Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, May 26, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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ES Cts a Mon'h by Iail
Prepaid In Advance
No Papers sent wn?n
Tlm is Out.
Stt.OO a Year.
Tlin .Inurnn m. i nrj-rr r'r.
onlntlon In finlom unit jLarlnn
OArll AJu
Ciitintv tlinn nnr Fntm urivpj.
irr. Boontir lists, UOFKR UISO
VOL. 7,
NO. Vd'd
Mrs. M. S. Skiff has assigned her entire stock of Milli
nery and Fancy Goods o me for the benefit of all her credi
tors. I wish to make short work of it and ill Close Out
the Entire Stock of
Millinery, Hats,
Fancy Goods,
At Your Own Price
All Sales for Cash,
K, WILLIs, Assignee.
In my life saw such a variety of uaefil FIVE CENT
Goods as there are on this counter. Hera are 12 doz. Buttons
for five cents; anl look at this nice t oth brush, only 5c, I just
paid 10c for one not as good. And this is your TEN CENT
Counter? WHAT AN ASSORTMENT! Here is Bixby's
Shoe Dressing for only 10c, and look at these spring hallance
scales, weighs 25 lbs. and only lOe; a knife and fork 10c; and
here is a nice pair of Gilt Shelf Brackets for 10c ; this beats
them all for prices."
Such are the expressions heard daily at the UNION
BARGAIN STORE, 142 D'Arcy Block, State St.
NO!. NO!
But sell now as we have always done at the lowest
possible figure.
CARPETS and FURNITURE, sure to please
A. Buren & Son., 300 Commercial St
Call and see them.
i miniMOTriM merchant tailor.
J, RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order.
$16 SPRING SUITS made to order. Also Cleaning, Dye
ing and Repairing. CQMMEROrAL STREET.
Have the largest and most complete assortment of
On trie North Pacific Coast.
We have
1 15 different varieties of Apples, 1G7 of Roses and other stock
in proportion. Send for Catalogue.
J. H. Settlemier k Son,
Woodburn, Oregon.
NOW is the time to look after your
Plants. Nearly everything needs
spraying now. We have cheap, ef
fective spray pumps for all uses.
103 State street
Gov. Waito Assisting tho Riot
ing Miners.
A Pitched Battle Between tho
Strikers and Deputies.
Dk.nveh, Col , May 20. Attorney
G neral Eugley has given the opinion
t lat deputies sent from this city to
Cripple Creek, in another county, are
an lllecul body. Govern ir Walle re
gards them as rioters, and will iasue a
p-oclauiation today ordering them to
disperse. The militia lias all been or
dered in readiuess for a call to arms, as
acontlict at Cripple Creek today is
feared. The uovernor makes no secret
of his sympathy for the strikers. It
has been learned that 1H00 rilles and
20,000 rounds of ammunition have been
shipped to Cripple Creek for the strikers
dJiiug the past week.
Battle With Deputies.
Ckipplb Cheek, Colo., Miy 20.
The strikers seized a train at Victor
about midnight, aud proceedtd d wu
thi Floreuce aud Cripple Creek rail
road, to Wilbur, where the Denver
deputies were in camp. At 4 a. ui. a
battle occured between the strikers ana
the outpost of deputies, in which
George Crowley, a miner, was killed
Several miners aud three deputies
were wounded. Particulars are hard
to obtain as the wires have been cut.
A non-union miner was shot dead in
a saloon at Victor this morning.
The force that attacked the deputies
numbered three hundred. At the latest
report the Denver deputies were still at
Wilbur awaiting the arrival of rein
forcements, who are expected to leave
Colorado Springs today. The names
of the wounded have not been learned.
As far as known none of the deputies
were killed. It is now positively
known that no lives were lost by the
blowing up of the Strong shaft house
It is reported that Attorney C. 8.
Thomas, of Denver, on behalf of the
mine owners, Is trying to have
United States troops sent to camp.
The Strikers at Mt. Pleasant.
Uniontown, Penn., May 20. The
strikers generally attended the meeting
at Mt. Pleasaut today. At the meeting
of tho Federal Uuited Mine Workers,
t'jev passed resolutions requiring Rei -
r.-seutatlve Sipe to ask congress to ap
point a committee. Also to make full
luquiry Into the mining troubles atd
the "uucalled for shooting of men iu
public highways of Fayette and West
morelaud counties."
About tweuty-live strikers marched
to the Kyle, Marten and Fair Chance
works today, and attempted to prevent
men from going to work. No collision
occurred. Isaac Hurst, chawed with
killing Non-Union Slay, at Bradford,
gave himself op today.
The Indiana Rioters.
TkrkeHaute, Ind., May 20. Eight
hundred miners in the Big Four yards
here are holding the captured freight
train, In which they propose to ride to
Pana. Ills. Mayor Ross and Sheriff
Stout refused to interfere until the com-
Dauv obtains warrants. At Fontaine,
a few miles from Terre Haute, fifteen
hundred miners refused to allow
freight engines to take coal. '
Military Called Out
BiKiirsaiiAM. Ala. May. 20 Four
military companies went Into camp at
Ensov. near Pratt City today, at the
order of Governor Jones to maintain
peace !u the strike region, and guard
property. The situation is more stiuin-
ed than ever.
Shipping Arms.
Si'KiNOKlELi), Ills., May 2o.-Gover-nor
Allgeld upon a requisition of the
ct-.orift Rt Dunville. today shipped to
that place 60 rifles and 2000 rounds of
Great E. B. Suit Decided.
WAsm.soTON, May 28,-The North
ern Pacific railroad company today lost
i. Harden suit In the supreme court,
involving the title to the mineral lands
within the limits of the Northern
Pacific land grant. Millions of acres
are involved.
Free Lead Defeated.
Washington, May 20.-TU the sen
ate today Hill's motion to place lead
ore on the free lUt was defeated by
three yeas to fifty-two nays. The
home then took up the state bank tar
repeal till.
Proposition for Church Union by All
Psalm Singing Churches.
Albany, May 20. Iu the United
Preabytertan assembly this morning
the pommitte on bills and overtures sub
mitted a report and made the following
rocemmendation: On church unlon,that
all psalm singing churches be invited
to take steps toward church union, aud
that two delegates be chosen from this
assembly to represent the United Pns
byterian church in a conference for
this purpose.
Tho first part of the report as to As
sembly's control of theological semina
ries was amended to submit the over
ture to presbyteries, proposing the
question of giving an assembly tbo
aithority to veto an appointment or
rtmove any professor In theological
Beminarteoof the church for heresy.
While still considering the report tho
Assembly Adjourned uutil 9 a. m. Mon
day. Visiting ministers will occupy the
pulpits of various churches of the city
on Sunday.
Tho Haytien Republic.
WASHiNQTON,May 24. The Bupreme
court deoided today in the case of tl e
U. S. auainst the steamship Haytien
Republic, libelled first in the district of
Washington aud later in the district f
Oregon, for smuggling opium aud Chi
luae, in fuvor of the government. It
was contended by the steamship owu
ers, that the vessel could not be again
libelled, while the first case was pend
ing. Justice White gave the opiulou
A Fatal Cave In.
Tacoma, May 20 A huge cave-in
occurred at near the wharvi s
Friday at 4 o'clock. Two men were
killed and two injured. The dead are:
Major W. T. Gillespie, a well known
mining man, and a partner of Mayor
Orr, aged 60. Arnold Berreuberg, sta
tionary engineer, aged 40. The Injured
are: George Blake, carpenter, right
arm broken In two places; John Ettou.
foreman, right ankle sprained and back
Planing Mills Burn.
New WestminsteBjB.C, May 20.
The biggest fire ever known In West
minster took place last evening iu the
lloyal City planing mill works. The
whole premises cover twenty acres on
which were buildings and.stock to the
value of $.300,000. Nothing Within
this limit was saved. Loss $100,000;
insurance $75,000.
Fireman's Fatal Fall.
Si'OKANE.May 20. While practicing
on the big aerial ladder at fire station
No, 2 the ladder broke. Captain Geo.
T. Chapman fell sixty-five feet, break
ing bis ueck,and killing him instautly.
Captain Chapman was superintending
the placing of the ladder.
Another Cave-In.
Bakeb Citv, May 20. Hank Cami -bell
and one Glldersleeve, placer
miners, were caved in on Wednesday,
while at work ou Cave creek, twenty
miles from this city, aud both killed.
Qilbort, Patterson & Co.
The Insurance adjusters aro entirely
too slow for Gilbert, Patterson & Co.
In fact they could not wait for them,
and have bought out the entire bugl-
ness of Mr Fagan.the Court street gro
cer, and will opeu jp beie Monday
morning with a full stock in their line,
Including uroceries, provisions, vege
tables, fiults, paints, oils, glass, eic.
Telephone connections (No. 20 as
usual) will be established at once, and
their patrous served with the usual
courtesy aud dispatch.
Bids Wanted.
McCull & Adams will receive bids
for the complete repair of the Gilbert &
Patterson store, up to 6 o'clock p. m ,
Monday,May 28. Call at the building,
make estimate and leave bid.
ItEOi'ENKi). After being closed for
the adjustment of his fire Iocs two days,
the store of J. A. Van Eaton was re
openeltodby and business Is running
along smoothly. The owner of the
building 1 havlug it renovated aud re
papered In good style, and Mr. Van
Eaton exptuts to have one of the neat-
ejl stores Iu the city shortly. Patrons,
old a'il new, are Invited to call at the
o'd itlUble and be served as of yore.
Co.stkactokh. The store of Messrs.
Gilbert Patterson & Co. will be com
pletely featon-d at once.
should look up the
this paper at once.
notice for bids in
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wor U' Pair W jht Med I at4 Diploma.
A Parly of Americans Mnko a
Rich Find.
Arrangements for Ulowing Up
the Brazilians.
Mapimi, Mexico, May 20. A party
of American archaeologists, who left
here a week ago on an exploring trip
to the recently discovered silent aud
deserted city In the Sierra Madre
mountains, have just returned. They
bring a sensational story of the dis
covery of another hidden city iu the
same locality, about five leagues north
of the first fiud. The leader of this
party is C. W. Pautlone, of Philadel
phia, who has been In Mexico foi
several years, employed iu the explora
tion of tho Aztex ruins of Oaxaca and
Chepns. He stated that the second of
these cities is very similar to the flit
in appearance, and that they were evi
dently ut one time twin capitals of a
groat aud wealthy empire that existed
long before tho time of tho Aztecs.
Tue two cities are connected by a series
o. underground passes, hewn out of
solid rock iu the precipitous mountains.
It was while exploring one of these
passages that the second city was dis
covered. It also lit a iu the I ottom of a
d ep basin of mountaius, and no exit
except by way of uudregrouud pas
sages could be found. This was all of
the information that could be obtained
from tho party. Mr.. Pautlone will or
ganize a larger party lu the city of
Mexico, and continue the work of ex
ploration. A Lunatic Aroused.
London, May 20. The Pall Mall
Gazette publishes a two-column story
of the alleged grievances of Nouri arch
deacon of Babylon, who claims to be
wrongfully placed In an asylum at
Oakland, Cat., by Dr. G. Smith, of San
Francisco, and others. Tho arch
deacon announces hib intention of su
ing the United States government for
$5,000,000 damages, as he was an am
bassador from the queen's Malabar sub
jects. He demands tho intervention of
Great Britain.
A Riot in Oassel.
Bchlin, May 20. Tho people of Cafl
sel have been excited for several days
by the report of the ill-treatment of
politicul prisoners. Three thousand
persons gathered in the old market
oquare, mobbed the police there aud
sang "La Marseillaise," A strong police
force sent to dlsperso them was stoned
and beaten back. TbeHuzzarascattered
tho rioters. Many porsons were Injured
aud sixty-eight arrested.
Dynamiters in Brazil.
Buenos Aykes, May 0. A plot to
blow up the parliament buildings and
bjurso has been discovered, Tho police
seized several bombshells and arrested
two Australians and Italians charged
with complicity in the conspiracy.
Industrials Jailed.
Seattle. May 25. Eighty-four
"woalers" wero put on their defense
before Judge Hauford chanted with
capturing a traiu at Yakima on May
10th. The prosecution connected the
prisoners with the men captured at
Yakima, though no Individual Identity
was held of auy of the prlroners.
Tho defense refused to present uny
testimony in vlewjof the Judge's posi
tion aud the result was that four men
were discharged; thirteen youths were
sent to Pierce county jail for ten days;
one to King county jail for a like
period, and the remainder considered
the more guilty, were scut to King
oounty Jail, nineteen in number, and
forty-seven to the United States peni
tentiary at McNeill's Island for sUty
days. This disposes of all the cases
with the exception of three or four,
some of whom are wounded and in the
hospital at Yakima.
Ban Fbancwoo, May 2J. Wheat
May 04; Dec. (1.02. New seller 02,
Chicago, May 28. Cash, MJ; July
1'oktlamd, May 2J Wheat valley
77J80; Walla Walla 75.
Our Grandmother's Way.
Waa to steep root and herbs aud use
It every night. We can do the same
by using Park's Tea. Nothing acts as
nrtir.llu unit tvltlinnt tllkvimfnrt.
Not a pill nor a cathartic but moves
the bowels everyday.
Bold by Capital Drugstore.
i m i i
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
Contains n9 Ammonia or Abut.
I Ugliest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
bb aA ava- AV AKIV WV t aU lVI
The political battle in Marion county
has narrowed itself down to a Popults-tic-Democratic
struggle for the two
offices of county clerk and sherifl. Tho
great campaign of education has dis
appeared lu smoke, principle has been
abandoned, the rest of the Populist
county ticket is pulled oft or will be.
aud all will be sacrificed to e!eot two
Democrats to two fat county olllces
The young men on the Populist ticket
wero ouly stool pigeons for tho old
Democratic riug manipulators. If
there 1b a siuglu mau allowed to remain
ou the Populist county ticket, or tlin
Democratic couuty tlokct, besides foi
these two offices, he will bo slaughtered
aud traded oil hot ween this aud election
day to capture the clerkship and Bhor
Ill's office. Republicans will be asked
to do the rest of tho work to mko this
combine a success.
A special appeal will be mado t
members of tho Qraud Army to brlnn
this about. Mr. Iltuldlcuon, the Driun
or itlo candidate tor sherifl'. Is appeal
In r to every brother ou the strong) h o
the button tbulex-uulou soldiers weui
in the lapel of their coats. We do no.
believe tho Grand Army will suppon
any such combination scheme. Tin
Grand Army are asked to assist In
electing a Democratic clerk aud sherltl
Their notions iu this respect will b
very carefully scrutinized, us it is u wel
known fact that thoy are nearly a l
Itepubllcans. The Democrats hope t
capture tho two fattest offices iu th
couuty by Populist fuslouists and
Grand Army votes. All this Is uskeo
by Democrats ut tho bauds of Itepuhli
can voters because us they falsely ullegt
two years ago u caudidute wus dt
feated because ho wus a Grund Armj
mtu. Thut candidate was defeated
by the opposition of prominent
Republicans for persoiial reusous wlili h
need not be stated hero. But they
wero purely personul. Thoy wero nit
political. They were not founded oi
enmity to the Grand Army within tlu
Republican purly. That Is us false us
hell, aud if Republicans aro to be de
feated In this couuty by Republican
Grand Army votes on that account le
it be so uudevstood. Wo do not bellevu
that it Is being done or that It can be
done, or that any honorable Grund
Army man will lend himself to thU
scheme. To do so Is to Imperil the ox
Isteucoof the order and to destroy Its in
fluence In public ufluirs forever. There
aro many who might wish this, but we
are not of the number. To become un
slstutits t9 curry nut un unprincipled
scuemoof fusion for spoils is not tho
nature of Grund Army men generally,
Before a single Itspubllcuii or Demo
cratic ex-soldier lends himself to the
cuuse of fusion for spoils, let him think
where it will place him forever in the
esteem o houoruble men of all purlieu.
The political party that lias ulways
stood by the veteruu's interests will not
us a purty resent this wur upon two
mere county olllcers, but tho Interest!
of Grund Army men lu city, count
stute and uutlou demand uofcuch fusloi
treachery succeed. Dmocruls umi
Populist muuugers knew mouths ugi
that the Populist nominees for clerk
and sheriff were not eligible und could
not quullfy und would be withdraw u
at the last moment when It would br
too late to fill their plaous. The design
hat been well plauued from the begin
ning but it cannot bo executed unlets
the votes of Grund Army men are de
livered In reveuge for the defeut of u
Grand Army man two yeurs ugo for
personal reasons. Our Grund Army
friends should not be caught In such u
t -i
Funkhai.. The funeral tervlces of
the late Mrs. James Fruucls will be
held ut the South Salem M. K. church
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev, J.
M, Shulse officiating.
MoitNfKUHliJK. There will be a
band concert at Mornlngnlde from 2 to
4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Tuke u
pleasure ride ou the motor line.
JiKSHVowhk At ilolverson & Co's,
Hear Thos. Tongue atBalem next
Thursday night.
Next Wednesday will bo a holiday
at Willamette.
Prof. Arnold, who resigned his posi
tion us professor of sciences to take a
professorship hi the Pugot Sound uni
versity, Is paying us u visit.
Muuy who have been In attendance
at the W. C. T. U. convention have
taken tho opportunity to visit chuel
this week.
A pleasunt surprise was given on
rhursduy ulght to Mr. und Mrs. W. A.
Morris by tho lint, second aud third
your academy students. An eujnyablo
tlnio wus hud In games, music und tho
discussiou of a bountiful lunch.
Prof. Purvln gavo his annual recep
tion to the music students and more
especially to tho graduating class,at his
homo lu South Salem last ulght.
About forty wero present, und although
the night was stormy an excellent tlmo
was had. Tho party enjoyed them
selves us much as un hour watching
uature's fireworks from tho veranda
which, from Its entrance, prcsontB a
flue opportunity. Music wus the order
of the evening und uftcr a dollolous
luncheon the guests depnrtod wlshlug
the host nnd hostess many moro op.
portuntles of entertnlnlng such gather
ings. Pros. Iluwley uiudo astatemont ot
the school finances and go neral pros
perity before the school yesterday morn
ing. It was t,o the ellect that wo havo
had 27 moro lu iUtcmluuco this year
than lust nnd thut the tuition receipts
have been one-third more than they
wero lust year, showing that those
attending huvo been in a longer tlmo
than usual. Tho school will come out
with no financial embarassmout from
the year's work, and will havo paid
besides thut u debt or (2000
from last year considering tho hurd
times lu comparison with lust year.
How Is thut for succosh?
WoiticiMi. Thu South Sulcm people
huvo tho lumber ou the ground for
thut new M. E. parrnuugo, und work la
going uliead stcudily.
With Frank W. Wuters In tho re
corder's office for tho next two yeara
overy person who desires information
in Ills lino will be nblo to get It prompt
ly becuiiHu lie Is familiar with thu re
cords. Tho McMInuvUlo reporter truthfully
"If u person wunts to see Oregon rep
resented In tho U. S. Honuto by Sylves
ter Pennoyer, n vote fur either tho
Demociutlcor Populist cundldutes will
further their wish."
"An old as
liovor oxcoll
fl. "Tried
n-. 1 proven"
1 1 thu verdict
of millions.
f-J i m m o n 8
J. vor IU'gn-
TTm . , I..-
l...-r h tho
JLJOff'O ftmi Kidnoy
iiiodicii.o to
vvhuh you
can pin your
faith for a
euro." A
mild liixa
tivo, tv n 0
purely vo&
o table, act
ing directly
on tho Liver
nnd Kid-
nova. Try it.
Bold by all
Druggiata in Liquid, or in Powilr
tobotakondryormodoititoa t .,
io King of IJrer Medlrlnr.
e umiI it rUcu
later unit ran tiiiM)leurlouly ,t 1 1 1 lli't
kliiB of ull liver HitMllclnea, 1 roi.ilf r it i
liijl'liieehetjii iUeir.-OKu. W, jACtt
boy, Tacuum, WmhlugUm.
Vat tb Z HUiap la rJ on raj.jw