Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 30, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    'tux;? - -
' I
D6 Ots a Month by X all
Prepaid In Advance
No Papers sent when
Time Is Out.
$.1.00 a Year.-
Th Journal ba a Xr r OtrJ
ouiauon la Salem and Mmti
County than any Balom Bw
per. Boo oar Uats. HOFXK BMMK
VOL. 7.
NO. 99
1 j Ajl 1 1 Ajj
The NewYork Racket
Is receiving goods of different kinds, almost daily and
keep up a good line of Laces, Lace Curtains, Embroid
eries, Ribbons, Windsor Ties, Teck Ties, Veiling,
Threads, fancy Hairpins, Pocket Knives, A.prons,
Towels, Table Damask, Table Oilcloth, Curtains, La
dies' and Gents' Summer Vests, Gents' Pants, Negli
gee and Whit& Shirts.
They Expect to- Win
Within 48 Hours.
Of excellent quality; cheap Underwear of all kinds,
and our line of THE BROWN SHOE CO Shoes of
Can't be surpassed for quality and the prices are 15 to
25 per cent, below the ordinary. Call and save money
on all lines. ' E. T. BARNES,
Now line Just received. 20 gross of celebrabted
Just received direct from England. Cane poles 60 eacb.
new line of Baby Carriages at very low prices. No trouble
to show
Brooks &, Salisbury.
Mobs Intercepting Movement of
To Protect the Lawmakers from
:-: DO YOU FEEL :-:
The importance of saving a few dollars when you can 1 Very
well, we can save them for you in the purchase of
Bedroom SuiUounge
Or in fact Furniture of any description.
A. Buren & Son., 300 Commercial St
. aw
Call and see them.
NOW is the time to look after your
Plants. Nearly everything needs
spraying now. We have cheap, ef-
' fective spray pumps for ail uses.
103 State street.
J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order.
$16 SP RIN Q SUITS made to order. Also Cleaning, Dye
ing and Repairing. C0MMi3RCiAL street.
St. Paul, April 30. A
iu eesalon In Minneapolis between Debs
and representative commercial bodies
of the two cities, looking to a settle
ment by arbitration of the Great North
ern strike. X)ebs8ald today. "Wo ex
peot to win the fight within 48. hours,"
At Grand Forks, N.- D., a special
train bearing four companies of United'
States troops from Fort Snelliog, ar
rived today. There are 01 men under
command of Major J. A. Peters. Sev
eral missiles were thrown at the train
at St. Cloud, one soldier belm? hit ou
the head with a brick, and another in
the pit of the stomach with a coupling
At Crookston, some one fired a shot
at the engineer. The train brought a
pile driver and two bridge crewa to re
build the burned bridges westof Mlnot.
As soon as thesq are replaced it is be
lieved a train will be sent through to
the coast.
A special from. Hinckley, Minn.,
junction of the Great Northern and
the Eastern Minnesota, say a; "A mob
of 200 hundred is waiting to prevent
any train from going through,"
Arraigned for Contempt.
Pobtland, April 80. Flty-two lead'
era oi tne industrial army were ar
raigned In'the United States court this
afternoon, on a charge of contempt.
Hogan's Men Prisoners.
Helena, April SO. Hogan's army,
numbering three hundred and thirty
men, were brought here on a special
train, by Boldiera from Fort Keogh.
The prisoners were taken to the ft. r
grounds, two miles from the city,
where they and the soldiers made camp
ar1 His Mea in Camp at
Congress Under Guard.
Washington, April 30. Evidences
of preparation for the Coxeyites were
seen about the halls and corridors of
congress today. A double force of of
ficers was on duty. Officers were
stationed at all the entrances of the
capltol. The lobbies were patrolled,
also the halls giving- ingress to the
congressional galleries.
: - .
Our Coxey Lords.
Washington, d. 0., April 30. The
time .of the senate, was occupied today
in spicy colloquies between Hale, Tel
ler and Aldricb, on one side and'Hams
and Voorhees on the other, upon the
question why no better progress is
being made with the tariff bill. '
"I want to Bay here" said Voorhees
in the.most impressive manner, "that
in spite other changes may be made, no
matter what may; bo floatingin the
air, the income tax will stay with this
All Bay tho Boad Was Crowded
with Feoplo to Sco tho Army.
225 Acres; 3,000,000
Trees; 1,000,000 Plants
Have the largest and most complete assortment ot
On tlie North Pacific. Coast.
-We have-
145 different .varieties of Apples, 1G7 of Roses and other stock
. "proportion. Send .for Catalogue.
- QQ
JSettlemier & Son,
:VVoodburn, Oregon.
Kelly in Des Moines.
Des Moines, April 30. Dos Moines
is In a state of Intense excitement over
the arrival of Kelly's industrial army.
The men had marched 27 miles last
night without food, and were held by
the police five miles out of the city "in
a driving rain storm all .day, -with no
provisions or shelter. When met by
the police Kelly was informed he
would have to pass on through Des
Moines to a deserted stove factory,
where ample food and shelter were
provided, This Kelly at first flatly re
fused to do, Baying bis men must be fed
before they marched the additional dis
tance of 1 miles. He finally consented,
however, and the army was kept on
the move until the stove factory was
reached. A woes meeting of laboring
men has been callea for tornorraw,
committees are soliciting food and
money, aud threats are made that, un
less transportation Is secured to Chi
cago, radical steps will be taken.
Sympathise With Kelley.
Des Moines, la., April 30. Bumbrs.
of a general tie-up of all railroads run
ning Into Des Moines, are, rife today.
The labor leaders said today, If Kelley
is not furnished transportation Inside
of four days, the strike prepared by the
leaders ' of the American Railway
Union should be inaugurated.
At Albina, Or.
Portland, April 30. At a late hour
last night the prison-train was moved
down to the Albina coal-bunkers,
where with the river on one side and
a deep lake upon the other, It could be
more easily guarded In case of surprise.
During the evening all sorts of rumors
were rife on the streets, but after mid
night everything was quiet, and scarce
ly a soul was moving on the streets.
Up to a late hour this morning tho
prisoners were sleeping quietly In the
cars, and all wasqulet arouBd. tie Jails.
rj. 8. Trees JUaiy.
Portland, April 30.-Word la re
oelved late tbli afternoon that the
steamer Harvest Queen Is lylntf at
Vancouver with three hundred TJ. H.
troops on board ready to proooeed to
Kalamaata moments notice In tlie
event of trouble with tbo Comwop
wealera at Poyallup, Wash,, A
Northern Pacific special U in readiness
atKalama to convey the troof to
The Goxey Commons.
Camp George Washington.
Briqutwood Park, D. O., April 30.
Although they provided tents in tho
promised land, the commonwcalers did
not find It flowing with honey. While
General Coxey and Marshal Brown
stepped into the hotel, the shabby
tents provided for the accomodation of
the common leaders and privates
swarmed like rats In the commissary
wagons. Many were sleeping without
Juror Sentenced.
Indianapolis, April 30. Juror
Armstrong was, this afternoon, con
victed of the attempt to hang the jury
in the Indianapolis National bank con
spiracy caae, and was sentenced 18
months in prison.
Fatal Landslide.
Quebec, April 30. News comes
from St Albany that a landslide oc
cured at Waterfall. The land is a mile
In length, and with farm houses and
contents was thrown into the river
St. Ann. Ten persons lost their lives.
Pier Precipitated.
BiUHiXOV, Rouraanla, April 30.
While the pier was crowded with peo
ple, awaiting the steamer for Galithe,
on the Danube, the pier gave way, and
threw 120 Into tbo water. Many ate
believed to be drownod.
Ull '
Earthquake Fatalities.
London, April 30. Tho loss of life
by last week's earthquakes In Greece Is
estimated at 400. Thero are 20,000
Tobacco Trust.
Chicago, April 80. Attorney Goner
alMaloney has filed a bill to pro vet t
the tobacco trust from doing busluees
In Illinois.
Mlse Blaine Married.
WApniNOTON. D. O, April 30. In
the presence of immediate personal
friends, Truxton Beale, ex-minister to
Persia, and Harriett Blaine, daughter
of Late Secretary Blaine, were married
at the Blaine residence at 1 o'clock to
day. Miss Blaine and Mr. Beale have
been engaged for some years, but
family sorrows postponed the wedding.
Double Runaway.
A farm team ran down Commercial
street at noon. In front of the Palace
store. They oolllded with a city cart.
One of the granger equutnes mounted
Into the cart, and the cart horse ran
about a block with the frightened ani
mal when all rtopped. No one was
hart. . .
The LatMt.
The latest news from Washington Is,
that Frank F. Toevs does not want the
peetoJBoe, but he wants your track a
meatf. Cheap for cash Is his motto.
Bee him at the Sa'em eaeh market in
the Cottle block.
Tie Xew SpriasT Kas
Are all adorned with roues. The
rcses on your cheek' can be retained by
ulng Pk's Tea, It clears the blood
of laapuretkt, move tho bowels every
day and give health and itrengtb to
the user,
geld by Capital Drugstore.
Washington, D. C. April '80.
Citizen G. S. Coxey, commander-is
chief of the Good Roads army of the
commonweal, standing on his rickety
wagon in the center of Brlghtwood
Driving Park, waiving aloft his alpine
hat to one of the most cosmopolital and
extensive audloncea ever gathered in
Washington, announoed Sunday after
noon that, the greatest march of the
13th' century had been accomplished.
Threo hundred and fifty of miserably
dressed, woebegone, grumbling, otU-at-theelbows
and. run-down-at-tbe-heel
specimens of humanity marched Into
tie park, led by a wheezing apology
f r a band, pltohed tents and stretched
t leinselvea in the sun.
oeneral coxey interviewed.
Tho question whioh has been most
agitated of late was propounded to him
by a reperter:
"What do you intend to do when tho
p illco proveht you from holding your
meeting In the capltol grounds?"
"No one will prevent us," he replied,
and then asked: "Does not the con
stltutlon guarantee the right to
peaceably assemble and petition con
gress?" "But there is a police regulation
passed by congress, whioh forbids per
sous and assemblies on the capltol
grounds, and the police will stop your
army if It attempts to trespass."
"The constitution was written before
any police regulations," replied the
general. "If they come in conflict
with the constitution they am void.
Wo stand squarely upon the constitu
tion; that is our platform."
"How do you Intend to enforce your
"There is but one way; ap
peal to the courts. We will go before
the highest courts In the land, if nec
essary, in the meanwhile we will
wait hero In Washington, If it takes all
summer. If the court refuse us our
right, thqre will be a revolution. I do
not advocate a revolution, nor do I de
sire It, but it will be irresistible, and It
will be tbo greatest revolution of his
tory if the American people 'are only
thoroughly aroused."
The. conversation of Coxey was
broken into by a trumpet call, which
summoned the oholr of the army. Fol
lowing Carl Brown,the oholr of a dozen
privates in the army came out to the
platform. The oholr sang In various
koys, a key to each individual, a par
ody of the revival hymn, "Hold the
Fort." Across the racetraok in front
of tho Improvised platform the grand
stand seats were tilled, with solid rows
of men and women, as on a race day.
Highest of all m Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
&gmf 1 w witter
Twenty-five Cents a Moath; 50 Cents
for 60 Days; $3.00 a Tear.
The only one cent newspaper ob the
Pacific ooast. Circulation has been
quadrupled In lees than one year,
Give It a trial and you will never do
without It. It answers the purpose of
half a dozen weeklies, and does not
cost one-third as much. Try It ever
tho campaign at least.
Associated Press report and stale
capital news a specialty,
Timely, pertinent and Independent
d!scuslon of leading events, mea and
The One Cent Daily Is read by
more people, of all shades ef opinion,
than any other papsr la Ofegea out
side of Portland.
One of the best beaks la Xaglba aad
American literature givatt with the
One Cent Daily every week, ea the
coupoa plas.
Send us a two-bit f4eee la a Mtsr aad
tfu tlLA rig tilth i fa uAftik UiA
vij iifv MB vv asvmn sav epssianie
We believe la the gwatsst pmmMe use
of silver, aad rsesire, Ms ef R 1m tfcls
way, Horn Jtaos., Saw,
. Publlo mea are
principle, or for wow
Sice, Ooverbor Peaaeper eieaeiy he
ejpaaBUB ub1 asPV bbBjbbrBj
The carefully prepared campaign
speech of Governor Pennoyer appears
in a verbatim report in this issue of
The Journal. It bears the marks of
skillful preparation and Is undoubtedly
the best effort of the governor and his
able private secretary, Mr. Munly.
These two gentlemen have taken a
great deal of their time for which poo
pie pay them to construct this great
campaign speech, whioh is to promote
their Individual political fortunes
and will probably take the bulk
of the time they remain In the publlo
service to advance their private endcP
This speeoh Is not tho free thought cf
frank men, but the cunningly studied-
out result of lying awake nights and
thinking In daytime to Booure.popular-
Ity and political power. Thero is no
ouch a thing as devotion to political
principle -or adhesion to a party plat
rorm. 11 is personal politics pure
and simple. It la overt Ponnoyerism
gono to seed.
Tub Journal Is frank to con fees
that Governor Pennoyer has been a
good governor In some respects. The
finances of the Btate have been safely
conducted. No aetual outright stealing
of slate funds has taken place. The
governor's management of tho state
penitentiary has been above reproaoh.
But beyond that very little can bo
claimed Justly to Pennoyer's credit.
It is not our Intention hero to roviow
those parts of the governor's record
open to criticism, and they are perhaps
no more vulnerable than some other
publlo olllclals. With his recreancy to
the Democrctlo party which elected
blm twice by the aid of Republican
votes we have nothing tdo. With
his attacks on Cleveland, Harvey Scott,
Dolpb, Hermann et al. wo bavo noth
ing to do. Those gentlomen will de
fend themselves,
The governor's exhibit of state aud
legislative extravagance is not new,
He renews his recommendations to the
legislature,and of course seeks to show
that all he ever said or advocatod was
wise and right. In theory Pennoyer
has been a reformer. In practice lie
has himself Joined In extravagance and
taken all that was In sight for himself,
as nearly everybody else seems to have
done. He says he recommended tho
abolition of the domestic animal com
mission for service on which he gels
260 a year for doing nothing. If he
bad had theJeffersonlan simplicity and
Jacksoalan honesty to refuse to take
this f 3000 be draws In 8 years for doing
nothing be would be a true
reformer. And so with thousands
of dollars he draws on other
hoards and commissions. He
etearly does sot earn a dollar of this
BAOney' ea the DohmwUo Animal com.
mlssioB which has nothing to do sod
sever Baeets, If he were as hosest re
former he would not draw this money.
Oae act of rsturalug a dollar, thus die
heBsstly aud Illegally squandered by
law, would do asore for the cause of
rsfom tbaa all his long tirades
ataut eeeseaiy. The governor says:
'De aot de as I do but do as I say,"
aad taea be gees ea drawing waoonstl
tutleaal ooiansassttea. While revel
Mb ta his treat wealth rolled up under
the luaiher aad shingle trust, and tak
ing Bear four theuMud dollars a year
for ahout two day's work Iu the week
fir the peejple as sjoycraer, when the
eeaetttaUefi aUews alas only 11500 a
year fornix day's (hsm la the week, he
has the sank to snake pleat for the
m seawe, hm worm wm ooa-l
Baleh'b One Hundred. The tax
payers committee will hold its regular
meeting at the city hall in Gray's
block, Thursday, May 3d, at 2 o'clock
p. in. A good attendance is hoped for.
Lost. Mislaid
where in tho town a man's black
mackintosh which finder Is requested
to lenvoat Ladd & Bush's bank.
San Franoibco, April 80. Wheat
May (1.001; December (1.14.
Chicago, April 03. Cash, GS,; May '
Portland, April 80. Wheat valley
83i85; Walla Walla 75 77,
An Awful Tragedy,
Thousands of lives have been sacri
ficed1 thousands of homes made deso
lalo by tho fatal mistake of the "old
school" physicians, still presided in by
somr, notwithstanding the light
thrown upon tho subject by modern re
search that consumption la incurable.
It Is not. Consumption la a scrofulous
dlscaso of tho lungs, and any remedy
which strikes rleht at the seat of the
complaint must and will euro It. Such
a remedy la Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It la a certain
speoillo for all jscrofula complaints. It
was uover Known to ran 11 given a rair
trial and that Is wh v tho manufkoturem
sell it undor a positive guarantee that
11 it noes not uuueni or euro tne money
paid for It will bo refunded. The only
lung remedy i'.oasossod of such remark
ablu curstlvo properties as to warrant
IU makers In selling Hon trial.
' 1 if i
"As old M
novor excell
ed. "Triod
and proven"
is tho verdict
of millions.
Liver Rogu
jr- " t lator & tho
fPTT'Py9oxiy Livoc
jLJOffOf and Kidney
, modfeina to
( -which y 0 m
can pm your
faith for a,
euro, t A
mild laxa
tivo, aad
puroly veg
etable, act
ing diroctly
on the Liver
and Kid-
nova. Try H.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Fowdor
to bo taken dry or made in to a taa
Tsaajj JbbP 9 JmsI www FBjf""7vaswB(
Itlot anil an eoateleaclouiiy iwy tt U lit
klu of HltllYcrHJoJIeUw, rcwitterH
MfelirinocWtja luoir. Oko. ,h, Jm
, Tscotua, WMfcta loa.
'i sa-avantr rMjsrjUMt-ta
tanaa) X aMaaaWaV Sal 9wJL as
tlnuo. to bo full of people who waat to.
behumbugged.and Governor Pennoyer
will continue to catch suckers' In his
peculiar way. As a cheok upon aa
extravagant state government he has
not been a howling success, to say the
eas .
The governor says the People's party
has no money to spend on' speakers,
etc. But he la himself spending thou
sands of dollars on this campaign. He
Is furnishing his speech stereotyped to
hundreds ot newspapers, costing him
probably not less than $10 for each
paper, Including express charges. His
prlvato secretary, who Is on a salary by
the taxpayers, has his time largely
taken in working the typewriter to
push Pennoyer's personal boom. He
la taking the people's time and the
people's money to make himself Uni
ted Btatea senator and political dictator
of Oregon.
Gen. Compson was in tho city today,
Capt. J. T, Apperaon Is In the city on
Btate fair business.
Hon, Phil Metschan came up from
Portland this morning.
E 0