Sg;iSM,Mfer . -5B5 iiiiiiiiiwifwategawsaaiBSsa i ..aiaamMM min S3f l:'Jtr:WJ"''4fil '' I I .VL m i m SPRING xs Swiss Feather-Weight Sailors Only 50 cents at Mrs. S. C. Reed's. Children's Trimmed Sailors Only 25 cents at Mrs.S. Reed's.. Ladies Pretty Trimmed flats Only $l.oo at Mrs. 5, C. Reed's. Children's Pretty Trimmed Hats from 50c to 5)1.oo at Mrs SC Reed's Chicago Sailor Hats, Assorted Colors, for. 19 cents at MRS.S.C, REED'S LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR TO close out at from 25cts to $1.00 oach garment; ' ' worth three times the price at MRS.' S. O, REED'S. LADIES' MUSLIN and CAMBRIC Night Gowns, worth from $1.50 to 3.00, will close them out for from 50cts to $1.00 .at . . MRS. S, C,:REED'S. Parlor Stand::- From $1 to $25 at -Keller & Sods Our $3 60 stand' is a beauty. EL J. Ii. MITCHELL & CO., ; axt rtrnnzr UATwivr r .itv m LOCAL CALENDER. April 17, Tuesday, Marion county Horticultural Bocloty. May 4. FridayRepublican county convention at Dallas. Bkautiful Balesi, At a meeting of tbo Balein board of trade at the Willamette parlors yesterday afternoon tbo lata addition of 5000 illustrated pamphlets of the city, recently pub llshed by tuo E. M. Vulto company, WA? accepted and ordered paid. This Is, by the way, a beautiful work of art, and a credit to the city. Buch adver tising will bo read and treasured by ull who rooelvo It, Arrangonionts have boon made to dlnpoio of tlio books at 10 cents aplooo or (8,09 per hundred, which Is actual cost. They can be had by applying to A. I. Wagner, tho secre tory. o . Tub New Fashion. A Cottngo Grove Leader man Bays that these iiw fangled double deoked shoulders that tho ladles are wearing makes It Itnpos nlble for a near-sighted man to know "whether ho Is trusting a woman or a load of hay. If the craza continues, norno of our narrow-guago walks will have to tako tho middle of tho road. Famous Pictures, Cherrlugton Bros, are now making their best pic tures at special prices, tho Y, W. O. A. tumu, uunnimnuuiuBi POPULAR APPROVAL fx' towards catubHshlnff tho of a uuBinetw uouso in the aMMJMuimy. and the (rood-will aud . wver w lmve boon Bhown Indicate that tkom who havo dealt with us jvw m eminently sati&fled vrith iwt,I mm ofiVrlng my entire m3Ti -NRKiUFH ALBUMS at coax. I I m Commercial St, 'STd'tgKC MILLINERY ! Tjib Road Convention. There Is In sesalou at the court house this after noon tbo third convvntlon In the Inter est of Improved rondo In Marlon coun ty. These meetings have been the source of much good for future roud improvement. The subscription list circulated by tbo committee for eleven iplles of Btone or gravel road has .been liberally slgued, nearly 100 ottlzens having pledged themselves to pay (5.00 per mile. Others have slgued more, mill not a fpw will sign smaller amounts. Willi tho aid of the county It Is expect ed that the (10.03 per tulle can b reached. A Outincj. It Is stated by the managers of tho Btoamor Altona that they havo decided to make regular Sunday trips between this city, and ndopondence, for the purpose of giv ing the peoplo,espeoially those confined to business through the week, an out ing, or pleasuro-rlde. It Is assured that thbse who ayall themselves of these Opportunities will receive contin uous attention by tho officers of that boat. Road Taxes. Salem proposes to have her road taxes this year. To that end W. A. Moores Is engaged In mak ing a copy of tho city tax roll from the assessment book ou II lo In tho coun'y olork's office. This will bo used by the city engineer and street commlasouor, W. J. Culver, lu making his collection of road taxes. Guardian Awointed. J. W. Har ritt has been appointed guardian of Doll F. aud' Frank II. Harrltt, minors, agod 10 aud 13 years' respectively. Each of these children has property valued at (333. In Hulk. Catsup of the most deli cious flavor, and highest grado. Bring your pall aud try a quart for 25 couta. Save tho prloo of packing and bottle, aud get n belter artlolo. Jo, Clark. Av Last, Tho loug expected ship ment of shoes, Including the newest styles and beat makes, has arrived at The Palace. Tho low prices will as tonish you. Call and see. ' .1., i Tiik A. P. A. It may make some pooplo look pale, but compared with balem steam laundry linen, they would sUll paw for Beuegambtaus, ' ' ' a .I. Wood, Wood. The Balem Improve ment company is supplylug hundreds of families with their superior fuel, at the lowest prices. Come hear a talk about "A Bquaro Man)" by J. A. Dumtuett, at the Y. M, O. A. hall, at 4 o'clock Sunday, April 15th. Don't forget that Strong's reatauraut serves tho best meals lu the city. The freshest dalutlea always on their bill of fare, ill mnmwm ... p .n i...i i, m Peculiar to Itself. tit Atttlitniitlv AiiiWiu.riil Iiar 1 faml'ii Barsapanlla boeo that many leatflugclt sens from all over tho United States fur nish testimonials o cures which seem almost miraculous. Hood's Baruim rilla Is not au accident, but the ripe rnil i nfliiiliiHlrv mid atudv. It iMWseoa- w merit "peculiar to Itself." lllKKl'tt 1'IIIS cure uhuovu, biub ueu- ache, ludlfiwitiou, bHlloaea, Bold by rv . aiil-l.u- ...-...... ..I.L !... I FOR JUNE RAOEa. Tho Salem Horeemen's Association rushing for That End. The Oregon breeding and speed 'asso ciation held their regularannual meet ing in Balem yesterday and the follow ing officers were elected for the coming year: Geo,; Collins, president; W.J. Irwin, vice president, Jap Mlnto, sec retary;!!. B. Lamport, treasurer; W. Claggett,E. S. Lamport, Geo. Williams and F. N. Derby, directors. An assessment of (2 50 per share of stock was levied for tbo purpose or pay ing up a few claims that were not allowed last year and a committee con sisting of Messrs. Collins, Claggett and Mlnto was appointed to collect the as sessment. A committee was appointed to confer with the Independence association as t dolts, and will report to a meeting to be held next Monday. u. j ' i At Aurora. There was a largo assemblage of Aurora people Friday to witness Ibe closing exercises of tbo publio schools. A plcnio dinner was served in the large room of the primary .department from tho well filled basket? of the good wo man of this town, who are justly fomed for being cooks par excellence. All declared tbat uch a dinner was never served before, ' aud there was en ugh left to fill the vacuum in several Goxey's armies If they had happened along. After dinner Prof. Barr, Mr. C tie of the Board, and Mr. Day of the Wood burn Independent, delivered ad dresses to the assemblage. E. Hofer d Ilvered an educational address at the o use. Prof. C. W. Barr principal, and Miss Birdie Cole ussistant, have been conducting a largo and successful school, teaching some of the soieuces besides the regular English brauches. Chris. Cole and Fred Will received diplomas, the.firritever Issued from the Aurora graded schools. They are also the first graduates In Marlon couuty nnder the pjmpleto system of graded schools in troduced and established ull over the county by County Superintendent Grubam, Tho present school bqard are Curls. Zimmerman ohatTmau, J. P. Cole and Honty Kraus. In tho evening the Aurora Republi can club bold its second regular' meet ing. Mr. Btophen Smith, as president, presided. This Republican stronghold shows signs of glvlug an Inoreased majority for the wholo county and state ticket. There, will bo some inde pendent voting as usual, but few men are going to throw away any votes on side Issues. The restoration of pros perity and economlo reform in state af fairs. Tho od homo of Jobu Knight and Loronz Eblon, the two leaders on tbo Republican county tickot, will make itself felt in tho June election. Resolutions of Respact. At a meeting of the Insurance under writers of Salem, held at tbo office of I, the Statu Iusuranco company ou April 12th, 1804, a committee of five was ap pointed to draft suitable resolutions on tho death of George M, Beeler to be presented to his family, and a copy to bo published In each of the dally papers. Tho committee adopted the follow fellow follew ing: - Be It resolved, That in the death of George M. Beeler, who died on the evoolug of April 10th, 1804,thore passed away a member of our fraternity,, who ou account of his sterling qualities, had our entire respeot nnd esteem, as woll as our admiration for his ability as an underwriter. Ho was a man of unusual merit; large hearted and generous; a good citizen; a faithful husband; a tendor-hearted, father, and was houored by his follow moil. Wo, his fellow-members of his chosen profession, shall miss his genial face from our midst, and wo hereby tender ourslncerestaud warmest sympathy to his faithful and loving wire and family in their bereavement. H. W. Cottle, John Q. Bozoth. John G. Wkiout, J3v P. 8ialdino, U. D. Gauhikuson, Committee. Ploasure Ride. Steamor Altona will make two round trips between Balem and Independence Buuday, April 15, leaving Balem at 2 p. in, and 6:30 p. m., leaving Inde peudouce at 1 p. nu and 4:80 p. m. Thcae trlpa wlU uot be made ir weather is stormy . Round trip 60 cent?. Tax Extknbion. Tho couuty court of Multnomah county la, considering whother or not It can extend the time of paylug taxes. ' It Is claimed by some that this power is lodged with the herltr. and that ho may at any time after the first Monday lu April return all taxes not then paid as ttoliuqueut. Tho county oJtirt boa referred tho ques tion to eouuscl who win tuorouguiy examine the question and report Boon. It is understood the time will be ex tended for some time by the court in cate it has the power. i m i University Ohavki The enter tainment Tuesday evening, at the Uni versity chapel will consist wholly of vocal wuslo with pnjhestra. It will do the moat lutereattug of auy local euter talumeut of the season. Come and see Dr. Epley and Earl Sharp represent David aud UoUnth.Tlta cantata of Ruth is well rehearsed, and the parts will be exceptionally ealertalnlug. IK THE 800IAL REALM. BIRTHDAY 8URPKI8K. Tuesday April 10 was the eigl teenlh birthday of Miss Nellie Bell. Qnlte a number of her many friends gathered at her pleasant home on Falom Prairie and made tho evening paes very enjoyably to her as well as all present. The aflulr pioved a genuine surprise. At the usual hour lefresh ments were served and were dhcussed with a hearty good will. At a late hour the guests departed for their several homes. Mr. John All wood, fn behalf of tl e young m.-n present, spoke a few very appropriate Words thanking Mr. and Mrs. Bell for the kind hospitality shown a", and wishing Miss Nellie many b ppy re turns of the day In the future Thise p'eseutwere: Miss Fannie Bell, Miss Irma Moulding, Miss L ura Jack, Miis Florence Bell, Miss Orpha . Jack, MlBsNellle Bell, Miss Anna Partcb, Miss Bessie Gesner, Miss Pearl Partch, Miss Maud DuBoIse, Miss Myrtle Du Bo1sp,.MIss Eoiir.a Pickens, Miss Jesble Gesner, Miss Vira Hall. Messrs, Dave Miller, John Allwood, Ethelbert Miller, Ben Miller, Morris Mpgeson, John Miljer, Chas. Homer, Smith Miller, John Techenberg, Dave Grlger, Clarence Beaver, Frlsby Mauldlng, John Hosteler, John Bowerman, Ullsls Gesner, Frank Gesner, Charles Rams den, Lee Weaver, Claude Jack, John Hirley, Earnest Partcb, Claude M. Buster. THE CANTATA. A most unique and pleading enter tainment was glveu last evening at Cbannlng ha)l. The first part of the program consisted of piano and vocal H0I03 by Mrs. W. A. Djnton's pupils, who did admirably well and reflected great credit on her. The second part of tho program was a beautiful cantata, entitled "Grandpa's birthday." The cantata was exceedingly good, every thing dovo-talllng together as natural us- life. The characters were imperson ated in perfect style, and Miss Ama Strong played little Maud as good and as perfect as any one could. She spoke her words clear and distinct and with much feeling, and her little solo called forth great applause. George Bun sung bis little solo with much feeling and effect. Miss Grade Rlneman, as Muy, was very winning and played her part well. In fact all the characters were well taken and it would be an exceedingly difficult mat ter to find a mure talented and better trained company. Much credit la.due Mrs. Denton and Carl Denton for .their untiring work iu training and bring ing out tho Cantata in so perfect a manner. The entertainrnen. wes given lor mo ueueut or ine onurcn. There is a .detmnd to havo the enter taiument reproduced. w. . c. SOCIAJL, There will be a social, followed by dancing, at tho Grand Army hall, Monday evening, April 10. Following lithe pregram: ....Prof. MoLymaa'g Orchestra - Miss Edna Knlgbt Ulsi MoleCartir ,.-11 ru. I.lnn and Mitt Waun ....-... Mr. Dei Dlniimora ... Harmonica and Guitar Vocal Holo.. Recitation.. Vocal-Duot. Recitation.. Music Vocal Dnet. Vocal Hole. ddreu .. rror. McLym&n . . mimpm Davis' and Brown HI km Mattle EouthwlOk r. Ji iioier NoTiOB.-r-The publio Is hereby noti fied that Mrs. Geo. M. Beeler has been appointed agent at Balem, Oregon, for tho Guardian Insurance Company and 8un Insurance Office of London and will continue under the firm name of Goo, M. Beeler & Co. and act as their successor. W. H. Rymond, special agent. Tho Home Boat. Tho home boat Ehrood arrives up Sunday aud Wednesday; leaves from Corvallls down Tuesday, and Saturday for Portland; built for 'Salem route; patronizes Balem merchants; rats always reasonable. F. J. Smith, agent. Wharf foot of State street. 1 ' Low Steamer Bates. Parties intendlnglvisttin'g the Mid winter Fair should patronize the Union Pacific Steamers, as this Company has placed In effect from Portland the low rate of (22.00 to San Francisco and re turn, which Includes meals aud berth. Full particulars cau be obtained by ad dressing W. H. Hurlburt, A. O. P. A.. Union Paoltlo System, Portland. 1-20-tf DIKD. DOWNING. At Sublimity, April, 10 180l,fromoonsumpilon, Frank Down, lug, aged about 22 j ears. Deceased. wa a sou of Alex Down ing and a uephew of Hon. Geo. B. Downing of this city. His remains were given burial at Staytou on Thurs day, A youuger brother of deceased, James, is lying at the point of death from the same ailment. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, DPRICE'S Gnssm We only Jjue Cream of TvUr Powdcr.-No Ammonia; No Alnm. U In Millions of Honwi-40 Vm the Standasd OHUROH SERVICES TOMORROW SOUTH BALEM M. E. , Morning ervicts: Babtlsuial, rec ceptlou of memlters Into fu'l lonreution and c.minunlOii. In the evei lnj, ser ser eon: "L t pitching his teut toward Sodom." You re lnvlie 1 to he present. J. M. Sbulse, 1 a-tor. PKNITENTlAtV. . Rov. J. M. Sbulse will conduct the services at 2:30 p. m. UNITY CHUKCII. No morning service. Evening ser- ce at 7:30. In the absence of the pas toi Mrs. Olive S. England will Bpeak on "The GmIs 'and Mythology of Scandinavia an i Germany." FBEK METHOD! 8T. Bishop W. T. Hogg, of the Free Methodist chuicb, will preach In the F. M. church Tuesday evening, April 16th. at 7.30. The BIsop is sti'l professor in Greenville college MINISTERIAL. A minister's meeting will be held on next Monday, at 10 30 a. m., at the Y. M. C. A parlors, when Rev. J. C. Templetonvwlll read a paper on "Tl e Immortality of the Soul." INDEPENDENT EVANGELICAL. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. ana 7:30 p. m, tomorrow at the W. C. T. U. rooms on Court street. Sunday school at 12. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. J; Bowersox, paitor.- minister's meptino. Association meets next. Monday at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. C. Templeton will read a paper on "The Immortality of tho Soul." ' EVANGEL jCAL GERMAN, Corner of Center and Liberty. Ser vices as usual. Preaching at .11 a. m. aud 8 p. m. Sunday school ut 10 a. m. Y P. A. at 71 p. m. All Germm peple are cordially invited. A. A. E igelbart, pastor. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Services tomorrow for preaching, the pastor being iu the pulpit, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:3) p. m. Sunday school at 11:50, and Christian Eadeavor meeting at 6:15. Mid-week service at 7:30 Thursday eveuing. CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN. A communion service at 10:30 a. rr., a' o an opportunity for persons to join th church. 8unday school at 11:45 a. m. Junior Eadeavor at 3, Y. P. S. V. E. at 6:30 and preaching at 7:30 p. ir. J. C. Templeton, pastor. EVANGELICAL TABERNACLE. First quarterly meeting of Ewt Sa lem mission will bo held at the Tabcr uuolo today and tomorrow Preaching th's (Saturday) evening at 7:30. Com mmlon services tomorrow at 10:30 a. at and preaching at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath to 100I at 3 p. m. J. B. Fisher, pastor. CHRISTIAN WORKERS MISSION. Grange hall, 128 State street. Sun day services: Morning prayer meetinf, 7:30. Afternoon prayer meeting, 2:30. Preaching at 3, subject: "Discemii g tho Approach of the Second Advent.' Evening 7:30, "Ruth's blessed resolve. ' Rey. W. Kellaway, preacher. AH are Invited. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services at the usual hour tomorrow. At 10:30 a. m. the pastor will preach a sermou to tbe'young women. Preach iiga'soat 8.30 p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m. Y. P. B.C. E. at 0:30 p. m. The Song 8eryico has been postponed until Sun day night April 22nd. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL. The Rev. Lawrence Sinclair will preach on 8unday at 10:30 u. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Morning sulject: "The E-ryptlau Ovor Throw." Evening: '.'The words of Christ." Holy com munion at morning service. Sunday school at 12 m. Service and sermon on TburBdayat7:30 p. m. i'RE-BYTEKIAN. M jrulng sarvlce at 10:30. By request of the Y. W. C. A. the sermon will be aldressed to young women. Evening service at 7:30. "Mui's P.-esent State, by Science so called, True Science and tho Rlble,"belnir. tho second of the series ot tnree. Sunday school at 12. Y. P. a C. E. at 6:15. HURPBiau. The pupils of Mies Smith, a popular Estst Bilem teacher, tendered her a happy surprise last evening, at her home in Highland. and nervous your wife Is, and you kaow that Cartor's Iron Mil will relieve her. now why w. ww m., nvvMV ,. u4 WU MOr M UUX? ., .... nMv.a ..vMn, ucMuui naq sieen ff -n.a w.hi?.ha cowhand and feet, cni,t fw and act like a well rereon. Carter's Iron P1IU equalise the circulation, remove nervous. nets, and give strength and reaU A min'i vvlfa iIiahI.I Bit.-.- ft,., ii r,iv. r.:v h..r".rr.vr. ;.,"onr.e. rvvHHW .v..v Mu.-nim, uut UI(10UWCKiUa Mi.thi..,ir.Uw-JSB,.,J?.",",nt ayibVtool " """ uunM A COOKING sA ftffiRis iBafoafd TERUa5J)iW1 W:LmMtiifi iMj' . fffi Prepared and guaranteed by tho Decidedly superior u unpreijuivu miu. u. LITTLE LOCALS. John D Wallace, a native of Scot land, yesterday declared his intentions. to become a citizen Prof. t;napmau gave his lecture on th "English Drama" at the Y. M. O. A. hall last evening. He also speaks tonight ' Woodburn Independent: Art Guiss came down from Salem Friday after noon for a few days visit at home Salem people subscribed over $2,000 for roid improvement on Saturday Mrs. E. F. Osburn, Miss Helen aud little Miss Margaret are home from Corvallls Mr. and Mrs. Web. H ilmes went to Portland yesterday, whence Marlou county's Democratic chairman goes to the Astoria conven tion 500DOOODOOO' "Many diseases arise from one cause blood impurity. Beecham's Pills (Tasteless) Purify the blood and, thus, go to' tiie root I of many maladies. 35 cents a box. REEVES K Building Material AND WOOD, BAND, GRAVEL Lime, Cement, Plaster, Cordwood &o.. &c. Offlee 150 State Street. --GRAND-- ENTERTAINMENT! -AT THE- University Chapel, Tuesday Evening, April 1T,'4 First part to consist of popular, hu morous and chnracter pieces, Including DAVID and Earl Sharp and Dr. Epley, and first scene of Prof. Purvin's Cantata of the Pioneers, clos ing with Butterfleld's Grand Cantata of "RUTH THE GLEANER." CAST OF CHARACTERS: ttUTH..... ....... ......Miss Sarceant vh'f'sr-r-: MisAliermatt ,hrA' lne Shepherdess Miss Carpenter KINO OK WO YB..::"-Mr. KundiS AA.'VrV Broi.Parvm AocompanUt mus Hubbard Tickets at the Bookstores. Admission - . . r Cents fJt 1 v (CUINEAJ Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Sts.. SALEM, OREGON. S,. --. O I make a Specialty of fitting the Eye with Glasses. t A fr -- ff I nave had thirty-five years' experience, which, V.-- Vx 5 with my Freneh Trial Case, enables me to cor rectly lit the Eye. There is no charge for my Bet I carry a large line of Optical Goods and can fit your Eyes at one sitting. vices. W. W. MARTIN, Optician TUB NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Ti3pSem,,vlm!re ilarn and residence 2 hlock south of PERRY & CO.. Engines repaired. All kinds of Job Work neatly done Wear Depot, Salem, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. SCHOOL now exists which, recognizing the importance of havingplenty of milk on hand for cooking purposes, has found that ?u-wfea Rnriien'c Prt-Tlfc BRAND Evaporated Cream fully meets its requirements, and therefore highly indorses same. New York Condensed Milk Co. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window Wlass, Varnishes and the most complete stock of ltrushcs of all Kinds in the State. Artists' Matei ials,I ime, Hair, Cement and Shingles and finest quality of OICASS SEEDS New Advertisements. THE LADIES' BAZAAR ft! received u new und elegaut due of t lUldreaV bonnets ana'lmts, ready made dresse., ladles' kid gloves In newest shades from 95 cts 11 . ward;"gloves Guaranteed and fitted at tho couoter. Fast Black boss 10c per pair Our motto, low prices. quick sales. First Kntloual iiaub building, 317 Commeic al 8t. 4-1-at Tir ANTED A glrLwho dan sew, to learn tho Vt tailoring trade. Inquire ut30SCommeicl&l street. " i 12 3t 0 ATS WANTED-Atthe watehouse foot ol Union street. A. u. juumpureys, t'rop QOUaK TO UKNT Corner Church andKer- M ry 8ts, inquire at 03 State street, A. B smith. -u u D UCK EGGd-Fuie white Ptkln Duck K g jorsue. A. c. tiur cu, juukkaloiucb. mHK most periect nttlng truss made. Will 1 hold a -rupture where all others have lolled. For salo by J. U farrlsh, 401 Capital sirv t. 1-Ma-lf QAPEKS.- 1'ortland. bacntnlemo, Seattle, Jf Tuoomannd stan Francisco pupers on saU Kt Hennett'a, f ostolllco Uock. CUKITIAN 8CIENCE literature of aU klndson yaleat 32U J.lberty street. 4-3-ly rnUIS I'ArKH Is kept on file at E. O. Dane's L Advertising Agency, &1 and 63 Merchants Exchange, Ean Francisco, California, where contract for advertising can be made for Ii. :-greceries: STAPLE and FANCY. Wcodenware, Willow ware, and. CROCKERY. A choice new line of Syrups Osborn & Harritfs 116 Court street. Closing Out! 1 rtftA ROLLS WALL PAPER at l,UUl Wholesale cost, 97 State street. This paper must be all closed out In a short time. Cull early and get the' finest and best paper cheaper than ever will be sold again. E. M. WATTE PRINTING CO , BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS .-U.AND Lcgal.Blank JPublialievs Bash's NewlBrlok.overitheJbank.Oom'l street Qteiner' CARBOLIC SALVE GUARANTEED To euro Burns, Chapped Hands, etc. No cure, Money Refunded. To Milk Consumers, Oregon School lor Deaf Mutes, ) Salem, Oregon. Uarch 30, 1881. J. To Whom It May Cencern: I have nluch pleasuee lu testifying that JTr. W.N. lavage has supplied this instliu Ion with milk lor the past two years. The milk has been rich, swtet, clean aud lnvarlablj of hrBt-class quality 1 heaillly recommend Air. HaVuee tn th rnlmnnvA nt nnv tirlva'e fiini- 'Uy or publio Inhtltuliou In need ol a reliable miiK supply. is. IKVINU, Hupt. 1 '' - w k-P a " ufTruck p'oatofllce. RYAN & CO, of Hop aud Cookiagtoves, Hoi Ware, alj-plies, aud t hllieu ni. rii.o c.,11 ln.e o Plow Pdjuts. Full 1im Htove Extras. s t, i'i ',ir,UvIM.iitfili-