& n VI t&V 3S i i i --- OH NfilV OTF ANDJMUiE TAX, Comparison With Duties Under the Old Law. JIIX JUST PASSED BY CONGR1SS. full and r.xtxct Copy of (he Schedule, of Italcs Designed to Take Effect Aug. 1, ; JH04 Tho Complete Free 1.1st Text ol Hhv Income Tax. ttlir.HULE A Chemicals, Oils nnd Iulnti. --Average Ad vnlnrem Under-. McKlnley Now Itute. Ilute. '. . 1 i, -haT l t rt I4- tinl i v ? il'ti-f I.DI7 . 13.19 HI In- I curavlty exceeding l.U7.. Ej'.UB L-0 Ho llOIU. .... 1 WJ.I.S Ol.lll Elll-tlllC R!(j9 21.N rit r c -n.7J i U' li'( 181.2! 141.U uiu.rio ut kohullo perfumery 01.77 (.1.7 i,ii ouiicIb. nlcoliutlc lo.)43 1UI4 .1. i lint. Alum, fciililiatodf i.l- i miiiii&nd alums in c.-yslals . 117.18 24.7V yi iiionU i lOiiucioi,,., visa .ii unitoof 1 '.'(' HI ii halo or . ..l su STjiinilinr J'5 0 I&rus, crndo 110.47 7H04 ,, uc, leUued 4A31 1(3 It fcmiihor. refined lr.'.M 10 f(. iar. colors or d) 63 85 j . fir. iixiuo or iv j ib.ii.' il wiuis, berries, utiiMiius, I. ii In and linlbouK rootH 10 10 srl.it fordiing.othertlunluui- lotk 8X8 10 CtlllTB li,i,uiic , im 400 lidtitlirn.ollHoressiiivra.... Oi'.CS 1UI.C. igwooa and oilier (t)oitoo(lB,,. ims iu Imind Ink I'OUclt'lH HO IB Eaao, pxtintt f 13.24 10 rfl.s. MM 21.51 Bi l i.iu ur morphine 47.UI 47.W !' lll.ai'lne lushdant orenlnblc oil Foleato of budiv or tut bey rod Lifalnlnt Wormure per cent of fxnr on oilier..... 20 htor,,, HJ0.35 iicr,,. .i el oil or ami Ho alcohol 10. impseul and jflpo seed 24.13 ivo ioruiau, ,.,,,,,,,,, o.w 1JM3I mlllt,.,,, ..,.,,,.,, ........ 47.U7 l. , ....,,,,,,,, ., '.yf Hi. not fmeniitiiv nroviaca lor. uf.iz ale, not specially provided pr , iu.vu isipil or Unseed....... l'3.It vp)Eeed oil 04.37 plum Idouh, extract of and tincture ,,,,. .,,., , " .in mn Hints and colors ichromlum colors, dry or mix- I with oil 80 84 rauiarlne ,,.,.,.,,..i. 46.15 kli blue, containing ultrapjs Eic ,,......,.., JW.33 lilting and pari white KBVoundinoii.'.'.','"'.'.',,,'',',','.',,160.'60 nc, oimo or, ana wniio rami lining zinc, out not leaa kndlVnoA!!!!!!!!!!!""!!.!'.'. 40)47 i creen mid Iouuon purpio... & (ononis, , 40.79 lash . . . . . . mate and bichromate or.... do. if nniRAlfUn nt. red 0.04 Bo:. Veiioir:;,.7.;:,;.;.,,. 85.40 Pa ornate and chromate or,,,,, o.m. iteof 43.W hnss tree phnia or Btrychnine 03.79 Bur, rennea m Ir, oreatn of and pai tly re Lf 25 rato"of" sodsor rochelle , , ,.,., l.w nnlnlintn of. or barvtes. udine barrles earth man. lured ...... 60.2 l, containing f errocyanide of I, dry or cround in or mixed Knll 0.03 rflxe, or satin white or arti- Hsuipimiooi oaryiea u.m MiiRiln from bone. Ivory or (.table, including boneblack r lAmnhlnnk. drp or cround llorwator,,, ,,,.,, ,,,,., 25 per ond ochery earths Ed in oil 10.0 Ina and blenna eartlis 1 in oil.....,.., si.M er and umber earths I In oil v 5.80 varnishes, r.., C9.53 Ber, including gold sue or lion led And colors contain auicksllier, dry or ground InrUAtpr 20.77 lion red, not contelnlne isiner, out maiifi 01 civn, ier paints and colore. In. Inplakcs.not spcclftlly pro- I lor, and artiuif colors in i or otliomlsc 5 or ground and comnitr- Known aa arums wuicr mints,,,,,, " rS"W J""" ts and fiostlnu,,, ,,,,,.,!., -5 n Ii, Indian red, ana colco- or oxiuu 01 iron.,,,, , j-j Ice, cafsvl oarlli or ca&bei In i acetate or re (Unite of,,,, Minora),,,.,,,!!!)!!!)" . ,,, , , ( ,(.(,(1,1 rations, medlrinA I. jlW nn.'Ull'lllll yiuHKawy l Hlcoholls (iffd ,, Hlcoiioi s uotapompOr ana otner mercurial .tloilM Jons or pro'luct known till, mid alkaloids, and finical vonipouniji anij M.,, , ,,,, r ("!((( Illktr pbtntlHl oils and com- pa oi. . , !.( rllxed or exprfsset o :i)blntttloiiso .,,,. ,, , r rundend oils ana PflWf n"t, , v Kni tiseu as aupiicauaii JIAir, mOUItl, ,BC urn upli as to. nifties, denlrlr tlAklfSi "OIIIHf"., POWf Q, IIIHUMIOK A 7&04 04.91 18.23 7?. 7 W. 15JSI 25 S5 M ii ii if id la lid as inuvt ...-. In- ,ml"( flullyi'ipiied(or...,, flim iif Wine at- t not)bopfn(n pr lfl u . l"''l rttubov'tfT'tniisitio im kV)cenis imriouid. ,,,,., .Ml awove IN CCHII r W not aUiteTronli Pr v..i.......vi:j':,v HUMIf H,(l ( (,V jiV liu is ir iHiuud.. jit U UJ cents ni above Trunin itr Kbn4f tews hihI not Cflilsr l"OUill I'MID w rni ir 90 into CO 4"3!k 20 10 24.12 26.9-J 25 25 25 09.40 satis CO Free. 20.63 80.77 20.33 71.24 94.75 25.15 23 15 12.H) 3U.U) 25 25 25 25 02.C2 10 70.34 0 20 11 26.45 20.03 25 CO 10.37 17.C2 21.50 59.53 25 20 25 25 25 5 Si 25 China-. Painted, tlnte. glided, deoiraf. pAin'Viiite'.;;;;'.";;";;;;;",,t;;;; Ho tluini in!-. iilntKn'il lii'n rm f "it fcwrfig tf,,ii lii,l,rtUiajUt l"fc" lililir. .rWirrr.vt M liOlilliiKinorjiluuioneiliH. Uii lioldiiiu not more tl n , CAS lr, lit nnd not iinani-rpint., Ifsi than me onc- 85 00 111 45.9T Do., lioldlng le'ss'lhan bne-qiiarl Olhefj, on whUk'Vtmffln 'liii'i'v PiVi" i "i. , If' ,hlui 40 cent. 40 til ed, holding mure than one pint 879 Do., holding not more than'one " pint and not less than one quarter pint , K0S Da, holding Jess than one quar. terplnt , ; ,, ggn Others on which upcclflc duty ' would be less than 40 por cent , 40 Mottles Mid vials, green and col- orcd, holding more than one pint , (4t 7017 Do., holding not more than ono pint and not less than one quarter pint 1)443 Do., holding less than one quar- terplnt......... H8.06 Other on which specific duty piW,"oId.Da,ifMtl'anPerce''" 0 rll'ed, holding more than one pint , ji,48 Do., holding not more than one pint and not less than one quarter pint 1U.42 Do., holding less than one quar ter pint......... 14808 Otherii on which specific duty would be less than 40 per ceilt. 40 Demijohns and earbojs Holding more than one pint 37.91 Others, on which specific duty would be less than 40 per cent. 40 Filled, on which specific duty ould be less than 40 per cent. 40 Flint and lime pressed glai Ma e, not cut, engraved or dec orated 1. ,. ,,, GO Articles of gltine, cut, engrned or decorated, not Including plate glass or looking plate glass ,, CO Chcnilcnl glasMYare, for use In laboratories , .... 45 Thin blow n glass. Including glass ihimijois CO UeHj blown glats, not cut or decorated ,, GO i'oicclain or opal glasnare .... CO ?ylliulur crown and common v. t'ulnw clab.s, unpolished, aboc 10x15 inches and not ex ciccllng 10x24 Inches 100.19 Do., above 10x21 Inches and not exceeding 24x30 Inches 120 C6 Do., itbno24xS0 Inches and not exu-'-dlng 24x20 Inchei 124.07 Do., a 1 above 24x00 Inches 11079 Plate I'lasr, fluted, rolled, rough or rtliLrvise obscuied. above 24:20 li.chcs and not exceeding 24x00 Inches...,,, t.03 Do., all above 24x60 Inches 91.33 Plate gins-", cast, poliahed or ell. vered, all above 24x80 inches and not exceeding 24-60 inches. 51 97 Do., all above 24xb0 inches. . 1 49.09 Plate glass, cast, polished, fin Ishedor unfinished and npsll vered, above 24x1?) Inches and not exceeding 24x10 Indies PT 49 Do., all above 24x00 Inches. ...... .174,15 C) linder mid crow n glass, polish, cd, silvered nnd looking glass plates. Above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24:00 Inches..... 41.77 Do., nil above 24xL0 inches. 4J88 Cylinder, cronu and common window glaisnnpolisned, when ground, obscured, ornamented or decorated, aboie 10x)5 Inch, and not xceedlng (0x24 inches S3 CO Do., alxno 10x24 fpchps and pot exceeding 84x311 lry-hes,,,,,,... 100.43 Do., above 24x30 Inches ant) not exceeding 24x30 Inches.,,,, p,3 Do., all aboie 24x30 Inches,,,.,., ST,.? Cylinder and crown glass, polish, ed, silvered, when ground, ob scured, oonamented or decor ated, above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24xC0 Inches 80.49 Do., all abovo 64x60 inches 40 Plate glass, cast, polished, ell- 81.30 00.9- 50.34 40.2 40 C5.&4 87.01 95 84 40 B2.K 85.81 118.41 40 6J.C1 a.8i 118.44 40 28.4! 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 70.TC 88.on eo.or, 79.41 8S.C0 63.91 8114 310 87.74 122.11 ra.To S7.7U 89 07 7C02 64.00 27.14 20 vered, w en ground, obspprcd, ornamented pr decorated, 89.02 47.45 9.11 09.40 45.59 (5.51 ?5 25 25 0 IS v i 3 w w uuiifioJ tiJi lilt IV ' ,, !.., , ..... I-" BM II hitUf, VjtHIHwarB hbJ fllfWfrWr'i toil!W ::Lv;W Mlf ' '"-"''ipt h """""Sill rt "iiiuiiNi jm 'illliifM- "T 2355 rs,s C.-I..T3 above 24x30 (nohes, and no ex ceeaingjaxw ippiies,,,,,,,,,,, i;o., an ooonisuuini;uii,,,,,,,, Plate glass, cast, polished, unsll. vered, when ground, obscured, ornamented, or decorated above 24x80 Inches and not ex feerilnr-21xfi0 Inches. Do., nil above 24x00 inches. 61.95 Speqtaoles and eyeglasses, or frames thereof C Marble nnd wtopa Snd manufac turers of marble In block, rough or squared 69,80 Veined marble, sawed, dressed, Including marble slabs and marble paving tiles , 00.93 All manutacturesof, not special ly provided for 50 Freestone, granite, sandstone, ,,,,,,,.. ....... 31.41 Do., hewn, dressed PF pplSh6d,. 40 Grindstones, finished or nnflnlsll- cd ,,,,,,,,,((,(((,( 13.74 Slate, roofing - SCHEDULE C Metals and Manufactures or. Iron ore 42.70 Jronlnplgi -V1. Fcrrosillcou 20.00 3plcgelesp- ftnf ferromanga- nesse...,,,.,,, .,,,,,,,,,, iii-i ,i 1 50 Jjl All other,. ,,,,,...,.,, ,,,,..,,,,,, 4U-V4 Scrap lion and steel lit only to bo remanufnplured Iron, wrought and cast 47X3 Har Iron, rolled or hammered, coraprlblng , Steel.-. 43 Flats not lees than one Inch w ide, nor lei-s than three-eighths Inch thick 30.30 Round lion, "Pt less that) Hirer ; Quarters incn uiaineier, auu 16.C. 2K.C-, 60.8" 41.8t 40 D0.16 47.00 45 21.8T 30 10 20 22.77 15.87 15.44 24.37 28.47 25.WI 27.22 Ln,i,M Irm, rtnt teRRf ban three. quarters inch square ' a'6' flats, less than one Inch wide or letw than three-eighths Inch thick: round Iron, less than thiec-quarters Incty and not les than socn.6lxteent lis Inch rilatpplerj pnuara rpn, less tlia IhrterHUrfrtirMJnch pi(uar,,. &M Bars or xliupes of rolled irpn, atid round Iron in colls or rods, lean Ihanreten-sixteentbs Inch di ameter a-7 Bars, bluides, billets, in the man ufaclure of which charcoal Is used as fuel.. ...... "O-83 All other, and slabs, blooms or loops iiim.jiiy .imillJMIl'Vfi "' Bedms. BlrrtK. lolHf.pgles, '? T column. IUi all oilier struci lurat tliapenof Ironor sjeel.,.. 14,61 Holler or pther plate Iron or steel, nof thinner than Jto. VI wire gauge, sheored or uueluar. ed, and 6keln Iron or steel, shear. e) or rolled Iu grooves Valued above 1 cent and not above l.tcfnfsa pound,..,.... 1917 Valued Ahore ,4 cent ) Pf'l ., , Valued aiove i peilfi anij not ,. sboB3 (fills , H Valued above 3 cents and not sbovo 4 tenti,, ....,... .., ... Urt yorglugs of Iron or lee . or forgtd Iron and steel combined. 41.93 Hoop, band or scroll, or oilier Iron or sUel, yalued at 8ffM A iiound pr l. P nclie pr k" '' width, ami lu llian Hr.e-i-lgliilisfiiehl hick-, Not thinner llt No. JO wlro in,.uni'un"Wn. 10 and not ti,l,i(if, iliah No. fill wiiaifsuiru 4l.lt Thinner than No 20 vrlre gauije ivM 11.. r, u fur rallwais. nut "".. -'. ".- v-.'r" .:', "" ,1,11 alls, papriiro, inl it i" i w oiusr r'nwHr n-i-r . , . . . w.i ccanioti ll H tIS Tr'allS pr iron. ,. 1 fle or In part steel, Sheets on;i;norer, p r blank. Vlua H 8 luiiind tit ICMttv l'lilniier lliH -Vo.W. ' thinner U'' H'h "J Thliinur iiiH .?". and not wrl'Ui0 48,90 II and not ihiitiitr llian No. wlreifsuvu Thlnmr ll'n no w jr nuw trrutfli"rliiilfl UBIiaillWH Or IH11 wn pnv "rVilir,or nylioy -f tlirw incii- "jtilimer UianKo, i0n4 notliilB i Mr tlti Kit. MS !r ut ... WO J!'.AmizA ... 1... M U 108 818 44 93 80.09 8.2 49 7i 45.6(1 80 30 00 SO w HOLM' S4JKI ill tm m m Va ud above M cenU ahd not nbutel.8ciitsaiound fc2.;s Va'nid abovo 4 J! cents and not v """'0"fr,''t pound 4l.cS vanid alne 2.2 Lents and not iil-ivollrriitsaiHiuiid 43.U alued above 3 cents and not above 4 cents o pound AIM Valued above 4 cents and net above 7 cents a pound 35.04 tamed abovo 7 cents and net above 10 cents a pound..., 3088 Valued above 10 cents and not above 13 cents a pound 80.07 alue d alwve 13 cents and not above 16 cents a pound.,.,..... 9 38 Valued above 16 cents a pound.. . 80,75 Sheets and plates and saw elates of steel Valued above 1 cent and not above 1.4 cents a pound , 42,91 Valued above 1.4 cents and not above 1.8 cents a pound 48.11 Valued above 1.8 cents and not above 2.2 cents a pound 41.45 Valued above 2 2 cents and not above 3 cents a pound 4133 Valued above 8 cents and not above 4 cents a pound .. ....... 49.48 Valued above 4 cents and not above 7 cents a pound ......... 81.71 Valued above 7 cents and not above 10 cents a pound 3128 valued' abovo 10 cents and not abovo 13 cents a pound 31 Valued abovo 13 cents and not above 16 cents a pound 29.81 Valued above 10 cents a pound... 24.78 Wlro rods Rivet, screw, fence and othor Iron or steel wire rods not smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, valued at 3W cents or less a pound 84 Flat iron or steel, with longitudi nal ribs, for manufacture of fencing, valued at 3 cents or less a pound.,,, , 34.04 Wire of iron or Bteel Flat steel wire, or sheet steel. In strips of any width, tempered or untempered, 25-1,000 Inch thick ur thinner 60 Not smaller than No. 10 wire gauge 82.54 Smaller than No, 10, and not smaller than No, 10 wire gauge. 43.77 Smaller than No. 10, and not smaller than No. 20 wire gauge. 45.05 Smaller than No. 20, w Ire gauge. 20.08 (plated with zinc or tin or any olher metal Not pmaller than No. 10, wire guugo 47.88 Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 20 wiie gauge. 93.23 Smaller than No. 20 wire gauge.. 15.75 Wire of Iron or steel covered w Ith cottoti, silk or other mate rial and wires or stripped steel, commonly known as crinoline, corset nnd hat wire,,,.. ,,,.,,, 10,60, Wire of iron or steel, valued ftt more than 4 cents a pound.,.,, 45 Do., galvanized 54 Wire card for manufacture of card clothing 65 Wire tope and wire strand, mado of Iron wire Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 16 wire gauge. 73.91 Smaller llijin No. 10 and not smaller than No. 20 wire gauge, 57.6(1 Smaller than No. 20 wire gauge.. CU.5J) rjulvanlzed, smaller than No. 10 and pot smaller than No. 18 wirngiirgo., ,,...,,.,. 88 83 Bniallir than .No, 10 and not Hnalkirllian Ho. 20 YtlrpgAUge. 63.60 Smaller than No, CO wiiogaufo.. Mi Til Made or steel who not smaller than No lOwlrc gauge 60.98 Smaller than No. 10 nnd not smaller than No. 10 w Ire gauge. 57.03 Smiilltr than No. 16 and not smaller than No. 20 v.lre gauge, 47 (A Smnllei (linn No, P0 wire, caiice.. 13.07 (inltnnlzcd Not 1 mailer ihnn No, 0 tv'rp Kai'gi'..,,.., ,.. . .,.. 6065 imul r than No, 10 and not smaller than No. 1(1 wlru gauge,OP..23 iraa'ler than No, 10 slid not smrilcr Ihan No.SuwIre gauge. 77 40 Smaller Ihnn No. CO wire guuze. 80 84 Not smaller than No, 5 wlro gauge, cu'cl rolled, cold ham mered or polished ,., 00.15 Wire cloths and tt ire netting, made In meshos, from iron or teel w Ire Not smaller than No. 9 wrp Bu.:e iiIi'mmhmiiii YWX) Onhanlzcil-r Smaller than No, 10 and not Finaller tlian No. )!t wire gauge. 2184 Steel Ingots, cogged Incotn. blooms and slabs, and steel In all forms and t-.li apes, not -.peilally provided for Va'ued above 7 cents and not , above 10 cents per pound 80.63 Valued alove 13 cents nnd not abovo B tents per pqund. ,., . SMI Valued above It) cenlg per ppnnt E5.63. Boiler or other pliito Iron or steel (except saw plates), not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, sheared or unsbeared Valued abovo 2 cents and not obovo 3 cents per pound 55.81 Valued aboie 3 cents nnd not above 4 cents per pound 48 Sheets of Iron or steel, common ' or black- Thinner ban No. 10 nnd not thin ner than No. 20tire gauge..,.. 41.70 Thinner than No. 20 and not thin ner than No. 25 wlro gauge 65.61 Thinner thnn No. 25 wire gauge.. 79,47 Sheets and plates and saw plates of steel not specially nrpt vlded foftr- " Valued above 18 cents per pound, 81.19 Sheet b and plates ana saw plates of steel not specially pro. vlded for. hotter than tho grade of cold rolled, smooth only, here-, lnbefore provided for Valued above 4 cents and not above 7 cents per pound 50.11 Valued above 7 rents nnd not above 10 cents per pound,,,,.., 6.1,48 Valued ahive 111 pouts and pot above IU cents per pound , 42.34 Valued abovn 13 oents and not above 16 cents per pound.,,,,., 85.05 Valued above 16 cents per pound. 15.33 Steel circular eaW plates Valued above 4 cents and not above 7 cents per iound,..,,.,, 60,81 Valued above 7 cents and not above JOfjenls ner pound,. 89.48 Valued above !Q cents and not above 13 cents per pound , 85.C9 Anchors or parts thereof, mill irons and mill 'cranks, of wrought Iron, and wrought Iron for shins, and forglngsof Iron or steel, for vessels, steam en. glnesand locomotives, or Pi tlicrcnC, wlghipa each 5 pounds or more,,,,., ,,,,,. 82.06 Axles or parts thereof,,,,,, ,,,, 27.86 Anvils,,,,,,.... ,,,,,...,, 10.04 Hammers nnd sledges, track tools, wedges and crowbars, ... 86.50 Tubes, pipes, Hues or stays, boiler or outer, 01 wrougui iron or steel, , Doltt, with or w iihout threads or nuts, or bolt Monks and, fin, hinges, hinge blanks p Irpn or Met), , , ,k. 1 (! ,,,.,,,,,,, Ulits Hliil u'uhera of wrounht Ironor steel .,,,,, 26.15 Old clothing Manufactured from, tempered si eel wire ,,..,..., 68.10 Other ft'iiniiiii'iu' ?3,V4 Castings fMnxTp'fPf fwry fiorip. IlOQii M ttnttittttf Vt,v Pt A Iron Vessels, pltrs, stove olati-s. and Irons, sad ions, tall. or' Irwin, hatters' Irons. 6.07 Malleable iron castings,. . . 10. IB 31.88 juillotv ware, coaled, ulaMfl or lliined . .,.., I'.,,,,.,,. UhalnprcMnS Mt ' I'10 Qr fteel wpt less than three-quarters Inob ' diameter.,. ,,,,.,,..,, Let ,tJir three-qusrlers, (ncl ami not less Ihan tbreti(-giU, incn iiiamrivr 813 M. 697 .M.T6 32.33 81.10 3.16 caoo saes 19.68 0.65 84-83 90.03 SZ24 83L50 S7.ll U.61 22.67 21.80 19.86 10.62 2.67 23.70 40 32.64 41.80 S0.63 17.89 34JB8 a 40 40 40 40 60.49 44.27 (9.87 68.85 69.27 60.61 65.20 5UI 42.73 61 SI 6371 66 29 54.70 40 64.41 4I.S7 22.75 18.51 16.76 35 85 27.52 88.10 68.99 0.22 20 m.u 21.89 18 8.74 82.01 19.74 19.30 S1.89 0.61 27.33 24.33 23 0.U I3il 17.4W 16,37 All earring s.r.4 cooWkntra ahd forks , ... Vnlued at not or-than .,. dozen, ....,......... it. Vr h.wl at n ro than ft! and not inor,i Iban f a doeen... ........ 00.97 Valued at mom than J and not mrtthaii Sladoxn W.M Valued at inoretliasvfMsvdoMn. 08.68 Files, file blanks, rasps and floats ('our Inches long ana under. OT.G8 Over tlnchks and under 9 Inches Over Blncn'is and undr l't'lriciies long.,. , 80.97 Fourteen inch long and over... 9.7t Firearms MuskeU and sporMoc rlflss SB Pistols, rcvolvinf , valued at not more than 1. each M.C3 Valued at mora than ftl.80 each., etuta Shotguns, double barrsled, sport- Ing. breeohloadlng, rvaioed at not more than M each 67.99 Valued at more than Jt and not more than 812 each., .i 6089 Valued nt more than til each... 44.N Shotguns, single barreled.breech- hwdlng , ."..'. 4X10 Sheets and plates, wa,res or ar liclen or iron and statl Knatneled or glaxed: with vitre ous glosses .,., .......... 43 Enameled or glased with vitre ous glasses with more than one color or ornamented...., 60 Nails, spikes and tacks Nails and spikes, cat, of Iron or steel 3.69 Nails, horseshoe, hob and all oth er wrought Iron or steel nails, not specially provided for...... 86.48 Nails, wire, made of wrought Iron or steel ..... Shorter than 1 Inch and lighter than No. 18 wire gauge 46,48 From 1 Inch to 3 inches In length and lighter than No. 13 and not . lighter than No. 16 wire gauge. vBiO Two Inches long; and longer, not lighter than No. 12 wire gauge, 30.91 Spikes of wrought Iron or, steel. .107,15 Horse, mule or ox shoes ot wrought iron or steel., 19,6J Tacks, brads or sprig, cut Notexoecdlogl6ouoce totbeM, Needles For knitting or sewing machines, crochet and tape needles, end bodkins of metal... .,,.,. 85 Knitting, and all others not spe cially provided for, 6 j Engraved plates of steel... 36 Stereotype plates and electro type plates, and plates of other materials engraved or Utbo- graphed for printing. 23" Railway fishplates or splice bars! of Iroior steel....... 72.18 Rivets of Iron or steeL 80.78 Sa'tfi- Circular ,nvs,,,,,,, ,,,, 80 Croeecut saws,,, , 16.98 Hand, back and other Laws not specially-provided for...,..,.. 40 Mill, pit and drag saws Not over 0 Inches wide.-. 16.67 Over 9 Inches wide.,.,., Screws, commonly called wood screws Bne-half Inph and less In length, .JQ yerli nch and np rnore than Inch In length 83.33 pver 1 incn ana not mofc loan les in length, ...ilo,9i part ot 1..... 3 Inches In length..... 46.67 .T . .. f . . .i. . - ..a - More man a incues iu lengin .... 4 yrnbrolla, and parasor m landles or parts thereof, made n whole or chief part of Iron, steel or any other metL.,,,.. 45 Wheels, or parts thereof, made of iron or steel 63.78 Ingots, cogged Ingots, blooms or pianKB.rqr railway wheels and ires, wiiuQui regarp, iq me ne. :re0 pf marmtacture , 65.61 lluiufnlutn Jn crude form and alloys of any aina in wiucn aluminium is the component material of ohtef value. 22.23 Argentine, albata or german sil ver unmanufactured... 15 Brass Bars or pips... 9.97 Old, and clippings from brass or dutch metal, and old.shMth, ingoryellpw wetM, fit only for Bretaftrjtifaoture, ,t. 1187 ronie powder. ...V, SC'ja ronze or dutch metal, In leaf, in packages of 103 leaves 102.25 Aluminium leaves. In packages of 100 leaves .'. 68.93 Plates, rolled, called braziers copper, sheets, pipes and copper bottoms W Sheathing or yellow , metal, of which copper Is tho cowPflpeni iiefiniHtf"iei ihp. uu: ponpoMd wnouyorin Ironuniralvanlxed , Gold and sliver, manufactures of- Bulllons and metal thread of gold, silver or other metals.... 83 Gold leaf In packages Of fiOQ leaves. ,,..,.,.,., 44.87 Silver leaf n papkaget or 600 leRYfS,,,,.. ,....... 77.78 Lead and manufactures of In sliver ore, 76.36 In other ore and dross ;...... 38.20 Pigs and bars 43,14 Sheets, pipes, shot, glzsr' lead auu icau niri'iiHi, .(...,, ,... on.va etais.1un'wro'uaht!and metaillo mineral substances Iu a crude State ",.:. SO Nickel, nickel oxide 88,77 Pens, metallic, except of gold,-;.. 44.47 Oold pens. , 90 Penholder tips and penholder or parts thereof ,,,.,,,,,,., 80 Pins, solid heads or othsr, all kinds ,,,,, 80 Quicksilver , 24.79 Typs metal 47.60 Types, new , S6 Chronometers, box or ship's .,,,, It) Watches and parts thereof.,,,,, 88 zinc or spelter ana. ms.nu.rM ures of n blocks or pigs,,, ..,. ? n slieets ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,........,. I0.19 114 AUH vruril uui, it vuiy iu vo Manufactures, articles or wares not specially provided for. ,..,-4 Aluminium, H ronze, ftieiaie, S I tt414(ltall pot oUim1ft w4mM- li initrumenu ......... 1...J tlcVel .! it t4 ? "Wi ,?! m at 43 45 44 07.08 62.39 rsjo 24.88 90 8U 90 90 CO 10 03 5 22J0 80 25 3 3 25 33 25 25 23 5 5 UJU 5 IS 1 6S 33.03 50 41.60 89.73 14.85 15- 10 10 40 ? 40 80 80 M 80 87.68 14.10 Si.50 18.88- w 0 14.S6 5 ' 85 5 17J6 28.88 V 18.47 UM 13.13 86 8, m ,86 '84 'latin 3IP0 SOHEPCLK D Wood sad MaauMctutM or. 7 f- Sawed boards, planks, deals, ' ' forms of sawed cedar. lUaum vlteo and, all .other cabinet TT.W W 473 80 IN fxui liian lhii:a,Iiriiths Ineh dl. MllitUr ,.,, Jl4 Other , , , .....tMMif mi . 46. Cutlery Penknives or pcvVt knives or Sri tlirrwlf . nd ., i"!y or partly maiiufciur. , tiiiui'l fcl itol Uori llit M riiiailiiMfii, , ,,.,, j3,T YftluwUt wore llisiiftUsnti arid 1101 ahovs li)ad"W,,,,,,,,, M.I7 Vslued at l.W and lio Uiv 3 , K 1I0MI1 , ....,,.,!,....., 94,17 Vfluvd ai mors Hi" Madouii, K" iitaormlrxrirlil4if 'aluwIatlrMlliflifla (Jpisn . JTJff 'aiutd at nioro Ihsii H down. 64.74, uimia. kwmd LIuiu aud side. .;.,7 ' ' '-, r-r """ij klUhsil. ' n4HUt lfMSk Vlui4 .( pet tmp li II .. u, YeM iwirii 1 in llamTpnf lows fUo M 1 owrT, ...... W tf Vdlutd(ttmoril.NHaio, sfl.H,.. arms rHplV;. forks, , l"Milil.', liUiillnir, MiluiUrt', 'ilr' u.n tm Aftf w 44 44 wool no further saanBfao. tyred than sawed,,.,. ,,,,, M elhooks, sugar box and Backing boxes f ndpacklpi Hue Uiooke, 30 (jasks and Vnrrels. snp4y.;t... go (Jlialr esne or yeedsmanafae. tured from rattan or reads...,, IQ Furniture, cablntt or hoo, wholly or partly finlihsd,,,,.. M AH other manufftrtp Vrooirs Musical lnsruU, 'vmi' fh(ef YAlue,.i.-i.i..iii".Mi ) Vf FVV"! wr ' W0 u Vntf VftU Mf atf W SCKXOVI.K SoSkMSW. Uauars. all not above No. W Dutch ttandard in color,,,, u, ,..,,,.. Free, suiiar. .rvuie ft". l "Sp4ar (p foWr- tfet, p,u pd olhsr, et4 - VVt, le ur (,,.,. !(, ,,.. ,,(... si.ee If exburt boun Of tht paid on sutftf of lieet, cane ana ethr,exept m. M m ex. im.. riii.ii ( weriHftde),. iDlWfl aaaa.aaa. ......-- M Including cTiocflst pgiwc4n. try, made wholly or l Pft of sugar Valued t w 4U er mm wr poun),anar ur 9M to K 40 4.l turn XSSZ iss.i.y nir---riM ,-'& '-. . 1 l 8 AND OLD SORES PRICKLY ASH, POKE fiOOT CATARRH, MAURI. AND P0TASSlUf4 KIDNEY TROUBLES Makes Marvelous Cures MMOBWs.BMsstjMskpiataJsjsSMSj in Blood Poison Rheumatism sMlisTM MMsaMsHUI ant! Scrofula P. 1 P. purines the blood, builds up the weak axd debilitated. Kites strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, elTlne the patient koultli and bsprlnoss whtre sickness, gloomr feelings and las.ltuda firiuproTulled. For primary secondary and tertlsry syphilis, for blood poisoning, niercu. rial poison, malaria, dyspcpsln, and in all blood and skin .diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, bolK erysipelas. ecsms we may ear, fliioul fear of contradiction, that P. P. P Is the best blood purifier In the world, and roskes positive, speed and permanent cures in all cases. Indies whose systems ,re poisoned aaa wnoso Qiooa i(l o iifiiJuro Yr?-1 uoa, quqiumensiri flloa()(oi onto aoq nice artlMof P. P. P. Root and FotsMiass. ffrsnrerniD, Ho., Aug. 14th. 1803, losnspesklKthe olgbest tsnss oi your taaalotne from fay nwn personal 'leuge. iwusoi Oil acted with heart rue tun. was treated bv tna verv beac physlolaM ana spest hundreds of dot out finding relief. Ibsve only ttkM one DOdio ox imrr. :,. ani: ...11. an.. 1 k.a Jn.a'ta.i VMV.,U. WV , oainsannjii end DYSPEPSIA Are eattrely reBieTtt fcy l.lJP. -Prickly Ash. Poke Soot and. Potaa slum, the greats, blood purifier oa earth. AnBRDunf , O. , July 21, 1891,. Ifsssas Lippmah Bnos., 8avannaB. Cta. DEMI Sirs I bought a bottle of four P. P P. at Hot Sprlnp,Ark.,snd t has done me more good than three months' treatment at the Hot SprtUfS. Bend toreo bottles C O. D. Bespecttunj-onr. Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. .1. D. Johaates. Sb ell whtm 1 mav eenetrnt I here bv tostlfy to the wonderfnt properties ot P. P. p. for eruptions of the skin. I altered for several years with an on sightly nd dlsagreeablo eraptlon on tny fare. I tried every known reme dy bu. la vain, until p. p. P. wssusedt and am now entirely cured... (Bigned by) J. V. JOHNSTON. Savannah, CM. SfclM Csiacer ared, rtffmcnyrorattf-Voyr!'S7'0,rfcr, Bmvm. Tax., January II, 1R03. Hkssss. urrMlN Daos., Savannah, Oa. 1 Otntlimtn I have tried your P. P. P. fur a disease of the skin, usually known -a skin ranoer,of tbtrty years' Blending, and found great relief; It ? urines too blood and removes all ir Itailon front the scat of the disease and prevents any spreading ot tho sorea, I hav taken Are or six bottlea and feel confident that another course rl.l effect a cure. It has alio relieved me from Indigestion and stomftett CAPT. W. M. 1WBT. Attoraej at taw. ALL DRTJQQISTS SELL IT. UFPMAN BROS. PBOPBIETOBB, jUyaini.'s B4se4x,sivftaBiOi, j. F, W. 8J3TTl4EMIKU t. h. bettlemikr; ESTABLISHED 1863. .-" j4 '5-ijVnj-' " -"' 225 Acres: 3,000,000 ATeea: i,uw,uw nants. . K illO. K. MoEIIjIj, flKCElVKK. to The) East QIVEB T1IK CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTfS . -VIA- DENVER, OMAHA. KAiNSAB CITY, VIA SPOKANE. MINNEAPOLIS, ,AND ST. PAUL. Ocean steamenileftvo Portland every five days FOR BAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on or address W. II. UURLBURT, Gea.P3vAget, Portland! or. NORTHERN, l PACIFIC R. R. U N IS v4. THE WOODBURN NURSERIES Have .tKe largest tvnd most complete-assortment ot imm$ and -SHADE TBEES, EVERGREENS, ROSES RUBS OLIMBING PLANTS, Etc .On ttie Nortli Pacific Coast. :' ', v. i -We bsye a. - e 14 difierentU varieties of Apples. 167 ot Roses and other stock m .proportion. Sed for Gatalogue. Pullman P Tourist TO S'eapin- Cars DinlnirlCars Q C J -:H. Settlemier A Son, Woodbtirn, Oregon. WM ound.sns! r4)u4 turn , Mn InctusH. t-ilo4 or Hi'j-ey. ? ,' '"mV.mI Uiucr not fipstiiy yinnweis ior,,.,, ,, ,, .f ft,., .. 3f nlucosspr grape fr,,...M,n,tl HacchsrlHs (not Mirar.iU.., i tKlHKDULl. y-Trl'MtW yOf MtelMSI Usf (oUcco, ftultsW ht tU ser nravise. tutllsilu(4HrilMiiiiliiiitr3 funmu, ,, i,,i,Mi,,t,.l,i I..C ,,ll... KtT nl. !! l"-'l "'ff'T-. and notstoti U-sf,f)ihr(Hi Allyh-r, ,,.., Uuutt audlfiliff lurfl of uXm in. i ii'iiiiiiiiii ,jt,"..i.iiii m U IS rr-i of wtmcttmmn.mi hB&,jw'MX ' Tugir m 'TMI'iH-i ft i , g , " r' ' f HOPS AND WOOL BOUpIIT BY WM, BROWN & CO. 330 Commercial Kt 0ALKU,OK gusasla. WhuleOII'J4oan,Bulp)mr,HopCtetb, il VtrXb. etc Wo iff -ad fff. Dniversity of Oregon. E0UOECNE0. Mtx( rtou UgtM tb 17th or HepUraber, ' Vuiiina .. rfl.S(t1m 'k. (dhMCJiftlr Sf yon JwHsws- will a i WHf Sr i)i)it MMl t sopsflisfin, JtP'BH'Jt'WWW-! tf A f JW1 f i 5a5jfi. . fruMfi iifcFto't-. ltfa - jBt, afayMofcfjni nP.TTitsi mStm M$ff 4swWI 14 WIPe m Bt4fti fw Cooper Shop, CYRUS STKWART basopocdupsboporthof Mix', will, In Bwis imiam, wciere bo is preparea to inua MM repair all kls4 ot cooperage, suoti as pale, lulu, kegs, barrekt ana churns. Only wobestaeMOHedstece: used, rrloe reason, able, 7-3M-tr Sl8eoh'Caf$ ST. PAUL MINNEaI'OLIS 0ULUTH FARGOI GHANU FORKS CR00KST0N WINNIPEG HELENA antf BUTTt IITIIIIOUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all Points East end South For Information, time cards, wape! "WOW VCUA UU Ur YIIIW9 H. A. THOMAB, Agent, B&ln3 Or A. Di Citablton. Asat. Genl. Ftwas Agqnt; Portland, Oregon. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OI tiM Southern Pacific Company. CALirOUNrA KXPB18 IHAW-RUK BA1LT B TtTKEN POBTLAN1) AND S, r, BoutliT 0:16 p. nx, ftOOp. m. 10:46 a.tn. Xvi Portland Ar. v, Balem t,v, Ar, Ban Fran. Uv. IorthT e.-Wa.lu fcS ft.SU 7,-oap.ai Above tralna stop at all statJow from Pcctlaad to Albany fneluslve: also frtfaiiMBt Hhedi, llalsey, JIarrUburg, JuneUoa Ctur, Irvls g, Kugene aud all stations from HoirelMirt hiaiuuihu luciueive. BOHEBUKQ MAIL DAILY, 8.8U a. m. I liv. FortLiad Ar.) 4yWp.m. 11:17 a. ra I hv. Balem L,v. I 1:40 p. no. S.S0 p. m. Ar, KoMburg Lv. 7.-06 a. m Dining Curs on Ogdca Route PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEBtW AJ40 Second Class Sleeping Cars- Attached to all through traTsm. vVest Side Diriski, Mmi Mui at- CifTtllii: "r- paily (Kxratpx anxBAT). R. H. WK6TAC9TT, UVERY, BOARDDTO AND FEED STABLE HAY, OATS and STRAW SOLO and DELIVERED. i VI Kerry ttrtrt-t, wet or J?out Offloo, MAM.-, - - - - OKKUON CONSERVATORY OF MDSIC MusKu I4UUI MVi Williffiettd lnivertlt : Qfu.le4 Hir thlrtMH yaara, More ei tfadualM, Mas now sight Mo I gMNptele and iyt equipped nurmfreetiwaat, awveH and ur let sebaol uNifcns.aud Meili. OldM. llBl. v9&t 1UVHI U dilsi U MJA I kU'-laLilbk Ll i "-T. imwrrmn immmm mm we tf uifl ! af AAV Sh5 Missis . I isiIIVi ffl"sfe'?l.?!f? m M r f H i l:8Ua.iu.(Xv, lifclo p. m. I Ar. Portland Oorvallls Ar. I 4ip.au, Iit. eep.aa At Albany and Oorvallls oonaeet ltii tralna of Oregon PaMflo Kallroad. KXVKWSSTHAIN lUAILY X(JhTOMnAT 4:40 p. hi. I Lv. I'ortlaad. Ar, 7dgp.ua. Ar. McMlnnvllle Lv. as THROUGH TICKKTg To all points la the Ktt4r iHsrfM, CcwmU and Kuropa can be obtained at lowest rate from W. W. HKIMNKK. AgMlt, Istak KJP.WMl-IM. AJMtU. i',a-dPlM.At Oregon PaG Railroad Co. CHAM. CIi ARK, Kecoiver, Ojonecllns; with STEAMER "HOMER," -UBTWKitW, -r. YAQUINA AND BAN FBAN0I80O Kleamsr lvc Han Frucloo Am, VHk Mitl Hbouleve'V len iloyi. . leaves Yiujuiua An, add and Uo4 vmnr vtt 4ays. Jtighu rMsrvod (4 o!ie sUIm Hm wftlwul ttotloe. yorir(iitauitiHuuMiriaUeafi ( OlfAJ,J.lo:MKYlJ (JMA,OMic( Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. -- n ..fj ii tm ot! m , ,.)i,"i'K W Will J nfiwii'H srf'P Wlf Pl- I ft-m rTl w,Tw,, Wf4or, in-i vimrdnt osev viut4of iLi.tKji at Ims. M.44 )f ' HI'IIMI V u4 l I unt ft mw ,m.VM hi HM fM M" "' J"M (tM 1,4 M n !l Mm i vr"-. ji1 f'-ifr ' ir!J-ra-n