t t' & THE CAPITAL J0PB1ML I'DBUaHKD DAILY, BXCKIT HUNDAY. BYTKH Capital Journal Publishing Company ftMtoffice Block, jCommerclat Btreet. . HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. Daily, by carrier, per nioutu,- I0. uallr. by mall, per year,- Weekly, 8 page, per year,- MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1804. Biggest Loaf of Bread in the City for Five Cts. at STRONG'S. WESTOTT h IRWIN BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. Oar Circulation We Ohalleng. Comparison With Any Newspaper Outside of Portland. OIROULATION KAOIt WBKK. WXBKbT UAPITAI JoUHMAb 3,tt' DAILY, oven city and KUburuau carrier rou ton -..-..---- Daily, mall ciruulatlon,all prepaid lulu, . Total weekly circulation lO.m, ADVKIITIBINO KATKS. Want adi. 8 linen 3 InaerllonH, 05 cts. Tbrw to Ave line one yrcek,K)cte. Ten linen oi week, 7S cm. Thin rote U either DAU.Y o lacafreadlnx nottoes Hot, per llnecneli Insertion DAifcY or Wrkki.y. lluiilneM local o cu. per lino In DAILY er Wkxki.y. lxnger advertliernentii or ronliaow bj month or year, payable mom lily, special contract rates made known at buslnevi ofllce, ponuifflce block. Teums. Ail transient advertising, except undor contracts wltn tlrms or business men strictly rash In advance when ordered. The above ratoi will not bo deviated from except 1 h it a half-rate will bo given to notice lor religious or charitable eutertalniiieuu All public, moral und mIIhIous services uu nounced free gratis. U IflTALi JOUHNAL. l'UU. CO. A Weathkh Foiiecast. Moudaj clearing and fair; Tuesday fair nuo warmor. LITTLE LOCALS. Showers and mls'B cut down tin church and Bunday school nttondanct yeatorday Thk Jouiinal propose t to double Its clrclo of ten thoueauL readora in the next ono hundred days Boo If It don't. Prepare to take li the Juno races thla week On next Wednesday afternoon from 2 until t the ladles of tho auxiliary to tho Y. M. 0. A. will recelyo and entertain theli lady friend n in the parlors of tho asso elation rooms. A cordial Invitation Ir Is hereby cxteuded to all ladles whethei their Interest In tho work is much oi Uttlo. Tho right of sullrago will, foi the first time in the history of Salem, bo grouted tolls ludy citizens as nn op portunity to cast a ballot fur theli favorite poet author will bo given. Marriage llcouscs were Issued Saturday to Lewis Miwon aud Rosa Dlckerson; also Graut Darker and Elizabeth F. Dlckerson, daughters of W. O. Dlolter- son Itev. Shulsoof theBouth Salem M. E. church preaohod at the asylum Bunday afternoon and at tho Reform school In tho ovonlng. Ho expoota to move Into his now parsonage August 1st, Dr.F. H. Q wynno who attended tho Presbyterian general assembly lec tured to tho Balem aooloty last night ou his experiences at Saratoga.. Perry lleamor Bucceeds Win. Cook at MoCorklo'a Favorite cigar store. A man by the uamo of Faulk, work lug on the BlmmonH place two mile cast of tho city, cut his right wrist badly with an ax. Dr. J. N. Bmlth dressed tho wound Mrs. G. L Broat aud Bertha uro at Eugene, to at tend tho University commqnoemom exercises. Irving Broat is a student there.. Miss May Davis who hut bwn visiting her sister Anna returned to Woodburu today That oougai skin killed by tho Patton boys can be men at the Red Cornor drug store. JjAdik8' Only. Swtlue and jtercali waists for ladies, only 45 cents, GO cont and 75 cents each, worth Jut double Um price, now selling by tho Union Jtargaln Store, D'Aroy block, Btato st., Batow. 2d lw i ' Hot Wkathkk. It will brlue soim diMotaforU), but If you got your laun dry dona at Col. J. Olmatead's steam iMMdry, and thus ayold tho stench of CbitM wash-houses, It Is endurable WiiMTKO. To trade goodwvon room hnarr, barn, and tot on Cottage street for Amu. Awly at tkta office. Ild4w &. Twmwty-Fivk CWiW uets a heavy r tbted bhwek he, wn at Il'olyenwu ,'. .i m i Vmrr liou Tfce Mm lignum Ua fclla ml tha, MW btiwMttff allV In s T"tt ttz. 7ir.:' . ::." ( MP .! Graduates' Reception. Last Saturday evening Miss Esther Collins, assisted by the Mlasea Martin, gave a reception to the graduating class of the Salem public schools and Superintendent Anderson, at her beautiful home on Church street. Although it was a very stormy even Ing all members of tho class were pres ent except two or three. During tbe fore part of the evening the Saltm public school alumni society was or giulzed with about thirty five mem bers. The following officers were elected: Miss Esther Collins, presi dent; Willie HIgley, vice-president; Mies Trlsta Anderson, secretary; Clar ence Bishop, treasurer. It is the In teutlon of tho society to give a banquet to every Kraduattug class of tbe Salem public school. After the usual games, music, social utercouree, and some very interesting itnrles by Sii erluteudeut Anderson, u lelfghtful lunch was served after which the guests departed after baviue ipent an evening long to be remem bered. In tho Circuit Court. In tbosultof Ohm &Focht vs. Oregoi lianu Co., the jury rendered a verdict f $1410 for plaintiff. Defendants wll ik fur a new trial und appeal to the upreme court. Judge Burnett held a short session his morningland adjourned to 1 p n-. Ho will close the Juuo term thlp week, as he opens court at Altmin uoxt week. 'Ihero Is a perceptible clino in litigation aud a marked dis position to settle. m The Grand jury. This has been v hard session of worl or the grand jury. They have abou dosed up all their criminal business aud visited the R-form school and otli er state and county institutions. Tliei hut the penitentiary, asylum, aud -ttate Farm to visit yet today, and wll prepare their report this evening. Ii they get through they will report to uorrow, and go to their homes at noon. Was Not Held. Reforo a boy can be sent to the Re form school ho must be proven provok iugiy bud and Incorrigible In manj respects. So one Harry Idlewluo wut- before the couuty court this morning for trial. His mother, Mrs. Barbara Ashford,appearcd agulnst him, but was not able to convict her offspring. The boy was shown to bo about 18 years of age, but the evidence was held iusulli clent to commit him and ho was rt leaned, Killed a Cougar. Saturday night's storm drove a couuar. or mountain lion. In from the foothills, and It attacked the flocks of Jack Patton several miles east of Macleay. Tho dogs got after the lion tud drove him into the trees. Sunday morning he killed it not 200 yards from tho house. It weighed 05 lbs. Mr. Patton felt proud of his achievement and brought the skin to Salem today. He wanted to seo if ho could get the botintywlthout mutilating the head. Tho skin is n beautiful onu seven feet long. Young Poople's Picnic. On Tuesday evening at tho cozy little park In Mornlugsldo, thoY.P. B. C. E. of the Congregational church, will give a picnic. The Second Regiment baud will be In attendance nnd there will be singing by the male tiuurtet, solos, in strumeutal music, etc, A nice lunch eon, consisting of sandwiches, cofhe and cako will bo served for 15o. Ice cream, cake and Ice cream soda will also be served. Lunch from fi until 0 o'clock. This will bo one of tho most pleasaut aflalra of June 1601. Groat Inducmonts. This week a cut of (1.25 to $2.00 on eaoh trimmed tiat In my houso lurgesl stook for the season In the city. Mrs. D, h. Fiester, Court street milliner. 0 18 31 Got a JACKKT-For half price, down at Holversou &. Co's. Full Outfit. Finest Hue of fruit Jars, extra tons aud rubbers for self- sealers, also Jelly glass lunuy quantity. Fresh fruits uf all kinds to till them with, at lowest prices, at J. A. Van Eaton's For pants, overalls, Jackets, straw hats, summer uuderweur, shoes, for iuou,,womeu, aud children, high aud low cut, at low prices, for good quality, go to the New York Racket. 2 d 1 w Strawberries retail six boxes for 25 cents. There Is still uo canning or shlpulug market. Local dealers say they could ship If they could get them Into the Unlou depot at Portland with out ro-handllng on drays at Portland. A Monkv Bavku. Fresh neas aud strawberries for canning, lowest whole sale prices, by the crate. Don't forget to call ou Joe Clark, 100 Court street, when you waut these things. He Is a mouey saver, and you should get the beuefitof It. Articles of Incorporation werr tiled today for a telephone betwetu Enter prise aud Joseph. Dr, Frto'f Ci-mm RkJs Pewtkr A OWE-LEaoKDAwaKL. One-legged, Wm. Robinson, tbe fighting pencil peddler who' gets on a drunk In nearly every town In this valley, got too noisy Saturday night aud was taken in charge by the Salem pollco, who carted him to the calaboose ou a wheelbarrow. Judge Edes gave him a sentence of twenty days in Jail, or privilege of leaving town. He accepted tbe latter with alacrity, spread his wings and sailed for a milder clime where mercy Is tempered a little milder for pencil xuovers. MrNiSTKKs' Meeting. Tbe regular monthly meeting of tbe Salem Minis ters' association, was held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this forenoon. Rev. A. L. Hutchison read a paper on the "Inspira tion of tbe Scriptures." He takes a moderate view, holding that the doc trinal portions are verbally Inspired, and tho historical portions were the re suit of inspirational supervision. An Interesting discussion followed. A Startler. Saturday night at 9 o'clock a clear ringing clap of thunder lifted a great mauy people out of their chairs, rattled windows and shook houses. Three electric wire poles in Hast Salem were slivered and cur No. 8 on the penitentiary run was grounded f.r a few mluutes. Otherwise no harm was done. It was the startling shock of tbe season. p ' The Storm. Saturday night a boll of lightning struck a largo oak tree In iheroud In front of the Lewis Gnfllth place east of Muclcay, killing six flue sheen. The llirhtuina rods on the building vlbruted considerable and probably conducted off a great deal of tbe dangerous iluid. Special Notice. The ladies of St. Paul's Episcopal church will give a supper at their Guild room, Wednesday June 20th, from 5:30 to 8 p. m. Coflee, hum, tongue, salad, biscuit, cake straw berries and cream are to bo served, all for 25 cts. 2t II 1111 I I I PERSONALS. Hugh McNary is at Portland. W. H. Bilyenof Albany 1b In city. Hon. John Hall of Portland was tbe be- fore tbe supreme court today. Ex-Mayor D'Arcy Is at Oregon City on legal business. Col. Jell Myers went to Albany to day. E. S. Porter, of East Sllverlon, wob in the city today. Judge Wolverton and Atty. Dal rympio of Albany are In tho city. Jim Lamb is homo from the Bohemia mines In Lane county for a few days. Hon. Jacob Voorhees wont to Mon mouth Normal school today to witness the closing exercises. Hon. T. J. Buford, recently appointed to the position of an officer at tho Re form school, arrived there today. He ib not to be "farmer" as auuouuced. R. It. Hllleary, of Burlington, Iu., starts back East this evening, after a six week's visit to his uuelo, Wm. Hll leary, at Turner. Miss Clara A. Hil leary accompanies him for a vUlt. Jo, Albreoht entertained the Mt. Angel college band und amateur dram atic company nt his home on Church Btreet on the occasion of their visit to this city. There were forty-one In the company. Miss Grace A. Peebles, who has taught In the East Salem school for the past live years, bus resigned her place to accept a similar position iu the publio schools of Boise City. Shu will remain at her home ou tho furm ot Judgo Peebles for the summer vaca tlou, aud many wurm friends will re' gret tosce her leavo the Salem schools, m Lawks Cai'KS Slaughtered. Your own price. Holverson & Co. V A Tabernacle Mooting, The Holiness people will commence a tabernaole meeting In North Balem the 20th of June, These meetings are for tho promotion of holiness aud are unscctarlan, and wo Invito you all. The Tabernole will sot two blocks north of the North Salem school house near the elect rlo It, W. line. Go nnd hear them. Committee. Flags I Flags I Flags for state picnic, with name of your state printed on tflein, can be or deredat Beuueli'snewsstaud,posinmce block. 0 18 St '- mm !. OREGON FRUIT. The crop Is light this year, but In most varieties there Is superior quality to off-set the shortage of crops. If you propose to put up the usual quantity this season you had best look out for the supply early. ArrauKemeuts can uow be made tor the best Iu Oregon, and also for sugar to put It up with, by consulting Harrltt & Lawrence, the P, O. grocers. dSt-wlt m A Cyclone, A cyclone has Btruck tho meat-trade of Salem, In the shape of the low prloea of meats at tbe Balem Cash Market, In the Cottle-Cash block, where the choloett of meats are sold, at lowist cash prlivs. Free delivery. Buy a Capk-AI your owu price, at , Jlolverton Co'l. THE WORLD'S HOP MARKET. Special DiBpatches and Reports from all Hop Centers. New York, June 16, '94. Market Is sluggish, with no particu lar change in quotations. In Interior some few sales are reported at varying quotations. San FRANCisco.June 10.-Quotat!ons are 11 to 13c, and business is nominal. Portland Or., June 16. Choice hops are quoted at 12J13jc. pacific coast. Puyallup Commerce, June 14: Ship ments from Puyallup station laBt week were: Twelve bales to New York by Ubl man & Co. The N. P. Warehouse here contains five bales. A few small coulracts are reported, and more pending. H. E. McGowan has contracted two tons to Herman Klaber at 10c, receiv ing an advance of 3c a pound. O. M. Annis has been offered 12Jc to contract, but declined. Lice are reported as appearing in spots, but growers will all make a vig orous fight aud subdue them. At Sacramento bona are quoted at 12 13c. Tho Oregonian estimates Oregou's coming crop at 60.000 bales, as against 38.000 last trip. CHERRY VALLEY, N. Y. 1 1 Sawyer's Gazet of 7th says: The buyers have been around con siderablv durintr tbe week, but trade has been much restricted. One N. Y. dealer has been telling people that they would only get 8c next week, but he would give lUc uow aB a special favor. Other buyers were evidently anxious to get goods at 12c; 10c was reported paid In some parts of the county. The market Is certainly bad enough, hut not quite what some are affirming it to be. There is nothing in the foreign market to Justify the low figures oflered here. Besides, the market 1b rising abroad while oure is declining, the condition is peculiar; what the re sult will be is u matter purely of specu lation. Hops got a fine eend off in this state, but from the outset there has been no indications df a largo crop. The cold, wet weather of the past two weeks has very much retarded the growth. ABROAD. The foreign market is more than bus talned. Figures are Bteadlly advancing both In Eugland aud on the continent, but It Is at a snail's pace. They do not cease to tell us that they are short of goods and that prices must advance. Imports are very light, and unless they have iroods in dark closets they can't hold out much longer. New York export this week 316 bale3; Import 12 bales. Exports since Sept. 1 at, '93, 68,112 bales. in oirioAao. Chicago quotations of Pacifies good ta choice are 16 to 19 cents. IN EUROPE. The London Hop Grower says: May 25. Tho trade since the reopen ing of the market after the holiday has been satisfactory ,and as there is a great scarcity of all kinds inquired for, there is a decided upward tendency in values. Both merchants aud factors have very little stock on hanu,and therefore hold ers are able to make better prices. Pa cilia coast hops are not selling so freely, prices are firmer, and there is every prospect of higher quotations ruling. In the Borough today prices keep very tlrm aud where sales are made more money is obtained; attack of blight continues nnd some growers havo commenced washing. USUORNE LETTER. Thos. Usborne, of London, writes under date of May 29, '94, as follows bluce my last report we haye had some very unsettled weather, wet, cold and windy, and hops are not looking so well; tly aud lice have made their appearance pretty general, and a few growers havo began to spray; all this does not have any effect ou our market; there la uo speculation, and brewers will only buy just what they want, and then they must have them at pretty near their owu price. On tbe night of the 20th we had a severe frost 6 to 10 degreea. This spoilt our fruit prospects, which were good, and In mauy cases uow we shall not get more than half the fruit expected hops may be the same who knows? Awarded Highest Honors Werld's Pair. DR CREAM BAKING P0WDIR MOST PERFECT MADE. I A mire firm Crrtm nf Tsirif Powder, tr from ArrononU. Alum or any rthwuhiHw. 40 YEAHS THI STANDARD, Fire Goods. Gilbert, Pattereou & Co. are rushing oB tons of Btnoked goods at half price aud below. Jackets At half price, Holverson &Co. Five cent socks, worth JuBt double the money, at the Union Bargain store, D'Arcy block.Stute street, Salem. 2dlw DIED. GAULT. At his home in North fa lem. June 16, 1894, Frank Gault, aged 28 years, of typhoid fever. Deceased was 111 for 18 days. The re mains were takeu to Hubbard for burial Monday, where tbe services will be held. Deceased leaves a wife aud child. Whoa I was a young man," said Jonahant ..... All. l Hl.n.U tin Vnanr I, vmt hpf. It would cramp him all up lu a oolllcny wy, . . . ..... ....I...I.- hi. in.inM AUu, goou jxjru, whui u itviauug ...o ..0.-" would get! . , ,, But the pills In usenow-days by sensible loins Areas easy to take uud as pl.atant as Jokes." Of course, the kind referred to by Mr. Gray was Dr. Pierce's Pleaeaut Pellets, the very best Liver Pill ever made mild, but sure aud effective. The onl pills, sold by druggists, absolutely on tiial I Satisfaction guaranteed, or youi money is returned. Men's $1.25 shoes, worth fully $2.00, now belug sold at the Uniou Bargain Store, D'Arcy block, State street, Sa lem. Never equalled for the money. Our Grandmother's Way. Was to steep root aud herbs aud use Iteverv nhrht We can do the same by using Park's Tea. Nothing acts at Dromotlv aud without discomfort. Not a pill nor a cathartic but moves the bowels every day. Bold by Capital Drncstore. i Covered with a Tasteless and Soluble Coating. :: a-i , BEECIIAM'S : iaKSi pills 1 flBygKw!3m sro a marvellous S I iSrlft! Vf Antidote for Weak f 4aP "SJ Stomnch, : r W SICK HEAD : L Li J1& ACHE ' S5ft 5Rfl Impair. "''SSH! a ed Liver, ' "" r etc;found!i sin to be especially efficacious and remedial , ; by FEMALE SUFFER MS. i Ot all druggists. Price Z B cents a box. ' ! New York Depot, 365 Canal St. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer iu (Groceries, Puints, Oils, Window Glass, ViU'iifcshcs and the most complete stock oi finishes of all Kinds in the State. Artists' Materials, Lime, Iluir.Ccmcnt nnd Shingles and finest quality of GKASS StiEDS New Advertisements. -SALEM- Abstract and Land Co. Established 13 Ykaks. Removed to scuta Koems in Bush Breyman bl .ck. K-cords completed to date. Abstract of all property In Marlon County furnished promptly and at lowest rates. Office up stnlrn uvur rumum n uruy muro. d iq Huie Wing Sang Co. Teas, Chlnaware, Japanese Fanct Goods, Embroidered Silks, Screens, la dies underwear, dressing gowns, ivory, pearl, bamboo and luquerware,mattmg. firework and everything at cost, 6 18 lin Hi Court street, Palem. LUST On Htat3htreet, a pair or go d-bowed spectao ea. Kinder will he rewarded bj leaving s j mo at Cootc hotel, (Ml St LOST Near Jted Front drugstore, while as slsllui to ho'd a fractious horse. 8aturrta evening, laid down an umbreiU, Will the boy that picked It up pleaso leave it at the JUUUKAl. fxuee. Fi OU BALK Several choice lots on Asylum avt'uue. Also a nood nhaeton. Inuulre ut residence south side at Junction of electric car IIU-. rtSV'UHl HVrtOUd. b-7 If rptlK most perfect ottlugtrursmale. Will uiled. For sale by J. L. Farrtsu. KM (iiiiliiil i uoiu a rupture wuere all other PHTTTU rt-iv-u PAi'ttw.- Fortland. feacruraenio, Seattle, Taoomaand San Francisco papers on sal hi iicHiiuui, rosiomce lock CHlUfciTlAN HCIKNCK-Llterature of al kinds uu wle at & liberty street. 4-5-lj rnUIB FArEU is keptoa Ale at K. C. JJake't I Advertising Ak ncy, 6i and 65 Merchaun Kxchauge. San Frauctboo, California, wher. coatrao', for advertUlug can he made for ! E. K. WAITE HUNTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Bla n k Publish ers. Bush's Ne w Urlck.over the hank, Cotn'l stre REEVES BROS Building Material AND WOOD, SAND, GRAVEL Lime, Cemeut, Plaster, Cordwood Ac., Ac. Ofllce 168 State Btreet. GEO, C. WILL DEALER IN Bteluway, Knabe, Webber, Emer son aud other pianos. oiorey a uiarit ana Earbeff orctna. All nrHt rlAM tnnVua rr ....4.. f chine: ",U8 ma' Smaller make of musical instru ment and supplies. Geuulue needier, oil and new parts for all makes of machines. Hewlncr mcchlriMi n.l n..n palrdana leaned: "" "6"UB " gTwjdowt aoftb o( ptfttollw, Sfttaa, HERE IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! WILLIS BROS. & CO., are going out of business, and are selling their entire stock AT COST. Dress Goods at Cost, Clothing at Cost, Shoes at Cost, Before you buy anything in the drygooods line it will pay you to come and see us, as Ave are positively selling every thing at cost. Thanking our many friends for their past pat ronage, we solicit a continuance of the same while we wind up the business. Respectfully, - Willis Bros. & Co., June Races! tote and PROGRAMME : WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. Bicycle race, half mile, open; 1st prize, value $0; second, value $2 50. Running, one-fourth mile dash, free-for-all; purse, $73. Trottiog, three minute class, mile heats, 2 iu 4; purse $100. Running, three-fourths mile dash for three-year-olds; purse 100. Trotting, 2:22 class, mile heats, 2 in 3; purse $150. THURSDAY, JUNE 21. Bicycle race, mile, handicap, open; 1st prize, value $8.50; second, value $5. Pacing, 2:35 class, mile heats, 2 in 3; purse $100. Trotting, 2:25 class, mile heats, 2 In 3; purse $160. Running, three-eights mile dash, free-for-a.J; purse $12-3. Running, seven-eights mile dash, free-for-all; pureo $150. There Will Be a Big Bicycle Kace Every All entries to the trotting and pacing races close on June 10th, and the en tries to tbe runulng races will close at 6 o'clock on the night preceding the race JAP. SIINl'O, Scc'y, Salem, Or. Friday will be Ladles' day, and no admission fee will be charged the ladies on that day. " ADMISSION Man's ticket, 50 cents; ladies' ticket, 25 cents, except on Friday, when all ladies will be admitted free. fl-Raees begin every day promptly at 1 o'clock. COMMENCEMENT! OEEGOX STATE FORMAL SCHOOL, DRAIN, OREGON, June 10-21, 1894. 8Acu)Uo.EVENING, JUUB 10-Medal Declamation contest by classes In UIBDD of Portland1 ' m BttCcalaureate Sermon by Rev.8. Stryker, A. M. SfSKP1!1,? pr- .-Commencement address, Hon. E. B. luakiroy, btate bup't of Public Instruction, tt??!!1!?' June 18, 8 P.-Exerclses of the Department of Musi o THURSDAY forenoon and afternoon-Graduating exercises of Clasa. OneAauagSK compandor reduced rate. Tickeubwd from June 15th to 2jlr rouna trlp between Ashland and Albany. cheordau rooms can be obtained and also anduttnegsthegraduatlnBexerei8eanf,ghFViVe.ne,ement weelt- Everyone Invited to come mai, 6 business .'tuBSSS Sffff tl&VST,1 fM?. MS 0t e school; 28 nor- Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. N W fw q. . LInPvedQood and Lowest PriceZ N. W, Cor. State and Liberty Sts. SALEM( 0nEG0N. C s -. O I hi t SPMty ot fitting the Eye with Glasses. VjHH G lH,veJia(l tnirty.flve years' experience, which, - - w"V F.iFtch Trlftl Case. enables me to cor- vices. -earrya.arg W. W. MARTIN. Optician TOE IVEW WI LLAM ETTE start -evq ' Wn and residence 2 block BouthaoTptoffloa, RYAN CO. PERRY & CO.. NwrDopot, Salem, Oregon, OPERA HOUSE CORNER. Speed Assoc 1 FRIDAY; JUNE 22.-(Ladies' Day ) Bicycle race, one mile for novice, 1st prize, value $8; second, value $2.50. Trotting, 2:35 class, mile heats 2 la 3; purse $100. Trotting, 2:29 clnBS, mile heats 2 in 3; purse $150. Running, one-half mile dash; purse $100. Ruuniug, one mile dash; puree $160. BATURDAY, JUNE 23. Bicycle race, one mile, open; first prize, value, $100; second, value $10. Running, five-eights mile dash; purse $100. Running, one and one-eighth mile dah; purse $150. Pacing, 2:18 class, mile heats, 2 in 3, purse $150. Free-for-all trot; purse $200. MAN UFAOTURER8 of Hop and Cooking Stoves, Hollow ware, all sine, and Chilled Plow Point. Full line el otove Kxtna, Corrwmdtao. hIuJ . T r , IMWIkf h.'i uJW15jJI .!; 2mmm