Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 08, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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n i ' ' hi ii i i , , ,; - 'iricaSHr.iii i) iim i ! "i
I. Dayton Fires a Ball
rongli His Brain.
Intensified tlio Inst
Soveu Hours.
Ihe killed himself.
B'o'ock this ruorulng C. E.
himeelf In the head, and
expired. He bud been til for
ss at bis home on Court apd
js, tuflerlng intensely at
; the results of chronic dior-
tracted while Id the army.
k) by the family that he baa
ally unbalanced for several
pand attribute bis rash act to
Thursday morning .he
adow in an adjoining room
which he pretended to fear
gtLast evening he seemed to
Considerably, and told bla
rho bad been Btaying in the
pirn that be would be able
ot himself for the night,
that he must have a re
mand, in case of burglars.
)besltated some, but finally
id gave him the Bmith &
fl calibre weapon, . which
("clock the members of the
I aroused, although none of
the report of the pistol.
.was found in great agony,
in Shaw was called in from
pho first discovered that he
fchlmself. Drs. Smith and
sent for, and on probing
ball had entered the skull
and above the right ear.
awn and forward, lodging
i right eye.
. mo mru.
iTtrf V Tno
rton waa born In southern
years ago. He lived on a
Ihe had acquired a compet-
he retired and began spec-
real estate and .loaning
lis occupation he followed
of his death, having ac
nandsome fortune, ne
pleasant disposition and
in bis business habits,
rer connected with any
waa a member of the
iplar, although be never
aself with the order while
He leaves a wife and five
ee sons and two daughters,
being a mere girl. He
be Union army during the
"Ab old aa
never excell
ed. "-Tried
and proven'
is tho verdict
of millions.
Liver Bega-
Infrta id inn
V.I. J.I.I
t'z'pony Liver
fifO and Kidnoy
medicino to
winch you
can pin your
faith for a
)7f7 euro. A
' mild laxa
tive, and
purely ve
otablo. act
ing dfrectjj
fC on tho Liver
fird ftnd Kid,
nova, Try it,
qJa i. .oil
in liquid, or Jnj?owdr
uryprmauowiwft im,
e4o4vJcluuljr My It )"
or im4IcIi)m. I mnt'Ucr l
war, and was drawing a Btnall pension
of fiptr month. " His business aflalis
are undoubtedly in the bet of shape,
and it'waB without doubt his sutlerlng
which prompted him to take his own
lift). TTf linrl nvMnnHu lnat nniirarrn
. - H w..wU.J lSMV 'VU.W,
aud as a result his mind drifted into
the dangerouscondltlon which resulted
in taking his own life.
Mr. Dayton wa3 down toWn for the
last time August 80th, when bo com
plained bitterly to Mr. Henry Sonne
jnann that bis suffering was all but
u ibenrablrt He remarked: "you hae
no Idea how I urn Bulled ng now."
After consultation the family
Coroner A. M. UlOugh decided not to
h .d qu inqutst as there was no quo
tlon as to the manner of his death, nil
tho facts being as above stated.
The funeral will probably not be held
until Monday, when it is expected a
sou who resides at Stockton, Ca1 will
Gambling Games Kunnlng at Several
The action of the city council In re
jecting one of the applications for a
saloon license, under the ordinance
that forbid b gambling, disorderly con
duct, etc., has caused a kick among the
saloon men at the discriminating man
ner in which the ordinance is enforced.
The saloon keepers are required ,to
pay 5400 a year, give a heavy bond for
good behavior and compliance with the
c ty law, which is very severe and has
heavy penalties attached, keep closed
Sundays and election days, permit no
gambling or minors, etc., etc. With
this they are all forced strictly to com
ply and do not generally .complain
thereat. But a prominent and old time
liquor retailer said this merning:
"It is well known that while we are
under strict police regulation 'and no
gambling is allowed, there are three
places in town where gambling la car
ried on extensively and games for
money are. run openly. This is unfair
to the rest of us. who are not Rllowjgd
any such 'prlvllegesr "four"" places are
empty while the city gets our money,
and the drug stores sell the most of the
whisky. We have got to get a change
or wo can't pay rent or beer bills."
Being pressed closer be said: "At
one favored saloon there Is a faro game
and a stud-poker game. It has elegant
gambling rooms that are crowded with
visitors day and night. Two cigar
stores run draw-poker and stud-poker
games where respectable citizens and
young men and boys congregate day
and night. Foos, solo, cinch, whist
and poker are played for money, chips,
cigars. Ail the same it is gambling.
Give us all the same chance and we
will not complain.
"But to make fish of one and flesh
of another is a fraud upon us who as
a set of men are the city's main source
of reeenue. Let the council consider
these" matters and realize what Is going
on right under its nose.
X Miowcr or WlienU
In tho year lCOOortheroabontiit wiw,
a report in Bristol and thereabouts that
It rained wheat about this Town and
six or soveu Miles round, and many be
lieved it One Mr. Colo being curious
to find out tho Truth of tho odd Pl'tio
nomenon procured sovoral Pnrcolfl of it,
and upon diligent Examination of them
with magnifying GJaases, judged from
tho Taste, Figure, Sizo mid Smell that
tliqy wero seeds of Ivy berries, on veil
by a strong Wind from tho Holes aud
Chinks of Ilouses, Churches and other
Buildings, where Starlings ,wi(J otber
Birds had laid or dropped Ihoni, but if
go it's strange that they should fall in
o great Quantities, in so many Place.
Cox's "Magna Britannia."
A Thief Itewariletl.
A thief in tho act of breaking into a
afo was greatly astonished on looking
op to see a gentleman quietly watching
his proceedings. Ho tried to ehcapo, but
the gentleman stopped him.
"Go on, my friend," ho wild. "I nra
greatly interested in your work."
"How is that?" inquired tho astoa.
(shed thief.
"Because I have lost the key to tills
afa If you can open it, you ulinll bo
veil rewarded for your trouble. " Ar-
. ai i hi.
A. dorowUc, newly engaged, presented
to his mooter ontf wouiilign pnlr of
100(4 tho leg of one of wbiuh was much
longer than tho other. "How whim it
that fhwa boot are not the hwho
Iwigrhr" "I really don't know, 1r, but
wJiiU lathers mo the mot is 'Hint tho
pair down rtttlrs ur li tin mm fl.'1
wrjJojitoH VV9"'wV JQvrunlf. .
tr, VrW CtPtm fmiHg How
The Goxey Ganpaign in Ohio
Opened Today.
Southern Democrats B Hating On
Fieo Silver.
" -
MA88ir.TX)N, Ohio, Bent. 8. The
Goxey campaign for congress was
opened today. Coxey's friends are
disgusted with the buffoonery his lieu
tenant Browne baa introduced.
New xoKK(Sept. 8. A Washington
special says: Senator Stewart, of Ne
vada, in commenting upon the report
thai his colleague's recout vaffiliatton
with the Populists was duo to the fact
that Congressman"Newlaods, the mill
ionaire son-in-law of ex-SenaiorSbaron,
wanted to succeed him In tile senate,
said to a reporter last night:
"Senator Jones left be Republican
p irty because of its gold-standard ideas
and because be thought that muno
metallsm was ruining the country.
The Newlaada yarn is made out of
whole cloth. ' There will be more
changes shortly, , 8eetor iTeUer, of
Colorado, Is in a tlgTut ,ploe andVwy
come into the Populist rankfJ.vism
looking for accessions in otbtjr quarters
also. Nebraska will In all probability,
have a silver senator to succeed Man-
derson. The people in- the west are
making the Bilver question more apd
inoro an Issue, and the paramount issue
will n6t be so much Democracy or Re
publicanism as it will
lh M L I w fr 1 1 1 1 tnr
uo uiujoininuj,
Crst-aod foiov,-iS5'- -
Atlanta, ua., Hept. 8. A mass
meeting of Democrats was bold in this
city last evening. The principal feat
ures were the speeches of Speaker
Crisp, reviewing the work of congres?,
aud of Secretary Hoko Smith against
free coinage of silver.
Speaker Crisp declared his personal
preference for free coluage of silver,
Tho speaker then reviewed tho evils
that would ensue in the event of free
coinage of silver. He charged the
Harrison admlBhtratiou with being re
sponsible for the condition of the treas
ury which lei) in part to the panic last
year, which was one of falling reve
nues. During the Republican admin
Istration the expenditures increased at
the rate of f 60,000,000 a year, while the
revenues decreased more tban $18,000,
000 annually. Mr. Cleveland retired,
leaviug a surplus of (230,000,000 in the
treasury. Four years of- Republican
misrule reduced the surplus to $62,450,-
000, with charges fixed for the ensuing
year amounting in round numbers to
(03,000,000 in excess of the revenues.
The repeal of the purchasing clause
of the Sherman bill stopped the panfo
and where money could sot be had at
any price In the summer ef 1693 it can
now be readily obtained at low rates of
Interest, and yet, with the terrible ex
periences of last year fresh in our
minds, it Is proposed (o open the mints
without limit ts the (low of silver that
would certainly produce a silver mon
oraetalliBi. v
Fear of silver aaoomUlim amy bo
attributed to 14 year's paulc, which
would absolutely produce such a result ?
Mr.Biultti closed bis speech with an
appeal to the voters of the state to rc
uialu true (o the Domtlo psrty, the
party of sound money Inaugurated by
Jtflmon, supported by Jackson slid
pttwvtd by Clve!ud,
1'htwwttry fnlweil the JlnancM
trouble nl Ihoittsi tighhen wnlhs
nij coigraluhiM Cfw Houlh, vs wull
fjcorgbt Wtvu tiu wllftt showing
mAu, In ths flowlw'rl'Htti i n
In i rW vrsw pmim rwPff
plo of Georglt should show the
that the wild theories of the P
had no foothold kmongsUtheBaj
ing attention to the recent ex
of tho great states of Kabsas an
rado under the Popullstlo rd
secretary asked who would wish-to s v
Georgia follow the leadership bf jpwel
ling or Walte. Bad as was the!recWd
of tho third party in tho West, th
crazy theories of their leaders la con
gress were enough to stagger the com
prehension and to shock thosghtful
Thev souehtdlsburaementu a
- " i
ing in aggregate to oVer ?25,000,
The people qt Georgia could
to endprse such a party. He
to the free and unlimited co
silver at a ratio of 10 to 1 by ths
States alone, and declared it
plan utterly at variance, will:
busliuss principles and frau
lucalcu'able evil. He did not'
position misunderstood; he fcg
niiifh lilmt tulllst. slronflrnH.bJ
. Ci t
:'.0 t5?1fl
and nn one cquU bo more ut
opposed to the adoption of a sit
standard. The secretary theni
the fight dlftereut kinds of mqqey uow
used lu this country aud mafuUtned
that tlte fnstaut one ot these went to a
premium It became a commodity for
private saIu and a contraction would
follow, but by preserving upon an
equality and by an Increase equal to
the growth of buslnens and population
contraction would be prevented. This
would be accomplished ilrst, by chang
ing the bullion in the silver dollars so
as to require one hundred cents' worth
of silver in any dollar; second by Inter
national agreement which If it coul
be secured, would preyent the pecessity
of changing tho ratio, or third, by call
ing in all money of small denoniina
tlons, say $10 dollars and less not con
sisting of silver and .giving silver the
.lit.. r .......
jUliselly-urgedberieffeal of "the5
10 per cent, tax-on state banks as a
remedy of great value.
The points relied on by Judge More
land In arguing before the supreme
court, against enjoining the state offi
cials from building an asylum In East
ern Oregon, are ridiculously technical.
If Eastern Oregon has no more to rely
upon than he adduced from the points
In his brief, that section wilt never get
an asylum.
His first point was that the bill did
not provide for a separate public insti
tution, but only a "branch." Hence
be argued, the words of the constltn
tlon "that all the public institutions of
"the stale hereafter provided by the
"legislative assembly shall be located
"at the seat of government," did not
apply. It would bo a "branch" In
stitution. But It would not be "pub
lic" iu tho sense of the constitution,
The asylum at Salem is a public In
stitution. Its branch" in Union
county would not be a public branch.
This. Is' splitting a hair between the
south and the southwest side. Only a
fine lawyer could split a thing so fine.
Eastern Oregon getting an asylum
hangs by a split hair, as it were.
The next point he relies upon is
stated thus fu bis brief;
' "The statute has provided for certain
cases where a relator can call In the
power of tho slate, and in tho cases
specified in the law, and In those pnly,
can this nower be called Into exercise.
The courts cannot supply what the leg
islature lias negiecieu or uecnoeu to
The title of the camels: The state
of Oregon upon tho rdatioB of A. O,
Taylor, respondent, ve. Sylvester Pen
noyer," etc, Tho argument la that
just this peculiar sort of esse vaa never
thought of by the legislature in draft
ing the law of Injunctions. It U purely
a technicality. If a taxpayer cannot
enjoin an expenditure and have It in
quired Into, who can 7
Tlte btitff closbs hi these word;
I wlah to call attention to the points
raised by the ottornty.general In his
brief, HfiuriiiMil y. Bellows, and nfar to
that brief, the )I)U made and author
Mies clU-ri as pai( of IhU brief. '
TJist -was tile soJdle;' jon5siiJt,
Hut If thst brief can h relied upon as
si'ttlfng tfiU qut-hlloii, why Is It iivrrs
fury to try this care ut ul ? Ami wjiy
ill pise i f fjifig lUn aitori ey gi'psl's
Lrhf. which iiuM jmpy Ih lu'opj
weighty limn Mr, Mrlw$'p it Mint
we br.t It U fr mhpmbnfW
twity MUvwy xfim WHPfifln ihi
u vv--1
(e. the
L ?
"world nimici PAXTfiinir pniiino
ik&lists rilllAi lylnUlJnlj rlLiiUJiiJ
T- JT' M If M IB IS ! M -C. IK S I I .
Ijivt'S and Property Sacrificed
Iiy Thieves.
Their Crimes Unearthed hy a
legislative Committee.
St. Paul, Sept. 8 A Dulutb, cur
rier from Itiluy River, brings news of
fires on Via Canadian border last week
that killed nearly 25 persons. Mall
carriers between Tower and Rainy
Rlyer bad several aart-ew escapes.
Chigaoo, 8eit.ill.'--A-vil from
St. Cloud, MIhb.; say: "TheVe are ln
llmations that tbeetate senatorial som
mlttce, wblch for moutlw has been in
vestigating rraude against the state in
cutting pine from school lands, will
be able to show astonlsUiug evidence.
Not only have "timber pirates" ap
propriated millions of dollars worth of
lumber belonging to the slate, but in
trying to cover up their stealings they
started fires which resulted In terrible
loss of life and property in Fine,
Kanab, Carlton and other counties. It
is charged that lumbersaea fired lands
whloh they had improperly cleared, to
reader measurement of eturapage im
possible. Id starting those fires, the crooked
lumber men worked altogether to do a,
clean Job. The Ores spread over 1000
square miles of country, destroyed, too
body knows how many hundreds of
huowiOivee&BddvwMjd 910,0000,060
worth' of property. Whether" er not It
can be proved that these fires' grew out.
of the little ones kindled by the timber
pirates, there lt a loud demand through
the pine country that the manner of
cutting timber be severely regulated.
Gorntaa Emprer CkaSng Usder
OppoelUoji of tke Praeelaa Hobility
to Their King.
Bkklin, Sept. 8.- Emperor William
made a sensational speech at a state
banquet, at which the king of Wurtem
burg was the principal guest, He bad
previously struck from the list of guests
tho name of Count von Mlrbach and
Count von Kanlfz, and General Kllt-
zulng and Bandlw. The two latter
were subsequently restored. Emperor
William's ict plainly marked his die-
pleasure at the attitude of the persons
named upon the agrarian question ,
This is confirmed by the feet that re
cently the emperor decorated Count
von DoenhorT with the order of the
lied Eagle. Count von DotuboH was
expelled last May from a cottvereatlve
union beoattee be voted for the Rueso
Gorman commercial treaty In the rich
stf. Emperor Wllllasa approved the
count's actiofl. After the emperor had
toasted the king ot Wurtewburg and
the latter had rsepoded, his isspetM
majesty mdt a speech whtehesHMd
the deepest hwprsssJo. After a few
words of thanks for bis mceptlo, the
emperor said i
"When I was here four years ago J
ewpbaelKed the fact that In Eastern
Pru!, where the people are cUkHy
fsrmsrs, you mut, before all, jrm
shJ iimliilalu a capable peeaulry, aud
thai pa (hJcM, llwjf would Jf a pJr A
support tu any m(wrubx lnce my
constant endw, wbMr IIm off
(MirfMNl; f foititt the w4fwe
Slid wowow f lt FlVH-tyl Vfr.
past four grievous yean have welho I
upon tho farmer, and It npprnra to mo
that under this condition doubt has
arisen in regard to my promises and oh
to whether I bhoti'd be able to keep
them. N.y, I find myself compelled
to observe, with n sor hen't, that in
the cl.clei t,f tha nobility stindlng
near the t'one, my best intentions
were nilsumlen-to d. mid to a certain
extent, coin batted. Nay, more, word
of opposition has been brought to my
ears. Gentlemen, the opposition of
Prussian noblemen to their king U a.
monstrosity. They are Jmtlfied lu
forming an opposition only nhtn they
know the king to be at their head.
This Is a lewon t mjht by the hUtory
of our ojuutry. H.v often tuvo my
ancestors had to sat themielvea against
misguided members of that olo&j fir
the welfare of tho whole o immunity.
Toe suoceasor of hhn, who, by his own
right, became sovereign duko of Prus
sia, will follow the same path as his
great ancestor, and as once the first
king ot Prussia said, 'Ex me mea nata
oorona,' and as his great sou established
his authority, so I represent, like ray
imperial grandsire, the kingdom by
the grace of God.
'T shall continue iu my constant en
deavors and the next budget will af
ford freak proof of my parental solid
tude. OsiMwueii, let ua regard, the
preeswe "weighing upon us and the
times through which wo aro passing, In
tho light of the Christian profession in
whloh we have been educated, as a
trial kid upon us by God. Let us pre
serve oar minds in quietude and endure
with patience and firm resolution, hop
ing for better times, acoordlug to our
old maxim, 'noblesee oblige.' A stir
ring ceremony passed before our
eyes Tuesday. Before us stands
the statue of William I. the imperial
sword uplifted in his right hand, the
symbol of law and order. It reminds
joe'Of the arduous struggle, which bus
designs against the very foundation of
our eonetltutiona! and social life. Now
gentlemen, It is to you I this day ad
drees myself. Forward, to fight for re
ligion, for morality and for order
against the parties of revolution. As
the ivy winds itself arousd the oak,
beautifies it with its leaves aud protects
It when the tempests rage, so do the
Prussian nobility close around my
house. May it, and with it the whole
Hobility of the German nation become
a bright example to those sections of
Ihe poulaco which aro still wavering,
Lot ue enter together upon this strug
gle. Onward with God and dishonor
to him who forsakes hie king.
"In the hope that Eastern Prussia
will be the first province In line iu this
battle, I raise my glass and quaff to
the prosperity of Eastern Prussia and
to her Inhabitants. Three cheers for the
Wast an Armistice.
CoPENiiAorw, Bept. 8. A telegram
from Shanghai seems to confirm the
report tjuat negotiations (or an armistice
between China and Japan are In prog
London, Sept. 8. In ofllclai circles
It is believed that the armistice negc-
Uatlone, said to be lu progress betwsea
CJUsa and Japau, refer to anything
nacre tban negotiations or exchanges
between generals ootjaesaridlng the op
posing araales la Cores.
Faee te face.
London, Sept, 8. A dispatch to the
Times frow Shanghai says it is re
ported from Cores (hat the opposing
armies of China aud Japan are mw
separated only by the IwJI river, whk-h
l Impassable on account of Moods,
MI I I II ! H I II I till 111
Read tarIM article on third pee.
HlUH f all k Itvewhif Poww,
jBr"FrSi,,'r B
vn ut
Sionx Gily Wants tho Cham
pions to Fight.
On an IJand'lh the RnRfag-MK
souri Illvcr.
A Oorbatt Jackson Figkt
New Yohic, Sept. 8. Brady ami
Oroarke, representing Oorbett aad
Jncksou, motEd Loyd, the representa
tive ot tho Rloux City athletic elub to
day. Lloyd had articles in whlefa the
club offered a purse of 25,000ufbr a
light. The canteet is to take pfeotr
between May 15 and June 15 next.nearl
Sioux City. Each of the fighters Is
guaranteed $2500 In case the fight is
stopped by the police. Brady shzseeT
instantly, but Orourke said he was sot
authorized to sign. Lloyd left for Chi
cago to seo Jackson personally. The
fight, if arranged, will take place oa a
bar in the Mlseourt river, near Sioux.
City, and between Nebraska and Iewa:
It has never been decided which state
has Jurisdiction over this point.
Joining the Chinese.
Honq Konq, Sept. 8. Many Eu
ropeans employed in the Chl&ese eu
torn? Bcrvlce are resigning in order In
enter the Chinese navy. In the latter
service they will be paid 150 taele per
month. In case of death .5000 taels are
to be paid to their families,
Fire hy LigksaiBg.
Dkkalb, lite., Sept. 8. Lightning
played havoc among varleus owaU
towBs 1b this section laet night. The
business portion of Malta, a vlllasjctef
000, is In ashes, with the losses agft;
gating $50,000. Henrietta, a hamlet of
half a dozen bouses, was also wiped out.
At Caledonia four buildings were de
stroyed. At Itockford three fires were
caused by lightning.
Fatal X. X. Collision.
Lockiiaven, Pa., Sept. 8. As eaat
beund freight train collided with a
westbound work train near here today,
There were 15 men In the cab. Jerry
Bheehan and David Foroht were billed
aud James Kane bad hie thigh
shattered. Seven were slightly In
jured, Oklahewa Divorcee XallUUd.
Gutjikik, O. T., Sept, 8. A decision
of the supreme court of the territory
to day nullified all divorces greeted by
the probate Judges in Oklahoma, slnos
1803, There have been fully four hun
dred such dlyofces and a large pereeat
age of persons so divorced have Married
since, and are guilty ot biganay,
Ban Fkanoioo, Sept. 8.-Wheat
Cash 83J85.
Chioaoo, Bept. 8. Caeli, G1J.
Foktlaxd, Sept. 8. Wheat vattey
7677J Walla Walla 08J7Q.
Zaaiaeirt Ma Ded.
London, Sept. 8, The Ceeate D
Parts, the faieew hleterlae, k dead,
Wantkd, Frb oow. y J. g,
Maeowber. Euqulre at bfielc eta,
South Halew.
I'uritsH Manle svrun. hi
pure, I be best oh tbeeoaet. VmtM. A
Zhnwermau's best wile on a
yesterday was done Ih 2 "Ini4, i 14
Lalet U. 8 Govt JUyt
ssfBBBsbsb fVf "BH T
i m