"-vrn'-iw- ' " & fe "r? l!o , il m 16 S UJ I, THIS (ItfrOL JWIUML -o . mHKU DAJY. KXCKXT tiVtiUA , Capital Journal Publishing Compan Postoffloe Block. Commercial Street. HOFER BROTHERS. Editors. Daily, by carrier, per month,. Oallr! by mall, per year Weekly, pages, per rear- -ZJOO urn WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1894. A TBUST ARGUMENT, What the state wanta is thattbe prices of the text books to be used in the schools' for the coming six years shall be fixed In a competlt've contest, In which every school book concern In the country shall have a chance to bid. This Is the plan that the law contem plates. It need not follow that there Is to be a change of books. If the present books are good aud the prleea-the low est, no change" need be made. If they are In whole, or in part, inferior, and higher in price, then a whole or a par ttal change will be true economy, and those who animadvert against it, stand in their own light. Corvallls Times. This "Times" does about what mobt of the trust school text book trust or jgans do It argues for a change. What Is the use of talking about competition? There is little or no competition in text books. Then the "Times" argues: It does not follow there will be a chung". If there Is to be no change tlieu what is all this machinery to be set in ruc tion fr? Simply this: To force a change and to fix tbo present high trust prices upon the necks of the people of Oregon and prevent any possible relief for six years to come. VILIiABD'S PK0FKS. Having wrung three million dollars out of the Northern Pacltic Inafe' years Villard left for Europe. The German government should boasaed to surrender that man, who, more lhau any other individual wrecked magnifi cent property In the Milwaukee, Wi?., federal court Monday Henry VUlard's prod', of &03,G91 In the Manitoba deal was one of the most interesting things disclosed by the report of Master in Chancery Carey In the Oakea Investiga tion. The report shows Just how the money was made by the great finan cier. It states that the amount paid by the provincial government of Mani toba for the road, and expended to complete it after It had passed into the hands of the Northern Pacific & Mani toba Company, was $4,85&,571. The master then Inquires into the amounts w uiwuoj "M" V T vm . ,,;,iT, fi, lfv rpllW iA a W account of the road, and finds that the slde8 evldoncca of tiint period of which jinn, uciu ww vi.oou.uuv, wuku wo wo wo j,avo no 0tner trace. It is very In- OlOFS AHD WEATHEB. The crop-weather Bulletin N. 22, of the Oregon etato tvwUuer service, for the week ending Monday, Auguxt 27. h for Western Oregon a follews: Weather The temperature averaged slightly warmer than tbo normal. There was an excess of precipitation In the Willamette valley and coast sec tions and a slight deficiency In the southern counties. There was an aver age of sunshine, except in the coast sections, where dense fogs were fre quent CropsThe attention of all is being directed to bop picking and to. secur ing the fruit crop, Hop picking was delayed several days by the rains the first of the month. At Lafayette, Yamhill county, picking commenced on the 6th j the crop is reported lobe heavy in this section but owing to the reduced compensation for picking ne cessary labor huB not been recured. The crop is being securedSln good con dition; lice have done some damage In a Tew yards and mould Is reported from a few fields. Farmers have completed thrashing. Grain is being hauled to the warehouses. It is estimated by our correspondent at Carlton that the warehouses of that place will receive only half as much grain as was stored from (be crop of 1891. This falling ofl is due to attention being given to rais ing of other produce, principally hops, and partly to falling off in j leid. Tbe weather was favorable for all crops. Potatoes have been benefitted by the rains and pastures have noticeably im proved. The curing of prunes will bo gin this week. The prune crop is not an average except In tbe southern sec tions where particular mention is made of the sliver and goldeu varieties. Tbe trees are heavily ladeu. The plum and prune crops of Clackamas county are medium as to quantity and of good quality. A correspondent from Lane county states that the prune crop is rlpeuing rapidly but will be light. Tbe fruit shipments from Hood river are very lurgr; the quality Is excellent. Much fruit is beiog shipped eaut to supply the deiuaud for Oregon fruit, which is increasing. Tbe fruit crop Is freer from codlin moth injuries than it hoi been for years Tbe bean and onion crops have proved a success in all sections where tbey were grown. Auitier. Amber is tho gum of a conifer, but of what species no ouo knows. It bo longed to tho first period of vegetation of tho earth. No ouo knows in what climate tlicfio trees grow, and no foshil traces of them aro left for tho geologist. It is not improbable that they produced amber and wero statoly trees millions of years ago. Dr. It. Klebs of Kouigsberg, tho highest authority on this subject in tho world, says there aro 2, 000 different varieties of insects found imprisoned in umber, and tins gives us a pretty cor rect Idea of tho fauna In thoremoto age TODAY'S XAXKETg. Irieefc Current by TeWrsBlt-Local asn Portland Qoetatleas. Baxem, BepU 5, 4 p. m. Office DAtLY CAPITA!. JOOUNAL. QuoU- tioitbjfor day aud up to hour of going to press wero as follews: SAXJOt PRODUCE MARKET. BOTCHKR STOCK. Veals dressed 4cts. Hogs dressed 4J. .Live cattle lj2o. Bbeep alive 31.25. MILL PRICES. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour In wholesale lots 2.40. IteUlI 12.76. Biin (13 bulk, $14 sacked. Shorts f 15 17 Chop feed fcl4 and f 15. WHEAT. 36 centa per bushel. HAY AND DRAIN. Oata-2225c. Hay Baled, old f810: new cheat $7; new timothy (8 GO, . FARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Small Bale. 8J to 10c. Eggs lu trade. 10c. Butter Best dairy, 1618; fancy creamery, 20c. Cheese -10 to 15 els. Farm smoked meats Bacon 10: bams, 10; shoulders.8. Potatoes -New, 25c. Onions 3 cent FHUITP. Bmdubaw pliyua, 50c bu. Apples 30c bu. Peaches 80c box. LIVE POOLTRY. PjU try Hens, 6c; roosteis not wanted; old ducks not wanted; young U..K ,8; young chickens, 8c PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Peed, etc. Flour Portlaud, $2.65; Walla Walfo, $2 90; graham,. $2.30; superfine, $2.25 per oarrel. Oats White. 82c; grey, 31c, rolled, In bags, $5.758.00; barrels, $8.00 0.26; cases, $3.75. Hay Best, $1011 per ton. Wool valley, 810. Mill8tuffs Bran, $15; shorts, $16 chop feed ,$15 per ton; middlings, $23 28 per ton;:hicken wheat. .05 1.00 per cental. Hops Maruet is lifeles?. Impossible to give quotations. Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3c, un der 60 its , 23e; sheep pelts, 1060c DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fauovcreamerv.221fS. 25oj fancy dairy,2022jc; fair to good, io(u)W2u; comiLon, jzjc Cheese Oregon ilj12jc per pound; Youne Americnn.23Jra)14)c:Hwlfia Imn.. 3032c; Dom.,1618o. iggs uregon, ioizo per dozen. rouitry enicKeus, oia $8.50 per doz cn;young,$28.00; ducbs,$23; geese, $4.50$5 00; turkeys, slow at 910o. Tlppr Tnnattuira Olo1 ,,-. ik. ri -wV. ufw...w, i.JW JV IU, .Mil to good steers. 22Jc; cows, lji2c; dressed beef, 46c Mutton Best steep,$1.762; choice ewes, $1.601.75. Hogs- Choice, heavy, $4; light and feeders, $4; dressed, 6c per lb. Veal Bmall, choice, 4Jc; large,34c per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 8 10c; do inferior, 56c; do valley, 10 12c, Hops 810c. Potatoes Early Itose, 2530o in sacks; Burbanks, 8045o per sack. Oats-Mllllng, $1.151.20. mmm rnn r it-it ttk t x"n y"vs" P" T T ' KH ifcfciniiNU ntrciuu. &'- it In a child's life is an aggrava tion, so many disorders are inci dent to it. Ifcwould be a blessing to have children cut teeth with less suffering. By feeding babies with the !& i Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk this result is within the reach of mothers. Years - of experience prove its value. mmmMmmsBBm Y mum 1894. "jrirrr 1 u mm. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. Oldest, highest and Most Extended Institution of -learning in Pac'fic Northwest. MeJlclne. ' """ " """ "" " HpIeBdldCourMAfarTramliiKlnTeachlDtr, BnilneM, Art, Elocntlon nnd Music, floferftl Poet Graduate Courses. Stronger nnd better than ever! , It woman'a College aflortU an Ideal home lor young ladles with unsurpassed facilities for tueir ears and training.! r The School Year Opens September 13, 1894. or Year Book, address President W. 0. HAWLEY. For financial information, address ' Eev. J. H. RCORK, Agent, 9-3-lm Salem Oregon. PIlOFESSIONAIi AND BU8INEHS CARDS. r. II. D'jMiOY, OIO.O. BIHUEL1H. D'AIVOY 4 UINOHAH, Attorneys at Iaw. llooms 1, 3 and 8. li'Arcy Uulldinj. Hi suite utreeU Special attention alven to tm. neon In tbe supreme and circuit, courts or the state. a H. J. lilUUhlt, Altomey at lawJalem.Oit. ton. Ufflce over Uush's banfc. b. r. notin.KX. vr. h. holmmb. BON U AM A HOLMES. Attorneys at law, Office In Hush block, between SUM asd uourt. on Commercial street. joiik a CABsott. B. J. rixulva. G ARSON A KliKMING, Attorneys and Counts ors at Iaw, pver Bush's bank, Salem. TKLLA MUKHMAN.-TypewnUBg and commercial iwnogiapny. usee, room Gray block. The best of work done at rat. sonahle rate. lz-M KINDERGARTEN Mlsa Baltou's kindergarten, wlih primary and connecting classes, Will Open October 8, 1894, with a oompetent corps of assistants In Ovary department. Thls'scbool U conducted en the best HODEIW KIDERQAIITEN UbTIIODB. and receives pupils three years of age and up ward. Children over kindergarten age are received In tbe Connecting and f rltnary classes TO LOAN :-: On farm land security. Bpeclal rates on large loans. Loans considered without delay. DA L I JOURNAL. G-29 dwtf Hamilton & Moir, Boom 5. Bosh Bank Building CLUB STABLES. W. H. rOWNINO. Full tupplyol horses, buggies and backs. Best of care given to transient- mock and boardings Corner Kerry and Liberty streets. aMato specialty of taking parties to coast or mountains. 7-7 (( The Porcelain Baths.; When In need of a good shave, hair cut or bath call at tbe forcelaln Baths, XU Cora. st. 7-17 J.CMlUa, Prop. THE ONLY NO-MONOPOLY m proceeds of the flrst Issue of $5,200,000 first mortgage bonds of the Manitoba road, cold at 8 per cent. Tbe nex item was 1330,250, received by Mr. Vil lard upon tbe aalo of tbe terminal bonds of tbe company. Added to these, were two items of 1532,250, and $8203, received by Mr, Villard as subsi dies from tbe province of Manitoba for tbe construction ot tbe road. These made a totil of 15,219,203, aud tbe ez cess of receipts over tbe cost of tbe road amounted to $308,001, wblcb equalled tbe value of $300,000 of tbe first mort gage bonds of the Northern Paclflo & Manitoba Company turned In by Mr. Villard to tbe Farmers' Loan & Trust Company to be exchanged for. North ejn Pacific consols, valuing tbe bonds at 02 per cent, of their face. Discussing the transaction, Mr. Carey says. "That these gains were unlawful,doos not seem to roqulre much discussion. Mr. Villard was a director of tbo .North ern Paclflo, chairman of its board of di rectors, and under la by-laws, was charged with tbe selection and appoint ment of committee for tho board and tbo conduct of tbo financial affairs of the company. These were positions which tequlrod the utmost good faith on bis part in the discharge of official duties and in all of bis transactions with the company. If bo entered upon the construction and acquirements of the Manitoba roads with tbe expecta tion that tho Northern Paolflp com pany would las e them oil his hands at their cost, be was bound to see to It that such cost was reasonable and not make any profit out of the enterprise, byond a reasonale compensation for his services. On the other baud, If he undertook their acquirement aud con (ruction m an Independent enterprise and afterwards sold them to the Northern Paclflo, by reason of his oMckl relations with and duties toward that company, lie oouki not mako an tHtrot!bU) profit." 'f tw Mwurtcr was therefore obliged to Jll tkt Mr, Vllisrd had mk unlaw ft! iiu. to tho extent of $303,801. The jstpprt ftho fiHiMd that he bwhwI a on ftfO. JHfM )H Ike Kooky Fork Kll- Vi juttl Ool Twtf, wlilcu um m Kbttttwufft pwvaltwof 1)00, but the I! iys M H unlawful kIii fMtwitakisMUh-iti!, although 'TJwjJ WW Wik v rW tfwmwmmwnmli m ." .'V LU1. ..L 4i.TV... 11.-., I terosting to comparo those insects with thoso now existing, as the common fly, for example. Others, again, aro entirely different, showing oxtinct species. Dr. Kleb's theory Is that thonmber-was car ried to East Prussia during tho glacial epoch aud imbedded in tho blno earth whero it is fonnd. This blue earth is a very heavy cloy, and tho strata vary in thioknoss from 3 to 37 foot Dr, Klebs considers that this imbedding process occurred in what geologists term tho tertiary period. Philadelphia Bulletin. Use Water In Carnival Time. Daring carnival tlnio in somo parts of South Ainoric.t tlioro is n general revolt against nnturo in withholding rain the greater part of tho year. Wator is showered from tho balconies and houso tops with wanton oxtravaganco, all classes joining in the frolic. I was in Limn during ono of thoso periods of jolli fication and found that thero was not a street whoro one could bo sooura from thcsoM'atory attacks. Iu all parts of the town pas6or8by woro troatod to a shower bath, and toward ovoning tho sport in creased in intensity, ovory successful dolivory of dipper or bucket being greeted with bhouts of laughter. All classes met with tho samo reception Roughly dressed men sauntoriug along tho stroot would on mooting it richly drossod lady dash a cup of wator, wjiiuh thoy hold concealed behind their hacks, straight in tho lady's face. Tho ladle? attacked in this way would merely smile grimly nnd pass on. I saw hundreds' of men nnd women showered injjigiwny, but in no iustnuco woro tho lojut signs of resentment or anger displayed.'--St, Louis Q lobo-Domoorat. $100 .Reward $100 The readers of this naner Will be pleased ta learn that there is at leaut one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying- the foundation of the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building urUbe constitution and assisting natdro in doing its work. Tho proprietors have to much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cases that it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo. O. Bold by druggists, 75o. Puritan Maple syrup, guaranteed pure, tbe best on the coast. Farrell A Co Only One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER II OEM Receiving all the , ...Associated Press Dispatches. DAILY BY IAIL, PER YEAR, - oniony t! c- . LAUfi Merchant Ta ArtlolulBrAlinlnh'.,. Pititiricrp c.Titn.... "ll """ rA'"0Bln, js.,.,wAmaKI DIM m JOB AND Legal Blank .ft, u.u fiew oriox,OTer thUnjl Pure Bred White Lchorns.PIt7,i,it . Hrahrnas. nearly min SH just ths thing to erad do S.'ii1 W. Hlnglo iSwkrel W, Irf ?t price niter October 1. """oHij GOOD PAS! IN POLK COUSTT Uorsea taken to winter. Enjm,,' At Ira Krh'o uoli sn ....' " I "'vrmi. - REMOVAL MKH. T. M VHAN IUR y,XnJ dresmuklne parlorifcT'S second stairway rr m A i.tM nnd new patrons will be bImmm.1 and proinptlv nrrv-a. p,tvm! luiftiita Parlor la Exclmne block t,A lonv gal ery. Uuttlne andSiiS'H rustnon. Miu i.r?'n ""' & v.Kl i LAIIES' fasUloa. HUIE WING SANG Importer, w holetalo and rettn Tt warp, JapautKe raniy OoodiSi sllks.croens. dresln? JowrTm,2 boo; beads and larqueredwuiTto mnttlneschp IU Court Kw,g The CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & 31, . --.RAILWAY.. Travelers "make a note on' I am doing all my own slaughtering and sausage-making., Sell all fresh nienU-no re frigerator product. Fre delivery in city. Shop opposite brewery. , . . OHAB. WOLZ 4 CO.. l- Proprietors. rorwaaBar v i Four miles southeast of Salem, on tha Mao leay road, 20 acres, all nrst-ciass garden land, WlthaeOOd bOUtO S ucrefl In an nrfharrt H acres In hops, flrt year,la bearing. 2 acres or Umber, and the balance In pasture. For fur. i.uer parucuiars inquire at t bis omce. 8 4-tl This Great Railway at- Svstern tl $3.00 It Is Rrliablb. Announcements of entertainments in The Journai,. ! a-! AS , u Exerelse. One reason for the faot that tho goU' erai ueaun or mo ooinmuiiuy is grow ing bettor every year Is that more neo- take reuular exercise. Exorcise. plo ho; lowever, has Its dllllcultlcs, If In duigud in a little too Jonpr, or so vio lently as to make one liable to take cold, It results Iu stlirnew aad aoreueea of the muBoIfs and joints, Alloook's 1'orous Vl&sters are Invalu able In euch cases. I'laceU on tlw back, the ohsst, on the lliub, (hey afford In. fitaut relief anil leave the muscle all free from aoreiHws. Bonw athele cut them Into Mirlp and apply them to parts of the limbs whro tbey could not put a Whole Master aud find that tuev are a Hrrw rvim aww wtwwaiicq. ttfl,niKW)i viuw cure cotii lion, 'sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbH IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB11! 9 VjJlsBssBsssIBHssHsssilBnlsssssiBOissssssssssssssWl mi ykiMWinMaist Hey, t will swrWuly Ins rellevsd by Mark's ftwe (Jw. , TiuA ht'ai4olie, Vuwa UiuJ Jm CVasssUisssI HBsbbbbbU A a If AsbbK ' tVl'Vfl UsVilt C;hh Wm a4 Hdwsjw, prl f I, Right Arm Paralyzedl Svcd from St, Vitus Dtace. "Our daughter, Blanche, now AN tccn yeara of oge, had been terribly afflicted with pervousaces, and had lost tho entlro use of her right arm. Wq feared St. y Itits dance, and tried the best phyeicJans, with no bcnetlt. film has taken three bottles of Dr. Klles' Ncrvlno and luw gained 31 poundft. Iter nervousncM and symp toins of Bt. Vitus danco ore entirely gpne, the Httenda achool regularly, and has recovered complete use of wa arm, ur Hpcii(.e is kuieuuia." um. k. k. wuwK, muvM, n, y, Dr. lfiiles, Nervine Cures, !). Mw Kerf ina U ol4 on uosltly W1ZL PAY YOU TO BEAD THIS : We publish the only One Cent Daily on the Pacific Coast and the cheapest and best daily paper for the money in Oregon. Please let us know if you can use anv samDle conies o the Daily or Weekly. They will be sent free. Jtemembei these are Associated Press newspapers, giving all the current news of the world from day to day in large type ana awracciye sryie. These low hard times rates enable every farmer to have his daily paper and know the state of 'the market and all the news of the world. Editorial comment is fearless arid independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good government for the people able to deal justly and fairly with all. Only $3QO a year. $1.5o for six months. $1.00 for four months. jtfsyNo papers sent alter time Is out for which it la ordered.- YOU. You aro the man. If we cannot get you to act, band this to someone who- wauU.one of these grand premiums for. simpl j getting ud a club Almost anyone will take this paper upon merely seeing it. It sells Itself. It If so cheap no one can afford not to have It. It suits readers In city and country of all classes aud parties. ' GEO. C. WILL DEALER IN Bteinway, Knabe, Webber, Emer son and other pianos. Htorey & Clark and Earheff orcaHS. All first clans makes of sewing -machines. Smaller makes of musical Instru ments and supplies. Genuine needles, oil. and new parts for all makes- of machines. Bowing- machines and organs re paired and cleaned. Two doors north of postofflce, Salem Oregon. f l. HllTFi MllNTffRffY Ficcst Health Resort on the Coast ST. PAUL and With ail trunBoontlnenUilUfin direct and swift commtct tlon to all BTKRN ana EOCXnEESf AND IB THE :::0NLY LINEr running Electric Lighted and) Etna I Vestlbaled trains of elrgtst Sg Parlor, Dining and Bm Cars, with Free Reclining CMm Making Its service second to UHll world, Tickets are on role at all promlm'.i uotcet offices. For further lnformn'lontuktbjr road agent, or address C.J. EDDY, General AgL J, W. CASEY, Trav,PJil nnDTI lllfl I runn-nnvi' Hacks free to and from all bosUi and) tralS! Cottage, and -camping;, privileges ItateaDer Jgf'1 Hpea termTtftomlfles' firTb thS MR8. ITAltY KITZfATUICK. Postofflce address i. Newport, Or. 'roprletor I i r FOR SALE) ! OK TRADE. Kora farm, a fine saw mill: good tl mber. Polk county, ao-a)in "- -No Pap sent after time pfTHIS ORDER Is out.- BLAN1C ORDEft SHEET . ' FOR THK " ONE CENT DAILY JOURNAL For one month And Fur two mouths For four months " For oue year N.AMB. enclosed ii M . POSTOmCK, .-. 25 cts, W. A. CVHCK Pi eMdeut. J. II AX.BKUT. Uuhler. Caiiilai it hi OK SALEM. TmuiaoUagbneral Immune business. - i (Northim Pacific R. R. CohL1 run TWO, 3TAST TEAK Dally Between Bt. lul. Minneapolis MjJ Ulltvonb-AA .nrtnll Mint, in UlMOBK1 lng connection in Chicago with Blw: uiaEcuianasouin. . . .. Tickets sold and baggago cbeotN to ail points in the United Bttl ()h-T I AAA VWlll Inrnimtnllnn ArAtlne96'A' mapa, foldwri, etc., addrtM ya & sat vant a JAl. lif Oen. Pass, and Tkt, AsU jUltw 2S6 In Waatjuw. nil vlll M . 7Z i;r'.... Uk 1VK1TS, FUESH or IMMS" or lioans ff"WB'' ,f 1.00 ... S.OQ OUT TH PPJ1IJ MW a4..iolo pttiU ftotqor Ann, auup ot uy Wt t w wmiiiiiiiin urn inmi . '.HOFEB BROS, Publishers luauc r.irnsnoa Iiaiii. . a.' irlnclKPafoltlonbTwgrid." T""0 ,M An Evergreen Tree, p OZZONIS OWDER. Yoh Jsare so It ftdrettUrfJyal years, bat bare you e1tjZjl ROZZOWIl WITHOUT CO)T. .JK?."' ill !sr, . will IPSlrHctlona took, irynuwlMi'i ?an4hatMi4 ot SSgrlSriS We wHlillWt you lower Brlfa n ti, ,. ''?Swrwy.s, ...jkI Hlabela an koowld Swu'LTu.wun.lvfMMyMplSI WJ.I IH IMS.I1MS SBOK"rTj i ptotftUiMi m iu Ivx iurlf? Vot sample. ?T7 -.Jj i.A.rzKNieuv: KriOIITMIJJ H DRESSMAKING . In Ilia bAVXiV FA8IH0NA f tr u a.i.1 s&rttiiH airir SfY.mtLti' fl"?.. fiAJXH, ORKQON, K rVffl miiwhm,, tmw9 t WTTIK 9 "f yi 'P(r f WffWi PXf 0if,i