$mwt$m $?& wfgjiptyjp rf, SBJPJBJW'Jfl' T"'V?' P' w-fTp"."m r . i ' i . . r I e if B nmv miiDrii rminYn lnft viiniflij twuimiiij. rrjBuaHKD daily, kxukft bunda. nr TBI P.nit! Innrnal Pnhlkhlnjr finmnanv " Pcxtofflco Block. ICointnerdat Etreet. HOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. Unity, by carrier, per month,- Dally, by mall, per year, Weokty, 8 page, per year JO so aoo ;VEDNE3DAY, JULY 11, 1691. CABKY OUr fllK ri.ATFOUM. Both the ftppubllvao county and state platforms demand' economy and retrenchment lu our state government, and that all state officials be placed upon a salary Instead of receiving un known eurus of fees. The supreme court as newly organ ized has deferred action until tbe clost of the present term. Before a now clerk is Installed there should be an un derstanding that be Is to accept a rea sonable salary. There should be t reduction of several thousand dollar iu tbe expense of that department and erpeclally in tbe clerk's office. Tin clerk is now receiving nearly twice a much as a Judge of the supreme cour receives. The people have demandei that all county and stato officials l placed on a Balary. Tbo Republlcai party that is the rank and Ale pro pose tp insist upon this. It bas beet done with all county officials. I should and must be ilono with all stat officials. Tbls applies to the office o' state treasurer, secretary of state an( all state officials. Extra emoluments fee, remunerations "aside" must In cut oil', If our state government Is to l brought upon a business buHls,(and tlia is where the Republicans hayp promisee' to bring it and can have no reasonable excuse for not so doing. Tbe peopl nro willing to pay fair salaries, nnd fairly recompense men while in office, but tbe time bas come for the rigid en forcement of tbls proposition, nnd those who resist it act unwisely. HUUUESTKD COMMENT. America can outsail neutral waters. John Bull on Uuclo Bam, Just dustrlal rebellion. put dowu that In- America may yet win tho gold cup In the international yacht races. Mrs. McDowell comes pretty near bolng crowned Halem'n queen of song. Our readers never fall to get all the important foreign and domostlo uows. American ynohts in British water eoom to bo sailing against tbo ourreut. Tho Vigilant can boat any yacht afloat lu waters strange to both crafts Editor C, J. Curtis, of tbo Astoria Herald, is also prosecuting attorney for Clatsop county. The Salem Independent Is no longer complimenting Governor Pcuuoyer. It is now telling the truth about him. TiiKJouitNA.il does not know how thoy feel about It, but it feels proud of its women readers. It has a host of thorn. A good authority saya the editorial Tuesday, 4,A Fatal Declaration" was jlratrato doctrluo, and shouts, "Good fur Tit k Journal! '' Can't you push 'Iiih Onk Cknt Daily a little? Wo want a livo repre sentative who will scud U8 local news and get up a list Iu each town, Tub Onh Cent Daily bas no ambi tion but intelligent dissemination of news and aouud principles to the end ofBecurlug good government for the masses. The great Armour meat monopoly has cut qulto u ilguro lu tho recent strike. Armour had slaughtered so mauy small slaughter houses that thou sands of people went without meat bt cause ho could not ship It out. I.i- I.. 1--L. LU.. The general atrlko wont amount tr ration. It cannot last. It camo too late. A great many railroad men had gone to work, Theru aru. too inanj unemployed for a man to exert much liilluuuoo by throwing up his job. e- a The tlrst eastern mail brought the news ot the death of President Gamut ofthe French Itepublla Juno 2M, This Jouknai, brought the news tbe same ly It oecured, as It does all the hu kh taut news of tho world tbo saint day It happens. Foftdl Journal; Although Jackson oouuty won carrkd by the Populists, Xky dkl not elect tbo straight Populist tiktf TU foikiwlug Republican cau. dfcUU) reeivd pluralities lu thai fleuttty: JJIujpr Herman, for oougrsaa; W. M. JMMto, iUte printer; Ileury L. Mmmm, dtatrkt aUwtwy; Geo. W. DtiMti, rpMiit4lv, mhI Qua New bmy, tfhool MpwJHtMHtwt, The JkHimmxL ulte mmhI aJbjfct mktaxe iu giving ail ot item MHty w Mm Popu- Jinta, wbe MM o fat Um Mirvayof J The Oregonlan who in tils sixties bas boen elected secretory of state makes tbls rather frisky remark lu his Eugene Jeurnal: A great many people are Just now making smart remarks about "the liinimf'r summer girl." The fact remains that the world wouljl he one awful blank without bur, either in summer or win ter, lu the home or abroad. Senator Mitchell sends us his able argument against free wool. But that it the verdict of tbe Democratic turill ui II and the people will have to stand it. Not being u woolen manufacturer we could stand it belter to have free trade iu manufactured woolens. That would give us cheaper clothing sooner than free wool will. Tbe J ul Forum goes over its usual wide range of topics tbe violence ol eliglous Intolerance iu tbe .Republic, Victorian literature, politico, fluauce, liree educational articles, tbe saullarj jundltlou of some of our brge cities, tud a dlscusbluu by an actor of Un ,iigo uh a caiecr. THE CABLE SPOOK. Au Uncanny Tlilntf lU-ntrlitc-n tlio Mil He fore Clitciico .Strict Curt. Whether it is a hpook or not, it is both cr.ug tbo brains of the west side cable cr conductors mul giipmcn and is caus .ngull kinds of gueibes on the part of vho passengers who trnvel uightlyon the Idwanbce nvenno and Madison Btreet able cars. It looks like a wolf, but it may bo nn rdinary dog that is, ordinary in ull re spects save in appearance. Two members of tlio University club wero sauntering along Washington t'reet, between Dearborn nnd Clarl Mieets, a week ago last night. A vel bound Madison street cable car was I binding opposite tbo Title and Trust building. The gripnmn looked as if he was in a trance. Tlio conductor was helpless and evidently speechless. In tlio cpntrr of tlin Rtrent Htood something ! that looked liko a wolf. It was not howling nnd was not wild looking. It was hitnply standing over tho cable slot in what, in the ca6o of a man, would havo been called a reflectivo mood. Some of the women on tho front seats jumped off. When they saw how mild and harmless tho object over the Blot looked, they returned to their seats. Tho conductor at lust regniued his courago and tugged twico nt tho bellropo. Tho giipnmu obeyed, tho car moved on, nnd tho passengers leaned over the sides (thoy vero summer cats), anxious for tho fata of tho dog, wolf, spook or whatever it may havo been. It did not snarl and jumpoutho frontseat. It quietly moved away, went over to tho sidewalk and waited waited just long enough to havo tho train pass then it roturned to tho slot, resumed its air of reflection and stood still. Another train of cars camo along. Tho samo programmo was gone through. And so it went all that Sunday even ing. Tho following day every gripman and conductor in tho west side cable service was talking nbout tho thing in front of the Titlo and Trust building. Thoy wero on tlio wntch for it Monday night. It dhf not appear. But on Tues day evening, nbout 8 o'clock, it appeared nguin nnd went through tho samo per formance as on Sunday ovonlng, disap. pearing nbout midnight. It was seen again Wednesday and Friday, nnd last night nt 0 o'clock it resumed its place. Cablo car men are superstitious as much as sailors. Thoy do not liko that thing that stands over tho slot on Wash ington street. Souio of them say that it is tho ghost of somopoor creaturo "killed by the cable." Chicago Herald. She IIiul the Toothache. A Phlladolphln nowspapor is respon sible for this story nbout n cat This particular folino belonged to a dentist and soemod to tako n delight in watch ing tho doctor opornto on his patients. Ono day it wns noticed that pussy re fused to cat and that she often yowlod in apparent distress, but no ono know what was tho matter. Tho noxt morn ing, after n patient had loft tlio chair, pussy jumped iuto tho placo ho had oc cupied and gnvo a pitiful yowl. Struck with nn idea, tho doutist carefully ex amined tho cat's mouth and found a swollen gum and nn ulccrntod tooth. Ho promptly oxtrnotod tho incisor, and pussy immediately began to pur in a very contented manner, it may havo boon only n coincidence, but it really looked as if tho cat know whore to go for relief. An Anclcut Telephone. Au English ofllcor named Harrington discovered in India n working telephone between tho two temples of Pauj nbout n mllo npnrr. Tho syhtom is said to havo been iu operation nt Pauj for over 3,000 years. Egyptologists havo found unmis takable evidence of wire communica tions botwecu souio of tho touiploa of the oarlior Egyptian dynasties, but whether theso served a telegraphic, tab ephonio or other pnrposo is uot btated. Chicago Herald. A Good Appetite Always accompanies good health, anil au ausenco or appetite is au null cation of something wrong. Tbe uni versal testimony given by those who have used Hood's ftirwaparlllu, as to Its merits lu restoring the appetite, and at a pilfe tier of the blood, constitute the Ktrougest recommendation that cau be urged for auy medicine, Hood'tt pills cure all liver It's, bilious ness, jaundice, ludlgcsUon, sick head ache, 25c. Our araHdaiother'8 Way Was to steep root and herbs and ue It every night. Wo cau do tbo same by using Park's Tea. Nothing acta s promptly and without discomfort. Not a pill nor a oathartlo but moves the bowel every day, Bold by Capital Jrutere, THE OLDEST TWINS. Klrlrn find Klnilra Fife ofPetrboro, JT-H Are Entitled to the Honor. AtPeterboro, N. H., livo Elvinv and Eimira Fife, who claim to bo and prob ably are tlio oldest twins living. Next August they will be 83. At the age of 14 they entered the employ of a local manufacturing company, and for COyears they remained on its pay roll, the max imum wages earned being 09 cents per day and tho minimum 71 cents for three days' labor. A Bo3ton Journal reporter recently visited tlicin. "Is it trno yon havo never ridden on a railroad train?" queried ha "It is," was tho reply, '"and, what is more," said both in one voice, "we nev er will. Although the Boston and Maine railroad has run cars within 10 rods of our door ever sinco they built tho road into this town, wo havonover yet enter eel a car. We camo pretty near it at one time. A few years ago some of tho L townspeople wished us to take a ride in tho cars, nnd wo camo so near it that we went to tho depot, but backed out be fore wo got aboard. " Nor havo these ladies ever entered a theater, and vcix rarely did thoy enter society, and iu an their lives they havo been separated but 70 honrs at any one Interval, nnd when Elvira was taken ill and it was for a few days thought she conld not recover Eimira was nearly cra zy and threatened to commit snicido if her sister was taken away. "I don't wish to live if tho old wom an, " as they always call each other, "is taken away. " Tlio strong resemblance between them is still as prominent as ever. One great peculiarity about theso women has been that, although living in the samo house and eating from tho same tabic, thoy ha .-0 always lived separately that is, esii .i has cooked her own mcaL If one had a boiled dinner", the other had a boiled dinner, and it was not cooked in tlio samo pot either. If one had a turkey, tho other would buy a little larger one, and so in everything they vied with each other to see who would live ths better. CONSTRUCTION OF A PAIR OF EARS. A Remarkable Feat Iu Surgery Performed by a Pari Physician. At tho Bicetro hospital, in Paris, the well known surgeon, M. Landry, per formed a curious operation on a work man of Belgian nationality. Tho Bel gian, it nppenrs, got drunk nnd was tak en to tho polico station at Gciitilly when in a stato of utter helplessness. While he was in tho cells another drunkard, a mo chnnical engineer named Maohnur, wns brought iu iu n.rtato bordering on dolir iuin tremens. Mnchaut was in a terribly excited state, nnd ho attacked his fellow prisoner with extraordinary ferocity, striking him, and, horrible to relate, biting off both his cars. When ho c.uno to himself, Machant became, very penitent and asked to bo taken to tho bedsido of hi3 victim, who was now in tho Bicetro hospital, in or der to ask Ids forgiveness. Dr. Landry, who was there, said: "Should you liko to givo him back his cars?" "Certainly," said tho man. "Then," said tlio doctor, "let mo cut a couple- of small slips of llealj from your arm, nnd it can bo done, " Tlio man consented, and the doctor did as lie had suggested Tho pieces of flesh ho shaped ea woll as ho could to tho likeness of ears and joined them to tho wounded places. According to the latost accounts, tho operation has been a complcto success. London Answers. The 1'rlnces liudrltltl. Tho Princess Iledwig RadzivilL who died in Nice n few weeks ago, gave up tho opportunity of a brilliant lifo nnd marriage to become a Sibter of Morcy. Until tho time of her serious illness she had been tho head of St. Joseph's hospi tal, in Potsdam, Germany. Tho prin cess wns n member of tho famous Polish Rndzivill family, whoso representatives have obtained high places in Germany, Austria and Russia. TJio old Emperor William fell in lovo with a daughter of tho house, then a member of tlio Prus sian couit, nnd for livo years resisted threats mid entreaties on tlio pmt of his family iu his determination to marry her. Ho Anally pave in, however, and married n princess of tho houso of Snxo Weimar, but never forgot his fln.t love, His favorite nd jutaut up to tho timo of his death wan a Rndzivill, tlio nephew of tho woman who had won his heart Ronio Letter. ChllUrcu Weil In Kentucky. Sam Hart, aged 15, mid Emnlino Franklin, aged 13, wore united in mar riago at tho home of tho bride's father at Colly, u few miles west of thU place, on tho eveuiug of tho Oth nit. This phenomenal wedding breaks tho record in tho annals of Letcher's history. Nov or has there been n wedding when tha brido and groom were both so young sinco Letcher had been bowed from ths magio hills nnd peaks of Perry and Har lan counties and united into ono bright and prosperous people. It is said that this young couple looked aa children while they were being united as ono. When tho timo camo for tho groom to say "I do," ho became involved in a big laugh, which lasted till all was over. Kentucky Monutain Echo. Hror Ailmlrul Skerrett. Rear Admiral Joseph S. Skcrrett of tho Asiatic rquadron, who cnuio to his rank on tho 16th ulL, has for his middle name SalathioL Ilia parents, im pressed with EugeuoSue's story of "The Wandering Jew, " gave their baby the Jew's name. Tho admiral was Ohio born, and n great Yrietid of tho Hayeses. His nskigumeuts todutyduriugtbo civil war, owiug to suspicion of tho loyalty of sumo of his family, wero uot such as to secure him na great chances for fight ing service as others of his rank en joyed. Ho is a great seaman, a great reader, a groat family man, & member of the Brotherhood of St, Andrew and a devout Chriitlaa. He U 61 yean old. i WSSmMmB Mr. Geo. W. Cook Of St. Johasborr, VL Like a Waterfall Great Suffering After the Crip Tremendous Roaring In the Jlcad I'atn in the Stomach. "To C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Two years ago I bad a severe attack ot tlio Grip, which left me In a terribly weak condition. Last winter I had another attack a:xl was again very badly oil, my health nearly wrecked. Jfy anpeUte was all gone, I had no strength, felt tired nil the time, had roaring noises In my head, like a water fall. I also had severe headaches and Sovoro Sinking Pains In my stomach. I took medicines without benefit, until, having heard so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I concluded to try It, and the result Is ery gratifvlng, All the clisagreablo effects of the (J rip are gone, I am free from pains and aches, and believe; Hood's Sarsaparilla Is surely curing my uatarrli. I recommend It to all' Geo. W. Cook, St JohnsburjvVt, HOOD'8 PILL8 do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, eailly and efficiently. 26c HANDY WITH THEIH FEET. Hindoo Able t Vtlo Their HetberJS fremiti lo (Ireat Atfvnptnire, In the native quarters of the towns of India the btrauge spectacle may be seen of a butcher seizing a piece oi meat in his hands and cutting it in CW9 with a stroke of his knifo held be tween tho first and second toes of his foot Tho shoemaker uses no last, but turns tho unfinished shoo with, his feet, while his hands are busy iu shaping it So tho carpenter holds with his great too tho board he is cntting, and tho wood turuor handles his tools as well with his toes as with ids fingers. This use of the feet to assist tho hands in their labor is not, however, the mere result of practice, but is principally duo to tho fact that tho Hindoo foot is quito different from otira iu its anatomical conformation. Tho ankle of tho Hindoo and tho articulation of the back of tUp foot permit considerable lateral motion. Then tho toes possess a surprising mo bility. Tlio groat too can bo moved free ly in all directions, and the first and sep' ond toes nre separated by a wide space, sometimes as much as fivo-eighths of an, incli across at tho base of tho toes and two Inches at their extremities Tho articulation of tbe hip is also pe culiar, and this renders It easier to nso tho toes iu hnndling tho objects by en abling tho Hindoo to sit in a sqnatting posturo much more comfortably than wo can da A similar formation of the feet and toes Is found among tho An ameso, but It is uot, as might bo sup posed, a common thing among barbar ous mid savago tribes. Ono naturally thinks of tlio resem bianco to a monkoy which a human bo lug using both feet and hands In the mnnuer described abovo must present, and yet M. Regnault is careful to point out tho fact that tho Hindoo foot is nof at nil liko tho foot of au npo or monkoy. Tho great too is not opposed to tho other toes liko a thumb, as occurs with thj? monkoy, and accordingly tho pedal dox, tcrity of tho Hindoos is not tq bo taken as an Indication of simian descent. - Poarson's Weekly Leproxy Iu Germany. There is in the German empire a h,pt bed of leprosy. According to the inves tigations of tho imperial board of health, whoso attention was directed to the fact by a physician, there nro nt present 10 lepers iu the district of Mamel, eastern Prussia. Eight other lepers died in 1877. Six of these 18 casts were single persons. The other 13 exteuded over five families. Of thoso who died, 2 suffered from tho disease 8 years; others 13, 10, 0, 7 and l year. Tho first caso occurred, as far as can b found out, 20 years ago. Only one of the 16 had over left home, so tho origin of the disease, cannot be found. Berlin Correspondent. Traveling Bisks. With the Increased facilities for travel and tha great number of trav elers, there has been naturally a great increase lu tbe risk of acoldeuts. Everyone, who for auy reason is com polled to incur these risks, should keep iv him a supply of Allcock's Porous Plasters, for they are a wonderful peoillo lu strains of the back or limbs. tucli as are almost inevitable iu caso of accident. Any oue starting on a long journey should have oue aa a part of bis equip ment. Commuters on suburban trains should keep them both at home and In the otllce. Allcock's Porous Plasters have re peatedly proved their great value in time of need. Hrandreth'a Pills remove all Impurl tee. Cable From Queen LU. Dfar U'Mbam: One more boon 1 crave, 1 trutt In your amotion TU not to murder Dole, the Knave, tr put dowu Insurreotlou; T'a not ray crown, but rue to save, 1 write In deep dejection, And Mt a paoag I munt have Of fark'd Th tor my complexion, UkKSUAM'e AKBWXR TO QUXKM LIU When I received your Cablegram 1 thought I aura would faJut For though 1 onen uae tVrk'cTea . TU not for your complaint. I fMtred that Mr. U. wuuU think XVrouif about cmr connection. Till oil her dreaaer there I ww JftuVt Tva for her complexion. Bold by Capital Drug Store TODAY'S MAKKFTS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local anu Portland Quotations. Salem, July 0. 4 p. in. Ofllce Daily Capital Jouhnau Quota tions for day audup to hour of going to press wero ns follews: HAL.KM PnOUUUKMAKKk'r. BUTC1IKK STWK. Veals dressed 3 cts. Hogs dressed 4. Live cattle lj2. Sheen alive il.'JS. MILL PRICES. Balem Milling Co. quetes: Flour in wholesale lots $2.40. Retail (2.75. Bi in (14 bulk, (15 sacked. Short (16 17 Chop feed (16 and (16. WHEAT. 38 cents per bushel. HAY AND GRAIN. Oats new 3032c Hav Baled, new (8 to (10; old (10 to 12. Wild iu bulk, (6 to (8. FA KM PROD OCT'S. Wool Best, 10c Hops Small sale, 10 to 12c. Eggs Cash, ll'Jc Butter Best dairy, 1215;5fancy creamery, 20c. Cheese 10 to 16 cts.-' Farm smoked meats Bacon 10; hams, 10; shoulders, 8. Potatoea-3032c. Scarce. Onions 3 cents FKOITS. Cherries, Royal Aunes, 4c pound; strawberries, 5c box; currants 15c. gal. LIVE POULTRY. i'ouitry Hens, 67c; roosters not wanted; du.ie,8; Young chickens, 10 12Jc. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS, drain. Feed, etc Flour Portland, (2.55; Walla Walla (2 00; graham, (2.00; superfine, (2.25 per oar rel . Oats White, 3840c; grey, 3638c, rolled, in bags, (5.756.00; barrels, (8.00G.S5; cases, (3.75. Hay Best, (1012 per ton. Wool vallev. KKoUOlc. Millstufls Bran, (16 17; shorts, (16 18; ground barley, (20; obop feed, (15 per ton; whole feed, barley, (17 per ton; middlings, (2328 per ton; Hbicken wheat. 651.W) percental. Hops1893, 10 to 11. Hides green, salted, 60 lbs.I3Jc, un der 60 lbs., 23r; sheep pelts, 1060c. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon faucy creamery, 18 20.-; fancy dairy,;i517Jc; fair to good, ll12'c; common, 7JI0e, CUeese Qregon UJ12Jc per pound; Voting American,131lj4c; California U01J; SwlEsIrap., 3032c; Dom., 16 18c. Eggs Oregon, 15o per dozen. Poultry chickens, old,(3.60 per doz en; young, (23; duoks, (34; geese, (5(Q; turkeys, slow at 810c. Beef Topsteers, 2j2jc per lb; fair to good steers, 221c; cows, lje2c; dressed beef, 45o " Mutton Best sheep,(1.752; choice ewes,.(1.601.75. Hogs- Choice, hea.vy, (4; light and feeders, (3 7! ; dressed, 5o per lb. Veal 8inall, choice, 6c; large, 34c per pound. SAN FKANC1BCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 8 10c; do Inferior, 56e; do valley, 10 12c. Hops 11 13c. Potatoesftew Early Rose, 3040c n sacks a569c per cental. Oats Milling, (1.22J1.32. It Is Reliable, Announcements of entertainments in The Journal. $100 Reward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science hat beu able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being l Constitutional iIIbpbbiv rennlroa ,, nnn. stilutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directh uuu me uiuuu bdu mucous surinces ol the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of thn (llapnan .irwl .. the patient strength by building up tbt constitution and assisting nature in uuiug ii wura. -rue proprietors havt to much faith in its curative powers, that thoy offer One Hundred Dollar,, for auy cases that It fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address. F.J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75o. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. oHortnesa ol Breath, Swell, ins of Legs and Feet. M"For.5.bout, f.our years I was tron bled with palpitation of tho heart, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs and feet. At times I would faint. I was treated by the best phy. slcians m savannah, Ga., with no re- Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also his Nervo and Liver Pills. Af ter btgxnntng to talce them J felt better! I continued taking them and lam now in better health than for many years. Since myrecoverv I hav inin.A n A P.aa a weight. I hope this stato- SSSff of valU0 to somo P" n ASDTroN.Waj6UUon,Ga. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure U sold on a train. MTFot Mk by Uttkrtt Van Slypt. Take theOne Cent Dai Forest JH &w MaWai D2KPl9H3aaV -feI5Hai An Oregon Newspaper California news does not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover ing Oregon interests. DIM CAPITAL Jill Only One Cent Daily Newspaper on the Pacific Coast, CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER II Mi Receiving all the Associated Press Dispatches. DAM BY MAIL, PER IT WILL 1AY YOU TO JREAD THIS : We publish the only One Cent Daily on the Pacific Coast and tbe cheapest and best daily paper for the money in Oregon. Please let us know if you can use any sample copies o the Daily or Weekly. They will be sent free. Piemembei these are Associated Press newspapers, giving all the current news of the world from day to day in large, type and attractive style. These low hard times rates enable every farmer to have1 his daily paper and know 'the state of bhe market and all the news of the world. Editorial comment is fearlesb and independent. Edited oy its publishers to secure good government for the people, able to deal justly and fairly with all. Only $3 OO a year. months. $1.00 for four months. wTT Pu'era eent a,ter "mo '8 out for which it is ordered.- iou. ou are the man. If we cannot get von to act, hand this to wmooue who wants one of these grand premiums for simply getting up a club- t S2L J,Hyone W,U "e Ms paper uP"n merely wefolf il- "Mil" lt8eir' II l8' Ir oil iP one P10 a,(,ord not t0 uave ' Jt uits readers in city and country of all classes and parties.. c "lirWr1 aleC4ln fTH's ORDER isoufc- BLANK ORDER SHEET FOR ONE CENT DAILY JOORNflL. H0BA?ExRoRIiSR8, Elea8a 8eml t0 ddresa one copy of bALEM, ORtoos. Camtal Joubnal by mall. (ErasZ Hi For one month And enclosed For two months " "" For four month " For one y,?ar it ii NAME. OUT THIS out, mi a mm) nd HOFER y Grove Poultry Yards Established in 1877. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THE VERY BE8T VARIETIE8. Slock Finer than Ever, but Trices Same as, Usui Get the Best and then you will be satisfied k,j for Catalogue. Address ' W"J r t nn J. M. GARRISON. Lock Box 335, Forest Grove, Or. h YEAR, - - - $1.5oifor six THE Dailv line not 25 eta. 50 cts. ;. 51.00 3.00 I'OSTOFFIOK. eqelwi pwtol note or dclt. 8Ump.not Uten BROS., Publishers, BAIiEM.lOREGON, inMiifuiti nmmmMmiiimimmm1