T UCW W If t I 14 THK CAN'Mli JOUKiAL. rOKUBUEO DAILY. EXCEKT 80NIM.Y. BTTXX Capital Journal Publishing Company foitoffltt Block. Commercial Street. HOFER BROTHERS, Editor. lially, by carrier, per months Dally, by mall, per year.. Weekly, page, per year- JIOM 100 LOO BATUBDAY, BKPrEMBER 8, 1804. TUB SCHOOL TEXT UUOK TRUST. Under the head of "Ignorant Jour nalism," the Portland CUruulcl says: "TJIB CAI'ITAb JoUH.f Ali of rjalem, an Intermittent shtet of doubtful lie eige and wort) doubtful Intelligence, hM spent Its forui in dlsousslon of tbe text book question, aod Ibrotu it columns open to the learned grilngew of Marlon county tbat farther light may be reflected upon tbe subj -ct. A communication in its pages of 'lutsdaj last from a fertile brained rerlil-nt u Jefferson, unveils tbe intelllgenta thai Oregon is making tbe grandest mistakt of modern tlmea by not compiling and publishing its own text books. "This erudite citizen sornfully brushes aside tbe great educators of tbt age as being no better, possibly not a good in bis estimation, or so well quail lied to impart instruction to the learner as hundreds or local educators wbos brains might evolve text books of supe rlor merit and lesser cost to tbe tax payers. To the granger-populist all things are simple, even the workings of the Creator. Governments are primer studies to him. And the mat ter of stealing tbe copyright of text books and publishing them here for the Bake of keeping tbe business In tbe state, would have no terrors for hici-. The puerile attempt of incompetent journals to discuss subjects of which they have no understanding is too ridiculous and absurd to excite more than passing notice. With tbe return of cooler weather the Journal's editor will again be at the helm with text book in hand." We do not know the person who ed its tbe Portland Chronicle. It is a little weekly paper printed at East Portland and generally understood to be one of those prostitute newspapers tbat are for hire to anybody who wants to use their columns for any dirty or selfish pur- poses or to rob the public under guise of legislation. There are euch newspapers In the stale and, of course, the wholo pack will bo yelping in the interest of tbe school book trust. But they will not deter The Joukxax. from doing its duty. The Jouknal will in a few days print tbo law passed by the last legis lature by which it is now sought to force a change of text books and fasten tbe hlgbpnced books upon tbo necks of tho people of this state for six years to come. No one asked for tbat law. No ono is asking for a change in text books. All Intelligent educators, who aro not "In the trust" are against it. There is no evidence tbat it would give us better books or cheaper books. It is certain that It would compel a change in many text books with which fami lies are now already supplied and fix prices for six years at present trust rates, It la an attempted outrage at a bad time, when it should not succeed. We propo&o to show tho Influences tbat crowded tho bill through tho legisla ture at tho last session. The whole proceeding should be struck down. A state superintendent of schools going out of ofllco has no right to ram such a thing down the throats of four hun dred thousand people when the jMore thought of having to buy an equipment of new and different text books for a family will bring tears to the eyes of thousands of fathers and mothers and drive thousauds of chil dren from attending publlo j&cbooj, 'The ixiiiof vt i!io East rortland Chron icle is probably some ex-school ofllclul about to retlro from oflloe aud seek lug Job at the hands of tho school book trust. aitivjjtv"-'t--' -' Li 'in WOMXlf AVI) TUB KAl.LOT, (Couiounlcatc4 J Ocdg bouilNfl country recently III Mm Htwtwi of one of our leading jwllU mi Jwwfftrj)unJy Hie turrivu JtH!HtArw liA V) exotillttiH oppor pttiM M w4li !ta juleljeot of our 'WtW9ipr" ihtymy whirl, "why, vhM m (Wife w)W wo do wllli nu & fnrt WMUUi"M!f.rl," " Hem," " MpwmM" b04 m I m4 k,'1 "Mt" " "On gets all tbe newj of tbe world at large, beside tbe political questions of Jtbe day ate ably discisted, and oto good newspaper read carefully will furnish one food for thought mutb longer than tbe idle tales of "Comfort," don't you think to?" "Well, I'll tell you bow that is: Women can't vote In Oregon, and according to my notion it wouldn't do much good to fool away time reading politics" Is the answer tbat is invaribly made. "But wouldn't yoo like lovott?" we ask, "well I den't know but I sheuld: But husband sa a tbat women don't know enough to vote, and I reckon he's about right," "perhaps so," we assent mentai'y, but only says. "Haven't you Just eald that you took do Interest in politics became you couldn't vote; and now that jou don't care to vote because you don't know anything about politics? ' Now I believe tbat the women of Oregon can have tbe ballot at what lime thpy choosr but they most work for it. The "Lords of Creatlon"(?j are rlgln wben they say women don't know enough to yote tbat is so long as tlie r strict the observation to politics (foi of course no ono In this advanced daj would have tbe presumption to sy tbat womans intellect is not equal to man's) Ob.that tbe m9tto hune with in every household might be-not "God Blesa our Homes," but "First deserv aud then desire!'' what a wouderfu' transformation would be wrought! when I beard my sisters of tbe "White Ribbon Army" at the recent conven convention in Palem making out tbeir committee to petition the Legislature for Suffrage, I said, never, till tbs women of Oregon are ready for tbe bal lot shall they have it. if I can prevent It. The argument lu invariably brought up that there are many men too Ignor aet to vote, and, taken as a class, why should not women be granted tbe same prlvelege? Ah! there's what we are getting at. There are men today, hui dreds of them, who fail to understand the first principles of political economy who haven't tbe faintest conception of tbe vast Importance of one single vote, who go on from year to year polling a vote tbat is slowly and surely building a barrier between them and their best interests: and wby should a lot of women of tbe same stripe be turned loose to Increase tbe evil ? True, there are enough of intellectual women to ! offset their less brilliant sisters, and right there is whero tbeir work lies. The great work of sharpening wits that are dull from disuse, and if the good W. C. T. U. sisters want to exer cise their persuasive powers at petition ing, let them labor and pray and plead that this terrible evil of ignorance be abolished from our land; to petition tbat no man be permitted to cast a vote without first answering those que!' tlons that proves bis knowledge of our government's inner workings. . a In this day Ignorance should be rightly considered a stigma of disgrace. Women suffer equally with men from poor laws, and if I didn't care about politics, I should be ashamed to admit it! But he who allows himself to be a worm, must expect to bo trodden upon, and it Is by our own efforts tbat we must arise up and out- of this worm condition, and primarily in the reform we must attack the venomous litera ture that at this present moment Is flooding tbe country. Once a year I believe it Is they have a sort of Post- office house cleaning when all the un claimed papers of tbe years accummu lation are Bold or destroyed. Recently I bad the pleasure of look ing over a stock of this kind and 1 was horrified, yes, actually horrified at the reading matter that makes "homo happy." "Comfort," "Happy Hours," "Companions" and "Visitors" of dif ferent kinds were all there aud tboso dozens of other worthless little "story papers" that aro worse to my mind than tho "Police News", and the "Ga zette" that have been forbidden the use of the post office. Ah sisters! to arms against things that aro making us weak, foolish and vislouary, Ella McMunn. Have No Equal. Allcock's Porous Plasters havo at tained a world wide reputation solely upon their superlative merits. They have many would bo rivals, but have never been equalled or oven approached In curative- properties aud rapidity ftfed pafety of eetlon. Their vl iis been attested by the highest modlcul author I ties, as well as by unimpeachable tes tluioulals from lliww who have used them, and they are recommended as the best external remedy for weak back. rheuiimtUm, sciatic, colds, coughs, sore throat, chest and ittoiiidah affections, kidney difficulties, weak muscles, strains, stitches, and achat aud pains of every description. Do not bo deceived by inlaroprfroiita. lion, Ask for aud Insist uou haying AMUuuK'a, BrndreH)'a Pills tuwlut nature, MhpuniatJuu Ji a symptom of dituxua pf Ihe ktj- iieys. u will eonuiiiiy bo juJIbvwi ny I'ark'd juio (Juru. That hwdaoho, mokuuhe and If r-l Ming comes from thuMinu i'uuko, Ask (or Park' Bur Curo for Jlvtr aud kjdnuyn, mm fl.00 Mold ;y Plta) Tkwwm WAmwh-JfwU (sow. By J, H, Mauoni mr. l'.iwiul at hrlek worn. 3oui fhm, ' i Puiliau Mm i!i uyrun. uilahliitatid pwre, Hit mi hh iht wr VtfmFk SLAVES TO THEIR HOMES. Physicians Prescribe Paine'sCelery .,Co,mpound to Such Women. There are thousands of tired wom-n today on tbe verge of creaking down because they are martyrs to their own false Ideas of domestic duty. They are slaves to their homes; and their exalted notions of absolute order and cleanliness keep them from morn ing to night upon tbe rack of mental and physical torture until they grow old, careworn, nervous, irritable and sickly in their foolish strugglo with dust. Only tbe exceptionally strong can stand tbe debilitating effect of over heated rooms, lack ot. fresh air and ex ercise, over-burdened stomachs and tbo artificial, nervous, hurried life of so many good wives and motbers. Just as nature prompts young chil dren to cry and gtow irritable wben hungry, so poorly fed, over-worked nerves cry out for their proper food by twinges of rheumatism ana neuralgia. It is nature's language in each case. Just as tbe fretting, crying cbild drops to refreshing sleep after being properly fed, exactly so the nervous sy.tem feels right away the equa'fzing, retdoriug action of Painc's Celery com pound. A fair trial of this grentfst of,all remedies briugs strength to tired, "run down" men aud women, and frees tbem permanently from debility, heart palpitation, dwpondeut feelmge and inability to sleep because of uervous weakness. Mrs. B. E. Welch, of Lynn, Mass., whose portrait appears above, writes as follews: "I was taken ill last January with tbe grip and it left me with the rheu matism in my hands and feet. My feet were swollen so bad and were so sore tbat I found it bard work to walk. My husband brought me home two bottles t)f Paine's celery compound. Beelng tbat it was doing me good, I continued its use until I bad taken five bottles wben I was free from rheuma tism and have not bad any since. "Today I can truly say that I am as well as I ever was lu my life." That's it. Paine'a celery compound makes people .well. HOTEL WILLAMETTE ! Special Announcement IT is the purpose of the Manager to offer special in ducements and give particu lar attention to families who desire Day Board, and to gentlemen who require per manent accommodation, spe cial rates will be made. A. I. WAGNER, Proprietor. f 1 fTwilr nHnn TJ , Ed. C. Cross, Choice Meats. Wkolesalo kmI Retail Dealer Ih Fresh, Bait a4 Smeketl Meats et allKlHCte OS Court ttnd 110 State Streets, RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. WAIylING & HICKEY, PROPS, A Full Supply of Tlornos ami Buggies ou Jfand, C or sea Bonrdod by tho Day, Week or Month, GVnor Commercial and Stnto streets, - - AXEM, OB. GARDEN HOSE ! Churchill k Burroughs LAWN GOODS, For tho Best and Oiioapcst always go to I !03Wlmt, -mvf UTtr-tV! rrW'iMH ii ii iwyjwn MBJIOITANT TAlhOJi J, KUBINbTtIN, suits Made to Order, khh BTVJjm SUITS idmIo to onto, Ate? CrMng, 1894. W1LLAM m ui YT J IIMSE KIFTY-KIRST YEAR. Oldest, Highest and Most Extended Institution pf Learning in Pacfic Northwest. ' KUtwnOourM. ot Imlrnctlon, ibrouiU Acadunlo sad Collejfl to Thto'ojy, lw aafl "j'SlwdldCourM.torTntinlnfflnTwchlnjr.Bailnwf, Art, Elocution snd Muile. .Trl t"ol lindane tVarttt. BlrmjfersndoetttrtbsaeTerl B,nftMud icllltlM for tbeir ears and truii) og. J The School Year Opens September 18, 1894, For Year Book, address f President W, C. HAWLEY. For financial information, address Kev. J. H. ROORK, Agent, -JK3-Im Salem Oregon. Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery ANDSAGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Iiatest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N, W. Cor. Stale and Liberty SU. SALEM OREGON PERRY & CO., MANUFACTURERS of Hop and Cooking Btoves, Hollow- ware, all sizes, ana uouiea Plow Points. Full line ol Btove Extras. Engines repaired. All kinds of' Job Work neatly donej Near Depot, Salem, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. An Oregon Newspaper California news does. not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover ing Oregon interests. D A m I I 1 I fi ft 'A JUutiLNAL Only One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast cheapest mm I Receiving all the Associated Press . i ill i I k i -t r Dispatches S3:oo DULY BY MAIL, PER YEAR, - IX WILL PAY YOU TO READ TJEEI8 : We publish the only One Cent Daily on the Pacific Coast and tbe cheapest and best daily paper for the money in Oregon. Please let us know if you can use any Ramplo copies o the Daily or Weekly. They will be sent free, - Remembei these re Associated Press newspapers, giving all the current news of the world from day to day in large type and attractiye style. These low hard times rates ermhlfi nvnrv fn fn i his daily paper and know the sUite of vhe market and all the news ot the world. m Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good government for tho people able to deal justly and fairly with all. Only $300 a year. $1.6o for six months. $1.00 for four months. S-No papers sent alter time Is out for which It is ordered.- YOIJ- Yoll r tho man It wo ntinnn ,. ...... . ..TT. .. . . momom who wDlf one of these grand premiums for sfmpl getting ii i. club Almost anyone will take this paper upon merely seeing U? It rth K f. It I Sf a'S dE mSS"1 BOt baVe,U li l rcaere la city Vnd country, raOFBHSlOKAL AND t T. H. D'ABCT. "WS D'ARCY 4c BINOB.VM. AwN Konnu I. 2 mid x ii.?!1"! hUiltreU BDtuUl tl.nilS'.WI neM lu the toprtrae and irnr,,iil ar- "rSrVj 8fleCvCTs JDER ' out.- BLANK OllDER SHEET VOW THE 1 TBI ONE CENT DAILY JOURNAL. ,I0Bf S. S'oIIESS' 5S!?SSf?nid U mtt M w py "t daily Halkh, Ohiwon, VOAi'iTAb JoullfAL by mJI, (Krato )m Mot wanted,) For one pjonlli find enoloaed J'nrtwp months For four W9Uj " Vor o'yr i HJ B.QOKII ah,, l,T . gtin ' nic.vT i inT'-yvil it. v. trnwitAW DON HAM HOLMES. hJJ-M 0ooln Buh block, bS2N Court, on Oommerrlal iti. JOHJf A OABSOIf lAKUUW Halem lBHON k KLEMINO. &M Ouniusorsat Law, oVerjfflJ . OMT Worft. Tho h7t .s I-'-i..i .-J" -"-,,.! ceaioi ist. Q3 K1NDERGAH lflMM t1sl1liM frlrtf4MHi4.. ... ----"cu.wiHll WIUUMilllJK CUU8M. Will Opcu October S,j wll b to cotopttrnl cotm or aunw J department 1Mb bcUoo! lieuM a M1DKBN KIDEBOAKTrK JE and receives popiU three rnofte i llmllArttn Avpr kinder.. ..... . Id tbo Cunaect.De ana frimt'tliy HONEY TO LOAN :; un larm iana tecumT. hm, isrec uu. iuiiu conviaerMntcej Hamilton km iloomS, Hull Bull, 6-S dwlf CLUB STABLE W. H. LOWSIKG FuII.urdItoI horses. bunUtuJ Best or care tlven 10 tnuutntiul boarding. Corner Kerry and tftesil -Mate peclalty or taking Jrtlal ur tuuuuuuui. "Tie Porcelain Bs When In need of a rood nhaw, M bain call at ibe JfurceUIu Iiath, l)rl ' j. u. aim ft THE ONLY NO-MOXOPOtl Wlv ilMl Lam dolru! all mr own iIitfLiyi-a Banease-maklnf. Sell all fresh dicmI rriKerator proaacia. rree aUTji ouop uupouiiB urewery. cuas. oma 8-i-ir For Sale at a Bars Four mllea sou'hetf t of Baira.aifj lear road.20arre. all flrst-clui aR with a good noate I kcrei la acres in nopi, urmi yeanm ds witi.i J timber, and the balance In putmha tner particuiirs inquire at ibudbk GfiO. C. Will DEALER IN Bteinway, Knabo, Wetkr, son and other Dlanoa. , Btorey & Clark and EarklTo aii ursi oiftps maaes 01 eeci chltiea. I Smaller makes of mnMouvi fnents and BUDDliea. jUeouine needles, on ana nw f for all makes of machlnei. BewtdK machines and owh nalred and nlaanpd. 9 Two uoois nortn or poBtoBa.wj Uregon. HOTEL Mil Ficest Health Resort 01 U fel 'ttMvmM lieu lu Miu liuui n " hUM Oottare and cplnjr prtvli J?J1 day, ft. BpeeUl terms to famlWIl WeelC ....... ,..TfLiTHS3 MIUJ. AIiI "'f fkxitonee addreu : Newirt,0f, FOR SALE R TKADR For a farm, a flne ia mn-,fooij!i2 AaaiMM , o, twxaoi, yui( - WtlUH, .nun t ,i p, ii ii ' ttjm W,A,OUICK J,'o5l Capital il OF QALEM' Tftnmati rrom, Kteimmt bought t W rw M, 'WfW.r 60 fi. WAMK, VOHTQWlpif, m our VWPOVTtnmvmnUtiimwHpwwtM mm M " ' ' "" -' -i-i ,.., ,., min'iim rtuvvxm ihiwh 'U$ ;urM. UluAtu A fc , y, WArrMxwf , (newu'1 iluM, j. i-"-.j W:JS WWI 'An Evergreen Ti WWHwr "" WW mwI you iy PfA rmssw? W2 &&mwm bIH,( Mm m'SSJSS. 4faA iMaJ 11 i tli-rt tlAl tLklktjf pof QQHmwMimKm M1H, WWW, ffil 1 IkUlg