n M rHE I O'T DAILY ; ADVERTISEKg Th;jjunuil h a XArgw 01. culatlon la Salctu and Hrte Oonnty than anjHSalem nettigm per. Bee ourHsti7HOFKK BKOff l'ublUhers. JOURNAL. - . s i j AJr 1 X AJL SB Cts a TAOTXto. uy -. r?, Papers sent -wtin iTtme io out. $,j.OU n 1 car.. VOL. 7. DAILY .EDITION. SALEM, OREGON, SATD1KDAX, APRIL 8, 1894. DAILY EDITION. NO. 98. 4 "Nothing Kits as His Skiin," Next to that is RASFIELD'S See Samples in the Window. All rew Spring Novelties.- Prices Low. ishing Tackle! :-: New lino just received. 20 gross of celebrabted ALLCOCK FLIES Just received direct from England. Cane polea 5o eacb. Elegant new lino of Baby Carriages at very low prices. No trouble to sbow goods. Brooks & Salisbury. :-: DO YOU rhe importance of saving a few . U --;. well, we can save thein ledroom Or in fact Furniture i. Buren & Son., u . NOW l-PBIITO I Plants. fective Tall ntirl aoo fkm H IT TT"R sew muvi kJVSVS UlWS.a-e .fc. . -w (J RUBINSTEIN, I $16 SP RING SUITS made ag ana repairing. IISSK ESTABLISHED 1863. WW THE WOODBURN NURSERIES! Have the largest and most FRUIT and SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, ROSES, SHRUBS, CLIMBING PLANTS, Etc., On the North Pacific Coast. We have- U5 different varieties of Apples,'l67 of Roses aud other stock in proportion. ,Sentt lor iauuu;uu. Q 0 ' ' J. H. Settlemier & Son, ' Woodburn, Oregon. a Man so Well TAILOR MADE. CLOTHING! FEEL :-: dollars when you can ? Very tor you in tne purcnase 01 Suit Lounge of any description. 300 Commercial St is the time to look after your Nearly everything needs spray pumps for all uses, ("THILL & BURROUGHS, - iua oiaiesireei. -httht-itj a -Njrn rn TTYYR Suits Made to Order. to order. Also Cleaning, Dye- 3og CQMMER0IAL 8TREET. complete assortment of W-DMRACE. Industrials Capture an Engine and Cars. AND GO FLUNG EASTWARD. Leaving Union Pacific Officials - in the Lurch. PROGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL MOVEMENT Great Northern Railway Completely Tied Up. Still Portland, Or., April 28. The "in dustrials seized an engine at Trout dale and started east this forenoon. Portland, Or, A prl 28. Bheffler's army at Troutdale today seized an en t!ine,and attaching it to a freight train, started eastward at 9:42. When a -special train, containing General Manager Dickinson, of the Union Pacific,. Gen eral Superlntendendent Baxter, and other officials, arrived at Troutdale, on tbe way to this city, the indus trials immediately detached their en iriue.and coupling it to tbe train which they seized yesterday, started East, at the rate of forty miles an hour. United States Murabal Grady, who was also on the train, telephoned bis chief deputy here to secure an engine and come to Troutdale for the purpose of conveying himself and the railway officials to Portland. When last heard of tbe industrials bad passed the .Cas cade Locks. JBrlgadlet-GoneraLOtis has ordered troops at Walla Walla to intercept tbe industrial train at Uma tilla, Troops left Walla Walla at. 2 p. m., and should arrive at Umatilla at 4:30. Tbe industrial train Id In charge of the company's engineer, who was forced to remain with the engine. United States Marshal Grady is In pur suit of tbe Industrial train, on a special engine. He Is about one hour and a half behind them. The Coxeylto train is expected to reach Umatilla at 0 o'clock. Portland, Or,, Ariril- 28. Marshal Grady has a warrant for tho arrest of General Bhefller and men. Vancouver, Wn., April 28. Two of the Fort Walla Walla cavalry troops have been ordered to Intercept the cap tured train at Umatilla Junction. If unsuccessful, tbe troops at Boise bar racks will await thn train at Nam pa. Portland, Or. April 28. When last beard from the train had passed' Hood riven. They were proceeding leisurely and handling all tbe IMon Pacific way business. Tho train' is being run by the company's engineer and train men. ! " II At Tacomd and Seattle. Taooma, April 28. Tacoma's branch Coxeyltes started this afternoon for Puyallup, where tbey will meet the Seattle army. The Seattle contingent inarched out of Kent at 5 o'cleck: this morning. Both armies will spend Sunday at Puyallup, where it is thought they will make an effort to capture a train. The California Army. Sacramento, Cal., April 287 Eleven hundred and Blxty men of the California Industrial army, second reg iment, landed at JNew Hope this morn ing, and walked to Walnut Grove. They are headed for Bacramento. Tnree women are In the party. Teams Furnished Kelly Stuart, la- April 28. Kelly's army began its march to Dea Moines today. The cltlzeusdfBtuart were liberal in .hoironntrthnttons. and 41 teams were furnished forthe tranportation of tbe men. Only Olffea sad Hardtack. ii .TOirPHtatiiun. Mdi. Anril 28. Since ThonJay Coxey'a commonweal em have eatin naught save coflee and hardtack. "We rely upon tne puoiic to support this movement" ld Cbxey. for. McKlHley Acts. Coiajxbvb, April 28.-GOV. McKIn ley has idered battery H to prepare to go to Mont Sterling to clear tbe Balti more andOhlo freight train of Calvin's Coxeylte. , CoLuyncd, Ohio, April 28,-Tbe troops arrived at Mount Sterling at 12:10 p. m. At 1 o'clock tboy mounted tbe cars. Galvln's mon scrambled off, and the train moved away. No shots were fired. Holding Oa. Mount Sterling, O., April 28. Galvln's men aro still holding onto tho train.. Hogan's Capture. St. Paul, April 28. The two train's on the Northern Paclfio, delayed by Hogan's tramp train, arrived here. Tbe passengers, say when Hogan reached Forsytbe he sought the station agent, Baying: ''See here. Mr. Agent, I want ' an engine to carry, us on East" "Certainly, Mr. Hogan," the agent replied. "We will do all we can for yon, step right into my office." Hogan followed him and found a deputy marshal waiting for him. A revolver was thrust under his .nose. He yielded, and sat down a prisoner. His men patiently waited on tho' train and presently along came Col. Page's troops. The train was silently sur rounded, and before the Coxeyltes knew what had happened a cordon of soldiers was about them and they were prisoners. ! Seattle, April 28. The northwest ern Industrial army broke camp soveu miles from tho city, and marched through the rain and mud,atong White river valley, towards Meeker Junction, where the 8eattio branch joins the main line of the Northom Paclfio Governor McGraw ordered three Seat tle companies of militia to be ready for the field in heavy marching order at 7 o'clock this, evening, and they are to go to Meeker to prevent tbe seizuro of trains. Oakland, April 28. The Oakland and Sad Francisco detachments of the second regiment, Industrial army, which had been detained here left on the steamer Alylra for a trip up the Sacramento river. Their destination is said tone Newhope, near Sacramento, and it Is doubtless their purpose to en deavor to continue the journey East. The Situation in Oregon. Troutdale, Or., April 28. Tho in dustrial army was quiet oU day on account of the rain. About 5 p. m, they were notified by friends In Port land, by telphone, that a freight train had left, when they made preparations to move and when tbe extra freight arrived the army was all on the track ready to take it. The train pulled up to the station and did Borne switching. Marshal Grady read tho order from tbe court to the army and asked them If they Intended to take this train, and they answered "yos, they were going to Washington." Tbe engineer cut off his engine and pullod out for Bridal Veil, leaving tbe arm? In possession of tbe train. Tbe army is still holding the train but were much chagrined when it dawned on them that they had been fooled. The train was composed of empty cars. Marshal Grady went to Bridal Veil and will there communicate with the department of justice before taking further steps. No attempt was made to dislodge the army last night. The industrial army Is still in pos session of the freight train here and have notified tbe company tbey will not allow auotbor frleght, going east, to pass, but will not Interfere with mall trains. (The East bound passenger train, No. 2, was not molested. Sheriff Kelly and several deputy marshals ar rived to protect property, Vaxjparaiso, Ind April 28-Elghty Valparaiso business men have each subscribed from (2 to $10 to assist bands of comraouwealera if tbey come to Valparaiso. Tacoma, April 28 Gen. "Jumbo" Cantwell announces that the Tacoma contingent of tbe army will move this afternoon after a street parade. At tbe city limits, wagons will be In waiting, be says, to transport the army to Meeker Junction ten miles away, where tbe Seattle army will be met Halt Lake, April 28 A special from Helena to tbe Tribune, says the 830 men captured by uoi. rage are still- held under (military guard. It U understood oBly tbe leaders will be brought to Helena and that the rank and rile will probably be turned loose In mall detachments. The governor looks to ttie federal authorities to take care of the prisoners, Tie ktt Xortbera Tie-up. Bt. aul, April 28. No trains have moved ob the Great Northern today. Tbe tkuD of 4405 miles of track In half a dozen staUal complete. Tbe roads In this city are tMing the Great North- ra track far terminals, and a. allowed to switch with their own crews. President Hill claims to ".have plenty of men ready to work. He said today bo would make no movement uutil he wa? ready to start a train through to tho coast, Oreat Northern Sympathisers. West Superior, Wis., April 28. The employes of the Eastern Minnesota railroad, have gone out In sympathy w'.th the Great Northern strlgera. Track Torn Up. Minneapolis, April S3, The track Is torn up two miles east of Devils Lake, N. D., and the Grand Forks train is held there. Cannot Movo Freight 8t. Cloud, Minn,, April 28. Another attempt to send freight west proved fruitless this afternoon, Alas, to Late. Washington, April 28 Twenty-one private pension bills passed tbe house today. Hepburn, , of .Iowa who has been barrasslng the Democratio side dally for a week, to force action on these pension bills, finally succeeded today, through the aid of Plokler, of South Dakota, who baa been acting with him, aud the bills were passed. The beneficiary of ono of tbe bills, an old lady of 00, totally blind, the widow of a soldier of tho 'war of 1012, haddled since her bill ' was reported from last Friday night's session. When it was read and about to bo placed upon Ita passage, Taylor, of In diana, interrupted by saying: "Never mind, Mr. Speaker, that bill can be laid aside; the old lady Is dead." Breckenridge Appeals. Washington, D. U., April 28. Judge Bradley overruled tho motion for a new trial of the Breckebrldge Pollard suit. Breckenridge'a counsel gave notice of appeal. Another Carpetbagger, Washington, April 28 Tho presi dent has nominated J. Govan, of Ark kuusas.sgout at Tulalip Indian agenoy, Washington; John S. McNeil, Colum bus, Ohto. The Blythe Estate, San Francisco, April 28. A new appraisement Is to be made of the Blythe estate, which the supreme court finally awarded to Florence Blytne Hlckley. The appraisement is neces sary to determine the value of the property whloh passed Into tbe bands of Public Administrator Freese, who was granted letters of administration upon the death of James 0. Pennle, former administrator. Exhausting the Goal supply. Philadelphia, April 28. At tbe end of the first week of tbe coal miners' strike but one mino is pperat ing east of Alleghanies. That mine Is near Oceola and employs one hundred men. Tne supply or coal Is last be coming exhausted. Murderer Hanged. Fayettville, Ark., April 28. Sam uel Vaughn was hanged today for the murder, of John Gage in September, 1891. He bad to be carried to the gal. lows and held up while the noose was adjussed. His neck and windpipe were severed. Officer Killed. OUAnA, April; 28. In a fight with thieves at Missouri Vaf ley, Iowa, today tho city marshal was killed, and two other people were desperately wounded. Henri Oeademaed. Paris, April 28. Anarchtet' Henri was this afternoon convicted and. sen tenced to death. From Oheawa. Mr. Wm. Goodrich had quite a u ar row escape for his life Friday, A young stallion, which he was leading, attacked him and caught him by the left thigh and shook him like a oat would a mouse, until a mB,who beard tbe racket, ran nearly hundred yards and beat the horse off with a club. Mr, Goodrich hi considerably bruised, bat no bones broken. The animal k a vicious brute, but be has sever attacked Mr. G. before. The new MperiBleadest at the school here has sot put in an appearance as yet, and Mr. Dixoa l Mill la charge. There are eely about half as caaay scholars as last year. Thefe was sows Peoples frty speak lug at tbe Ka4ser seated hows last night. Messrs. Weeks, Jory aa4 Mey er, candidates, and Mr. Clark, a blb priyate, spoke oa tbe issues of the day. Lto a small crowd of weows. A yeww man, who should have kaewa better. made bluesl premlaeat la tbe aM enw, by talkls Md staeaplag bis Jeet while tbe nsabew wew a Mm Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 .m&? EXVS ABSOLUTELY PURE thus showing the laok of. good sense. But by the time he gets a little hair on, his face, ho will probably know better. EQUAL . RIGHTS. Extracts from an Address by Rev. Eollins. After reading tho text "Awake, De bora, awake," Rev. Rollins announced as bis subject "the Emancipation of Women" or women In politics. Civilization Implies government, In this country tho voters aro responsible for tho government bo it good or bad. If men In office feather their pests at tho expense of their constituents tbe latter are responsible. Lot them put others in their places. In the earliest times "might made right," tbe strongest was chief. Some ono was king. At length thinking his blood wan bluer than others he talked of his divine right as king. This prin ciple our fathers repudiated iu their struggle with England. Yet this prin ciple of the rule of tho strongest bos and yet dues determine the presont status. Yet these same objectors are willlug to let women bend over a hot stovo to cook their dinners, black that same stovo and do the family washing, torubblng, etc Others urged If women vote tboy should share all of man's re sponsibility, serve on the police force and In the army and navy. But not all men are capable of filling these po sitions, only suob as aro physically fit so women who are fit for places in tbe army or navy wUl find them as easy and agreeable as those they now occupy. Woman Is especially fitted for politi cal life. She is by bature prophetic, .quick to seo, quick to act while man Is slow and conservative. History shows their fitness. Witness Zouoblo, Boadicea, Queen Elizabeth and Vic toria, .the latter's reign the pur est and noblest ever known of womon. Man Is stronger. He pleaded for tho enfranchisement ol women, She has been forced to oboy laws in whose making she has had no voice, this is.'unjust. Holding property in her own right she must pay taxes but can say nothing as tp how the money shall bo spent, this too regard less of tbe tocsin of the Revolution "No taxation without representation," Women are now permitted to study in our schools and universities and, to obtain any. degree their brothers can. Far more girls than boys graduate from our high school. Theso girl students are thoroughly familiar with tho his tory of our nation and loyal to tho heart's core, yet if they present them selves for registration as voters they are refused, though Ignorant foreigners, but a.twelve months here and unable to read the 'ticket they cast, aro ac cepted without hesitation. Bur; some say, there are objections If womon cuter political life they will loose their dellcaoy becomo lowered "soil their wings." Again, In courts of law, when wo men have been accused of crime, judge and Jury talk of giving a "sympathetic verdict" Implying that woman Is no weak she readily yields to temptation, and because she has not strength to resist, she should not bo too strictly held to account "A cancerous libel on women." Woman's present position Is one of helpleskneee. All she can do now to correct abuses Is to beg sos, husband or lover to vote a desired ticket. Borne years ago here la Bakm refined Chris tian womea stood la tbe pouring rains as the cabs et voters cause to (be polls aod tried to Induce (beat to vote a cer tain ticket. Thefe csbm saea depraved debeuefaed,"ala! Is tbe eyes, animal la tbe mouth," brutal throughout, tbey easae to vote while tbe aofale weeaea eeuld only eatreat. Much a eeadltlea is an lueult to woeaea, and through ber, If a wife to him whose Bejae.ehe bean aud who ought iu rightful indiffaatloa reseat It. Woatea are seeded la politics as Mrlflers. Wbta tbey occupy nkvees la lefMMtlye balk tbe peeeeat eorruptloae will eeaee. It is sew asserted that It k te possible to lire a vlrtuoue life In bueiaece aad peMtM. Woawtu's la Jhteeee woaM ebBe this. Bribery Baking lWmlvl In bohalf. of tho liquor Interests with her would meet Its just rebuke. Presont abuses In legislatures can be corrected and tho Ideal stand can be' readied oaly by the infuk,n of new blood Into tho legislature such as womon alone can supply. Beeause o tho nation's needs as well as for her n sake the speaker urged women 6 de mand and attain her divdely be stowed equal rights. - WILLAMET2 NOTE8. Miss -Edith Frlzzell has been out several days this week, occasioned by the sio&ness aud death of her aunt Mrs. E. C. Cross. Rev. F. J, Brown and wife, Mrs. Minnie Cunningham Brown were In the city on a short visit this week, but were too busy to visit at tho school. The rogular semi-term rbetorlcals for the academy students below tho third year occured yesterday afternoon, tbe last for tbe year and possibly the last la the histdry of tho school, as a new plan Is to be adopted noxt year. Tho now catalogue for '01 and '05 goes to print next week. Several ohanges aro to be mado In the work of next year and quite a dlfferonb arrang ment on the whole. Tho new dress Is to be a cardinal cover printed In gold type, The data has been fixed for the gym naslum fvrhlbUlou ductus oouiujwuoo- meut week, It will bo on Tuesday after noon at 3:00 o'clock, The program will be arranged In such a manner as to set forth tho practical work of tho gymna sium, with enough. funny work to make It entortalniug, A business meeting of the joint Chrlstaln associations was held oa Tuesday at 8 p. m. at which a com mittee of six was appointed to get out a hand-book. This will.be the third one put out. Willamette was tho first col lege association of tho colleges of Ore gon to put out suob a book, In 1882 and 1883; tbore wore four put out last, but Willamette is still ahead with a book of general Information and help cou. corning tho school, which would de credit to any school of high grade. It was also added to the bylaws that a regular "Farewell service" would be hold at 8 p. m, each commencement week Sunday. THE MARKETS. San :Fhanoisoo, April 28. Wheat May 1.07; December f 1.131. CuiOAao, April 28. Cash, 67J581; May 68168. Portland, April 28. Wheat valley 83J86; Walla Walla 76 77J. Tho best bread In tho city at Strong's restaurant always, 'ill-L-..'L,I.L.I.III,Wi1 "As old m thohilla"and never oxcell cd. "Tried and proven is tho verdict of millions. Simmons Livor Kogu- Tl """ t ator 3 9 r0TTP'V(K-y Liver AJOPi'Oi and Kidauy raodicina to ( which you can pm your faith for a oure.t A raild laxa tivo, a a d purely vog etablo, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- Tha, n Pills noyB. Try it. Bold by all Druggist i a Ltynid, or In Powder lobutaktfadryornadeiBtoa tcu. "I bars um4 yww Wiiaoni Mvf r Ky tf If ilor nd can coiMliinoniJy wylf l, " luofollllvurKiWiMN,rcoiilckrlljk &toMxhYm7-l&u W. JAV1 , Taotv, Wiwbl Heine, HI OX, aravBMV vACKAam BBBssaBBiSBl sBtt flMsssl easlft MMLBMBkMsaV m 1 -tu -rfl I m m L'M m iHi m w n - ?. m i i ' si '5 ''i j (J HI '(i . PA I P-M m M JSkaAi -iil