Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, May 19, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    t ,
6 Cta Q Month by lufall
'repaid In Advance
No Papers sent whn
Tim i Out.
HS.OO ji Year.
The'Jotirna! has s Larger Clr.
culntlnu In Pnlt-m and Marlon
County thitn any Snlcm newftpa
por. Boo our Hutu. 1IOFKH MtOB
VOL. 7,
NO. 117
"Nothing Fits a Man so Well
as His Skin," Next
to that is
Coxejites Onlwit the Northern
Pacific Officials.
A Hatch or San Francisco Smug
glers Convicted.
See Samples
in the Window.
New Spring Novelcies.
Prices Low.
In my life saw such a variety
Goods as there are on this counter.
of useful FIVE CENT
Here are 12 doz. Buttons
for five cents; and look at this nice t oth brush, only 5c, I just
fj paid 10c for one not as good. And this is Tour TEN CENT
Counter? WHAT AN ASSORTMENT I Here is JJixbys
Shoe Dressing for only 10c, and look at these spring hallance
scales, weighs 25 lbs. and only lOe; a knife and fork 10c; and
here is a nice pair of Gilt Shelf Brackets for 10c ; this beats
them all for prices."
Such are the expressions heard daily at the UNION
BA.RGAIN STORE, 142 D'Arcy Block, State St.
Minneapolis, May 17. A special
! from Helena says that Coxeyltes have
cipturcil two Nothern Pacific trains,
one in Montaua and one In the Couer
d Alene region, both going east.
Beseeching Grover.
Denver, Col.--"General" Hegwer,
of the Ooxey home reserve, h.iB ad
dressed a letter to Cleveland beseeching
biin in the name of common humanity
and good government to ask congress
for legislation to secure work to the un
Smugglers Sent Up.
San Fkancisco, May 17. Thejury
in the Emerald smuggling case toduy
returned a; verdict of guilty nsto the de
fendants Wichman, Thorna und
Ureeuwuld, mid not guilty to the tie
fendant Men-ting. They will be sen
tenced Tuesday.
Bank Suspended.
Portland, Or. Word has been re
cived from Taconia that the Tiader's
National bank at that place suspended
today. The bank was closed during
laet summer's crash, but re-opened
after a few weeks.
Stage Robbers Shot
Stockton, Cnl., May 10. Word has
justbeen received of an attempt to rob
Murphy's stage this morning thirteen
miles abovo Milton by two masked
men. Messenger Hendricks was on
the seat and be fired upon the men,
killing one instantly. The secoond rol
ber returned the fire, shooting three
t'mes, seriously wounding a lady pas
senger and slightly wounding a man.
The horses became unmanageable and
ran some distance before they
could be stopped, leaving tl e
dead robber and his comrade by
the wayside. As soon a9 the stage
reached Milton ofllcera were sent back
to the scene of the killing.
Highest of all in Leavcninj Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Exploring Ooxey's Temple.
Mill City, May 18. Editor Jour
nal. We learn that a party of Salem
ites were at Coxey'a temple last week.
Among them waB a representative of
the Statesman. After photographing
it they tried to blow it up by using u
three-fourth inch drill, but as they did
not get a hole deep enough for the tea
cup of powder, they put a lighted fuse
into the. can and tied it to a dog's tail.
Last seen of the dog he was making n
stieak of lightning for Salem.
Frosts in the Mississippi
Ynlloy States.
But sell now as we have always done at the lowest
possible figures.
CARPETS and FURNITURE, sure to please
A. Buren & Son,, 300 Commercial St
Call and see them.
NO W is the time to look alter your
Plants. Nearly everything needs
spraying now. we nave cneap, ef
fective spray pumps for all uses.
103 State street.
504th Ballot.
Olatiie, Kans., May 19. On the
r04th ballot the Republican congres
sional convention the vote stoed: Smart
57, Funston 39., Buchat 30. Smart
lacked but seven votes of the nomination.
J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order.
SP R IN G SUITS made to order. Also Cleaning, Dye
ing and Repairing.
J. h-settlemikr;
225 Acres; 3,000,000
Trees; 1,000,000 Plants.
Have the largest and most complete assortment ot
On the North Pacific ,Coast.
-We have-
to different varieties of Apples, 1G7 of Roses and other stock
in proportion. Send for Catalogue.
J. H. Settlemier & Son,
Woodburn, Oregon.
Senate Bribery.
Washington, May 19. A special
senate committee to investigate the
charges of bribery decided today to be
gin work on Monday by taking up the
first case of Hunton and Kyle.
Gerrymander Sustained.
Danville, III., May 19. Judte
Bookwalter today sustained the Derur
cratic congressional apportionment in
Illinois, and denied an application for
Fatal Collision.
Princeton, Ky., May 19. The west
hound freight train collided with a
work train in the Standing Rock tun
nel, and seven persons were killed.
Slugging Murder.
Aherdare, Wales, May 10. During
a glove contest here a contestant named
Rees was knocked over the ropes and
killed. His skull was fractured. All
present were arrested.
Secretary Herbert Here.
Portland, O., May 19. Secretary
of the Navy Herbert passed through
this city this morning, on his way to
Puget Sound.
Presbyterian Assembly.
Saratoga, May 19. In the Presby
terluu general assembly today a resolu
tion was adopted, providing for the
appointment of a committee to consid
er the question of organization with
the Southern church, on a basis of
common standards of dootrines held
by both bodies.
Work of Tramps.
Worcester, Mass., May 19. Tramps
attempted to wreck the night express
on the Huston & Albany road near
Cordavllle by piling a ton of fishplates
on the track. A train going forty miles
an hour went through the obstruction,
only the locomotive being Injured.
It Reaches the High Water Mark at
Jefferson Republicans displayed their
enthusiasm iu seventeen different dls
tinct manners Fndaj . There was a
procession, a picnic, nu outdoor gather
ing attended by twelve huudred people,
transparences, music, singing, an even
iug meeting, serenades, speaking in
doors and a ball to conclude.
Hon. Chas. Fulton delivered an
interesting and able review of the
financial and taritl questions, eliciting
great applause as a speaker and con
vincing his hearers with his plain
presentation of facts. Many declared
it was a better 8eeoh than Horr's, und
as a favorite son of Oregon he stands
very high in the estimation of the peo
ple. In the evening there was another
parade, speaking and a ball in conclu
sion given by the Jefferson orchestra.
The McKinley campaign quartet was
in great demand. They would no
sooner conclude one song, before the
crowd wunted another. Then they
sang another and that only made mat
ters worse. Enthusiasm reached the
highest pitch and success Was In the
air. It is extremely doubtful if the
Populists carry that precinct. D. H.
Looney deserves great credit for the
arrangement) so perfectly carried out.
Now Firm Opened in Balem This
During the past week Lyon Adolph
and Frank Bernard! have had men at
work fitting up the old Klein shoe store
fur a cigar store and billiard hull. Mr.
Adolph has lived here for years and
fur sometime past has held the position
of bookkeeper for the Santlam Lum
berlug company. Frank Bernurdl wus
a partner in the confectionary parlors
of Jones & Bernard! und while iu this
enterprise he established business qual
ifications that will insure success. They
have put in the finest billiard tables
and they will curry a complete stock of
the finest home-made und Imported
cigars. Patrons will be courteously
treated and will get value received for
their money.
Miners Must Quit.
Danville, Ills., May 19. One hun
dred and fifty strlklug miners started
afoot today for the Mission fields to
compel 125 mluers, working there, to
quit. They say- they will use force If
Hard Frost at Omaha.
Omaha, Moy 19. The frost did an
Immeuse amount of damage to crops in
this vicinity last night. Ice formed one
fourth of an inch thick.
Ban Franciboo, May 19. Wheat
May 91J; Dec. 11.051.
Ohicaoo, May 19 .-Cash, WJ;July
Portland, May 19. Wheat valley
&1j&5; Walla Walla 75 77.
City Warrants.
Notice is heieby given that I have
iu my hands funds applicable to the
payment of all warrants of the city of
Salem dra va on the general fund and
"eudoiKed" before Feburary 1, 1894.
Interest will Increase ou said wf rrunts
from the date of this notice.
City Treasurer.
BALfcM. May 19, 1KI1. 6-10 10 t
Chicago, Ills., May 19. Thousands
of spectators watched from the lake
shore today the destruction of the craft
beached during the storm at Twenty-
seventh street, the McLaren being
pounded to pieces fifty yards from the
shore. Three wrecks are rolling in tie
ureuaera ui oixiy-iiuu street, naif a
mile from shoro oir Twenty-Second.
Btreet, two vessels are laboring in the
sea. On one thought to be the D. 8.
Austin, four men are In the rigging.
Twenty-seven meu on the North Crib
and the men at other cribs are safe.
CmcAGo.May 19. The storm which
Friday swept Lake Michlgau was the
most disastrous of recent years. Eight
vessels were driven ashore within the
c ty limits of Chicago and out ot their
o ews ton men ure kuowu to bo
drowned, and In evory Instance the
boat and cargo were utterly lost. Ouo
schooner, the Myrtle, was wrecked just
outside the government pier within
li-ilf a mile of Michigan boulevard and
ix meu of her crew went down to the
d ep, iu plain view of hundreds of peo
ple who lined the boulevard walks or
watched the awful storm from the
windows of hotels which overlook the
Five men and a woman perished be
fore the llfesaviug orew reached the
wreck. One of the crew aud a life saver
were rescued. The men who perished
fell from their perches in the crosstrees
to the water and sauk out oC sight like
pieces of lead. The body of a woman
is still lashed to the rigging which el e
escaped when the vessel began to sink.
The dead are Captain Johu McCul
look, of Marine City; Mate Timothy
Bosowor, of Buffalo, New York; Thos.
Tu8citt,sallor,ot Marine City; unknown
sailor, Murine Cltyja sailor named Jim,
Marine City; the oook (woman) un
known. Wrecks extend from Glencoe on the
north, where the Liucolndale went to
pieces, to South Chicago, an air Hue
distance of forty miles. Following is
the list of the wrecks us far as kuowu
up to 10 o'clock tenight: Schooner
Llncoludale, driven ashore at Qlencoe
eighteen miles north of Chicago;
schooner Myrtle, wrecked at the foot
of Harrison atreet; schooner Jack
Thompson, of Chicago, wrecked oil'
2th street; schooner Evening Star,
wrecked oil 27th street, crew rescued;
schooner Mercury, of Grand Haven,
wrecked off 27th street, crew rescued;
schooner J. Loom Is McClarln, wrecked
oil 27th street schooner Rainbow, of
Milwaukee, wrecked off 22d street,
crew rescued; schooner C, J, Miner, of
Chicago, wrecked ofT 100th street, :row
lejcued; unknown schooner ashore
near South Chicago.
The fatalities are: Anton Guucers,
e: Manistee, seaman, schooner Dale;
Charles Guutclors. cook on schooner
Juck Thompson; Joseph Spollan of
Sturgeon Boy, mute of J. LooihIb Mo
Clurln; and the entire crew of the
schooner Myrtle, six men.
m. X- Jm&m fi
the Journal from Northern Iow.i,
Southern and Central Minnesota and
Western Wincoiialn, says that heaw
frosts last nlglit cut corn und garden
truck to thegiound.
Schooner Aground.
Detroit, May 10. The Rchoouer
Wurmlngton is aground at St. Clulr
flats. The tug Saglnuw has been sent
to her aid.
Schooner Missing.
JiAV uiTY. Mich., May 19. The
schooner Montlcello, due from Sheby
gau yesterday.has not been heard from.
It Is feared she has gone ashore.
On tho Breasts of Enthnsiastic
First Voter's Olub
The c'ub of first Republican voters
under com mod of Capt, Rogers will
aisemble at the aiinory this evening at
6:15 to mirch tomet the Multopor
Repuhican club of Portluud ou its
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World'i pair Hljbeit Award.
The ublio Is cordially invited to at
tend the cloning of the state Kiliool fur
the Blind, on Mouduy and Tuesday
evening-., Mny 21 fi and 22d, at the Uni
versity chapel. Rev, W, C. Kautner,
of Corvallls, will deliver the annual
addreM on Mouduy evening- There
will t an exhibition of echool work at
the Iimlitule ou Tutsday afternoon,
from 2 to 5 o'clock.
Mb Harah Bnmfleld and Alt
Bplvey, who have In-eu the gueotw of
A.d. Braffleld and family left today
1 1 r HarrUburir and will ko from there
Ko Seal (lock to spend the u tamer,
Many Vessels Wrecked and Lives
Milwaukee, Wis., May 10. Four
unknown vessels are on the beach be
tween South Milwaukee and Racine.
The llfesavlng crew reached the shoro
safely by clinging to the boat, which
was washed high and dry. Thev will
tike another measure to rescue Hi a Ini
periled crew of the Cumailnga, oiie of
whom is the stewardess. The Raclue
lifeboat and crew are coming on a spec
ial truln to rescue the crew of the Cum
mlngs, Milwaukee, May 10. The wind Is
still blowing strongly from the north,
but no disasters are reported. The life
saving crew was condemned on all
sides for it luefllclenoy yesterday. The
belief Is universal that everyone of the
Cummlng's crew could nave been
Yawl Capsized.
Port Huron, May 19, The tug C.
D. Thompson with a rescuing party
attempted to reach the schooner Bhupe
ou the aiud reef. A painter from the
Yawl was takeu by the crew aboard
tbeSbupe. The yawl capalzed. Lewis,
Captain Henri Little, Captain Barney
Mills and Aguui King were drowned.
More FroiU.
Minneapolis, May 19. A special to
Jus. Kyle was ut Jefferson Friday.
F. R. Anson Is in Pnrtlimil over Kim.
C. E. Wolverlon of A bmy is in the
Prof. D. W. Yoiler of Woodburn U In
the city.
W. W. Culver of Sunnyside wi.s iu
Hon O. F. Paxtou returned to Port
land today.
McKiuley Mitchell returned to Ger
yuls toduy.
John H. Porter of Lincoln precinct
Is In townt
Miss Olga Hewiit of Albany Is In
the city.
A. H. Boothby, o' Mill City, is in
town today.
Jus. Church, a laucher above Mehn-
mu, Is iu the city.
' Mrs. Norris Looney of Jeflerso i Is In
the city for a few day.
Mrs. Geo. W. Davis rluned from a
Linn county visit toduy.
I). E. Swank went to Now Era to u
gin his canvass of Cluckatnus.
C. H. Duw, of Buttevlllo, an ardent
Republican, Is up to the blowout.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clarke and Miss
RoseLuy, of Gervals, were In tho city
Thos. McFadden returned from a
stay of several month in Benton
J. G. Rennte and wife are homo from
a month at the Midwinter fair at
McKiuley Mitchell is up from Ger
vals to take In the Republican demon-
strutlon tonight.
Hon. Chas. Fulton was greeted by
four hundred Republicans at tho depot
this afternoon.
Miss Stellu Woodington leuves the
city toduy, to spend u week with
friends, near Sllvortou.
W. E. Her, A. H. Cone aud otliers
came up from Buttevlllo, to attend the
Republican meeting tonight.
Governor Peunoyer went to Port
laud today. Ho resumes his canvass lu
Eastern Oregon next week,
8. R. Scott, of Brooks' prairie, Is
quite 111 at the homo of his duughter,
Mrs. Geo. M. Beelor, In this city.
Hon. Chas. Fulton urrlved lu the
city on the afternoon train. He speaks
at the opera house (his evening.
E. It. hklpworth, of Eugene, former
clerk of the supreme court, lias fully
recovered from his recent Illness.
Secretary Herbert, of the U. H. navy,
pissed through Halem nu the morning
overland, from a tour of Inspection ut
Prof. B.T. Adums, of Newport, Is In
the city, aud Is trying to work up the
state teuchera association for that popu
lar report.
Geo. (I, Bingham and County Aiwes
or D. D. Coffey went to Mill City to
day, where they hold a Republican
rally tonight.
Mr. aud Mrs. Am oh Strong and
daughter Amasnd Mrs. W. G. Wista
cott left Uxlay for Han Franclrco to
visit the Midwinter fair.
Mr. J, L. Cha, of Balem, Inw pur
chased the photograph gallery of A, M,
Brown. Mr. Cham J u first clawt pho
tographer. Htayton Times.
Mrs K. lilwwll, of Mornlngnlde, gave
a live o'clock tea to a few of her lady
frleuds Friday eyeulug. Mrs. W. L.
Loomli, of Tacoma, was umoug the
Fine Prospects for a Successful
Salem will bo aulas'. Repu 'ill
can onthuHlnsm this evening.
Early iu tin day R .public uis and
farmers begun t puir lu from u'l
llitotlont. They wore us hippy, n
thusl.isilo uud hipetul a bind of Ore
gon citi.em ui n ninii would wont to
see. There were no Calamity liowlen
nor Coxeyltes among theni.
A telegram vna received from Port
land that thuMiiltorporK-publieuuolub
of Portland would o mio up oil u speoial
train to arrive at O.UO and pull down
ou the switch to II tol Willametc, with
band and Glee club.
Tho principal orator tills evening will
bo Hon. C. W. Fulton, but nil the state
candidates will bo present and Hpoak,
xcept Mr. Irwin, who is east of tho
nuuiituliiH on u speuklng tour. Tho
Multoipor quartette will bo one of tho
Tho Second Regiment baud wont to
lu afternoon train to meet nud isoort
Mr. Fulton, und those of the state Re
u h lean candidates to the hoto'. Tho
mnd will boln lull uniform and will,
'oguiher with tho Salem Rej ublicuu
club, no to the intersection of Commer
cial and Trade streets to meet the Port
landers when they arrive on their spe
cial truln, which will lm brought down
to that point.
Tho Independence excursloiiifUi will
also lie met by the hand,
' Tho rain has cut down tho possi
bilities of thut purailo.
What's the mutter with tho women?
They turn out to the It'jpublloati mout
Ings by the hundred and to none
other. Tho neurit) of the
ilepubllcuu to the cor-.
The Hlutemont thut the O. A. It. and
Sons of Veterans will scratch Ehlen,
Republican candidate for county o'ork,
is simply a lie. Tlioy will stick to their
principles aud vote their ticket.
Tlin McKiuley club budges were as
thick ou thu streotstod'iy ai flakes lu u
Dakota December.
Tho ralu let the farmers uud laLorers
all come lu to the Republican b'ewjut
ut right.
Red hot, rip-snorting Republican en
thiiitluhiu filled tlieuir of the streets all
'I lie young men of our country nre
no. falling In witli Populism, it Is tho
party of tho gone-to-seed politician?.
"" ' I LI JUL. " 9
women aro
"An old an
ju'vor oxcoll
cl. "Tried
an 1 proven"
o f milliona.
S ' mmona
L . i r Uou
Jat r n tho
only favor
uti 1 Kidnoy
inolioino to
which you
can pin your
faith iCv a
euro. A
mild Kxr
tivo, u n d
jmroly vog
otubltf, nut
ing diroctly
on tho Livur
ft n d Kid-
nova. Try it.
Sold by alt
Druggiata in Liquid, or in Powdar
tobutakondryorinadointoa ti,
The Hlug of Lifer Mctllrlnei.
"I lmva uwt yourrt1inmciuUt rlttvll
lulur unci tun wiiMilenrluutl)' ay II t lit
kliitf (ifitlllivfr iiistciir, I emulUvril
lucfMiie clival III lUcIf -Ufcu, W. JACK"
vox, Taooiua, W lutilugkm.
1 1
U Z Stamp la r4 ou wmiy