sr !?$" U t) TV i' Ij u. to man mum. VUWJBUKD DAILY, EXCKW BlWDAir, Capital journal Publishing Company PcMtoOe Kloefc. Commercial 8tre. HQFEH BROTHERS, idilan, fully, by carrier, per nUi, Ikiilr.Ur ntnll, per rar. . Weekly, pe, per rear- FRIDAY, AUUUHT HI. JM, ". " ' - '! 1 J !' liUI. 'Ut'l ' J - SMtWL TAX AXl HUOK. Tbe people of California liave for ten years bad Male (.uMfeattoo rf school text JxwJur. The people of this atali have got to take doid of tuls acbo book butlotta and (ell tbeir state -perintendent vrbat tbey want The cannot leave It any looker to be deali with by a political machine that Is se ep to pe on I ends, and tbrougi legislative enactment dictated by trust lDfluencJ. The proposition U nmplj this. The state must print and famish t actual cost tbe elementary text hooka of the mdimenla of common school education. There Is now set la motion legislative machinery that Is calculated to pre V vent the people of Oregon from jjeltlV cheaper text books. While tbe tP" of California get their common scnoo. bootaat an average price of 20 cents,the people of Oregon are paying, according to tbe price Hats In our bookstores ,ai average price of 66 cents, and the set of books each Oregon child must have ( get through school costs liC.IO. An average family of five children will cost the parent $60.60 If no changer are made. Now an edict has gone out from our department of education thai will compel changes to be made lij nearly all these text books and th changes now about to be ordered will bo an additional expense of nearlv tbat amount upon every family in Oregon. Let ns investigate this act of our de partment of public instruction a little. Benate bill flo. 142 p&aeed by tho last legislature provides that tbe state superintendent shall issue a circular to county school superintendents and tbe persona composing tbe state board of examiners, containing a printed list of all text books published in this county with prices as furnished by tho pub lishers, and the above officials are to select such books as they think best. Tho selections are then returned to tbe stale superintendent and "the toxt books In any one branch receiving a majority of alt tho votes" shall be tbe state text booko for the next six years The "law" goes-on to provide tbat tho publishers of the text books so chosen shall furnish a printed list to oe bung up in every school bouse and "establish at such convenient points In this state principal depots of supply or depositories for general distribution of text books," etc. It will be readily seen that tbe result of putting this law Into fleet will be to force upon the people not only a great variety of new text books not now In use, but tho es tablishment of depositories In every county of the slate for wholesale and retail stocks of books will necessitate buying of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth from the school book trust. Close examination of the Jaw shows that tho votes of the persons named to choose tho toxt books for tho next six years would cot bo final as to any text books, but would leave the power ot election practically In the hands of the slate board of education, which in the absence or Illness of one of tho members, would devolve this duty upon Mr, MoKlroy who would thus Le thrown Into direct contact with tAat unscrupulous monopoly, tho American ftchool book trust. Jn conclusion of this artiolo we wlah. to call attention to the fact that Mr. MoKlroy Iim waited until Juit before kfl Hoet) out of oftloo before puttluK tho HMwhlnery of this law Into motion. It this Jaw Is of his own devising for the VMteflt of (he people of Oregon, mod wty would forbid hU forolnx propo tMm Mfpett III aUQcewor which that HiwUiiiisM Mftflit not aw lit to carry ttf, f'k jfmtt o! jmIIoh to tl Jaw fa UM Jt WW frle upon tli lopIe Qt a yUN pf 4n)wl bocks ut ii nntoihHifr mmm ij-iphhhiw "i y ft wt ftfx )' 4 UHimtb tfcg common nebcol text book for balf will fe belpfr to cancel aonliact mado under a law which no one ever J ..t,fnhnarflandexecatd by " rm- w- v v ofllciftla over whlcli Ibe people will . , -w I mennayeniwuirui. -sj Mr. MetVAnvw1 nlan Is evidently thl: To have thU Uw in force and th con- J tracts all signed op before the k-gMa- ture meets tout to dereat us repeal. The people of ibi state should not have ibis thing forced noon tbetn at this time and under these circumstances and under trust iofloenccs. It Is not apparent that the people would gel cheaper text books. There Is little ot .to Cviiipeliilou in text books. There . no complaint that tbe present text books are not good ones. I Oregon should follow tbe example ot California, who put It In ber constilu ion that the urate should print its text .ooka. The state of Oregon should fur .lab Its people cheaper textbooks. Tbe .(ate nf California prints iU elementary ext books and, after selling tbem to tbe people tor less than balf what we pay, had a net surplus profit on baud i 1 1832 of $100,000 in tbe scboolbook t jud. The pfople of this state should liHV BUIJUJII l' HUB IllMJu.wun Dw.i:u.e a..... k a.aal.a.1. ... . t 1 I a. taa. Svaffa auhiartMa r the school UmiIc trust and lb amenta , their millet Every county superltf ?eudent who votesforachange.or who votes at all to carry,.tbis cunningly -de- vised machinery of the trurt into ellect ribould te branded by the people as an cueuiy. We would like to hear from iy county euperlutendent or public ..ill da I connected with our schools any .rgumeut for this law. A week since ao branded this text book scheme as a move of tbe trnst and eo far no one pre tends to deny tbe accusation. , i PINO PhATPORil PLEDOES. Congressman Wilson In his speech accepting renomlnatlon said: "I could recite to you tbe successive steps through which the boure bill signature and approval of the president, wno was eieuieu upon me issue oi tar ill reform, and who anticipated, as the signal triumph and historic acbievtment of bis administration, tbe privilege of affixing bis name to a genuine and thorough reform bill, but you know by what iniluence this was brought about. Tbe country knows this, and hlttory will know where to put tbe responsibility for our partial failure to redeem our pledgea to the people." There are those who think the safest and wisest plan tor the Republican party In Oregon will be to keep its platform pledges on which It was this year put In power in Oregon. ALi M hldn't Shoot. A mart with n wlfo who has her own ways about doing things catches ber now and then. "My dear," ho said the other morning as ho was dressing, "I think you were right when you told mo last night that there wero burglars in the house." "Why?" sho asked nervously. "Because all tho money that was In my pockots when I went to bed is gone." "Well," sho said, with anl-told-yon to air, "If yon had been brave and got np and shot tho wretch, yon would have bad yonr money this morning." "Possibly, my dear, possibly," ho sold glngorly, "but I would have been a widower." Sho laughed softly then and gaTe half of it back to him. London Tit Bits. Tli IVliliiMng Tree. A species of acacia, which grows very abundantly in Nubia and tho Soudan, U also callod tho "whistling tree" by the natives. Its shoots aro frequently, by tho ngoncy of tho larvtn of insects, dis torted in shapoand swollen Into n globu lar bladder from 1 to 3 inches in diame ter. After tho insect lias emerged from a circular holo In tho side' of this swell ing, tho oponing, played upon by the wind, becomes a musical instrument nearly equal in son ml to a sweet toned A Good Uicuia. Judge You aro charged with assault ing this man. rlsonor I plead guilty, your honor, but, I havo n good oxciue. I addressed this man civilly tbroo times, nnd ho norer answered ino, Judgo Wliy, tho man is doaf and durabl Prisoner Well, why didn't lo say so? -Boliolk. Home asd Abroad. It la tlio duty of overyono. whether at homo or traveling ror pleasure or business, to equip himself f with the unstretiKtb ;oiuedy which will keep and prevent llluess, and cure audi III as are Hallo to come upon all In every day life, Hood's Harsaparllla keeps the plood pure and lew Jlnula to absorb the gem of disease, Hood' INIIs are. Iiud tuft'te, nod per. feci In proiwrllou aiid appearance. U5ci WKPoXi Ow enimrtkvt' Way. . WWotiWrMWHWt WW Cy wriwlrk'aTaa, Waili Mf ek m lotMiHiy aim wihhmk, mmomwm, HM www eywy siajr, rvl 'r2Klto. TODAY'S XAXXZTB. . T Cnwetm4' tw 1.1 ." T-t a Fortl44 QsciaUftM. Balem, Au. X8. p. Hi-Offlee Day Cafitai. Jovhhau tinote- i tiona for day and up to hour of going to ! tMm ar.B mm .m I press were a roitews: UAU butciikb btock. DAJab CV.WW.AatA .Veals dreaeed 4cts. uVkcatUe-lJa:. Sheep alive 11.25. ynix, prices. Salem Milling Co. ' quetes: Flour In wholesale tots 12.40. Iteuiil 12.75. Hun $13 bulk, f 14 sacked. Shorts b 17 Chop feed $14 and $1S. WHEAT. 26 cents per bushel. HAY AND OBAIJt. Oats 2(3 23c ilayr-Hated, old f 8&10: new cheat $7; new timothy (S &Q fakm PBunucrs. Wool Best, 10c Hops Small sale. 8' to loc Egea In trade, 10c, Uutter Beat dairy, lfi18: tanc. mery, 20c. eeee lo to jo eta. Fiim smoked meats Bacon 10: lanwXO; sbnulderH.8. Potatoes-New, 25c OnIonr-3 cents A FitUITB. Bradsbaw plums, Oc bu. Apples 30c bu. I'eacbes 60c lox. J4VP POOLTKY. wanted: old ducks not wanted; young IKK. , H; young chickens, be. KTfcAWD QUOTATIONS. flraln. reed, etc ml, &&; Walla Walla, iam. Vi.w, superllne, vi.'Ot tinbU Oata White. 32c: crev. 31c. rolled. In bags, $5.76(6.00; ' barrels, J)0 u.ztj; canes, tsi.vo. Hay Beet, $10011 per ton. Wool valley, 810c MlllatuCr Bran. $16: shorts. $16 chop feed ,$15 per ton; middlings, $23 2 per ton;:mcRen wheat, ootg lTOO ner cental. Hops MarKet is lifeless. Impossible to give quotations. Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3jc, un der 60 lbs., 23j?r sheep pelts, 1060c D&IBY PilODUCE. ButtefrOcgon fancy creamery ,221 25c: faocv dairv.20to)22c: fair to cood. mo('n4c; common, rzie, uiespe vregoii iijioiiiji; perpouuu; ung AmencnD,l3j(o)l4Jcy3w.a imp., sm; 0Jom.,i0(a4ic Bgg Oregon, 1012o per dozen. Poultry chickens, old $3.60 per doz en;young,$23.00; ducks,$23; geese, $4.60$6.00; turkeys, slow at 010c. Beer Tow-teers. 212Jc per lb:-fail to good steers. 22c; cows, Ic2c; dressed Deer, 4(oo Mutton uest 8heep.$l.7&2; choice owa ,f ' Hogs- Choice, heavy, $4: light and feeders, $4: dressed. 6o per lb. Veal Small, choice, 4je; large,34c per pouna. BAN FKANCISCO MABKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 8 10c; do inferior, 66c; do valley, 10 12c Hope 8(310c. Potatoes Early Hose, 25S0c in sacks; Burbanbs, 3045o per sack. Oflte-MHUng, $1.151.20. Capital Printing Co., Job Printer, 329 Commercial $100 .Reward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tbat there is at least one dreaded disease tbat science has been able to cure in all its stages and tbat Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe only positive cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stltutlopal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system, thereby deslroyinz the foundation of tbe disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building up the constitution and aaalatipg nature li doing its work. The proprietors haye to much faith In its curative powers, tbat tbey offer One Hundred Dollar ror any cases mat it rails to cure, .bend for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 76c. It Is Eeliablk. Announcements of enlertalnmonts in The Journal. sruf..m TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, Could Hot Slap. Pro, Jltt Edward, of m4ob, Idaho, 8ay"I was all run down, weak, nervous and irritable througk overwork. I suffered from Walna tlguo, mental depression, etc I Be came so weak and ftcrvdiw tkatI could not sleep, I would arJe tired, discouraged and blue, Ibfta tklu Dr. Miles' Nervine aad pow everytUla la ekutfed. I lcop souadly, I feel bflHt, acttva awd awWtkHia. IcdoofeJaoB day now tlaB I used to do lu a week. For thin gruat good I give IH. Miies' HcrtowWv HervlR tw aok f4lt. It Cures." uu An Ounce of mumttttmittmtnmntmntmttttmttm GARDEN HOSE! An Oregon Newspaper California news does not suit you Eastern papers wjU not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover ing Oregon interests. DIM CI D Ti Only One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. MPMSPtfiTf Receiving all the Associated Press Dispatches. DAM BY MAIL, PER YEAH, - - $3.00 II WILL PAY YOU TO ItEAl) THIS : We publish the only One Cent Daily on the Pacific Coast a,ud tbe cheapest and best daily paper for the money in Oregon. Please let us know if you can use any sample copies o the Daily or Weekly. They wiU be sent free. Remembei these are Associated Press newspapers, giving aU the current news of the world from day to day in large type and attractive style. These low hard times rates enable every fainur to have hit? daily paper and know the state of the market and all the news of the world. Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good government for the people able to deal justly and fairly with all. Only$3 00ayear. SI. 5o for six months. $1.00 for four months. JNo papers gent alter time' is out for vblch It is ordered."! YOU. You are tbe man. It we cannot get you to act, band this to someone who wants one of these grand prem.arus for simply getting up a club Almost anyene will Jake this paper upon merely seeing It It sella itself. It If so cbesp'no'one can afford not to havei . It units readers In city and country of all classes and parties.- ZZZ "-- ' -r -if-" " m-- tNo. Papes senl aller lime of THIS ORDER Is out. or.AKTir nTTi?i ain?i?rn FOIl THE ONE CENT DAILY JOORNfiL. HOFER. BROTHERB, 5Ple send to address below one copy of Daily Bauw, Okboon. BOAriTAL'JooBNAL by mall. (Erase 'line not wanted.) " ' For ono month flad enclosed. SBcts. For two monUw ' " 1 60cli. For four months " " - . . $1,00 For one year " . ' , mmm 3.00 . NAM8. rOBTOFKICK. lpW-1 v - i lunj 'OUT VliaoUT!'MindnclopoitUlnot4iordrft. Btaiupsuot taleo ..."vHOFER BROS,, Publishers, AIBH, OBF.OON Prevention I is cheaper than any quantity of cure. Don't give children rurcot- a tics or sedatives. They are un- JJ necessary when the m&nt is properly nourished, as it will be if brought up on the Q Gail Borden H Eagle Brand tCondensed Milk. Always buy 9 rthe Eagle brand, and accept no ft substitute. j LAWN GOODS. For the Best and Cheapest always go to Churchill & Burroughs, 103 Biai street. (MIL -" KINDERGARTEN Ms JUlloa'.'ntltrtrira. villi primary sad COODCeilBg (UM, Will Open October 8, 1884, with competent corps or uiututi la errrr deptrlment. This icLoul U emdac ed on tbe lODKfl.V KIDElt'JAItTIN METHODS. nd reeelTe papU three jtn of t nd op ward. BOUGHT BY Wm, Brown & Co. J30 CommerdaU 8U, SALEM, OR. Qcuuihu Whle Oil 8op,Bilphnr, Hop qotfa, Kiln Cloth, etc Hop tm.-ua and Bpnren. tiversity of Oregon. EUGENE. Next session oeelns the 17th of September, IXH. Taltlon, free. Foard, ti 60 a we k. live Gonms : CUIcaJ, BcltntlDc, Literary, English and Btulneu. SOKXITOBT. The BnardlneHaU for yoane ladles and tbe Unttrdlos Hall for yoang rentletzicn will be aoder tbe personal t apervliion of Mr. Manta i lady or reaneroent end large eipeiieacs. ror caiaiogues aaaresai J.J.WALTON, 7.27.2m . Becy. Hegenu. Portland University. KlrU Location brauUiul, healthful and free from all p aces of temptation. Second. Best instruction elven In Collcee Preparatory. .Normal acd Caslneaa conrsea. aim in ineo ogy. iiaaic ana axi Third Board In West HaU,c!ub hoiuea or private rarollles; JlOOto J"JX) a year for board and tnlUcn. fourth. Kail term opens Beptcmber 18. Catalogues tree. Add re C. C.STKATTON,D D.,PresIdent. OrTHOS.VAN 8v.Oi,U.l..l)ean. Cooper Shop. CUIUS STEWART has opened up a shop north of Ulze'a mill. In cWuthHaluti , where he ts prepared to make and repair all kinds of cooperage, such as pills, tubs, keg, barrels and churns. Only the best seasoned stock used. Prices reason able. 7-3l-d&w -SALEM- Abstract and Land Co. Established 15 Yeabs. Removed to souta Rooms in Bush Breyman block. Rrcordscompltledtodate. AtutracU of all property In Marlon County furnished promptly and at lowest rates. Orace up stairs over Putnam's drug store. 6 IS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Willamette University Has been organised for thirteen years. More than seventy graduates. Has now eight teachers. Mo t complete and beat equipped musical school on the northwest coast. Beven pianos and two organs owned by tbe school for teaching and practice coun-es, and inetb oc's the latest and best. Piano, orgao, voice cul ure and Italian singing, violin and orcb est ml lnstiumeats, harmony, counter point, (mud orchestration are tangbt. Dlrlomas arcKivenou completion of course. The de gree of Batch lorof Muslo when full course ts completed. For fcrtber particulars call or addreis Z.M.1JABVJN, Mi Mus. Hqc., plreclor. An Evergreen Tree. WITHOUT OOBT. We will send ypu by mall postpaid one snfall evenrreen tree adunted to vnur rltmatn. with Instructions for planting and caring for ii, wgetuer wiu our complete usi or nursery stock, if you will cut out this advertisement mark on it the name or this naner. and tU how many and hat kind of trees and plants juunuuiumr iu purcuise. and wuen you wish to plitnt them. Wo will quote yon lower prices on the stock ycu want than have o i er been ofli red you. Write at once. KVERQREEN NUltflEltlE, 3 lMtm Kvergreen, Door Vo Wis. -: DRESSMAKING :- a the J LATEST FASHIONABLE 8TYLE8. Bpeclal attention given to ImiLDltENJfl wTVt.ES CDTTINOJIND FITTING A BPECIALTY. CBbop In'W.C.'SurRooms, Court Bi." " MRS. P. M STEELE E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PAINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. Bosh's New Urlckjver the bank, Cbm'l stree MONEY TO LOAN :-: On farm land maassvI u.AAi.t Urieioaui. joaiu coulflkra without iklr Hamilton & Moir, Boom 6, Bush Batik BulldlBf 6-:o dwtf K. U. WKSTAttlT, LlVrnV, BOARWNG AND FEBU STABLE HAY, OATS and STRAW oi, ""-P nd DELIVERED. nAc,2 Foy trwt, wtsH of Port 0ce. 11 Hard Wood Finishing, d. uca no fcstfm HoioriSilwiy, itlnb fftix IPS il L The CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. RAILWAY. Travelers "make a note ont1 Tbt Great Railway Svstem t , ST. PAUL and OSyJ With an transcontinental li-c. .A direct and wtn toau.unVx uod io au orui mo tvlt-JUEJiJS Pfrnl AND IS THE 1 :::0NLY LIKE:;: running . Electric Lighted and fcteim Vestlbaled tralna of elegant Pte. .., .aau UU XaUQ4 dart, with Free Reclining Chab MJt:nc 1U eerrlce acond to txet world. Tickets are on sale at all promlauia ucxet Offlcea. For fhrtber lnloreaUon ask tbeivc; J rwa scql, or Buttress C.J. EDDY, General Agi. J. W. CASEY, Trzv. PaL. PORTLAND, ( WISCONSIN CENTRAL tNerthtrn Pidfic R. R. Co., Liunl run TWO FAST TEAKS Daily HovS'tsn St. laul. JllrnfurollR suit Milwaukee and all lolnuln Wliom,: iub cuaurciuiu in t uufgo trim sub nine east and fouth. Tickets sold nnd hacnnise cLeckftlr to aU points In the United stales it t-roTiBcea. Korrull Information rreardlnsr Rodv maps, folders, etc.. addcsyur onn et agent or J AS. emts uer. in, ana in. Ajrt.. aiimsitk leumatrsm, Lumbago, Sclatici, Kidney Compkwi Lame BacK,j BR. SAMDEM'SELEGTRIC! WHh Electro-Magnetic 8USPEMH juiiett rutiui fittt Mmvmmmi nuicixnwicsoQsiDeaiciAeau TvcmzutarnKafn OTCijusioa of bnUn crrro fcrcrst tiotwttm ctcuoo. as dcttiku oeDll.'. ueerioac nmuuuuai. xiatiear, irrer ana oitaacr lull bHr. tjsmtmffii. t AilrA. fill frmAl e bt m) 111 health, eta. This tlertria B& Wuiiiiiirat laBrTCaaau orer all other, emil iiuusur tenor nr or wa roneic saatts hare been cared trr this wnswcUm fur aUotberroBeiMea failed. and veEtnli CJ tcaUmoolal in thla and ery other uita jar iwimi imfmfta xijctbic snri frreatctt booa er.r offered weak men, B.K.. HMMiaBSTInnuStrteflkCVlKimwm WUis Bend for Illna,dPiirapIiltt.n1llljki1 SANDEH ELEOTRIO CO. I fci. 1 TS Flroi Street. fUUTUM tI Removed to tor, 'J biro aiu Wssbuitif Portland, Or HERCULES 61$ or 6MI m A SURE DflWEf. NELE6TK. WITHACHtA? UHE. lawKS,T SK.AIWAYS MwYWIWifE SPAM.P aim NOLllfMEr TE4iEltif0l REABfUM CAN.WIf- Ul a O s CO O z Urailr inii nnuitt. n ail v mm mw t v-w" Sfta SVaBelsco. CaL f ertM? i V U . n-111 aW A Heaaple Envelope, ', WHITE. FX.K.SH or DBMS WHITE, FX.K.SH or J P OZONI'S OWDER. Yob have Men it advertise! 1 years, but have you erer --: Mot.yau do otnow whst' Jiiloatlas 1oh ut-r is. PozzoiiH) pldt betas an acfajowledjsajjnf tuuDiaiiyreirealilDauaesa Itprnr ato. lnfactUUaBUMtdelluMsS btntaaioB to tlia lnco durioe4' It Is Sold JEvsrjrwhaw ror sample, aaarwj ..j. i. A. POZIOHI CO. St. W TIOI H ifSfj WANTED AGEriTij towll IWWN'SNKW FOflMi BMt giiianji' Wai br Wt M WrtMNTW ti l in!uenv"-..Litat 1 alriaSSalB.SH.S.HlJ.SSawr&Hl fejj IlL rM f rk XSfiVt .