M ft i. iuk urim jooaiik I'OBIilHUEU DA1I..Y, KXCK1T HUNJJAY, BT THK Capital Journal Publishing Company I'ostoffloo JJlock. CouiOifrclf.l Street. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. Imlly, by iaincr, per mourn, Dally, by inall, .ct year- .. Weekly, 8 pages, per year. ...ruo .S.U W FRIDAY, AOOUriT 21, J MM THE SCIJUOli I'.UI'K fliU.sr. Tlie ajaoliluniiuus of the school boot monopoly Imvo decreed thud Ortgoi. eliull undergo a uouiplote change it text bookn this year of our Lord 1894 Following upon two yeurBof panic and business depression the people are to be unnecessarily mulcted to the tunc of hundreds of thousands of doliure. Wholesale and retail scuoolbook deal ers ate to be forced to stock up all around under a system headed by the so-called state board of education, uud backed up by circulars to be issued by the county superintendents of schools and printed price lists of the new serin of text books are to be hung up in evtij schoolhouse. These lists are prepuieu by the trust and all the citizen bus l do Is to pay. AH this machinery Is stt in motion by a Iaw, passed twoyeuit ago. It.' was introduced by Bunatn TODAY'S MARKET8. manage the .railroad it la well that thoy should come before the world. j The subject Is u moustrous ono and J rrIcog current by Telegraph Local should be dhcuesed In all candor, per- alu Portland Quotations, feet ly free from all partisan leelinnn, ! Hai.km, Aug. S3, 4 p. m. Office andltistbh sensible, and fearless dia-' Da Ay CAPITAL JouitNAt- Quota cusalouof any aud all subjects, that 5 hour of 80,ng to should characlerlxe every true Ameri- baiiKM I'ltODUOK makkkt. BUTOHKK STOCK. Veals dressed 3J cts. Hogs dressed 4. 1,1 ve cuttle 1 J (n,l!c. Sheer alivtr jl.25. MILL, PRICKS. Biilem Milling Co. quetes: Flour lu wboiesule lots 2.W. itelull $2.75. Bitti (.13 bulb. $14 sacked, Snorts (15 (a)i uuop reed $14 aud $15. Agutetlloar. I WJJKAT. Yon must find somewhere within ycau 30 cents ptr bushel, domlcilo a nook that can bo set apart for Q HAY AND GRAIN. SO minutes' rest. This is imperative if j rIats7;lJI . ,,0, . . you would preserveyour youth nn.lgoo.l ' JJ ntW cheat - -i - - - rf wi can. Pobslbly.Mr. Editor, I am asking too much space but I feel the subj ct Is worthy a retil deal of space, even though my article may not be. Yours, Thomas Buckman. Mar?lifleld, Aug. 21. Biaokmau of Eastern Oregou uud w s probably prepared by thu trust Itself o lti repiesentutlves in Oregon. It bit Iain quiet until the people had muM. forgotten about it. jjNow lthas sprung with avehemeiict that is very susplclousjiu'view of th put the school book trust played in thi resent Oregon election and in view of the fact a reform legislature has been chosen that may repeal that book trutt JiW. It should be borne in mind that thero Is no competition In school boots and school supplies; that the trust fixes tho prices. This law will not give the people relief from high priced text hooks. It simply decrees a change all around at a time when the people are least ablo to bear It. It should to resisted by the people. Tho retiring state superintendent of schools should not run ibis expensive scheme down tho throats of tbe"people of Oregou, cs he is about to go out of office. The peo ple want cheaper text books,not a high priced change to be fastened upon them for years to come. No county superin tendent should vote for this change. Noone.haslasked for It. The law it self was never asked for by the people. It was n Job forced through the legisla ture under pressure of the trust. looks. I have a cozy corner where I can, If I wish, tako a surreptitious snooze, en joy n quiet think or a little gossip with my latest feuiinlno adorer. This alcovo Is modestly fitted up. A pair of Jap por tieres curtain my corner from tho rest of the room. My couch was never in its best days anything xnoro elegant than a (2 cot, but thanks to a thin hair mattress and an adorable old blue quilt that I picked up in my wanderings it is now quito an elegant lounging couch. Lots of downy cushions of "Kentucky jeans," the delicious hlues brought out by straggling bouquets of white floss thread, add to its charm. My hit of man tel drapery is an antique pieco of hanili work in satin and silks that I found one rainy day while rummaging the chesth in an old garret way down in Virginia. On this stand my joss sticks, which on company days smolder in such aromatio fashion, and a quaint jar which remirds mo every time I look at it of an odd little fishing hamlet on the Massachusetts coast. I keep on hand tho latest mag azines, somo urticle3 boing my slumber .vooers. Thoy aro so prosy that thoy act as a narcotic. Opposite my couch is a deei seatoa rocker upholstered in denims. I Jwaya manage to find a few pennies for my fa vorite pinks and a tangle of smilax. fli6o aro so effectivo when placed with ai tho blue toned Jar. A big pane of tinted glas overhead gives mo when the sun is gracious enough to smilo on my corner some delightful streaks of tinted sunlight, completing, to my way of thinking, tho prettiest touo picturo un der my rooftree. Philadelphia Inquirer An Oregon Opinion. VZL. Editor Jeurnal: In The Jour nal of .August 10th a Democratic reador says he is in favor of tho govern ment getting its money out of the rail road, but it must either sell or lease them to do It. As ho is not in favor of tho government running tho roads llunlf urn mnar. Iiavn nnmn rnnflnn whv the crovernmont Ishould not own and I manage the roads, and though I have beard thn Idea expressed a great many times I have never heard a satisfactory ronson given why tho government should not manage and control the railroads just as well as It does the postollico department. I am In favoi of tho government taklngCthe road, and ruunlng them through a wrlngei so that If there is water about them It would be all squeezed out and then run them lust as they carry tho mails, forjust asllttloas It can well be done for, and give as my reason these sitnplt principles: 1st, It is simply for tin people in their many productive enter prises that it should bo done In that manner, and It belongs to the province of tho government to do It. 2nd, It has as much right and Is In us duly bound to not allow private capital to speculato upon tho necessities of tin publlo as it has to prevent private capi tal from speculating upon carrying tht written or printed news for the people. 3rd, The government 1b cither-out of It? plaoo In tho one Instance, orltsrlghtt and duties extend to tho other, 4th, The general publlo would bo greatly benefited by thu change. Even though there are a number of millionaires who would see their source of Inooiuo suddenly dried up,yot think thero Is another class who would fee) the hand of prosperity touch them until their wellbelng would more than oompeusate tho woes the poor million aire might feel. Had the postofllce do- parttueut beeu carried pu by private enterprise (aa Jay Gould said It should luive been) uo doubt but their would have been k dozen or more millionaire built up out of It, with a correspond I uu number or destitutes to liavo propoHy baknoed the bu-lneea. Now If Democratic readers can give h few good reasons why the govern went bud better not own, control andjj XIuw tho Thief 31 nt Kick Himself. Herman Swrao, tho pawnbroker and jeweler, was looking over a rot of unre deemed pledges yesterday when he found something which made- his hair fairly stand on end. About ft year ago a young man called at tho store of Mr. Sixmo and said ho desired to borrovr somo niuiey from tho offlco on somo per sonal property. Tho property consisted of n valiso, an overcoat, u suit of cV? th ing and a gola watch. Tho amount loaned on tho goodu was $40, and the man who Lccured tho loan said that he would call in tho courso of a fow days and redeem tho property. Tho goods wero placed in the vault and havo re mained thero undisturbed ever since. When tho musty old satchel was taken out of tho vault yesterday it was found to bo in the same condition as it was at tho time it was placed in tho room for safe keeping. Tho clothing hod been made into a separate package. Tho va- Use was brokon open, and iusido was found a red leather belt considerably the worso for wear. Tho bolt was taken out, and in handling it was notlqed that It was very heavy and had little pockets along tho side. Mr. Btono took tho belt out into the front room of tho store and opened the pockets. Out rolled gold pieces, double eagles, to tho number of 84. Thoy were as bright and shiny as tho day thoy were taken from tho mint, and they looked as though thoy had just boon taken from tho bank. The ooins wore all of the same doto, 1800. Tho money legally be longs to tho finder unless some persou from whom it was takon, as it was ap pnrcntly stolen, proves his property. Si. Paul Qlobe. Tliolr Great Matrimonial Score. Lysander Morso and Phcobo Macombcr Wero married 05 years ago. It was a lovo match that won tho envy of all their neighbors hy its promises of hap piness. Tho couplo lived together for only a year, when in a violent quarrel over somo trivial mcidont thoy soporatod anr wero finally divorced. Morso prompt ly married again from a spirit of piquo, and his erstwhllo brido was not far be hind him in resuming the wodded state. Neither found any poaco or happiness, and it soon seemed to bo a race between thorn as to who could mako tho most un fortunate alliances. Morse succeeded in contracting four marriagos, but Ids rival wop tho hearts of six different men, whoso names she boro in turn. Those facts did not como out until they met ror trie urst timo buico tnotr separation recently in Allegan county. Aa thoy re hearsod their various oxporicuces it ap peared mat eacti was single again, and thoy docidod to try a second marriage A fow days after this marriage thoy disagreed and camo to blows, which produced a final separation, Decatur (Mich.) Con Chicago Tribune. Tired, Wea, Nervous, VI.HUDHUll)igUlinAlj uuu UVOI WUTK or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to euro is to feed the norves ou pure blood. Thousands of peonle certify that tho best blood nurl. fler, tho best nerve toulo aud strength hulldor is Hood's Bareuparllla, What It baa dono for others It will also do for you Hood's cures. ITood's Pills ouro constipation by re storing perlstaltlo action of tbo alimen tary canal. m Our Grandmother's Way. Was to steep root aud herbs aud use It every ulght. Wo can do tho same by using Park's Tea. Nothlmr acts as promptly aud without discomfort. Not a pill nor a catbartlo but moves me uoweis everyday, Holt) by Capital Drugstore FARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hups ttmall sale, 8. to luc. Eggs In trade, 10c." Butler l',t dalry,;i618j fano creamery, 20c. Chtte 10 to 15 cts. Farm fiiuoked meats Bacon. 10; hams, 10; shouldered. Potutoes-New, 2.3c, Oulons 3 cents FRUITS. Brudabaw plums, 60c bu. Apples 30o bu. Peaches 80c box. LIVE POULTRY. Poultry Hei e, 6o; roosters not wanted; old ucks not wanted; young ducki,8; youi glcblckens, 8c POK1L.ND QUOTATIONS. Uiain, Feed, etc. Flour P,.n and, $2.05; Walla Wulla, $2 90; griihuu , $2.40; superfine, $2.25 per oarrel. Oats White, 32c; grey, 31c; rolled, in bags, $5.76(6.00; barrels, $6.00 G.C6; cases, $3.75. Hay Best, $1(12 per ton. Wool valley, b(aiuc. Mlllstulls Brau, $1517; shorts, $10 18; ground barley, $20; chop feed, $15 per ton; whole teed, barley $17 pel ton; middlings, $2328 per ton; chicken wheat. 051.00 percental. Hops MarKet is lifeless. Impossible to give quotations. Hides green, salted, CO lbs. 3Jc, un der 60 lbs., 23c; sheep pelts, 10C0c. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery ,22J(S; 25cj fancy dairy,2022ic; fair to good. 1517Jc; common, 12fc. Cheese Oregon llj12jc per pound; Young Anierican,13J14io;8wlEB Imp.. 1032c; DomlC18c. EggH Oregon, 1012o per dozen. Poultry chickens, old $3.60 per di z en; young,$23.00; ducks,$23; getst $4.50$5 00; turkeys, slow at 9l0c. Beet Topateers, 22Jo per Jb; fall to good steers, 221c; cows, lie2o; dressed beef, 46o Mutton uest sheep.$I.752; choice owes, 51.601.76. Hogs- Choice, heavy, $4; light and feeders, $4; dressed, 6o per lb. Veal Small, choice, 4Jc; large,34c per pound. SAN FRANCISOOjMARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice,!' 8 10c; do inferior, 66o; do Jvalley, 10 12c Hops 810c. Potatoes Early Rose, 2532Jo in sacks; Burbanks, 3045o per sack. Oatfi-Mllling, 51.17j01.22j. C apltal Printing Co., Job Printer, 329 Commercial 1 i S100 fieward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science ha? been able to euro in all Its stages and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength bv bulldincr un thp constitution and assisting nature 1b doing Its work. The proprietors baye to much faith In its curative powers, that they offer One Huudred Dollar for any cases that It falls to cure. ;8end for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 75c. It Is Reliable. Announcements of entertainments In The Journal. AVWVAftAiVArYUWWlArVlAWW A GOOD.-THING 1$ always imitated. This is a well-known fact, and, therefore, It is not strange that the country has been flooded with con densed milk, said to be just as good as the Gail Borden Eagle Brand. S K NDERGARTEM The cncg tyilLWAUKFF Experience has proven that it has no equal. It stands to reason that the superior facilities of the New York Condensed Milk Company, with persistent, conscientious, scientific study of the production of milk, give it a decided advantage. Consider this. J WflrJJvJVPJtJJJJi GARDEN HOSE! Churchill & Burroughs, LAWiV GOODS. For the Best aud Cheapest always go to 103 State strf et. An Oregon Newspaper California news does not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover ing Oregon interests. dm a M JO MIL Only One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. gh eapestnewspaperoregon Receiving all the Associated Press Dispatches. DAILY BY MAIL PER YEAR, - - Jl hh UiIUmiV k rdrrgarten. w Ith prlmnry niul cotiuiu li lnse, Will iuu October 8, I HIM, wlih n r mixtMii coijbi f iusiMhuU In every dep rtmeat. TIiImhouohI U i uUuc ed ou tte brat Alir N Micriiona. it of ok ntiil np- M iPUU.N KIOKlt n il n-ieiwn up ix Imoy win I . AND 1 L BOUGHT UV Wm, Brown & Co. 3J0 Commercial til., SALEM, OR. Suiuslrt. WbnleOU Bonp, Sulphur, Hop Cloth, llu Cloth, etc. liop tressei and Hprayer . University of Oregon. EUGENE. Next session begins the 17th of September, INf-i. 'full Ion. free. Foard, Z50 a wet V. Five Courses : Classical, aclenllflu, Literary, English and Business DOHMITOHY. The Boarding Hall for young ladles and the Hoarding Hall for young gentlemen will b under the personal supervision of Mrs. Munra a lady o' refinement and large experience. For catalogues nddresi : J. J. WALTON, 7-27-2m 8:cy. Kegcnts. & RAILWAY. TruvfJprs "miike m nu , This Git.it Hail imav nl "41 tvslem M ST. PAUL pnd Willi nil ImiiLiwiiiiii .. ... "-, ""-"'"irilllii,l . uireci ami nvin mlllllimi; IK'll lO Hll fa-lUH.N mill MHttilKlit. J-. AND IS THK -ONLY LINK::: Kleclrlo -runuitig - l-lglitetl audi Kit Portland JJniversity. First, Location bcautllul, healthful and free from all p aces of temptation. Hecond. Uest Instruction given In College Preparatory, Norma) and Business courses, hIko In Thco'ogy, Music and Art Third. Board In West Hall, club houses or private families; tl00to$200a year for board and tuition. Fourth. Full term opens (September 18. Catalogues tree. Address O. C. 8TKATTON, D D.,PresIdent. Or THOH. VAN BOY. 1). 1)., Dean. Cooper Shop, CYRUS STEWART hasopeued un aslion north of Mlze's mill. In Bout la Salem, where he Is prepared to make and repair all kinds of cooperage, such as uuiiB, iuuh, aegs, oarreis ana u J " 1U.3.U, 12 WILL JPAY YOU TO READ TJEEIS : We publish the only One Cent Daily on the Pacific Coast and the cheapest and best daily paper fir the money in Oregon. Please let us know if you can use any sample copies o the Daily or Weekly. They will be sent fiee. Eemembei these are Associated Press newspapers, giving all the current news of the world from day to day in large type and attractiye style. These low hard times rates enable everv farmer to have his daily paper and know the state of the market and all the .news of the world. Editorial comment is feariesb and independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good government for the people able to deal justly and fairly with all. Only $3X0 a year. $1.5o for six months. $1.00 for four months. terNo papers sent after time; Is out for which it la ordered.- YOU. You are the man. If we cannot get you to act, hand thia to someone who wants one of these grand premiums far simply getting up a club' Almost anyone will take this paper upon merely seeing it. It sella Itaeif. It le so cheap no one can afford not to have it. It Rnits readers In city and countn of all classes and parties. he best seasoned stock used. able. churns. Onlv Prices reason- 7-3M1&W -SALEM - Abstract and Land Co. EhtAuljsheo 15 Years. Removed to souta Rooms in Bush Breyman block. Hicords completed to date. Abstract of all property In Mirlou County furnished promptly and at lowest rates. Office up stall over Putnam's drug store. (I is OF MUSIC- CONSERVATORY Willamette University. Has been organized for thirteen years. More than seventy graduated. Has now elht teachers. Mo-t complete and best equipped musical school on the northwest coaxt. Seven pianos and two nrguus owned by the sch o' for teaching and practice courtes, and meth ods Ike latest and best. Piano, organ, voice culture and Italluu slmcm;, violin and orcb estiul Instruments, hurniouy, cnuntpr point, fugue orchestration tre taught. DltTouini are given on completion of course. The de Kreeof ilrichelorof Muslo when full courte Is completed. For further particulars call or address Z, M. PAW VIN, "H Wus. Doc, Blreotor. ?L -! w r if 1 tf J JiH -t ' J. An Evergreen Tree. WITHOUT COST. We will sen! you by mall postpaid one small evergreen tree adapted to your climate, with Instructions for plautlng and caring for it, together with our complete list of nursery dock If jou will in out this advertlsemetn mat k on It tht-nune of Uils piper, and til ow rnmiv and hat kind of ire.-SHnrt pint o.i i would life to purch be, and when jot wih to W it them We win quote jou lower prhes on the sloe i-u wum i,' an nave e er uoLaontrea you. Write at once. HVKnORRMN MlllHRnimi 3 10-dIm iSverereen. Door Co.. wis lr No Papes sent after time of THIS ORDER is out. -a TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, Gould Hot Sleep. Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down weak, iiorvous and irritable through overwork. I suffered from brain Fa tiguo, mental depression, etc I be camo so weak and nervous that I could not 6leop, I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking- Dr. MiIes, Nervine and now ovcrythlnr Is chanrrwl. T sleep soundly, I fpel bright, active and ambitious. I can do mora In ouo day now than I used to do in a week. For this great good I give Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine tho solo credit. It Cures." Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on ft positive ILIKHVJS WUJ tXQ BLANK ORDER SHEET FOR THK ONE CENT DAILY JOURNAL. HOFER BROTHERS, 3 Please send to address below one cony of Daily Salkm. Oregon. Capital Journal by mall. (Erase line not enclosed ... ok ,, - 60 cib. f 1.00 8.00 rOSTOFFICB. -: DRESSMAKING :- In the ; "" LATEST FASHIONABLE STYLES. Special attention given to CUILOKKN'S STYLES CUTTING AND FITTINCI A bl'HCIALTY. Shop in W.O.T.U.Rooms, Court St. mita. . m htjsislE E. M. WATTE PRINTING CO., K K ANn OR PRIMr AND Lcyul Blank Publishers, liuih'a New Ilrlclt.over the bank. Com'l stree For one month And For two mouths " For four months " For one year NAME. it i it On farm larj;e loans. 6-:u dwtf TO LOAN :-: land recui-lty, Hpeclal rales on Loans considered without delay. Hamilton & Moir, Itoom 6, Hush Hank Hulldln if utniauio m ion si raiNl W1M ueneHU AJlilruKgIt4MllltaMl,0bottle4 for M. or It will Imi tent, pronald. on roculpt of nrlc by to Vr. Will Nodical Op.. )Cklrt, I lot ill lOp.,j:)kiV A- OUT THISOUT,flll la name and enclose posUl note or draft. Stamps not taken HOFER BROS., Publishers I BALEM, OREGON, R. II. WESTACOIT, UVE11V, BOARDING AND FBBD STABLB HAY, OATS and STRAW SOLD and DEUVREP. HA6.2u0rry etreet we8t of Post Om. HOUSE Painting. Decorating, 11 Hard Wood Finishing, uynKtveiTQOd reference. Estimu ftirnlsli dene on Uulbm Motorl&Tway.WrUi' fi.m I ?WW tve ord.w Mt B JnirA "oaAw"U Si 5S ,tW, "l nifain Vestlbuled trains ot elcgHiu NiA i-anor, jnuiig HUa jllina- -rs. Willi Free lieallnlng ChnU Making 1U service second to Eotu vorld. Tickets aro on tale at all promintttt ucKei ouiccs. lOni ftl.l av l.ifrt. ii..l1 . . . .. .uv. .., ii.uiiuii um llleln,! C.J. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Past (J PORTLAND,! MHT 1 V il (Northtrn Pacific R. It, Co., UiihJ run TWO FAST Tit AIM Daily iieiween si. ram. Jilt iin-rB aojfi Milwaukee and all koIiiU In Ul.. lng connection In t, Ukuo with ullllu iiiut; rusi. auu pouiu Tickets sold and hnccnee cbetknln to all points In the United utatts aijfc rrovinces. Korlull Inforniatlon rrirardlnir IlncuJ maps, folders, etc, addrtsi ye ur neull et acent r J a i. p vml Gen. l'ass. and Tkt. Act,. Mllwanlitf heumatlsm; Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complain, Lame Back,!; I ELEO OR. SAHDEH'S TRICEiJ With EUctrcnMnenetlo SUSPENSOn Lsttit I'atcnUl Jlc.t Improremiitil I will cure without medicine all Vlukaui mecrV orer-taxatlon of bruin ntrro forces) cicctnra cretloa, m oM-rnus debility, slcepkuneti, kn rbeumtlun. kidney, llror and bladder cotta Umebult, lumbsgo, cojitlea, all female eju" general 111 braltb, etc. Thi rlectrlo EtSnu . "plP'"l' over all othen. CBiui iaftanUr felt by wearer or we forfeit 5,W will cure all of the abore dlieaaes or no m ti anda 1ito been cured by this maifelouibia after all other remedies failed, and we Rlviba v. K.UIUWU1.H tu vua mu erery omer state. Our rmrfal biprartd KLECTRIC SlsrrlWt greateat booa eier offered weak men, ITUIaK 5'i Ufal,a4 Tlcanaa Slnsttli fl WumnlHi Moa Seodforlllua'dPampnlet.malinl.iiUl, 8ANDEN ELEOTRIO CO., Vo. 1 72 first Street. 1'OltTI. AJV1) Mil Removed toCor. Third and Wasbbf il jrtland, Or, HERCULES . A SURE NO ELECTHIC WITH A CHEAP UNE. Requiies Okeeb. HO Bat fiaotii.AtWAyS ano YOUR WIFE III o O z WE Q1VE ACTUAL. POWER. PALMER & REY, Son Francisco. CaU PurtlM WT ii roi i ui Rz2 I Hi wX-fl o POWER. spark, m NOucusafr TE'JItSTlIal nEAoyniw CANSUIIil. ii FOR, CTS. la Postage, uo will send A Ktunple Km dope, ol ellf WHITE, 1XESH or BltO'ETr IZZONI'S OWDER. Yoa have seen it adverllsed totBJ. years, but havo vou ever tried I'r'ii not. you do notknow what an'" POZZQMljTH teldes beloa an acknowledged bum's I UaamanTrefrcablnguaoa. HvrwrJrZ. J protoctlon to ilio ace durln UoXfW" XI la Nuia Kverywuerc. . POZZONI GO. St. LO 1111.17 Uurirrinw tiiih PiPUK Jm liUNYION THIS WANTED A6EWS -to sell- BROWN'S NRW POCNMIN fffl?- ""A nest Washer ezpretf IW-tJf DlaLtn'l Uaal,d kTIOVD w.Di iilll Jnstructloni ,'.,?f W ouirad prepaid ou 'Wiji: i : J. h. lrown. Box W "i a. f- T--- f " - ' r