Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 13, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    I , mmmmmmmmm$mimmmtmmmmnmmmtm MiwisiMMMaMMMaaMaMaMMafa V""'B1
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Capital Journal Publishing Company
IfxlOtBce nioclt. tomroerclal pireet. 1
Wic.-sscr ju - ' '' w l11 " M
IIOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editor.
.Dally, by carrier, per montn,. mall, per year,
Weekly, 8 pas8, per year
Kor Oovernbr W.Ilxrd. of Jf.ition county
-yttfcSecreUry of'HUte-il. Hr Klncaid, of
K4. Irtne county. "
V- Kor Plate Treanurer-ipjill., Metacr-ou, rr
'; Omnt.county. t
rot Supreme JuJe C. E. WoJxerton, cf
for tAfeflrnej-tUenetal G. M. " Jdjeman, o(
Jlnltnoinalj,. .
ForBripeimtendenti-f Public Instruction
, G. M. Jrnln, of Union,
.-ForHtale Printer W..H.jLeedof. Jack's n
. ' 1 r "
Kor.Ueprwentatlve la Control.
1)1 v OE It HERMANN.
KOB STATE SKNArOrll. h. I oltcrtonul
Hnlem.anil W. II. Uobnon ef RUyton.
andifi. Uoferof Halem, David Craig olMn
cloay, II. a. Uarc'ay of Wo d burn, and J. l.
Culvert of Hubbard.'
O'JMU 13910ft MW. M. WaUon of Turner.
MHKIUFF-John Knight of Balem.
f'fjKRK-k. V. Eblen of Uuttevllle- '
TttBAHiritBR ft O. Brown of Tarner.
KKCOItDKK 1 W. Wnteis f Salem.
At&K430It-D D.Oofniy of Mill City,
nam of Woodonro.
aUBVEYOU U. U. Herrlok of talent.
COKONEH-A. M CioogU of Jal-mv.
JUSTICE OP PFAOB-Kor Salem dUtrlr.t
II. A. Johnwn.Jr.
CON3TABIiBKor Hale dUtrict-A. T.
U Ell 1-1 L-L ' ,. ,
Marlon county has enjoyed a de
served reputatiou .for good county gov
ernment In the past. From the kind
ofmouputup this year we judge It h
likely, to enjoy this kind of fame in the
future. Not u word derogatory to tin
character of any nominee for a county
office has been uttered so far. The Re
publicans have put up a ticket that
challenges admiration at overy point,
both for the men themselves and their
record, ns public ofliclals whoueyci
tried. John K-iIgbt for sheriff stand
well in the wholo state aud suits the
people of Marlon county almost with
out distinction of party. He collects
the taxes expeditiously nud turns the
money over promptly to I fa proper
custodian. He has kept peace aud
good order of the community at as little
expense as any man who ever tilled the
office. Lorenz V. Ehleu la a ne rr man
for a county office. Ho stands very
lilgti and In the north end of the county,
where ho has lived all his life, where
his nelgubors will voto for him almost
to a man. His ability to All the place
is not questioned. XL U. llrowu fur
county treasurer Is another clean man.
As treasurer he Is always at his place of
duty and every dollar la scrupulously
applied and accounted fur. F. W
Waters for recorder is hard to beat.
For a quiet, unostentatious atfd faith
ful official he has few equals. J. 8.
Graham U Industrious, clear-headed
nud painstaking. The school toaoher?
of thecouuty, as well as the school
oftlcers, always find him an obllglug,
faithful friend. The school work of
the county goes along smoothly and
without coufuflou. D. D. Cottoy bh
assessor has his work so well in baud
that, whether he ever has n successor
who is his equal, or uot, no matter; the
work of that department of our county
government will always be in better
shape for (Jofley having been connected
With it. If he is elected, as wo. believe
he ought to be aud will bo by a lare
majority, ho will perfect tho system
uutlt no property will eeeapo lujusl
share of the taxes, nud; that will he a
fcood thing for everybdtly.
Tho other Marlon county tneo on the
jiapuuiioaa nonet are,u,'u. nerrion
for surveyor, A.M. dough for coroner,
and J, M Watson for county comtuls
atoner. All three ana competent and
auccesiful in their Jlues of $ business,
Mr. Watson is a member. oftha Qracd
Array aud a loyul Republican. 'He
Willi lh rest deserve to receive every
lltfuubllcau vote. As men. as caudl-
daUM aud ilepuiilloaus there uevor wa
belter tlouet put in the llumiu Ma
j(OB oauuty, or uue wnicti. cilutttis can
. take more ttriue or saUifactloa In vol
inc. Wt shall discuss the- lenUlatlve
tHHcet at auotlier time.
Fok 8auc,--Ouo twenty acre traot.
wHk fix acra Into hops, four aorea luto
wti arolisrd, arid tmlanco .to past
,Wi Ufum antaii wen uiKUreuiti-
Will sell 41 acres. Inoludloir the
kat, with all tho ImpleuietiU
ittake ajtooa farm, fall
: V, II. Mlller.-Salem Or.
mH wi mH f town on the Macleay
All rB d.
iiniiiiiMiininiiiiyrMNpMiiif)w w m
ff,V 'Jl'WO AIOKK. FPWt lot on
Kst yt oRri, with the famous!
Mntifit baklngr xxw4r Quly twej
tmmtvw t NwM-wIibh the watuo.1
g .. t
The Body a Machine that Cannot Be Stopped for
', Repairs-Paine's Celery Compound Feeds Its Shat
tered Nerves, Purifies the Blood and Makes
Refreshing sleep Possible
March winds and April showers I
aweeparid scour the earth ant) clear the
alrvbfwinter impurities, making it
a weet and "wholesome.
Thsamo- ttilug: takes place In the
body, the pores, open and the blood that
creeps id winter now rushes through
the arteries in a fuller, stronger stream.
' NowJa the great season of purifica
tion, ofoeW llftynow hope, new ambi
Ion. It la the best time to get well
-iorldg la hopeful, and the Invalid get
well aulcker when hopeful than when
jl -spoudent.
Tuousauds or people tnrouguout tne
0 un(ry are this' month taking PalneV
olery. compound the great spriug
medicine mat niaices people wen.
"What March does not kill may be
lone for by April," says an old adage.
I'lie nine weeks from Feb. 1st to Muy
1st develop the bidden germs of tils
"aw Inside the body and without. For
Health's Hake back yards, cellars,, and
the dark closets and corners must be
cleaned out, and for health's sake
every one needs to take a spriug medi
cine like Palne's celery com-
She Was a Pnmeon,
"Yes there was oho girl who lived
right along with us for 22 years,-'
Bold tho old lady, with a reminiscent
eigh, "and 6ho might havobcen with
tho family yet if sho-had wanted to
"Shamuat hare been a jewel," said
one of tuocallors.
"Yes. Wo never had any trouble
with her about wages or afternoon
out or anything of that kind."
"Gockl cookJ"
"Excellent. Sho .could play, the
piano beautifully tod."
"Did you lot Ivor do that?"
"Oh, yes. And she read the pa
pors to us and kept the library in or
der and could keep accounts and
paint on china and embroider on silk
as nicely as anybody you over saw."
"I never beard of thonkol How
in tho world did you happen to let
her go!" i
"Well, tliero camo u young man .
along one day a professor in college
and said ho wanted her, and and
hero's ono of her children now.
Come, darling, and sit on grand
mother's lap.'.' Chicago Tribune.
How's This.
We ofter One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
. J. uhknny s uo., rrops. loieuo, u
W Min nniini-fllornnri have known F.
J. Cheoy for tho last 15 years, and be
lieve uim perrectiy nouoraoio in an
builness transactions and iluancially
able to carry out any obligation 'made
by their 11 rm.
West & Truax. wholesale druggist,
Toledo, O., Warning, Kinnan & Mar
vln, wholesale druggist, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Calarrh Cure 1b takeu Internal
ly, acting upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system. . Price 75c. per
bottle. Bold by all druggists. Testi
monials freo.
Park's Oough Syrup.
Has bjon so highly recommendedto
us that wo took tho aneuov for It and
now ask our frlendB who are suflerlng
with a cold to give It a trial aud it It
does not glvo satisfaction your money
will lio refunded. Every bottle Is sold
on a positive guarauteo. Price 50 cents
anutl.ou. Hold at uapuoi urug giore.
JBetw C. TT. Clophauh
A blfihly citeemed clcrxyroan of the M. Y.
church, joitur ot the Church Creci
ctrcultln JKrchMUrCo.,Mar)Uod.wrltMj
"a I. Hood it Co., Lowell, Mil, t
"I feci It duty to the imbUo to send this
certificate. I saw la a Philadelphia paper
a .tetter front a man who had tuRcred from
Muscular Rheumatism
tad had been restored br the use of Hood's
BampArUla. I had Uio Rrl j lu Ui wtuter
ot fM ami 3 o aetcrcly that It deprtred
rneof Uieuoofroy arms to that mrwlla
had to dress and undress me, and when
away from home I had to sleep la my
clothes. I tried fit doctors and not one
aMOtepllthcd aaythhix. Then I saw tho
letter aUuded to aud determined to try
Hood's, lief oro X had taken ens bottle I
had tho tue ot my arms, thank Ood.
These are taets aud can ho Termed by
many persons bu. J.M.04tga,Chreh
CreV, suw'lled iua .Hi HovhT, "I aw
iMler of M. k. ehMieit here." ,0. W.
(jtArnAM. fbwok Cwk. taryknd.
Hood' Pllla are iempt andemehnit,
vcrjwylnaruoa. SvJdbjraUtlrujrits,
pound; years havo shown the wisdom !
ill uuiug aj
April hasalw.ays been set down as the
best time to remove Impurities from the
blood and to regulate the nervous
The formula for Palne's celery com
pound was given to thevorld by Ed
ward E. Phelps. M. D. LL. D., while
he was still active professor In the Dar
mouth medical .school. A remarkable
nerve food and blood purifier, it is the
most' valuable contribution to the
world's progress tlmt American college
Influence has Bent' forth.
Its power of restoring lives of count-,
leesmeu and women rrom feeoreness
aud despair to strength and usefulness
In known in overy part of the country.
It ha9 added years of active, joyous
existence to thousands of weak, tired
out, ailing women who thought them
selves doomed to be Invalids for the
rust of their days. Palne's celery com
pound cures thoroughly and Anally
rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia,
diseases of heart, liver, kidneys and
eyery form of nervous weakness. It
cures as nature cures, by feeding the
vital Inmost parts of tho body, the
blood and nerv,s.
Prices Current. by Telegraph Local
a a . -ortland Quotations.
Salem, April 10, 4 p. ra. Office
Daily Capital Journal, Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
Apples 75o to 85c. a bushel.
Veils dresseJ 6 cts.
Hogs dressed 5.
Live cattle 2 to 2J.
Sheep alive $1.60$2.
Salem Milling Co.- quetes: Ji'loiu
in wholesale lota (2.60. Retail $3.00.
Urin SH'bulk. $15 sacked. Shorts $15
16 Chop feed $16 and $17. .
30 ce.nts per bushel.
Oats new 2527ja
Hay Baled, new $8 to $10: old $10 to
12. Wild In bulk, $6 to $8.
Wool Best, 10c. .
Hops Small sale, 17 to 18c
Eggs-r-Cosh, 10c .
Butter Best dairy, 1620: fancy
creamery 20fa)25.
oueese la 10 io cis.
Farm Bmoked meats Bacon '0;
hams, ll;shoulden),7.
Onlous 3 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c
nlte seed, 2Co. Uluseng, $L40.
toutry Hens, 7c; roosters, 50c;, 8; turkeys, slow sale, choice,
llvo Kr
Grain, Feci!, etc
Flour-Staudard, $2,65; Walla Walla.
$2 00; graham, $2.40; snpertluo, $2.26
per oarrel.
. Oata fciew whlto,S3oper bu.igrey,32c;
rolled, in bags, $5.750.00r' barrels,
$0.000;25j canes, $3.75.
Hay Best, $1012 per ton.
Wool valloy, 1010c
MlllstuUH Bran, 131G; shorts, $15
16; grouud barley,$18j chop feed, $15
per tou; wholo feed, barley, 70 cts. per
cental; middling, .$2328 per ton;
chicken wheat. 0501.15 percental.
Hops New 12J to 13y.
Hides green, salted, 60 lbs. 3)c un
der 60 lbs., 23o; sheep pelts, 10C0c
Butter Oregon fanoy creamery ,22 J
25o; fauoy dairy, 17j20c; fair to good,
1216o; common, 10 to 12a per lb.
Uneese Oregon, : Young
American, 1215cper pound; California
l4J15jc; Swiss Imp., 3032; Dom.,
Egg Oregon, 010oper dozen.
Poultry Momiuai; chickens, mixed
$3.504.00 er dozen; ducks,$4.005.00
geese, $7f8; turkeys, live, 1214
dressed 14($l6o
Beef lVjh,teers,yiScper pound; fair
cogoou steers, -'(rjo; rio i cows, 'M rair
lows, ljc; dressed beef, $4 005 00 per
Mutton Best sheep, $2.25; choice
ewes, $2.
Hogs Choice, heavy, $4 004 23;
medium, $4 004 60; light aud feeders,
$3 7' dreMHl, 0 007.
Wool; Orvgou Eastern choice, 10
Uc; dolufuitor, 709c;. do valley, 12
Hops 14 to ICa,
Potatoes Enrly Jlose, S040. Bur
Jbanks, 3635c 'i
Oats-Milling, $1.101 15.
It Opens tho Byes.
My duusuter Is hwlqtc her eight,"
said an nuxmu mother, '-aud just oo
tho eve of marriage, tmt What shall
Ith,?'1 "Ltt her get married by all
means," repnod the dootor; "mar
rlUgtt is u reg.ul,ar eye-ipeiier." . A
tuau's eytw 0eu pretty widely, wheu
he finds tits wifu's charms disappearing,
Health id the best friend if tteauty aud
Ibo lunuiueraWe Ills to whleh women
are peculiarly suleet, Its worst
eurmUs. Uxierltucti proves that
womeu who xww the tett health,
use Dr. Piercu'a Favorite Prvcvriptlon,
It is the only runtime for women,
sold by ditKgh4A uuder n positive
guarantee frviu Uw iuiuufoturvrs thai
it will glvoaatUtiMwq la every oas or
uionry will u rrrunueu. Tbts
Suarautee has tmeii printed ou the bet-e-wrapper,
aravl fultbfully carried out
for many yean.
All the parts of the body are adjust
ed with the greatest nicety, and a de
rangement of one- aflects the, whole.
We cannot stop this complicated me
onanism for repairs because we do not
know the secret that would set it going
again. The repairs must be made
when it Is In motion.
It is In sleep that the machine goes
slowly, the heart beats less rapidly, the
blood circulates less quickly, the nerves
rest, the mdscles relax aud each gaios
vigor id the'only way it can by-sleep
and rest. Palne's celery compound
quiets and regulates the nerves by sup
plying the material for their repair.and
the tired, exhausted man and' woman,
on the verge of breaking down, gets
sleep and the means of recovery to
health and strength.
All over the country Palne's celery
compound is convincing overworked
business men, anxious housekeepers,
women behind counters and in offices,
school teachers, and all who use their
braiiis excessively, that the unqualified
praise from physicians and others, who
are careful of what they say, is none
too strong for this great remedy that is
making so many well and strong.
l!caf i,vt.iii Him tin- Trlpphoue.
I'roftSsor Lai.nojs'if Lyons says'tha,
persons whose crfciiii of hearing Ls not
perfectly sound should avoid the tele
phone as even in. a comparatively ro
bust orgjin its continuous use is followed
by syinptouis more or' let grave- -ceph-alnlgin,
vertigo.' liyperr.'sthesia. Insom
tim nud Bcnietinn; pxycLleul disrurb
nnces of n character whicA xight be
mne chronic
How often you hear this
expression, and the ex
planation that usually
follews: "I am troubled
with dyspepsia." The'
explanation is not far to i$
seek. In tjie past Mrd'
lias been used as the prin-'
cipal shortening in all
pastry, the result dys
pepsia. The dyspept'ic
need no longer be
troubled, providing
is substituted for lard, in
the preparation of all fopd.,;
It is composed strictly of !
highty refined vegetable
oil and beef suet. ' When
used as a .shortening, it
produces wholesome and
healthful pastry. Physi
cians and expert cooks
indorse it. Ref nse substitutes.
Send three cenl in tuunm to N K
Vairbankft t., Chicago, for hamUome
Calloltn Cook Hook, contnioioe ix J
hundred recipes, prepared by nine coil- ,
Cotiolene U told by all grocers. .
flade only by
i wikJdirorls will be received by the
Board csfTrBHMMOt the Oregon, Stale. Reform
1km4. attiaoe capita, B.ilira, Oregon, until
it o'eiosk owns. April it, Ittil. for tbe erection
ad eomptHfeB of a combined industrial
tmtidlBf asd vatr tower.
Eaeti Wd ratul be accompanied by a certified
chtek Ut VOX.
Htaos and tpeetaeatlons can ba seen at the
office of W. U KuiKbton, architect, Bilem,
The Board of Trodees wMrve the rltht to
reject anv and all bids aubmlt'rd.
QVXX. W. McUimE,BeeyarHUte.
E U UcLLHOV, Bup't fun. Innt'n.
. .. Bo-wd oi Trusters.
Balem, Orrcon. April 9, ISSJ. 4 lot
Is not complete
without an ideal
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used Is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
latlrt spoa hiving th ffoaaisa,
r A
"ououUmxrtAo ouoouooviAo uooia;
Hair Death
loitanUy removes and forever destroy s ob-fl
ecltonaoie uair, wmiuci "i""" "; r.
tool, arms or neck. Wltnoul discoloration
'Injury to the most delicate skin, it
.sr any oreare the secret formula oi
rimu Wltaon, acanowieugro u I'V'?'
jus 1D niKuei. uuiv , , J!i
no eminent aermaroIcSouuS.i7
3HS' .oai, ever """ ,r" " s ;. ,
ra'licooi a uiB-nuio muuu ---:-
ra armtocracy of .Europe hep,ecrlbec
Vgentor merica. AaairM
mCKClU VA cbiwhusmvi'""""" "
tu; cvnnvnu onnT hjuk liKUWtK u.
. cruytnth mnh Avinn.NeW Ybrl
H TJU f wuim JCC vArtrtArv !
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the. city of Salem Ore
gon will receive bids until the 17th day
of April 1894 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
p. m.of said day for the construction of
sewers through the alley in block No.
21 and block No. 58 In the city of Sa-
l..m nnnnrHinrr In tho nlnnR. nmtllpfl and
sepeciQcatlons for the same on file in
Each bidder must deposit with his
hiH oriinwt r-liwfe nr n certificate
of deposit in the sum of $60.00 as a
guarantee-or gooa raitu on mu part, ui
thesatd bidder anu tuai ne wru execuie
ihi ,v,nir,iKl tuirl v(vhIIi nndHrtakinu
roni'iirod tvllh crnod faith Bud sufficient
sureties to be approved by tne mayor in
case tne contract is awurueu iu iuc
bidder, which deposit shall be rorieiieo
in oncl ahull rwwYimn thn nrniiGrt V of the
city of Balem in case of the failure on
ilm nurl nf Ihn litHrlpr In rtiflinlv with
any of the.reiuirements of the bond
ana contract on me iu tue. uiutu oi iuc
city engineer within five days after
the acceptance by the citv of -balem of
bis bid.
The city of Salem reserves the right
to reject any and all bids deemed un
reasonable. Bids which do uot com
ply with the terms of this notice will
not be received nor will any bids be re
received after the time .specified above.
Dated this2d otApril 1894.
A.' Klein,
Geo. B.Gray,
Thos. Kay,
Committee on street and public prop.
4 2 10 t
Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
. The best hotel between Portland aad San
rrancloo. First-class In all Its appointments.
iu lames axe served wim ine
Choicest Fruits
Urewn In the Willamette Valley.
A J. WAGNER. Prop.
Stelnway, Knabe, .Webber, Emer
son and other pianos.
Storey & Clark and Earheff organs.
All first Clara makes of sewing ma
chines. Smaller makes of musical instru
ments and supplies.
Genuine needles, oil and new parts
forall makes of machines.
Sewing machines and orgaus re
paired and cleaned.
Two doors north of postofilce, Balem,
FR0EBEL S0H00LS-li Year.
Infant, Connectingand Primary classes
everv week day from 9 a. m. to
12 m. except Saturday.
MISS 0. BALLOU, - - Principal.
for teacheis' dally practice work from
0 a. m. to 12 m. iu -Kinrlprcnrton
On Monday, Wednesday and Fridav
from 2 to 4 p. m. Claw-ea meet for
stuay or Kroebel system. Mrs. P. 8
Knight, Principal.
Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with
traluiug clasa, conducted by Mrs
Knight and-Mi&rBallou. For i-rmanr
Information apply at Kindergarten
suuuib, uoruor vyoun atiu ijiotiriy streets,
to Bell
Best Bteam Vuher known. B.iniDle
Washftr with r.ill in.i.n.. .... .- 0"P'.e
!rt?i,!SL.cHrSe..prepld..0u oe'Pt f w
?.vX J U' UruWn. i Sd. Halem, Or
Lumbago, Sciatica,
KlUnoy Complaints.
?-,esc-v. i r - . iw,v5
WUI eiit mVMt KMdMoa aU HlMMiii..f.
witr r ..ww or w forfeit ali
'"MVHrVMlU UlftbfMM J. -v--" a
mum torrs!SJfIxtTSJ0 wrBaoT. tiw
Ko. Hanratttir,et.i-iUTLAJ'D
ttwmj!u touir. ami a ana Wahlni
aihlnjum ou,
Portland, Or
'HOUSE Painting Decorating,
li Hard Wood Finishing,
ttHCU. an.i
THIS oiler is made to you alone in your community- Will you Act ?
We present below the met valuable list of prerriiums foi
clubs of the best selling newspaper-printecbon the, Goast.
The Great One -Cent Daily. ;
Tie Daily CAPITAL i
The Peoples' Paper of- Oregon.
Only $3,00 a year. ..$1.6o for six
months. Sl.OO for fotir rboritris.
i -
fiSTNo papers sent alter time Is out for. which It is ordered.-
YOU. You are the man, If we cannot get you to act, hand thia to
someone who wants one of these grand premiums for simply getting up a club
Almost anyone will take thia paper upon merely seeing it. It sella itself. It is
so cheap no one can atl'ord not to have it. It suits readers in city and country
of all classes and parties.
An Oregon Newspaper California' news does not
suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is
distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely cover
ing Oregon interests.
Ctiina Set.'Kree.
t. .1..U f ..nn!
J?Ul U UIUU Ul bWeilt.yuvc JCilJJ DUouiuuin, t iolouiivu - ..
china, 129 pieces, Bold usually at 75 to $100, frum Damon Bros,, Salem,
inllaotir,,i,ii flna nlilnniunrn rtinrlroH Hraltrii tr. R7.
LWIItVVtUllkUl aXUO UU1UU T V, J ta a
Silver Cutlery Free,
For a club of three vearlv subscribers, a set of Roger Bros,
silver plated knlvea aud forks, 6 of
$25 Suit Free.
For a club of'eicht subscribers the
A. S. Brasfleld & Co., Salem, your owu eeleotiou.
Steel Plcrw Free.
For a club of eight subscribers a steel beam, steel GaIe steel wall'c
Ing plowt the best of its kiud, from Gray Bros.-, Salem, worth $25.00.
Silver Spoons Free..'
For a club of two yearly subscribers, a dozen Roger Bros, best
silver plated tea spoons, from Damon Bros., wprth 4.00.
Organette Free.
Fur a 'dub of eight yearly subscribers a first ' olass German Rote
woo'd organette from J. G. Wright, worth $25.
Sewing Machine Free.
For a club ot fifteen subscribers; a Climax hlnhv arm, 4 drawer, oak
ttrvwi sewing machine, warranted, from, Geo. C. Will, Salem, worth
Silk-Hat Free. '
For a club ot two yearlv subscribers one ofour beat SilkHats from C. H
Meusdoriler, Portlaud. Retails for ?b00, .
For a club of three yearly subscribers one Quest imported silk hat from
C. H. Meusdoriler, Portlaud, retails at$10.00.
Steam Washer Free.
For a club of. two yearly subscribers; one';;of J. B.'Browh's Fountain.
Steam Washers, worth $3.00.
Welch Cleck: Free. .
For a, club of five yearly euOscritoraone Eight Day Woloh Clock, beauti
ful case, $15. '
Scholarship Free,
For a club of 20 yearly subscribers, one Scholarship lu-Capital Busi
ness College, Salem, (for complete business course) good for two year.
Worth $G0. -
Silver Watch Free.
For a club of eight subscribers a high class silver watch, from W. W
Martin, jeweler, Salem, worth $25.00.
Furniture Set'. Free.
For a club of flfteeu subscribers a solid oak, Carved bed rooir set, bed
stead, drebser.andrslaud, from A. B. Bureu & 8on,ftlrniture dealers, Kaleui.
Worth $45.00. .-
Cook Stove Free.
For ; club ofBeveu Bubscribers 'a large'.'size.KNo. 8 qooktng rtovr,
beat made on the l'acilio Coast, from Perry &Co.te'Btovejand plow worti,
Balem, worth $20. ' .-.;;, ,".., .
Ladies' Gold Watch Free. ' '" '
For a club of 10 yearly subscribers oue ladles' gold watch, Waltham Boss
case, from W. W. Martlu of Salem, the best made stem winder and setter;
retail price $30.00.
Shot Gun Free.
For a club of eight subscribers one Richards' English, double barrel J
gauge shot gun, iwalt barrels, checked grip and fore-end, engraved Iocb
and mountings, walnut stock aud half pistol grip, exteusiou ribs, ribouuO
nig locks, low circular hammers, rubber heel plate, aud a thoroughly go"1
gun, from Brooka & Salisbury, Salem, worth $25 00.
Silyerine Watch Free
i-or a club of twoyearly subscribers ono sllverine watcbj Btem-winderaco
setter, from W. W. Martiu, of Salem, gives as good service as the bl
made, retails at $6.00. or
Fruit Trees free, . -
For a club of five subscribers we nlva 500 Italian nruna trees frern II e
Albauy nurseries of Brownell & Morriaon, worth $25,
For same 500 Early Crawford peaches.
hW wiU .l)tt u,low?a to divide yearly subarlptlons among as mauy
Jy.P,ew'oJrln8ll0e,n8teadofav8 wr one year, they cau seud 10 for e
IShS 'Wa)tor thre? months. The premiums are ready for agents, ou re
ceipt of the uames aud money. Send poatottlce order or hauk drafu
The above premiums are all bona fide.fquoted at reguhr
retail price, and the names of the dealers who are among our
best business men, are rriven, that agents may satisfy them
selves, J t
rlOFERJBROS.; Publishers,
- " si
mlhoAlilhoKI n t Oaf t J"if I r Ofinm tai"t FTft V 1 1 tt ft ft
vau i v Vw
each, from Damon
worth $6.00.
beat $25".00 suit of!clothes in the store of,