rap""-- mifc wwwlMji K if- P Siv IS l KS. U7. I- I K Ik. r 1 Knsvj. 2r?5 MMMmm SPRING - Svyiss Feather-Weight Sailors Only 50 cents at Mrs. S. C. Reed's. Children's Trimmed Sailors Only 25 cents at Mrs. S. C. Reed's. - Ladies Pretty Trimmed flats Only $l.oo at Mrs. 5. C. Reed's. Children's Pretty Trimmed Hats from 50c to $l.oo at Mrs S C Reed's Chicago Sailor Hats, Assorted Colors,- for 19 cents at MRS, S. C, REED'S LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR TO close out at from 25cts to $1.00 each garment; worth three times the price at MRS. S. C. REED'S. LADIES MUSLIN and CAMBRIC Niht Gowns, worth from 1.50 to $3.00, will close them out for from 50cts to $1.00 at MRS. S. C, REED'S. Parlor Stand:: Prom $1 to $25 at -Keller & Sods Our (3 50 stand is a beauty. J. L. MlTOIIELIi & CO., nsurance. HOLMAN BLOCK. 8ALEM. Or. dw -J J. .-! JJ L LOOAL CALENDER. April 13, Friday, Arbor day. April 14, Saturday, Marlou county raid oonveutlon. April 17, Tuesday, Marion countj Horticultural Boclety. May 4, Friday Republican county convention at Dallas. Just Received. A fresh Involco of the American Ulscult Co'b high teas, vaullla wafers, dainty chips, arrowroot, current ten bridge, g'DCCf wafers.aud oaten wafers. For luncheon, tea parties, etc., these goodfi arc unexcelled, Wo carry the best lino in town. Haiuutt & Lawuknch, 3d lw 01 Commercial street. Attention ! Woodmen of the World, All Woodmen are requested to meet In the hall of Balem camp, 118, Thursday, tho 12th Inst, at 1 o'clock Bharp, to attend the funeral of our late neighbor, Geo. M. Heeler. By order ol the consul commander. Scott Bozortb, clerk. 2t Dou't forget that THE FAIR is a racket store and sells ut racket prices. O. 1 Dauney, prop., 108 Court HtrceU d&w Columbia river chlnoolc aalmon and other Hah plentiful nt Bteluer's Stote street market. Fetid of nil kinds, aa well aa Hour and many varieties oi produce nt touching prices, at Brewster fc White's. auuc ,jiiiiijj,'.-jj i iiuuua. NEW SPRING STUB ! JAM Now showing the latest ties In epriug nevel- LADIES' PURSES. Rtmla, Heal, Gralued Calf, Alligator, Bterliug Silver ' Xif mid oruamnnts. -tn, BOOKSELLKR, SrJS Commtroial S w: yfrs MILLINERY LITTLE LOOALS. Friday ovonlncj Balem Democrats oi.et at Grange hall to organize their olub. The Arlington gives a ball at Reed's opera house the 18th. Wedues dty... Arbor day at all the schools to morrow. Get one of those Water house chorry trees at the poatofflco, Toe crowds wero out at the Balem nawapapor ofilces late last night whoop-In,-; It up for the ticket and hurrahing for Lord, ...The ex-prlest Rudolph le.'tures again tonight at 25 cents. Mix Buren returned from a business trip nt Portlaud this morulug. John B. Qlesy, of Aurora, is in thecity today. .Rev. and Mrs. Hutchison, John Moir and Mrs. R, B. Wallace and son, Paul, returned today from the Presby tery at Curvallls. Hunter Forsythe, of Marlon, la In the city A. C. Raw- KnB, or Lebanon, was today appointed a notary public Presbyterian Entertainment. Tho following is tho programme to be given by tho ladles aid society of tho Presbyterlau church, Friday evo olug, April 13, at the church: Onet -llm. SklfT and Mlsi Wooden Vocul hoio, "Heaven Haiti Whed a Tear." Kuken Urn, June, UeclUtlon , "Edwin Arnold" Jlra. Chas. lltely. Vocal Duet , , .'A. 11. C." il r U llo und M Us lioumer. (nttrumenlal Muilo..... .. . .. "YuUeCaprlco luibeuiielu." ilr. Ut, Walter lUbbllt. Keel ta I Ion .. . .Ornoe Butter Oornet oto.M. ... .. Ur. Wooden Vocal nolo. . .Muw liluucho Albeit ' Admleolon, including lunch, 5 cents. m Pushing tho Muto School. Tho plans ofS. E. Maxon, of Port laud, have been adopted by tho board of trustees of the Oregon school for deaf mutes, for tho now building desired to be erected upou the recently pur chased site of 100 acres eastofSuloin about four miles. It will be remem berod that the board advertised for plans for this building ami they were submitted oii the first day or March. Mr. Mason's was chosou In preference to fourteen others submitted. New Church Articles. A meeting was hold last night aud n ell attended by tho membership of the Cotigregatloual church to receive tho report of the special committee on Incorporation, heretofore appointed for that purpose. The report set up tho fact of tho church's Incorporation legally, on December 20, 1803, and also a lino of by-laws, which wore passed upou seotiou by section, and referred to a committee on prlutlng, which was selected by tho meeting, Tl!K BKKUUt Funkual, Rev. W. A, Bmlck, of Albany, cauio down this afternoon to officiate at tho funeral of tho late Geo, M. Beeler. He was agisted by Rev, Hutchison of this city. The Insurance men of the city attended the funeral in n body. In Bulk. Catsup of the moat dell' clous flavor, and highest grade. Bring your pall and try a quart for 15 cent. Save the price of packing aud bottle, aud get Abetter article, Jo. Clark. Only Two Moiik. Finest lot of prwenti yet ollared, with the famous! bee-b.lye bakluj; powder. Only two , more to bo told when the watoh Will be i;lvewwy, at Jo, Clark'. MtfwwJ ''"ffmrn IMt &&V. fJEO. P. UDdL Delivers a Lecture to an Immense Audience. An Immense audience turned out Wednesday night to hear a lecture on Romanism. As the flag was- draped over the table a burst of applause weot up from the crowded house. The speaker, Er-Priest Rudolph, was In troduced and received with more ap plause, as one who would address them on "Romanism, the great foo of American Institutions." Ho charged that a foreign potentate was seeking to suoveri tuis government and set up the papal power to rule oyer Ameri can liberty. Peter was the disciple who set iu mo tion the great machine of popery. In 3S CouBtautlueeet up the first state church. He was a politician and wanted the help of the church to nut d6wn his enemies. Four centuries later Pepin, King of France, granted lands to tho Pope Stephen. Charle magne went to Rome in 800 A. D. and was crowned emperor of all Christen dom. He ridiculed the holy spikes, that were used in the Baylor's cross, all over the world enough to build a rail road from New York to San Francisco He attacked the dogmas of the church and claimed that the church taught thut all who did not accept the doc trines of the Holy church would be ex terminated as heretics. Heretics ate to be condemned and to be turned over to the secular powers to be executed. L tyinen were to be exiled aud their property to be confiscated. He read from the fourth council of Lateral), cauou law of tho fourth contury. All who were present were excommuni cated. Any Catholics who attended these meetings was thereby excom municated. Having been a priest once he was a priest now and forever. He had been a priest twelve years and ten months and had all the power he ever had. The holy council of Trent condemned all the teachiugs of Protestantism. The doctrine of exterminating heretics w as a? old as the church and still in force. The Popes had taught that it was no crime to kill an excommunicated per son. One of the later Popes had de olared that the murder of a Protestant would atone for killing a Catholic He told a story of one in 18G8 when a Catholic confessed that he had kilted a Protestant, the priest said to him: "Go in peace, all thy sins are forgiven thee.'' He attacked Harrison and Blaine for attending the opening of Washington university at Washington, D. C, which taught it was no crime to kill a Protestant. He attributed Har rison's errors to "that Jesuit James G. Blaine." He charged that the Jesuits had killed Abraham Lincoln. He had defended Father Cblniquo ntrainnf Bishop O'Reagan, and cleared him, and for proving the perjury of the priests and bishop they bad killed him. The Pope bad sought to elevate Jeff. Davis and tho Bolld south Into power and Lincoln thwarted them. They killed him. John Hubs, a Roman CathoHo priest, was burned at the stake for heresy. The decree of exterminat ing heretics bos never been repealed. The church has always persecuted those who dared to differ from It. Arlaulsm was persecuted for a thou sand years. The French Waldensea were ordered exterminated In the eleventh contury. In 1103 nil France was placed under the ban of tho church. St, Domlnlck is regarded as the great est of missionaries, He converted thousands Into corpses. Over 100,000 Albigonses aud Waldensea were exter minated in France and 75,000 Hugue nots. Popo Gregory ordered sougs of praise and thanksgiving for the massacre of St. Bartholomew. Iu 1603 Henry Fourth of France published the edict of Nantea guaran teeing Uborty to tho Calvatosts. It was revoked by the Intlueuce of the church aqd no ono hut a Catholic could live In Frauce. But tho crowning Infamy of tho world's history was the Spanish Iunulsltlon, It cost thousands of lives all over tho world. Tho history of Ro maulsm was written tu blood. Heresy aud apostaoy wero tho greatest crimes of the church. Romish Btiperstltlon aud Idolatry tolerated no departure from Its Infallible decrees. All here were uuder the hau of Rome, Tho church had always taught that, but he did not bellove that auy fair-minded Catholic believed It. No educated Roman Catholic believed It. But the average Catholic was anxious to ex termluate heretic as ever lu the days of the IuquUltlou. It waa the feeling of all such that It was lawful to as sassinate heretics. He had been Bhol down at IudlauapolU on a stage la front of 1800 people. Persecution and the extermination of boretlus was as dangerou today as In tho middle ages. Ha carried a bullet lu his body today aud tho people who had mobbed him had never heard his lecture. All were convicted last spring iu oou'ts. They were ordered to do ao by the priests of the church. Father Tho. Sherman, a Jesuit, s&ld theee ex. prleaU ought to be shot dowu where ever they appear. He aald they were auarchUU. This U a frvepouutry. (Cherw) If It is not eo. we are golug to imke It so. (Great ap plause.) Hvery member of the church had to tubmlbe to the order of the ' ,. ..... .. . r. . .. . Pope or could not be lurgtvtm ut meir am Cardinal Maoalug had aald he Iff lliWIi 4ii feCdgnlted ho civil power1 and declared that salvation could Hot be had except In the church of Rome. Bishop Gil more, of Cleveland, O., had sought to exercise bis authority over him, Rudolph. He had asked, where is your authority? He claimed It from the Pope. But where bad the Pope his authority from? He could not tell. At this point a collection was taken up, by a number. If Romanism ever gained the ascend ency in the (Jolted States, there would b more people burned than ever In the Spanish Inquisition. There would not be wood enough, but they would erect crematories, fired by natural gas and burn them by wholesale. In a maga zine, Browuson's Review, May 1804, it uald the Pope I u tended to possess this country. He was ruining our public schools. Monslgnor Ctpell had said Catholics would some day refuse to pay school taxes. In Wisconsin two years ago the bishops and the deluded Luthe ran priests ordered their churches to vote solid to defeat the Bennett law. Last year the E 1 wards law was de feated by the Catholics and Lutherans. In every Atate the Romanists were making a fleht on the public school system. The American school system Is denounced and condemned by this church. He was very severe on the Irish Catholics and the hooded and beaded sisters who taught the children to sing "Hall Mary" instead of "Hall Columbia." In Troy, X. Y., twenty oue Protestant ladles were discharged without cause and Irish-Cathollo em ployed. Were CathoHo children any better than Protestants? He offered a challenge of a thousand dollars to any priest who would refute his statements. Iu tbis church it was pay or bed d. The flht was not of the cross and the crown against the crescent. It was secret Catholicism, Rjmlsu superstition and idolatry, against American liberty, peace aud happiness. The letters I. H. S. in Catholic and often in Protestant churches, were the password? of the early Christians when they met In secret. They were originally Ave let ters, and meant Lshtbyo or, fish. All the connection of religion with the church of R me was their eating fish on Friday. He would fight any church which sought to get control of Ameri can liberty and that he charged was the ambition of the Catholic ohurch. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Damocraoy Critioised Finance Plank International Bimetallism Ni caragua Oanal and Foreign Immi grationEconomic Reform in State Affairs. "The representatives of the Republi cans of the state of Oregon, In conveu- tlon assembled, call attention to the conditions of industry and business through the country, as proof ot the necessity of returning to the policy of the Republican party, under which there was general prosperity during thirty years. "We reaffirm the principles of the Republican national platform of 1892, aud assert that the results that followed the change decreed by the electloi 8 of that year, have justified our protet against tbe national policy- announced by the Democratic party. "Wo atllrm that a policy of consist ent protection Is necessary for the advancement and conservation of our industrial Interests; for the assurance to labor of steady employment aud adequate wages; for the promotion and maintenance of prosperity, local and general. We point to the past, aud to the contrast furnished by tho present, In support of this claim; and we cen sure and condemn the Democratic tariff program, as developed In con gress, as highly injurious to tho pro ductive and industrial interests of the country, and In particular, as hurtful to those of our own stale. "We denounco . the action of the Democratic party in congress for Its discrimination against producers iu our fields, forests and mines, and In favor of particular classes of manufactures, chiefly in the East, aud of special In terest In tbe South. "Wo realllrm tho doctrlno of the Re publican party lu relation to money, as stated in tho national platform of 1892, particularly as follows, lo-wlt: 'The Amerlcau people, from tradition and Interest, favor blmetallsm, and the Re publican party demauds the uses of both gold and silver, as standard money with Buoh restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by legisla tion, as will secure the maluteuanco of a parity of values of the two metals, so that tho purchaslngand debt paylug power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold "or paper, shall be at all times -l-ll U' L.J.I.. .1 afe-H-? Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. R PRICE'S M B tkSVrf CnJW 5 Ud in Millions of Homei am siissssife - eaual. The Interests of the pfddtideM of the country, lt farmers and lta worklngmen, demand that every dol lar, paper or coin, Issued by the gov ernmental! be as gojd as auy other.' "We commend the eftorts made by our government, hitherto, toHecurean international conference to adopt such measures as will insure parity of value between old and sliver, throughout the worldj and call upon It to renew and continue such vfiorts. "The construction of the Nicaragua canal is of the higheat importance to the x.merican people, b tb as a meas ure of national defense and to build up and maintain American commerce. It Is moreover of special Importance to our Pacific States, aud we favor its construction as speedily bs possible by the government of the United folates." "We demand the enactmeut of rigid restrictions on the fore'gn immigration both for the protection of our country against illiterate and vicious classia from foreign lands and for the protec tion of our labor and preservation to -our own people of the remainder of our national domain; and to these ends we call for suitable capitation tax upon all Immigrants." "Iu our state affairs we demand tbe closest security and economy in expen ditures. We condemn the prodigality and excess of past legislatures aud call upon the next legislative assembly to keep all appropriations within the llm Its cf the most economical udminlstru tlon of consistent efficiency. The of fices of the administrative departments of the state have tweomfr too ex pensive and their "expenses must be re duced, wneu the constitution llxes a salary, only the constitutional salary should be paid, without additional emol umeuta. Tbe practice of employing necessary clerks and of paying fees in excess of just payment for services needed or rendered has become an abuse that, must Do cut oil, aud we pledge the Republican party to the prosecution and accomplishment of this reform. District attorneys aud other officials should be p-iid fixed salaries, since tne payment or fees encourages litigation and entails upon tax payers heavy and needless expense. 'We commend the policy of the Re publican party in relation to internal Itnpravetnenta, and In particular In opening our waterways to commerce, and we denounce the Illiberality of the Democratic party in these important matters. ''Experience iu our fisheries has shown that to prevent tbe wholesale destruction of fish, all fish traps, fish wheels and fish seines, and all other gear now in use except gill nets, should be abolished." Republicans: Stand firm. The vic tory In Oregon Is not won. But It is winable. It Is wlnable by twenty tbousaud plurality. Only campaign lies can defeat any man on the ticket. It is no time for Republicans to listen to such. It Is estimated that five hundred Sa lemitea attended tbe Republican state convention, and ten thousand people Visited PoTtland.- April 11th. - The Republican elephant of economic reform Is a pretty lively animal when he gets under headway. Peculiar to Itself. So eminently successful bos Hood's Sarsaparilia been that many leadiug cit-z-mafrotu all over tbe United States fur ulsh testimonials ot cures which seem almost miraculous. Hood's Sarsapa nlla la not uu accident, but the ripe fruit of ipdustry and study. It possess es merit "peculiar to itself." Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, indigestion, billiousaess. Sold by all duggists. Ladles, make a note of It, and the first time you come down town, see the elegaut new Hue of outing llanuels aud ginghams, aud tUe dltiereut styles of wash goods just opened up at The Palace. Midwinter Fair Rates. Midwinter Fair excursion tickets, Salem to San Francisco aud return, via Southern Pacific Co'a. Shasta route. Rate, $27.50, lncludiuR five ad mlsalous to the fair. Tickets good for thirty days from date of sale. My friend, look her! You know how weak and nervous your wife u,and you know that Cart-r-j Iroij lYiil will rel.eve her. now why not be Utr about It and buy hem box? ' A woman who U weak, nervous and sleep l? "V wtl.? " la hand and reet, aknnot fee and act Ilka a well rersou. Cartertlron P1IU equalise the circulation, remove nervous. nes, and gl e Hrenjth and rsU A man's wife should ilnn h ..... pednlly to hir husband, but If sbe la we. kind not l. for they make her "feel like a different reron.' to thev all ur. and th.i, HVK:ir! ay so, tooj ' - uu. ""No Amtuou... No Alan. - , Ytar tne Sj-.a.fcrf es - s - - - jJJM. . w v i7CimKMiiij. '"," MIM 'y.yji;;' 'y1' &wHpwrWm'V ''yi v" ; jyn NATURAL without that scalded milk taste, unitorm consistency :mu ycuci the characteristics of PREPARED BY THE NEW YORK :CONDENSED MILK CO. FOR SALJE BY AIX LEADING GROCERS. la-a-,--:! -. !W1 ..-Jwt ..-j r t , hn The Home Boat. The home boot Elwood arrives up Sunday and Wednesday; leaves from Corvallis down Tuesday, and Saturday for Portland; built for Salem route; patrouize3 Salem merchants; rates always reasonable. F. J. Smith, agent. Wharf foot of State street. Low Steamer Rates. Parties intending vlsltiug the Mid winter Fair hhould patronize the Union Pacific Steamers, as this Company has placed In eflect from Portland tbe low rate of $22.00 to San Francisco and re turn, which includes meals and berth. Full particulars can be obtained by ad dressing W. H. Hurlburt, A G. P. A.. Union Pacific System, Portlaud. 1-26-tf Mr. McElroy had the good sense not to allow his name to be presented. He did not want to be stepped on by the Oregon Republicans. Worth a Guinea a Box. Stubborn tendencies to digestive troubles in children will always yield to a mild dose O of Beecham's Pills (Tasteless) 95 cents a box S To Milk Consumers. Oregon School for Dear Mut0 Salem. Ore eon. March 30. 1891. X Tj Whom It May Cencern: I have much pleasuee In testifying that srr. w N. Hnvage has f uppl'cd this instltutioo with intlklorthe past to years. The niUIr has been rich, sweet, clean and lnvarlb)j or n'ht-PlaKs quality Ihaitily recommend Air Hfivoge to the patronage ol any private faiu- t 3 t puuuu luHuiuuim in neea oi a rename milk supply. H. IKViNii, Supt. 4-.2 lw --GRAND-ENTERTAINMENT! -AT THE- Universify Chapel, Tuesday Evening, April 1T,'94 First part to consist of popular, bu moroun and character pieces, including DAVID and GOLIATH.by Earl Sharp and Dr. Epley, and first scene of Prof. Parviu's Cantata of the Pioueers, clos iug with Butterfleld's Gruud Cantata of "RUTH THE GLEANER." CAST OF CHARACTERS: HVS:F.?, ot ilOAU Mis. Holland IJllPlH 1 --- uiioa tarpeuier 4.1 L.L.A. ihe hhpnhpri n.. n.,.- . ... Kl su of AiOVB MlsJory Mr. Kundret Mr. enjrer .. Dr. Kpley Uroi. Farvln HUA. BKI ZAHADA.Vl":; HAAN Acc wp,iuUtn. Mi8a Hubbard Tickets at the Bookstores. Admission 25 Cents Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. w xi r c ' ImProved GUxxhJ and Lowettt Prices. . w. tor. State and Liberty Sts. SAI FM. OREGON. See? vices. I carry a larije Hi a nave nail my reCtl V lit tll lcarryalargellneofOt)tIcalf3inrfn nt w.,t,noaittinc. I W. MARTIN, Optician THE A'EW WILLAMETTE STABLES JS!S We P - '" ne of Truck, wo and residence 2 hlock south of PERRY & CO. J NP,"T?glnrjer,red- AI1 Job Work neatly dm WDotx balem, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. FLAVOR, also light pure croam color, - i. uumy uuiuy. i nesc arc BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND This result has not before been accomplished in the production of any other brand. Try it. 4 All,llAlll.l,rilliail,IIT,.d.w4w...tf,BT 1 JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnishes and the most complete stock ol llruslics of all Kinds in tlie State. Artists' Matci ials,l,iinc, Hair, Cement and Shingles and finest quality of GRASS SKKDS New Advertisements. f ANTKI A. girl who con sew, to learn tl II tailoring uaae, Inquire at 8c8 com me-c il street. 4M31 A AT6 WANTED .At the warehouse footnf J Union street A. H Humphreys, Prop rrOUSE TO KKrJT Corner Church andrer. il rv ois, Inquire at Do State btrcet, A B. MUltll. 4 11 if DUCK EOGS Pure wutt Ptkln Duck K s for sale. A. F. HOKER,JounNAi.omce. rptlK most perlect nttlngtrusamaae. Will I hold a rupture 'Where all others have failed.' For sale by J. U. Parrlsli, 401 Capital street. 12-lb-tf PAPEIW.- Portland. Sacramento, oeatlle, Tacoma and Han Francisco papers on sale t Meanett's, Postofflce block. c HRIST1AM RCIENCE-Llterature of all 4-5-ly binds on sale at 32fJ Liberty street. rnUIS PAPEIt Is kepton Hie at E. C. Daie'i J. Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchant) Exchange, Bau Francisco, California, where contrac forndtertlslneisan humane for II. :-groceries; STAPLE and FANCY. Wcodenware, Willow ware, and CROCKERY. A choice new line of Syrups arrived this week Osbbrn & Harritt's 116 Court street. Closing Out! 1,UUU Wholesale cost, 7 Bute street, Tbis paper must be all closed out in a short time. Cail early and get the; flneat and beet paper cheaper than ever wilt be sold aguln. E. 31. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. Bush's New Brlck.over thabank.Com'l street Qteiner' CARBOLIC SALVE s G UAR ANTEED To cure Burns, Chapped Hands, etc. No cure, Money Refunded. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TUAT rprnlvpil hv tbe L sealed proposals will be Board of Trustees nf tlin nnwnn Rnm Krform sehool, at state capital, Balem, Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon, April 2S, 1891, for the erection and completion of a combined Indufiblil building and water tower. Each bid must be accompanied by a cerllflel check fur IMO. Hans and specifications can be seen at ilit office of W, O Knighton, architect, Sjtleia, Oregon. The Uoard of Trustees reserve the right to reject any and oil bids subraitttd. 8Yl.VK8Tl!.U PliNNOYEK Grveraor, GEO. W. SlcBRIDE.tSec'yofHtate. ; E, 11. McLLKOY, Hup't Pub Inst n, . Hoard ol Trustees. Salem, Oregon, April 0, 1M)L i 9 lOt . ..-. I make a Specialty of fitting the Eye with Glares. thlrty.five veara1 exierlence. wulcD. trench Trial Cuua onnlilon me to COf' Kvn. Thoru li nn ihoma fnr 111 V Bff' ptofllee. RYAN & C. MANUFACTURER f Ho? and UookinB Btovts, Hollow ware, all Uea, and I lillle low I'olnta. full nee btove Extras. . .'i.jt1!! ifUKW . v v J.iL.tpaltiK.