Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, May 26, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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a iM&W
e tf g
Capital Journal Publishing Company
I'ontotHoe Hlock. Commercial Street.
lnlly, by carrier, per mouth,-.
Dillr. by mall, per yer,.
- MO
8 pae, per year,
SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1891.
Westacott & Irwin
271 Commercial Street.
Fino shower last night. Go to tin
band concert at Mornlngslde Hunda.
aftornoou Geo. V. Weeks, the I'oh
ullst caudldate for senator, was In tl.t
city toduy. A Kd nioiiy Halciiille
took lu tho Republican rally ut Ma
oleuy yesterday. Quito u number m
the United Presbyterlun delegates ut
Albany will bain ttioclty tomorrow.
Jan. Vun Osdal, of WeHt Cliehalem
wuh In the city today Reeves Bros
lost u valuable liorno the other daj
from lock-Jaw, un unuaual lliiiig here
a bouts.
Sl'ATi: QitANdK. Severul of the del
egates returned to Salem yesterday
Tho following are the new oMcerH oi
the Oregon stato gruuge elected at t!i(
meeting ut Eugene on Ftlday: MtiHtei
J. Voorhees, of Marlon; overseer A.
B. Roberts, of Wuseo; ohaplitln J C.
V hi to, of Folk; treasurer--J. B. Stump
of Marlon; lecturer A. F. Miller, ol
Multnomah; ntuwurd J. II. Scott, ol
Llnu; assistant steward a. II. Steph
enson, of Clackamas. The grangrn
adopted a resolution lliut the county
treasurers should bv thu collectorH ol
tuxeH I nut etui ofshorlfluund also adopt
ed tho following; Whereas, Better
roatlH are desirable and u necessity li
many placet), and whereaH It Is ncces
nary to tho itermuuent Improvement o
our roads, thut the causes of thnir mis
eruble ooudltlou for a greater portion oi
the year bo removed an fur ub possible,
therefore wo favor the taxing of id1
Harrow-tired lumber or freight wagons
or giving u premium for tho use of ull
wagons having tires three or nion
luchoH wide.
CONTrar. There will lie a Demon
silver medal contest at the South Saleti
M. K. church Tuesduy, May With, ut h
o'clock. Prof, Hall, of the Llncoh
HOhool, will huvo churgu of thu oxoi
cUes. Tho contestants are; Mudgt
O'l'Tyng, Frunklo Godfrey, Athitlja
Hhulse, Kttlo Judion, Walter Lenuou,
Charles Brown and D. M, Jones.
Bkvkkk Accidknt. LiiHt evening a
little daughter of Bllas A. Foster had
tho misfortune to full from thu Rush
brldgo over thu railing to thu gravel
ueu iinoon iei noiow, Mlio wuh somo
whut brulbod but not borlously Injured.
I,08Ti'0Ni:n.-The Doniorest medal
coiitest to have been held lu South
Salem tonight has been Kt poned to
next Tuesday on ueoount of (ho death
of Mr. Frauds, mother of one of the
FlttKANt) Watkk Did not damage
my Jdook of choice ineata, and I am
doing busmen at my old stand, belling
ttn choicest of meiU at lowest cosh
ftUm, Frank F. Toeyn, Cottlo-Ctudi
TiMK CllANOW) It had been decld.
d to coinuionco the union Memorial
Hrvlcw a half hour later than haa
33 Loaves
16 "
8 "
3 "
bu published ami tho hour will be
Lansdownk. Thut sllklly, soft,
daintily dyed fabric, uuequaled for
VMing and summer wear, nude front
Mir HUtl wool, (ho product of American
ifMMtM. Ask to eeo It. Holverooti A
ijOOT', On My 13th, n gentleman's
AMMt pin, The Under will nleosel
l.. . ,., A1
W-.T . luia umw IUU mX'IVU H rv ,n,iMliilM M ,wi .u.l.,.. I.I...
jmivii,-iou can urvss iibe u
1 Bi,.. . .
9U, by haviujf your Uundry work
mm mi theBalem ntcun laundry.
n XMNoowNK-At Jfolvorson Jc CV. I
The Journal
Man and
the Other
on Their
Mill City, May 24, 1801.
The Democrats were here the day
before us. Editor Flagg endorsed Fen
noyer, embraced Populism, flattered
the People's party and kissed a Popu
list out In the mill yard. They were
all one set of brothers on the Astoria
platform, with a common destiny, etc.,
etc. The Republican meeting was a
regular love-feast of enthusiasm for
protection, sound money, a prosperous
untry and development of grand old
Marlon county. All the candidates
were Introduced and spoke their piece.
The editor of Tiik Jouknal, put him
self on record In favor of the Iaboren
mil material men, in their struggle
with the Oregon Pacific.
A hack look us to Mehama when
the band played and an Immense
cowd turned out. A Populist wah
o tteti alive, hair, hide, feathers and al.
by Burkloy, about the seventh oi
eighth thut has met that fute.
At Mehama the night before c
vera there Mr. Flagg, Democratic cui
I date for senator, declared thut mam:
f ictured goods should be brought from
K iglaud and exchange for the funnels
pr.xlucts. In my reply I showed thu
his tMllcy would not leave any roon
'or u laboring man to live in the oouu
ry. Thut sort of Democratic Klugi
lll never float over our state house .
( ppluuse.)
The saw mills at Mill City and Mint
ire both running and illustrate In -4
null wuy tho benefit of a protectloi
Urlfl'to the lalxjrlng man. Al Mlntr
iwiug to material udvautuges logs cun
ou got Into the mill some cheaper thu
tt Mill City uud IuidImt cm lx g(
out correspondingly cheaper, But that
I i no reason why tho mills at Mill Cli.
should shut dowu or why u muu living
there who wants to build u honte
nhould go to Mlnto for hli lumber. I
he can't get employment ut Mill City
how cau he buy lumber ut any prlctV
If he has work h can better uflord to
myu little more at home uud liav
tome money to buy other things with.
1'heru Is not an article mauufuctureo
lu our own country thut could not
under frco trude before we began to
iiuuufuoturo it lu the United States
have been Imported cheaper from some
other country. But unless we hud be
gun manufacturing lu our country
under a protection turlll' there would
never huvo been uny factories sturtid
lu our country and no work for the
wugo laborer. Thudlflureueo between
free trade unit protection Is not 6i
much a iuetloii between high wuge
and low wages lu our country, us It Is
of uny wages ut ull. Mr. Jory suld ut
Cumer that he wus u protectionist, but
resorted to the demagogery of saying
that u protective turlll now did not pro
tect lubor and guurunteo high wages.
Any system that shuts out of our coun
try anything that can be produced
hero Is un ndvuutagu to thu Ainerlcun
labor that must produce It. No system
can fix wages between employer and
employed. But a system that compels
the employment of skilled or unskilled
American labor, to produce that hen
at homo which would otherwise be
produced by foreign labor abroad and
then Imported to our country free of
djty, such a tarlfl system cannot Inn
improve the condition of the laborers ol
our country. That Is thu Idea of a pro
tectlvu turlll, and Mr. Jory simply
sttnds with the Populists lu congress
who nru supporting thu Wilson bill
Wo believe Mr. Jory Is u protectionist
and wo believe he wants to bo on the
right side. And so do other Populists.
But their party Ignores the vital ques
tlou of an American protective tarlfl
and leaves the rank and tile without v
guiding star, while thu managers bo
llevo lu fiee trude to the detriment of
free lubor.
I no Hipiu throughout the county
are Minting very little fault with 1). 1).
Oolley's work as usmwor, and he will
be reelected by a good vote. No one
UMtlons his lutelllgetu'e or ability.
lie litis been one of tho best school
teachers of our county and is now In
good demand, lie Is a self-nindu man,
coming from a humble home us a poor
farm boy without any adaittages but
llioso wrought for himself by hard
knocks and wirncst application. Mr.
Cofley as aswhor will seek honestly to
eiuorce mo law ou ull prowrty,
At Mill City a telegram miuo from
Salem telling of Gilbert A Pattersou's
storo burning. Mr. Patterson had gone
by train to Lyons and did not learn of
the llrt until Thursday afternoon when
wo arrived by hack. lie had been iWh.
In and enjoying hlinmdf and the news
of n line butiutvui, that he had Uhm
building up for sixteen yetrs. going up
In smoke, was a duiiiH'r ou tho eiithus-
Insin of the day which hud reached a
high pitch at Mill City. Mr. Pattersou
nn startetl.for homo with his horn
i ..i ...i ...i . .
! viiiii,'iiuii lunu; wim wnsiua-
lv. HOr'Klt.
Hear Tho. 'lVnigue at Baleni
riuirsday ulght.
Dr. Price' Cream Baking ovder
World'a FW Hfhe4t Award.
ThkBhekman Hiikine. Olinger A
Rlgdon had on exhibition In their
undertaking parlors one of these new
style caskets. It is solid black broad
cloth, trimmed with rich Bilk cords
and a plain silver plate only. The new
features are black silk extension bar
handles, running full length of the
cusket, and a hinged double folding
opening, which gives it the name ol
the Sherman shrine. This casket will
be usd in the burUl of Mrs. Francis.
W. R. C. Attkntion. All memben
of Sedgwick W. R. C, No. 1, will
meet at their hall Sunday, May 27th,
at 1:30 p. m. to accompany the G. A.
R. to the M. E. church fur the purpose
of attending the union Memorial ser
vice. Mrs. Lou Smith, president;
Lottie M. Burton, secretary.
Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30 at thu W.
O. T. U. hall. Y. P. S. O. 10. at 0-30
J. Bowersox, pastor.
St. Paul's Episcopal. Morning
lUbJect "The World Moved by
Phrase." Evening, subject "Jesui
Mko the Sun." Seats free. Rev
Laurence Sinclair, rector.
South Salkm. Preaching mornlnc
and evening by the pastor. At 2 p. m
the funerul services of Mrs. Francit
will take place. To these services you
re Invited. J. M. Shulse, pastor.
Evancjkmcal- Geiiman. Church
ooruer of Center aud Liberty streets.
Preaching ut 11 a. m. und 8 p. m.
Sunduy school ut 10 a. in. Y. P. A. ut
7:30. All urecordlully Invited. A. A.
Hhigclburt, pastor.
In his place as usual tomorrow, i'ruisi
ervlce in the evening ut 7:30. Evening
lourtobout 8 o'clock afU;r June 1st.
Junior Endeavor society holds its meet
lags on Friduys, ut 4 p. m.
W. C. T. U.-Prof. Mathews, of the
vVlllamette university, will uddruss the
people n "How to Tare Our Country
From the Great Muelstrom Intemper
ince," at ! p. in., at tho free reudh g
room on Court street.
Y. M. C. A. 12uch muu of Hulein
will be provided with ugood chuir.who
will come to tho Y. M. C. A. hull at I
o'clock p. m. Sunday, May 27th, to
listen to an Interesting talk by Dr. Jhh.
D, Runklii, of Denver, Col.
Chhistia.v Woukkus' Mission.
Grunge hull, 12S Stute street. Sunday
services as follews: Moinlng prayer
meeting 7,-'0. Afternoon, jireachlng at
3 o'clock. "Our Own Work Our Indi
vidual Concern." Rev. W. Kellaway,
pastoi. All are invited.
I'reaching ut 10:30 u. in. aud 7:30
m. Thu pulpit will be tilled at each of
these hours, by Rev. J. W. Laughlln,
of St. Louis. Sunday school at 11:45
a. m. Junior Endeavor at 3. Y. P. S.
O. E. at 0:30 p. m. J. C. Templeton,
PitKSiiYTKiUAN. Bervlccsut the Uni
versity. In tho morning Rev. Dr.
Rankin, tho most popular U. P. minis,
ter of Colorado, will preach. Rev. Dr.
Dull, of Chicago, will preach in thu
uvuiilug. Don't full to heur these prom
inent clergymen. Huuduy school at 12
-In the chapel, Y. P. S. C. E. ut 0:15.
Baitiht. Rev. W. Y. Owens, of
Penn., secretary of board of hoinu nils,
slons for thu Presbyterians, Is expected
to preach In tho morning. In tho
uvetuug tho pastor will preach In the
Interest of Memorial day ou "Princi
ples for Which Our Nation's Herots
Died." Row M. L. Rugg, pastor.
Unity (hi men. Service at 10:30 a.
m. uud 7:30 p, m. Sunday school ut
12. Roy. W. E. Copelund, pastor,
Subject of morning sermon, "Seek ye
First the Kingdom of God." Subject
of Evening lecture, 'Thirty-tlvo Years
Ago or tho Blue and the Gray." Old
soldiers and their wives and chlldreu,
are especially Invited.
CiuusriAN Ciiimt'lt. Services to
morrow at 10:30 a, in. uud 7:30 p. m.
Preaching by the pastor, Rev. R, M.
Messlok. Subject fo- the morning hour
"Reptuitapce." Subject for the even
lug hour "Tho Touching of thu
Church In Regard to Baptism for thu
Remission of Slus." S-juday school at
12 ni. Junior Kudeavorat 4 p. in. Y.
P. B. C. E. will meet at 0:30 p. m.
llearThos. Tongue
rtiursday night.
at Salem next
Lamsixiw.nk At Holverson A IVs
New Parsonage.
Work has been commenced on a uew
cottage In the rvur of til. Joseph's
Cut hollo church on t'hemeketa and
Cottage streets This will lie occupied
by Rev J. 8. White. Iiwllt cost about
M Holverson A tVs,
m i
Hear Thoo. IVniguo at 8leiu
Thursday night.
next I
LANBIH)WNK-At Holverson A CVi
You Urdiy immIIm ttinl It U mrdtclno whtu
UIIuk IVncr" Ultl Utr 1111 tb, ur
ry mll; no Ut! vtttvu; oil InwblM (ruiu
torld llvrr rnvU by their u.
IV l trt frnu lk linttUbr, btllousnMs,
coullHkltou. etc. u. t,Vrtr' t.lttle Uvtr
I11U. f triclly vivrUbt. Ttiy iUj slliuu-
Ule tlw llr uud Im lb to4tuwh rruot bU.
Not on la Ivrt nly or fit trout ! ilttt
alliHsnl cwumM by iaMKuiv( lit llfr Vt)
Cilr'UlU I4r ItiU. Th rwull will m
plnutut urHU. Thy glw HtUiv ritf4
Hon. J. B. Loouey went through the
city today en route for Portland.
Mrs. W. P. Lord and son went to
Portland on the afternoon train.
J. P. Howlett, of Portland, adjuster
for the flremau's fund, is at the Will
amette, and will adjust the Gilbert it
Patterson loss.
Air?. John Mlnto has been quite ill at
Astoria but Is now reported much
better. John Mlnto, her husband, and
Mrs H. P. Mlnto are with her.
C. H. Abernethy, of Champoeg, was
in the city today closing up the busi
ness of the steamer Elwood. He has
tied the boat at his place, and does not
expect to run again before fall.
The people of this 'Burg were badly
scared on the night of the 21st, wheu
the train came In. There was a crowd
.of men who got on" of the cars and the
men run up here all run for the brush
They thought It was Coxey's army;
hut when they found out that It was
only the Democratic candidates, they
til came back to take a look at them,
for It is something new to see one of
that part In this town, as they have all
trone up Salt river In the Populist canoe,
Chu-y held a meeting at the Cascade
house, with Editor "'lugg as their lead
er. They wanted a Democrat as u
chairman, but they cog id not get one
.is there was only one lu town, and he
was sick. So they had to do the next best
thing they called ou JohnButterworth
to take the chuir, which he did. Johu
Is one-half Populist and one-fourth Pro
hibition uni one-fourth Henry George
(slugli-tax principle); but John filled
the oflho well, for there was not much
to do. The party did not come up here
to m ike a Democratic 8eech or to tulk
o tho Democratic principles, but they
cune up here to make u bid for the
Populist vote, uud they made a big bid.
They were told by Editor Flagg tht the
Populist did not stand any show to
elect anybody ou their ticket in this
county, aud the best thing thut they
could do, was to vote for the Demo
emtio candid tes. Will they do It ? I
think not. The Pips take that as
tally, and very thin tally, ut that. If
they do not do any better ut other
points than they did here, their lubor
will be lu vain, for they made no con
verts here. They handled Goy. Peo
noyer very easily. They did not want
to hurt the feelings of the Pops, the
party were not straight old lino Demo
crats; they were cone-half Populists.
Eilltor Flagg ouyht to change the name
of his paper and call It the Salem Pop
ullst, if he runs on the same line at
Salem as he did up here.
On the evening of thu 23d we were
!' j called on by tho Republican candluate6
and they were u wild looking crowd.
Wo wore glad that Mrs. E. Hofer aud
Rev. Burkloy were lu the party to keep
them lu good order. Tho party all
went to the Cascade House aud when
Landlord V. G. Dauforth saw them all
steering for him it scared him so thut
he had to have a becond supper that
night. After Mr. Dauforth got over
his scare he piloted thu party Into the
dining room where they partook of a
bountiful supper which they devoured
with keen relish. A goodly crowd
were waiting for them outsldo and
after oiipper Chalrmuu R. M. Poo of
the Republican club got the crowd to
take seats in tho otllce of tho Cascade
IIousu und culled the meeting to order.
Then 0. It. Moorts took the tloor aud
delivered u wry eloquent address to
thu people which called out mauy roars
of applause. Then Rev. H. L. Bark
ley took a hand at It uud hu pounded
o it the Populhts us Hat as shingles.
After he got through with them you
o.iuld huvo covered any one of them
with u small sUed thimble. E. Hofer
was called on next; ho gave a hulf hour
speech of good sound sense, uud if Mr.
Hofer Is us fearless lu the statu senate
u he is lu the editor's chair, he is the
man that we want there, uud if all p re
el nets do us well for him as we will do
u i here, ho will go In with dying
colors. Thu hour getting late
Captain Gesuer wound up the
meeting by delivering u shoit
but appropriate speech. Everybody
up lu this country knows Lou Gesuer.
Bo he will go In with uo trouble. All
th candidates made a good Impression
on the peo,.'o, but Ike Pattersou tuadei
I he biggest one. He left one lu Mr.
D uforth's flower bed that was 13
Highest Honors World'a Fair.
ArHMeGrjpcQMmofTjrtarPowdtr. Fre-
from AmmonU. Alum or iny other diutwU
A pure Gripe Qtimof Twtar Powdtr.
Inches long aud six inches wide, lie
called it a foot mak, but It was a very
lomr foot. 8brifl John Knight was
cdled on to have the damage repaired,
but he claimed to have no jurisdiction
over the case. C. B. Moores and Rev.
Barkley will tell you how it happened.
Our townsmen Jim Stearns and Nut
Bowman will take a two weeks' bear
hunt as soon as Nat returns from East
ern Oregon with horses.
Fifteen men trom Michigan were
I ere lately and stopped a few daB.
They are ou their way to Eastern Ore
gon to settle ou claims aud there are
more coming.
The new postofilce is almost com
pleted. V. G. Dauforth is buildlog a 24-foot
addition to his hotel, which, when
completed, will give him the largest
and best hotel east of Albany.
The Populist candidates will be with
usouthe 20th. Let them come, we
cau stand them one night.
G. G. Bingham, of Salem, will bold
a jiint discussion with the Pops at this
place on the 1st of June.
Hear Thus. Tongue
Thursday night.
at Salem next
A Clock out of
order shows it on the
face. When the hu
man machine goes
wrong, the physiogno
my tells tales. It you
do not look well, take
) Pills
(a Guinea
Gj 9; cents a bot Cj
Late Chairman of the Republican
State Convention, and one of the most
brilliant orators of the Stat6 of Oregon.
will address the citizens of Salem and
vicinity, on the political issues of the
May 31st at 8 o'clock,
Furnish goo I music for the occasion.
Grird street parade, and music
by the Bauds.
Saturday Evening
.Kiiie 2, 1S94.
The Marlon County Candidates aud
other pnim uent speakers will be pres
ent atiif address the citizens on que,
caw'wl . KBt UU(l ,lulH,rlu in thh
Street Parade
McKinley Quartette
Frulb wu.Io 'or the ocoislon Br.
Band,! Everylodym; "
i 'll
We in an what we say.
Jil J
Come and see us. Investigate. This is a golden oppor
tunity to buy Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Under
wear, etc., at your own price. We carry full lines of kid a d
fabric gloves, silk mitts, cursets, ribbons, laces, embroideries,
silks, satin ', velvets, plusiVs, lac curtains, window shades,
white quilts, carpets, n attings, linoleuuis and oil cloths, blan
kets and quilts, trunks and valises.
Thanking our many friends fur their liberal patronae
we solicit a continuance of the same until we wi d
up the business.
- Willis Bros. & Co.,
June Races !
JUNE 20.
Bicycle rae, half
raet, half mile, enen:
prize, valup JG: second, value ' All.
Running, one fourth mile dash, free-for-all;
purse, J7o.
Trotting, three minute class, mile
heat", 21u 4; nurse $100.
Running, three fourths mile dash for
three-year-olds; purse $100.
Trotting, 2:22 class, mile heats, 2 in 3;
purse jlSO.
Bicycle race, mile, handicap, opeo;
1st prize, value $8.50; second, value $.5.
Pacing. 2:3-5 class, mile heats, 2 in 3;
purse $100.
Trotting, 2:25 clas, mile heats, 2 in 3:
purse $150.
Running, three-eights mile dash,
free for-u I; purse $125.
Running, seven eights mile da?h,
free-for-all; purse $150. '
There Will He n Hij
All entries to the trotting and pacing races clo3e on June 10th. and the en
tries to the running races will close at 6 6'clock on the night preceding the race
JAP. .111X10, Scc'y, Salcw, Or.
on ihaMlnv111 hxdlei' tlay' !ln(1 uo wluilMlon fee will be charged the ladies
Prmi)u1i,rfISMnU,,,,!.,.,fket'50 cen: ladies' ticket, 2-3 cents, except on
rriuay, u lieu all ladies will be admitted free F
ESfR'ices begtu every day promptly at l' o'clock.
Brushes of all Kinds in the
State. .irtisfoMlntei ials,l.iine,
Hair, Cement and .Shingles mid
lines! qiiMlit) of UKASSSKEDS
On June lt J. Clark
street grocer, will beglu a'
business. His popular low
be continued and made
where it is possible. Jos.
Court stieet.
the Court
s-trict cash
prices will
still lower
i-larK, UK)
5 15 'v
Dealer m Uroccric.s, Pa nts. R Eckinuidgeiiook. Breach or prom-
llilw Vi,l iM ..,'' r?i?- Hlstry of lltltanu. Illustrnted.
M1, ' IIUIOM (ilas.S.iarilliet. ' Aeie,ntjinUHee,'s unParallelled. KO.OOOalreacy
u j cz-x--- EROS.,
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
.a.c anu noenv sts. cai m noennu
WV. MARTIN. Optician
DS'anuipSSP.'0- We keen a full line of Trucks
Barn and ri Z. , ". a&
"" B"utn or
w w ! stnw. w ruilllfl "'
Engines ft paired All f l , -tf
Nr Do,v,t SK n k,,ldS f Jb Work nea do
pwjjepot.balom, Oregon. Ccneaaondenwi nl,v;r,
We are selling our
nn nr
(Ladies' Day.)
Bicycle race, one mile for novice, l9t
prize, value $8; second, value $2.60.
Trotting, 2:35 class, mile heuts 2 in 3;
purse $100.
Trotting, 2:29 class, mile beats 2 In 3;
purse $150.
Running, one-half mile dash; purse
$100. Running, one mile dash; purse $150.
Bicycle race, one mile, open; first
prize, value, $100; second, value $10.
Running, flve-eighta mile dash; puree
Running, one and one-eighth mile
da"-h; purse $150.
Pacing, 2:18 class, mile heats, 2 in 3;
purse $150.
Free-for-all trot; purse $200.
Bicycle Knee Every Day.
New Advertisements.
Lo-jT Two books on mlnlne and mineral
ology, Name or Amos SiroLg In one book
and I., a. Disonln ha other. Kinder will
p ease leturu to L. A. Davison at the Court
at. Marfeet and receive reward.
Hl'SB.ND WANTED A young widow de
slrts a husband whose fortune Is equal
to her own. I'lpco mnH ,,. t n ,n
b'il, Marshalltown, Iowa.
8-7 1m
lJibS. TO KENT-corner Church and Fer
J,,,m7 lmmlre a' So State street, A. is.
-ill tf
TH most Perfect nttlng truss made,
X hold a rupture where all othen
all others have
laucu, rorsaieDi'J.
U Purrish, WI Capital
PAjHUW.- 1'ortland, Sacramento, oeattlf.
u, u laco.rnaand San Francisco papers on sale
t Bennett's, fostofflce block.
flHKISTlAN bClENCE-Llterature
J kinds on sale at 33 Liberty atnt.
at all
minaiiinLini ... ... .. .
i Advertising Agency. 61 and (a Merchant
.,?.E';8aVrancU'0' California, whero
.v-.n.r.' "7"" rraucisro, auiornia, wut
eontracu for advertising can be mxde for
wnuumi uni-uuii.
Assoc a
1 hr t bilv.c,ialty of fluliigThe Eye with CJIasse.
w-lth , Rd., th,"y-flve years' experience, which,
with mv Fnni.)i nvioi - ..ii.i . ' .
nu uooKini; Htoves. Hollow-
Ware, all sizes, uud Chilled
low Points. Full Hue ol
nes-xmdence solicited.