ( fT-s1-! r" s- T'-s-s-s-T H swsw aW W ' W.A eA,OMe CTTtWIKfcf sB5k iw-.v - -fc J ewswswilHsMpwii 'it AfcL