gf$5PSf5 jwii ilTiiiiii1 ipip .7T 4 &. H It fr THIi CA11TAL JQDBUL 1'OBUBUKD DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY TBS Capital Journal Publishing Company Poslolflce Jllock.'.Commercl.! Street. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. Jjally, by carrier, per month,- Dally, by mail, per year.. Weekly, S page, per year. -WW) MONDAY, AUGUST 0, 1894. 111E POLITICAL IIUKIZO.V. Tho political force that have beeD rtiuulng tho Oregon aialo govrrumeut were turned down lu the eutiverilloiiB and elections oud u vouiplfie uw deal ordered. The now deal was made and a new set of men were placed In powei as completely as though a new party had gone In. The leaders of the last legislature were all on Intimate termn with Governor Pennoyer and he haa appointed a number of them to otllcp. T iere la not ono of the men who se cured enormous appropriations and voted for legislation that Governer Fennoysr would not appoint to any position over the poople. They were not iutentionally bad men but they went too far along the .lines that have met with condemnation by the people. The governor did not check them and they did not check the gov. ernor. .Everyone knows that those forces in control meant harm and hence they are turned under. Neither had the morality or the backbone to do any thing but coincide with the other's schemes of political plunder and per sonal ambition. But they overruled each and they are no more. The Influence of tho governor and his coterie, wheth er Republicans or Democrals.has passed away. Republicans who have been standing llrmly with Governor Pen noyer got upon dangerous ground. Without getting outside of tho party, they have got quite outside of tho pale of iuiluence. In other words, they went down with Pennoyer. They can not be easily resurrected as a political force in the future. The management of aflairs under Pennoyer had no ele ments of progress or reform. The peo ple can stand a mossback if he will do something besides Increase his own proilts. The mossback or conservative is easily endurable. The people rather liko him if he does not steal, oven if he does not go ahead and do very much. Uut a mossback thief ia no better than a progressive boodlcr. The latter is moro apt to please for awhllo. The new deal implies conservatism, economy and application of business principles to public aflairs throughout. It matters little to what party a man belongs, If be costs tho peoplo immense sums and practices machine politics. Dr. Harry Lane set Governor Pennoyer out in true colors, when he denounced him for insisting on Improper appointments. While the Pennoyer regime could bo relied upon to bring to the surface tho very worst class of Republicans and a good many very poor quality Demo crats, and keep them there, It would keep but a very few fine grade of Dem ocrats in its employ. The governor's endorsement of tho man charged with cruolty at the Btato Reform school Il lustrates this. Tho state has passed from a very low plane of politics. Tho prevailing tone was a cross between corruption and domagogory. Whether we are to see much Improvement depends upon how far the faot of the now deal Is realized. If tho now state ofilcluls and tho legis lature adheres to the plain essentials of a plain spoken platform tho people have reason to hopo for substantial im provements uud relief from unneces sary burdens of taxation. If not ad hered to tho Republican party has a mixed future. WHY TAX 0AP.TAL. Capitalists, aro not. In Kouoral.a det- rlmeut to the couutry, neither are they such ati allflred beuollt that thoy i1. Mhoiitd linmnMiintwl from nnvlnir tlimr , Just proportion of the taxes. Let our legislature keep this idea In vtow,whon Jt meets next winter. Bclo Press, Capitalists are a boneflt to any coun try, uut thoy are not such a benefit that they should ho exempted from bearing their Just portion of taxation of tho country Bulem ludopendout. Tho preeont mottgagt tax law ex empts non-reeldont owners of mortgago loans. It watt passed to encourage In troduction of clieaH!r foreign capital. ' No ouo doubts hut that It will uoooin plhdi that n tho long run if other causes do uot intorforo. If It is desirable to ou eouragethe Introduction of foreign or Mtoru capital nt low rates of Interest, why tax capital at all ? It certainly would ho fairer to let tho Wader utl borrower negotiate botwoon WejiHl yea u jm)H tho beat terms possible UMi Uwvo capital tto9 to flow In and out MAordiPg to supply aud demaud, It la mfUinly unfair to Mow tho iiotwwl ilmtMOftnngQOWlM to escape taxutlou Mi fate capital, and then catch and HifiVli l tho jronldoot owners of wort. ppllftH anil note. Wo would rHther aeo all capital ko untaxed than to wo (he NfwwNt dcrwiution whlph only ttAeUw 'M uiuQlljlticted rwjdeut twmffclM who! M enough (o aty it In to tliu tuumor, Certainly we w4 a wore Jut mi eo,uiubj pyntom, I Mfefc We are glad the newspapers quoted above have this early ralwm tne ques tion of taxing capital. Why tax capi tal or credits at all ? Why tax produc live energies and eutsrpriso when It seeks to employ capital by using it to give employment to labor? Are you not really taxing enterprise and labor? When you tax capital, that is In active use in business or manufactures, you tux labor. 'TIIK TKXr BOOK RfcUIJlB." The fact that seven newspaper men go into the legislature this time may bo evidence that the people are looking for new material to make statesmen out of. They at least know what their tcntimrntB are aud can crucify them y stopping their papers and advertis i ig If they do not live up to their pro visions. Editor Moorhead says this of I he proposed change in text books uuder the stove heading: According to the laws of 1889 this is thejearfor adopting text books to be used hi tho public Reboots of the sta'e luring thr next sK years. But we seri ously question the advisability of any changes at this time, unless it be to irovide for the publication ot the neces rury books by the state printer. The I) joks to be used are selected by the several county school superintendents Mid the members of the state board of examiners, whoaro to record tbelr vote before the first day of Jauuary next. The state school superintendent is ill rejied by law to ici-ue a circular to the county superintendent!) aud the exam iners containing a list of studies to be taught iu the public schools, together with the wholesale, retail, exchange and introductory prices of all the books in the list. Thone entitled to vote write opposite each study the text book nr iseriet of text books preferred. These replies are iruimniltted to the state su perintendent, aud by him to the state board of education, and upon a canvass f the vote tlie text books receiving a mnjorlty of the votes cast aro declared to be the authorized text books for the sis years next succeeding the official announcement. Tho county superin tendents would do well to carefully ex amine the pulse of the general people before recording their votes for an ex pensive change next January." "Vote for Cleveland and $1.25 for wheat," was tho advice given farmers by tho Democratic press in 1802. Among the most lamentade changes since that time Is the sweeping reduc tion in the price of everything that the farmer has for sale. Nothing short of a tremeudous European war will ever partially restore to farmers tho prices received for their products in the days of protection and prosperity. Pendle ton Tribune. Riddle Enterprise: With Oregon's new governor some first-class legisla tion in the way of economy and pro gress ought to be enacted, and with the new state officers, pledged to careful methods, the state may confidentially bo expected to tuko forward strides among the commonweals, so far as Its laws are concerned. It looks as though it were going to be pretty hard to keep tho next 'legis lature from keeping their pledges to the people. A miuistor should be a gentleman at all times. Ta com u News. Ho should other people. Now 2:30 Porfoimors. Following are horses bred and owned in the North Pad II o that havo entered tho 2:30 list this year:: Biirch & Koyt'u ch g Riokreal, by Roekwood: Independence, Juno 14 . 2:30 I. C. Mosher'a bile f, An Alouo, S, by Coour d'Aloue,dam byChance: 8alom,Juno20 2;2i O. J. Heoiey'B b h Clatawa. by Da ley, dam by Geu. McClellan: Ba lem Juno 21 2:27 II.n.Millor's b m Jullet.hv Tybalt, dam Rid, by sou of Vermont; Balem, Juno 22 2:22 E. J. Youug's cli m Lily McCarty, by Dick Flaherty, data Molllo McCarty: Balem 2:30 8. C. Tryon's br g Call K R, by Day Rate, dam Ada E; Port Pert land: July 2 2:20 Witch Hazel 8took Farm's h g Klt tllna Range; breeding unknewn: Portland July 2 . 2:21 Convert & Malluuli's br h Touohet, by Altamont. dum Tecera: Port- laud July 7 2:22 u if, filoKliinuy'a gr f Ella T, a, by Altamont, dam Dalay Dean; Dttvenport, la .. 2:21 Witch Hazel Farm's gr g Carylo Came, II, by llamh'toulau Maui lirlmylam by Confederate Chief , Portland July 13 2:28J Tired, Woair, Nervous, Means Impure blood, and overwork or too uiuuh strain on drain and body, The only way to cure Is to feul tho nerves on puro blood, Thousands of people certify that the best blood purl iler, tho bet nervo initio aud streugth builder la Hood's HtrnaparJIla, What It has done tor others It will also do for you Hood's cures, Hood's Pills euro constipation by re storing peristaltic action of the alimen tary canal. - ii a i ... Our OrandHiotlier'fl Way. Wad to steep root and her In and use It overy night. Wo can do tho aauie by using Pirk'a'JVa, Nothing aota aa nroinntlv and without lileooinforl. iioi a pill nor a cathartic hut move (Kuimweid every nay, Mold by Capital Prutfuforo I mi in 1mm Vm oVito "UP OOD'S nSarsaparlll.i is care fully prepared by experienced phar macist from Sana parilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Flpslssewa, Juniper Berries, and other well known vegeta ble remedies. Tho Combination, Pro portion and Process aro Peculiar to fB Hood's, ghlng it curative pow- cr Peculiar to Itself, IlootVi Oj arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Salt Ithcum, Sores, Boils, Pimples and all other affections caused by Impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and .pM Liver Complaints. It f K isjno. wnatwesay, but what Hood's u Sareaparllla Does, that Tells the Story . Hood' s Sareaparllla URES Hood's Pills win Bevr friends dally. TURF TOPICS. A maro In Franco pullod a wagon 10 miles in 52 minutest. A barrel of iron worked Into horse shoes is said to be worth $10. Ho who buys uoeds a hundred oyes, and ho who sells need lmvo but one, A set of shoes of rawhide boiled in oil, to woigh six unucea, ia beiug pre pared for old Johnston. Sam Jones deoldiea that a horso like Directum has cliui actor suporlor to the sports and gambler who bet on him. Margaret Rogers, 83 years old, of Montoroy county, Cal,, has, it Is report ed, mado n fortune in tho horso business. Tho Ashtown Trotting club'a track at Dublin has been entiroly ronovated and ia now tho Uncut trotting track in Europe. A handsomo young lady, Miss Wim poy, wields the whiphaud over the horsca of tho stago from Hardesty, O. T., to Liberal, Kan. Today tho trotting horse ia roooguiged as a distinct typo of tho family whose Inhoritanco of a century of brooding has mado his natural gait tho trot. An English sporting writor remarks that tho English turf is smothered un der a pile of vexations turf rules and bylaws which aro not wanted. Rules should bo few, but woll enforced. A very common stable vice among race horses and, in fact, among all horaes ia tho tendency tq roll complete ly over. Nobody on earth haa'ever as certained why a horso dooa this. Horse man. NOVELTIES. Tho now claret jugs aro In tall beak erliko forma bound in silver. Dccantors aro now almost entirely covered with perforated lvor ornament Sporting jewelry in general is moro fashionablo than ovor, many of the do. signs being based on the new fad game, golf. Carved ivory paper knives with over lays of silver ornament sharply out is an instance which shows well tho har monious contrast of those two materials. The uses of false pearls are legion. Ono having a carious resemblance' to an elephant's faoe had a tusk mado of seed poars, huge flapping oars, and on his brow was a coronet of goma. An old gentleman in town making a golden wedding present to his wife or dered a gold tablespoon. On it woro engraved tho silhouettes of himself and his wifo, tho dates of tholr two wed dings being in diamonds. Tliroo styles prevail In joweled rings. There aro tho gems sunk iu richly work ed yellow gold, a singlo largo gem with ornamental work extending up the fin ger in small jewels and with two stones of difforont colors branching in differ ent dirootions. Jewolora' Circular. CHICAGO PROVERBS. Pay as you go novor goes lame. Neither tho borrower nor lender keeps many friends. Envy throws vitriol at that which it cannot emulate. It ia easier to drown in a raco pool than in a horso pond. It is not tho doctor's business to give a clean bill of health. There ia a radical difference between aiming low and low pinia., O " A Good Physician. Ho is the best physician who takes advantage of auy remody that oders the right kind of relief, Borne medi cines relievo, hut for the moment only, Their ultimate effect Is. to lucreaso the eullerlng. Alloock'u Porous Plasters are a uni versal favorite with good physicians, and are always recommended uy them for local pains of every kind, Iu all cafes of lame or weak back, stillness of the joints, rheumatism. Indigestion, kidney trouble, they aro by far (lie best external remedv. Not only do All- cook's Porous Piasters relieve palu, but they have no after 111 eftVcts, They are noon. ow,Y noon. Tiiououajiv good. Rraudreth's J'llla rectify the secre tions, Cable From Queen Lil. J)fr Orel)io; o were boon crav. l trust Iu your aflMtlon TU not U murder DoU.tlieKuave, Urputttowu luturrociloo; rf$ not my orowp, but ma t4 my, i write lu deep ileJwMlou, Aui!ookii(SInJueUiivo , Ot IVrk'y Tw lor my pomilxlou, llUtaiUV tf AXtfWSK TO QUCKN Uh, When J rwcivtxJ )our(VuUriuu ) liiuujttu I ur would fttlut ynr luougU I ofu una Park's Ttt T 1U not ftf your cottP(ui. ny pu Tier 4tMat titer 1 u JVf k' 'ft tor her wiapUiloa, wrotitf tkwiui our cuoukjuuu VfWflU; wiii. ii-i;r 3CSSS TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local au t Portland Quotations. Balem, Aug. 2, 4 p. m. Oflltx Daily Uapital Jouknal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to press wero aa follews: HA1.KM PltOUUCB MAKKKT. BUTGlffcR 8TO0K. Veals dreaded 3' cts. Hogs dressed 4. Live cattle 1 J. Bheep alive J.1.25. MILL MUCKS. Balem Milling Co. quetes: In wholesale lots $2.60. Retail Klour $2.85, Brtu $14 bulk, $15 sacked. Short (10 17 Chop feed $15 aud $16. WHEAT. 33 cents per hunbcl. KAY AND DRAIN. Oats 30c. Hay Baled, old $810; new eheat $7.60H. TARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops Bmall sale, 10 to 12c. JtSgge In trade, 12r. ButUsr Best dury, 1518; fancy creamery, uo. Cheese ltl to 16 cts. Farm RtLOked meats Bacon hams, 10: shouldera.8. io; Potattea-New, 30c. Onions 3 cents FRUITS. Cherries, Late Duke, 3c pound. LIVE POULTRY. Poultry Hens, 6o; roosters not wanted; old ducks not wanted; young ducfct.S; young chickens, 810c, PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Veed, etc. Flour Portland, $a.05; Walla Wal'a, $2 00; graham, $2.40; superflne, $2.25 per oarrel. Oats White, 35c; grey, 33c; rolled, in bags, $5.750.00; barrels, $0.00 0.25; cases, $3.76. Hay Best, $1012 per ton. Wool valley, lu10Jc. Millatuffs Bran, $1517; shorts, $16 18; ground barley, $20; chop feed, $15 per ton; whole feed, barley, $17 per ton; middlings, $2328 per ton; imicken wheat. 661.00 percental. Hops 1893, 10 to 11. Hides green, salted, 60 lbs..3Jc, un der 60 lbs., 23o; sheep pelts, 1060c. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery,22J 25ej fancy dalry,2022Jc; fair to good, 1517 c; common, 12e. Cheese Oregon HJ12Jc per pound; Young American,13JlJ4o; California U12; Bwlsslmp., 3032c; Dom., 16 18c. Egga Oregon, 12Jo per dozen. Poultry cbickens,old$2.60aS per doz en; young,$23.00; ducks,$34J;geese, $4 5017 60; turkeys, slow at 810o. Beef Topsteers, 2J22o per Tb; fair to good steers, 22Jc; cows, ljc2c; dressed beef. 45o Mutton Best shcep,$1.752; choice t wes, $1.601.75. Hogs- Choice, heavy, $4; light and feeders, $3 76; dressed, 5c per lb. Veal Small, choice, 6'c; large, 34c per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 8 10c; do inferior, 66o; do valley, 10 12c Hops 912c. Potatoes New Early Rose, 2535o In sacks; 3050o per cental. Oats Milling, $1.231.25. It Is Reliable. Announcements of entertainments in The Journal. S100 Reward $100 Tha readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Qure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors baye to much faith in its cuiatlve powers, that they ofler One Huudred Dollars for any cases that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75o. Right Arm Paralyzedl Saved from St. Vitus Dance. "Our daughter, Blanche, now fif teen years ot ago, had been terribly afUlctcd with nervousness, and had lost tha entiro use of her right arm. Wo feared 8t. Vitus dance, and tried tho best physicians, with no benefit. Bho ius tulcon thrco bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine and has gained 31 Kiunds. II er nervousness and fiyrnp msQf 6t Vltua dance aro entirely gone, sue attends school regularly, and lias recovered complete use or her arm, her uppotltola splendid." MUS, U, U. VVhhQQlt, WtUUM, M. Y, Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. VIW Nerving U old on uM)Ur grriHtnOnn'irtl-njju.. ,fTmifn r.HMiHa'Im.if,!..! m ..,. wow Take theOne Cent Daily Forest GARDEN HOSE! An Oregon Newspaper California news does not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover ing Oregon interests. DM A Dl KS3EES23J ' Onlv One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast. mm i mm Receiving all the Associated Press DAM BY MAIL, PER YEAR, - JT' WILL PAY YOU TO READ THIS: We publish the only One Cent Daily on the Pacific Coast and the cheapest and best daily paper for the money in uregon. Please let us know if you can use any sample copies o the Daily or Weekly. They will be aent free. Remembei these are Associated Press newspapers, giving all the current news of the world from day to day in large type and attractiye style. These low hard times rates enable every faimer to have his daily paper and know the state of the market and all the news of the world. Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good government for the people able to deal justly and fairly with all. Only S3..00 a year. $1.50 for six months. $1.00 for four months. JB-No papers sent alter time! Is out for which it Is ordered.-tBa YOU. You are the naau. If we cannot get you to act, hand this t( someone who wants one of these graud premiums for tdniply getting up a club Almost anyene will take this paper upon merely seeing It It sells itself. It h so cheap no one can afford not to have It. It suits readers lu city and country of all classes and parties, " llo Papes sent after time of THIS ORDER Is out. BLANK ORDER SHEET FOIt THE ONE CENT DAILY JOURNAL HOFER BROTHERS, Baliw, Ohkciqn, wtuueu.j For one mouth find enclosed Fir two mouths " For four mouths " " For one year NAMK. I litPMVinPIHIIHPl OUT THIH SUTi&UiB " ud tncloya pgiftsl npt or afft. (tamp not tuUa HOFER msmmtuim! Grove Poultry lards Established in 1877. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THE VERY BEST VARIETIES. Stock Finer than Ever, bat Prices Same as Usual Get the Best and then you will be satisfied. Send for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Look Box 33-, Forest Grove, Or. LA.WN GOODS. For the Best and Cheapest always go to Churchill & Burroughs, 103 State street. Dispatches. --a m UuUllLiiiLi I IS $3.00 Please send to address below one copy of Daiiv GAi'iTAh Jouhnat, by mail, (Erase line uot . 25 cts. , COcip. ..,,0Q 3,00 J'03'ri)FJrgn. BROS,, Publishers , , HW,MW,, PAWM, QJtEaON ih nts. 'i 'i- Mrn III Ml The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUL? RAILWAY. Trawler "niuko a nolo on I." This Great Railway System Conr-ecJ ST. PAUL and OMAHi With all transcontinental Hum, giving direct and win communica tion to all BTKUN nna 80UTIIICKN I'OINTH AND IB TUB :::0NLY LINK::: running Klectrlo I.IKhtxl mill. Hlnm Iltni Vcf tlhulcd trains of clrgnnt VUt,ny,, 1'arlor, Ulnlng und Jluflet Oirii. with Free Itccllnlny Chairs, Mating Ha service ntcova to none m tit world TlcketB are ou (.ale at all imminent rallroj ticket ofUces. i For ftntbcr Information at,kthet)partiitr t tola agent, or nudr f C. J. EDDY, Genfral Agt. J. W. CASLY, Trav. Pas? Agt. PORTLAND, Oregon! WISCONSIN CENT1UL UKEf (Northern Pacific R. ft, Co., Unec.) run rnVO FAST TRAINS Dally Between St. Paul. Minneapolis and VhlcarM Milwnnheo and (ill points In Wisconsin; iimlM .us uiuututiuu iu iuicugu wuu an iidiu rui .J. inri uut, cvillll. Tlckcusold hikj r.aepnpe checked iliranz' Prurl .ftti hf til tl t rlfin'Mnn mi. . f lt ., T..4 . .. dlttM.iiloi Jan O.POMI, i-II l'H"K urn J Kl, AKl.. IHllUUKFP, WlL HOUSE Painting, Decorating 1 1 Hard Wood Finishing, 5 Can give good reftrerces. Estimates nirnltli ed. AildretB, Ueo. Bbrlislrulli. hulcu). Im(j. dencoon Hnlcui .Motor Itnllwuy, Mortli t-ulta't' Lertvo orderxnt Hclutr A HlopMriR. ut loumatFsm, Lumbago, Sciatica KIdnoy Complalnio, Lamo Back, ao. . r DR. SANDEN'S TRIC BELr With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY. iairu I'sieaoi j,tt improTcment I win cure without medicine all vrki raltlue f rnia orcr-Uintlon of brain nerre rorceii CJcetMoorlnJlj crction, aa aerroui debility. aUcpleuneu, Itnmwr rhrumatlini, klduej-, llrr and blddr comi'llliili lambclr. lamtugo, tCJitira, all female compltlnta ecoeral II bealcli, etc. This rlectrlo Holt cootolni iniirhi laipntMiBU orer all cthom. ("unval H IriMUnVr Mthf wearer or we forfeit s,0oo.uu. uni willcureallot the abOTe dlaettea or no W. Ircu pd hare been cured br thU maivelou Tnrcr.tla after all other remedlee failed, and we kIms huadteJt of tcrtlmonUU In thla and ererr other Mate. Our Fenrml ELZCTRIC SlMTIfXiOCT. the BrSt'.t. b??,, rr offered wralc men, HtfK Bjllfc Unlth fft Tlnnaa OUluilTZI.KIu M 1. M TS Send for Illua'd Pamphlet, mailed .tmUl, uvo 8AHDEN ELEOTRIO CO., Ufa. lTBFlr.aMtreet.Ji-OUTX.AKU O.'tr.,. u u til. ti.iii and WbElilnKion JU ' Portland. Or HERCULES GtiGrUIHIo A SURE POWER. NO ELECTRIC SPARK. RUKS Licensed n TERIE8T0KEEPIN BEADY TO STW, CANSUtllf. WITH A CHEAP LINE. Requibes ami. NO Bat 8DER.ALWAyS AX0 Y0U8 WIFE Hi o O WE BIVE ACTUAL POWER. PALMER & KEY, Sta Vrmeldo, CaL Portland, Or FOR CTS. In Postage, iio mil send AKumpIo i;iitelov,o( olilicr WJIITK, JXKHH or nnVNKTVE lOZZONI'S OWDER. You have Been H ftdyertlsed for many year-, but liave you ever tried itt if not, you do notlcnow wliat an lUeal C'ui)lesloii VoMiler lu. bealdei belna an acknowledged beiutiaor, luii iunr refrelilu ukii, i cli if ii,un barn, wind taa,loianiiieraplraii a. fcto ilnriiUltUamoftucllcatoaiddoalniul4 i profecttau to tho fucu durlna liutwtlMr , tltt Halt KvtrywUtr)' I fur eaujuiv, aQureea j nV'r a.a.u-ip uufii, .uuif r"tf ubntiom tuii raptin fm WANTED AGENTS -topejl- flliOVN'S M FOUNTAIN fllM ft mtapa'.i w)ier yncvn ft( ttwfli,. iifDiiaid on (fCfllMf I'lft w Mb .1 .r urn .1 iiiii ..L...i..i.iB Mr.... til r mu ' .'?S,., " ' ,IW M, ,H f. ,....-. V! v VSZV cELEC I II 6 st qjjl jUDl IO S L Ail n L- If I I JS n HTH (1