THE COXSWAIN'S STORY. Ton know that littlo dngo who Stood on tlio hurnln deck Bi ill"' hN fnther was too dead To bid him quit the wreck. Some folks muj think It line to write A po'in on what he did, But, a), he waicn'l a marker To our captain's little kid. We was cruUIti Just off Sandy Hook, A-shootln at a mark, An Utile Jack stood on the bridge An thought it all a lark. "Stuj rlulit up there!" his father said. An knew the little kid Would inn t no harm, because he'd do Exact as ho was bid. When, Just like that, a shell with fuse Alight tamo rolllnnft, An men an bojs they skipped one Fide Just like as they were daft. 'Twus lust a sillj Hick o' mihio Ficbli mischief maklti mid, Hut it seemed all dead in earnest to Tho captain's 1 ttle kid. He gave one hasty look nroun. His lip curled up In scorn, Then swung hi-self dou n on the deck. An true as ou w ere born. He grabbed that buiniirfuse In both His little hands, he did. An j anked it out! Say, did wo shout Then for tho captain's kid? The captain came, an ho was mad! "How dared jou disobej?" "Well, pop-," tho little chap spoke out. "You see 'tnas Just this way: You wasn't here; but, pops, 1 knew Just w 'at j ou would 'a' did, An so 1 took my chances. Was I right?" Tho pluckj kid! The captain, w'y, he Just broke down. An fall ly piped hi eye An nodded "Yes;" he wns that choked 'Twas all he could reply. That's w hy the men all stick to Jack: Ho touched their hearth, he did. That dago wasn't in It with The captain's littlo kid! II. G. I'aiuo in Harper's Weekly. The Intelligent Compositor. The "intelligent compositor" in England has covered himself with glory and distanced all previous rec ords. His performance is described in the Westminster Gazette. Tho victim was a writer for The Wom an's Herald, who chose to express ti certain idea by means of an algebraic formula thus : "If there are only x situations, and x men, together with y women, compete for them, then whtit is to become of tho y men who will bo put out if tho young women are put in?" The "intelligent compositor" afore said had never heard of such a thing asalgehra apparently. At all events he went ahead in accordance with his own judgment, and when the proof reached the author it read as follows : "If there are only Christian situa tions, and Christian men, together with young women, compete for them, then what is to become of the young men who will bo put out if tho young women are put in?" A Candled Tale. "Here," said a Lewiston detective, "is a queer thing to convict a man of burglary with," and he held up tho head of a hammer which he had kept in a drawer in his table It was an ordinary hammer head, only tho Mriking end of it was battered in a strange and peculiar way. One side of it was broken off. "A break was made in a Lewiston home during the winter, and besides a small lot of jewelry a bundle of papers was carried away. The pa pers were of a private nature and 6 icli that the owner desired as much to recover them as he did tho jewelry. The robber had entered the house through tho kitchen and while pick ing tho lock had set a hammer down in a pan of molasses candy that had been put into the back entrv to cool during tho night. When ho took up the hammer, it had left the imprint of its head in the candy. I saved that pan and kept it on ice all sum mer in an up town icehouse. The next winter I was in a local junk store and found this hammer in tho pocket of a coat in tho pile of old clothes. I knew it by the head of it to be tho one dropped into the candy pan. " 'Whom did you buy this of?' I asked. "The dealer happened to remem ber, and I took tho hammer head and went to the man's houte. Thero I found that ho had died during the summer, but his widow recognized the hammer. I asked if her husband had left any old letters or papers, and she brought out the lost bundle. She knew nothing about any jewelry, but her husband had left $3U0. I took the papers to their owner and told him tho thief was dead." Lewiston Journal. Uer Disappointment. A friend of mine asked me to join her theater party one night last week. I thought she was n little out of temper during the first act, but when tho curtain went down bIio ex plained thuswise: "When Ned got tho box, ho said it was on tho right hand as wo entered." "Why, what possible difference docs it make," I asked. "Wo can see every part of tho stage." "Oh, Polly." she whisnered. "don't 1 bo dense. Don't you see mv hat is trimmed for the other bido of tho house, and from this side I am wear ing a plain black one, and I had it made for this special occasion. I'll get tho tickets myself next time." New York Recorder. The greatest whirlpool is tho mnolstroni of the Norway coast It is an eddy between tho mainland and an island, and when tho current is in one direction and tho wind in an other no ship can withstand the fury of the waves. Whales and sharks have been cast ashore and killed. The current is estimated to run 30 miles an hour. Tho rate of wind varies from five miles an hour a light breeze to 80 or 100 miles an hour a hurricane. From 30 to 40 miles an hour is reck oned a high wind or gale. At 50 miles an hour it is called a storm. Deafness Cannot Be Oared. by local appllciliono, as they cannot reach the ilimmstpil Htrtion of the ear. There It only one aj to mire deitfuess and thnt Is lv (niusiIiihIouhI remedies. Deafness is eauooil by n intlnmed con dition of the mucous Hu ug of the Eustachian Tube. When nils, uuh gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect, hearing, mid wliet It is entirely closed deafuess is theie suit, and unless the inflammation cat be taken out and this tube restored tt Its normal cooditlou, hearing will bt destroyed forever; nine cases out of teti are caused by catarrh, wuich Is uotli ing but an inflamed condition of tin mucous surfaces. We will glye One Hundred Dollar for any case of deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that caunot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, fre . F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. JCOrSold by druggists, 75c. m For Sale, Ono twenty acre tract, with six acroa into hops, four acres int youug orcuara, ana balance to past ure, one houso, and all well under culii vation. Will sell 44 acres, including tin above tract, with all the implements desirable to make a good farm. Call on or address, D. Hi Miller, Salem Or. 4 miles east of town on the Maclenj road. All garden laud. Will sell or trade. dtf BALD HEADS!! l,.haU?mhoC0,?d,t,0,l!I Is your hair dry, 5 iiSS-,.b-r,Mle? ' P' at the ends? Has It a 5 Km?PWm.?,11 out w,,cn combed or J' Pf"f Ued ? ',8 R tul1 o' dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ? 5 Is It dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of 5 yoursymptomsbe warned in time oryoti will becomo bald. . SkookumRoot Hair Grower p JiS?L,Jon.9'?..I Production U not an accld.nt. but the remit f aoii in, -I- iT. u""'wko vi mo lusraseioi me Hair and acAin 11 tr KitiV THE SKOOKUn ROOT HAIR GROWER CO.. L? A I mi ? Through 4 Ol VLt Tickets Tiunn MARK jtegiiicrra. OfcpIcT0VV TO SALT LAKE..! ' DENVER. OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST, LOUIS and Ai.r. All Theru Was r It. An English paper relates that the first timo the queen was taken by Sir. Downey, the photographer at Newcastle, his friends were very cu rious to hear how the operation had gone off. But the imperturbable Scotchman was very littlo excited about it outwardly at all events. "What did you say?" said a curious friend afterward. "What did she say?" asked another. "Well," said Mr. Downey, "I took her majesty just as I wad take anny ither pairson ; when I'd settled her, I said, 'Wad it please your majesty to put on a more favorable counte nance?" and '-he said, 'Sairtniuly, Mr. Doowy."' Northern Christian Ad vocate. A Simple Language. The Hawaiian people havo only 12 sounds in their language, five of which are consonants. A Kanaka can swim five miles easier than he can give tho sound of "s" or "z." I cannot recall any, oven thoso consid ering themselves quite proficient in English, who make even a fist at the sound of "s." As a matter of prac tice, the Hawaiian is so simple a Ian guago it became tho common lan guage of all foreigners Chinese and all. English as she is spoko thero is badly ring streaked and speckled with Hawaiian. Buffalo Express. An Lxpcn.lie Hub. Great Prima Donna My baby is a year old, and it has cost nearly a quarter of a million dollars to bring him up so far. The Sporting In;o Cure. "To a patient afflicted with a cer tain phaso of melancholia I once gave an unusual piece of advice," said an Arch street physician. "I asked him if he ever took any inter est in the sporting intelligence pre sented in tho daily papers. He re plied in tho negative and added that sports of any kind were distasteful to him, and some even abhorrent to the principles instilled into him from earl jT youth. 1 then told him he was suffering from the effects of dwell ing too long on the grave concerns and problems of life, and that if he wished to prolong his years he must 'alee hold of lighter things, and that I knew of no mental diversion so ef fectual as to take a positive interest in the sporting events of tho day an interest which ho might easily create by a littlo persistent reading of this entertaining branch of news. Ho followed my advice, his morose and suspicious temper was gradually sub dued, and he became as cheerful and companionablo a man as I evar know."- Philadelphia Record. Oillii of rjlcctrlclty. Professor Elihu Thomson, thoelec trical expert, in tho course of a i(c turo in Lynn on lightning and hi ,h potentials, stilted tbt.t ho inclined to tho belief that lightning is caused by , the action of ihe sun ou tho clouds through tho ether, arguing that if the sun can produce the a'urora borealis in tho light, thin air, which he repro- I duced by cicatrical apparatus, there is reason to think that in the denso air nearer the earth it car produce a . current of high pressure that will , strike through with brilliant dis ' charges. Hoshowedacomplt telysafe protection from thunderbolts in tho shape of a cago of brass wires and . declared that an umbrella hold opmi ' over tho head with brass chains hang- i ing from tho ends of tho ribs 1 lakes a complete protection. A vegetablo curiosity is owned by a resident of Wenatchee, Wash. It consists, it is claimed, "of a network of largo potatoes grown upon onean 3ther." There are people in the interior districts of Japan who havo never tasted animal food and who look with horror on the eating of such a diet. A Practical Man. Of all practical men of whom America is justly proud no one holds a liii?hr r tiliice thun the late Cyrcus W. Field. His son shows that ho has inherited the shrewd common sense of the man wbolaid the Atlantic cable. He writes: 8 East 66 ni Street. New York, May 8, 1883. Several times this winter I have Buf fered from severe colds ou my lungs. E.icli time I have applied Allcock's Porous Plasters, and In every Instance I have been quickly relieved by apply ing one across my chest aud one on my back. My friends, through my advice, have tried the experiment and also found it most succesful I feel that I can recommend them most highly to any who may see fit to try them. Cyrus W. Field, Jr. Brandreth.s Pills are the best medi cine known. The New Spring Hats Are all adorned with roses. The rosea on your cheeks can be retained by using Park's Tea. It clears the blood of lmpureties, moves tho bowels everj day and gives health and strength to rue user. Sold by Capital Drugstore. S. W. THOMPSON & Co., Always Keep on hand a large stock of loose and unmounted Diamonds, Eubiqs, Sapphires and imported Opals. 221 Commercial Street. The Home Boat. The home boat Elvrood arrives ut Suuday and Wednesday; leaves from Corvallis down Tuesday, and Baturdav for Portland; built for Salem route; patrouizes Balem merchants; ratte always reasonable. F. J. Smith, agent Wharf foot of State street. Cottonade pants, overalls, jackets, knee pants, straw hats for men and boys, black eatteen, outing llaune', otis stripe, and other kinds of shirts, tenuis shoes, high and low cut. All at very close prices, at the New York Racket. eo d 2t lw Our Grandmother's Way. Was to steep root aud herbs and use It every night We can do the same by using Park's Tea. Nothing acts as promptly aud without discomfort. Not a pill nor a cathartic but moves the bowels every day. Sold by Capital Drugstore. ear penso? "One lullaby each night at $1,000 a night. "Boston Traveller. lira very. McBluster I bclievo in maintain ing our national dignity. I would give thoso foreigners who insult tho British flag no quarter. I'm for war to tho knife, and tho knife to tho hilt. I wry make them apologize if it costs us thousands of lives and millions of treasure. I Mrs. McB. (from tho next room) dlSmBESm. V? Wt j!$ n. s ' 'ill ' ' ' I mm of MEK tfTiwJr aL 7 JIBS' Ml Eatllr, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, anil all tho train of rvll from early erroi s or later excesses, the result, of overwork, alckucim, worry, etc Fullstreiigih, development and tone Kh en to every organ and portion of the body Simple. naturatnielnoir. linmedlatnliiinroTenient aeon. Failure lmpiwllile. 2.n reference. Hook, explanation and proof i mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N Mm JW Forest Grove Poultry lards. Established in 1877. EGGS FOR MATCHING FROM THE VERY BEST VARIETIES. Slock Finer than Ever, but Prices Same as Usual Get tho Best and theu you will bo satisfied. Send for Catalogue. Address T , , J. M. GARRISON. Look Box 335, Forest Grove, Or. EASTERN CITIES 3 2 DAYS to CHICAGO UOlirS t,,e nuickeist Chicago and uio hast UOllI'S Quicker to 0m7na and Kan sas CitVi Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Dining Cars, ou vkh w. mijs k. I Kccfiivfirs K.KM.KUY ANDKU, ON, J UUU' & 0TA&lm ana BOUOrsil Information call oa ' W,ai wD,i!jHURT' Asst - -. I'M Wuahlnetou hu. Uor.3d I'OUTLAND, Oocaoir, Ed. C. Cross, Choice lea ts. Wholesale and Itetuii Dealer in Fresli, Salt and Smoked Meats ol a lUinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE ot the " ' Southern Pacific ICompanv. UAMFOIINIA KXI'llKHS TllAIN-UUN IIA1L.Y UK TWKKN 1-OltTl.ANl) AN1 S. IT, aouiii. U.15 l."lll.' IHU p. ill. I0.4 a. lit. l.v. J.V. Ar. I'ortluud HiUem Hitu Krun. HERCULES MSorUIUIHES POWER. SPARK. RUNS CRADEofCASO NO Licensed En te1ie8t0keepih Ready to Start, CAN RUN if. those fellows out of tho house. Don't let mo havo to sjwak again, McB. Yes. love (To his friends) TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, Could Hot Sleep. Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nervous and Irritable through overwork. I sullercd from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. I be came so weak and nervous that I could not sleep, I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking Kq.orter-Goo.1 gracious! IIow on John you leave off talking and let ft- M!UP' Mot:,v iarth did you ever run to such an e.v baby t0 B,eepi an(1 you just turn )Yt lYllleS INerVlIie A SURE NO ELECTRIC WITH A CHEAP LINE. Requires dineeb. NO Oat Order. ALWAYS and YOUR WIFE Hi O CO O WE GIVE ACTUAL POWER. PALMER & REY, Bn Krancisco, Cal. Portland, Or O I II II nil 1 i ILifTAhid rV-H I 11 1 Inrl CT 5 U! JvJn Vr;iuiju.ii.Bgw - Proposals for Wood. SEALED llIDd For furnishing wood will bo received at tlio office of tlie clerk of school district No. !U until "2 o'clock p. in., on Tues day Muy 1, 18J1. lild will tie opened nt the regular meeting ol tlio board ol dlrectormu 2 o'clock p in,, of mid 1st day ol May, for the delivery nf wood before Hepteniher V), the following sell xilv Lincoln, It cords oak, 45 cords Mr. 1'ark, 12 cords oak, GO cords fir; rjiHvnuieiu.HucuruH ouk, jou corns nr; jNorin Halem, U cords oak, 60 cords fir; Central, 20 cords flr. All Mood must ho 4 feet In length, reasona bly straight and corded cloioly. The tlr must be huge or body wood and the oak must bo split oak and not grub wood. i iic. nouru reserves mo rigm to rejeci any or all bids. Done by orderofthe board April 3, 1R!I. Attesti VV. L. WAl)E,Ohalrman Hoard of Directors. 8tX)T'l ltO.OilTH,I)lst let Clerk. -t lmdw W. A. CUHIfK I'mJCont. 'II. Al.HKItT, Cashier, Caiiilal OK SALEM. TransacU a general banking business. pam to collections, Umin, :o tiought mid sold on the l'rorniit attentlnn niilil In railiviiiinii B " .. . .- ........ maue. r.icnan nc principal cities of tliu woild. Van llttYM. K. It. CltoinAN, W. W. Mautin, II. V. Mattiikwh, J. M, Mautin, W. a, cuiiuk. J. II. AL1IKIIT, Directors. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. NOTICE IS IIKIIKIIY GIVEN to the Ux payers ol Marlon county that the tuxes lor the year lWU.aro now due. No costa for delinquency will be added before May 1st, lmi, Taxpayers paying before ftald date, will nave costs. JOHN KNIU11T, Hherlll , and tax collector or Marlon ouunty, Oregon. 4 21 td About 5,000,000 pounds of camphor are gent out' of Japan every .year. One-fourth of thih goes to the United .States. Tho state forests .ire eti mated to be able to mamtait. present Mippliea for another quarter of n cen tury. Italian shiprf are worked cheaper than thoso of any other uation. The monthly expense of an Italian ship with a crew of 20 men is about $175: 'f an American ship, 1,000. Wo are generally so carried away oy the last woiils of famous iwrsou nges that we never pause to rellect that tlio first words ot thcwesnme he roes were "goo, goo, goo." "MaiTiage,"says Shoiidan Lo Fanu, "is like the sniallpox a nuui may havo it mildly, but he generally car ries the marks of it with him to the grave." The avergo time STxmt by the houso of lords in tho natiou's work, according to a contemporary, is 15 minutes inir day. The skeleton of the leathery winged bat in, boue for bune and joint for jum similar to that of man. and now everything is changed. I 6leep soundly, I feel bright, actlvo and ambitious. I can do more in one Hot nrniT linn T tt0il n fin In n mnl I think you'd better go My wife .is gretVood IIpIto Dr?Mll isn't very well.-Iondon Tit-Bits. Restorative Nervine the sole credit. Neer Sleeps Longer limn 13 Mliuitt'n. Tho Coptic jKitriarch of Alexandria is never allowed to sleep more than 15 minutes at any one time, and if tho attendant should allow tho holy one's nap to extend beyond the al lotted time the penalty is decapita tion. Upou being aroused at the end of each quarter tho patriarch arises and spreads his rug upon the floor, kneels ujiou it, bows his head three times to tho east and then again re tire St. Louis Renuhlio. It Cures." Dr. allies' .-.en-ino is sold on a posltlro ruKSlsts sell Hat II, fl bottles for IJ, or guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. A II flriK-fTlafa cnll It Of f I A Imttlna fn. ? r, It will lie sent, prepaid, on receipt of price uy uiu ur. wiu jucuicai a., ciimari, ina. nhoumatlsrri Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, c. Wont- Ttl-i l DR. SAHDEH'SiELE6TIIIC IELT JTlCXlI UCClLll h with ElectrMagnstlo SUSPENSORY. 'Initantlr remove and forever dtroy. oh-' !jectlouble hair, whether upon the hands.'J itace. urni or neck, wnnoui aicoKinu i Injury to the rami aeiicate itn. iij w any year tne Mrei ormu'aoii -ra -fttl w iimiu. ackUuwmiKW uj ytijmi ,!. me niiiMi auinoriiy uuu iu no i eminent dermatokxiat and hair spa iUi' ihat everlivfcd. liurliig hu pnval; o, iir,ri llfitlii.e amone tne nooiliiy rd arlktocracy of Lurope he prfrteribed nil rwilne. P' re. il by mll. M urely tacked-(Jo Mbuiideoreoonfldentui tiol gent .or aron. Addre THE SK00KUU ROOT HAIR GROWER 0. veoL K-57eouih IruXh Avenue.Nevr YorK wwwwwwwi rvyvw) rwvyvvw) LaMit I'altat.l litl lairtTmlll Win nra witbosi ro)kJn ul MiaiMM muitiac from ct.r-uutiuii u( Itui dot. force i cuwaor UkJI mwa. u crrrou dtUlny, tlctpUiuaM. Uncuor, riiunMED, wuejm ufvr uu (Mwwr wwpwni., Umt uck. lutalmco, eUtl, all fttul eoopiaiau t- nl ill Ualla. rle. tut tittxne lie It cusulu mOiI lauMutui OrtT ll oth.r. fumu U laiuj r t'Ht'f nutr or w fortrlt $,0wtW, ao4 w.4cuiailu( ti- um drfuuca or bu ir. Tbti Mdi ! Ura carl br U.U mawtlou. luT.bUoa afur a.1 uitr raillc faUm, and glia LuxUvll M timo4.ia!4lBiai4anaar7 UMriuu. Lar r,-tr1tX Iann4 nuttlt ItamlOCT gf4lwf l-'U vr barrca wtm ao, w IWi . UnUa taa llftnw atnaila Stllill Vt C..-S ad tut lUua'd pamp<t, at-i. 0KUCN KltUIHIU VU,j Vo. nSl'Ir.tilrttl.l'OUTtAiO OKI. rortUnd, Or, The Candidates on the Marion Count)' Republican Ticket Will addrewi the put Ho on the Political Issues of the Day At the following time and placed; Mnrion, Monday, May 21, 1 p. m. Jefferson, Monduy, Muy 21, 8 p. in. Turner, Tuesday, May 22, 10 a. m. AuuiHville, Tuewlay May 22, 2 p. m, Btayton, Tuewlay, May 22, 8 p. in. Bublmlty,Welnen(Itty May 23,10a.m. Detroit, Wednesday, May f3, 8 p.m. Mill City, riiurnday, May 24, 10 a. m. Mebarna, Ttiurtxlay, May 24, 8 f. m. Macleay, Friday, May 25, 2 p. ni. Sllvertnn, Friday, May 26, 8 p. m. Kcotts Mills, Buturday, May 2d, 10 a. m. Woodburn, Paturday, May 20, 8 p. m. Mt. Angel, Monday, May 28, 2 p. m. Gfjrvaln, Monday, May 28, 8 pm. iluMi.ircl.Tuewlay, May 29, 2 p. m. Aurora. Tuewlay, May 29, 8Jp. in. Ht Paul, Thuraday, May 31, 10 a. m. Chatupnei:, Thurday, May 31.2 p.m. Rullevllle, ThurwUy, My 31, 8 p.m. IImmiU-, FrltUy, June 1, I0X m. Howell I'ralrle, Friday, June 1, 2 p. m. Hhedd, Haturday, Junu 2, 8 p. m. E. M OROIHaN, Chairman IJ, F. MKREDITH, Kecnaary. STATE TREASURER'S NINTH NOTICE. BALKtf, MayO, 1801. VTOTICK IH I1KUK11Y OIVKN THAT thero 1 are fund, ouhaad with which to redeem all ouutandtug mate warrant) (with the ex. ceptlon ef thoae drawn upon the military fund) endorxed "l'reeiiled and not paid for want ot fund." prior to and Including the date or Una notice, aud that all uch warran W, properly endomed, will be paid upon preaen tatlouatthla ottloe. Interest thereon coaalug from and alter the date of thin notice. 1111 L Mb-rHOIIAN.OXI 6 0 lw Slate Treasurer. The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. JNortL. Ar. I tea) . ui Lv. I 6:30 a. m Lv. 7.KX)p. m i.!',"vo. .tmi".a bU,1' "l "" ftatlong from I'OrtlllUd to Alblinv Itinlimlvo. .I.n ... .p.. ..... Shcdd, llnlHoy, llarnHburir.' Junction Oitv. b. r.iiiiiiiioniidallHtatioiiHnomlloMeburir liland Inclusive. " Irvln lA ::J a. in. .1:17 a. in :6) p. in. KOHKIIUHIIMAll,IIAII.Y, i.v. roruaud Ar. :30 n. m. Haleni LV. 1:10 p.m. UoHoburg Lv. 7:00 a. m Lv. Ar. INnlng iira on Ogdon Route PULLMAN BDFFKT SLKKPEHS i AND Second Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all throuich trains. -Vest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: IUILY (KXOE1T UUNDAY). IMOa. 111. l'J:ir p. in. Lv. Ar. i'orllaud tirvalllH Ar. Lv. n. Aiiiauy una corvalllH couneot :ralnNof()rKOii ranlntt ltallroad. I hOOp.Mi. with TraveJera "muko u note or,t." TIiIj3 Great RailwayjZlSvsleni Connccti N1 SOTWS HOUuSE,aAlinticl?ecoi;ating, 'iSWS j l Hard Wood Finishing, Oin g ' gnod Tttenov. Katlrnutm furnlth -1. Addruj, 0i. ch.truth, Kaitiia 1UI i uaoe on rauiui uwr ivuiwij, auau bucio ' lAin nrdara at HUdaur Ji Hlrni. ltJiA TREASURER'S NOTICE, Htate of Oregon, lu..-. AnHi ihni ireaaury ueii iineni, I .i Ol'lt'K M hereby iflven that there are lundN on hand with winch to redeem all outtaudlnK warrauu, (with the exception of IhiHte drawn upon the military fuud)endonied, "I're.ented.and not paid for want 1 fund.'' prior to, ami Including, February 0, 1801, and thil aHld warrant pro)erly endonted, will be fa Id upon preftentatlou at till, ottlco. Intereat thereon ceaalui; from, and after, the date of till, notice. l'llIL, MfcTHCHAN, 4211W BUteTreaaurer. HUIE WING SONG. JAPANESE to noleaoie aud ret ST. PAUL and OMAHA With all tranHconllneiiUii;ilnen!lvliH direct and awin coinmuulca tlou to all.' KAHTHUN anil BOUTIIKKN TOINTH. AND IS TIII; :::0NLY LINE::: running KIecUio.',,I.IhteiI unci Hleaiu lleutuil Veatlbuled trains ol elegant IHIceplnif, l'arlor, DlalnK aud ltullel Cari, Willi Freo Iteelhilny Chair, Maklntf; lu iervlc .ecoud to, nonetn the world. TlckeU are on tale at all prominent railroad Ucketomoes. For further Information ak the nearettt rat road Kent, or.addren. CJ. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pa$i Agt. PORTLAND, Oregon. KXI'KKMrtTKAIN -lllAII.V KXOKITHONDAY t:w p. ill. I Lv. 1'ortlaud Ar. I B:i6 a. ui 7:25 p.Mi, Ar. MoMlmivlJle Lv J 6:60 a. in TMItOUUII TIIKTS I'o all polntHln tho KiiHtern Htatc, Canada ind hurope can ho obtained at lowest ratea 'r0,iLl. liH,A,N,N5,,t t.HalJ5S Ik KOKIILKll, Maniiueri Sorthern" ' pacific r. r. II u: Ni s Pullman Elegant Tourist .trtel AND OIIINKHK KANOV Uooda at cunt. retail. Ileal good.. 113 Court 1-6 in Ha WANTED AGENTS -lojeoll- BKOWN'S NEW FOUNTAIN WASUB1L Ileat Bleam Waaher known. Bample Waaher with full In.tructiou. MiiltoAxeul, ex lire, charge prepaid ou receipt of M Addreaa J, u, iruwu, IJox 9M, Haleui, Or Merridale Poultry VAHIM. Only purit .lock kept. Hpeclally, llrowu lAlutru llyiuoulb ltocka. IlUok Minorca and lluwk LaDK.hao Kick, tor tiatoliiiik-. J.J.j3lLLKK,haTeai, i6m.trtt, nearbuu, i-Sdwlia WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (NorUiirn P.cKc R. R, Co., Liiim) run TWO FAST TKAINS Dully ll.l.n H. Iiu.,1 Milwaukee aud all Ulnneapoll and Chicago, II point. In wlacxiii.lii! iuak. InK oonnrctlon In Chicago with all line, run- alntf eal and touth. lie i all frovluoea ekelaMjId and baveaira checked llirmiirh to all point In the United Htatea and Cauudl- Korlull luforrnatlon rreardlnir lloute.. rate.. ma, folder., etc, addrn yur nwtrn.1 tink t aent or J in, o. I'ONII, lien. r-iu.. and Tkt. AkL, Mllwaukre. VYU. FOR SALE" OR TRADE " One 8-rooTi and one 6-room cotUne In Oak Lawn Addition, with two gd lot.. Will be KOid baraaln. Annlr lo W ner IHlli and C'hemtketa .treot. Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeow Cars ST. PAULP MINNEAPOLIS' DULUTII, FAHfifl TO GRAND FORKS CRO0KST0N WINNIPEG HELtNA and BUTTL TJIKOTJGJI TICKETS3 TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all Points East end South) For Information, time; cardi,iuap ticket, oali ou or write II. A. THOMAS, AKent, Balem Or A. I). OiiAiiroN. Aast. Qwil. Vans Agent; I'ortlutid, Ori'Kou, Sfeamep fll.ona KOIi I'OItTLANI), Jave. Itol.e'. dock Monday., Veduict, and Friday. 7;i5 a. in, Krri'UltMNO, leave. J-ortJand Tue.daj, l' and Haturdaya at ti.5a. ni. Ka.l lime for lumeujer aervlce; no way jtndlUK freight haudled, IJOUM) Tltll' (unlimited) tiW. One way, MHAia aa oNTa Her, An miu.iiaiiy I For freight rate and ticket apply to V. A, W K.HOllUKU.wr HLtlOHT a Ihedtck, tootrof NtaU itreet. lllm ll WS U 1