Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 16, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    r -j-
, The Joarnftl In b Larger Cl
ruUtlon In (tatcm n4 Kattoft
Conntr tKn ny Salem nrp
TT. Beonr llttn. HOFER BROS
41 raUUbtn.
S& Cts a Ivlonih by featl
Prepaid In Advnnoa
No Papers mnt whin
Time Is Out.
$3.00 a Year.
NO. 87
VOL. 7.
The NewYork Racket
Is receiving goods of different kinds, almost daily and
keep up a good line of Laces, Lace Curtains, Embroid
eries, Ribbons, Wimfcor Ties, Teck Ties, Veiling,
Threads, fancy Hairpins, Pocket Knives, A.prons,
Towels, Table Damask, Table Oilcloth, Curtains, La
dies' and Gents' Sumnu r Vests, Gents' Pants, Negli
gee ad White Shirts.
Of excellent quality; cheap Underwear of all kinds,
and our line of THE BUOWN SHOE CO Shoes of
Can't be surpassed for quality and the prices are 15 to
25 per cent, below tte ordinary. Call and save money
on all lines. E. T. BAKNES.
Fishing Tackle! :-:
New Hue Just received. 20 gross of celebrabted
Just received direct from England. Cane poles Sc each. Elegant
new line of Baby Carriages at very low prices. No trouble to snow
:-: DO YOU FEEL :-:
The importance of saving a few dollars when you can ? Very
well, we can save them for you in the purchase of
A Bedroom SuiUounge
Or in fact Furniture
A. Buren & Son.,
b . I NOW
1 PS J if O I Plants. Nearly everything needs
I I I J I lo S spraving now. We have cheap, ef-
1 I wiw fecti've spray pumps for all uses.
Call and see them. CHURCHILL & B DUsGHS;et
. .irsntin-rr-iRI MERCHANT TAILOR.
J, RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order.
$16 SP RING SUITS made to order. Also Cleaning, Dye
ing and Repairing. m COMMEfM3IAIl 8TREET.
Have the largest and most complete assortment ot
On the North. Pacific Coast.
We have
145 different varieties of Apples, 1G7 of Roses and other stock
" in proportion. Send for Catalogue.
0 Q
J, H. Setttemier & Son,
Woodbtarn, Oregon.
& Salisbury.
of any description.
is the time to look alter your
By the Democratic Committee
on Rales.
In Hakins Up a Quorum for
Washington, April 16. A constitu
tional opinion of great importance was
rendered by Judee Notl of the court of
claims today, to the eflect that the
oresideutcan lawfully approve a bill
after adj .urnment of congress.provtded
therigbt be exercised within the days
allow, d in tte constitution.
Afl-r a stolon of two hours today
the Democratic members of the house
committee on rules agreed on a new
quorum couut'ng rule, and thereupon
sent for Mesrr. Iteed and Burrows, Rr
publicao members of the committee.
It is understood the rules provide for
ascertaining a quorum by counting the
members present and not voting, also
ri ling members who absent thernselvts
from the house. The ntw rule wl 1
probably be presented to the bouse to
Eesumes Other Duties.
Washington, April 16 Represen
tative Breckenridge appeared on the
tl ior of the house of representatives
today f or. the first time since the twgi li
ning of the Follard-Breckenridge trial.
After occupying his seat a few minutes
be left the chamber. He will resume
his congressional duties at once.
His Last Chance.
Washington, April 16. The su
preme court today granted a motion to
advance the case of McKaue, appellant
versus Warden Dusion, ofBlng Sing,
tnd was set for hearing April 23rd.
Populist Leader 111.
Washingtok, April 16. Tue condi
tion of. Congressman Jerry Simpson is
very critical. No callers admitted,
arms and legs ewollen as by dropsy and
aaems approaching vital parts.
Not Expected at Salem Before Tues
day Wight.
Following dispatches announce the
approach of the first detachment of
Coxey's army upon Oregon soil.
Sisson. Cal., April 13. Company A,
Second regiment, Industrial Army,
u inter the leadership of Capt. Charles
E. Kain, passed through Sisson. from
jacramento en route to Portland, Or..
this morniug. They number forty.aod
ill have the uppearauce of beiug work,
ingmen. The railroad furnished a flat
ear fur their transportation.
Ashland, Or., April 14. Company
A of the Industrial army arrived here
last night on a freight train. They
intend to pick up recruits on the way
north, and are golntr through Oregon
and Washington before turniug east.
Inquiry at Southern Pacific offices
today shows that Co. A has proceeded
as far as Rwebunj, but will hot reach
Balem until Tuesday night on the late
freight. Tbey may number one hun
dred by that time. ItiV. Keliaway of i
the Salem Christian Mission has done
much to keep down the numbers of
this element in Salem, though there
are undoubtedly some recruits awaiting
the army here. It is the opinion of
many citizens that arrangements
should te made' to accommodate the
army at this city and enlist all who
want to go on to the front. The men,
If (bey are what tbey are represented
to be, are entitled to decent and hospi
table treatment.
An Opposition Army Beiog Organ
Cumberland. Md April 10. The
army of commonweal will leave Tues
day morning early, in canal boats, for
Hncock. It may be that this r- ute
will be continued to Hagerstown. The
men are being fed extravagantly Well.
Tnls has allayed the feeling of dlscon-
tant. Itris rumored that several scorn
of unemployed are bring organized for
opposition to the march to Washing
ton. They Will Walk.
Omaha. Neb, April 10 Gen, Kel-
ley's Industrial army will walk out to
Council Bloff at 3 o'clock. Kelly was
notified by the Bberltt that the soldiers
must march on.
Mining Trouble.
Birmingham. Ala, April 16. A
po?e of deputy sbuifl wua ut to the
Blue Crek mines to quell any disturb
ances that might arise. Tbs situation
Is regarded serious.
Resolutions Adopted at the Capital
of the Nation.
Washington, April 16. MUs Made
line Pollard is the most talked-of per
son in Washington. Arf might have
been expected with a woman of her
temperament, the long strain of the
trial culminated in a nervous prostra
tion. She was taken to the Providence
hospital, sitnated in a quiet partoftLe
Judge WTilson's defense of the rights
of women to an equal place with man
in the professions was so appreciated
by many of the Washington ladies that
a party of them sent to him a magnifi
cent bnnch of Ia France rcs, which
adorned his parlor today. They were
accompanied by a note stating that
they were Intended as an expression of
appreciation for his championship of
the came of women in the professions.
One of the signers was Mrs. Dan
Waugb, wife of the Indiana congress
man; another was Miss Louise Lowell,
tie stenographer who wrote Colonel
Breckenridge'B love letters while be
was at the capltol, and- another was
Mary Desha, sister of Colonel Brecken
ridge'slate wife. The tribute of Miss
Desha ia significant oMhe feeling of
the relatives of the late Mrs. Brecken
ridge toward the colonel.
t'caroely had the verdict been ren
d red when a meeting of prominent
Wasbirgton women was called. Rp
re.entatives of several leading organite
tiouB met, aud after an Interesting con
ference, adopted resolutions caliii g
upon con cress to consider the qualifi
cations of Representative JSreckenridfce
for membership in that body. S me
of the organizations represented were
the Womau's SuflensgeAEsoeiatiou
aud the Woman's. Christian Tiniper-
ance Union. Mrs. BaraJLaFotrA, cf
me later organization, nuu airs, x.niu
S. Murphy, the widow of the late Gen
eral Murphy, who is arpracticiug law
yer and promineut in) the movement
for the advancement of women, -were
among the leading speakers of the
meeting. The resolutions adopted
were addressed to the house ot repre
sentatives, and readr
"We, as representative women of
Washington, aiming toward the estab
lishment of a higher code of morals aud
against the atrocious double standard
which has curbed society so long, de
clare that we do not believe masculinity
to be a license for uucleanllness, but
hold that the same high standard fi r
women which men demand shall be
required of manhood; therefore be it
'Resolved, That we must have
chastity for chastity, under one rule of
rights, aud bearing as rigidly iu Its ap
plication upon one sex as upon the
other. From this standpoint we tuk
conereaa to consider the case of W.
P. Breckenridge, regarding his conduit
so unbecoming a legislator. Be it
"Resolved, That we, the daughters,
wives and mothers of the common
wealth, express a belief that tyies of
highest maulmod are to be found In
congress; therefore, we ask iu confl
deuce that the bouxe of representatives
shall join in the sentiment of Justice
held by us, und take soma definite
action to Insure tho high character of
our coutry's administration and help
the future national councils to present
a clean unchallenged body of legisla
She Thanks All Those Who Have
Bean Kind to Her.
Nkw York, April 16. A local paper
publishes a note from Madeline Pollard,
in which she says:
"I thank the press of the United
States in general for all that has been
said in ray behalf, and bow clearly I
sen and admit tho justification for
much that has been said against me. I
siould like to say how deeply grateful
I-am for the kind letters which have
come to me aud to my counsels from
all parts of the United States during
the terrible ordeal through which I
have rassed. If the future holds any
thing for ma it cannot be in the di
rection of publicity aud sensation. If
my untrained literary ambition la to
receive any reward of justification, it
mutt come with labor aud patience. I
have no idea of going on the stage or
'e lure platform, or otherwise acquaint'
lng the publlo with my unfortunate
career. I have leen applied to for var
ious publishers to edit a report of the
trial, -but T have not brought myself to
thluk that this hr.uld be a wise step,
aud if I should take it, it will only be
btcauve I believe myself able in a good
erne to joint out the moral of uiy mi-
RUlded life, and to awaken jood sent!
uieHts In the publlo rather than to keep
alive bad aentimiHtis."
Oheitt seed ouW now on sale at Brew
ter& White'.
Benton County Scandal in
Prosxess of tho Trial Will Bo
Closely Watched.
special to the Journal.
Corvaxuf. Or., April 16 The case
of the state vs. J. M. Applewhite and
Luclnda A. Kenyon, came on for bear
ing Saturday, and upon motion of the
state the indictment was dismissed as
to defend Mrs. Kenyon, and a motion
to set aside the indictment on a legal
technicality interposed by Dr. Apple
white's attorneys, Messrs. Bryson, Bur
nett and Nash. Seymonr W. Condon,
district attorney appearing for the
state. The dismiss! of the indictment
as to Mrs. Kenyon, confirms the cur
rent statement that she has turned
state's evidence before- the grand
jury. She is said to have dis
closed her relations with do
fendent Applewhite. Dr. Applewhite
has numerous frieuds who will stand
by him until bis guilt is established by
trial. The woman has no sympathy
for haviug betrayed confidence.
Able and lengthy arguments were
made both pro and con the motion to
set aside the indictment, but .the de-
islon of Judge Fullerton has not yet
een rendered.
Defeudaul Applewhite's attorneys
will probably attempt to get this case
continued until next term, but it will
be pressed to trial unless a good show
iug is made for a continuance.
The Oregra Pacific Railroad Paying
More Than Expenses.
Special to Thk Jourm A.L:
Corvallis, April 16 Charles C.
Clark, receiver of the Oregon Piclflc,
filed bis petition Saturday afternoon,
asking the court for an order authoriz
ing him to pay bis employes iu full
their March salaries, amounting to
$!,( r 27, an additional sum already
paid thereon by him. Mr. Clark says
he is able to meet his pay roll and has
over $100 remaining, This is tho third
month's administration of Mr. Clark
that be has met his pay roll. His
receivership is giving entire satisfac
tion. Circuit court will probably adjourn
tomorrow until about Jane 4th when
the Oregon Puclfio sale,if made, is to bo
confirmed. Execution has not yet
issued, however, and will not until
money Is p'aced into the bands cf
8herlff Osborn to pay fees. Plalntlfi
will probably ask the court to direct
the receiver to do this before It ad
Great Northern Strike.
St. Paul, Minn., April 16. Vice
President Howard, of the American
railway union, says the strike on the
Great Northern will not be extended
to this end of the line for a day or two.
The strike is considered a fight for ex
istence on the part of the brotherhoods,
for if defeated it will be dominated by
the American railway union.
The Only Woman.
FortSoott, Kansas, April 10. An
expert investigation of the books of
City Treasurer Mrs. F. It. Pullleni, the
only female city treasurer in the stale,
makes it appear she ia $1300 short in
her accounts. It is not thought
she has been dishonest, but that tho
shortage is due to some one having
obtained money by illegal means.
Chris Evans' Partner.
Fresno, Cal.. April 10. Ed Morrell,
Chris Evans partner, was this morulng
sentenced to life Imprisonment at Fol-
Judge Webb baa fixed the ball of
Heath, the alleged murderer of Mo-
Wbirter, at twenty thousand dollars,
Walte Wins Once More.
Denver, Col. Tho supremo court
granted a writ of ouster, in the Fire
and Police board controversy, ordering
the old board to vacate at noon to
morrow. This is a complete victory
for Governor Walte.
The American people are getting a
whole lot of bard hut wholesome Infor
mation about the code of morula in
modern society as well a the relations
of men to woment One of Col. Brock
eurldgti's epigrams 1st "What destroys
a girl only .injures a man." Maybe,
but sometime the Injured man U
destroyed by the destroyed girl. We
hope It will tw so in bis case.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U, S. Gov't Report
A. N. Gilbert and wife started for the
Midwinter fair last night,
Sherifi Knight took in the Republi
can rally at Jefierson Saturday even
ing. Hon. A. Bush started this afternoon
for Astoria to attend the Democratic
state convention.
Geo. P. Rfdolph, the ex priest re
turned this morning from Oregon City,
and will deliver auother lecture this
erenlug at Reed's opera house.
Quite a number of prominent Demo
crats started today for the ; Astoria con
vention, but the town Is not depopu
lated, as It was during the late Repub
lican convention.
Independence West Side: Messrs.
Presoott and Veness have the coutract
for supplying the S. P. R. R, with 10,
000 rllroal ties, which they are deliv
ering at the dep it. They are thus en
abled to keep quite a uumber of men
employed iu the saw mill, although
they took the contract at very close
fl. urea.
The ladles of the First Congrega
tional churh will give a Chicken pie
soc'al Friday evening Irom S to i
o'clock. Admission of chicken 25 cents.
The AumsUUo picnic party return
ed Sunday at -t a. m. ...Mrs. V. W
Culver has arrived homo from S.iu
Francisco, wherushe pissed the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. O.E. HutT.
Rev. Royal, of Brooks, preached at Ba
liui Sunday The milliners a'nd
dressmakers want ft llttlo more sun
shine, Rvv. II L. Barclay continues
to Improve.--..Win. Brown, the hop
buyer, has tukeu Iu a psrtuer while he
U In theuouutry. It Is Mrs. Brown,
.... Deeds of durknoij ami corruption,
by the ex-Priest Hudolph tonight. Fcr
men only The newstands have
some grott political o rtoons these days.
Coxey'a army, the tar III egg, and otliur
sul Jects are donejustlce to iu Puck and
the Judge, Silas Howard Is culti
vating a farm ior vegetables for the
Salem market Judge R P. BoIm'Ib
home from holding political mentlngs
In Polk couutv. Ho Is supporting the
Peoples'a party this jear..S. ('.Reed
Is at Portland today on business.....
Mabel Biker, of Tacoma, Is tho guest
ot her friend, Miss May Barnes.....
Pull Fretz, deputy assessor, has begun
work on the additions about Salem
Miss Ey Meyers, who has been the
guest of her cousin, Miss A. F. Jeffreys,
returned to Solo this inornlpg..,JUJrof,
Parvlu and all the stars of Willamette
conservatory of muslo will take part In
the cantata "Ruth" Tuesday evening
at the chapel. N, J. Damon, the
grocer, not tho oue that looks like
Cleveland, has rented the residence ou
State street, next to E. M. Walto's, and
is moving Iu today,... -L, II. MoMa
h in, seore'ary of the Populist executive
committee, tx.wcts tt establish a new
Peoples' party paper t Bilo.ii soon,
....Miss Ada Ilrejmun went down to
Oregon City thU afternoon. Thos.
Kay Is at Portland on bunlnuNi today,
Lydell Baker, clerk of the railroad
coinmlwlou w.& In the city today.....
Marriage license were Itwued Saturday
to Miss Kllsn Klnseraud J. II. Brewer,
Mlts Marguerite Daniels and Cheelry
J. Bentiy, todiy to Miss Buena V.
Soell und R, F. Williams.. ...Tho far.
mer CrHgbtou, who struck Amos
Strong over the head with an umbrella
the other day, has paid his fine,
"Your Money or Tfonr Life."
Such a demaud at the mouth of a
"six sbootur," sets a man thinking
pretty Mvelj I With a little more think
lug, thero would be loss sutierlng.
Think of the terrible resulUof neg
lected consumption, which might
easily be averted by the timely tine of
Nature's Great Specific? Ht. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery,
Cotituuiptlou which 1; lung scrofula,
is u oountllutlonal dlaease, und require
Jut such a thorough aud effectual
constitutional remedy 1 Taken Iu time
before the lung tleaue are wasted, It is
guurauUtxl a radical cure, Equally
certain In all scrofulous allectluus aud
blood disorders. Largo bottles, oue
dollar, of any druggist.
Not only the whole country, bat th
whole Democratlo party seems to ba
going Republican.
Cleveland eeems to bo all that la left
of the Democratlo party.
Tho Democracy has not only adopted
Republican finauclal ideas and Reed's
rules iu congress, but the Democratlo
leaders In the senate are making a fight
for a protective tariff.
Nothing remains to complete the Job
bnt to elect Reed speaker or tho Lous
and adopt the McKlnley bill.
Special Examination of Law Students.
Uponthopetlllouof271aw studetits
of the Uulversity of Oregon the Su
premo court has fixed Thursday, May
SI, 1S94, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the court
room in the capital as the time and
place for examination of the petitioners
and such other qualified applicants for
idmlssion to the bar as may then pit
sut theuiselvea as to their proficiency
iu knowledge of the law.
A Resolutions.
Following was adopted by tho state
convention of the Y. W. C A. held at
Resolved, that we express our high
appreciation of the preseuce of our by
loved coast necretary, Miss Reeder.
Resolved, that wo haye heard with
great pleasure the earnest addresses of
Mrs. J. A. Dutumett, Miss Brooks,
Miss DeForest and others.
Resolved, that we kindly remember
the people of Salem for their kindness
lu planing our pleasant entertainment.
Resolved, that wo express our thanks
to the Y. W. C. A. nf the Willamette
university Tor preparing the delightful
b inquet enjoyed by us.
Ruttolved, that our thanks be express
ed to the press of Salem tor reporting
our proceeelugs.
Resolved, that our thanks bo glveu
the tratiBporatlou companies for fuvoi
received by those attending this eeaslou
of our aumial convention.
Resolved, that copies of thwo resolu
tions bo prcsouted to the Oregon States
man, Evknino Journal for.publlca.
Wells Fargo's Express Box Robbd
of Treasure
Anoel's Camp, Cal., April 16. Tho
dowu stage from Angel's Camp to Mil
ton,was robbed this morning by masked
highwaymen at San Crossetts, about
three miles from town. Wells Fargo &
Co'a Iron box was broken open and
contents takeu. It U supposed to havo
coutulnod a large amount of treasure.
Passengers aud mall pouches were un
molested. German Parliament.
Berlin, April 10. The Relobstag to
day definitely adopted a motion to re
peal tho Anti-Jesuit laws.
mi.'1'H-IUl-JJilBX.JILLH .LXllU'l.
"As old as
tho hills" and
never oxcoll
cl. "Trial
nnd proven"
is tho vonltct
of millions.
Livor Rogu-
rPTTPy9,my Livor
JLJOPfC ftu,l Kidnoy
modicino to
which you
can pin your
rl747 ouro. A
X fJUfi mild l.ix.v
tivo, and
purely veg
etable, aot
yv lng directly
A C on tho Liver
A ftd ftnd Kid.
nova, Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Po 1
to bo takon dry or made into . im.
Tb Kins etlAitr MxHIor
h.lllttM i)llAl ll
Utx, Tucoui. Wawlagluo,
" I liars uod jrourHlnimpm I J vr (tt u
I alar ana mo eoiUSIcMjilouitly wjll 1 u '
(tn ofalllivwr iiieiiWjief, I soa,Mr H
mJiiiiiiMtiu iuS?.-um. Y. 4ai
fEas t! X BUup Ia t4 ou ruyy