Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 13, 1894, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    tpstaM-11 V-
Th -Ctoanrail ItMk trct ftftdl
PreDold In -Advance
wmiih i RHto im antra.
Ne PpT sant whtn
TJm ia oov
$3.00 a Year.
Tv ' tewr Ibn. YtAFKR "IUWS
VOL. 7,
G AJP I Jl'-A 1 a
Is receiving goods of
keep up a good line of T!laiilS W FORGE A PRLl
enes, Ribbons, Windsor Ties, leek Ties, eih
Threads, fancy Hairjins, Pocket Knives, A.proas,
. Towels, Table Damask, Table Oilcloth, . Cnrtains La
dies' and Gents' SumniT' Tests, Gents' Pants, Nefi
. see and White Shirts.
Of excellent quality; cheap Underwear of all kinds,
and our line of THE BROWN SHOE CO Shoes of
Can't be surpassed for
25 per cent, below tie
on air lines.
.New line Just received. S3 gross of celebrabted
. Just received direct from England. Cane poles 5c each,
new line of Baby Carriages at very low prices. 2o trouble
The importance of saving a few dollars when you can ? Very
well, we can save them for you in the purchase of
A Bedroom Suit, Lounge
Or in fact Furniture
A, Buren & Son.,
Call and see them.
Fruits !
. nnmiinTrill MERCHANT TAILOB.
J. RUBINSTEIN, Suits Made to Order.
$16 SPRING SUITS made to order. Also Cleaning, Dye
ing and Repairing. COMMER0IAIi street.
Have the largest and most complete assortment of
On the North .Pacific Coast.
differeurvarieties of Apples,' -167 of Roses and other stock
in proportion. Sender Catalogue.
, n i jBLDi
1 Kanu&Ti
different Kinds, almost daily &ad (
quality and the prices are 15 to
ordinary. Call and save money
to snow
& Salisbury.
FEEL :-:
of any description.
300 Commercial St
is the time to look after your
Nfiarlv eYervthmr needs
spraying now. We have cheap, ef
fective' spray pumps for all uses.
103 State street.
225 Acres; S.000.000
Trees; 1,000,000 Plants.
Settlemier & Son,
woodburn, Oregon.
jTwe Batties Fonglit Ofter Oat
Breaks Ceming:
Great Arguments on the Brock
enridge Scandal.
Apia, Samoa, March Correspon
dence of Associated Press la the last
few Tewks all Tiope of peat being
maintained here has teen dissipated,
and much Samoa blood has been bed.
Several battle have been fought, with
thirty -men killed and fifty wounded,
Aaetber onhrek Is dallv expected.
To Puree -a Quorum.
Washing tsix, April is Demo-.
cr&tic members of the boose do mX
o efora tjuoim until Tuesday, but
ar. can sting oj on the adoption -hi of
the paoding rale rising .members who
tf n KpoDd te roll calls. H"pnbll
cat s iv? used to vote on the approval oT
tbi Joa tttd and raised the question of
bo ejeram, the Deraocrass lacking
28 ef a juoram. Tbe boasa actjouruedj
at nooa, with the Democrats cheering
tbe annouo-cemeat of tbe Democratic
caucus to consider rale?.
Exhaustive Arguments "by the Coun
sel on Both Sides.
Washington, April IS. Judge Jere
Wilson today replied to tbe attacks
upon Miss Pollard. He stood ready to
demand the same standard for man is
lor woman. American girls neea no
ebsperone, and the speaker expected to
heir that tbe gray-haired men of forty-
sren need a body guard, Speaking of
the statement of the opposition that
tbe suit should never have been brought,
and. the details given publicity, be
asked if there-was no redress. Pollut
ers of women cannot be locked up, bat
redress could be had,
Tbe defense of Colonel Breckenrldge,
which Major Butterworth made yes
terday, is considered even by his oppe
nents, to have been one of the greates t
speeches ever made in a Washington
court. It was effective as a master
piece of orntory, and made so by the
winning personality of the speaker.
Mr. Butterworth was persuasive, dn-
matic, friendly, conciliatory and artful
For nearly 9 hoars Major Bulterwortu
carried on tbe speaking in the great
case. Through all the speaking the
wnite haired member of congress from
Kentucky sat facing-lho jury, much of
the time with bis face shaded by his
hand, occasionally nodding " assent to
points mentioned by the speaker. The
slender plalnthl beard none- of tbe de
nunciaUous of herself.and her attorneys
have eat smiling throughout' tbe onset
of tbe opposition.
Senator Mitchell Denounces the
Wilson Bill.
Washington, April 13; Senator
Mitchell, of Orego'n.'spoke against tbe
Wilson bill today. He declared the
pxssage of the bill would be a legis
lative recognition of most dangerous
economy and constitutional heresy. He
c ndcmned tbe advalorem system, and
dicusaed wool at length, pronouncing
ihe schedules arbitary and unjust be
cause they protected, the manufacturer
aud notpoduoeraod favored foreigner.
Placing wool on tbe free list was a
most visionary fallacy. Clothing U
now cheapr tbau before tbe passage of
tbe MiilClnley bill. Barley," hops,
pi u run and prunes also receive-! atten
tion. Agricultural products, be aalu
fell under the blighting Intluncas of
toe Wilson bill, and he 'quoted the
speech of Voorhees, delivered .10 . 1681,
proving him onus a prolecuonuu i tie
bill was based on no definite policy of
customs taxation, aud was Motional,
uuamencan, duubwuhuiv uu "
Coxey's Pollowers.
Addison, Pa., April lXT-Coxey'a
army today began its march over the
mountains. Many would desert but
fer far of tbe Winchesters of the
mountaineers. A clash of authority
occured between Cox.ey, Brown apd
Rmlth. who detest each other. Coxey
has disappeared ostensiniy in bwwcu oi
' a a a ft
He Troops.
PiTraBOBa, ra., Apm
from the coal regions say that thera b
-s.-iS2r "" w -
Siate Central -Committee Sastern
Oregon Casgressmsn
Porcnsn, OrM April JR. Those of
the state central committee are:
Baker, E. Vsa Slyck: Benton, K. T,
Divlissoa; Clackamas.Chark'S H.dman,
Clatsop, W. R McQregtff: Oolatabia,
H. H. CUfl; Ows. R. Walker, Croak,
J. a Cartwrig&U Carry, D, Woodraft;
Douglas, B,B. Dickey; Gilliam, X. R
Paxton; Harney, J. M. Bard; Jackson,
K.3S. Carter, Josephine, H. B. ler;
Klamath, C S. Moore; Lake, A. B.
JLuldin; X&ne, D. A. Payne; Linn. J
R. Wyatt; Lincoln, A. B. Crosno, Mai
heur, I. W. Htu; Marlon, 2f. H.
Loonev; Morrow, J. W.DiWson; Mnlt-
nomah, George A, Sted; Po5k, E. T.
Hatch; Jiborman, W. JL H. Moore;!
Tillamook, J. W. Morton; Umatilla,
LatlJlTennore; "Union, I. X. Sanders,
Wallowa, EL W. Jtomble; Washing
ton, T. H. Tongue Nasoo, M. A
Moody; Yamhill, J. E. Cagers.
Tbe convention after ratifying dis
trict nominations, adjourned until 1:38
t bis afternoon. It was 1:50 before it
D PThompsonimrodocedtworesc
lnisnns. The "fi-s-t read ao follows; .
That It is the sense of this conven
Ion that tbe ooming tession of tbe )e
islstnre should .iass an act providing
for tbe payment of all taxes at two
difierent limes ne-balfin the spring
and the other half in the fall, but op
tional with the taxpayer to pay it in
ibeppringjn one payment If be so de
sires." On motion of Judge Carey, tfi-rulfs
we're suspended, and the resolution was J
adopted as a part of tbe platform.
Tbe other resolution or Mr, Thomp
son read as frilw '
itesolvtd, That It is tbe sense of this
convention that the state board of
equalization and tbe board of railway
omiaissiooers le abolished bvthentxt
legislature, and the bill to efiect the
umt be made imperative In the passage
of thts bill."
There being objections to this reeolu was referred to the committee on
platform and resolaUons,where it died.
Nominations for congress were then
in order. The chair appointed five
S. A. Lowell, of Umatilla, placed In
nomination John C Leasure, ot Uma
tilla. The nomination of Mr, Leasure wis
greeted with applause.
A. W. Patterson, ofjMorrow, renom
inated W. R. Ellis, of Morrow, whose
name also brought fourth cheers from
the delegates and-audience.
W. J. Ford, of Baker, p'aced in
nomination ('-. M. Donaldson.of Baker.
At S Ellis -was elected on the third,
Brilliant Bank Robbery.
Omaha, April 13. A special to the
Bee from, Chadron, Neb., said: At 3S5
Thursday, while Alfred Whipple,
casblerof tne Crawford Banking com-
pny,ofX3rawford, wai alone In the
bank, a strainer altlred In a cowboy
garb, entered and shoving a slx-Vhooter
in Whipple's face, demanded miney
Whipple being taken uuawarcs could
do nothing but give up all the cash ou.
the counter, amoQutlug to about (2,500.
The robber then compelled Whipple to
enter tbe vault and then locked hliu in.
About twenty minutes later Allen
Cbase entered the bank, heard strange
noUes coming from the vault and see
ing no one in sight, hastened to tbe
president, who let tbe cashier out. 80 v
oral parties am out after the robber
and Hherills Hndy and lUrtlett have
just left here for Crawford on swift
horses. It u tuougat tue roooer cau
not escape
TJ. P. Wages Ealsed,
Omaha Neb., April 13, Judge Duu
by has ordered the wages of the Union
Pad flo employes restored to the ojd
rate. The order appll to employe
whose. wages were cnu'att September.
Where men receive less (baa !K) ter
month the lucreauTdafrs from tbe first
of last March. The Increoso of others
dule from April lt.
The Krulnent Dead.
Rt. Louis. Ma,- April 13,-John T,
Da vis, the dry goods dealer, and the
richest man l Missouri, uieu touay.
He leaves t25.000,000.
Nkw York, N. Y., April 13. David
Dudley Fleld.the father of the Atlaitlo
Cable; dfwlUdoy.
8 ItoiKMntn Tbe caolata and iuul-
M.. . -. ni..nnlnif lll tnnlaht. TIlA
CHIC wiwu.m .. .. ,.e. . -
"9....1 ..... uirt am m uft.p til nHiitrtnl.
(3feUB puiukwiwi. mv iiiviww
1 mm of urn m.
Great GlBOOse Foterj Bsras
with Fatal Resslts,
Loss Will Hwch deafly
BorEAtA April IS. Tbe plant ofi
the Americas Glucose bomnany -was
burned last night.
The works of the company nslstd
of an eleven story brick building, nsed
for the manafactnre of glocoso, and an
eight-story- brick boilding nsed as a
power house an d was a 'place for ma k
ing cattle feeding -product; an right
story 'brick building used as a refinery
and an elght-srory storehoasA.
Tbe fire was discovered in the rlyuna
noa room of the main building shortly
rfrer 7 -o'clock by tbe engineer. In
'en minutes the whole building was on
tire flames were bursting through the
windows and darting from the roaf.
In fifteen inliiutos tbe wall began to
to fall. Meanwhile the -city fish mar-
Ttet, across tbe street, canght fire. Five
Iremea were sent inside to fight the
flames. The roof fell and buried these
Ave. Three of them escped, but two
are badly injured. The finery and
storehouse went, and at 11 o'clock
nothing was left ot the mammoth
establishment bnta few walls. The
concern was owned aud controlled by
ti J. Hamlin', the famous trotting
horseman, and his eons.
.The burning has probably caused
many fatalities. The following- are
missing: George Trube, John Trube,
Michael Mattyki and Henry Stimpson,
About torty workmen were on the
sixth floor and half must have perish
ed. There were many vacant places at
breakfast thlsjmornlng. The work of ex
cavatlng (cannot begin for twenty-four
bourse -T-h-ioSLjra now estimated at
f600,O00 Insurrance J5S5,0,
Great Northern Strike.
HelKNA, Mont., April JS. Th,e In
dications are that, the Great Northern
will Jm tied up today from Spokane
Washington,, to Larimoro, Isorth
Dakota, a distance of several hun
dred miles, by the 6lrlke of the Ameri
cn railway union, embracing
a'l employes, except eupcrintendeuts
and tram masters. The men hero wont
out at noon toilay. The cause of tbe
strike is tbe new schedule of wages.
To Consolidate Labor Unions,
PjTTsnuua, Pan April IS. The ofil
cers of ewry labor organtcatlon here,
have received a secret circular, calling
a conference In Philadelphia, April 23,
to consider the consolidation ot all la
bor organUitlons throughout the
country, In order to present a solid
front to employers and legislators.
That U. P. Decision.
Mimvauickk, Wis., April 13 To
morrow Judge Jenkins will give his de
cision on the application of the North
ern Paciflq stockholders for tho re
moval of the receivers.
A Manless Schooner.
NKwiumVPOKT, Mass., April 13. A
schooner came ashore here today with
not a soul on board, all are supposed to
have perished.
Call for Troops.
IlAiiRisuuna, Penn., April 13, A
call has been received by tho executive
department from Dunbar, for troops.
Ban Fhancisoo, April 13, Wheat
May f 1.09; December 1.17J.
Chicago, April 13, Qash, 00);
May 00);
lOHTia.ND, April 13. Wheat valley
83185; Walla Walla 76 77.
Cantata and Musioam. At
Cbauulng hall tonight, by Mrs. W. A
Deuton, assisted by Carl Denton,
Salem's popular plaulU aud vlollulat.
Some of Salem's best musical talent
will participate. The prozraiu Is
strong, every number being entertain
lag. A good orchestra, with Salem's
duo vlolluUt, Carl Denton, will furnish
inutlo for the usual amusement. Ilon't
fall to Attend, as UiUcotcrlaluuieut will
greatly surpass any other yet given In
Salem. Admission, 25 cents. Pro
gram, commences at 7;W.
tTltAiw ! Alntf in tut m irrrtat flAttf tt
Independent vollug In Multnomah
county this year.
PitHHi Fish. All Imaginable varie
ties at DavUou's market.
Hkc of aU in LcswaiRg Bmw. Le U. S. Govt Xqrt;
A X i?
Oregon's Yotmg Cornea Ket Atthej
Capita City In Convention
The state association meets rith the
WC A, of Wttlamette nnlvetalty
on tbe ISth, 14th and 15th. One hun
dred or more young vomen bf the col
lege, of Oregon, are expected to be la
Thetffogrum for Friday evenlngls as
"TSfl. Thank8gtving9rvle, Mrs. J.
A DomnietU
SKK. Organltatlon.
S;1S, Address of Welcome. Mi
Belie Altken, Willamette nnlverslty,
Besponse." Miss Elhlyn Million,
Mo-Xtonvllle College.
0V Bible readine. MYoongWom
en of Long Ago," Mrs, wevreery,
9X Reports from ass-xlaUonft.
10:00. Report of work In the state.
Mrs. Jas, A. Dumtnett,
10.10. Sj'stematlo Development ot
eotarniltees. Mrs. Angelina. Watson,
Statu Normal school, Monmouth,
10S&. "Tle Model Membership
Committee," Nettle Crosby, Namoi
Touts, Myrtle Harrington, Helen Hol
land, Sadie Briggs, Monraouih.
100. "The boclal side tt a Glrrs
Nature. How Shall we Meet tl? MUs
Ellth Frlwell, Wlilaroette university.
WAS. "Physical Culture, from a
Christian Slaultpolut," Miss Robbie
Hlnohmau, Paclrlo College, Newberg.
11:10, Our "Evangel" aud our "In
tentatlonal committee." Kmnw Iteed
er,"0.wst, 6K!retarj,
125. "Why Should we Cultivate a
Spirit of Giving In Our Associations?"
Mrs. Jas. A. Dnmmcct,
1 1 jSS. Tlie support of Ihe work.
2aX). Bible reading. '.'Daughters of
the Ivlas," Mrs. McCrcery, Salem.
2S0.Onr Leaden. Who Shall
They Be?" Miss Mamie Allen, Colle
giate Institute, Albany.
2:4o. CJly rrcrk.
3s. Devotional Blble8tudy.n Miss
M. C. Lansing, Pacific university, For
est Grove,
3:15. Bible Study, as an Aid to Dele
gated Personal Work." Mrs. A. D.
Soper, Portland university.
8:80 Question box.
4,m0 Miscellaneous Business.
70. Soug service.
Scripture reading, Isaiah vU
Ladies' quartette.
8:00. New Calling for College,
Young women, Miss, PC llluule 0o Put
est, Portland university, .
8:J0.'Our IlesixnislbtHly to Mis.
slonsry Work." Miss Helen Brook,
Pacific unlvers'.ty.
o.00. "Cohsecrallon service," Helen
lOKlO, Sermons to young wituoi
la .ill theclty churches,
3)0. Wing womens' lucctlng.
"Our Two MIssloiiailesjl)
' 80N.DAY KVKNlJfl,
7t(l. Souse lorvlee. '
ladles' qitarietfe.-
8KW, AdIress, Miss Kmma Boeder,
coast secretary,
Farewell cxcrcUci, Mts, Jas.
All the meetings will be held In the
University chapel except the Saturday
morning business tewloii, which will
bo held In the society halls, aud the
duudsy morning consccratlou service,
lu tho PronbytcTlsn ohurvh,
Lad Is are Invited to all sessions;
gentlemen on Saturday aud Huudsy
It has been decided that the general
public will b luvitsd t all the sessions
of tho convention extent the banquet
wbloh Is to bo held after . His cluing
tnectttiit tonight.
A Ohanok. John Until, lata of
Iowa, has bought out the Jos, Fuste
barber buttuess, and taken Ksseslon
while Jo. wilt retire to his farm, south
of tbe city.
j.ixctarkwa .!, X3j
mer, wt re in the elty today.
Dr. C H. Chapman, or Eagen VJll
cu"nr his KViurcon xvncusn nreraiHra 1
tonight and tomorrow t Y, M. X A,
A. D. Rookafollow is said to be tne
coming man for supt. ot Chem.v,
Indian school. He has heen t the
eohool some days.
Cpt. J. W. Crawrord, of Pendleton, fc
is In the city, and many -old-lme ',' I
friends look forward Vrilh nlpasnwjto'ill
the time when he Mill agaha e
oiunted as a Salemlte.
Dr. Jas. M, Bunn accompanied Mr,
and Mrs. P. A. White, of Everett,
Wash., as fat as Portland on Ihelt "way
home. They have been tho igttostaof
ur, and Mrs. Bunu for a few ilays.
Aeon V, Mendenhall, the well
known traxeler for A. 8ohllllnfj,fe Oo.
of San Pranoiseo, has accepted a beXteriw
postuon with his house, xchleh vtu w.
necessitate his erty tfepartnro for Ihe
lower coast country this week.
Pate Glover, of Albany, was In the
city today on his way home trom Oi
state convention, where he did some
good work for the Linn county candl
dates. His old time Marlon icounty
acquaintances stood by hlra In this
Editor K. Hofcr, of Trni Jouuxxfu
accompanied, liyhls lKltealf, -enl
to Auwra this afternoon, where be la
to give an address before the Aurora
public schools, on the occasion 'of 4he
SitiduatitiB exeroiso. He will also
ahlress the Hepubllean club or that
place this evening.
Dr. J. M, lveene was one ot the
many aspirants fur Jolut senator, but
hurrahs ror Lon Gemer, the nominee,
as ilo all good Republicans. He Baya
he Is an, able man and will mske a Ylg
oroua canvass, and his friends will al
w'ayaknow where to llnd him. As tho
youngest man in tho right, Mr, Keeae
received a flattering vote.
Buy Fiutin, "Two small iwiya
engaged lu ah unseemly tight In Capi
tal Park last evening. They were
hissed on by men and large boys all the
way from. 10 to 40 years. It was Jusl
this kind ot eucouraglng little boys to
tight that led to tho Harrlugton shoot
Ihg nil Mr aud cost this comity a great
deal of money," Capital Park reporter,
' ' '"
John O, Wright, John Mlnto and
General Odell were enlhusiaaMu Lord,
men at the state convention.
Baletn heeds n go'mt lire alsim to
psrfeot Its excellent lire department awl
water system.
'iij Miiwmmmmmmmmmmm ywpw
"Afl olt M
tho lulls" and
liovor oxcoll
tvl, "Trid
mk! provott"
ia tho voixlict
of millions.
Llvor Komt
y litlor is tuo
JLJOflC mui Kuhioy
moillotno to
wlitoh you
oon pm your
faith for iv
aura, A
m i 1 a Itxa- f i
tlvo, a n tl km
purely vog M
owble, net W,
Ing illruotty -mi
on tho jjivor
ftitd KM
noya. Try it.
gold by fttl
DruggUU in liquid, or in lvl"
tobu takondry orinndaiutoi too,.
1 bavs uwtt yourHlniiHoni llv. tr
Ur ml mil mUn(uulr My 11 ulM
VluoUlll-r .ninlMtlisa. I 4-t i
nii4lliioelilln lWlf-0ws V. JA
Km lbs S SUwy In tA n wrtfMi
Will U.MW "-
5k- -S),H'Jtoii.t
: mii --Jt
vii&tfto'- - -'"'-' -fc
La., u.