Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, May 24, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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26 Cts a Month by Bufall
prepaid In Advance
No Papers sent wlian
Tim la Out.
$S.OO a Year,
KJ Al 1 X AJu
Th;joarnM ha a turgor 01i
dilation In Salem and Marlon
County than any Salem newtpa
per. Sea our lists. HOFEIt BROS,
VOL. 7.
NO. iai
Mrs. M S. Skift'has assigned her entire stock of Milli
nery and Fancy Goods o me for the benefit of all her credi
tors. I wish to make short work of it and "Will Close Out
the Entire Stock of
Millinery, Hats,
and Strikers
Have a
Killed and a
Score of
Fancy Goods
- A.t- Your Own Price
Sales for Cash.,
E. WILLIs, Assignee.
In my life saw such a variety of useful FIVE CENT
Goods as there are on this counter.. Here are 12 doz. Buttons
for five cents; and look at this n:ce troth brush, only 5c, I just
paid 10c for one not as good. And this is your TEN CENT
Counter? WHAT AN ASSORTMENT ! Here is Bixby's
Shoe Dressing for only 10c, and look at these spring hallance
scales, weighs 25 lbs. and only lOe; a knife and fork 10c; and
here is a nice pair of Gilt Shelf Brackets for 10c; this beats
them all for prices."
Such are the expressions heard daily at the UNION
BARGAIN STORE, 142 D'Arcy Block, State St.
But sell now as we have always done at the lowest
possible figures.
CARPETS and FURNITURE, sure to please
A, Buren & Son,, 300 Commercial St
Call and see them.
NOW is the time to look atter your
Plants. Nearly everything needs
spraying now. We have cheap, ef
fective spray pumps for all uses.
103 Btate street
. RUblNMLIN, Suits Made to Order.
$16 SP RING SUITS made to order. Also Cleaning, Dye
ing and Repairing.
Uniontown, Peon., May 24. A ter
rific riot occurred at Stickle Hollow, in
the coke region this morning, possibly
one of the worst In the history of the
trouble. Shortly before midnight, two
thnusaud rioters assembled attheBtick
ley Hollow plants of the Washington
Company. Some were armed, but the
majority were not. They went into
camp near the plant. At 3 o'clock they
adjourned to the public road, over
which the workmen would have to
pass. They stopped the tlrst delegation
of miners, who.after a little persuasion,
turned back. At this moment the dep
uties were ordered to shoot, at a range
of about fifty yards. At the first vol
ley the strikers ran in every direction.
The deputies fired two more volleys
and were shooting wtien the last striker
disappeared. The officials of the com
pany say, four strikers were picked up
dead and about half a dozen wounded
were carried away by their comrades.
Other reports say six were killed and
sixteen wounded.
The company officials say the strikers
served notice on them that they ex
pected to assault the works and the
deputies considered the interference
with the workmen the beginning of
the assault. The strikers had made a
demonstration all night, even threaten
ing to visit the houses of the workmen
and give them the choice to quit work
or die.
The latest news from the scene of the
trouble is that the strikers are all gone.
A battle was narrowly averted at Fair
Chance last night.
Today the situation at the Hill Farm
mines, where the company has been
running a full force, is decidedly alarm
ing. The plants are guarded by 60
deputies, and a conflict would result
seriously. The strikers are determined
to force all the plants to shut down, re
gardless of the loss of life.
Later reports eay the shooting was
not all on one side. The workmen were
about to comply with the command to
"go home," when the deputies rushed
Into the midst of the strikers, got pos
session of the workmen and marched
thimto a pit. A deputy sheriff fired
the shot which opened the battle. Vol
ley after volley was fired by each side
at close range. The strikers' ammuni
tion giwe out, and they were forced to
Five are known to be killed and
eight wounded. The killed are all
strikers. Three deputies are among the
wounded. Ralney has ordered four
gatling guns for his plants.
meats, authority for which Edwards'
declined to give, were that $500,000
was contributed by the sugar trust to
the Democratic campaign fund.
High Water.
SPOKANE,May 24. The warm weath-
r has bos brought tho Spokane river to
tho highest stage known since tho ad
vent of the white man. At 8 o'clock it
was one inch above last year's record
and that waa two and one-half inches
h'gber than all previous records. The
river is still rising. No serious damage
Is anticipated,
Chiefs Defy the King and a Bat
tle Is Imminent.
Three Thousand Troops Killed and
More Wounded.
New York, N. Y., May 24. The
Herald's La Libertad special says a
series of desperate battles has been
fought. Over 3000 troops were killed
and many wounded. Decisive battlee
are now being fought.
Drops Dead.
Portland, Or., May 24. C. S. Fos
ter, a well known river and railroad
engineer, dropped dead here today in a
clothing store. His death is due to
heart disease. He is forty-seven years
of age and leaves a wife and four
itoi nni.i 7J....O, i. at
Gold Crisis Here.
225 Acres; 3,000,000
Trees; 1,000,000 Plants.
Have the largest and most complete assortment oi
On the North Pacific Coast.
-We bave-
145 different varieties of Apples, 1G7 of Roses and other stock
in proportion. Send for Catalogue.
J. H. Settlemier & Son,
Woodburn, Oregon.)
Illinois Strikers.
Centralia. 111., May 2-1. Five hun
dred striking miners from the Duquen
and St Johns mines arrived here today
on a freight train and at the Big Four
mine demolished machinery, filled the
shaft with about fifteen feet of debris,
and smashed eleven cars of glass and
sash. The total damage is estimated
at $2,000. The strikers left the city on
foot for Odin, eight miles north of here,
to shut down the mine there. The
sheriff swore in fifty deputies, all
equipped with Winchesters, and left for
Odin on a special train. The miners
are also armed.
Strikers' Fatal Riot?
E'ansvii,le, Ind., May 24. A
occurred last evening between miners
and strikers near Little Station. Two
were killed and five wounded.
More Chinese Smugglers.
PoRTLAND,Or.,May 24. The United
States grand jury today returned six
iudictments, four of which were for
aiding the illegal landing of Chinese,
A Convent Scandal.
Chicago, May 24. Attorney-General
Maloney this afternoon filed a bill in
the circuit court against Sister Francis,
mother superior of the community of
Servile slsters.who conducts St. Mury's
seminary, Van Buren street and Al
bany avenue. Thesultlsto recover real
estate and property valued at $500,000.
Sister Veronica, formerly a member of
the community, and others, who claim
they were instrumental in soliciting
the funds for the purchase of the land
and erection of the convent, claim
the mother superior has conveyed to
herself the title of tho property and
that when asked by Archbishop
Feehan to reconvey It to the Servile
sisters she promised to do so, but has
not compiled with the request. The
attorney-general declares it is clearly
within the scope of the functions
of his office to inquire into al
leged trusts and especially charities.
Daring the day a sensational
scene occurred when Sister Gertude,
one of the mother superior's supporters,
was recognized by the clerks and al
lowed to read the bill that the attorney
general intends to file. She says it con
tains allegations of immorality against
the mother superior. Attorney General
Maloney bappeued in and seeing the
sister reading the bill in advance of its
filing, became greatly excited and
ordered her out.
The Senate Committee Sifting Charg
es Against Oarlysle.
Washinoton, D. C, May 24. The
senate bribery investigating committee
today began Becret inquiry into the
connection of the sugar trust with tariff
legislation. E. J. Edwards, author of
the Holland letter, In the Philadelphia
Press, was before the committee several
He declined to state the authority for
his Information that Secretary Carlisle
appeared before the tariff sub-committee
before the original senate bill was
reported, and insUted that sugar
bs given protection because of
pirty pledges made before
ihd election, or for "the statement that
Carlisle himself had revised and writ
ten the sugar schedule. Other
Queen Lill Must Go.
Washington, May 24. Tho follow
ing is a copy of tho resolution intro
duced in tho senate by Kyle: "Re
solved, that it is the sense of the senate
that the United States shall not use
force for the purpose of restoring to the
throne the deposed queen of tho Sand
wich islands, or for the purpose of de
stroying the existing government; that
the provisional government having
been duly recognized, the highest inter
national Interests require that it shall
persue its own line of policy; that nn
Intervention In the political affairs of
these Islands by other governments
will be regarded as an act unfriendly
to the government of the United States.
Texas Bank Robbery.
Lonqview, Texas, May 21, At 3 p.
m., Wednesday, five robbers entered
the First National bank. The presl.
dent and cashier were ordered to throw
up their hands, and the robbers secured
Several officers and citizens met the
robbers and constant firing was kept
up, during which George Buckingham
and J. W. McQueen were killed, and
City Marshal Muckeler was b.dly
wounded, One of the robbers was
killed. Over 400 shots were fired. The
remaining robbers escaped, with the
dead man's horse and gun, but a large
posse is in close pursuit.
Industrials Fined.
Salt LAKB.May 21. A special fron
Cheyenne to the Tribune says: Judge
Rluer, of the United States circuit
court this afternoon passed sentence
upon fifteen members of the common
weal army who were arrested at Coke
vllle for stealing a Uulon Pacific train.
The Judgement was that the three
leidera be punished by confinement In
the county jail for five months and the
I others were sentenced each tocouflue-
state-1 msnt in the county jail for four months.
Auckland.Now Zealand, May 24.
The steamship Mouowol, from Samoa,
May 17th, brings Important news.
When she sailed a large proportion of
tho government army had been sent to
the front and the rebels were massed at
Atua, the battlefield of 88. A con
flict between the rebolsand the govern
ment troops was thou probable at any
hour. The king, when tho stoamshlp
arrived, had given tho Aana party un
til May 19th to submit. In event of
their failure to do so, the Savaii natives
and a portion of the Tuamasaga natives
were to attack them. The British war
ship Curaco and the German warships
Buzzard and Falko were at Apia. It
was understood, however, the com
manders of these vessels wero without
orders from their governments as how
to act in case of emergency. The atti
tude of the rebels was defiant, and it is
expected un engagement ill as been
fought before now.
How the Goldbug Sees It.
London, May 24. Tho Times iu its
financial article says: "Indlflerent as
the American publio appears to the
great flux of gold from the ttreasury, it
is hardly too much to say that nothing
but the confidence of tho people In
Cleveland's sagaolty prevents a prem
ium on gold. A vote In congress would
bo necessary before a gold loan could bo
negotiated by the government, and we
cannot learn that auy steps have been
taken to drag In gold by the ears from
Europe In that manner. The public
here will certainly require a definite
announcement that the principle and
interest would be payable in gold be
fore subscribing for a now Isuuo of
bonds, and if that condition were com
plied with, it would bo unnecessary to
come to this country at all, for tho na
tional banks would then be prepared to
take tho bonds.
Little Bettor Than a Sowor.
London, May 24. Truth, In an artl
clo indorsing the Lancet's views on the
Manchester ship canal, makes un un
measured onslaught upon tho work. It
says: "The canal is little better than
an open sewer. The water Is In a filthy
condition, receiying, as It does, the
sewago of tho city and a number of
towns, thus endangering tho lives of
thousands employed in its vicinity.
Owing to the filthy stato of the canal,
the queen's voyago from Ham to Man
chester had to be abandoned."
Highest of all In Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report
M Baking
s& rowaer
Rosebery and His Cabinet.
London, May 24. Tho Pall Mall
Gazette prints a letter said to be written
by a person on intimate relations with
several members of the cabinet. In It
the writer says Itosebery Is unequal to
the task of holding the cabinet togeth
er. Fearing Harcourt, the writer says,
flosobery is trying to supplant him in
the leadership of tho houso by Asqulth.
Parliament May Dissolve.
London, May 21. The Globe says
that tho conviction Is very strong that
an lmmedlato dissolution of parliament
is probable. Very much importance is
attached to the fact that the govern
ment does not show a deslro to push
the budget and tho Welsh disestablish
ment bill, which is apparently shelved
In favor of Scotland's focal government
bill. In the house of commons, Sir
George Trevelyan moved the second
reading of the Scotch local government
bill. The motion was adopted without
Gladstone's Eyesight
London, May 24. Gladstone's right
eye was successfully operated on for
cataract today.
Ban Fkanciboo, May 24. Wheat
May 04; Dec. $1.00. New seller 00.
CuioACio, May 24. Cash, 661; July
I'ohtlaud, May 24. Wheat valley
77J80; Walla Walla 76.
Our Grandmother's Way.
Was to steep root and herbs and use
It every ulghL We can do the same
by using Park's Tea. Nothing acts as
promptly and without discomfort.
Not a pill nor a cathartic but moves
the bowels everyday.
Hold by Capital Drugstore.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
ConUlfl b Aauwtl wAIuu
Married Above tho Clouds.
Muiti'HY, N. C, May 24. A young
couple, glvlug New York as their resl
denco.met hero soverul days ai?o. Thoy
gave their names as G. W. MuClure
and Miss Lizzie Evatis. They wanted
to got married iu a romantlo way and
had selected tho summit. oftli6Uulkl
mouutalus, on the line between North
Carolina and Tennessee, as tho place.
Accompanied by a preacher they went
to the top yesterday. In tho valley It
was raining heavily, but on tho top of
tho mountain tho sun was Hlilnln.-
brightly, and aboye the clouds tho pair
wero declared husbaud and wife.
Tho War on Brockonrldgo.
Lexington, May 24. Political, con
federate and social circles are more ex
cited today than ever oyer a humor
that tho Woman's Auxiliary of the
Coufederato Veterans' held a strong
meeting, and had refused to
decorate confederate graves be
cause lireoKourlJgo was a member
of tho assoolutlou, Tho presi
dent of tho auxiliary says thoy took no
part In tho Breckeurldgecasousabody,
and thero will bo no refusal to decorate
graves. Mrs. A. M. Harrison, secretary,
and her sister-in-law, Miss Mary Har
rlson, vlco-presideut of tho auxiliary,
resigned tnslr offices toduy.
Presbytoilan Gonoral ABSombly.
Aliiany, Or., May 21 Tho United
Presbyterian Goueral Assembly met
this morning. Itev. J. A. Wilson,
professor of history In tho Alleghany
Theological Seminary, was elected mod
erator. S. G. Irvlno, pioneer pastor of
tho Albany church, presonted tho mod
erator with a silver mounted gavel,
made from tho wood of uu applo tree,
planted by tho pioneer ministers In
A Young Puisonku. Yesterday
Chief of Police Mlnto arrested a 15-year
old boy named Albort Funk charged
with stealing a watch of John Moyer
two months ago. Ho had traded It olTf
but had auothor in his possession when
arrested. Ho was brought beforo Ito
cordor Edes, and under tho law, fined
to the oxtent of twenty days lti tho
county jail.
Cahd ok Thanks. Wm. It. Ander
son, who owns tho Van Eaton build
ing, wishes to thank tho Sulom fire
boys for tho brayo work thoy did in
saving his property. Ho carries no In
surance, but puts ids trust in tho fire
department, and tho boys Havod tho
building. Thanks. W. It. Anderson.
A Nkat Sum. Tho state today ro
oelved from tho U. S. treasury a check
for $17,421.02, tho not proceeds of 6 per
cent on all public lauds sold. This is
to bo apportioned out fo the various
counties for Improving, building and
maintaining county roads and bridges.
Conthaot Ci-oskd. Tho state board
of education has closed u contract with
O'Connor & Co., of Portlund, for build
lm the new deaf mule school at $10,
765, and the work was commenced to
The nomination of Judgo Lord for
governor calls to mind an amusing and
possibly prophetic Incident that oc
curred some yearsjago on tho Bull Ituu
and Bandy stage. Ho had been out on
the Hue and was returning to Portland,
when the driver, Leon Cohen, b;lng In
somewhat of a Jhurry to reach tho city
before dusk, touched up his horses with
the whip and put them through at a
lively rate. The wheels touched the
high and low spots In tho road lti such
rapid succession as to severely test the
springs and keep tho occupants of the
stuge bouncing about the Interior llko u
rubber ball. Finally tho driver slack-
ened his speed aud Judgo Lord thrust
out his head to expostulate; but Just
then the whip cracked agaln.the horses
Jumped Into a run, and as the Judge
was Jerked violently back Into his seat
he heard the drlyer sheut: "My Lord,
sit still and you will get there."
Btelner's market has Just received
nearly two carloads of citrous fruits,
which will be sold on tholr merits, at
Wholesale and retail.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wwld'dPftlrHglw.lM.d.LDd Diploma.
Wm. Chorrlugton went to Woodburu
this afternoon.
D, O. Sherman returned this after
noon from a visit at Jeflerson.
Cashier J. H. Albort, of tho Capital
National bank, is on routo for tho Baa
Francisco fair.
Arohbishop Gross arrived from Port
laud this morning and will speak at
tho operalhouso tonight.
C. P. Bishop and others returned
from Eugene today whoro they had
beon to tho C. P. gonoral nssombly.
D. II. Loouoy Is in tho city looking
after tho Tonguo mooting horo a week
from tonight. It will bo a grand meet
ing. County Chairman E. M. Croisan
came down from Mehama today, whore
ho has beon with tho candidates on tho
Mrs. Mlnto, wlfo of Hon. John Mln
to of Salem, Is said to be sick in Astoria
where sho wont to seo a brothor who is
also 111. Tho many friends all over tho
stuto will Join In wishing for hor speedy
recovery. Albauy Herald.
Itov. J. A. Duff, of Chicago, Is In tho
city, guest of J. M. Wallace, who Is an
old acquaintance. Mr. Dufl is out with
tho general assembly as altoruato, and
will preach at Wlllamotto unlvorslty
noxt Sabbath ovoniug. Dr. J. B. Ran
kin, of Denver, will speak in tho morn
Twonty-flvo Cents a Month; 50 Oontu
for CO Days; $3.00 a Year.
Tho only ono cent newspaper on tho
Pacific coast. Circulation has been
quadrupled in less than ono year.
Glvo it a trial and you will never do
without It. It answers thopurposoof
half a dozen weeklies, ami docs not
cost one-third as much. Try it over
tho cumpalgn at loust.
Associated Press report and stale
capital news a specialty.
Timely, pertinent aud Indopondent
discussion of leading ovouts, mon and
Tho Onk Cknt Daily la read by
moro peoplo, of all shudos of opinion,
than any other pupor in Oregon out
side of Portland.
One of tho best books In English and
American literature given with tho
Onk Cknt Daily every wook, on tho
coupon plan.
Bend usn two-bit piece In a letter and
try tho paper for a month at least.
Wo believe in tho greatest possible uso
of silver, and rooolvo lots ofltlnthis
wuy. IIoi'kh Buos., Editors,
Balem, Or.
" -j i . niiixLi i i-iL-L-iu-imiiiy
"An old &9
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven"
is tho verdict
of millions.
8 immons
Liver Eogu-
Trx ' t lator is tho
. AJOl't'Oi nnd Kldnoy
inodicino to
( which you
' can pin your
laitu ior a
our o. i A
mild laxa
tivo, and
puroly vog
otablo, act
ing directly
on tho Liver
and Kid-
nova. Try it.
Sold by all
Drugglata jn Liquid, or in Powder
tobo taken dry ormadoiutoa too.
Tho IClog- of lirer Medlclnr.
"I tiftvotueityourHlrainoniMvernrfril.
tutor and can cuiuultocluiuly uy 1 1 U llm
klnorull!lvorme!lcltie. I ixjimldolt u
iiiJ.-liitclit In luir Oku. W. Jack
sou, Taoum, Wiuhlugtou.
I 49-KVK11Y rACKAGE-te
IU Z Stamp la rJ tu wriiuj