Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, May 26, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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2smZZ.-1mmtmv i iiiii i i rwA
Capital Journal Publishing Company
Potoffloo Mock. Commercial Htreet.
Jjalljr, by carrier, per month,..
Pally, by mall, per year,
Weekly, 8 pages, per year,
.JO 10
W. II. Leeds, tlio Republican candi
date for Blnto printer, is a clean, able
man and will be elected.
H. It. Klncald Is the choice of the
people for secretary of state, aud for
thai reaoon no combination of political
tricks can defeat Mm.
C. K. Wolverton, the llepublicul
candidate for supreme Judge, In not n
good politician, but for that he wll
make a better Judge.
A vote for . L. 1'atterHou for senato
will not beau Indirect vote for Peiinny
er. Democrats can afford to thiuk t wic
before casting u single ballot along tlni
Every Democrat, Populist or Ilepub
llcaii who hus had dealings with tin
sliui ill's ofllco muni admit that Join
Knight U a Unit cIhhh official in over
respect. Vole fur tile blacksmith.
Members of the "bung-hole party,"u.
Peunoyer calls the Democracy, wll
hardly throw away a vote on the rene
glide who Is now abutting them in tin
hope of being United States senator.
If tlio results of the next preHldoutia
election Hhould be thrown Into tin
houso, It would bo very Important fui
this country to havo tlio right kind o
men there. Btnger Herman should In
returned by all nicaiiH.
How strange, that tlio INipullsh
should nominate, for the two fat oil)
ces of the county, men who were no
eligible! How Hlrauge that thorn; inoi
should not (hid it out until the da
before tliutlcltoU were ordered printed!
Unable to meet the Republicans li
open debute, uuuhlu to present theii
cause bofore public audiences with un.i
chance of success, the Populist iiiauu
gers In t(ila county aro making a stil.
hunt. Their lenders were assured of i.
division of time In tlio canvass of tin
county. Jlut those leaders did not put
In nu appearance. The county tlckei
was all pulled oil butonoortwosluccr.
men who appeared at Marlon and Jul",
ferson with the Republicans, ostensibly
to speak for tlio whole ticket. The rosl
of the ticket had been withdrawn m
was engaged In a bushwhauklug still
hunt with the Democrats, ami the Rt
publicans wisely concluded that unit,
the whole tloket apiwared, they would
not divide time with two assistant fu
sloulsts, no matter howsoever silicon.
Lot the still hunt proceed. The He
nubllean canvass will proceed oh)ii aim
above botird,
Gov, l'onnojer, being u runegae'e
Democrat, is not his greatest net of It
gratitude. He goes about tlio state tel
lug theslulest old Jokes known to tli
political stumpers of the past oeiiturj
aud it Is said that some Populists laugh
ut them.
In his speech ut Alblua recently Oov
eruor rennoyer took a whuulc at tin
Dtfiuocrnllo party liy relating the fol
Iowltig anecdote, siys (he Kveultu
Telegram: "Them was a until M,t
boasted that he owned m barrel liOOycao
old. When he took u friend Into hU
cellar to show him the venerable rein
the frtuutl suggested that tlie hoops
looked to te now. 'Yes, tJiey am new
I only put them on last year, said tin
man. After further Inspection tli MUggesttKl that the staves didn't
littVoa very uutl(iieuppesrniHv. 'That'
true,' rt'MoiU'lotl the man, '1 put tin in
In about four years ugo.' Tint friend
then wanted to know what wus I. ft of
the IWO-yeurold barrel. My Ood I
uun'tyou mo the bunghole'," tdimited
the rello owner." The governor's a p.
plication was that the htiiiKhole was all
that Cleveland had left of tlio parly or
the old-lime Jellersonlan principles.
Still he exH'ots Democrat to throw
wy tlielr voted on lilm 1muo he
ooco played the part of u Democrat.
W. It. 0, AiTKSTioN The indiibers
fBedwlcU W. R. O.No.1 will meet
' Kt their hall htiuday May 27th at I -SO
p, tu. tOHOOompaay the O, A. It. to (he
V. K. oil u roh to attend union Memo
rial tervlco. Mrs. Lou Hmlth, prl
whi; iiouio .-v;. iiurton, secretary.
Bids Wanted.
Sealed bids will U received by the
oiiity clerk for propitious ttriut
rfrcult court bar dockets, for the June
U'JHJ, Leglonlog Juno 1,1801, bids to
Im opened ut 0 o'clock a. hi. Juno 1,
turn f ir i... .v. I
IVuuty Clerk. '
Eating Alligator.
There Is ronron to bolicvo thut tho
flesh of a young boiled alligator is bare
ly dlstlngnlnhablo from veal. It is prob
ably cleaner aud more tender than much
of the meat of tho animals that are
usually connunied as food on tho conti
nent or iu tho east end of London. I
havo never desired to tosto tho flesh of
alligator, cooked or uncooked. But In
India I havo seen the Kontals and other
tasteless natives greedily devour tho
flesh of an alligator without waiting to
cook it. Tho flesh was very palo In color,
and probably was much superior to tho
flesh of snakes and rats and such like
creatures whioh form tho ordinary food
of tho predatory Sontal when hunting in
his native woods. It does not full to his
lot very often to bo ablo to circumvent
aud slay and eat a largo alligator. Ho
nmro frequently conies upon small alli
gators, and they go to swoll tho con
tents of his cooking pots. If, however,
ho is so lucky as to meet a sahib who
has shot a large ulllgator, say about 0
feet long, ho eagerly falls upon tho un
wonted delicacy without waiting to
cook it very much as wo read in books
of African adventure that tho natives
devour tho carcases of tho largo gamo
animals that tho English sportsmen do
not want for their own followers.
Longman's Magazine.
Mm Ciot it Seat.
A young woman who Is a pewhoUUi
u the cathedral Was refused admittance
o her seat last Wednesday by anotliet
woman who was occupying a portion ol
.ho iKiw, an1! 'vm ha,d that she was re
ferring the other part for sonio friendH.
Tho owner stepped into tho next seat,
and from thero over tho back of tho teat
into her own pew. DtuTuJo Courier
Tho litHt ol all way
To luuitllifti our ittiJK,
Ih to me riercu'n J'uritiUlve J'elleU. Hlr!
For nine-tenths of tlio dlteates of tin
oody begin with constipation or tin
clogging up of the slulce-was through
which the impurities of the blood e
jape, so that they are reabsorbed lut
the system. The Purgative Toilets uet
ently but thoroughly upon the st
iiuch uud liver, and are the best luxu
tivu known. Without racking and
straining the organs, they open tin
oowels and restore it natural anil
healthy digestion. Uneiiualed iu dvs
pcpslu, constipation, biliousness, piles
jr any of the resulting diseased.
Twonty-llvo OontB a Month; 50 Gouts
for CO Days; $3 00 a Yoar.
The only one cent newspaper on the
I'uclllu coast. Circulation bus been
tuadrup!cd in less than one year.
wive it a trial ami you will never do
without It. J t answers the purpose of
Haifa do.on weeklies, and does noi
cost ouo'lhird as much. Try It over
tlio campaign at least.
n i:vh.
Associated Press report aud state
capital news a specialty.
Timely, pertinent uud independent
discussion of leading events, men and
The Oni: Cunt Daily Is read b
more people, or nil sIiiuIm of opinion
tliiin any other paper in Oregon out--tide
of Portland.
One of the host bookH in Kugllsh ami
American literature given with tin
Oni: Cum- Daily every week, on tin
coupon plan.
HOW '! ouii:ii,
Houd mill two-bit piece In letter a.r
try the paper for a moiitli at loam
Wo believe iu tho ereatest imuwIIiU. 11
of silver, and roivlve lots or it In tin
way. llut'Kit Hiw Kdltors,
Kuleiu, Or.
Our Oraiidmother's Way.
Was to stoop root aud herbs aud um
It every night We can do the same
by using Park's Tea. Nothing ucls at
iinimpiiy nun without (iiKiHiuirort.
Not a pill nor a cathartic but innvtH
tho bowels every day. .;
Hold liy Capital Urug7toro.
AiiUhiyotrriiKdctcriouianof tho M R
cliurcu, pattor el the ilmrch Crk
circuit In IKucliojrCo ,Mr)Uia,mjtft
"C. I. llood & in , Lowell, MatM
'I fpel II ilut) to tho puMlo to nj tht
ccrtlflfati'. I w Iu a ritiUitclpnU t
a lottrr fruiu a mau who had luitmd Iruw
Muscular Rhoumntlsm
anil hJ tKuri'itiUfJ liythcusaul Hood'!
tvartaiuillla. I had tho crlii iu tho wtutrr
nl 1l ami Vi o overfly tluit It itfialifj
m ol the u ol my aim o that uiywtiu
liait to tlrvM and uudrrn uic, aud hcn
way 'rout homo 1 lad to ilrcp la my
clothe. I trlinl Oio Uotor and uot ou
arHunvHhmt ail) tiling. Thou I uw tln
letter alluded to aud ilrtertuUied to try
Hood's ess. Cures
llood'a. Hefor I lud UVeu onlotil I
had tho use ol my artiu, tluuik (lod.
ThMo ar lavt aud can ho wrlilrd ty
many peoom hre. J M. (MUtoo, Church
CrcKk, tumilinl u Mltli llood'a. 1 aw
Hlor ol th K. church tier." C NV,
Cuieil am. t. huroh iirek. Mar) Uud,
Hood's Pills m invmi'l and efflfkul,
)tcaf)-faU.'U. tk'ldbyalldruUH, ,
What Thomas Harrison, of North Dakota,
Owes to Paine's Celery Compound.
The world has had iu all Just l' de
cisive buttles.
But every man has in hi lifetime
more decisive buttles than this.
Tlio important epochs in mail's llf-
hut settle for him wealth, position, uid
often life itself, come without warning
IV....I,. ,...,., i...i....iui,... .....1 1....1, ..
.. , ..... . . ...v.. -..
nerve force at these turning points
fatal. In long aud doubtful sicklier,
when life itself trembles In thctmliince
a little more strength u'ul power !
resistance to disease makes the (IIIKr
ence between life and death.
Thin jieoplo with depleted, diseased
blood run big risks. Careful men and
women all over the country are build
ing up their systems and sioiiug the
uervo centers, with energy now it n
spring. They are taking rourtirk-
liblo lilood purilier anil nerve food,
Paluw's celery compound.
It cannot lie repeated too often that
llie blood Is the fountain which supplies
every part of tlio body. If this life
giving medium lucks vigor ami rich
ness, nerves, brain, heart, kidneys, and
lungs, immt'dla'ely stiller. The weak
est spot will j,lo way first.
If you Mud yourself grow
ing thin, nervous, without
apMtlto look out. You are sturviui;
mum Important organ through limp-
'MtrnBli MunrUCTUF1'
(! i ma
MtDiaNE CO.,
Schenectady, N.Y.
far S4.30.
and Brockvlile, Out
la uot complete
M Ithout au Ideal
Combines every element of
beauty ami purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, hcalinc, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is im islble. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
l&tltt uy:a harlaj th ffaulao.
lys gm
1 proprluto nutrition.
: Tliomas Harrison is the proprietor of
I the famous Harrison farms of North
Dakota. He holds the 1 illce of notary
publicum! Is coroner of Truill county.
He writes from Hunchard, No. Dakota;
"Two years ago when the grip wai-
1 prevalent In this couutry I Buffered
veil iiiucii iiiiiii 1111s iruuuie. xiit
liseuso lingered with me until it de
veloped into caturrli of the head. F01
this InuitiHome trouble I tried manj
remedies udvertlsed for catarrh with
ut any permanent relief, uud whlh
spending the winter of '02 03 in Lot
Angeles I was treated by a specialist
without any better results tieelnj.
I'ulne's celery compound advertised, I
tried it, not expecting much relief, us 1
thought that I could not be cured. J
used one bottle as directed, and wa
entirely and permanently cured. Tub
wus over six months ago, uud I huvi
uot experienced u return of any of tht
symptoms, though I huve been expos
ed to the inclement weather in Norll
Dukotu und huve not caught the leusi
cold this winter, when I wus trouble!
with caturrli I wuuld huve hud col
after cold all winter. J will cheerfully
answer any inquiries an to the correct
noes 01 mj Hiatennnts. Many around
ihereuio using tho compound on tht
I strength of my recommendation. I
I makes people well."
Is always imitated. This is a well-know n
fact, and, therefore, it is not strange that j
the country has been flooded with con- J
ilensed milk, said to be just as good as the J"
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand. fn
Experience has proven that it has no J
equal, It stands to reason that the superior ""
facilities of the New York Condensed Milk
Company, with persistent, conscientious, "
scientific study of the production of milk, J
give It a decided advantage. Consider this, j!
Travel! "make a not on t."
Tins Graat RUav Svsleni Connects
UUIimU UuiiMMiillHrnUlllnM, slxluc
dlioot and twin iMminunli-a.
tloo to all
Y.WX Ws aim tllinilKl.N I O'NT.
:::(IXLY LINK:::
I.t(ht,t aud Htraiu lleatrd
Votlbuled tralut ol eletpiut Wri'lu,
farlor, lllatoc and Uun.l
C1r, vrltb
J"vt JiticltniiKj Chairs,
Makutf Iu miMm Mcot)d to uon in lb
TWkeu art on ud at all prominent ralliuad
Kurnirlher Inhumation aakthcneaicatr
road cat, or lUmt
CJ. EDDY, General Agt.
J. W. CASEY, Triv. Paw Agt
Hair Death.
Instantly removes and forever destroy ob-
ecllooaDie nair, wneiner upou uc "-
,ce. arms or neca, wiidoui oiMMnnu"
Injury to the mot aellcateRKin i
w r ..r nuy years ine secret
jus Ihe highest authority and the
oo eminent d-nnatolotfut anu halrspe
'.jus' .hat ee-lived During his prlvat
Tn-liceolallfo-tline among ibe nobllltj
ird aristocracy of Europe be prescribed
brainru wlluin uptnriv pnua DV 1UC
inls recipe. 1'- ce, II by until, securel
packtd. Co- espondenceconfldentlal Bon
gent .or nmerlfa Addreos
tu: cfnnwuu root mia r,RDWFR if).
Jept. K. 67Houtb Ktnh Avenue New YomR
vmnoorw toott. w n on. ooo (V tonooi iK
OFFER ever nade by
SUndard literature t Nominal Prices Offered Ony
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We take pleasure In c-ililng the attention ol
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nominal prices The books in our "I'kemicm
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rriliK Books are library size with very good
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-im- i iitogt5&i.M
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H .WS3P Kv w9rft rV
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mok of the Heart by Ik. Marvel.
U. Lays of Ancient (tome, by Lord luy. Heautifully illustrated.
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4. The House of the Seven Gables
by Nathaniel Hawthorne. '
5 Cruufurd, by Mrs. Gaskell.
6 The Coming Rice, Lord Lytton.
7. Dream Life, by Ik. Marvel.
5. Frankenstein; or, The Moderi
t'rometheus, by Mrs. Hhelley.
9 A Rook of Golden Diedi-', by C
U Young
10. Mosses from an Old Maue. to
N'uttiHiiiil Hawthorn.
1 . llii-M-uriet Letter. -by Nathan
IjI Hawthorn.
1'J. K-vjuvs
Klin, -by Charle-
13 The Vicar
)liver Colditmiiti.
14. Twkv-Tuld
of Vaketleld,-b
Tales, -hy Nathan-
lei Hum thorn
15 I'uulund VirKIuia,-by Hernar
din De tvUut Pierre.
(Itulpli Irou) Olive Schreiner.
11. Lavs of the scottUti Cavuliers
liyWui. Kdmoustoune Aytoun.
lb. LiidleTtiy oeu .Meredith
( Robert Lord Lytton.)
.12- f1),reuwrb' "V Sehreiner.
30. Black Ileatitv Uv a..., c.
i. "m .n? Ul !ruft,8io' a olrm
IllK theatrical novel.
i.' Sartor Hwartu-Hy Thonia
late Lord Tennymu. '
iA. Tlie t'leaiureo of Life. Hv Sh
John LnbUvk, lit. hl
S7. lUb and His Frieud, by Dr
John Brown. J
2S. Whlttler's l'oetus.
-"J. The Clrtatt8t Tlinn. n... .
nSiviu.Mwuorta,u-b3r A,rreU w
at. 1 lie l'rlniVK.4 hv a u. i
w. Itawelas-by Samuel
i,U 1.
. SeleiUloua fmm R.ibt Brox, aB(.
3o lat anil Phunii. m. h
CarlUl. J ,"oiU!l'
37. Medltatlousof Mareui AureMtt,
AntoninuiL --""wmh
TlSuS,!K1,!Ud H"ro hlp-by
Charlik LamU Flrat KTles ,vre-to
CharU UtuU Sciad rit!
itlf ""k-hj 1 " v Hbrh ir?
1 10
THIS oiler is mude to yon alone In vntir cominu'iilv- Will you Act"
Wo pre'nt below the nm t altuil)li' list (f jui-n ititi s I
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Tie tat One Cent
Tit Pco lies' Paper of llrep.
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YOU. You are the man. If we cannot get you to act, hand this to
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Almost anyone will take this paper upon merely seeing it. It sells itself. It is
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An Oregon Newspaper California news does not
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List of Grand
China Set Free,
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Silver Cutlery Pree.
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silver piated kuives and forks, 0 of each, frrm Damon Bros., worth $6.00.
$25 Suit Free.
For a club of eight subscribers the beat $35.00 suit of.clothea in thelatore of
A. h. Urastlelii & Co., rialem, your own selection.
Steel Plow Free.
For a club of eight subscribers a steel beam, steel Gale steel t k
iug plow, the best ol its kind, from Gray Bros., Salem, worth $25.00.
Silver Spoons Free.
rur a eiuo oi iwo j early sutiscriberp, a dozen Roger Bros
si Uer plated tea spoons, from Damon Bros., worth $4.00.
Organette Free.
r.,r cuu or eigtit yearly subscriber a first c'ass German
wood orgauette from J. G. Wright, worth 125.
Sewing Macriine Free
i."..- . .ir. .... ..,.
, ",l""" ",llV" "uo-crioer?, a Ulimax high arm, 4-drawer. osk
J55.00. & mHL'"ille- arra, from Geo. C. Will,' Salea,rworth
i." ciuit Free,
tl&S; -utacrlbew a $15 suit of clothes from the store of
$1Q Suit Free
G.1 W-Jollson '& Soill'arIy 8ubscriber8 a 10 """ of clothes from the store , f
Silk Hat Free.
mS Mir LSirsfsr So o our Lest ib Hata from c- h -
tm "Ju '-Ported silk ,,t fiorx
Steam Washer Free
wlim WewVoni, mbluiT oOPOB. Brown's.Founta n
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Fur a cmii of live i rlystibjcn
mi e.;e, no.
Scholarship Free
.oC fitemfS'co'ffieffi ,Ue 8olrahipin Capltal.Bus..
Worth iw. ' L0UJP'ete bustuess course) good for two years.
Silver Watch Free
M AVr!USlito. 'h,8U C,aS3 8ilVer ",:frcm W. W
Furniture Set' Free
Meuu drrhud-Jd from'nS,'1 M. carved bed room set, bed
Worth MUU. ' ' ,U A B' Bureu & Son, furniture dealers, JBalenr.
Cook Stove Free.
K. iP u atluK .. n .. . A
l-Ht mi'ide o7,., S IrZ, p lHrKe, No
Salem, worth $20. l' from.Pe"y & Co.'s stov
Ladies' Gold VtK
Foraeiuli of tu v.,i.. ...... ..
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retail price-$30.t)j. e,u' the bettt ma,l steui winder and tetter;
Shot Gun Free
and iiuniunugs, wu,ut slock an,M,fr lr ?, aM,(1 rre-eud. engraved locks
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gun. rom tsrooks A buliBbury, Saie
oilvenne Wafoi-, r
.?.. ."Yatch Free
in.uIe'.'Mali.J! Mar,,u. SIem, glv,
ti iree,
Alhauy uureriw of8UlUowueH tKv 500 IHn prune treea from the
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Ageuts will I,, allowwl To ,ii..T cuw-,
ey !, f"rinata,v, Instead of nv! rl' 8UD9rlPHons among as many as
Pt f llw uaiuw aim money. Send lt m"" ? ready f,r ent8.,e
erjj. ne'Si0ht:Day,' Welch Clock, beauti-
8 cooking stov
ve and plow work-,
x J tr.
h.U.rr V "tension ribs, rehouna-
worth f&W '
i uud a thoroughly good
erinejwatch, stem winder and
es as Igood serylce as the lest
HOFER BROS., Publishers,